Monday, April 29, 2019

Auromere Bar Soap Tulsi Neem, 2.75 oz (6 Pack)

Body cleansing: Daily hygiene habits

Showering several times a day and oversudsing can be more damaging than not doing it?

On the contrary that may seem to shower too much can behave more disadvantages than benefits. And it is that excessive personal hygiene can eliminate the natural protective barriers of our skin, facilitating the entrance to the microorganisms.

Auromere Bar Soap Tulsi Neem, 2.75 oz (6 Pack)
Auromere Bar Soap Tulsi Neem, 2.75 oz (6 Pack)

Although apparently our skin looks clean or think that it is because we have not done physical exercise or have gone to a place with dirt (beach, countryside, Park...) The truth is that our body has a "magnet" to attract dirt; And it is that the oil itself that secretes our skin to protect it from the environment absorbs earth, dust and pollution.

So how can we remove this dirt?

Pay attention to these body cleaning tips:

♦ Soaps:

You must use special soaps that help to "dissolve" that fat that can favor the growth of bacteria and germs. Delicate and creamy soaps are recommended, with natural ingredients, free of chemical substances and without fragrances, that leave no residues and give a feeling of softness and freshness when finishing the bath. Avoid those that dry the skin and are aggressive and look for those with a moderate PH. For its excellent results are ideal for oats, honey, glycerin or argan oil and antibacterial are discouraged, although they are good for washing hands before cooking are not for a daily body use.

plan03-ico-recuerda-30x30 Dose the product: Do not waste enjabonándote too much, as excess soap dissolves even the fat that is necessary to protect the body from external agents.

♦ How do we apply them?

To avoid redness and skin irritation many dermatologists discourage the daily use of sponges, which are degrading with usage, becoming increasingly rough and rough; It is better to "rub" gently with the same hand.

♦ Where do we find them?

From Vitasalud, we have made a careful selection of soaps and shower creams of vegetable origin. Discover them and start taking care of yourself from today!

♦ Water:

It is important that you shower with hot water, because the heat is the one that opens the pores and releases all that accumulated dirt. In the end you can give yourself a few minutes with cold water to close them again and enjoy the feeling of being new.

♦ Every part of our body:

For proper body hygiene you must pay attention to each part of your body, making a detailed tour from the face and hair to the toenails. Don't forget those nooks and crannies that sometimes go unnoticed!


Give special importance to the armpits: it is recommended to wear them shaved, as the hair and moisture in that area are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that cause the odor. Cleanse and also take care of the genitals: they must be washed daily individually if not with a full shower. In the case of women it is advisable to use intimate soaps, without doing so repeatedly as abusing these products can kill the vaginal flora. Men should also use soaps suitable for the intimate area, removing the glans for proper cleaning.

Remember that for nails, very vulnerable to fungal infections, you can help specific brushes whose bristles allow to penetrate inside and clean them in depth, especially if you have a profession that implies a daily contact with certain Substances (Mechanic workshop grease, paints, food handling...). For a complete hygiene keep short, do not bite and apply from time to time oils to nourish them.
The ears:

As for your ears you should clean them gently, without using buds, because it is a very delicate area that can be easily damaged with any minimum pressure. In addition, the swabs push the wax in and can cause hearing problems. The ideal is to use a syringe with saline without introducing it to the inside or use the beeswax cones
The Hair:

As for the washing of the hair, the use of one or another shampoo will depend on various factors as the measurement, the thickness, if it is natural or dyed, if it is strong or brittle, if there are problems like the dandruff... It is enough to give a soapy rubbing the entire surface with the fingertips for at least 2 minutes. Emphasize the root as it is the area where more fat accumulates. Then apply a nourishing mask to give extra hydration and shine and facilitate unwinding.

♦ Rinsing:

A good rinse of the body is essential to remove any product residue, both soap and shampoo. Drying is also an important step in the care of our skin: The best method is to press the skin are soft for the fabric to gradually absorb water.

Never rub quickly and abruptly!

And you see renewing the towels periodically so that they have a soft touch and do not scratch. Dressing without being completely dry can favor the appearance of fungi, so you must dry very well those areas more hidden like the fingers of hands and feet, the back of the knees, the folds of the buttocks...

To dry the hair you must apply the same technique of pressing on the hair and never rub to avoid that the ends are opened.

Do a self-ANALYSIS of your BODY HYGIENE habits

In the next exercise we propose a questionnaire to determine if you carry out some correct habits of corporal hygiene. When you have answered all these questions you will know if your daily routine of cleaning is suitable to show a healthy skin or on the contrary you must change or improve certain customs:

  • Do you shower daily?
  • How many times a day do you shower?
  • Do you apply a quick shower or take a longer bath?
  • What kind of soap do you use?
  • Do you use a sponge, a mitten or a hand?
  • When you shower, do you pay attention to every part of your body or sometimes in the haste you forget to wash some area?
  • Do you use fingernail brushes?
  • Do you use ear buds?
  • Do you exfoliate sometime a week?
  • What is the ritual for drying the body and hair?
  • Are your towels in good condition? (Make a review!)

Council!: Although we all love to be able to give a relaxing bath you should know that it is better to take a quick shower, because the less time we are in contact with the water less will dry the skin. You can do it occasionally, but don't take it as a daily routine. Save on time and money and your skin will thank you!

Pears Transparent Soap Bar with Natural Oil-12 Bars-2.64 OZ Each

How to Eliminate Acne With Blue Soap?

