Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 27 fl oz, 3 ct

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 27 fl oz, 3 ct

Pledge Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner, Lemon, 27 fl oz, 3 ct

How to wash the floors in large rooms?

Private enterprises, hotels, supermarkets and restaurants - in these places there is a huge flow of people. Unfortunately, in such conditions, the room may lose its aesthetic appearance. Dirt, dust, caustic stains - all this becomes a real stigma on the reputation of the institution and a threat to the health of workers.

In residential buildings, there is also a problem of pollution, and in emergency situations it is necessary to clean it as soon as possible. But this cannot be achieved if there are no suitable detergents in your arsenal, then the cleanliness of your home is at risk.

Under production conditions, stains from oil, tires, working tools, etc. may form on the floor. Conventional fluid and classic cleaners cannot remove such contaminants. In supermarkets, the problem takes on a different character: most often there are traces of shoes, food stains and so on. The owners of such establishments already know the way out, how to quickly clean the floor from this kind of problem.

Detergent for floors: cleaning of all types of surfaces
Both for a classical sink, and for cleaning of difficult spots, professional chemistry is applied. These tools penetrate the structure of the stain, destroy the molecular bond, and in a matter of seconds remove it. The peculiarity is that for each type of pollution a special type of chemical is applied. means. Alternatives option for all stains - universal chemical means.

Today, Kenolux solutions are very popular. This floor cleaning solution penetrates the deep layers of the stain, and thanks to a chemical reaction, the surface is cleaned very quickly. To prepare the cleaning solution Kenolux use standard concentrations: 1:50 or 1: 100. If individual sensitivity is present, lower concentrations are used. This is observed if the formula of the cleaner includes alkali or acid.

Some solutions contain glycerin, which creates a protective film around the hands. This property is important for products that are used for mechanical cleaning.

Suppose we wash the floor, and we need to prepare 20 liters of cleaning solution. In this case, add 20 ml of detergent to 20 liters of water. The advantages of solutions from Kenolux :

rapid activation of components and penetration into the structure of the spot;
high efficiency at any type of pollution;
action with minimal concentrations;
used for both manual and automated cleaning.
You can buy detergents for the floor in the online store or in the supermarket. Pay attention to the brand of the manufacturer, packaging and purpose of the tool. Solutions Kenolux can be found in containers of 20, 10, 5 liters and less.

One tank is enough for a long time, and you do not need to use special brushes and other equipment. Each Kenolux product is fully compliant with European standards.

Such solutions are ideal for any type of contact surface: wooden floor , asphalt, tile, parquet, laminate, linoleum, and so on.

Cleaning the floor with detergent
During the experiment, it was found that household chemicals clean the surface 80% worse. At the same time, stains remain in the spot area, and the surface color changes. On the contrary, professional floor cleaning products completely eliminate stains in minutes.

There are several ways to get rid of dirty traces: automatic cleaning and mechanical removal. In the latter case, stains are removed by a cleaner. First of all, the necessary solution is prepared, after which the product is thoroughly rubbed into the spot area. Cleaning continues after 15 minutes. So, we wait for the activation of the solution and its penetration into the structure of the spot. After several movements, the cheek stain will be completely eliminated. This type of cleaning is ideal for small spaces: private houses and apartments.

Automatic stain removal
In this case, the process involves a special technique, which includes a floor washer. This method is used if you need to process a large area. For example, a trading hall, an enterprise, a hotel, and so on.

In this case, the floor washing machine has no equal. Within one hour, you can treat an area of ​​500 m2. The solution is prepared in the same way, but the technical characteristics of the machine are taken into account. The solution is poured into a special tank, after which you can begin to work. Scrubber-dryers are ideal for all types of coatings, but this is already determined by the specific device model.

It is customary to distinguish several types of floor cleaning machines:

Wireless. These machines have a battery that provides autonomous operation. They are more practical, but have power limitations. The machine can work in a large area.
Network. Such machines are powered by external sources. The main disadvantage is that efficiency is limited by cable length. They are less practical, but more economical.
There are also robotic cars, where people are not involved. The device can analyze the territory, identify and eliminate pollution, even over a large area. The advantage is that human labor is minimized. The operator can operate the device while driving in a sitting or standing position. So, cleaning is more dynamic and efficient.

The operator can also direct the machine, pushing it with its own forces.

Cleaning is carried out thanks to mechanical cheeks, a detergent supply system and dirt suction. In a matter of seconds, the machine performs several manipulations at once, leaving a clean mark behind.

The advantage is that inaccessible areas are cleaned, as well as areas with poor visibility. Traditional detergents are used to clean surfaces that require special care: wood floors, parquet and laminate.

Detergent for the floor not only eliminates very difficult stains, but also creates the effect of protection against further adhesion of dust and dirt. At the end of the day or in emergency situations, the cleaning solution will do all the work for you and save you time and money.
