Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Most Rich Foods in Biotin

The Most Rich Foods in Biotin

Biotin is a vitamin B complex, soluble in water. It is found in all living cells and is essential for cellular metabolism. [ 1 ] Biotin is also known as vitamin H, coenzyme R and vitamin B7. For further confusion, vitamin B8 is sometimes called, but this is not official and relatively uncommon (B8 usually refers to inositol). Biotin is used by all living creatures: plants, animals and even unicellular organisms.

In animals, biotin is essential to metabolize proteins and convert sugar into usable energy. [ 2 ] It is necessary for the production of hormones and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Biotin cares for the health of hair , skin and nails. Mammals, including humans, can not synthesize biotin and must obtain it from dietary sources.

Collagen Gummies Supplement for Men & Women Formulated to Enhance Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Anti-Aging Benefits with Vitamin C, E, & Biotin Sustaining Firmness and Tone; All-Natural, NON-GMO
Collagen Gummies Supplement for Men & Women Formulated to Enhance Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Anti-Aging Benefits with Vitamin C, E, & Biotin Sustaining Firmness and Tone; All-Natural, NON-GMO

Biotin deficiency is rare but dangerous. The vitamin is essential for the normal development of the fetus and a deficiency during pregnancy can cause birth defects. [ 3 ] Symptoms of biotin deficiency include brittle nails, hair loss, muscle pain, nausea, fatigue, anemia, and dry skin. [ 4 ]

Not All Sources of Biotin Are Equal

There are two forms of biotin that are found in living cells: free and bound to proteins. The latter is exactly what it sounds like: biotin bound to proteins. It is found mainly in bacteria and animal cells. Free biotin, which is not bound to a protein, is more common in plants. [ 5 ]

The human body can use both forms of biotin, but free biotin is more bioavailable immediately. In the case of biotin bound to proteins, your body must break the bond to convert biotin into a form you can use. Free biotin does not require this step: it is easily absorbed and used in the body. Due to its high content of free biotin, plant-based foods are generally the best dietary sources of this vitamin than animal-based foods. [ 6 ]

Sources of Biotin bound to Proteins

Many foods contain some biotin, but for the most part, their concentration is negligible from a nutritional point of view. Other foods have a high biotin content. Organ meat, such as kidneys and liver, is the most concentrated source. [ 4 ] Milk, dairy products, fish and seafood are other rich sources, derived from animals. [ 7 ] Although egg yolks have a high concentration of biotin, they also contain a chemical substance that interferes with the absorption of biotin. In fact, a diet high in egg whites can lead to a biotin deficiency. [ 4 ]

At Global Healing Center, we strongly recommend a raw, vegan diet, however, we understand that not everyone will choose this lifestyle. If you have to consume products of animal origin, at least opt ​​for organic products whenever possible. This can mitigate, but not eliminate, some of the many health risks associated with the consumption of meat and dairy products.

Foods With Biotin of Vegetal Origin

Although many types of foods of animal origin contain biotin, it is a biotin bound to proteins. The plants contain free biotin , which is more bioavailable. This means that it is possible to obtain enough biotin from a vegan diet. Considering the multitude of other health benefits associated with a plant-based diet, it is also the healthiest option.

Since we have recently begun to understand the importance of biotin, nutrition experts continue to refine methods to accurately measure the concentration of biotin in foods. As such, biotin content calculations vary greatly for some foods and are non-existent for many others. After a thorough investigation, we have compiled this list of the best foods with biotin.

1. Dry Fruits

Although the concentration of biotin varies according to the type of nut, in general, nuts are one of the best food sources of free biotin. One hundred grams of walnuts contain about 28 micrograms (mcg) of biotin; the same amount of peanuts or walnuts contains almost 37 mcg. Nuts are also an excellent source of energy, omega fatty acids and other heart-healthy nutrients.

2. Sunflower Seeds

Healthy for the heart, rich in magnesium and rich in antioxidants, a handful of sunflower seeds is a very good snack . They are also an excellent source of biotin. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds contain 66 mcg of this vitamin. [ 8 ]

3. Legumes

Legumes are another excellent source of biotin, especially green peas. The peas contain 40 mcg of biotin per 100 grams when they are fresh and 70 mcg when they are dry; the lentils provide 40 mcg of biotin. Even better, legumes are rich in folic acid and improve digestion. [ 8 ]

4. Cauliflower

As a cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is ideal for liver detoxification and is full of healthy nutrients, one of which is biotin. [ 9 ] A single serving of cauliflower offers 5% of your daily biotin requirement. Cauliflower is also rich in vitamin C and many other compounds that promote good health. [ 10 ] Not only is it excellent as a raw snack, but there are also many cauliflower recipes that you can enjoy.

5. Bananas

Generally speaking, most types of fruit are not a very good source of biotin. Bananas are an exception. A banana of medium size, peeled (about 100 grams) contains 118 mcg of biotin. [ 11 ] Bananas are also a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C and B6.

6. Cereals

Many cereal grains are a good source of biotin. The rice bran has a particularly high concentration, 66 mcg per 100 grams. Barley and oats provide 31 and 24 mcg, respectively.

7. Avocados

Avocados are now more popular than ever and for a good cause. In addition to their many positive qualities, avocados are also a decent source of biotin. An entire avocado contains 2-6 micrograms of this vitamin, so do not be afraid to consume a little more organic guacamole .