Having pimples and grains on your face motivates you to try any treatment that is effective and how to remove acne with blue soap is one of the questions that usually appear with some frequency, so here we will give you an answer.

Pears Transparent Soap Bar with Natural Oil-12 Bars-2.64 OZ Each
Pears Transparent Soap Bar with Natural Oil-12 Bars-2.64 OZ Each

Blue soap has effective healing and antibacterial properties, which is why I recommend your use to treat pimples and pimples on your face and other areas of the body.

To use the blue soap in order to remove acne you need to take into account some very important steps for your application and then I will tell you how you should do it.

In addition in this article I will give you other alternatives to control and eliminate acne because you can use many homemade treatments, you also have to read the tips for care of your skin when you have acne.

Recommended: How to remove acne with apple vinegar

How to remove acne with blue soap Step by step

In order to eliminate the grains and blackheads with the blue soap you have to take into account the step by step for the treatment to be very effective, you know the procedure then:

Step 1: Exfoliation.

Before applying the blue soap for the first time you need to exfoliate your skin with acne, this first step allows the deep cleaning of the pores of your skin.

Know the method to remove root acne. Click here

The exfoliation is to apply a cream with lumpy particles that eliminate the residue of dead cells, if you do not have an exfoliator at home you can add a little salt to any cream and clean your skin with this mixture.

Step 2: Steam exposure.

After exfoliating your skin you need to make a steam exposure so that your pores open up so they can be prepared to receive the healing effect of the blue soap.

When you have acne in your face or in any area of the body like the chest or back, the pores of your skin are taponeadosed by the excess fat produced by the sebaceous glands in addition to the dirty and external fat of the skin.

Step 3: Applying blue soap.

Once you have done the two above steps you must apply the blue soap as follows: You must moisten the soap with a little water and rub it in your hands, then with circular motions applied to your face.

You should let the blue soap dry on your face and wait 10 minutes for its healing and antibacterial effect to make your process in grains and pimples. After this time remove with warm water and dry your face very well.

Recommendations of how to use blue soap for Acne

It is important that you consider these recommendations or tips when using blue soap as a treatment for acne:

  •     In treatment with blue soap It should be done twice a day, in the morning and at night before bedtime.
  •     Exfoliation should not be done more than twice a week.
  •     The soap must be of quality or the best that exists in your country.
  •     Select the one that is without fragrance, that is to say that it does not contain odor or any additional. The traditional is the most recommended.
  •     You can use other alternative treatments to this one because there are no side effects.
  •     It is very important that the treatment is done in a constant and judicious way so that you can appreciate the results.
  •     If you see any unfavourable reaction then suspend the treatment immediately.
  •     You can use a moisturizing facial cream after applying the blue soap but it does not contain oils like almond or coconut, because you are avoiding the fat in your skin.

Other remedies to remove acne

There are treatments that can be alternated with the use of blue soap, in fact after using the blue soap You can use some moisturizing cream antiacne so you can remove the grains and pimples much faster.

I am informing you some homemade remedies that you can make to disappear those pimples and pimples that are an unsightly problem in your skin.

    Antiacne cream with cucumber and honey.

The cucumber is a natural astringent that will balance the fat in your skin and the honey gives you softness in the face. I'm informing you about the simple way to prepare it.

You need: a cucumber with no crust and two tablespoons of honey.


The first step is to wash the cucumber very well, then you must remove the rind and the internal seeds, then you need to cut into pieces to put it in the blender. Add the cucumber and you must liquefy, you do not need to add water.

Add the liquefied Pepeno in a bowl and then add the two tablespoons of honey and mix very well.

How to use:

Once you have your skin clean, before you go to bed apply this mixture all over your face or the area where you have the acne, let it dry in your skin and retire after 15 minutes with fresh water.

It dries your face very well. This cream can be applied every night or you can alternate with other treatments.

    Aloe Vera Antiacne Gel.

This plant is essential in the treatments to fight the acne, its antibacterial and astringent composition has a blotting effect in the grains and in this way it helps to eliminate the acne.

To prepare this gel you only need the green stem of aloe vera. I'll indicate how to extract the gel.


Once you have the stem, you wash it very well, then proceed to cut or remove the skin of the stem carefully, I recommend that you do it in half and then with the knife extra the crystalline pulp of aloe vera.

How to apply:

You need to have your face clean and dry. Then you must apply the Aloe vera pulp on your face so that the pulp gel stays in your skin. Allow to dry naturally and then wait 15 minutes to remove with plenty of fresh water.

It dries your face very well. This gel is ideal to apply at night just before bedtime, you can use it three times a week with an intercropped day.

Do not miss: How to remove acne with baking soda
Tips for taking care of your face with acne

The skin care of your face is my important to avoid the appearance of new pimples and pimples, I indicate the following tips that will give your skin many benefits:

  •     Water consumption should be constant, there is no other moisturizer more effective than ingesting this vital fluid and also provides you with other benefits in your body.
  •     It consumes foods rich in vitamin A, E and D so that your skin has the necessary contributions of its nutrients, in addition they strengthen the immune system of your skin to fight the bacteria that aggravate the acne.
  •     Use the treatments correctly for acne, that way the results will be very positive and you can get rid of this bad unsightly in a short time.
  •     Use the indicated creams for your skin type.
  •     Don't forget to clean the skin very well twice a day.
  •     To achieve favorable results in your skin using blue soap You must do it the way described above and be consistent in its use.

