Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Care Kit

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Care Kit

Bona Multi-Surface Floor Care Kit

How to wash laminate - the basic rules

Like other wood-based finishing materials, laminate requires careful and constant care. About what to wash laminate to shine, as well as other rules of care for the flooring of this type of material will tell our article.

Rules for washing laminate flooring
Since the laminate is only partially made of wood, it is much easier to care for it than for natural wood. However, it is also susceptible to dirt and damage.

Improper care or lack of proper care for laminate over time will lead to the fact that its protective glossy coating will fade, and the surface will be speckled with traces of incorrect cleaning methods. Let's finally try to figure out how and how to clean the floor of the laminate.

how to wash laminate
Wash laminate should be done with special care.

Can I clean the laminate with a steam cleaner?
It is possible, but for this, the napkin for the floor nozzle of the steam cleaner should be folded in half and not include a continuous flow of steam, replacing it with a periodic one.

how to wash laminate to glisten
The photo shows the process of cleaning laminate steam cleaner

Means and tools for washing laminate floor
Before you wash the laminate flooring, you must acquire the appropriate equipment and cleaning products.

A set of everything necessary for washing and cleaning the coating is as follows:

Soft broom broom.
Vacuum cleaner with a brush nozzle also with a soft bristle (see also laminate cleaning vacuum cleaner).
Mop with a sponge.
Bucket with clean hot water.
Special product for cleaning and washing laminate.
How to wash laminate
the better to wash the floors of laminate
When washing laminate it is necessary to use a mop with a soft cloth attachment or a non-abrasive sponge.

As for the washing itself, the instruction for washing the laminate with your own hands provides the following sequence of actions:

To avoid dust and debris on the laminate floor, before washing it should be swept with a broom.
Next, the floor must be carefully vacuumed by putting a brush head on the vacuum cleaner to prevent scratching the laminate (see how to remove scratches on the laminate). Particular attention should be paid to the corners, where usually dust accumulates the most.
Selected cleaning products for laminate is recommended to first test on a small, hidden from the eye area.
If the coating is sufficiently clean and remains intact, it can be used to clean the entire floor.

According to the instructions for use detergent should be diluted in water.
Then moisten the mop with water, squeeze the sponge well and wipe a small part of the floor. After that, rinse the sponge in water again, wring it out and wipe the next section of the floor. Likewise, it is necessary to wash the entire floor.
If necessary (according to the instructions), you may need to replace the detergent solution in the bucket with ordinary clean water and re-wipe the floor, rinsing the mop in plain water.

what can wash laminate
After washing the laminate with a foaming solution, the floor should be re-wiped with a clean, slightly moistened mop so that no whitish spots remain.

In order to avoid divorces on the washed floor, during washing it is necessary to change the water in the bucket more often and squeeze the sponge harder.

Laminate Care Products
What is the best way to clean laminate floors? Cleaning products, with the increasing popularity of laminate flooring, is becoming more and more.

However, really high quality, and most importantly, safe for health, among them not so much. When choosing a detergent, priority should be placed in favor of environmentally friendly, safe for health products, which, however, are often expensive.

If you want to find a cheaper, but equally safe alternative, then we recommend that you purchase a 3-9% solution of distilled white vinegar, add it to a bucket of water and wipe the floor with it.

The price of the solution, compared to the cost of detergents, is simply ridiculous, but cleaning the laminate with its use allows you to get rid of many types of dirt, leaving no divorce and deciding how to wash the laminate to make it shine.

than to wash the laminate floor
How to wash laminate: liquid for washing laminate must be not only effective, but also safe

Laminate Care Rules
In order for the laminate to maintain its original gloss and purity longer, care for it must be carried out according to the following rules:

Before cleaning the laminate with the use of soap cleaning solutions, you should consider whether such a solution will not leave whitish spots on the floor.
Brush and scoop for everyday quick cleaning of dust and dirt that appeared on the laminate should always be at hand.
To remove stains of various types, as a rule, it is enough to use an alcohol-based window cleaner. It is simply applied to the stain and wiped with a soft, non-abrasive cloth.
Abuse of ammonia containing aerosols is not recommended, as they erase the protective coating of the laminate together with the stain.

better wash laminate
Daily light cleaning will allow the laminate to maintain its brilliance for quite some time.

If something is spilled on the laminate, it must be wiped off as quickly as possible, as long-term contact with moisture can cause damage and deformation of the floor.
After repairs in the room, it is necessary to transfer furniture and other large-sized and heavy objects with extreme caution, since this way the laid laminate is damaged more often in
You should not wax the laminate floor, as the coating may lose its characteristic luster due to this.
Removing stains from different laminates
Now consider how to clean the laminate in the case of the formation of stains on it:

Try to wash the ink stain with a damp cloth with detergent and warm water. If you can not wash it, you need to use a special tool for removing ink stains.
The stain from the marker can be washed off using a soft cloth moistened with white spirit.
If you are interested, the better to wash the laminate stained with blood, we recommend using a spray for washing windows. It is applied to a blood stain and then wiped with a damp cloth.
how to wash laminate to shine
Spirits stains are removed from the laminate with a cloth moistened with denatured alcohol.

Black stripes from the shoe soles and heels are rubbed with a pencil eraser or with a solution of baking soda in water.
As already mentioned, most of the other types of stains can be removed from the laminate by means of a window cleaner.

So, we looked at how to wash laminate with simple daily care, as well as the appearance of various types of stains on the floor. Whatever it was, this type of finish requires careful attitude. Therefore, aggressive and abrasive agents for its washing should be categorically excluded.

The rest of the care of laminated flooring is simple and, as a rule, creates no more trouble than any other practical coating. You can learn more about the choice of detergents and laminate cleaning procedure from the thematic training video.
