Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Swiffer Wood Floor Solution, Blossom Breeze, 42.2 Ounce - 2 pk

Swiffer Wood Floor Solution, Blossom Breeze, 42.2 Ounce - 2 pk

Swiffer Wood Floor Solution, Blossom Breeze, 42.2 Ounce - 2 pk

How to wash the floor and choose a mop?


Today we will talk how to choose a mop. If earlier it was of the same type - a wooden stick with a crossbar on which a rag clings, today, when choosing an assistant for wet cleaning, the eyes diverge: rope, sponge, butterfly, steam - which mop to choose for the house?

The word translated from German means "bast that is hooked onto a stick." We will tell you how to choose a mop for the house that will wash the floors better than others.

Houses dirty floors? Do not rush to despondency! Modern, convenient and practical mops for every taste and wallet will help you quickly and efficiently solve this problem. But if you decide to buy a new mop is very easy, then choosing your only assistant among the huge variety is not so simple. We will help you with this by holding a small MOP .

So, almost all modern mops have mops. Mops - These are special nozzles that can be made of various materials. For example, there is a mop rope, rag, flat. There are mops quite complex multi-layer construction.

The handles of modern mops are also very diverse: they are chrome and plastic, aluminum, all-metal, hollow or telescopic. Telescopic handle allows you to adjust the mop to your height.

There are mops with a built-in bottle-sprinkler, where you can pour detergent.

Let us dwell on the most popular types of mops.


Despite the large selection of more modern designs, we will not write off the old grandmother's mop.

The construction of a traditional mop is very simple - a wooden handle, and at the end there is a slat on which a floor cleaning cloth is put.

A wooden mop washes all surfaces, and the quality of cleaning will largely depend on the cloth you choose for cleaning floors. And, as they say reviews about mops, the best thing to cope with this "old t-shirt husband" or a terry towel old. You can also buy in the departments of household chemicals special rag for the floor.

So, for the laminate it is best to use a microfiber cloth - there will be no streaks or excess moisture.

The disadvantages of a traditional mop are that it is less manoeuvrable compared to some modern specimens, it also does not always penetrate under the bedside tables and beds, and you need to wring it out with your hands, which many hostesses do not like.


Spin mops are the most popular, as the manufacturers took care of the housewives, saving them from the need to bend down and wet their hands with water to rinse the cloth. But it should be borne in mind that for mops with spinning, you must buy a special bucket separately.

Sponge MOP
The design is a telescopic (folding, sliding) handle, which is very convenient, since you can adjust the height of the mop; at the bottom there is a sponge attachment and a handle mechanism for squeezing water.

Mops with a sponge-roller are most often found in blue and with a squeeze device. Sponge-nozzles come in different stiffness. The sponge is soaked well before the first use.

Advantages of mops with a spongy nozzle in the form of a roller:

Mops with a sponge are well cleaned vinyl floors.
They are very convenient for gathering threads from the floor, hair and wool of domestic living creatures.
It is very easy for her to collect spilled water - advertising promises up to 90% of moisture absorption.
It has automatic spin - no need to wet hands.
Spongy nozzle is small and soft, so it crawls everywhere. It is very convenient for her to wash under bed-closets.
Also, these mops are convenient to apply or remove wax on the vinyl floor.
The sponge nozzle can be replaced when worn.
The disadvantages of mops with sponge nozzle in the form of a roller:

Mops with a sponge are also suitable for wooden and marble floors.
Some say that a sponge-mop mop leaves stains. But it is quite possible that this is due to the floor cleaner that is used, or the sponges themselves can be initially soaked with some means.
A mop consists of a handle, to the end of which a nozzle with cotton or polyester ropes is attached. Included with this mop is necessarily a bucket - it is located in it a basket for pressing. Before you wash the floor with a rope mop, it is dipped into water, then lowered into a basket to squeeze out excess water and, rotating in a circle, squeeze.

For those who are looking for how to choose a rope mop, you should pay attention to the spinning and spinning system. This is a very convenient function, as the water starts to be wrung out when you press a special pedal on the bucket body - the basket rotates and the water from the ropes is wrung out automatically.

Rope mop will appeal to those who are looking for a maneuverable assistant - it easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places, but for those who are looking for which to choose a mop for laminate, this option will not work.

As they say all the reviews about the rope squeegees, no matter how hard you try, the nozzle with the ropes remains quite wet, leaving a lot of stains. In addition to these shortcomings, they also note that a lot of villi are scattered from cotton strings. Therefore, this mop can not be called an excellent choice for cleaning.

The ideal option for washing all types of surfaces, we believe a professional mop, butterfly . Its cost is quite high, but after spending 1 time, you will find yourself a helper for many years.

The mop-butterfly consists of a universal telescopic handle and a working platform on which mops are mounted - cloths for washing floors. They can be of different composition - microfiber, terry cotton, wafer, combined, with rope loops, usual flat rubber or synthetic sponges, disposable dry or impregnated.

Especially worth noting microfiber nozzles (microfiber). It is believed that high-quality microfiber is able to draw in, take into its structure any pollution, dust, and even microparticles and microorganisms, as the capillaries of plants absorb water and nutrients.

These tips can be used without any chemicals. The microfiber produced by modern technologies allows using only water for cleaning surfaces. This is especially important for allergies and the health of babies.

Also mop with a microfiber nozzle can be used for dry cleaning. Indeed, many housewives prefer not to bother with picking up and dismantling a vacuum cleaner, and without thinking twice, they try to speed up the process of cleaning the floor, while at the same time sweeping and washing the floors at once.

A typical platform has a length of 30-40 centimeters. But platforms can be very large (professional), longer than half a meter.

Nozzles can be attached to the platform with special velcro, pockets, zippers or pegs.

The platform on which mops are mounted rotates around its axis, so the mop easily penetrates any hard-to-reach places, perfectly gathers moisture and leaves no streaks on the floor.

The mop can be equipped with a mechanical spin system - the pad folds up like butterfly wings and is wrung out. But, as the reviews say about mops-butterflies, there is no need in the system of mechanical spinning - mops (tips on the pad) are small in size, they are easily removed, quickly rinsed and perfectly pressed by hands.

As you can see, a mop is far from just a wooden stick with a rag. This is a modern device that facilitates cleaning. How to choose a mop for the house - you decide, of course. We hope that our review will help you navigate and make the right choice.