Mistral Luxury Bar Soap Organic Coconut Oil and Mango Seed Butter - Vanilla Flower - Made in France, 5.2 Ounces

It takes a year to wash alone with water and ensures that it is completely clean

Does that sound like ' What the clouds smell '? It has a very simple answer: simply, the clouds do not smell absolutely anything. Except for the advertisers of the compresses ads, of course. However, the human body does smell, and much, but, from the French channel of Youtube Le Corps La Maison L'esprit Laetitia, propose the definitive solution: according to the YouTuber protagonist, Water is the only product that is needed to wash our body. Not one more. To deepen the subject, Dr. Rosa Ortega, President of the Andalusian section of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) and professor of dermatology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Granada, has reacted to The claims of the French girls. But let's go for parts.

Mistral Luxury Bar Soap Organic Coconut Oil and Mango Seed Butter - Vanilla Flower - Made in France, 5.2 Ounces
Mistral Luxury Bar Soap Organic Coconut Oil and Mango Seed Butter - Vanilla Flower - Made in France, 5.2 Ounces

Laetitia opened her vlog to explain her daily experiences, molded based on a more humble lifestyle than usual. The videos on recycling, self-esteem, hygiene and food are the order of the day, but she has worked the formula. In fact, it does not differ much from what any YouTuber does, only that, instead of gameplays or yoga Classes, Laetitia speaks unscrupulously about her everyday habits.

A year ago, this young woman had an epiphany: it was better to live in a simple way. Despite residing in Marseille, home to the famous soap homonym, said not to trust the composition of the product, so he decided to start dispensing with it. In addition, he says that in order to avoid the dryness of the skin-she lives in an area where the water has a lot of lime, it is enough to spread some olive oil. In short, water seems to be enough to maintain the hygiene and health of the skin. In the video appears next to another French YouTuber that has a channel called the Carologie and has the same habit of grooming Laetitia.

However, according to Dr. Ortega, "There are places where the water is very alkaline, it has many salts and it produces dryness and itching in the skin, which are prevented with the use of soaps without detergents or oils of shower and, later, with a moisturizing cream". In this sense, the water itself, although lava, would be short to counteract its own effects of dryness, because it contains negative elements for the body. Therefore, the use of alternative products would be vital to maintain a 100% healthy skin.

Of the gel of the whole life, Laetitia was passed to the Ghassoul, a clay produced in Morocco which, supposedly, is very good for the skin. But, because the product was expensive and asking for it was a mess, decided to ignore it and stay alone with the water. With this new technique, which he kept secret at first, Laetitia discovered that neither she nor the people around her perceived bodily smell. In addition, it related this effect directly with its diet: it ensures that the absence of meat and of packaged products reduces the strong smells. From Granada, the dermatologist maintains that the sweat itself does not smell, but it is the bacteria of the outside which ' contaminate ' the sweat glands, causing that characteristic bad odour. Although there are foods that do condition the natural smell inherent in each one, such as onion, garlic or spices. According to the theory of YouTuber, an omnivore would have more complicated to wash with water, but everything points to that food does not influence as much as she thinks.

According to Laetitia, after a dirtier activity, the best thing is to scrape glove and water to wash. Nothing else. If it is not shaved-especially in the genital area-the glove also helps. This part of the body is also especially sensitive to soap, and she assures that it is perfectly capable of cleaning without any fault. Water is also the solution to the problems derived from visiting the service, because the paper is unhygienic. In this line, Dr. Ortega explains the functioning of the sweat glands of the body to refute the theory of the YouTuber: within this great conglomerate of glands, we find the eccrine and the apocrine. The latter, present in areas as delicate as armpits, groins and genitals, should be washed daily with soap and water, as they are more sensitive to the influence of external agents that enhance the odor.

The YouTuber does not use soap to wash the face, and is based on the absence of grains to corroborate their explanation. He says that when he was young and he used soap, he always showed up. "Acne comes out primarily in youth. Also by using very fatty soaps that are not suitable for the type of skin you have, "says dermatologist. "Perhaps the young woman's problem was her own youth or the use of inappropriate soaps."

Clean water? Of course you do, but you need an escort to complete the task. "Most of the dirt we can have in our body is not water-soluble (it does not dissolve in waters) and therefore is not eliminated alone with this one. These other substances, which are fat-soluble and even fat, need the use of soaps and water to dissolve and eliminate the body, "says Dr. Ortega. In fact, for those who are concerned about soaps with detergents in their composition, recommends Syndet soaps, which serve to treat sensitive, dehydrated, dry and itchy skins.

From Le Corps La Maison L'esprit Laetitia try to defend the importance of preserving the natural smell. Of course, it is important to maintain that natural essence that makes us unique. As we have been told from the University of Granada, the natural smell exists and is determined by our own genetics, but it does not go away by applying soap and water. In fact, both products are necessary for thorough cleaning. The way of life and the saving system of this girl is respectable, but it can bring negative consequences and, worse still, influence people who do not know the subject. And that is, to give our opinion, does not necessarily make us professionals.

100% ORGANIC ULTRA CLEAR TRANSPERENT GLYCERIN Soap Base by Velona | Melt & Pure all Natural Bar For The Best Result | Size: 5 lb

How does the soap clean the dirt?

The structure of the soap molecules allows them to remove dirt easily. They are formed by a chain of hydrocarbons, with a sodium or potassium atom at the end.

The end of the hydrocarbon chain is attracted to grease and rejects water, while the other end attracts water.

