Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, to Go Pack!, 9 ct. (6 Pack)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, to Go Pack!, 9 ct. (6 Pack)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, to Go Pack!, 9 ct. (6 Pack)

How to properly disinfect the apiary

In order to create healthy apiaries and to obtain high-quality sanitary products of beekeeping, beekeepers need to regularly (at least once a year) carry out veterinary and sanitary measures in their apiaries, in which disinfection is a necessary link.

Disinfection in apiaries is carried out both with the preventive purpose, and forcedly - with the aim of eliminating the source of the disease.
The objects of disinfection in apiaries are beehives, honeycombs, equipment, equipment, beekeeper overalls, winter workers, storage facilities, as well as the territory of the apiary (pre-kiln platforms), drinking bowls, wax and wax.

Disinfection consists of two successive operations:
1. Mechanical cleaning, which removes dirt from the surfaces of the walls and bottom of hives, frames, etc.
2. Actually disinfection - surface treatment with disinfectant solutions.

1. Mechanical cleaning

During the beekeeping season, pollution consisting of residues of wax, propolis, bee feces, which contain billions of spores and vegetative cells of causative agents of infectious diseases of bees, accumulates on the surface of hives, somatoramok, beekeeping equipment, clothing of the beekeeper, etc. Solutions of disinfectants applied to such contaminated surfaces do not penetrate due to the strong surface tension of the liquid, which makes the disinfection process ineffective. Therefore, to achieve a more reliable result, all contamination must be removed and the surfaces should be degreased.

Before starting work, to prevent the dispersion of pathogens of infectious diseases, the walls, bottoms and hay frames must be irrigated with a weak solution of disinfectant. After 5-10 minutes, using a chisel or metal scraper, carefully clean the traces of excrement, wax growths, propolis and other contaminants. From the bottom of the hives collected podmor, debris and be sure to burn.

Then the hives are washed with hot water with the addition of detergent powder (2 tablespoons per bucket of water), washed with water and dried.

Empty soto frames (free from honey and perga) are sorted, old (dark) honeycombs, as well as honeycombs with moldy perga, fermented honey, contaminated by bees excrements, dead bees in the cells, and damaged mice are rejected to overflow. Wooden planks sotoramok, suitable for further use, thoroughly cleaned from contamination, wax, propolis, bee faeces and put in a room inaccessible to bees.

After completion of the mechanical cleaning of the objects proceed to disinfection.

2. Preventive disinfection.

For prophylactic disinfection of hives, frames and other equipment, prepare one of the disinfecting solutions of the following composition:

5% solution of soda ash>: 500 grams of soda ash is dissolved in 10 liters of hot (50-70 ºС) water and thoroughly stirred.
2% sodium hydroxide solution: 200 g (1 cup) is dissolved in 10 liters of hot (50-70 ºС) water and thoroughly stirred.
3% solution of ash liquor. For what they take 6 kg of wood ash and 1 kg of freshly-boiled lime and pour 10 liters of water. The solution is incubated for 24 hours with 3-4 single stirring. For disinfection use pooled top layer of alkaline solution.
For preventive disinfection sotoramok prepare:
1% hydrogen peroxide solution, acidified with acetic or formic acid (110 ml of a 33% solution of perhydrol are taken per 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoonful of acetic or formic acid is added).

After mechanical cleaning, washing and drying, beehives and wooden planks from rejected combs are transferred to a concrete or well-compacted area and irrigated with the prepared solution. It is applied from any type of sprayers until the surfaces of the treated objects are moistened evenly.

To increase the efficiency of disinfection, it is desirable to use hot (50-70ºС) disinfecting solutions. 3 hours after treatment, the hives and wooden planks are washed with water and dried.

Sotorams suitable for further use are irrigated from sprays of any type until they are uniformly moistened, folded into hives with closed tap holes, covered with lids and left for three hours. After the processing time, the cells are dried in a room out of reach of bees.

In the absence of disinfecting agents, the hives and wooden slats from the frames can be disinfected by burning with a blowtorch, a gas burner to even (light brown) browning, or use a building dryer (heat gun). Thermogun - modern replacement of a blowtorch, creates air temperature up to 650ºС.

If infectious diseases occur in the apiary (American and European foulbrood, ascospherosis, aspergillosis, saccular brood, chronic viral paralysis, Nozematosis), along with medical measures, they conduct forced disinfection.

3. Forced disinfection.

Empty hives, sotoramki and other equipment after mechanical cleaning disinfect:
- 10% hydrogen peroxide solution, acidified with formic or acetic acid (1100 ml of 33% solution of perhydrol are taken per 1 l of water and 1 tablespoon of acetic or formic acid is added). Apply it on the treated surface of the fine sprayer to their abundant, uniform moisture. Then processed sotoramki and other inventory is placed in empty (clean) hives, covered with roofs, cover the ventilation holes, and leave for 4 hours;

- formaldehyde vapors: at the bottom (preferably in a corner), previously cleaned, washed and dried hive, put a glass container into which 45 ml of formalin and 20 ml of water are poured. Then the sotarams prepared for disinfection are placed in it (leaving a small space above the formalin container), the hive caps are tightly closed, the slots are sealed. The hive is covered with a lid, after which they take 30 g of potassium permanganate, raise the hive lid over the place where the formalin container is located, quickly pour the permanganate into the container and tightly close the lid.

It should be remembered that when potassium permanganate is added, formaldehyde vapor emission starts instantly! Therefore, when using this method of disinfection, the following precautions should be observed: add potassium permanganate at arm's length from the container, hands should be protected by gloves, and upper respiratory tract - by a respirator.

After 2 hours, the capacity is removed, and the residual formaldehyde on the comb is neutralized by spraying the treated somatorams with 5% ammonia solution.

After disinfection, beehives, honeycombs, etc., the inventory is washed with water and dried. Dry, decontaminated somatorams should be stored separately from the discarded frames and wax obtained from sick families.

With Nosema, empty somato frames can be disinfected with acetic acid vapors (80% concentration). At the same time, empty soto frames from patients with Nosematosis of bee colonies are placed in a hive with closed gaps, on which an empty store extension is placed, where an open glass container with an acid at the rate of 200 ml of acid is placed on one case with a sushi, the shop hive is sealed from above. Disinfection is carried out for 4-5 days. After the expiration of the exposure, airing the somatorams is carried out in the open air for 3-5 days.

Hive batties, bathrobes, towels and overalls are disinfected in this way:
- boiling in a 3% solution of soda ash or zonal lye for 30 minutes;
- immersion in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 3 hours, or 10% formalin solution for 4 hours, or 1% solution of activated chloramine for 2 hours.

After disinfection, the canvases, clothing, etc. are washed in water and dried.
Metal small beekeeping stock can be ignited on fire.
The culled honeycombs are burned or melted to wax separately from the wax raw materials from healthy bee colonies. The resulting wax is stored separately in a tightly closed container and sent for technical purposes, Merv and heat burned.
Honey and pollen (pollen) obtained from such families are stored in a sealed container and sold only for food purposes. Using them for feeding bees is prohibited.
Beehives, beekeeping equipment, overalls, honey extractors, honey containers and other apiary accessories are not recommended to be transferred from one apiary to another without prior disinfection.

Precautionary measures

It is advisable to carry out all work on disinfection during the period of minimal flight activity of bees or away from the main summer of bees, on a concrete or well-packed area with a shed and a closed pit for sewage.
Use personal protective equipment: clothing, rubber boots and gloves, respirator, goggles.
Compliance with these recommendations will minimize the risk of occurrence and spread of infectious diseases of bees in apiaries.


Green Works Compostable Cleaning Wipes, Biodegradable Cleaning Wipes - Original Fresh, 90 Count

Green Works Compostable Cleaning Wipes, Biodegradable Cleaning Wipes - Original Fresh, 90 Count

Green Works Compostable Cleaning Wipes, Biodegradable Cleaning Wipes - Original Fresh, 90 Count

Disinfection measures in the foci of tuberculosis

The problem of preventing tuberculosis does not lose its relevance, which is associated with the continuing high incidence of this infection among the population, as well as the formation of the resistance of the pathogen to drugs and disinfectants.

Disinfection measures are one of the areas of nonspecific tuberculosis prevention. The complexity of their implementation in tuberculosis is due to the high resistance of tuberculosis pathogens to physical and chemical agents, their long-term survival on / in environmental objects, the variety of transmission mechanisms and many objects around the patient to be disinfected: air, tableware, sputum, the discharge of patients , food debris, linen, patient care items, indoor surfaces, etc. Each of these objects requires an individual approach to its decontamination (the choice of odes, tools, processing technology, modes). At home, the current and final disinfection is carried out at the bacillus separator.