Other Good Sources of Biotin

There are many other good sources of biotin. Carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, raspberries and mushrooms can contribute significantly to the daily intake of biotin. Yeast also has a very high biotin content, as do yeast products such as whole grain bread. [ 11 ]

The Best Foods With Biotin

  • Vegan Sources of Biotin
  • Food     Biotin content (mcg / 100 grams)
  • Sunflower seeds     66
  • Rice bran     66
  • Green peas, fresh     40
  • Dry peas     70
  • Lentils, fresh     40
  • Peanut     37
  • Nuts     37
  • Barley     31
  • Oatmeal     24
  • Pecan nuts     28
  • Carrots     25
  • Cauliflower     17
  • Mushrooms     16
  • Avocados     4-12

How Much Biotin Does It Need?

Compared to other vitamins, much remains to be discovered about biotin. Currently, there is no official recommended daily intake of biotin and the hypotheses of what it should be vary drastically. The National Library of Medicine of the United States recommends a daily diet of only 30 micrograms. [ 13 ] At the other end of the spectrum, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend a daily diet ten times higher: 300 micrograms for adults. [ 14 ]

Based on my experience, I tend to believe that our biotin requirements are at the upper end of that scale. Since it is a water soluble vitamin, biotin does not accumulate in your body like fat-soluble vitamins. This means that you need to replenish the supply on a regular basis. If you take more than you need, your body will simply remove excess biotin through your urine. Individual needs vary, but I recommend using the following table as a general reference framework for daily biotin intake: [ 14 ]

  • Stage of life     Optimal Intake (IA) of Biotin, Daily
  • Babies     50 mcg
  • Children under 4 years old     150 mcg
  • Adults and children over 4 years old     300 mcg

Generally speaking, adults need more biotin than children; and pregnant or lactating women may need more than other adults. Many health problems or deficiencies influence the amount of biotin we need. It is best to consult your health professional to receive guidance on your personal biotin needs.

Incorporate Biotin in Your Diet

Biotin is present in a wide variety of foods. With a little planning and consuming real and whole foods, getting enough biotin through diet is possible for most people. Biotin is also produced by the microflora in the intestine, but it is not known how much it contributes to meeting the biotin requirements. [ 5 ] Ultimately, biotin produced by beneficial microorganisms in the intestine is added to the biotin that is obtained from food.

Due to its role in strengthening hair and nails, many types of shampoos and creams boast biotin. Keep in mind that this is just a marketing ploy. Biotin is not easily absorbed by hair or skin, so if there is some biotin in these products, you will not get all of its effects anyway. Ingestion is the most effective way to incorporate biotin into your system.

If you want to get more biotin than your current diet offers or if you suffer from a biotin deficiency, supplementation may be the answer. If you are looking for a biotin supplement, consider testing Biotin from Global Healing Center. The Global Healing Center Biotin is a natural vegan supplement, extracted exclusively from plant sources. As always, do your own research and consult your healthcare professional to find what works best for you and your particular needs before committing to any new supplement.

Do you have a favorite food that contains biotin and does not appear on this list? Leave a message below and share your ideas!

Pantothenic acid and biotin

Pantothenic acid and biotin

These are types of B vitamins. These vitamins are water soluble, which means that the body can not store them. If the body can not use all the vitamin, the excess amount leaves the body through the urine. These vitamins have to be replenished in the body every day.


Pantothenic acid and biotin are necessary for growth. They help the body to break down and use food. This is called metabolism . Both are needed to produce fatty acids.

Pantothenic acid also plays a role in the production of hormones and cholesterol. In addition, it is used in the conversion of pyruvate.

Hair Growth Formula & Hair Loss Remedy for Stronger, Longer and Healthier Hair |Research Verified Bamboo Extract Enhancer Supplement Hair Regrowth, Biotin 1000mcg, Thiamine, Amla Extract, Zinc, M.S.M
Hair Growth Formula & Hair Loss Remedy for Stronger, Longer and Healthier Hair |Research Verified Bamboo Extract Enhancer Supplement Hair Regrowth, Biotin 1000mcg, Thiamine, Amla Extract, Zinc, M.S.M

Food sources

Pantothenic acid is found in foods that are good sources of B vitamins, including the following:

  •     Proteins of animal origin
  •     Avocado
  •     Broccoli, cabbage and other vegetables in the cabbage family
  •     Eggs
  •     Legumes and lentils
  •     Milk
  •     Mushrooms
  •     Viscera
  •     Poultry
  •     Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  •     Whole grains
  •     Yeast

Biotin is found in foods that are good sources of B vitamins, for example:

  •     Cereal
  •     Chocolate
  •     Yolk
  •     Vegetables
  •     Milk
  •     Nuts
  •     Guts (liver, kidney)
  •     Pork Meat
  •     Yeast

Side effects

Pantothenic acid deficiency is very uncommon, but it can cause a tingling sensation in the feet (paresthesia). Biotin deficiency can lead to muscle pain, dermatitis or glossitis (swelling of the tongue).

High doses of pantothenic acid produce no symptoms, other than (possibly) diarrhea . There are no known toxicity symptoms due to biotin.



The recommendations for pantothenic acid and biotin, as well as for other nutrients, are provided in the Dietary Reference Consumption (DRI) developed by the Nutrition and Food Committee of the Institute of Medicine. DRI is a term for a series of reference consumptions used to plan and evaluate the nutrient intake of healthy people. These values, which vary by age and sex, include:

    The recommended daily ration (RDA) : the average daily level of consumption that is sufficient to satisfy the nutrient needs of almost all (97% to 98%) healthy people.
    Adequate consumption (IA) : established when there is not enough data to develop an RDA. It is set at a level that, it is believed, guarantees sufficient nutrition.