100% ORGANIC ULTRA CLEAR TRANSPERENT GLYCERIN Soap Base by Velona | Melt & Pure all Natural Bar For The Best Result | Size: 5 lb
100% ORGANIC ULTRA CLEAR TRANSPERENT GLYCERIN Soap Base by Velona | Melt & Pure all Natural Bar For The Best Result | Size: 5 lb

When you wash your hands, the greasy dirt particles are surrounded by soap molecules, and the ends of the hydrocarbon chain that are attracted to the water are facing outwards.

This breaks down the dirt, which is washed away by the water. Once after bathing we have asked ourselves: how much sebum do we lose when we wash our bodies?

Sebum is a mixture of oils and waxes that exudes our skin to lubricate its surface and to limit the growth of bacteria.

This does not require a large amount: even the most fatty areas of the body such as the head, produces about 0.03 mgr of sebum per square centimeter of skin per hour (in an adult individual). If you are a teenager with acne, this amount can be three times higher.

One person, on average, has a skin area of ​​about 1.8 square meters. If we assume that the body produces about half the tallow produced by the head, that means that the total production is 6,500 mgr in a 24-hour period.

Depending on how hot the shower water is and how vigorously we scrub with the sponge, one loses about half. That is, about 3 grams. In the case of adolescents, they can lose between 9 and 10 grams.

MIXED SCENTS: Case of 12 bars Pre de Provence 250g - Customize with your Choice of Scents

Natural body cleaning products for a non-toxic home

I remember my mother warming vinegar in a pot when her cleaning resisted.

It was effective. Although I had no marketing campaign behind promising to leave the pots like the gold jets.

MIXED SCENTS: Case of 12 bars Pre de Provence 250g - Customize with your Choice of Scents
MIXED SCENTS: Case of 12 bars Pre de Provence 250g - Customize with your Choice of Scents

Nowadays, our houses are full of chemical cleaning products of the most varied, many of them toxic to our organism and contaminants of the aquifers of the planet, fundamental for our life.

In this week's program we talk about how to clean your house avoiding toxic chemicals for you and your family, and in a very economical way:

If you prefer audio, listen here This program of the secretary of Radio Agüimes where we participate with this section living conscious.

The problem of toxic and polluting cleaning products

The reports issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention point out that in one person there are hundreds of pollutants.

Many of these substances are frequent in any household, through paints, varnishes, cleaning products, fragrances, plastics, air fresheners, etc.

In fact, according to the US environmental Protection agency, the concentration of these chemical compounds in closed places such as houses is more than double that outside.

Many of the toxins that contain the cleaning products end up passing to the organism through the inhalation of those compounds or by contact with the skin.

In addition to the toxic effect they can have separately, the cocktail effect is uncontrollable by mixing compounds with others.

On the other hand, by pouring them at home by the sinks of sanitary ware, kitchen, etc. You incorporate them into the sewer system, compromising water treatment systems and their dumping to nature.

How to avoid chemical exposure in your home

The good news is that this toxic exposure is totally preventable.

In terms of cleaning products, you can have your house clean using a few natural cleaning products and some tricks.

You save money and, above all, you avoid polluting your health and that of the environment.

The downloadable ebook "Home without Toxic", by Carlos Prada, raises some general ideas that I also use and recommend:

  •     Natural ventilation: The best way to reduce volatile contaminants, those that enter our body when breathing.
  •     Air Purifiers: There are appliances that purify the internal air of the houses. I haven't tried them, but I know it's especially convenient in cases of allergies or respiratory problems like asthma.
  •     Productos de limpieza naturales para un hogar sin tóxicos - Drácena
  •     Purifying plants: There seems to be certain plants capable of capturing some contaminants. So explains it un informe that published the Nasa already in 1989.
  •     These plants are, among others, the peace Lily, Ivy, trunk of Brazil, Chrysanthemum, Dracena, ribbon, Poto, aloe vera, Ficus, gerbera, etc.
  •     Eliminate or reduce the sources of exposure: In terms of cleanliness, the recommendation is to avoid cleaning chemicals.

Alternatives to Cleaning chemicals: first step

If we consider the Council to eliminate or reduce exposure to cleaning chemicals, the question is how can you keep your home clean by avoiding harmful cleaning products for your health and that of the planet?

As the book "Home without Toxics" says, the idea is to clean without chemically soiling.
A belief that has been strongly rooted in our culture thanks to television advertising, mainly, is that ' smelling of chemistry is not smelling clean '. But they are very different things. For something to be clean it doesn't have to have a specific fragrance, and even less chemistry.

From my experience, the first step is to replace the chemicals you currently use for their natural or ecological version.

Careful, because a chemical can be advertised as natural if it carries a small portion of natural extract from a plant.

It is best to buy organic products in herbalists or ecological stores, as these tend to have more demanding ecological certificates .

There are some Spanish brands of ecological cleaning products such as:

  •     Beltrán Soaps (its certified ecological range).
  •     SolyEco (formerly Copán) which is a cooperative whose products contain no perfumes or preservatives or colorants. As far as I know, some of their products do contain some mild chemical surfactants.

I've tried both brands with good results.

Best known is the house Ecover, Belgium, which was the first ecological cleaning brand I used, and I liked it too.

There is also the Pure Natureonline Shop, which specializes in hypo-allergenic, ecological and non-toxic products. It is a German company, born following the diagnosis of a relative with multiple chemical sensitivity (SQM), and that controls that the products are safe for people with allergies and other environmental illnesses.