The current disinfection is organized since the detection of the bacillus by the TB dispensary or the outpatient clinic physician. The current disinfection is carried out systematically throughout the duration of the stay of the bacillus separator at home. It is organized by the tuberculosis dispensary or the tuberculosis departments of outpatient clinics through district sisters. If necessary, TB dispensaries and TB departments of outpatient clinics provide patients with the use of pocket spittoon vessels, care products, and disinfectants. The current disinfection in the tuberculous foci is carried out by the patients themselves or by the persons around them (in no case are children) under the systematic control of the staff of the tuberculosis dispensary or the polyclinic.

Final disinfection is carried out immediately in all cases after the temporary or permanent disposal of the bacilli carrier (placement of the patient in a medical institution, his departure to a sanatorium, change of residence, in the event of death of the patient).

Particular attention in the prevention of tuberculosis is given to air disinfection. To reduce the concentration of infectious aerosols in the indoor air, the use of ultraviolet radiation is effective.

Highly significant in the spread of tuberculosis and difficult to disinfect the object is the sputum of patients. The most reliable for disinfecting sputum are chlorinated disinfectants of inorganic and organic nature.

For the disinfection of sputum, it is recommended to use solutions of dichloroisocyanuric acid based salt preparations prepared from tablet forms (Javelion, Newjvel, Javel Solid, Javel-Kleid, Pyurjevel, etc.). The most widely used chemical method for disinfecting indoor surfaces, sanitary equipment, dishes, and laundry. High tuberculocidal activity is manifested by the same chloroactive agents on the basis of sodium dichloroisicianurate, peracid (Clinezin, Septusteril). Ways of carrying out chemical disinfection: irrigation, wiping, immersion in anti-disinfecting solution.

Tableware and linens can also be disinfected by a physical method - boiling.

Physical and combined disinfection methods are widely used for disinfecting objects with tuberculosis - using machines for disinfecting and washing dishes, washing and disinfecting linen: temperature 80-95º С, using washing powders with disinfectant action based on oxygen-containing (the most common drug is hydrogen peroxide) funds, etc.

Of great importance in the prevention of tuberculosis is the chamber processing of personal belongings, underwear, bed linen of patients with tuberculosis, bedding (blankets, mattresses, pillows).

Adequate selection and proper application of methods and disinfectants are key to effective disinfectological prevention of tuberculosis.


Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 15ct

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 15ct

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 15ct

Why do I need disinfection and what is it like?

Disinfection - the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the human environment. IN AND. Vashkov

We all know that there are a huge number of microorganisms that can cause very great harm to humans. To protect people from a variety of infections and diseases requires competent disinfection. Let's try to figure out what disinfection is, what it is, what methods and methods of disinfection exist.

Disinfection is a science that studies the ways and means of destroying the causative agents of infectious diseases on various objects and in various substrates of the external environment.

Disinfection is divided into two types: focal and prophylactic.

Focal disinfection is disinfection in the infectious focus, which in turn is divided into final and current.

Final disinfection
This is a set of measures taken to disinfect the source of an infectious disease. It is carried out once with the use of disinfectants after removing the source of infection from the outbreak: during hospitalization, during recovery, when the patient is discharged, etc. For final disinfection, dezestants and medical workers are responsible.

Current disinfection
Carried out with the aim of destroying and preventing the dispersion of microorganisms in the transmission routes of infection The current disinfection is carried out systematically in all medical institutions, infectious medical institutions.

Preventive disinfection
It is carried out constantly in the absence of infectious diseases in beauty salons, spa centers, baths, swimming pools, saunas, sports clubs, catering establishments, hotels, educational institutions, trade institutions, and industrial enterprises.

There are 5 main methods of disinfection:

Mechanical - provides for the removal of an infected layer of soil or the device flooring.
Physical - treatment with ultraviolet lamps, sources of gamma radiation, boiling. This method is mainly used for intestinal infections. Boiling is used to process linen, dishes, drinking water, toys, food. Ultraviolet irradiation is used to disinfect indoor air in medical and other institutions.
Chemical - The main way consists in destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and destruction of toxins disinfectants.
Combined - based on a combination of several of the listed methods, for example, wet cleaning followed by ultraviolet radiation.
Biological - based on the antagonistic action between various microorganisms, the action of biological agents. It is used at biological stations, during wastewater treatment.
Obligatory disinfection should be subjected to:

all medical instruments and equipment;
tools and equipment for manicure, pedicure and other cosmetic procedures;
surfaces of premises and objects;
the skin of the patient (injection and surgical fields) and the hands of medical personnel.

Only careful disinfection and cleanliness will be able to protect a person from being able to become infected with a huge range of diseases that cause harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. The most stringent requirements for disinfection are always imposed on medical institutions, since the flow of sick people who can spread infections is the largest in them. And only thorough disinfection can prevent serious outbreaks of disease. There are still many public places where the risk of spreading infections is high. If a person who is sick, for example, a fungal disease of the feet comes to a bath, a pool, or a gymnasium, then he can very easily pass on his illness to others. In the manicure and pedicure rooms, the risk of transmission of infections through tools is also increased. The task of the staff is to ensure the safety of their institution and prevent the spread of infection. For this and need disinfection. In addition, every person who thinks about his health should not neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

In the next article we will focus on the chemical method of disinfection. Consider the main types of disinfectants and requirements for them.


Lysol Dual Action Disinfecting Wipes w. Scrubbing Texture, 150ct (2X75ct)

Lysol Dual Action Disinfecting Wipes w. Scrubbing Texture, 150ct (2X75ct)

Lysol Dual Action Disinfecting Wipes w. Scrubbing Texture, 150ct (2X75ct)


Ozone is one of the strongest oxidizing agents, which already in low concentrations has high bactericidal, virucidal and mycicidal properties.
Ozone quite easily oxidizes amino acids - both free and constituent proteins, actively reacts with nucleic acids. Cellular lipids are particularly sensitive to ozone, and to a large extent, those that contain unsaturated fatty acids. Lipids are the main component of the cytoplasmic membrane - the first barrier to the penetration of ozone into the cell. As the ozone dose increases, irreversible changes in the physical and structural state of the membranes occur in the plasma membrane of yeast and bacterial cells, which are associated with oxidative destruction of lipids and proteins.
The effectiveness of the inactivation of microorganisms depends on the activity of the reagent, its concentration and the time of exposure of the drug. The environment in which the microorganism is located plays a major role in disinfection. It easily dies under the action of bactericides in water and in the air, especially if it is not protected by organic and inorganic substrates. Disinfecting the surface or thickness of a material is a much more difficult task. The quality of the surface (smooth, rough), the porosity of the material and the chemical nature of the material, its ability to react with ozone, have a significant impact on the efficiency of this process.
The bactericidal properties of ozone largely depend on humidity. When the relative humidity is below 45%, ozone does not have a noticeable bactericidal effect. The boundary of the optimum of its activity lies between 60-80% humidity.
In a number of works, the bactericidal and mycicidal effect of ozonization of the air of the refrigerating chamber (T = 0.8-2.0 oC) on the concentration of ozone and the duration of ozonation was obtained. Within concentrations of 5–15 mg / m3, the degree of dying off of microorganisms increased with an increase in the ozonation time to 10 hours, and then reached a plateau. The bactericidal effect was 97%, mycocidal - 95%. At a concentration of 20 mg / m3, the number of bacteria decreased by 97-99%, mold fungi - 95-97%.
The Federal Commission for Medical Immunobiological Preparations, Disinfection and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, ozone at a concentration of 1.5-3.5 mg / m3 with disinfection exposure time of 60 minutes is allowed for use for disinfecting air in medical institutions.
CJSC “MELP” produces air ozonizers of the OGNK series for disinfection of air and surfaces of various premises.

