Saturday, December 1, 2018

The test to know if you are infected with HIV goes on sale in pharmacy

It is fast and, above all, intimate. From this week, people who want to know if they are infected or not by the HIV virus can do so at home, after buying a kit that is purchased at pharmacies. In just 20 minutes you will know it with a reliability of 99.5%. The price of a unit of the self-diagnostic test is 29 euros. No medical prescription is required.

The test to know if you are infected with HIV goes on sale in pharmacy

The main objective of the implementation of this HIV self - test is to increase the early diagnosis of this virus to reduce the number of people who are undiagnosed and who have a late diagnosis. In Spain it is estimated that there are currently between 140,000 and 145,000 people infected with HIV, of which one in 5 (18%) are not diagnosed. Late diagnosis (46%) increases morbidity and decreases the response to treatment, reports the department headed by Minister Dolors Montserrat.

In Spain it is estimated that there are currently between 140,000 and 145,000 people infected with HIV

But, how does this kit work? On the website of the Ministry of Health, answers are given to questions that citizens may ask themselves. Here we reproduce some:

What is HIV self-testing?

It is a screening test for HIV infection in which the same person who takes the test collects the blood or saliva sample and interprets the test result. Obtaining the test result is immediate (usually in less than 20 minutes), it is not necessary to send the test to any laboratory to obtain the result.

Is it a reliable test?

The sensitivity is 99.5%, (probability that a subject infected with HIV has a positive result in the test) and the specificity is 99.9% (probability that a subject with a negative test does not have the infection) .

What is the window period?

It is the time elapsed between the infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies. During the same test can give a negative result, even if the person has been infected. Generally the body takes between 2 and 8 weeks after the infection to develop detectable antibodies, and almost all people have generated them after 3 months of risk. In this circumstance the person could transmit the infection, so it is recommended to take preventive measures and use the condom in sexual relations. To rule out this situation, the HIV test must be repeated after three months.

What should I do after a positive result?

Go to a health center so that you can perform the confirmatory laboratory tests and if necessary to receive medical advice on your new state of health. Also, you can go to many NGOs, which have Community Centers where you can receive support to face your new situation. In these centers usually do not make confirmatory tests

Why is this test not useful?

To detect a possible HIV infection immediately after maintaining a risky sexual relationship. Neither to decide whether to use a condom in a sexual relationship. Neither to detect other STIs, such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia or to make changes in the treatment of a person already diagnosed.