Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Shark Steam Energized Multi-Floor Hard Floor Cleanser - New Look 20oz 3 Pack

Shark Steam Energized Multi-Floor Hard Floor Cleanser - New Look 20oz 3 Pack

Shark Steam Energized Multi-Floor Hard Floor Cleanser - New Look 20oz 3 Pack

How to clean the floors properly?

The question "How to clean the floor?" May seem ridiculous. Indeed, what is there to be able to? Take a bucket, wet it with a rag and wash it off the dirt from the floor - that’s the whole simple principle of operation. In fact, in this simple case there are certain rules and secrets, knowing about which you can easily cope not only with the usual wet cleaning, but also with the floor cleaning after repair.

So, how to clean the floors properly?

Before you wash the floor, you need to remove everything unnecessary from it: roll the rug and rugs, take chairs, stools, toy baskets, floor vases and flower pots out of the room or pick them up.
Then you should carry out a dry cleaning of the floor: sweep with a brush, a broom or vacuuming (in the dry mode!), While not forgetting about hard-to-reach places - under the bed, sofa, wardrobe. Dust accumulates there abound, and it will not hesitate to fly out, making cleaning meaningless. Thorough dry cleaning is the key to a successful wet. You should not hope that the dust will collect on the rag during washing the floor - it will actually collect on it, but the floor after such a cleaning will remain covered with dirty stains.
You should start washing from the corner farthest from the entrance, then rinse the floor areas near the walls and baseboards (it is better to do this manually, as mops often “do not take” these places) and gradually move to the center and then to the exit.
The floor is wiped with a well-wrung cloth or mop, then there will be no streaks. And to achieve perfect purity, you can change the water in the bucket and wipe the floors again.
Secrets of caring for floors, depending on the type of coating

Before you take up the wet cleaning of the floor, you need to consider the type of coverage. Parquet, concrete, tile, painted floor, covered with linoleum or cork - each type of floor requires a special approach to it.

The most unpretentious in the care of the floors, covered with tile, linoleum, self-leveling or painted. They can be easily washed with warm water with a universal detergent: they are only afraid of abrasive particles and hard scouring pads that scratch the surface. By the way, abrasives and scourers are contraindicated for almost any floor except, perhaps, floors made of concrete or porcelain.
Parquet can not be wet with much water. First, you need to vacuum the parquet floor or sweep it with a soft brush, and then wash it with a special tool with a damp, well-wrung cloth or mop. Wet cleaning requires parquet infrequently, several times a year, for the rest of the time it is sufficient to do thorough dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
Cork floors also do not tolerate abundant moisture; a soft cloth or sponge is suitable for washing them; besides, the cork is very fond of dry vacuuming: it cleans the pores on the surface of such a floor well. But the washing vacuum cleaner is contraindicated in such a floor.
Laminate is another “non-lover” of water, although in recent years water resistant species have begun to appear. This floor is washed well wrung soft cloth with a special tool for laminate floors.
To wash the unpainted wooden floor, you will need hot water with a special tool for the wooden floor and a stiff brush that will literally scrape its surface.
My floor after repair

During repair, the floor gets the most, it is there that whitewash gets, drops of glue, plaster, etc. Certainly, they try to protect the floor: they are covered with newspapers or oilcloth, but anyway after the repair work is completed, it will need thorough cleaning:

first you need to clean the floor with warm water to wash away all global pollution, as well as the spots and marks that appeared that were not visible in a dry state;
then follows a scraper, scourer or cloth (depending on the type of flooring and resistance of dirt) to clean off the remaining traces of whitewash, putty, glue drops, etc .;
at the final stage, the floor is again washed with warm water with a special agent, finally eliminating the remnants of pollution.
The better to mop the floor?

Each housewife decides for herself how it is more convenient for her to wash the floor - someone prefers to do it with a mop, someone with a rag. However, it should be noted that washing the floor with your hands is not only a way to bring cleanliness, but also a kind of physical exercise, so with a sedentary lifestyle this way of cleaning the floor will be very useful. In addition, the narrow gaps, corners, and areas near the baseboards are inaccessible to the mop - it is better to wipe them manually with a rag.

Mop the floor, of course, easier, but there are some secrets:

first of all it is necessary to wet the mop well and even better to squeeze, and then proceed directly to bathing. Even the floors that are not afraid of moisture should not be wetted too much: instead of a clean surface in this case there will be dirty stains;
when washing a textured floor (for example, a rough tile, wood), in order to better remove dirt with a mop, you need to make movements like when drawing eight;
After the floor shines with cleanliness, rinse the mop in clean water, squeeze it well and put it to dry so that the soft tip of the mop does not deform. If it is removable, it is better to dry it separately.
It is necessary to return to the place the lifted chairs and the rolled-up carpet only after the floor completely dries.

Means for washing the floor, there are a great many, however, someone the old-fashioned way continues to use grandmother's advice and to wash the floors with solutions of vinegar, soda, laundry soap or ammonia. Some creative housewives use dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent. Of course, the choice of floor cleaner is a personal matter of the hostess, but then you should not be surprised that the house smells bad, the floor surface ceased to shine, and the family members were allergic due to the fact that there were residues of detergents on the floor. The UNICUM universal floor cleaner will help to cope with floor washing quickly and efficiently, not to damage the floor surface and not to harm those who live in the house. It is suitable for imparting cleanliness and shine to all types of moisture resistant floor coverings. The tool does not leave behind a divorce, suitable for cleaning the floors in the house, as well as on the terrace or an open veranda. Does not require rinsing and creates a protective nano-coating that prevents the appearance of damage to the floor, prevents the accumulation of dust and dirt on it. For washing laminate flooring and wood floors, it is necessary to use highly specialized UNICUM products for this type of coating.

Cleaning the floor is easy, especially if you remember the rules of such cleaning, which will make it as simple and effective as possible.


Bona WM850018001 Hardwood PowerPlus Deep Cleaner Refill MegaPACK 1Pack (1Gallon)

Bona WM850018001 Hardwood PowerPlus Deep Cleaner Refill MegaPACK 1Pack (1Gallon)

Bona WM850018001 Hardwood PowerPlus Deep Cleaner Refill MegaPACK 1Pack (1Gallon)

How to clean the floor, bathroom, mirror, windows

Before we clean the floor, we must first prepare for it. Preparation of the floor is that it is desirable to first thoroughly sweep or vacuum. Of course, to make it easier to do, you need to remove or rearrange all the small furniture, such as chairs, stools, etc., so that they do not block or interfere with work. You can simply turn them over and put them on the table, or you can put them on a sofa, bed. After doing all these simple and simple manipulations, you can begin to wash the floor. But how to wash what surface is the question. Let's try to figure it out.

