Saturday, December 1, 2018

HIV self-test

The test for self-diagnosis of HIV can be purchased in pharmacies without the need for a prescription (January 2018).
Home HIV Test

It is estimated that currently, in Spain, between 140,000 and 145,000 people live with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and, of these, one in five (18%) is not diagnosed. The Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections considers the promotion of early diagnosis of HIV a priority, in order to reduce the proportion of undiagnosed persons.

The early diagnosis of HIV infection leads to benefits for the affected person, who can initiate early treatment, when their immune status would be less affected, and also brings benefits to the community since the person can take preventive measures to prevent its transmission to other people.

In December 2017, the legislation on health products was modified, eliminating the need for prescription for the sale of HIV self-diagnosis products (Royal Decree 1083/2017). Since January 22, 2018 the self-diagnosis test (Autotest HIV) can be purchased freely in pharmacies.

You can get an HIV test at your Health Center

The HIV test can be performed free of charge and confidentially, within the framework of the health system, by the Primary Care Physician at your Health Center. Those people who, for whatever reason, choose not to see their doctor, can be tested in some NGOs or acquire HIV self-test exclusively through pharmacies (in office or online) to be tested at home.

Who should have an HIV test?

Anyone who wants to know their health status regarding HIV infection should be tested for HIV. The entire population should be tested at least once in their lives.

Although the performance of an HIV test is a voluntary act, there are certain cases in which it is advisable to carry out the same:

  • Have had sexual intercourse with penetration (anal or vaginal, or oral, especially if there was ejaculation) without a condom with a person with HIV infection or who does not know their serological status.
  • Have shared puncture material.
  • Having suffered from a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis or hepatitis.
  • Have a stable partner and want to stop using the condom with her.

Period Window

Before this test is done, a period of 3 months must have elapsed since the possible risk of HIV transmission. This term, called window period, is what is needed for the antibodies that the test detects to develop.

The test is very reliable, but if that period is not expected, it is not able to detect the antibodies because they would not have been produced yet. In that case the result could be a false negative, meaning that the person could have become infected and could, therefore, transmit the virus to other people. In this case, the test should be repeated after 3 months from the risk exposure to confirm the negative result.

Measures to prevent the transmission of HIV infection should always be adopted, but in this circumstance, in which the person could be infected, it is vital to do so until the negative result is confirmed.

What should I do in case of a positive result?

A positive result indicates a high probability of being infected if there has been a risky practice, but this result is not yet definitive. You must go to a health center (your Health Center, for example) to be able to carry out confirmation tests and, if necessary, receive medical advice on your new health status.

Also, you can contact some NGOs, which have Community Centers where you can receive support to deal with the new situation. Confirmation tests are not carried out in these centers.

Pharmaceutical action guide

In order to provide community pharmacists with the necessary knowledge regarding the self-diagnosis test for HIV, a Pharmaceutical Action Guide for the dispensing of medical devices for HIV self-diagnosis has been prepared. This guide will guide these professionals when answering the questions of potential users before the public dispensation of these products.