The results of processing the area of ​​17 m2 with ozonizer OGNK-2.5

Place of sampling Microbial contamination before ozonation Microbial contamination after ozonation
Isolated microorganism The number of bacteria (CFU / ml) Isolated microorganism The number of bacteria (CFU / ml)
Air S. aureus  2.10 2  S. aureus  0 
B. subtilis 4.10 1 B. subtilis 0
Table (working surface) S. epidermidis  2.10 3  S. epidermidis  0 
E. faecalis 4.10 2 E. faecalis 0
Refrigerator handle S. epidermidis 7.10 2 S. epidermidis 0
Computer keyboard S. epidermidis  2.10 3  S. epidermidis  0 
E. faecalis  4.10 2  E. faecalis  0 
E. coli 4.10 1 E. coli 0
Sink surface B. subtilis  5.10 2  B. subtilis  2.10 2 
E. faecalis 2.10 2 E. faecalis 0


Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pads Plus Scentiva Disinfesting Wipes Value Pack, Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pads Plus Scentiva Disinfesting Wipes Value Pack, Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pads Plus Scentiva Disinfesting Wipes Value Pack, Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine

Determination of the need for disinfectants, sterilizing agents, means for presterilizing cleaning and skin antiseptics

Disinfection of surfaces, furnishings, upholstered furniture is carried out in accordance with the requirements of disinfection measures for various infectious diseases, approved in the prescribed manner.

To determine the need for disinfectants for the treatment of premises, it is necessary to calculate the total area of ​​the inner surface of the room (S) to be disinfected using the formula:

It is taken into account when it comes to processing the ceiling.

Wall area ( ) is calculated by the formula:


a is the floor length;

b - floor width;

h is the height of the room.

It is allowed instead of the height of the room to handle the walls to a height of no more than 2 m.

Disinfection of medical furniture (couches, beds, wheelchairs, mattresses with a special coating, chairs, bedside tables) is carried out in the institutions of a hospital profile in case of discharge or death of an infectious patient.

The surface area of ​​medical furniture to be disinfected ( ), calculated by the formula:


a is the length of the side of the piece of furniture;

b is the width of the side of the piece of furniture;

C - coefficient equal to 1 - 4, depending on how many sides are processed.

The need for a disinfectant for surface treatment during preventive disinfection:


- total amount of disinfectant required for disinfecting surfaces of rooms, l;

N is the consumption rate of the disinfectant solution of the disinfectant (according to the instructions for use of specific products and regulatory documents), ml / m2;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year);

S - the area of ​​the processed internal surfaces, m2;

- the multiplicity of processing per day:

- rooms of the admission department of the surgical hospital - 2 times a day;

- for chambers with purulent-septic diseases and postoperative purulent complications of surgical departments, aseptic chambers - 1 time per day;

- hospitals and departments of newborns and premature babies - 1 time per day;

- changing table, baby scales - after each examination of the newborn;

- operating rooms, delivery rooms - after each operation, the reception of childbirth, if there is one delivery room - 1 time per day in the absence of childbirth;

- postpartum physiological department with separate and joint stay of mother and child, separation of newborns - after the third feeding of newborns;

- Chambers of obstetric hospitals - 1 time per day;

- chambers of infectious departments - 2 times a day.

The need for a disinfectant for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces during general cleaning with a multiplicity of processing 1 time per week:


- the total amount of disinfectant required for disinfecting the surfaces of rooms, l ;.

N is the consumption rate of the disinfectant solution of the disinfectant (according to the instructions for use of specific products and regulatory documents), ml / m2;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

S - the area of ​​the processed internal surfaces, m2;

H - the number of weeks in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year), if the general cleaning is carried out weekly. If cleaning is carried out 1 or 2 times a month, then H is equal to 1 or 2, respectively, and when calculating the number of disinfectants per quarter, semester or year, the calculated monthly volume must be multiplied by the number of months in the quarter, semester, and year, respectively.

In determining the need for disinfecting means for disinfecting sanitary equipment, the external surfaces of technological containers proceed from the standards for calculating the areas of sanitary equipment:

- one bath - 3 m2;

- one toilet bowl or bidet - 0.5 m2;

- one sink - 0.5 m2;

- one shower tray - 1 m2.

The need for a disinfectant to disinfect the surface of sanitary equipment:

- total amount of disinfectant required for disinfection of surfaces of sanitary equipment, l;

N - the rate of consumption of the disinfectant solution (according to the instructions for use of specific drugs and regulations), ml / m2;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

S is the total area of ​​sanitary equipment being processed, m2;

- the multiplicity of processing per day;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

The need for a disinfectant to disinfect the internal surfaces of technological containers (for disinfection, soaking, cleaning):


- total amount of disinfectant required for disinfection of process tanks, l;

- the volume of the disinfectant solution required to fill the containers, l ;.

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

Q is the number of treatments in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for disinfectant for laundry disinfection.

The consumption rate of the working solution of a disinfectant in disinfecting linen contaminated with secretions and blood in infections of bacterial and viral etiology is 4 liters per 1 kg of dry laundry and 5 liters per 1 kg of dry laundry with tuberculosis, cholera and other intestinal infections.

The need for a disinfectant for disinfecting linen:


- total amount of disinfectant for disinfecting linen, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

- consumption rate of disinfectant solution for disinfecting linen, l / kg;

- the number of processed linen per day, kg;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for disinfectant for disinfecting dishes.

The consumption rate of disinfectant solution for disinfecting dishes is 2 liters per 1 set (2 plates, a glass or cup with a saucer, 2 spoons, a fork, a knife).

The need for a disinfectant for disinfecting dishes:


- total amount of disinfectant necessary for disinfecting dishes, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

2 - the rate of consumption of disinfectant solution for 1 set of dishes, l;

KP - the number of sets of dishes per day, equal to the number of patients x 3;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for a disinfectant for disinfecting nursing items, toys, cleaning equipment, laboratory glassware.

According to current regulations:

- toys are immersed in the solution, closed with a lid, preventing them from ascending;

- thermometers, patient care items (ships, ducks, poilniki, heating pads, ice bubbles, bedplates, oilcloths, oilcloth mattress covers, oilcloth bibs) are completely immersed in the solution;

- laboratory tools, needles, capillaries, glass slides, test tubes, melangera, counting chambers, photoelectrometer cuvettes, pipettes, tips, rubber pears, cylinders, etc., disinfect the dishes after each use.

Used objects are immersed in a disinfectant solution. Objects that have internal channels are filled with a disinfectant solution (in a volume of 5 to 10 ml) with a pear to remove blood and serum.

The actual consumption of the disinfectant solution for complete immersion of the product into the solution and filling its cavities is determined by measuring the internal volume of the containers used for disinfection.

The need for a disinfectant for disinfection of nursing items, toys, cleaning equipment, laboratory glassware:


- total amount of disinfectant required for disinfection of nursing items, toys, cleaning equipment, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

- the volume of the disinfectant solution required for complete immersion of the product in the solution and filling its cavities, l;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for funds for presterilizing cleaning and disinfection of reusable medical products.

According to the established standards, the consumption of a disinfectant or detergent solution, taking into account the complete immersion of the product in the solution and filling its cavities is:

- one syringe - 0.1 l;

- one blood transfusion system - 0.5 l;

- one set for examination of the cervix - 2.5 liters;

- one set for receiving childbirth - 3 l;

- set for abdominal gynecological surgery - 10 liters;

- set for obstetric surgery (cesarean section) - 6 l;

- set to restore the perineum (after childbirth with perineo-or episiotomy) - 3 liters.

Determination of the need for means for presterilizing cleaning and disinfection of reusable medical devices is based on the actual consumption of disinfectant solution required for complete immersion of the product into the solution and filling its cavities, which is determined by measuring the internal volume of the containers used for processing.

The need for funds for presterilizing cleaning and disinfection of reusable medical devices:


- the total amount of means for presterilizing cleaning and disinfection of reusable medical devices, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfectant or detergent solution for the drug,%;

- consumption of disinfectant or detergent solution for a set of medical products with full immersion, l:

- for dental offices, clinics - 1 set = 1 visit;

- for endoscopic cabinets, departments 1 set = 1 study;

- for surgical offices of clinics, departments of an in-patient department 1 set = 1 operation;

- the actual shelf life of the disinfectant or detergent solution in days (determined empirically from the time of the first immersion of medical devices in the solution to the visual change of the solution - turbidity, color change, the appearance of flakes, sediment); for solutions with a shelf life of 1 day ;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for a disinfectant for disinfection of medical products for single use, dressing contaminated with infected biological fluids, excretions, food debris, vomiting, etc.

Disposable medical devices, dressing material contaminated with infected biological fluids, biological excretions, food debris, vomit, etc. belong to class B (hazardous, hazardous waste) or B (extremely hazardous waste) and are subject to decontamination.