How to wash linoleum , polymer coating:
It would seem, what is easier to wash ordinary linoleum? Everyone seems to be able to cope, but not everyone knows, in order not to flush the floor in the same kitchen 5 times a month and so that it does not spoil from absorbing any liquid and other dirt, here you need to master, perhaps, one thing, but important rule. The rule is that you need to put on the floor a special detergent on a soap base. It can be as usual liquid soap, and a special tool that was recommended by the manufacturer. Thus, water with soap leaves after drying some thin film that will protect the linoleum from excess dirt and rapid abrasion.

Floors with linoleum on it should not be washed with hot water. Only warm or barely warm, because hot water can erase the pattern and change color. Also, it is not recommended to use soda and liquid ammonia - they cause breakage of linoleum.

To remove traces or stripes of shoes on linoleum , you can use gasoline. Kerosene can be used to remove rust stains. Even kerosene once a year can be processed and the entire floor. It will appear more brilliant and look like new. Once a season, it is advisable to treat linoleum with natural varnish or linseed oil. Wipe clean with a soft cloth.

To easily remove the ink stain from linoleum , you can use pumice stone or emery paper. Of course, after this there will be small traces or stripes that you absolutely do not need. To get rid of them, you need to thoroughly wipe these marks with vegetable oil or natural linseed oil, and then diligently polish this place. It is best to polish with a wool rag.

How to wash the floor :
Washing parquet is generally not recommended. Maximum - wipe the parquet with a damp cloth, but in no case use water. Generally, if you moderately monitor the debris and dirt on the floor, then the main tool for cleaning the parquet floor will be only one vacuum cleaner.

In no case should sand be allowed on the parquet floor. It will be very quickly scratched and the appearance will be absolutely wrong. By the way, the carpets of this ineffective. Anyway, dust passes through the carpet and falls under it. Accordingly, from the sides too, after which the carpet magically turns into sandpaper.

Washing and rubbing of a parquet should be carried out in the direction of a layer of a tree. In order to rub the floor, it is desirable to use mastic. Mastic for the parquet floor is prepared as follows: 50% of turpentine is used, in which wax is ground on a fine grated, mixed, and left to stand for 5-7 days. Home mastic is ready. In order to use it, it must be diluted in hot water. On 1 m 2 there is approximately 25g of mastic and 350-400g of water. But you can use mastic no more than once a month.

Apply mastic on the parquet need a thin layer to a thin layer and only on dry floors. As soon as mastic dries, the floor must be rubbed with a polisher. After using the cloth or felt. If there is no floor polisher, you will have to work hard with a rag.

You can remove stains from the parquet as well as from unpainted floors. Fresh grease stains are rubbed off with sandpaper, and the old is rubbed with turpentine. If it turns out that the stain has decided to stay, then it is powdered with talcum powder, covered with a blotter and ironed with a not very hot iron. Usually, after the third pass, the iron stain disappears.

What to do if water gets on the floor . Wait and look at the flooring is not necessary. It is necessary to immediately go for a well-absorbing cloth and very carefully process the place where the water fell. The worst of this is that you need to scrub the floor - remove the parquet lacquer and leave to dry for several months. Usually 2-3 months. In no case leave the varnish, because it slows down the drying procedure and will surely provoke the floor to "swell".

It can also be the other way around when heating is turned on in winter. The required wood moisture is 40-60%, and in apartments with central heating the humidity sometimes drops below 20%. Because of this, the floor may crack and crack.

How to moisten an apartment is elementary. To raise the humidity in the room by 10-20%, it is enough to install an aquarium or several green plants. Of course, it is easier to buy a humidifier.

How to wash laminate:
It is advisable before you begin to wash the laminate, fluff all butt gaps with mastic or putty and polish well to protect it from getting too much moisture into it. Moisture can cause swelling and deformation.

Laminate floor should be washed very carefully. Ideally, the floor is wiped with an ordinary flat mop with a wet mop. If there is a large pollution, then you can add a little detergent like mr.Prooper to the water. If the stain is small, then it is rubbed off with a separate cloth manually with the same tool.

By the way, in choosing a floor cleaning tool, I advise you to get a fairly comfortable and simple mop. Spending a little more and cleaning the floors will be much more convenient. The image is clickable. The price of such a mop together with a bunch of useful attachments is only about 1,000 rubles. Believe me, it's worth it.


Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 27 fl oz, 3 ct

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 27 fl oz, 3 ct

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 27 fl oz, 3 ct

How to wash the floors in large rooms?

Private enterprises, hotels, supermarkets and restaurants - in these places there is a huge flow of people. Unfortunately, in such conditions, the room may lose its aesthetic appearance. Dirt, dust, caustic stains - all this becomes a real stigma on the reputation of the institution and a threat to the health of workers.

In residential buildings, there is also a problem of pollution, and in emergency situations it is necessary to clean it as soon as possible. But this cannot be achieved if there are no suitable detergents in your arsenal, then the cleanliness of your home is at risk.

Under production conditions, stains from oil, tires, working tools, etc. may form on the floor. Conventional fluid and classic cleaners cannot remove such contaminants. In supermarkets, the problem takes on a different character: most often there are traces of shoes, food stains and so on. The owners of such establishments already know the way out, how to quickly clean the floor from this kind of problem.

Detergent for floors: cleaning of all types of surfaces
Both for a classical sink, and for cleaning of difficult spots, professional chemistry is applied. These tools penetrate the structure of the stain, destroy the molecular bond, and in a matter of seconds remove it. The peculiarity is that for each type of pollution a special type of chemical is applied. means. Alternatives option for all stains - universal chemical means.

Today, Kenolux solutions are very popular. This floor cleaning solution penetrates the deep layers of the stain, and thanks to a chemical reaction, the surface is cleaned very quickly. To prepare the cleaning solution Kenolux use standard concentrations: 1:50 or 1: 100. If individual sensitivity is present, lower concentrations are used. This is observed if the formula of the cleaner includes alkali or acid.

Some solutions contain glycerin, which creates a protective film around the hands. This property is important for products that are used for mechanical cleaning.

Suppose we wash the floor, and we need to prepare 20 liters of cleaning solution. In this case, add 20 ml of detergent to 20 liters of water. The advantages of solutions from Kenolux :

rapid activation of components and penetration into the structure of the spot;
high efficiency at any type of pollution;
action with minimal concentrations;
used for both manual and automated cleaning.
You can buy detergents for the floor in the online store or in the supermarket. Pay attention to the brand of the manufacturer, packaging and purpose of the tool. Solutions Kenolux can be found in containers of 20, 10, 5 liters and less.