Dietary reference intake for pantothenic acid:

  •     From 0 to 6 months of age: 1.7 * milligrams per day (mg / day)
  •     From 7 to 12 months of age: 1.8 * mg / day
  •     From 1 to 3 years of age: 2 * mg / day
  •     From 4 to 8 years old: 3 * mg / day
  •     From 9 to 13 years old: 4 * mg / day
  •     From 14 years old and up: 5 * mg / day
  •     6 mg / day during pregnancy
  •     Breast-feeding: 7 mg / day

* Adequate consumption (AI)

Dietary reference consumption for biotin:

  •     From 0 to 6 months of age: 5 * micrograms per day (mcg / day)
  •     From 7 to 12 months of age: 6 * mcg / day
  •     From 1 to 3 years old: 8 * mcg / day
  •     From 4 to 8 years old: 12 * mcg / day
  •     From 9 to 13 years old: 20 * mcg / day
  •     From 14 to 18 years old: 25 * mcg / day
  •     From 19 years old and up: 30 * mcg / day

* Adequate consumption (AI)

The best way to get the daily requirements of essential vitamins is to eat a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods.

Specific recommendations depend on age, sex and other factors (such as pregnancy). Pregnant or lactating women need larger amounts. Ask your health care provider what is the best amount for you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Foods with biotin

Improve the appearance of your skin and hair by incorporating foods with biotin into your diet. In general you do not need to take biotin supplements since the food can cover our daily needs for this nutrient. In another article of Okdiario-recipes we talk about foods that raise uric acid , today foods with biotin .

What is biotin for?

Biotin or vitamin B7 or vitamin H is a water-soluble vitamin that the body can obtain by synthesizing it from the intestines or through food. The EFSA, (European Food Safety Authority), highlights that biotin is a vital nutrient for our body, among the functions of this vitamin include:

High Potency Biotin USP (D-Biotin) 100mg (100,000mcg)
High Potency Biotin USP (D-Biotin) 100mg (100,000mcg)

  •     Produce fatty acids and amino acids that help create proteins. Biotin helps several enzymes to carry out the transfer of carbon dioxide . That is, it helps the cells to metabolize fatty acids and amino acids.
  •     Convert food into glucose , necessary to produce energy. B7 has an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Studies in animals suggest that biotin supplements can help balance blood sugar levels, however more research is needed to draw conclusions.
  •     Maintain the metabolism of macronutrients.
  •     It helps to keep the skin, the horse and the nails . In a double-blind study of women with thin, weakened hair, biotin was found to help promote healthy hair. Women who took biotin supplements experienced an increase in hair growth and volume.
  •     Contributes to the normal function of the nervous system.

Foods with biotin

  •     Beer yeast
  •     Liver
  •     Kidneys
  •     Soy
  •     Yolk
  •     Fruits
  •     Beer yeast
  •     Nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios)
  •     Salmon
  •     Whole grains
  •     Avocados
  •     Cauliflower

Recommended intake of biotin

Since this vitamin is less studied compared to other vitamins, there is no officially established recommendation. However, the US National Library of Medicine recommends a dose of 30 micrograms for adults . If we talk about children it is between 20-25 mcg.

Biotin deficiency

Biotin or vitamin B7 deficiency is quite rare, because our body can synthesize it from the bacteria of the digestive tract. However, despite being rare when it occurs, it is serious. The risk groups to suffer this deficiency are patients with diabetes, those who have a malabsorption of vitamins from food, people undergoing dialysis or patients undergoing total intravenous nutrition.

Among the symptoms that this deficiency can produce are:

  •     Hair loss
  •     Dry and scaly skin
  •     Cracks in the lips
  •     Swollen tongue
  •     Dry eyes
  •     Loss of appetite
  •     Fatigue
  •     Difficulty sleeping
  •     Depression

The 10 foods richest in vitamin B8 or Biotin

The 10 foods richest in vitamin B8 or Biotin

Vitamin B8 or H

This vitamin is also known as Biotin, vitamin H or B8 and today, it is placed inside several cosmetics , such as horse shampoo that makes hair grow very fast and with shine.

It is one of the vitamins capable of fixing carbon dioxide in the body by means of fatty acids.

This type of vitamin is also used in cases of diabetes and for seborrheic dermatitis . When you have a notable absence for several months of this vitamin, you can have serious problems of type II diabetes.

If you have problems with this type of vitamin it can be obtained by means of some foods in a natural way. Some of the foods that give a greater contribution of this vitamin are the liver, the yolk of the yeast, the kidneys.

Hair Health Growth Vitamins with Biotin & Keratin - 60 Veggie Capsules. Extra Strength Supplement for Longer Stronger Hair, Skin, Nails. for Women & Men - for Damaged, Thinning & Hair Loss Regrowth
Hair Health Growth Vitamins with Biotin & Keratin - 60 Veggie Capsules. Extra Strength Supplement for Longer Stronger Hair, Skin, Nails. for Women & Men - for Damaged, Thinning & Hair Loss Regrowth

If you want to get the right amount of biotin without having more than you need, the best way to do it is through daily food without having to take any kind of tablets.

Biotin is one of the vitamins that can be eliminated through urine and sweat , which makes it very complicated to have an overdose of this type of vitamin.

Food rich in vitamin B8 vitamin H or Biotin content

From what sources can this vitamin be obtained?

