Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Shark Steam Energized Multi-Floor Hard Floor Cleanser - New Look 20oz 3 Pack

Shark Steam Energized Multi-Floor Hard Floor Cleanser - New Look 20oz 3 Pack

Shark Steam Energized Multi-Floor Hard Floor Cleanser - New Look 20oz 3 Pack

How to clean the floors properly?

The question "How to clean the floor?" May seem ridiculous. Indeed, what is there to be able to? Take a bucket, wet it with a rag and wash it off the dirt from the floor - that’s the whole simple principle of operation. In fact, in this simple case there are certain rules and secrets, knowing about which you can easily cope not only with the usual wet cleaning, but also with the floor cleaning after repair.

So, how to clean the floors properly?

Before you wash the floor, you need to remove everything unnecessary from it: roll the rug and rugs, take chairs, stools, toy baskets, floor vases and flower pots out of the room or pick them up.
Then you should carry out a dry cleaning of the floor: sweep with a brush, a broom or vacuuming (in the dry mode!), While not forgetting about hard-to-reach places - under the bed, sofa, wardrobe. Dust accumulates there abound, and it will not hesitate to fly out, making cleaning meaningless. Thorough dry cleaning is the key to a successful wet. You should not hope that the dust will collect on the rag during washing the floor - it will actually collect on it, but the floor after such a cleaning will remain covered with dirty stains.
You should start washing from the corner farthest from the entrance, then rinse the floor areas near the walls and baseboards (it is better to do this manually, as mops often “do not take” these places) and gradually move to the center and then to the exit.
The floor is wiped with a well-wrung cloth or mop, then there will be no streaks. And to achieve perfect purity, you can change the water in the bucket and wipe the floors again.
Secrets of caring for floors, depending on the type of coating

Before you take up the wet cleaning of the floor, you need to consider the type of coverage. Parquet, concrete, tile, painted floor, covered with linoleum or cork - each type of floor requires a special approach to it.

The most unpretentious in the care of the floors, covered with tile, linoleum, self-leveling or painted. They can be easily washed with warm water with a universal detergent: they are only afraid of abrasive particles and hard scouring pads that scratch the surface. By the way, abrasives and scourers are contraindicated for almost any floor except, perhaps, floors made of concrete or porcelain.
Parquet can not be wet with much water. First, you need to vacuum the parquet floor or sweep it with a soft brush, and then wash it with a special tool with a damp, well-wrung cloth or mop. Wet cleaning requires parquet infrequently, several times a year, for the rest of the time it is sufficient to do thorough dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
Cork floors also do not tolerate abundant moisture; a soft cloth or sponge is suitable for washing them; besides, the cork is very fond of dry vacuuming: it cleans the pores on the surface of such a floor well. But the washing vacuum cleaner is contraindicated in such a floor.
Laminate is another “non-lover” of water, although in recent years water resistant species have begun to appear. This floor is washed well wrung soft cloth with a special tool for laminate floors.
To wash the unpainted wooden floor, you will need hot water with a special tool for the wooden floor and a stiff brush that will literally scrape its surface.
My floor after repair

During repair, the floor gets the most, it is there that whitewash gets, drops of glue, plaster, etc. Certainly, they try to protect the floor: they are covered with newspapers or oilcloth, but anyway after the repair work is completed, it will need thorough cleaning:

first you need to clean the floor with warm water to wash away all global pollution, as well as the spots and marks that appeared that were not visible in a dry state;
then follows a scraper, scourer or cloth (depending on the type of flooring and resistance of dirt) to clean off the remaining traces of whitewash, putty, glue drops, etc .;
at the final stage, the floor is again washed with warm water with a special agent, finally eliminating the remnants of pollution.
The better to mop the floor?

Each housewife decides for herself how it is more convenient for her to wash the floor - someone prefers to do it with a mop, someone with a rag. However, it should be noted that washing the floor with your hands is not only a way to bring cleanliness, but also a kind of physical exercise, so with a sedentary lifestyle this way of cleaning the floor will be very useful. In addition, the narrow gaps, corners, and areas near the baseboards are inaccessible to the mop - it is better to wipe them manually with a rag.

Mop the floor, of course, easier, but there are some secrets:

first of all it is necessary to wet the mop well and even better to squeeze, and then proceed directly to bathing. Even the floors that are not afraid of moisture should not be wetted too much: instead of a clean surface in this case there will be dirty stains;
when washing a textured floor (for example, a rough tile, wood), in order to better remove dirt with a mop, you need to make movements like when drawing eight;
After the floor shines with cleanliness, rinse the mop in clean water, squeeze it well and put it to dry so that the soft tip of the mop does not deform. If it is removable, it is better to dry it separately.
It is necessary to return to the place the lifted chairs and the rolled-up carpet only after the floor completely dries.

Means for washing the floor, there are a great many, however, someone the old-fashioned way continues to use grandmother's advice and to wash the floors with solutions of vinegar, soda, laundry soap or ammonia. Some creative housewives use dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent. Of course, the choice of floor cleaner is a personal matter of the hostess, but then you should not be surprised that the house smells bad, the floor surface ceased to shine, and the family members were allergic due to the fact that there were residues of detergents on the floor. The UNICUM universal floor cleaner will help to cope with floor washing quickly and efficiently, not to damage the floor surface and not to harm those who live in the house. It is suitable for imparting cleanliness and shine to all types of moisture resistant floor coverings. The tool does not leave behind a divorce, suitable for cleaning the floors in the house, as well as on the terrace or an open veranda. Does not require rinsing and creates a protective nano-coating that prevents the appearance of damage to the floor, prevents the accumulation of dust and dirt on it. For washing laminate flooring and wood floors, it is necessary to use highly specialized UNICUM products for this type of coating.

Cleaning the floor is easy, especially if you remember the rules of such cleaning, which will make it as simple and effective as possible.