One tank is enough for a long time, and you do not need to use special brushes and other equipment. Each Kenolux product is fully compliant with European standards.

Such solutions are ideal for any type of contact surface: wooden floor , asphalt, tile, parquet, laminate, linoleum, and so on.

Cleaning the floor with detergent
During the experiment, it was found that household chemicals clean the surface 80% worse. At the same time, stains remain in the spot area, and the surface color changes. On the contrary, professional floor cleaning products completely eliminate stains in minutes.

There are several ways to get rid of dirty traces: automatic cleaning and mechanical removal. In the latter case, stains are removed by a cleaner. First of all, the necessary solution is prepared, after which the product is thoroughly rubbed into the spot area. Cleaning continues after 15 minutes. So, we wait for the activation of the solution and its penetration into the structure of the spot. After several movements, the cheek stain will be completely eliminated. This type of cleaning is ideal for small spaces: private houses and apartments.

Automatic stain removal
In this case, the process involves a special technique, which includes a floor washer. This method is used if you need to process a large area. For example, a trading hall, an enterprise, a hotel, and so on.

In this case, the floor washing machine has no equal. Within one hour, you can treat an area of ​​500 m2. The solution is prepared in the same way, but the technical characteristics of the machine are taken into account. The solution is poured into a special tank, after which you can begin to work. Scrubber-dryers are ideal for all types of coatings, but this is already determined by the specific device model.

It is customary to distinguish several types of floor cleaning machines:

Wireless. These machines have a battery that provides autonomous operation. They are more practical, but have power limitations. The machine can work in a large area.
Network. Such machines are powered by external sources. The main disadvantage is that efficiency is limited by cable length. They are less practical, but more economical.
There are also robotic cars, where people are not involved. The device can analyze the territory, identify and eliminate pollution, even over a large area. The advantage is that human labor is minimized. The operator can operate the device while driving in a sitting or standing position. So, cleaning is more dynamic and efficient.

The operator can also direct the machine, pushing it with its own forces.

Cleaning is carried out thanks to mechanical cheeks, a detergent supply system and dirt suction. In a matter of seconds, the machine performs several manipulations at once, leaving a clean mark behind.

The advantage is that inaccessible areas are cleaned, as well as areas with poor visibility. Traditional detergents are used to clean surfaces that require special care: wood floors, parquet and laminate.

Detergent for the floor not only eliminates very difficult stains, but also creates the effect of protection against further adhesion of dust and dirt. At the end of the day or in emergency situations, the cleaning solution will do all the work for you and save you time and money.


Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Why do you need to wash the floors after the removal of the coffin

Our ancestors treated the wires to the “last way” very scrupulously. Many rituals are associated with this ritual and superstitions: how exactly to carry out the dead man, what to do after this, etc. Let us dwell on such a thing as washing floors after the removal of the coffin from the house. How to do it according to all canons, so as not to bring misfortune to the house.

Signs associated with mopping after removal of the body
The content of the article

Signs associated with mopping after removal of the body
How to clean the floor for the dead
Why you can not wash the floor on the road
It is believed that the house in which a person died, becomes "unclean." To clean it from bad energy, you need to wash the floors. Do it right.

how to clean the floor for the dead

What are the consequences of ignoring the rules of washing floors after the removal of the body:

Luck will bypass this house side.
Residents will be haunted by nightmares.
Technique will work poorly and break.
Residents will fall ill, until death.
Misfortune can happen to the house.
In the air there will be a "heavy" energy, provoking discord.
Accidents are possible.
The Orthodox Church does not consider this tradition to be superstition and strongly recommends it to everyone to follow it. The fact is that the soul remains on Earth for another 40 days. If you perform all the rituals correctly, she will forget the way home, and go to the afterlife.

Also, the clergy claim that the procedure of mopping is useful for the household themselves - this will help to cope with the loss. It doesn’t matter if the dead person was a religionist or atheist. The procedure is required.

How to clean the floor for the dead
To start cleaning while the body is still in the house is prohibited. So you disturb the soul of the deceased.
Be sure to add salt to the water to neutralize all the negative energy. At the same time, you can not use detergents.
Pregnant women, children, and female relatives of the deceased are not allowed to clean. It is advisable to remove them from the house during cleaning.
All inventory used when cleaning, you need to throw. Otherwise the procedure was meaningless.
Wear waterproof gloves and ensure that water does not get into exposed areas of the body. Chance to "pick up" negative.
Do not allow cleaning to unfamiliar strangers.
The person who is not a close blood relative of the deceased should be engaged in washing.
In the house should not be everything related to the funeral.
It is necessary to take out all the personal belongings of the deceased so that the soul does not find a loophole back.
It is advisable to change the water several times during cleaning.
The one who carried out the cleaning should leave the house, upon its completion, and close the door behind him.

Why you can not wash the floor on the road
do not mop the road

There is more than one superstition associated with cleaning a house on the road. If you start to wash the floors immediately after the person has left you, you can bring trouble on him.

In a place with all the rubbish cleaned and memories of the left man. It is better to wait until he gets to the destination, and then start cleaning.
If you wash the floor after matchmaking, then it is likely that the wedding will not take place.
If a relative has gone on a long journey, then it is recommended not to wash the floors for 3 days so that his trip goes smoothly.
After the visit, guests are also not recommended to start floor cleaning. Firstly, it is dangerous because an accident could happen during the trip home. Secondly, the guests may have a negative impression of you, and they will forget the way to your home for a long time.
It is necessary to wash the floors on the road only if the person who visited you was extremely unpleasant. So you remove all the negative that he brought with him, and scare him away from your doorstep.

Apparently, floor cleaning has a sacred meaning. Thanks to him, the soul of the deceased forgets the way home, and goes to the kingdom of the dead. But, the same can be said about the living. By washing the floors, you can not only bring unhappiness along the way, but also keep people away from your home forever.


Swiffer Wood Floor Solution, Blossom Breeze, 42.2 Ounce - 2 pk

Swiffer Wood Floor Solution, Blossom Breeze, 42.2 Ounce - 2 pk

Swiffer Wood Floor Solution, Blossom Breeze, 42.2 Ounce - 2 pk

How to wash the floor and choose a mop?