Biotin is a type of vitamin that can be easily obtained because it is found in a lot of sources.

Of animal origin, it is found in the meat and yolk of the eggs, as well as in the viscera. It is also found in foods such as the liver.

From vegetable sources, in this case, foods that have biotin are those found in beer yeast or mushrooms, nuts, barley, soy, among others.

It can also be obtained by means of supplements or capsules.

Benefits of biotin

Vitamin B8 is a type of supplement that is increasingly used in the aesthetic and many beauty centers are using this vitamin in cosmetics.

It also intervenes actively in hemoglobin and in all body processes related to energy .

It is able to obtain energy for the body at any time from the intake of glucose and also must be presented daily in the body because it is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates, as well as lipids .

Biotin works very well for people who have problems with hair loss and nail problems, as well as dry skin problems .

They work in conjunction with folic acid and proteins.

In case of diabetes problems, this vitamin regulates blood sugar levels .

Biotin deficiency

Although it is unlikely that a person has a deficiency , there are cases in which it can occur. They usually occur due to loss of appetite or sores in the mouth and tongue.

The skin begins to feel much drier and you begin to see skin rashes or early seborrheic dermatitis . You can also have problems with vomiting and nausea and alterations related to nerves , such as anxiety , insomnia, among others. In severe cases, depression can be reached.

The recommended daily dose (CDR) for the European Union of biotin in adult person is 50 μg / day (1 mg is equivalent to 1000 μg).

The 10 foods (sources) higher in vitamin B8 or Biotin

The recommended daily amount of vitamin B8 in adults as mentioned above is 50 μg / day.

Among the ten foods richest in vitamin B8 content (Biotin) we find:
VD - Daily value (recommended daily amount).
Cup - Conversion in kitchen, 1 cup = 200 ml.

1. Peanuts

peanuts or peanuts
The peanuts are rich in proteins and omega 6 that goes very well for the control of cholesterol , also to keep blood flowing and thus prevent possible spins which can cause stroke or other circulatory problems.

Its content in vitamin B8 is:

    88% VD or 26.28 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

2. Almonds

They are the most nutritious nuts. They strengthen bones and teeth, prevent cardiovascular diseases and are very good for the brain.

Its content in Biotin is:

    49% DV or 14.72 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

3. Sweet potato

sweet potato or sweet potato
As we have seen, it is very rich in vitamin A and folic acid. Easy to digest and brings a lot of energy.

Your contribution in vitamin B8 or Biotin is:

    29% DV or 8.60 per cup.

4. Eggs

three eggs
They are a great source of protein, according to studies help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration thanks to its content of zeaxanthin and lutein. It is one of the few foods that provides natural vitamin D , helps in heart health and has anti-anemic properties thanks to that favors the production of red blood cells and their iron content.

Its content in B8 is:

    27% VD or 8 micrograms per egg (unit).

5. Onions

onions and raw cut onions
The onion brings many nutrients and benefits to the body. It provides essential amino acids , minerals and trace elements, fiber, essential oils, vitamins of group B and vitamin E and C. It is diuretic and provides expectorant, fungicidal and bactericidal properties.

Its content in vitamin B8 is:

    27% DV or 7.98 micrograms per cup.

6. Oats

oat plant
Oats provide many health benefits. It is depurative, helps in the control of blood sugar levels, is anticarcinogenic, improves digestion, prevents thyroid problems and osteoporosis, good for the heart and central nervous system, good source of energy and is also used to lose weight and Beauty treatments.

Your contribution in B8 is:

    26% VD or 7.80 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

7. Tomatoes

plate with tomatoes
It is rich in vitamin A and C , appetite stimulant, cleanser of organisms and provides many nutrients and benefits to the body.

Your contribution in B8 (biotin) is:

    24% DV or 7.29 micrograms per cup.

8. Carrots

It is also rich in vitamin A and a good source of sulfur, sodium and chlorine. It is diuretic and digestive, stimulates the appetite, helps regulate the menstrual cycle, activates the tanning process, fights constipation, good for the eyes and strengthens nails and hair.

Its content in Biotin or B8 is:

    20% DV or 6.10 micrograms per cup.

9. Walnuts

They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They promote intellectual development, prevent osteoporosis and help reduce bad cholesterol among other properties.

Its content in vitamin B8 is:

    19% VD or 5.70 micrograms per 1/4 cup.

10. Salmon

salmon dish
It is rich in proteins, vitamins B3 , B6 , B12 and essential acids for our health. Its regular consumption helps to have a healthy heart, helps in joint pains, helps in the prevention of cognitive problems, reduces the risk of suffering eye problems and is a powerful antioxidant, helping to prevent cancer .

Biotin (vitamin H): Daily needs

Biotin (vitamin H): Daily needs

With a balanced and varied diet, you can usually cover the daily needs of biotin. It is estimated that the daily value needed is between 30 and 60 micrograms (μg) of biotin (vitamin H) per day for adults. Children of school age between seven and ten years have daily needs of around 30 micrograms. In infants and young children, adequate intake is between 5 and 15 micrograms of biotin per day.

Phytoceramides with Biotin 240 Capsules
Phytoceramides with Biotin 240 Capsules

Group     Age     Amount of biotin μg / day
Infants     Up to 12 months     5-10
Children     From 1 to 7 years
From 7 to 10 years
From 10 to 15 years     10-15
Young and adults     From 15 to 65 years old     30-60
Greater     65 years or older     30-60

Pregnant and lactating women may have a greater need for biotin. The same is true for people who use excessive amounts of alcohol or who consume nicotine. Especially people who have a diet based on the consumption of raw eggs should ensure that they consume enough biotin.

