Saturday, December 1, 2018

HIV self-test: the HIV test in your home

A test that allows you to test yourself to know if you are HIV positive quickly, easily and confidentially has been released. Both the company that sells the test ( Mylan ) and the health department of Denia have done an excellent job explaining how to do the test and passing, answering questions and questions. We collect them all below for those who need the information:

Home HIV Test

Why do we need an HIV self-test?

In Spain it is estimated that there are between 130,000 and 160,000 people with HIV. Of these, between 25% and 30% are not diagnosed. In addition, 46.5% of those who are, present a late diagnosis.

This test guarantees a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.8%. The simplicity of the test, allows that its realization does not suppose a barrier for the target population.

One of the characteristics of the HIV Mylan self-test is that it can be done in the privacy of the home. In addition, it does not require any specific instrumentation that is not available in the box in which it is dispensed.

When a person believes that they are at risk of having acquired an HIV infection, being tested for HIV is the only way to know if they are infected or not . This HIV Self-Test Kit has as its main objective to favor the early diagnosis of infection by this virus and thus reduce the number of people infected and who do not know they are infected.

(The HIV self-diagnosis test is a complementary device that does not replace the diagnosis with a blood test).

Who should get an HIV test?

Anyone who wants to know their status regarding HIV infection.

Although the performance of an HIV test is a voluntary act, there are certain cases in which it is advisable to carry out the same:

  •     Have had sexual intercourse with penetration (anal or vaginal, or oral, especially if there was ejaculation) without a condom with a person with HIV infection or who does not know their serological status.
  •     Have shared puncture material.
  •     Having suffered from a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis or hepatitis.
  •     Have a stable partner and want to stop using the condom with her.

Is it a reliable test?

In just 20 minutes you will know it with a reliability of 99.5%. But, as we said before, if it is positive you will have to confirm it with other tests.

How should I interpret the test result?

If the result of the test is NEGATIVE.

This indicates that the test has not detected antibodies against HIV.

  •     If the negative result, there has been no risk behavior in the previous 3 months, it means that the person is not infected.
  •     In the case that there have been situations of risk in the last 3 months, the negative result should be checked after 3 months due to the possibility of being in the window period.

What is the window period ?

It is the time elapsed between the infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies. During the same test can give a negative result, even if the person has been infected. Generally the body takes between 2 and 8 weeks after infection to develop detectable antibodies. In any case, after three months of practicing risk, almost all infected people have generated antibodies.

In that window period, the person is infected and can transmit the infection. That is why it is very important to maximize preventive measures and use condoms in sexual relationships. To rule out this situation, the HIV test must be repeated after three months.

If the result of the test is POSITIVE.

It does not mean that you are infected with HIV, but it does make it very likely .

It is a provisional result, which needs to be confirmed preferably through the use of other laboratory techniques.

To do this, the person who obtains this result must go to a health center to carry out the appropriate confirmation tests and, if appropriate, receive the necessary medical advice.
If the result of the test is UNDETERMINED or NOT CONCLUSIVE.

It may be because it has been contaminated, or due to improper handling or conservation of the kit, among other causes.

Obtaining a non-interpretable result implies that a test must be performed again to obtain a negative or positive result. An indeterminate result does not indicate that it is a negative result . It is advisable to repeat the test with another kit or another more specific technique in a clinical laboratory so you can see your doctor.

Why is this test not useful?

It is important to know what this test DOES NOT USE:

    To detect a possible HIV infection immediately after maintaining a risky sexual relationship. We have already said that antibodies take between 2 and 8 weeks to occur.
    To decide whether to use a condom in a sexual relationship. Maybe you can see if your partner is infected with HIV (although if it is negative, remember that it could be in a window period), but you can not know if there is infection by other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia.
    To make changes in the treatment of a person diagnosed. This test only detects antibodies, no viral load or other determinations.

Where do I go if I am positive?

If the self-test has been positive, you will need professional support. You should go to your doctor as soon as possible so that the diagnosis is confirmed and in any case, determine a treatment.

Keep in mind three things:

  •     If it were a true positive, knowing it and going to your specialist to start treatment is the best way to reach a TOTAL CONTROL of the infection and ensure a perfect state of health.
  •     If you were a true positive and until you receive medical treatment, think that sexual contacts should be protected to prevent transmission of the disease.