Today we will talk how to choose a mop. If earlier it was of the same type - a wooden stick with a crossbar on which a rag clings, today, when choosing an assistant for wet cleaning, the eyes diverge: rope, sponge, butterfly, steam - which mop to choose for the house?

The word translated from German means "bast that is hooked onto a stick." We will tell you how to choose a mop for the house that will wash the floors better than others.

Houses dirty floors? Do not rush to despondency! Modern, convenient and practical mops for every taste and wallet will help you quickly and efficiently solve this problem. But if you decide to buy a new mop is very easy, then choosing your only assistant among the huge variety is not so simple. We will help you with this by holding a small MOP .

So, almost all modern mops have mops. Mops - These are special nozzles that can be made of various materials. For example, there is a mop rope, rag, flat. There are mops quite complex multi-layer construction.

The handles of modern mops are also very diverse: they are chrome and plastic, aluminum, all-metal, hollow or telescopic. Telescopic handle allows you to adjust the mop to your height.

There are mops with a built-in bottle-sprinkler, where you can pour detergent.

Let us dwell on the most popular types of mops.


Despite the large selection of more modern designs, we will not write off the old grandmother's mop.

The construction of a traditional mop is very simple - a wooden handle, and at the end there is a slat on which a floor cleaning cloth is put.

A wooden mop washes all surfaces, and the quality of cleaning will largely depend on the cloth you choose for cleaning floors. And, as they say reviews about mops, the best thing to cope with this "old t-shirt husband" or a terry towel old. You can also buy in the departments of household chemicals special rag for the floor.

So, for the laminate it is best to use a microfiber cloth - there will be no streaks or excess moisture.

The disadvantages of a traditional mop are that it is less manoeuvrable compared to some modern specimens, it also does not always penetrate under the bedside tables and beds, and you need to wring it out with your hands, which many hostesses do not like.


Spin mops are the most popular, as the manufacturers took care of the housewives, saving them from the need to bend down and wet their hands with water to rinse the cloth. But it should be borne in mind that for mops with spinning, you must buy a special bucket separately.

Sponge MOP
The design is a telescopic (folding, sliding) handle, which is very convenient, since you can adjust the height of the mop; at the bottom there is a sponge attachment and a handle mechanism for squeezing water.

Mops with a sponge-roller are most often found in blue and with a squeeze device. Sponge-nozzles come in different stiffness. The sponge is soaked well before the first use.

Advantages of mops with a spongy nozzle in the form of a roller:

Mops with a sponge are well cleaned vinyl floors.
They are very convenient for gathering threads from the floor, hair and wool of domestic living creatures.
It is very easy for her to collect spilled water - advertising promises up to 90% of moisture absorption.
It has automatic spin - no need to wet hands.
Spongy nozzle is small and soft, so it crawls everywhere. It is very convenient for her to wash under bed-closets.
Also, these mops are convenient to apply or remove wax on the vinyl floor.
The sponge nozzle can be replaced when worn.
The disadvantages of mops with sponge nozzle in the form of a roller:

Mops with a sponge are also suitable for wooden and marble floors.
Some say that a sponge-mop mop leaves stains. But it is quite possible that this is due to the floor cleaner that is used, or the sponges themselves can be initially soaked with some means.
A mop consists of a handle, to the end of which a nozzle with cotton or polyester ropes is attached. Included with this mop is necessarily a bucket - it is located in it a basket for pressing. Before you wash the floor with a rope mop, it is dipped into water, then lowered into a basket to squeeze out excess water and, rotating in a circle, squeeze.

For those who are looking for how to choose a rope mop, you should pay attention to the spinning and spinning system. This is a very convenient function, as the water starts to be wrung out when you press a special pedal on the bucket body - the basket rotates and the water from the ropes is wrung out automatically.

Rope mop will appeal to those who are looking for a maneuverable assistant - it easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places, but for those who are looking for which to choose a mop for laminate, this option will not work.

As they say all the reviews about the rope squeegees, no matter how hard you try, the nozzle with the ropes remains quite wet, leaving a lot of stains. In addition to these shortcomings, they also note that a lot of villi are scattered from cotton strings. Therefore, this mop can not be called an excellent choice for cleaning.

The ideal option for washing all types of surfaces, we believe a professional mop, butterfly . Its cost is quite high, but after spending 1 time, you will find yourself a helper for many years.

The mop-butterfly consists of a universal telescopic handle and a working platform on which mops are mounted - cloths for washing floors. They can be of different composition - microfiber, terry cotton, wafer, combined, with rope loops, usual flat rubber or synthetic sponges, disposable dry or impregnated.

Especially worth noting microfiber nozzles (microfiber). It is believed that high-quality microfiber is able to draw in, take into its structure any pollution, dust, and even microparticles and microorganisms, as the capillaries of plants absorb water and nutrients.

These tips can be used without any chemicals. The microfiber produced by modern technologies allows using only water for cleaning surfaces. This is especially important for allergies and the health of babies.

Also mop with a microfiber nozzle can be used for dry cleaning. Indeed, many housewives prefer not to bother with picking up and dismantling a vacuum cleaner, and without thinking twice, they try to speed up the process of cleaning the floor, while at the same time sweeping and washing the floors at once.

A typical platform has a length of 30-40 centimeters. But platforms can be very large (professional), longer than half a meter.

Nozzles can be attached to the platform with special velcro, pockets, zippers or pegs.

The platform on which mops are mounted rotates around its axis, so the mop easily penetrates any hard-to-reach places, perfectly gathers moisture and leaves no streaks on the floor.

The mop can be equipped with a mechanical spin system - the pad folds up like butterfly wings and is wrung out. But, as the reviews say about mops-butterflies, there is no need in the system of mechanical spinning - mops (tips on the pad) are small in size, they are easily removed, quickly rinsed and perfectly pressed by hands.

As you can see, a mop is far from just a wooden stick with a rag. This is a modern device that facilitates cleaning. How to choose a mop for the house - you decide, of course. We hope that our review will help you navigate and make the right choice.


Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer (2 Pack)

Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer (2 Pack)

Weiman Wood Floor Polish and Restorer 32 Ounce - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer (2 Pack)

How to clean the floors

Properly chosen floorcloth greatly simplifies the procedure and helps to do the job qualitatively. Such a seemingly simple operation, like washing floors, sometimes makes the hostess make serious decisions.

This is due to the characteristics of the flooring, and a floorcloth becomes one of the most necessary and important items, the use of which affects the quality of cleaning. In order for all actions to be truly effective and not to redo work, you need to do everything in stages, slowly and well thought through the sequence of actions.