Biotin (vitamin H): Its function in the body
Biotin is also called vitamin H. It contributes to the healthy growth of the skin and hair. That is why the use of biotin is recommended when different dermatological problems appear, such as acne .

Biotin plays a central role in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins , in its coenzyme function. Coenzymes are components of enzymes . The enzymes act as catalysts. Without these, some biochemical reactions of the body would not be possible, or would occur very slowly.

An example of one of the chemical reactions in which biotin acts as a coenzyme is that known as gluconeogenesis . In gluconeogenesis sugar (glucose) is obtained from proteins and fats in the body. This mechanism allows blood sugar levels to increase. In periods of hunger, the body does not receive enough sugar (carbohydrates). Gluconeogenesis ensures that there are always adequate levels of sugar in the blood.

Biotin also has a positive effect on the quality of the nails. In people with "weak nails" this vitamin can help improve the thickness and texture of the nails as well as their strength. On the other hand, biotin is important for the growth and life of blood cells, nervous tissue and sebaceous glands.

Biotin (vitamin H): Foods with biotin

Biotin (vitamin H): Foods with biotin

There are many foods that contain biotin (vitamin H) and are good sources of this vitamin, including liver, kidneys, soybeans, milk, eggs and various fruits and vegetables such as bananas, spinach and tomatoes. Also nuts and almonds contain a lot of biotin.

Many plant foods contain biotin in its free form. In foods of animal origin and yeast, biotin must be separated through digestion so that the body can absorb it.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. Therefore, the vegetables should not be cooked for too long and the cooking water should also be consumed when possible.

Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count
Mason Natural Mega Biotin Liquid Soft Gels, 10,000 Mcg, 50 Count

In the following table you can see a list of foods and their biotin content:

Food     Biotin content in μg / 100 g
Beef liver     100.0
Liver of pork     30.0
Whole milk     3.5
Herring     9.0
Banana     5.0
Strawberries     3.0
Chicken egg     23.8
Tomatoes     3.0
Green peas     2,1

Biotin deficiency

Biotin deficiency is rare. Normally, with a balanced and varied diet you can get enough biotin.

However, people in the following groups should make sure they are getting enough biotin:

  •     Lactating women : Biotin is found in small amounts in breast milk. Cow's milk contains between four and eight times more biotin than breast milk. Therefore, it is perhaps advisable, after consultation with the doctor, to provide biotin supplements during the period of lactation to the babies.
  •     People with hereditary diseases : there are genetic defects that can cause a deficiency of biotin. An example is the congenital deficiency of an enzyme (biotinidase), important for the use of biotin in the body.
  •     People who consume excessive alcohol : people with liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol may suffer from biotin deficiency.
  •     Smokers : nicotine increases the consumption of biotin in the body.
  •     People who make excessive consumption of raw eggs : in the egg white, biotin is linked to the avidin protein . The body is not able to separate biotin from avidin. This is only possible when the egg is cooked at 100ºC. People who take many raw eggs and who take a few foods that contain biotin may suffer long-term nutritional deficiencies.

The body reacts to biotin deficiency with different symptoms . The typical annoyances are the following:

  •     Inflammatory reactions of the skin (dermatitis) and tongue (glossitis)
  •     Sickness
  •     Hair loss and brittle nails
  •     High blood cholesterol concentration (hypercholesterolemia)
  •     Disorders of cardiac function
  •     Anemia
  •     Depression

Biotin Brief definition

Biotin Brief definition

Originally known as vitamin B8, this compound plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates , proteins and fats . It catalyzes the fixation of carbon dioxide (in the synthesis of fatty acids ).

Manies or peanuts have high biotin content It can be incorporated into the body through consumption of liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast and peanuts (or peanuts).

The problems that can appear due to the lack of biotin can be shown as dermatitis, enteritis, hair loss, nervous disorders among others.

Terry Naturally/Europharma Hair Renew Formula -60 Softgels -2 Pack
Terry Naturally/Europharma Hair Renew Formula -60 Softgels -2 Pack

Extended definition

Discovered in 1935, biotin is a coenzyme of the B complex, which in turn is part of the water-soluble vitamins .
It works together with pantothenic acid in innumerable metabolic processes of the organism.
Its deficiency or lack is very rare, since biotin is present in many foods of a varied and balanced diet , and also because the bacteria of our intestinal flora also synthesize it.
Without biotin in the body certain enzymes can not be activated and function properly which would cause a large number of metabolic disorders.


  •     Involved in the formation of hemoglobin.
  •     It intervenes in cellular processes at the genetic level.
  •     Intervenes in the process of obtaining energy from glucose.
  •     Its presence is necessary for the correct metabolism of carbohydrates , proteins and lipids .
  •     It works in conjunction with folic acid and pantothenic acid .
  •     Maintains healthy nails, skin and hair (prevents its fall).
  •     It helps prevent diabetic neuropathy and stabilizes blood sugar levels (glycemia).

Contribution of Biotin - Main sources

  •     eggs provide biotin
  •     Sources of animal origin: the main source are meat, egg yolk, and viscera in general, especially the liver.
  •     We also find biotin in milk.
  •     Sources of plant origin: the richest are brewer's yeast, whole grains and their derivatives, mushrooms, barley, also nuts, soybeans, peas and chickpeas.
  •     Biotin supplements: in the form of d-biotin, as tablets or capsules.