The need for a disinfectant for disinfecting disposable medical products:


- total amount of disinfectant for disinfecting disposable medical products, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

- the rate of consumption of disinfectant solution for 1 single-use medical product (or set) corresponds to the norms of consumption of the working solution for disinfecting reusable medical products, l;

- the number of processed medical devices single use per day;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for a disinfectant for disinfection of secretions, food debris, dressing contaminated with infected biological fluids.

When determining the need, effective consumption rates of the disinfecting solution (l) are used: from 4 to 5 l per 1 kg for disinfecting a dressing material contaminated with infected biological fluids, and 2 l per 1 kg for disinfecting secretions, food debris, vomit, and also the norms specified in the methodological instructions (instructions) for the use of a specific product.

The need for a disinfectant to disinfect the secretions, food debris, vomit, etc. and dressing material contaminated with infected biological fluids:


- total amount of disinfectant for disinfection of secretions, food debris, dressing material, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

- consumption rate of disinfectant solution for disinfection 1 kg of discharge, food debris, dressing material, l;

- the number of processed dressing material (discharge, food debris) per day, kg ;.

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

The need for a dry disinfectant (powders, granules) for disinfection of secretions, food debris, dressing material contaminated with infected biological fluids:


- total amount of disinfectant for disinfecting secretions of food debris, dressing material, kg;

- the rate of consumption of disinfectant for disinfection 1 kg of discharge, food debris, dressing material, kg;

- the number of processed dressing material (discharge, food debris) per day, kg ;.

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for disinfectant for disinfecting containers.

The need for a disinfectant to disinfect containers (the calculation is based on the area of ​​reusable containers):


- total amount of disinfectant necessary for disinfecting containers, l;

N is the consumption rate of the disinfectant solution of the disinfectant (according to the instructions for use of specific products and regulatory documents), ml / m2;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the disinfecting solution for the drug,%;

- the total area of ​​the reusable container to be disinfected (standard - 6 m2), m2;

Q - the number of decontamination procedures in the billing period (day, month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for a means for presterilization and final cleaning of endoscopes.

Need for presterilization and final cleaning of endoscopes:


- the total amount of funds required for presterilization or final cleaning of endoscopes, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the solution solution of the drug,%;

- the volume of the solution means for complete immersion of the endoscope with filling its internal channels, l ;.

- the actual shelf life of the cleaning solution in days (determined empirically from the time of the first immersion of medical products in the solution to the visual change of the solution - turbidity, color change, the appearance of flocks, sediment) for solutions with a shelf life of 1 day .

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the need for a disinfectant for disinfecting a high level of endoscopes, sterilizing reusable medical devices, endoscopes and tools for them.

The need for a sterilizing agent for disinfecting a high level of endoscopes, sterilizing reusable medical devices, endoscopes and tools for them:


- total amount of sterilizing agent required for disinfection of high level endoscopes and instruments for them, sterilization of reusable medical devices, endoscopes and instruments for them, l;

K - coefficient equal to the concentration of the sterilizing solution for the drug,%;

- the volume of the disinfectant, sterilizing solution, necessary for the complete immersion of a reusable medical device or endoscope and instruments for it with filling of internal channels and cavities during high-level disinfection or sterilization, l ;.

- the actual shelf life of the disinfectant, sterilizing solution in days (determined empirically from the time of the first immersion of medical devices in the solution to the visual change of the solution - turbidity, color change, the appearance of flakes, sediment) for solutions with a shelf life of 1 day ;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

The need for sterilizing (disinfecting) means produced in the form of ready-made sterilizing (disinfecting) solutions intended for TLDs of endoscopes, sterilization of reusable medical products, including endoscopes and instruments for them:


- total amount of sterilizing (disinfecting) agent required for TLD or sterilization of endoscopes or reusable medical device, l;

- the volume of sterilizing (disinfectant) means necessary for complete immersion of the multiple-use device or endoscope and tools for it with filling of internal channels and cavities during high-level disinfection or sterilization, l;

- the actual shelf life of the disinfectant, sterilizing solution in days (determined empirically from the time of the first immersion of medical devices in the solution to the visual change of the solution - turbidity, color change, the appearance of flakes, sediment); for solutions with a shelf life of 1 day ;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year).

Determination of the minimum need for skin antiseptics for treating the hands of surgeons, operating nurses, midwives, other specialists involved in surgery, childbirth, nurses of treatment rooms, intensive care units, reanimation, antiseptics for treating patients' skin.

The rate of consumption of antiseptics for the processing of 1 pair of hands of medical personnel / 1 surgical field:

- alcohol-containing antiseptic:

- for processing 1 pair of hands of a member of the operating team, delivery team - 10 ml;

- for treating the hands of a nurse before injection - 5 ml;

- for processing 1 surgical field 5 - 80 ml (depending on the area of ​​the treated skin);

- for processing 1 injection field - 5 ml;

- liquid soap - skin antiseptic:

- for washing 1 pair of surgeons' hands - 10 ml;

- for hygienic washing of 1 pair of hands of medical personnel - 5 ml.

The need for alcohol-containing antiseptics for the treatment of the hands of surgeons, operating nurses, midwives and other professionals involved in surgical interventions, childbirth:


- total amount of alcohol-containing antiseptic for processing hands before surgery, l;

- the number of operations;

- the number of members of the operating team.

The need for alcohol-containing antiseptics for treating the hands of members of the dressing team (surgeon, resuscitator, attending physician of the surgical unit of LPO, nurse treatment room, intensive care unit, reanimation) before dressings of postoperative wounds:


- total amount of alcohol-containing antiseptic for processing hands of staff before dressings of postoperative wounds, l;

- the number of operations;

- the number of members of the dressing brigade ;.

7 - the minimum number of dressings during the initial wound healing.

The need for alcohol-containing antiseptics for the treatment of the hands of a nurse of the procedure room, intensive care unit, resuscitation before injections:


- total volume of alcohol-containing antiseptic for treatment of hands before injections, l;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year);

- The average number of injections per day.

The need for alcohol-containing antiseptics for treatment of the surgical field before surgery:


- total volume of alcohol-containing antiseptic, necessary for the treatment of operating fields, l;

- the number of operations;

W is the average amount of alcohol-containing antiseptic required for treatment of the surgical field, ml.

The need for alcohol-containing antiseptics for the treatment of postoperative wounds:


- total amount of antiseptic for treatment of postoperative wounds on dressings, l;

- the number of operations;

W is the average amount of alcohol-containing antiseptic required for treatment of the surgical field, ml;

7 - the minimum number of dressings during the initial wound healing.

The need for alcohol-containing antiseptics for the treatment of the injection field:


- total volume of alcohol-containing antiseptic for processing injection fields, l;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year);

- The average number of injections per day.

Determination of the need for liquid soap - skin antiseptics for washing the hands of surgeons, operating nurses, midwives and other professionals involved in surgical interventions, delivery of labor before surgical interventions, childbirth:


- total volume of liquid soap - skin antiseptic for washing hands before surgery, l;

- the number of operations;

- the number of members of the operating team.

The need for liquid soap - skin antiseptics for washing hands of members of the dressing brigade (surgeon, resuscitator, attending physician of the surgical unit of LPO, nurse of the treatment room, intensive care unit, reanimation) before dressings of postoperative wounds:


- total volume of liquid soap - skin antiseptic for washing hands before dressings of postoperative wounds, l;

- the number of operations;

- the number of members of the dressing brigade;

7 - the minimum number of dressings during the initial wound healing.

The need for liquid soap - skin antiseptics for washing the hands of a nurse of a treatment room, intensive care unit, resuscitation before injections:


- total volume of liquid soap - skin antiseptic for washing hands before injections, l;

C - the number of days in the billing period (month, quarter, half year, year);

- The average number of injections per day.

To facilitate the work on disinfection and sterilization, medical registers can be kept in the LPO and the attached calculation forms can be used:


Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pads Plus Scentiva Disinfesting Wipes Value Pack, Coconut

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pads Plus Scentiva Disinfesting Wipes Value Pack, Coconut

Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wet Mopping Pads Plus Scentiva Disinfesting Wipes Value Pack, Coconut

Lamps for surface disinfection

Germicidal lamps for surface sterilization
Bactericidal UV-C lamps offer surface sterilization without the use of chemicals, which is of paramount importance in many industries. In the food industry, for example, ultraviolet disinfection of surfaces will help destroy viruses, bacteria, spores and fungi in seconds, eliminating the need to use harmful chemicals on surfaces that come into contact with food.