Preparation for cleaning
Washing various floor coverings
Stages of cleaning
Preparation for cleaning
Rag Before you start cleaning, you should prepare all that you may need in the course of the work:

floor cloth;
sweeping brush;
dust cloth.
All these items will be useful when carrying out high-quality cleaning of the room.


wet matter
The wash cloth must be well absorbed and wrung out.
It is possible to clean and wash the surface on which the linoleum is laid, using a highly moistened cloth, but to clean up the room where a laminate or parquet is laid on the floor, you will need a special cloth for cleaning floors. The peculiarity of such a finishing coating is that it requires careful handling during wet processing and the correct choice of floor cloth.

The fabric from which it is made should be easy to squeeze out and ensure that a limited amount of water reaches the surface.

Despite the fact that laminate and flooring made of modern materials are resistant to moisture, excessive moisture will cause deformation and swelling of the floor covering. Features of high-quality floor cloth:

ability to absorb water well;
fast and high-quality cleansing;
ability to withstand machine wash;
easy spin

Making your choice, you should pay attention to certain properties of fabrics, characteristic of various materials.

material properties

Washing various floor coverings
Sponge tile
The tile will withstand the treatment with a sponge or brush.
Each material used to create the finishing layer on the floor requires special care. The tile quietly withstands the treatment with a sponge, abundantly soaked in warm water with the addition of detergent. Such treatment will not harm the tile and will allow you to completely get rid of even heavy dirt.

parquet water
Parquet wash with cold water, infrequently
It is best to rarely wash the parquet floor, using only cold water for this procedure and after finishing the treatment, thoroughly wipe the floors with a dry cloth, completely removing moisture.

With this cleaning cleaning solution is not used to avoid negative effects on the floor or floorboard. Daily cleaning in a room with parquet flooring is carried out with a vacuum cleaner, after which you may need a slightly damp cloth.

Wash the floor on which the bed linoleum can be cold and warm water. The solution prepared for wet cleaning can be with soap, a special agent or with salt.


Laminate can be washed only with cold water, not much wetting a rag. After completion of cleaning the floor lamella should be wiped thoroughly, removing residual moisture. This procedure is carried out not more often than once a month, but at the same time daily scrubbing the floor or cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner.

Stages of cleaning
Floors mop
Do not forget to press the mop before wiping
How to quickly clean the floors? It's pretty simple if you use the right tool and do not give up some operations.

Oddly enough, not all housewives know how to mop the floor properly.

But, at first glance, this very simple procedure can cause damage to the floor covering, which can lead to its repair. About secrets of mopping the floor, see this interesting video:

To avoid trouble, you need to follow some rules:

It is necessary to start cleaning the room by sweeping or cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner. This will remove small particles of debris from the surface, which, when washed, will scratch it, violating the integrity of the material.
The hostess, who even once washed the floor with a sponge, wetting it in water with detergent, knows how difficult it is to remove foam from the surface. Therefore, if necessary, perform cleaning with special compounds, use a soft cloth, which is easy to rinse and squeeze, removing the soap solution. Floors wash
Before you start a wet cleaning, you must vacate the area, lifting the chairs and removing carpets.
The washing should be started from the far corner and the mop should be carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of the floor covering. If this is a textured laminate, then each movement should resemble 8, if linoleum - mop should be moved in one direction.
We must not forget that during cleaning you need to wipe the baseboards and, if possible, move the furniture to remove dust and dirt under the sofas and cabinets.


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Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pad Refills for Floor Cleaning - Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine, 48 Count Wet Refills

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pad Refills for Floor Cleaning - Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine, 48 Count Wet Refills


This material will interest those who, having made repairs in their apartment, are interested in how to clean floors without divorces? Many of us do not know how to do such a simple job correctly. Further in the article we will try to tell about all the intricacies of this process.

How is the cleaning done?
Before you wash the floor, you should purchase:

water bucket;
a rag, preferably microfibre;
mop, preferably with squeezing nozzle.
It is also necessary to remember the following - plywood, chipboard, laminated fabric, like any tree, swell under the action of moisture. Therefore, in the cleaning process using a damp mop, the cloth must be carefully squeezed out.

Carefully squeeze the mop

The modern market of products offers potential buyers a wide range of special detergents. Also, a number of universal compositions are presented, with the help of which the problem is successfully solved - how to quickly clean the floors.

On the photo means for washing flooring and laminate

If household chemicals do not have confidence, then to maintain environmental cleanliness in the house, you can use ordinary table vinegar (in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 5 liters of water).

For laminate or parquet floors, it is strictly forbidden to use wax, or use polishes, as these compounds are not compatible with such a coating.

Special product for laminate

When you have to remove stains on the coating of varnished parquet, laminate, ceramic tile, you can not use cleaning compositions in which there are abrasive particles, otherwise, the plane will be covered with a network of scratches.

Surface scratches

Cleaning: general guidelines
As practice shows, any coating must be washed every day so that it does not accumulate dirt. In general, of course, this is not rational (it is unlikely that households walk at home in street shoes).

Such shoes need to be removed without going into the apartment!

It is a different matter when it comes to how often the floors in the stairwell should be washed. The corridor, as well as the area near the nut should be cleaned daily, so that the particles of applied sand do not fall on the surface (otherwise it is possible to erase the upper decorative layers, paint). The rest, "distant" rooms are easily refreshed with a dry vacuum cleaner.

Just vacuuming the surface.

The frequency of sanitary operations depends on how quickly the floor becomes soiled.

Tip! It is advisable to wash the floor of wood and laminate in the direction of laying boards (so there will be significantly less possible divorces). Rinse in a stream of running water, bypassing the bucket. At the last stage, the floor is wiped dry.

Washing vacuum should be powerful

There is another option, how to wash the floor. Here the cleaning solution is sprayed directly onto the floor. Next, the surface is wiped with a dry cloth.

Example - washing laminate
Despite the fact that modern laminate floors are unpretentious to use, it is necessary not to forget about some important points that will tell you how to wash the floors in 5 minutes:

For the simplest option, you need a couple of ordinary things. This is a rag and clean warm water. It is extremely important that it be wetted and well wrung out. In other words, there is a wet cleaning.

Simple cleaning

Otherwise, moisture, penetrating through interpanel joints, may adversely affect the quality of the castle connection. The latter swells and warp. As a result, the density of the joints deteriorates significantly;

Many manufacturers, caring for quality and efficiency, offer consumers detergents designed specifically for maintenance of laminate panels.