To avoid generating so much plastic waste to the planet, it is interesting to consider these options:

  •     Buy Bulk Cleaning productssuch as those provided In Green Goccia. I would only recommend its hypoallergenic range, which contains no aroma.
  •     Use soap in pill, either purchased or do it yourself (I still do not, but everything will walk 🙂). This soap is pill can then grate so that it is easier to dilute it, or even make liquid soap from it (I will publish recipe!).

Alternatives to Cleaning chemicals: Second Step

Although I still use some of the organic products that they sell in herbalists, I have to admit that it is because of a simple belief that if it is a specific product to wash clothes or make some foam when scrubbing the crockery will be cleaner.

In any case, my tendency, and what I consider to be more ecological and healthy for all, is the use and combination of some natural products that we all have at home and that are very effective and economical.

These basic ingredients are:

  •     Vinegar: degreases (contains acetic acid, which reduces and cuts the fat), removes stains, is bactericidal, eliminates lime, etc. Besides, the smell goes off when it dries, so you don't have to worry if you dislike it.
  •     They say that to clean it is better to use white vinegar because it is more potent, but I have no more information about it. If anyone knows anything else and tells me I will be very grateful!
  •     For me it is best to use a vinegar that comes in glass bottle, more ecological and healthy, as discussed in the article on healthy plastic bottles and glass . Productos de limpieza naturales - Vinagre, bicarbonato y limón
  •     Bicarbonate: It can be found as mineral in nature or artificially produced cheaply and respectfully with the environment. It is biodegradable, inexpensive and non-toxic; And among many other properties is bactericidal, abrasive for stains and deodorant.
  •     You can learn more about baking soda in This publication of Ediciones Obelisco.
  •     Lemon: Contains essential oils and bioflavonoids. It is antioxidant, removes stains and has a refreshing smell.

And these are some of their uses as cleaning products:

Washing clothes

Says Irene Bueno in this interview that performs Ana Moreno, which can simply be used 4 to 6 tablespoons of bicarbonate as detergent, vinegar as softener and lemon if we want an extra white result for washing white clothes.

What I usually use is a little organic soap for washing machine with 2 or 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate. And if I want to have some aroma echo a few drops of lavender essence in the container for the softener.

There is No need for softener as the bicarbonate acts asan anticalc, although it could also pour vinegar as a softener for greater action against lime.

For white clothes, I have also tried with good results to soak a while with hot water and oxygenated water, before washing it in the washing machine.

Wash Nutsare also well known. I have not tried them, as they are nuts from India and Nepal, and although for them I think the best option, I do not think for me is the most ecological considering the distance.

Scrubbing the floor

To scrub the floor you can use half a glass of vinegar in a cube of lukewarm water.

If the floor is made of marble or wood (which may have varnish) replace the vinegar with a little neutral soap (purchased artisanal, with certified organic or homemade).

I like to add a little bit of soap also in the bucket of water and vinegar, with a few drops of essence if I want to leave that whiff.

Clean the Crystals
Where I live for crystals I have to use plenty of water with some soap for the outside Windows.

But for interior glass just use vinegar directly on a dry cloth.

Scrubbing the crockery

Water with vinegar or lemoncan be used directly to wash cookware . What I do is I create my own dishwasher by mixing in a pot a little neutral soap, vinegar and water.

I do not fry or cook with animal fat that can be more difficult to clean, but if ever some food sticks a bit I leave a while soaking with warm vinegar.

In the blog of Eva (affected by multiple chemical sensitivity), also mentions that to scrub dishes is more hygienic to use a brush than a scourer.

Clean the bathroom

For the bathroom use my own mixture of water, vinegar, a little bicarbonate and a little natural soap (for that to see the Espumita).

And for the toilet, the trick is to pour some bicarbonate and then vinegar (create some froth with the effervescence), let it act a bit and then rub and rinse.

This method for the toilet, using more amount of bicarbonate and vinegar is really effective for unclogging pipes.

Clean the Dust

I have prepared in a sprayer a mixture of water put some vinegar (little because it can damage the lacquer or varnish, but never happened). I'm moistening a microfiber cloth and cleaning the surfaces.

If there is any stain that resists a little more, soaked more cloth and rub with more intensity, simply. Nothing resists! 🙂

Other cleaning uses

Both vinegar and bicarbonate can also be used to brighten silver, clean oxides, remove lime from coffee maker and faucets, etc.

In addition, the mixture mentioned to clean the bath, water with a little vinegar, bicarbonate (and my touch of natural soap:-)) can also be used for other surfaces such as bathroom tiles and kitchen, kitchen countertop, etc.

BBTO 5 Pack Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver

How to clean your skin without damaging it?

With the arrival of cold, we must protect our skin. The sudden change of temperature between the one of the interior of our house, the office or a store and the one of the outside causes that our body reacts and the skin becomes more fragile, reason why it is necessary to protect it.

BBTO 5 Pack Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver
BBTO 5 Pack Soap Exfoliating Bag Natural Soap Saver

Generally, we usually talk a lot about hydration, but we should not forget that when it comes to removing makeup (always, even if we do not wear makeup) and washing, we must always choose appropriate products; those that do not irritate the skin, prevent dryness and allow to have neither tightness nor sensation of itching. The Laboratories Pierre-Fabre Dermo-Cosmétique propose a series of products that allow us to feel comfort while taking care of ourselves.

To cleanse the face, the most advisable in the case of sensitive or dry skins are a priori the textures in mousse or in creams; but as always, that depends on each one and what works best for you.