The technology of UV radiation is indispensable in places where human health directly depends on the sterile environment, for example, in hospitals and surgical centers. During surgeries, for example, ultraviolet germicidal lamps are used to minimize infections. In addition, technologies continue to develop in the field of low and medium pressure UV drying.

Technology UV sterilization of surfaces in the food industry
Disinfecting the surface using ultraviolet germicidal lamps increases the shelf life of food products, including bread and meat. In addition, UV hormesis can reduce post-harvest losses due to late ripening of fruits and vegetables. With indicators of $ 550 million for fresh fruits and vegetables exported from the United States since the beginning of the year, UV hormesis has enormous potential.

Ultraviolet germicidal lamps are increasingly being used to disinfect the surfaces of filling equipment, conveyor belts, transport containers, food preparation surfaces, table tops, and liquid sugar cisterns to destroy mold and bacteria.

UV drying low pressure
Low pressure UV technology allows to dry paints, resins, adhesives without hazardous waste and with less maintenance costs. Currently, there is a tendency in many industries to transition from curing paints by heating to UV curing. Our patented low-pressure amalgam lamp, made using pellet technology, represents a single lamp that is suitable for vertical orientation.

UV drying medium pressure
UV medium pressure technologies are widely used in many curing devices, including adhesive fixing, paints, resist for engraving and printing forms, paints, varnishes and decorative glazes. UV drying saves maintenance costs and has no dangerous by-products. More and more manufacturers are switching to UV curing systems.


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Plus Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Plus Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Plus Clorox Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers

Surface disinfection

Wherever we come across surfaces, whether it is floor coverings or walls, in animal-breeding complexes, medical institutions, or even just at home in the bathroom, without proper care and necessary processing, any surfaces can create a variety of diseases for certain conditions. Thus, high humidity and temperature contribute to the growth of fungal and bacteriological diseases. The huge problem lies in the fact that the fungus, penetrating deep into the surface, becomes difficult to remove, because it is better to carry out preventive disinfection than to deal with the consequences.

With the use of DUTRION, there are two ways to disinfect surfaces:

It is carried out using a special sprayer with a prepared DUTRION solution or by wiping the surface with a cloth moistened with a solution.

Dutrion disinfectant is a concentrated (mother) solution of chlorine dioxide dissolved in water. Due to the special structure of the molecule, it is able to fight various pathogenic microflora. Effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae and spores.

The solution for wet disinfection is prepared at the place of use by diluting the stock solution to the working one. Next, using a special sprayer is surface treatment.

Dutrion working solution already in 5 minutes is able to completely disinfect the treated surface.

It is carried out using a special spray with dry powder DUTRIDRY

DUTRIDRY is a powder that disinfects it when it comes into contact with the surface. It contains natural silicate, which is an excellent moisture absorbent, and related chlorine dioxide molecules. DutriDry has a strong disinfecting effect: effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores and other pathogens. Able to maintain the effect of disinfection for 9 days.

For a longer disinfectant action this year has been developed NEW DURTIROCK PRODUCT. The unique development of Dutch scientists, DurtiRock powder is not only able to dry moisture, but also to maintain disinfecting properties for 40 days.

Wet disinfection
Livestock complexes
Living spaces
Food production
Medical premises
Pet areas
Warehouses, cellars and basements: vegetable, fruit, food, etc.
Public places: transport, enterprises, clinics
Sports facilities: locker rooms, individual box, bags, sanitary facilities
Shops and supermarkets: warehouses, showcases, transport
Places subject to mold and mildew

Dry disinfection
Livestock complexes
Pet areas
Ventilation systems and air ducts
Abandoned rooms, old houses, cottages (remove unpleasant odor)
Feed disinfection
Warehouses, cellars and basements: vegetable, fruit, food, etc.
Public places: transport, enterprises, clinics

Sports facilities: locker rooms, individual box, bags, sanitary facilities
Shops and supermarkets: warehouses, showcases, transport


Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Fresh Scent, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Fresh Scent, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Fresh Scent, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Air disinfectants: what modern air cleaning devices are capable

Every day, our body attacks many viruses and bacteria. Our immunity successfully copes with most of them, but once he relaxes a little bit, all the “charms” of the disease are evident. Moreover, the patient endangers the people around him at home or at work. In this article we will talk about the devices that will help to defeat the diseases caused by indoor pathogens.

Indoor air cleaning methods
Every day a person inhales about 12 m 3 , or 14 kg, of air [1] . This figure is several times the volume and weight of food consumed per day. And we always think about the benefits and safety of products, but we forget about clean air. Is it time to change the situation? The arsenal of tools for air purification in rooms today is greater than ever:

Daily wet cleaning with the use of chemicals - an effective, but rather time-consuming method. Among other disadvantages of the approach is the possibility of allergies and the harmful effects of certain chemicals [2] .

Average vacuum cleaners can only deal with fairly large particles of dust, but not with allergens, and especially bacteria. Of course, there are new generation devices, including air purification, but they are not affordable for everyone to buy and maintain.

Fine filters (catechins, plasma, electrostatic, etc.) installed on some models of air conditioners, can deal with air pollution. But in addition to the high cost, they require careful maintenance, and their installation in a room is labor intensive. In addition, errors in use, in particular, setting too low a temperature during the summer heat, can provoke a cold.

Air humidifiers with the help of special filters, cartridges or antibacterial additives for water can combat the appearance and spread of infections in the room.

UV air disinfectants . The principle of operation of devices based on the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation. Special lamps clean the air of harmful microorganisms with an efficiency of up to 99% [3] . Thus, ultraviolet rays destroy the DNA bonds inside the virus molecules, so the latter lose their ability to multiply [4] . There are open lamps for disinfecting the air with ultraviolet radiation, which do not involve the presence of people in the cleaned room. Closed lamps are more suitable for domestic use, they are safe, and their operation does not require the absence of people during the operation of the device. Such lamps work almost silently and require only an annual replacement of the UV lamp.

The latter method is one of the most effective and affordable, therefore, we will pay attention to a more detailed description of the varieties of UV devices.

Types of devices for air disinfection
To begin, compare the types of air disinfectants based on ultraviolet lamps.

Open type UV lamps
Quartz lamps have the most powerful radiation, which almost instantly destroys bacteria, spores, mold, etc. This effect is achieved through a quartz glass flask. But also for people the action of the lamp is harmful - due to the “uncovered” rays of ultraviolet and released ozone. Therefore, finding a person in a room where “quartz” is held is extremely undesirable. The same goes for pets and even plants. Quartz lamps are often used in hospitals, kindergartens, sanatoriums and other public institutions where there is a high probability of developing various epidemics.
Germicidal lamps have a less pronounced and strong effect of disinfecting air and surfaces. The glass here is not quartz, but uviol, which prevents the entry of ozone into the air, which is dangerous in high concentrations to living organisms. But at the same time they observe one condition - the light from the lamp is directed upwards, while hiding its source with a special valve. Looking at a germicidal lamp is very harmful to the retina.
Amalgam lamps , unlike the previous ones, do not contain mercury inside, which makes them quite safe when used at home. The rest of the device does not differ from the usual germicidal lamp.
Illuminators-recirculators (UV lamps closed type)

The use of such devices is not associated with the danger of getting burned or damaging the eyes. The ultraviolet lamp is located inside the body that does not transmit UV rays. The device "sucks" the air, which, passing along the UV lamp, comes out already cleaned. Recyclers are ideal for home use, because in order to kill all the harmful bacteria and viruses that live in a room, you just need to leave the device turned on. At the same time, it is not necessary to go outside the room and hide the flowers - only air is processed.

Possibilities of household recirculators
As we have said, such devices are suitable even for cleaning the air in a regular apartment. The use of recirculators becomes especially relevant when small children appear in the house. Many mothers try to especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the room, but they do not always have enough time for a large-scale fight against bacteria, even with daily wet cleaning. The household recirculator becomes a great helper - it kills viruses in the air. And in cases where one of the family members falls ill, the device does not allow the infection to spread to loved ones.

In 4 hours of operation, the recirculator reduces the number of microorganisms in the air by almost 3 times [5] , and in 8 hours, it kills almost all bacteria, viruses, and disease-causing fungi. In addition, household recirculator will help to avoid diseases of the elderly and reduce the manifestations of allergies.

Besides home use, a household recirculator can be quite useful in offices. With the onset of a period of epidemics of colds - in the fall and spring - employees take hospital sick one by one. The virus quietly "walks" around the office, disrupting the working rhythm. The effect of domestic recirculator in such periods helps to reduce the incidence of staff by at least 25% [6] .