So it is not recommended to wash

Important to remember! Speaking about how often to wash the floors, it should be remembered that it is not necessary to wash the floor covering with cleaning agents in the process of each cleaning. The optimal frequency - no more than 1 time for 3-4 cleaning.

It is strictly forbidden to use substances of unknown manufacturers, as such “cocktails” may contain ingredients that can spoil the surface. You should also be careful with tough jaws .

How different stains are removed

Spots from green stuff

Cleaning is done in this order:

the removed stain is treated with an appropriate means (detailed instructions for use are available on any brand bottle);
applied composition remains intact for two minutes;
Wash thoroughly with a damp cloth.

We wipe a problem place with a rag

In this way, a 100% effect on removing stains is achieved.

Among other things, it is useful to find out how to get rid of various stains with your own hands:

Fresh wine, tea, berry and coffee stains are easily removed with wet wipes. The dried up flows simply can not be removed. We'll have to take a special washing composition;
If traces were left by colored pencils or rubber wheels of a children's bicycle, they are removed with dry nylon fabrics;

We work in protective gloves

When the floor is contaminated with nail polish, ink, or children's felt-tip pens, such stains are difficult because they are not so easy to cope with. The latter are removed with acetone or ethyl alcohol. Before applying the composition you need to wipe the contaminated surface using a liquid soap;
on the plane of the floor may remain stains of paint or tar. In this case, you need to use a mild detergent or liquid that removes the nail polish. The price of the latter is not very high.
After a certain time, any floors lose their luster. To restore the old look, you need to clean the floor by adding a little ordinary shampoo.

Remove scratches on the surface

It happens that after repairs have been completed in the apartment, paint, glue and whitewashing appear on the floor surface. In such a situation, the owners have a question - how to wash the whitewash from the floor? Such stains are removed with ethyl alcohol or acetone.

Clean surface

By adhering to all the recommendations regarding proper and proper care of such coatings, it is possible to significantly extend the operational life of any coating.


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Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pad Refills for Floor Cleaning, Pacific Breeze & Coconut, 48 Count

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pad Refills for Floor Cleaning, Pacific Breeze & Coconut, 48 Count

How to properly and quickly clean the floors

Cleanliness in our home is directly dependent on how well we know how to properly clean the floors. You must admit that not a single coating has become cleaner from careless wiggle with a damp cloth.

Preparatory stage
Floor cleaning starts at the preparatory stage. And it does not matter from which material your floor is cork or laminate, from linoleum or porcelain stoneware.
Free up space: lift or move chairs to another room, remove extension cords, collect toys and scattered things. This will allow you to quickly and without obstructions clean the floor in the house.

Use a medium-sized hair brush or regular broom to sweep the room. Do not forget to moisten a brush, a broom! Start revenge from the far corner to the middle of the room, where all the garbage is collected in a scoop. Do not forget to sweep under the cupboards, sofa, bed. If you do not want to mess around with a broom, vacuum it. But it is necessary to collect dust before starting wet cleaning: this way you will avoid dirty stains and wash any surface quickly and cleanly. So, the preparatory stage is over.
Washing various coatings
Wooden floors
How to clean the floors in the house, if they are unpainted? Pure wash unpainted coatings will help warm water with the addition of detergents. So, moisten the surface with soapy water, go thoroughly with a stiff brush. Wash the foam with clean water, collect moisture with a dry cloth.
It is better to wash wooden painted floors with a soap solution, but without using a brush. Wet the rags in water and unscrew well. Carefully mop along the surface. Move right: from the farthest corner to the exit, without stepping on the washed areas. To make the washed boards glisten, wipe them with a mixture made from equal parts of vegetable oil and denatured alcohol. After painting the floor, try to wash it for the first time with water acidified with vinegar: a layer of paint with this treatment holds better. This coating is unpretentious in cleaning, you need to wipe it often.
Parquet floor
Washing parquet is no different from wet cleaning of wooden surfaces. Unless it is necessary to wash it less often - once a month. It is better to use a barely damp cloth so that the boards dry quickly and do not absorb excess moisture. Some housewives in the water add a couple of tablespoons of glycerin (for shine). Rub the parquet with mastic when it is completely dry. And do not forget to polish it to shine with a polishing brush afterwards. How often do this? Once a month.
Linoleum and laminate flooring
To clean the surface of the house linoleum clean, without nasty stains will help a few secrets. Add a little laundry soap to the water. Rinse the rag as often as possible. It should be well squeezed. Change water constantly. By the way, in the same way you can clean tile, cork floor. How to clean the floors without harming them? Linoleum surfaces (unlike laminate) should not be wetted with hot water, soda, and strongly filled with liquids. How often to wash? As pollution. But at least once a month, rub the linseed oil and linseed oil in the house. So you warn the fragility of linoleum and the appearance of ugly cracks on it, which become a safe haven for dirt and dust.
How to clean the floor if it is made of laminate? When you need to quickly and at the same time properly wash the laminate floor in your house, prepare very hot water, table vinegar, and a special mop for laminate. Add a little vinegar to the bucket: the acid will allow the moisture to evaporate quickly and not leave it on the surface of the stains. Moisten the rag and squeeze it well. It is better to mop the floor straight in front of you, moving your back to the exit. How to clean the floor when it is trampled? Apply undiluted mild detergent to it, after a few minutes, remove the dirt with a mop for the laminate. You can wash as often as linoleum. But not more than three times a week.

Porcelain stoneware floor
How to clean the floor? The porcelain stoneware surface is perfectly cleaned with a rag slightly moistened in clean water. Are you going to clean porcelain tile from more serious dirt? It will be right when you add acid-based detergent to the water.
Stone Coating
Marble floor is recommended not to wash very often - once a week. Do not add washing powder, liquid soap: whitish stains remain from them. Wipe the contaminated surface with plain water or use a special product with a neutral pH.
Cork floor
The main rule: less moisture on a rag! Sometimes cork flooring needs cleaning with a slightly damp sponge. Do not buy special products for cleaning outlandish coatings! Cork floor is perfectly cleaned with ordinary detergents. And it is better not to use abrasive powders, various solvents.

Perfectly clean the tile will help you steam cleaner. If not, use universal soap solution. Do not forget to add a few drops of ammonia. After cleaning, rub the tile with a woolen cloth. Try to clean the tile at least once a week. If you are too lazy, then it will lose its attractiveness, and the tile joints will become clogged with dirt so that no toothbrush will help.
After whitewashing my clean, but not fast
Protect the floor before repairs (especially if it is cork or laminated) unnecessary film, newspapers, pieces of old wallpaper. And you do not have to otdirovat remains of whitewashing and remove stains from painting from the surface of linoleum, laminate, sensitive to alkalis and acids.

