Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Stone, Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Why do you need to wash the floors after the removal of the coffin

Our ancestors treated the wires to the “last way” very scrupulously. Many rituals are associated with this ritual and superstitions: how exactly to carry out the dead man, what to do after this, etc. Let us dwell on such a thing as washing floors after the removal of the coffin from the house. How to do it according to all canons, so as not to bring misfortune to the house.

Signs associated with mopping after removal of the body
The content of the article

Signs associated with mopping after removal of the body
How to clean the floor for the dead
Why you can not wash the floor on the road
It is believed that the house in which a person died, becomes "unclean." To clean it from bad energy, you need to wash the floors. Do it right.

how to clean the floor for the dead

What are the consequences of ignoring the rules of washing floors after the removal of the body:

Luck will bypass this house side.
Residents will be haunted by nightmares.
Technique will work poorly and break.
Residents will fall ill, until death.
Misfortune can happen to the house.
In the air there will be a "heavy" energy, provoking discord.
Accidents are possible.
The Orthodox Church does not consider this tradition to be superstition and strongly recommends it to everyone to follow it. The fact is that the soul remains on Earth for another 40 days. If you perform all the rituals correctly, she will forget the way home, and go to the afterlife.

Also, the clergy claim that the procedure of mopping is useful for the household themselves - this will help to cope with the loss. It doesn’t matter if the dead person was a religionist or atheist. The procedure is required.

How to clean the floor for the dead
To start cleaning while the body is still in the house is prohibited. So you disturb the soul of the deceased.
Be sure to add salt to the water to neutralize all the negative energy. At the same time, you can not use detergents.
Pregnant women, children, and female relatives of the deceased are not allowed to clean. It is advisable to remove them from the house during cleaning.
All inventory used when cleaning, you need to throw. Otherwise the procedure was meaningless.
Wear waterproof gloves and ensure that water does not get into exposed areas of the body. Chance to "pick up" negative.
Do not allow cleaning to unfamiliar strangers.
The person who is not a close blood relative of the deceased should be engaged in washing.
In the house should not be everything related to the funeral.
It is necessary to take out all the personal belongings of the deceased so that the soul does not find a loophole back.
It is advisable to change the water several times during cleaning.
The one who carried out the cleaning should leave the house, upon its completion, and close the door behind him.

Why you can not wash the floor on the road
do not mop the road

There is more than one superstition associated with cleaning a house on the road. If you start to wash the floors immediately after the person has left you, you can bring trouble on him.

In a place with all the rubbish cleaned and memories of the left man. It is better to wait until he gets to the destination, and then start cleaning.
If you wash the floor after matchmaking, then it is likely that the wedding will not take place.
If a relative has gone on a long journey, then it is recommended not to wash the floors for 3 days so that his trip goes smoothly.
After the visit, guests are also not recommended to start floor cleaning. Firstly, it is dangerous because an accident could happen during the trip home. Secondly, the guests may have a negative impression of you, and they will forget the way to your home for a long time.
It is necessary to wash the floors on the road only if the person who visited you was extremely unpleasant. So you remove all the negative that he brought with him, and scare him away from your doorstep.

Apparently, floor cleaning has a sacred meaning. Thanks to him, the soul of the deceased forgets the way home, and goes to the kingdom of the dead. But, the same can be said about the living. By washing the floors, you can not only bring unhappiness along the way, but also keep people away from your home forever.