Recyclers can be seen in public places. Especially often they are installed in beauty salons, private clinics and dental offices. This is not only an indicator of the health care of its customers, but also a profitable contribution to the image of the establishment. The same goes for kindergartens. For parents, the presence of a recirculator in the kindergarten's room is an important plus, because this measure helps to avoid many dangers to the health of the child.

The fact that the air recirculator is used in rooms where there are children, and in places with high traffic or long stay of people, speaks about the safety of the device. Ultraviolet rays, of course, harmful in its pure form - so we used to use sunscreen, going to sunbathe. But the recirculator does not transmit radiation to the outside: it reliably hides behind the body from a special material, performing only its useful functions.

How to choose a device for air disinfection for home
First of all, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room intended for processing - it is usually indicated in the passport of the device. It is better if this value corresponds to the size of the room. But even if the room is larger, the recirculator will cope with its task, although the process will take a longer time [7] .

There are also various types of fixing irradiators for air disinfection - for home use, portable models on racks can be a good option. In public places, stationary models are often installed, for example, suspended ones.

On a note
It is better to locate the feed where there is air movement. It would be reasonable to install a recirculator for disinfection near the doorway [8] .
An additional advantage of the recirculator model will be the presence of a well thought-out device management system . It is clear that the required minimum is an on / off button, but the presence of a timer and an indicator indicating how long the lamp has worked will not interfere either.

The recycle irradiator housing can be made of metal or plastic. The first ones are often more expensive and are intended for public spaces - special structural strength is required here. Home appliances can be made of plastic.

Nowadays, many scientific advances are becoming available to the general consumer, which make it possible to take care of their own health and that of their loved ones without any efforts and substantial expenses. The inconspicuous work of the irradiator-recirculator installed at home or in the office helps reduce the risk of getting colds, flu, and allergies.

Where can I buy a recirculating air disinfectant
We asked the Armed TM specialist to answer this question:

“It is necessary to take the purchase of medical equipment as seriously as possible, because here we are talking about health, and, as they say, you cannot buy it with money. Therefore, when acquiring an air disinfectant, give preference to brands that are credible. The criterion for selection can be the lifetime of a brand on the market - time-tested products always have a certain reputation that is easy to track according to the feedback from the owners. Our Armed trademark has traveled 20 years, and that says a lot. We understand that in addition to quality, price, range and convenient delivery times are important for the buyer. Therefore, we offer various types of air recirculating air disinfectants for the home - with a stylish design and an affordable price (from about 3,300 rubles [9] ), as well as more powerful models for offices and medical institutions. Zoneless ultraviolet lamps inside the irradiators are designed for 8,000 hours of continuous work, and after this period it is easy to replace them. Ease of use and adherence to high standards of production make our products attractive for both home use and installation in public places. ”


Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Brand New Day, Berry & Basil, 80ct, Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Brand New Day, Berry & Basil, 80ct, Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Brand New Day, Berry & Basil, 80ct, Packaging May Vary

Basics of disinfecting hazardous substances

General concepts and definitions

Disinfection is the reduction to the maximum permissible norms of contamination of objects with hazardous substances (radioactive substances (RV), hazardous chemicals (OHC), bacterial agents (BS) by degassing, decontamination, disinfection, as well as sanitary treatment of personnel of the ASF and civil defense units and the public .

Decontamination is the disinfection (neutralization) of objects infected with RVs.

Degassing is the decontamination (decontamination) of objects contaminated with chemical agents (HVAC).

Disinfection is the process of destroying or removing the causative agent of an infectious disease of a person or animal.

Disinsection is the extermination of insects and ticks, BS carriers.

Deratization is the extermination of rodents, BS transporters.

Sanitary treatment is the mechanical cleaning and washing of the skin and mucous membranes of people exposed to contamination and contamination of PB, OM, OHV, BS, and also disinfection of their clothes and shoes when leaving the emergency area.

It is known that the phase state of contamination can be solid, liquid and gaseous. Solid particles on the surface are fixed weak adhesive forces (Coulomb, capillary, etc.). Liquid and gaseous contaminants are fixed on the surface due to molecular processes of adsorption (chemisorption) and first create a surface or slightly fixed type of pollution. Subsequently, as a result of wetting, dissolution, diffusion, and contamination, they penetrate into absorbent materials, thus forming even a voluminous type of contamination.

Thus, in practice one has to deal with adhesive, surface, deep and volumetric contamination of materials and, depending on this, methods and methods of disinfection are determined.

Disinfection methods: removal, detoxification, binding and isolation of pollution.

Removal is the removal of dirt from an infected surface or the removal of an infected object itself from a person.

Detoxification is the chemical, thermochemical, or biochemical conversion of pollution to low-toxic compounds.

Binding is a reduction in the mobility of pollution, a decrease in the rate of evaporation and the prevention of its transfer to surrounding objects (i.e., a reduction in the risk of secondary contamination and entry into the human body).

Insulation is the isolation of the source of contamination from the environment, as well as the covering of contaminated surfaces with films and other materials.

Methods of disinfection: physical, chemical, combined (physico-chemical) and thermal (thermochemical). In addition, there are liquid and liquid-free methods of disinfection. The choice of method depends on the pollutant and its state of aggregation. The implementation of these methods is carried out using various working media (formulations, i.e. substances or mixtures of substances active with respect to OHV, OM, PB, BS) and technical means of special treatment.

Solid adhesion contamination can be either physically removed (by sweeping, blowing, flushing - mainly RV), or chemically disinfected (OM, OHV, BS).

Removal of surface liquid and gaseous contamination is possible only after overcoming the adsorption forces by solvation with solvent molecules (dissolution) or by increasing the surface temperature.

Removal of deep contamination is carried out by washing (using extractants - special solvents) and drying with hot air.

Filtration, sorption and ion exchange processes are used to remove bulk contamination from water or air.

Thermochemical method of detoxification is based on supplying high-intensity energy fluxes to the infected surface in the form of radiation from the light, IR and UV ranges, or treatment with high-temperature plasma. At the same time, thermal decomposition processes of pollutants (OM, OHV, BS) are sharply activated with the formation of low-toxic products.

The chemical method is based on the use of liquid chemically-active formulations.

The entire set of OHVs can be conventionally reduced to two pairs:

the first is of an acidic nature, giving an acidic environment in water (chlorine, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, etc.), and an alkaline character, giving an alkaline environment in water (ammonia, amines, etc.);
the second is oxidizing and reducing agents (combustible substances, heptylide, etc.).
In each pair of substances are antagonists and, therefore, with equivalent interaction neutralize each other. Thus, the selection of a neutralizing substance is quite simple:

alkaline substances are used to neutralize substances of an acidic nature and, on the contrary, acid is used to neutralize alkalis;
a reducing agent is used to neutralize the oxidizing agent and vice versa.
Disinfection of various surfaces of objects is mainly carried out using two types of formulations:

surface active or detergent;
chemically active or degassing (neutralizing).
Washing formulations contribute to the separation and retention of contamination in the solution.

The degassing (neutralizing) formulations destroy, bind (absorb), decompose and dilute the liquid phases of OHV.

Destruction is based on the reaction between OHV and a reagent that is chemically active towards it.

Binding (absorption) is achieved by the use of adsorption materials (soil, sand, slag, etc.).

Decomposition occurs as a result of exposure to high temperatures.

Dilution is made with water or solutions of neutral substances.

Substances and solutions used to neutralize OHV (OS).

For decontamination (neutralization) of hazardous substances in the decontamination of the territory, equipment, vehicles, shoes and clothing you can use:

- caustic soda (NaOH - caustic soda) - white solid, well soluble in water. Stored in iron drums. It is used to neutralize chlorine, hydrocyanic acid, as well as nitric, hydrochloric and other acids;

- soda ash (PA 2 CO 3 ) - white, fine-crystalline powder well soluble in water. It is used to neutralize acids, acrylonitrile;

- sodium thiosulfate (PA 2 SO 2 ) x 5 H 2 O - colorless crystals. Fire and explosion hazard. It is well dissolved in hot water, in cold - worse. It is used to neutralize the straits of chlorine;

- ferric chloride (FeCl 3 ) - dark brown crystals with a greenish tint. Well dissolved in water. It is used for disinfection of hydrocyanic acid after treatment with ammonia water. Ammonia water dilutes the acid, and iron chloride forms a neutral salt with it;

- milk of lime (Ca (OH) 2 ) - a mixture of hydrated lime and water. Slightly soluble in water. It is used to neutralize acids, as well as to precipitate vapors of a cloud infected with phosgene.