After repair, in order to avoid stains, clean the floors in several steps:
Surface cleaning. Fill the entire dirty area with concentrated soap solution. When the main dirt - the remnants of whitewashing, painting - has otkisla, very carefully assemble a rag, constantly twisting it and rinsing in warm water.
Thorough washing. Wet a rag in a soap solution, wring it out thoroughly. Square by square, wash the surface so that after you become more or less clean. Clean the cloth often with dirt. So that the traces left from the painting, the whitewash, quickly leave, add a little kerosene or salt to the solution. And change it often.
The final chord. How to wash the floor at this stage? Use fresh rags and warm water. Try to wash the surface without streaking. Perhaps this stage you have to repeat. Pour vinegar into the water to remove the sharp odors and dirt particles.
Tiles can be cleaned using the methods described above. Just first walk on it with a dry cloth to remove construction dust, dried dirt. A cork floor still try to wet less.
Clean porcelain stoneware tiles first with a dry, then moistened rag. If contamination remains, add cleaning powder or paste to the water.
And may your home always be cozy and clean!


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Bona Multi-Surface Floor Care Kit

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Care Kit

How to wash laminate - the basic rules

Like other wood-based finishing materials, laminate requires careful and constant care. About what to wash laminate to shine, as well as other rules of care for the flooring of this type of material will tell our article.

Rules for washing laminate flooring
Since the laminate is only partially made of wood, it is much easier to care for it than for natural wood. However, it is also susceptible to dirt and damage.

Improper care or lack of proper care for laminate over time will lead to the fact that its protective glossy coating will fade, and the surface will be speckled with traces of incorrect cleaning methods. Let's finally try to figure out how and how to clean the floor of the laminate.

how to wash laminate
Wash laminate should be done with special care.

Can I clean the laminate with a steam cleaner?
It is possible, but for this, the napkin for the floor nozzle of the steam cleaner should be folded in half and not include a continuous flow of steam, replacing it with a periodic one.

how to wash laminate to glisten
The photo shows the process of cleaning laminate steam cleaner

Means and tools for washing laminate floor
Before you wash the laminate flooring, you must acquire the appropriate equipment and cleaning products.

A set of everything necessary for washing and cleaning the coating is as follows:

Soft broom broom.
Vacuum cleaner with a brush nozzle also with a soft bristle (see also laminate cleaning vacuum cleaner).
Mop with a sponge.
Bucket with clean hot water.
Special product for cleaning and washing laminate.
How to wash laminate
the better to wash the floors of laminate
When washing laminate it is necessary to use a mop with a soft cloth attachment or a non-abrasive sponge.

As for the washing itself, the instruction for washing the laminate with your own hands provides the following sequence of actions:

To avoid dust and debris on the laminate floor, before washing it should be swept with a broom.
Next, the floor must be carefully vacuumed by putting a brush head on the vacuum cleaner to prevent scratching the laminate (see how to remove scratches on the laminate). Particular attention should be paid to the corners, where usually dust accumulates the most.
Selected cleaning products for laminate is recommended to first test on a small, hidden from the eye area.
If the coating is sufficiently clean and remains intact, it can be used to clean the entire floor.

According to the instructions for use detergent should be diluted in water.
Then moisten the mop with water, squeeze the sponge well and wipe a small part of the floor. After that, rinse the sponge in water again, wring it out and wipe the next section of the floor. Likewise, it is necessary to wash the entire floor.
If necessary (according to the instructions), you may need to replace the detergent solution in the bucket with ordinary clean water and re-wipe the floor, rinsing the mop in plain water.

what can wash laminate
After washing the laminate with a foaming solution, the floor should be re-wiped with a clean, slightly moistened mop so that no whitish spots remain.

In order to avoid divorces on the washed floor, during washing it is necessary to change the water in the bucket more often and squeeze the sponge harder.

Laminate Care Products
What is the best way to clean laminate floors? Cleaning products, with the increasing popularity of laminate flooring, is becoming more and more.

However, really high quality, and most importantly, safe for health, among them not so much. When choosing a detergent, priority should be placed in favor of environmentally friendly, safe for health products, which, however, are often expensive.

If you want to find a cheaper, but equally safe alternative, then we recommend that you purchase a 3-9% solution of distilled white vinegar, add it to a bucket of water and wipe the floor with it.

The price of the solution, compared to the cost of detergents, is simply ridiculous, but cleaning the laminate with its use allows you to get rid of many types of dirt, leaving no divorce and deciding how to wash the laminate to make it shine.

than to wash the laminate floor
How to wash laminate: liquid for washing laminate must be not only effective, but also safe

Laminate Care Rules
In order for the laminate to maintain its original gloss and purity longer, care for it must be carried out according to the following rules:

Before cleaning the laminate with the use of soap cleaning solutions, you should consider whether such a solution will not leave whitish spots on the floor.
Brush and scoop for everyday quick cleaning of dust and dirt that appeared on the laminate should always be at hand.
To remove stains of various types, as a rule, it is enough to use an alcohol-based window cleaner. It is simply applied to the stain and wiped with a soft, non-abrasive cloth.
Abuse of ammonia containing aerosols is not recommended, as they erase the protective coating of the laminate together with the stain.

better wash laminate
Daily light cleaning will allow the laminate to maintain its brilliance for quite some time.

If something is spilled on the laminate, it must be wiped off as quickly as possible, as long-term contact with moisture can cause damage and deformation of the floor.
After repairs in the room, it is necessary to transfer furniture and other large-sized and heavy objects with extreme caution, since this way the laid laminate is damaged more often in
You should not wax the laminate floor, as the coating may lose its characteristic luster due to this.
Removing stains from different laminates
Now consider how to clean the laminate in the case of the formation of stains on it:

Try to wash the ink stain with a damp cloth with detergent and warm water. If you can not wash it, you need to use a special tool for removing ink stains.
The stain from the marker can be washed off using a soft cloth moistened with white spirit.
If you are interested, the better to wash the laminate stained with blood, we recommend using a spray for washing windows. It is applied to a blood stain and then wiped with a damp cloth.
how to wash laminate to shine
Spirits stains are removed from the laminate with a cloth moistened with denatured alcohol.

Black stripes from the shoe soles and heels are rubbed with a pencil eraser or with a solution of baking soda in water.
As already mentioned, most of the other types of stains can be removed from the laminate by means of a window cleaner.