The following table mentions the amount of micrograms (μg) of biotin present in 100 grams of food portion.
Food     Biotin (μg) / 100 gr
Cow liver     100
Peanuts, toasted     39
Chocolate     32
Eggs     25
Cauliflower     17
Mushrooms     16
Hazelnuts     14
green peas     18
Chicken     5-10
Milk     5
Wheat bran     5
Salmon     5
Bananas     4
Cow meat     4
Carrots     two
cheese     two

Biotin deficiency

As we mentioned earlier, the lack of biotin is very unlikely provided that our diet is varied, healthy and balanced.

The symptoms of biotin deficiency are:

  •     Loss of appetite or lack of appetite
  •     Sores and ulcerations on the tongue
  •     Dry skin, skin rashes, seborrheic dermatitis
  •     Alopecia, hair loss, brittle hair
  •     Alterations of the nervous system: insomnia, anxiety, depression
  •     Vomiting and nausea

There are situations or circumstances that can generate a deficiency such as:

  •     Inborn errors in the metabolism that cause a functional deficiency of biotin. In these cases and always under strict medical supervision, high doses of biotin activate enzymes dependent on it.
  •     Very strict and low calorie diets.
  •     Prolonged use of medication such as antibiotics and antiepileptics.
  •     Short bowel syndrome, since in this pathology there is poor intestinal absorption.
  •     Excessive intake of raw egg whites. Egg white contains a glycoprotein called avidin, which blocks the absorption of biotin. This problem is solved when cooking the clear one.
  •     High doses of pantothenic acid generate an inefficient absorption in the intestine.

Recommended daily dose of biotin
The following table shows the adequate intake of biotin according to the IOM Nutrition Department (Institute of Medicine) for infants, children and adults.
age     Men (μg / day)
microgram / day     Women (μg / day)
microgram / day
0 to 6 months     5
7 to 12 months     6
1 to 3 years     8
4 to 8 years     12
9 to 13 years     twenty
14 to 18 years     25
19 to 70 years     30
> 70 years     30
Pregnancy         30
Lactation         35

Its toxicity does not exist, since its water-soluble excesses are eliminated through urine.
In any case, caution should be exercised in consuming intakes greater than those recommended above.


Biotin is relatively stable to heat, light and oxygen . However, acidic media can denature it.
Uncooked egg white contains a glycoprotein called avidin. Avidin captures biotin from the diet and bacteria and prevents intestinal absorption. Therefore, it is recommended to cook the egg white so that avidin loses this property.
A diet deficient in pantothenic acid (vitamin 5) can also contribute to biotin deficiency since vitamin 5 is supplemented with biotin in different metabolic situations.

Vitamin B8, vitamin H or biotin: functions and food sources

Vitamin B8, vitamin H or biotin: functions and food sources

Biotin or vitamin B8

Biotin or vitamin B 8 belongs to group B and is also called vitamin H. This vitamin is water-soluble, that is, it can be dissolved in water so it can pass into the cooking water without problems and its quantity in the water can be reduced. food itself, losing its qualities.

Biotin can not be stored in the body and this causes it to be included in the diet in a regular way. An abuse of this vitamin does not have any risk to health, because it is easily expelled in the urine and is not toxic.

There is a small amount of endogenous synthesis of biotin from intestinal microorganisms. Also, keep in mind that raw egg white contains a substance called avidin that binds to biotin and prevents its absorption.

Pure Biotin - 10,000mcg Hair and Nail Growth, Cellular Production, Assists Energy Levels
Pure Biotin - 10,000mcg Hair and Nail Growth, Cellular Production, Assists Energy Levels

  Function of biotin

  •     Biotin intervenes in enzymatic reactions, such as the metabolism of carbohydrates , fats and proteins , which are converted into glucose molecules, which offer an immediate energy for the cells.
  •     It is essential in the production of hormones and cholesterol.
  •     Regulates blood sugar levels, improving the metabolism of insulin and, therefore, diabetes .
  •     It is a good ally against depression and insomnia
  •     Participates in the synthesis and oxidation of fats.
  •     Involved in the formation of the skin.
  •     Keep your nails and hair healthy.
  •     It promotes the growth and regeneration of muscles, something very beneficial for people who exercise.

  Food sources of biotin

Vitamin B8 is very distributed in nature:

  •     Liver.
  •     Dairy products
  •     Mushrooms and vegetables
  •     Eggs
  •     Fish.
  •     Legumes
  •     Whole grains
  •     Yeast.
  •     Cabbage.
  •     Broccoli.
  •     Potato, sweet potato.

  Consequences of vitamin B8 deficiency

As with other vitamins, lack of vitamin B8 is very unusual in people who have a varied diet, since it is found in most foods. In addition, bacteria from the intestinal flora are able to synthesize small amounts of biotin.

However, people who take a lot of raw egg white or who consume large amounts of alcohol repeatedly may have a deficiency of this vitamin that can manifest itself with symptoms such as dermatitis , alopecia or conjunctivitis .

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Biotin: what you need to make your hair grow faster and more abundant

Biotin: what you need to make your hair grow faster and more abundant

Vitamins are essential to maintain good hair health and stimulate hair growth.

All women have to deal permanently with hair loss. But this is just a symptom that your body needs more vitamin and mineral intake.

Vitamins are not only important to maintain energy during the day to perform your tasks, they are essential to maintain good hair health and stimulate hair growth.