The consumption of neutralizing substances during decontamination of OHV is determined by the type of OHV, the nature of infection (drip-liquid, vapor, aerosol), the object of infection (terrain, transport, clothing, etc.), the method of neutralization (spraying, spraying, wiping with a brush or rag, boiling and others), the type of neutralizing substances and a number of other factors.

The amount of neutralizing substances is calculated by the equations of chemical reactions.

Assume that it is necessary to neutralize 1 t of phosgene (CoCl 2 ). We determine how much neutralizing substance is needed, for example, caustic soda (NaOH).

We make the equation of a chemical reaction:

СОСl 2 + 4NаОН → NA 2 CO 3 + 2 NaCl + 2H 2 O

From the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev find the atomic weights of all the elements involved in the reaction and make up the proportion:

Thus, to neutralize 1 t of phosgene, it is necessary: ​​1.6 tons of sodium hydroxide or 0.7 tons of ammonia.

And, for example, to neutralize 1t of chlorine requires 12t of a 10% alkali solution, or 100 tons of water. The use of water due to high consumption is impractical. It is also not recommended to neutralize chlorine using aqueous solutions of ammonia, due to the formation of nitrogen chloride, which is explosive upon contact with a solid medium.

Small ammonia spills can be neutralized with water. The use of water to neutralize large quantities of ammonia is unacceptable due to a sharp increase in the gaseous phase due to the heat of reaction and an increase in the depth of distribution of damaging concentrations.


Clorox Commercial Solutions Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wet Wipes, 6 Canisters/Case

Clorox Commercial Solutions Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wet Wipes, 6 Canisters/Case

Clorox Commercial Solutions Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wet Wipes, 6 Canisters/Case

How to disinfect the apartment from viruses

Disinfection disinfects the room, kills harmful microorganisms and eliminates toxins. This procedure is especially necessary in the period of exacerbation of viral diseases.

cleaning bath tap

Disinfection is also carried out when isolating the patient is not enough, and other people are at risk of illness. The procedure is carried out after the disease to clean the room, kill harmful germs and reduce the risk of re-illness.

In addition, it is important to regularly disinfect with a large number of animals in the house. The procedure is done not only in these cases, but also as a prophylaxis of influenza, various infections and fungi. In this article we will look at how to sanitize the apartment and treat the room from viruses on its own.

How to disinfect the apartment
Chemicals - the easiest and most reliable way. Choose products containing bleach, chlorine or monochloramine, which are designed to fight bacteria, viruses and fungus. Well suited classic “White”. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and follow the recommendations. In most cases, it is imperative to use protective equipment;
Folk remedies. Instead of purchased store supplies, you can treat the room with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, acetic acid, or even a saturated salt solution. These compounds also disinfect the apartment, eliminate dangerous bacteria after rotavirus, influenza or any infection;
Aromatization of air using essential oils and aroma lamps is an affordable and effective method of disinfection. In addition, this procedure fills the room with a pleasant aroma, promotes comfortable rest and relaxation, creates a cozy atmosphere in the house. Tea tree oil which is distinguished by antifungal and antibacterial action is considered the most effective. It cleans and refreshes the air in the apartment without chemical additives. In addition, suitable essential oil of lavender, fir and needles, eucalyptus and lemon. For 20 square meters, two drops of any 100% essential oil are enough. Just add a natural remedy to the oil burner;
Ultraviolet lamp - a reliable and cheap way that is common in medical institutions. For home use, you can purchase a portable ultraviolet device. This lamp can only be used in an empty room without people or animals. Dimensional furniture and other immovable objects are covered with a dense dark plaid or bedspread. The procedure is carried out for about twenty minutes, after which the room is thoroughly aired;
Salt lamp disinfects the room and saturates the apartment air with useful substances of sea salt. Salt crystals form ions that reliably and quickly destroy various viruses, bacteria, and prevent diseases. However, the effect of one lamp is only enough for 10 square meters;
Bactericidal air recirculator allows you to disinfect the air in the room up to 50 m2. For a separate room, choose a device with less power. The device takes the infected air, cleans it with the help of ultraviolet light and releases it back clean. At the same time, the recirculator is absolutely safe, so during the procedure people and animals can be in the room without fear;
Humidifiers increase humidity and purify the air. In addition, they moisturize the skin and mucous membranes of a person, which also reduces the risk of viral diseases. It is important to regularly update the water in the humidifier in order to get the maximum effect. On the action of the device and how to choose the right humidifier, read here .
device for disinfecting an apartment from viruses

Chemical and folk disinfectants
The most safe among the chemical compounds is a solution of monochloramine, which is taken at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters of water. The tool is used for processing walls, ceiling and floor, tile and plastic, furniture, plumbing, door handles.

Folk remedies are safer than chemical ones. In addition, they are more affordable and cheaper than various devices. The chemical composition will replace table vinegar 9%, which is diluted in proportion to two tablespoons per liter of water. This composition wash the floor and walls, tiles. For toys, clothes and upholstered furniture, use vinegar 7%.

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable to disinfect underwear and clothing, especially white things. To do this, dissolve one hundred grams of the product in ten liters of warm water, where the products are immersed. Then the water is brought to a boil and the clothes are boiled for 15 minutes, stirring regularly.

When using a washing machine in boiling water, one hundred grams of hydrogen peroxide is diluted and poured into the drum. Already washed laundry is put into the solution and washed for another 5-10 minutes. For colored items, before rinsing, pour 50 grams of vinegar per five liters of water into the tank.

machine washable with vinegar

How to disinfect the room
If you use chemical or folk remedies, it is important to follow the rules of the procedure. Be sure to use gloves, sometimes protective glasses and a respirator are required. Some formulations are dangerous and aggressive, leading to burns on the skin, irritation of the eyes, mucosa and respiratory tract.

During the procedure, children and animals should not be present in the room. The disinfection process takes place as general cleaning. First, with a cloth and a tool, clean the corners, and then wash each horizontal surface. After treatment with special compositions, the surfaces are washed with clean water and wipe dry.

Do not forget about disinfecting curtains and carpets, soft toys, souvenirs and various small items. It is important to process not only the walls, floor and ceiling, but also every object in the room. For convenience when disinfecting small items use a spray bottle.

Soft toys, curtains, cloth covers, it is desirable to wash in warm water with powder. In addition, you can disinfect small objects separately using an ultraviolet lamp.

disinfection of soft toys from viruses

Pay special attention to the things you use daily. These are ware, door handles and a handrail, the computer keyboard and a mouse. These items require thorough disinfection.

After the end of cleaning and use of an ultraviolet lamp, be sure to ventilate the room. In addition to disinfection, you can use a number of recommendations to avoid viral diseases.

Security Measures for Flu and Colds
Proper nutrition, fresh fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins, playing sports, exercising and tempering are the first things that come to mind. But in order to fully protect yourself from possible colds, it is important to secure the room. A suitable option would be frequent airing. During the day, it is advisable to ventilate the room every four hours, and at night - leave the window open.

Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity for the body. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees Celsius, and the optimum humidity is 50-70%. Use indoor air humidifiers.

optimal room temperature

They maintain the necessary humidity and a comfortable microclimate in the house, have a positive effect on health and well-being, keep upholstered furniture and wooden products in good condition for a long time.

If someone is sick in the house, move the patient to a separate room. He should eat from separate dishes and use an individual towel. Healthy people in contact with patients should always use protective gauze dressings.

After a person has recovered, be sure to wash, or rather boil clothing and bedding, disinfect the toothbrush, and better replace it with a new one.

To maintain a healthy and comfortable indoor microclimate, use indoor plants, as many contain volatile production. These nutrients help protect your home from colds and flu. Suitable tsiperus, begonia and coffee tree, geranium and azalea, ficus and various citrus plants.

house plant for disinfecting viruses in the apartment

Wipe dust regularly and do wet cleaning. Viruses and bacteria are deposited on each surface. Their life in dust increases to five weeks. Therefore, it is important to regularly remove dust from surfaces, clean and vacuum carpets, curtains and soft toys, because these are excellent “dust collectors”.

So that the dust no longer settles on surfaces, take a special microfiber cloth or from ordinary wool. When wiping, add two to three drops of pink or lavender essential oil to the water. This is a great antistatic.