So, we looked at how to wash laminate with simple daily care, as well as the appearance of various types of stains on the floor. Whatever it was, this type of finish requires careful attitude. Therefore, aggressive and abrasive agents for its washing should be categorically excluded.

The rest of the care of laminated flooring is simple and, as a rule, creates no more trouble than any other practical coating. You can learn more about the choice of detergents and laminate cleaning procedure from the thematic training video.


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Bona Stone, Tile and Laminate

Bona Stone, Tile and Laminate

Why is it worth washing the floor with salt?

Clean the floor from dirt and energy from the negative!

Cleanliness in an apartment or house is important for any owner. Each is individually adapted for cleaning, using various options and methods. No less important is the personal energy. To do this, use a variety of traditional methods with the use of everyday tools. The most versatile option is table salt, which will help clean the surface from dirt, and the house - from the negative effects.

salt cleaning

For the purpose of disinfection
The content of the article

For the purpose of disinfection
Magical use
In which cases you can not wash the floor with salt
Proper preparation of the solution
Salt has a wide range of applications. It is suitable for use not only in cooking. Many housewives, following the popular advice, use the product when carrying out cleaning. Salt helps to cope with many dirt on the floor. This tool is the most appropriate and best option in families with young children or allergies.

salt for disinfection

If someone from the household is sick with a cold, washing the floors with salt is an excellent disinfectant. In this case, you need to use warm water close to hot. During the washing process, not only the floor surface is cleaned, but the air in the room is also disinfected.

Reference: salt is also useful when cleaning furniture or washing clothes.

Floor cleaning with salt has a large list of benefits. Using this ingredient makes the flooring more brilliant and updated. Separately, it is noted that after such a cleaning, dirt and dust are much less deposited on the surface.

Addition: salt - the best option when cleaning the kitchen. It will help remove stains from grease, oil and other products.

Magical use
Many people carefully monitor the state of internal energy and aura surrounding the house. Negative energy in the apartment has a negative impact on households and family relationships. This can lead to frequent illness of family members and pets, money leaks, irritability and regular quarrels. You can cope with a bad aura and clean the apartment with salt. It is considered a strong magical product, which is often used during many rituals.

clean the negative with salt

Before cleaning it is recommended to open the windows so that there is a draft in the room. It is advisable to get rid of things that have not been used for more than a year. To enhance the effect, a repeated procedure is required, which is carried out after 3 days.

After the usual cleaning, the final step is to clean the floors with brine. The floor is washed from the window to the threshold, thereby driving away the negative from your home.

In conclusion, you should wash under running water and wash the clothes in which the cleaning was carried out.

To maintain positive energy in the apartment to carry out a similar procedure is recommended several times a year.

If for some reason it is not possible to wash the floor with brine, you can replace this ritual with another option.

put salt in the bags

Spread 3-4 tablespoons in small buns and put them open in each corner of the room. Leave for 3 days. Salt "absorbs" all the negative of your home. According to custom, “dirty” salt should be burned or “given to water”. Of course, it is not necessary to burn anything, but simply to tie the bags and take it out with the garbage.

In which cases you can not wash the floor with salt
Not every type of flooring is suitable for such use. Before carrying out it is recommended to make sure that washing the floors with the use of salt does not harm the material.

floor washing with salt

Unsuitable coating:

Granite is one of the most durable and sturdy materials. It has an attractive appearance, instantly transforms the room, bringing additional decor. However, salt treatment is not recommended. Food may cause damage to the surface of the stone (cracks, scratches). Since it is impossible to get rid of them, you will have to change the coverage.
Marble refers to the durable appearance of stones that have an attractive appearance and special aesthetics. Nevertheless, marble has a rather capricious and fragile structure. When cleaning should use special tools, without the presence of acids or alkalis. Salt in this case is also not suitable, as it can cause scratches and damage.
Important: When cleaning the laminated surface of the salt can cause the appearance of stains. Such stains will not cause significant harm, but will spoil the overall look of the room. Therefore, when preparing a solution, it is important to follow the complete dissolution of the product.

Proper preparation of the solution
An important point in the cleaning process is the proper preparation of the cleaning composition. When using the solution to cleanse the negative impact of any amount, even a small pinch. Add salt should be in warm water, so that it is completely dissolved in the tank. This will help avoid the appearance of divorce.

how to make brine

Tip: for purification from negative energy, you should purchase a separate product packaging that will be used exclusively for these purposes.

When preparing a solution for disinfection, a tablespoon of salt will do. The product must be thoroughly stirred in a bucket of warm water. A mop or soft foam sponge is useful for washing.

No matter for what purpose you will clean the floor with salt - do it in a good mood. Adjust yourself that now you will do something very useful for yourself and your family, your hearth.

To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the bucket with saline solution. All types of citrus oils, eucalyptus or lavender are perfect for this role.

Be healthy and happy!


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Bruce Hardwood & Laminate Floor Cleanr - 64oz Refill - 2 Pack

Bruce Hardwood & Laminate Floor Cleanr - 64oz Refill - 2 Pack

The clerk herself will clean the emergency hospital, where she advised to "wash the floor"

Acting first deputy governor of the Vladimir region, Marina Chekunova, who advised the staff of the emergency hospital in the city of Strunino to "wash the floors" and "hang the curtains", will do a general cleaning in the institution. She reported about it TASS. Volunteers, depot health officials and hospital staff will take part in the cleaning.

The press service of the administration of the Vladimir region reported that Chekunov was the initiator of the action, and the staff of the regional health department and the staff of the polyclinic would be responsible for organizing the cleaning.

Earlier on Saturday, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region, Vyacheslav Kartuhin, said that when approving the candidacy of an official for the post of first deputy head of the region, deputies would take into account her incorrect advice to doctors.

The clerk advised Strunino emergency hospital staff to clean the floors and hang curtains
Recall, on June 7, 2018, residents of Strunin on the Straight Line with the President of Russia complained about the quality of medical care in the city, after which the head of state ordered to overhaul the buildings of the Aleksandrovsky Central District Hospital in Strunin, as well as a children's clinic. Responsibility for the execution of the assignment was assigned to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and the report on the repair until December 31, 2018 was entrusted to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova and then Governor Svetlana Orlova. However, at the end of December, the new Vladimir Governor Vladimir Sipagin asked the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to postpone the execution of instructions to December 2019.

Recently, the Deputy Governor of the Vladimir Region, Marina Chekunova, advised the staff of the emergency hospital in the city of Strunino to "wash the floors" and "hang the curtains." She also said: "I, as if a goldfish, should do everything."