Sano Nutrition Hair Dietary Supplement: Natural Veggie Hair Growth Capsules for Long Luscious Healthy Hair| Non-GMO Collagen Biotin Keratin Bamboo MSM & Vitamin Hair Growth Formula for All Hair Types
Sano Nutrition Hair Dietary Supplement: Natural Veggie Hair Growth Capsules for Long Luscious Healthy Hair| Non-GMO Collagen Biotin Keratin Bamboo MSM & Vitamin Hair Growth Formula for All Hair Types

But there is a vitamin that for many is a magical elixir that makes hair grow abundantly, healthy and strong: biotin. It is also known as vitamin H and vitamin B8.

How does biotin work?

This vitamin intervenes in the growth of rapidly reproducing tissues such as skin and hair, because it exerts a coenzyme function, essential in the processes of cell duplication.

This vitamin will help you not only to have more hair and faster, but will grow without being brittle.

Eat the following foods rich in biotin

  • Eggs It is so versatile that you can do it in tortilla, scrambled, in a salad and even in the cakes.
  • Blue fish Tuna, salmon and sardines are fish with the highest amount of biotin.
  • Nuts Healthy fats will nourish your body and vitamin E will help moisturize your scalp.
  • Banana If you eat a banana a day, it will be more than enough to acquire the biotin contained in this fruit.
  • Tomato In addition to being rich in biotin, it has high levels of vitamin C, which will help you to have your hair healthier and brighter.
  • Strawberries Add them to your healthy snacks with yogurt or you can eat them alone.

Biotin for Hair and Its Great Benefits

Biotin for Hair and Its Great Benefits

The fall of hair is a problem for both men and women, who at an advanced age begin to notice the excessive fall of their hair, leading them to look for its causes and possible solutions. The biotin hair , is a fundamental vitamin for the body, helps to stop the fall and stimulate hair growth, strengthening the hair follicles of the hair, preventing it from becoming brittle and weak because it acts on the shine, thickness and hardness of the hair.

Among the most common causes of hair loss are stress, vitamin deficiencies, poor diet, inheritance, hormonal problems, among others.

Biotin, also known as vitamin B8 , belongs to the set of vitamins that make up the B complex, essential for the production of energy and to activate the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Thick Hair Growth Vitamins – Anti Hair Loss DHT Blocker Stimulates Fast Hair Growth for Weak, Thinning Hair – Biotin Hair Supplement with Keratin Helps Men & Women Grow Perfect Hair, Made in The U.S.
Thick Hair Growth Vitamins – Anti Hair Loss DHT Blocker Stimulates Fast Hair Growth for Weak, Thinning Hair – Biotin Hair Supplement with Keratin Helps Men & Women Grow Perfect Hair, Made in The U.S.

The benefits of biotin for hair are that it promotes the growth of healthy hair, preventing it from drying out, increasing elasticity, preventing hair breakage and stimulating the growth of hair and skin cells. Other benefits of biotin is that it helps regulate blood sugar levels, relieves muscle aches and fights dermatitis.

How to get the benefits of Biotin Hair?

    Foods rich in biotin

To include all the benefits of biotin in the daily diet, the consumption of certain nutritious foods is recommended, among which are:

  •     Liver of beef: is a great source of vitamins that provides the necessary amounts of iron, protein and zinc for hair. It does not contain many fats and can be consumed once a week.
  •     Eggs: excellent source of biotin, is a very versatile food that can be adapted to many preparations such as breakfasts, salads, cakes, screws, among others.
  •     Blue fish: you make fish with higher levels of biotin, some are tuna, sardines and salmon. In addition to containing biotin hair growth are source of Omega 3, essential to give shine and softness to hair.
  •     Peas: of all the legumes they are those that greater amount of biotin contributes to the body, they can be consumed in salads, rice or tortillas.
  •     Nuts: they are an excellent snack, rich in biotin, vitamin E and healthy fats that nourish the hair. Consume a handful daily.
  •     Banana: is one of the fruits with higher levels of biotin, it is recommended to incorporate into the daily diet to obtain all its nutrients and minerals beneficial to the hair.
  •     Brewer's yeast: great ally to prevent hair loss , it is recommended daily consumption by dissolving a teaspoon in any liquid.

Include the consumption of these foods in the daily diet, dosage the necessary amounts of hair biotin , helping your care and achieve perfect hair, but for better results should be combined with healthy lifestyle habits and a very well balanced diet.

    Hair biotin supplements

Biotin hair pads are mainly used for the most healthy and strong hair growth.

They contain the essential amounts of vitamins to obtain the benefits of biotin on hair, nails and skin .

They are much more effective than the use of shampoos, because the pill is ingested and assimilated by the cells responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin.

Biotin is synthesized in the body at the intestinal level, so it is rare to observe deficiency of this vitamin in the body.

Another way to include biotin in the body is through the intake of B vitamins, the proper dosage will depend on the age and weight of the person. In general, a dose of thirty mcg is recommended for adults over eighteen years of age.

    Shampoo with biotin

Biotin can be found in certain shampoos specially designed to stop hair loss and strengthen hair, it is said that moderate use helps to repair weakened hair.

The use of horse shampoo is due to the biotin hair properties it contains, in the horses it makes your hair look prettier and brighter, for its cleaning properties that keep the PH balanced.

There is no scientific evidence on the use of horse shampoo and its benefits in humans, in principle, the use of products not intended for human consumption should be avoided, since they could contain harmful chemicals such as insecticides or other ingredients that could cause allergies and damage the scalp.

It is recommended to use shampoos that contain biotin acts for human use.