Avène Soothing Cleansing Milk to remove make-up and remove any impurities without drying the skin. 200 ml - € 15.90

Matting Cleansing Foam of Avène to remove face and eyes. It does not have soap. Without parabens. 150 ml - € 15

Sensifluid Micellar Milk from A-Derma to clean and remove makeup from the most sensitive skins. Without clarification. 400 ml - 14, 75 €

Argane Gelized Desmaquillarte Gellenic Oil. Oil that removes makeup from the face and eyes (even waterproof). For normal skin 125 ml - € 28

For the care of the body, dermatologists usually advise gels without soap or oils that will respect the hydrolipidic film (mixture of sebum and sweat that lines the outer part of the epidermis) of the skin.

Dermopan Ducray Liquid. Syndet (soap without soap) ideal for the whole family. It is a foam that does not dry the skin. 500 ml - 15, 55 €

Soft shower gel by Avène. It can be used for both the face and the body. With moisturizing agents. Ideal for sensitive skin. Paraben free and soap free 500 ml - 10, 50 €

Trixéra + Avène Emollient Cleansing Gel. Ideal for reactive or irritated skins. The active lipids of its formula preserve the skin barrier. 400 ml - 20, 80 €

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How to properly clean the vagina

The skin of the vagina is very sensitive and to many people perfumed soaps also cause irritation or itching.

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Soap Works Coal Tar Bar Soap, 8-Count with Free Soap Works Natural Wood Soap Dish

It is an area where the skin is as delicate as the face. And not taking care of it can lead to infections that are so difficult to treat that they can not be cured with medicines. But perhaps many women have never received that fundamental lesson: how to perform their intimate hygiene.

"Low genital infections and all the problems of the vulva, stool, irritation, are very frequent and are very difficult to treat," gynecologist Natalia Pérez told BBC Mundo.

These infections are alterations of the set of microorganisms called vaginal flora or microbiota, and the crucial thing, at the time of hygiene, is to preserve the delicate balance of these microorganisms.

"The skin of the vulva is very delicate, it is almost similar to that of the face and we constantly attack it, because we use daily protectors, tight clothes or underwear that is not correct," warned Dr. Pérez, assistant professor of tract genitalia in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay.

What exactly is the vaginal flora and what are the basic hygiene tips to protect it?

"Acid" flora

The vagina has an acid ph, a natural defense against infections. The vagina has a whole microsystem of defenses "because it is prepared for intercourse trauma".

The vaginal microbiota is then "the one that will defend us from all the microorganisms that are pathogenic and that cause us disease".

The problem arises when there are changes such as bacterial vaginosis, which is nothing more than the alteration of the vaginal microbiota, according to Dr. Pérez.

"Instead of being in the right amount some germs, instead of being in the normal amount, increase in quantity because it just decreases the ph or increases the ph".

Bacterial vaginosis does not produce inflammation but a white grayish medium flow.

"The characteristic is that people come and say I have a bad smell, they speak of a pungent odor, a fishy smell and what there is is an alteration of the flora".

No perfumed soaps or colored clothes

What practical advice does Dr. Pérez offer for intimate female hygiene?

1. Do not use scented soaps

"You should not use perfumed soaps because they have substances that alter the vaginal flora," says the gynecologist.

"Soap astringent soaps that have a lot of caustic soda that kills vaginal flora, such as soaps that are called laundry bars, should not be used either."


The appropriate soaps are then those of glycerin, or those soaps "specific for intimate hygiene that now are like a shampoo, especially to wash the vulva".

"There are specific soaps for intimate hygiene that do so is to increase lactobacilli, the main germ of our microbiota."

The skin of the vulva is very sensitive and to many people perfumed soaps also cause irritation or itching.

2. Only water?

Specific soaps are tested on various types of skin and generally do not cause problems.

"But when a patient already has alterations in the skin of the vulva, it is right to remove all the possible irritants of the vulva, that is why in some people any kind of soap is discouraged and the washing is indicated only with water".

"This is usually until all the symptoms have passed or in people who have a lot of allergy, not all of them."

3. Keep the skin of the vulva and vagina as ventilated as possible

Dr. Pérez recommends "do not use daily protectors, or use only those that can maintain a flow of ventilation or air.There are some that are specific for that and have a plot that is not so closed, it does not leave the vagina and the vulva, so to speak, as covered. "

The expert also advises sleeping without underwear or with very loose underwear, since the humidity and excessive heat can also be harmful.

"You have to accustom the girls to try to sleep without underwear, nobody says that you walk naked, without some short of pajamas as loose as possible so that this area is ventilated, otherwise it is like having a part of the organism permanently covered, that area suffers ".

4. Always wash from front to back

"We women have the urethra, the vagina and the anus, and from the anus to the vagina one can drag germs that also colonize the vagina and alter the vaginal flora with bugs that do not have to be there."

5. Wear cotton and white underwear

"The fabric has to be made of cotton just so as not to gather heat, so as not to leave that area covered because the cotton has a mesh that lets the air pass," Dr. Pérez explained to BBC Mundo.

The Uruguayan gynecologist also warns about the use of very tight jeans.

And he points out that "it is better that the underwear be white or beige, sometimes the colored clothes are dyed with products that do not alter the flora, but in general the anilines used to dye can also alter the flora".

The black underwear, in addition, "produces heat in that area".

6. Change tampons at least every four hours

Dr. Pérez recommends, as much as possible, not to put anything in the vagina, but if tampons are used, it is essential to make a correct replacement.

"You can not leave a lot of time because it's a reservoir of blood, it should be changed at least every four hours."

"There are people who forget and spend a day with a tampon and that causes infections."

7. Do not wash inside the vagina

"There are people who are very obsessive about hygiene and wash themselves inside the vagina, that drags all the flora, kills all its vaginal flora."

"They are people who have a lot of flow problems and will have problems of low genital infections in the future."

"There are people who go to urinate and wash, you have to wash only once a day with a suitable soap."

8. Do not use a bidet

Washing in a bidet "is bad because it helps all the germs of the anus to spread all over the perineum and to enter the vagina".

That is why it is generally said that urinary infections are genitourinary, "because they can be germs that are in the vagina and go to the urethra." As it is an area where everything is together, you have to take care of it a lot ".

"Put the flora ready"

When infections in the vagina arise, ovules are usually recommended, "some tablets that are put in the vagina that are generally antibiotics," explained the doctor.

"What they do is kill the microorganisms that we have, for example, when we have a fungus, the most frequent is candidiasis, we also send ovules, we can also send antibiotics orally, but this is continuously altering our flora, because We kill that little mushroom, we also kill others that are inside our vaginal microbiota ".

The flow is a very constant symptom that "only with drug treatment we do not cure it, because it is an alteration of your flora".

"Until you put the flora to the point and in the right state, the symptom will not be cured."

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8 body parts that you always forget to wash when you bathe with soap

These are the parts of the body that you always forget to clean and this makes them the perfect broth for bacteria and infections.

Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer
Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer

When we bathe or clean, it is easy to think that with just rubbing a bar of soap more or less homogeneous on the body we will be clean. While this may be true in some cases, it also happens that very often we forget to wash some body parts that often accumulate many bacterias.

These are 8 of the areas of the body that most people forget to clean up more often, make sure you're not one of them!


Because of the difficulty of reaching some parts of the back, we usually do very superficial cleanings when we wash the back. The best thing would be to buy a special brush to wash your back or make your partner rub you with an exfoliating sponge or cloth 2 or 3 times a week to avoid developing skin infections.


You don't need to wash your hair every day, but you must pay attention to your scalp daily. It is important to rub and massage the scalp every day to prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells, a breeding ground for mites and bacteria.

Under the fingernails

The area under the fingernails accumulates a lot of germs and if you don't wash it when you bathe or clean your hands, you're not doing a very good job. As far as possible, try to clean this region with soap, warm water and a cotton swab.

Behind your Ears

It may not look like much, but the back of the ears can accumulate a lot of fat and dirt, because it is filled with glands that secrete bait. If you don't clean it every day when you wash your face, it can produce moisture and bad smell, as well as a bacerias broth.


The high temperature of the navel, as well as its corners and crevices make it an ideal place to accumulate bacteria and dirty. Clean daily with a wet swab in alcohol or warm water and soap.

The plant and the sides of your feet

The soap that drains from the rest of your body is not enough to wash your feet properly while you bathe. You need to rub the plant and the sides of your feet, as well as the inside of your fingers. You must wash and dry every time you bathe to avoid fungi.
Elbows and wrinkles

How many times have you consciously washed your elbows? Probably seldom, it's easy to ignore the elbows, but you should avoid it. The elbows are the part of the body with which we support on dirty surfaces such as worktops, desks and restaurant tables, and a dry elbow full of cracks allows the passage of bacteria to your body. Clean with sponges or towels daily.


If you live in a hot place or exercise often, the nape of the neck is a warm, moist region that attracts mites and bacteria. Wipe with soap and water when you bathe or with wet towels.

Cleaning our body properly takes a little more time and effort than most people think, but if you make it a habit you will be able to keep even the hardest corners clean without major problems.

Colloidal Silver Soap - 3 pack

Cleaning the face

Many people have problems buying a cosmetic product for the face because most of those who have tested it produce adverse reactions such as redness, itching or tightness. This is because your skin is sensitive and therefore is thinner and more delicate than normal, characteristics that lead to care in a special way.

Colloidal Silver Soap - 3 pack
Colloidal Silver Soap - 3 pack

Factors affecting sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin tends to react to nutritional disturbances, hormonal changes, stress, climatic factors and irritating products, while in some cases the problem arises from genetic factors. Whatever the cause or degree of alteration, it must be treated with products that do not attack.

The solution: the micelles as cleaning agents

Finding respectful products to clean the face is not easy, as most are soaps formulated with irritating agents. In addition, for a thorough cleaning it is necessary that every certain time the skin is exfoliate to eliminate the dead cells, something that is even more aggressive with the common products.

The solution is to use products with micelles, not soap. The micelles have a similar end to the water and a similar one to the fat, so they can attract dirt and impurities, emulsify and remove them from the skin without irritating it.

BABÉ offers you a soap-free cleaning ritual
Thinking about the characteristics and needs of sensitive skin, BABÉ has devised two special cleaning products for her:

-  Micellar Gel Soothing BABE: It is formulated in such a way that it respects even the most delicate skins, because instead of containing soap, it incorporates micelles that are those that perform the cleaning action. It also contains betaine and licorice, which help soothe the skin.

-  Hydro-exfoliating Comfort BABe: Designed with extra-fine exfoliating particles that prevent irritation. It contains more microparticles than other products, which guarantees a smooth, effective and nothing aggressive exfoliation. In addition, its formula is enriched with Jojoba oil, an ingredient that reinforces the protective barrier of the skin, therefore, besides exfoliating, also maintains the hydration and natural elasticity of the skin.

Oxygenated water as an ally of cleanliness

Hydrogen peroxide, better known as oxygenated water, provides great benefits to household maintenance thanks to its disinfectant and antiseptic properties.