Biotin Deficiency in the Organism

Biotin deficiency is a very rare condition, biotin is present in most foods of the animal and vegetable kingdom that are consumed daily. Additionally, the intestinal flora is able to synthesize the majority of biotin consumed. A deficiency of biotin leads to a deficit of production of cellular enzymes affecting the skin and hair.

When biotin deficiency is present, it is common to see seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, hair loss, eyelashes and eyebrows. Neurological symptoms such as irritability, depression or convulsions can also be observed.

To treat biotin deficiency, the specialist usually recommends the consumption of a vitamin-rich supplement of the B complex.

Biotin for hair has positive benefits for it, it can be considered as a complement to the hair loss remedies used to improve your health.

If the hair is falling at a very alarming rate, noticing a large number of them after daily brushing, on the pillow when getting out of bed, after washing the hair or when they run their hands through their hair, it is time to go to a capillary health specialist, who is the one to recommend the treatment to follow.

It should not be forgotten that hair loss is a natural process of the human being when it reaches a certain age, but it can be accelerated by stress and vitamin deficiencies.

Everything you need to know about biotin for hair

Everything you need to know about biotin for hair

If you are thinking about taking biotin to fight your alopecia problem, it is best to inform yourself beforehand, and here we tell you everything you need to know ....

The problem of hair loss can be due to the deficiency of vitamins or minerals. It is recommended to go to a doctor for him to indicate if the diet he is taking is adequate. Carrying a good diet can not only solve the problem of hair loss, but also other complications that can be evident in the body.

For good hair growth, it is necessary to consume essential vitamins and minerals and one of these vitamins is biotin, which not only helps stimulate the appearance of hair, it also prevents future hair loss, besides it is beneficial for the skin , hair and nail.

High Potency Pure Biotin 5000 mcg for Hair Growth (5mg) - 60 Count
High Potency Pure Biotin 5000 mcg for Hair Growth (5mg) - 60 Count

What is biotin and what is it for?

Biotin is a natural vitamin found in a wide variety of common foods. It is essential for human health, in general, for several reasons. It is a vitamin B complex and is also called vitamin H.

The proper amount of this vitamin (around 100 to 200 micrograms daily) helps the body metabolize fatty acids and amino acids in the body so that energy can be used efficiently and there is also some research that suggests that it can help stabilize sugar levels.

Biotin insufficiency can cause skin loss, nails and hair loss. even lead to depression, weakness, irritation, fatigue, rash and loss of appetite.

The idea that biotin can also help improve hair care has its roots in science. One of the first signs of a biotin deficiency in the body is unexplained hair loss and hair breakage, as well as dryness of the skin and cracked and brittle nails. Therefore many people feel that if extra biotin is used, logically, the result will be a healthier hair.

Foods with Biotin

Biotin is naturally found in a number of different foods, especially liver, Swiss chard, eggs and some
products of soy and wheat.

Technically most people should get all the biotin they need from their daily diet, but as is the case with most of the poor diets that many of us follow these days, vitamins and minerals are not provided all we need so it is advisable to increase the intake of food with biotin or take a vitamin supplement.

Properties of Biotin

Vitamin B-8: biotin. Among the benefits of biotin we find its influence on the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates and, in addition, it maintains vital skin, hair, nails, hair and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B-8 is eliminated through urine, so an excess in its consumption does not produce, in principle, any type of danger. On the contrary, a lack of this vitamin in the diet can cause dermatitis, vomiting, nausea, paleness, depression, anorexia or fatigue.

Side effects of biotin

There are people who have problems assimilating biotin, since it binds effortlessly to proteins and when this happens it will not be available in the body. This results in a significant deficiency that may trigger deficiencies in hair growth or other problems.

Physicians have shown that people with blood type A, usually has more trouble to assimilate biotin, which is classified as vitamin B. People with heartburn problems or problem that requires anti-acids will also decrease their absorption of this vitamin.

Biotin for hair

Biotin can help hair growth, but it is also necessary to take care of your hair, avoiding excessive chemical processes or high temperature treatments. Submit the hair to the continuous dyes, and the high temperature treatments with a tool such as an iron.

Keeping this in mind, however, if you are concerned about thinning hair, alopecia or simply want to try to make your hair grow faster here we will mention some of the types of products that are available in the market:

Vitamins for hair

These days a large number of people take a vitamin supplement of some kind on a daily basis. Vitamin supplements that are marketed as hair vitamins are formulated with the recommended dose of vitamins that are considered as especially beneficial for healthy hair, including biotin.

Usually, these supplements are designed to be taken daily and constantly, and in addition to vitamins that are sold in natural hair food stores are also on sale in a number of beauty salons and spas, nowadays .
Shampoos and conditioners enriched with biotin

You can find them at any store that sells hair care products and you are likely to be faced with a lot of shampoos with biotin and conditioners to choose from, each with the pretense of offering all kinds of special benefits for your type of hair in particular.

Many of them today contain biotin for hair health - or at least that's what they say on the label. They range from the most affordable to the most expensive, but the price difference tends to be more about the brand than the actual ingredients, which are quite similar across the board.

The controversy about whether or not these hair care products really work, at least in terms of getting biotin for your hair. Some say that shampoos and conditioners enriched with biotin have been shown to help people with alopecia, although taking a vitamin supplement, to deliver biotin internally instead of outside, seems to be more effective.

As we always say, before starting a treatment on your own it is best to consult your doctor or dermatologist, since he is the only one who can tell you if it works for your particular alopecia problem.