We share a list of uses that you can give:

  • -Is an ally for the disinfection and cleaning of areas with minor wounds.
  • -Helps to eliminate the presence of fungi in the feet and nails.
  • -It is a whitener par excellence, even in the body as the area of the armpits and helps to combat the bad smell.
  • -Another alternative as bleach is for white linen, you only need to add a cup of oxygenated water while soaking.

As you can see, this product brings great benefits for cleaning and body health. Avoid using high amounts of this liquid to avoid causing the opposite effect.

Bamboo Charcoal, Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Bar (Set of 4) - Handmade Face wash for Oily skin Acne treatment Soap, Essential Oils by Falls River Soap Company

7 Reasons why you need Magic Soap to cleanse stains

You still don't know, but you need Dr. Beckmann's Magic stain cleaning soap. Why? Because it is the solution that everyone needs to remove stains in an efficient way without damaging the skin of the hands or the fabric of clothing.

Bamboo Charcoal, Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Bar (Set of 4) - Handmade Face wash for Oily skin Acne treatment Soap, Essential Oils by Falls River Soap Company
Bamboo Charcoal, Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Bar (Set of 4) - Handmade Face wash for Oily skin Acne treatment Soap, Essential Oils by Falls River Soap Company

People have different ways to wash clothes and remove any spots that may be on it. Dr. Beckmann has developed different solutions that fit the tastes and needs of each user.

My mom, for example, likes to wash by hand using bar soaps. He has tried many options in the market but not all the soaps work efficiently and some have even come to damage his hands.

"You need the magic soap to clean spots," I told him one day that he was teaching me his washing ritual. She stopped doing what she was doing and gave me her full attention.
Why do you need the magic soap to clean stains?

The Magic soap is responsible for removing various types of stains such as cooking oil, makeup, lipstick, blood, necks and dirty fists, fats and many more.

I recommend you read: How to clean the stains of the collars and fists of the garments? to learn about other products that can help you solve this problem.

The Magic SOAP design has the following benefits to your advantage:

  •     The formula is designed to remove heavy, hard-to-wear stains.
  •     It can be used in clothes, rugs, upholstery and other objects.
  •     Its shape is ergonomically designed to comfortably fit the hand and allow precise application in both large and small areas.
  •     It contains Aloe Vera, which makes it a gentle product with clothing fabrics and also with hands. It is also dermatologically tested to avoid allergic reactions.
  •     Its packaging is high-durability, which means it can be stored after use.
  •     It is free of dyes, fragrances and preservatives.
  •     It can be used in both washable and non-washable garments.

In addition to having all this is very easy to use. For this you must moisten the stain and the soap with abundant water. Then rub the stain with the soap and let it act for a couple of minutes. Finally you must rinse with water until the stain has disappeared and wash the garment with the rest of the clothes.

Best of all is that after rinsing the soap you can keep it in its packaging as it is of high durability. This way you will be able to continue using it for longer without any problems.

Now if you're not from the people who like to use a bar of soap to clean the stains you can also use other Dr. Beckmann options like the Prewash stain remover with applicator brush or pre-wash stain remover .

The important thing is that you have clean and shiny clothes and that you get it in the way that makes you more comfortable. What do you think of these pre-wash products to clean stains? What is your preferred solution?
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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why resort to wax rings when there is a leak in the toilet

Why resort to wax rings when there is a leak in the toilet

Although there may be other effective solutions to stop water leakage in the WC, we tell you why to resort to wax rings.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

In toilets such as bathtubs, shower trays, bidets or toilets, which have been installed for a considerable time, it is normal for water leakage to occur promptly. They are usually caused by the deterioration that can be experienced by the joints or elements used to seal the joints between them and the drainage pipes that evacuate the water. So, if you perceive a slight loss of water in your TOILET, don't be alarmed, because it has a solution. Do not lose detail of what we are going to tell you, and find out why to resort to the wax rings when you encounter this mishap, and how to use them.

Why resort to wax rings when there is a leak in the toilet

The wax rings have been used for many years because they are perfect to seal the area where they are placed. In the toilet are located in the inner part, next to the ground, where the drainage pipe is located, in the junction between it and the sanitary, and they act by closing everything around it, to avoid the leakage of water and that gases and bad smells are filtered under the cup of the bathroom.

Although it adapts very well to the contractions, expansions and sedimentation of the soils, the material that composes it has a very long lifespan. The wax can be affected by temperature changes, hardening with cold and deforming or even melting with heat, and stop performing its sealing function. Therefore, if you have not changed it, it is advisable to be pending to detect any irregularity, in case it is time to do so.

And how will you know? Well, easily. When the soil area attached to the toilet has water, it is likely that the ring is in poor condition or deteriorated. You may also perceive a bad smell, like a sewer.

To access the wax ring you have to dismantle the toilet, so before you get into flour if you are not clear where the water comes from, you need to perform a check to make sure that that is the problem. With a natural dye in the cistern or sanitary tank and pull the pump you will know where the water comes out.

Once it has been confirmed that the filter is safely caused by the wax ring, you must replace it immediately to stop the water leakage.

Replacing a wax ring has its complication so, if you see that you're not able to manage by yourself, count on us.

In Morga cleanings We are experts in fixing any problems related to water leaks, pipe breaks and jams, and in conducting preventive maintenance of pipes and put to Point the plumbing facilities of households, businesses and commercial premises.

We also have an emergency service 24 hours, prepared to act in Bilbao and any point of Bizkaia the 365 days of the year. Because giving you assistance when you need it most is one of our priorities.