Dreft Multi-Surface All-Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wipes for Baby Toys, Car Seat, High Chair & More

Dreft Multi-Surface All-Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wipes for Baby Toys, Car Seat, High Chair & More

Dreft Multi-Surface All-Purpose Gentle Cleaning Wipes for Baby Toys, Car Seat, High Chair & More

Disinfection in Dentistry - Disinfectant

One of the most important activities in dental practice is high-quality disinfection.

surfaces, equipment, materials and tools. This is the main component of the complex of activities for

prevent the spread of disease.

According to statistics, a large number of infections occur in the dentist’s chair. Here you risk

get not only standard nosocomial infections, but also more serious diseases: HIV, hepatitis,

tuberculosis . Failure to comply with sanitary norms can lead to infection not only of patients, but also of all

clinic staff , as well as their family members.

Disinfection of surfaces.

Disinfection of surfaces in the dental office is an extremely important element in the prevention

nosocomial infection. When working with high-speed turbines and drills in the air

a suspension appears consisting of microscopic droplets of water and pathogenic microorganisms. Aerosols

held in air for up to 30 minutes and extend to a distance of up to 80 cm. and when using water

cooling diameter of the aerosol cloud reaches 2 meters. All this settles on surfaces and tools.

Treatment and disinfection is aimed at reducing bacterial insemination of all surfaces, including

equipment, tables, armrests, door handles and taps and should be carried out after each patient.

Disinfection can be carried out in the presence of the patient, therefore, according to SanPiN

10, the tool should belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances (for all types of effects on the body).

There are 3 zones with different levels of hygiene:

1 zone :

The treatment area where the highest level of hygiene is to be maintained. The basis of work in the 1st zone should

lay principles:

Sterility (dental instruments);

Disposable (disposable items);

Individuality (gloves);

2 zone:

The boundary of the treatment area, including the surface of the manipulation table, armrests, dental unit,

pusters, individual glasses (drinking bowls), spatulas and cups for kneading impression material, etc.

Treatment and disinfection of surfaces in these areas is carried out after each patient, at the end of the shift and as


Zone 3 : The rest of the office: furniture, equipment, door handles, faucets and sinks, germicidal lamps,

fixtures, walls and floor. In this zone, the current cleaning is carried out daily, at least 2 times a day from

using disinfectants .

As means of disinfection and presterilizing cleaning, are used

only authorized in the prescribed manner in the Russian Federation chemical means

used strictly in accordance with the guidelines approved

Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Criteria for choosing a disinfectant.

When choosing a disinfectant, it is necessary to clearly define the requirements for disinfecting



wide spectrum of action;
no toxicity;
no impact on the processed objects;
quick action;
resistance to environmental factors;
residual antimicrobial effect;
ease of use;
lack of smell;
good solubility;
washing properties.
Properties of items to be disinfected.

In the dental practice are used various in design and composition of medical

instruments and medical devices that require careful selection of tools for the most complete

disinfection and maximum care. For example, we need a tool to process

instruments, respectively, the selection is among the drugs, in the guidelines which indicate their

the possibility of applying for this object disinfection. Preference is given to disinfecting means.

with a washing effect that does not cause corrosion. This criterion significantly narrows the range of choice.


The breadth and spectrum of the antimicrobial action of the disinfecting agent.

Disinfectants can affect the following types of infections: viral, bacterial,

fungal and sporicidal . Not all drugs affect all types of infections, you need to know

what effect can be expected and what level of disinfection is needed.

The ability to combine the stages of processing medical products.

Now the market has a large number of broad-spectrum products. This is a combination of washing

and disinfection, disinfection and sterilization, presterilizing cleaning and disinfection in a single process.

There are universal means of action that can be used for disinfecting medical

instruments and for disinfecting surfaces, premises, furniture, medical equipment, dishes,

linen, sanitary - technical equipment, cleaning equipment. Disinfectants with

additional features such as disinfection of surfaces with a deodorizing effect and the presence of

detergent effect of the drug give greater freedom of choice and create a favorable atmosphere for work.

Terms of use of working solutions and the possibility of their repeated use.

This criterion is necessary when calculating the economic benefits. But it should be borne in mind that with large

disinfectant will be unusable ahead of time

suitability of working solutions, respectively, its use is not always beneficial. Some funds can

apply only during one work shift, others within 36 days. The range of disinfectants by date

the shelf life of working solutions is quite wide and you can choose the best option for each

specific dental facility.

Convenience of use of disinfectants.

The concept of “usability” is a collective term and includes the following

aspects of working with the drug:

release form;
temperature regime of disinfectant;
cooking conditions;
storage stability;
As is known, chlorine-containing substances eventually lose their biocidal activity, especially in the light, that

creates certain inconveniences, since constantly have to check the presence of active chlorine in the product before

by application. Compliance with temperature, i.e. maintaining a certain temperature value

solution during disinfection and chemical sterilization greatly complicates the work with the data

disinfectants. The container in which the product is produced and the volume of these products, as well as the conditions of preparation

working solution - everything must be considered when choosing a disinfectant.

The degree of toxicity.

Degree of toxic effects on humans may manifest as inhalation hazard, possible

poisoning when disinfectant enters the gastrointestinal tract and possible effects on the skin. Most important undoubtedly

is the inhalation effect on humans, because this poisoning occurs much more frequently than

accidental disinfecting of the stomach. Classification of inhalation hazard

disinfectant contains four classes in accordance with the size of the zone of acute toxic


In dentistry, it is allowed to use drugs belonging to the third and fourth class of danger.

The presence of the third class of danger (for example, if it enters the stomach) in the instructions for use of the drug,

implies its relation to moderately dangerous means that it is forbidden to use in the presence of

patients. In accordance with SanPiN -10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

medical organizations ”, only fourth-class drugs are allowed

application in the presence of people. This is a very important point if you choose a tool for the current cleaning and

disinfection dental office. Wiping the surfaces of the treatment area can be done in

presence of the patient.

Effects on processed objects.

In dentistry, complex and expensive equipment is used, which rapidly deteriorates when

use of "aggressive" disinfectants. The best means for disinfecting products

Medical preparations are considered compositions based on QAS and cationic surfactants, because, having a wide range of

actions, they have the most gentle effect on materials of products, do not violate their functional

properties and have a detergent effect, which allows them to be used for combined disinfection and

pre-sterilization cleaning.

Staff training.

An important point affecting the quality of disinfection is personnel training.

It is necessary to have detailed instructions for carrying out both current and general cleaning, taking into account

used disinfectant, as well as the order of surface treatment in the office.

Disinfecting Forward Disinfectant

specially designed for use in dentistry.

The drug was created to replace expensive disinfectants

foreign production for a more affordable - Russian, without loss of quality.

"Defect-Forward" is analogous in its properties, and for some

indicators superior to disinfectants izvestsnyh producers: "Johnson and

Johnson, Schulke and Meyer.

The main advantages of disinfectants line "Disfekt".

They have high detergent properties, do not spoil the processed objects, do not discolor fabrics, do not fix organic pollution and biosubstrates, do not cause corrosion;
Do not contain phosphates, aldehydes, acids, active chlorine and oxygen;
According to the parameters of acute toxicity in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances (for all types of effects on the body);
In accordance with SanPiN approved for use in the presence of people;
They have a balanced synergistic composition and a high degree of stability: with a minimum amount of active ingredients (from 2.6 to 9%) they have a broad spectrum of action and powerful disinfecting ability;
Destroys odors of different origin;
Possess prolonged antimicrobial action;
Do not lose their physico-chemical properties and biocidal activity during freezing and subsequent thawing.
In accordance with GOST 194330-81 are not dangerous cargo, fire and explosion proof;
Working solutions do not have a cumulative and allergenic effect, are biodegradable, environmentally friendly. When disposing do not require additional dilution with water.
Have a pH level close to neutral;
Shelf life of 5 years. Working solutions keep efficiency within 36 days, can be used repeatedly.
Do not cause resistance in microorganisms;
Versatile in use: can be used by wiping, irrigation, spraying, immersion, aerosolization, foam generation;
Active in hard water, in the presence of organic pollution;
They have all the necessary permits for use at all sites;
Cleaning and disinfection of conventional medical instruments

The use of "Defect-Forward" for disinfecting medical products

appointments, including combined with presterilizing cleaning.

Medical devices must be completely immersed in the working solution of the product immediately after

their use, ensuring the immediate removal of visible contaminants from the surface by using

cloth napkins. Used wipes are placed in a separate container, disinfected, then

disposed of.

The channels and cavities in the products are filled with a solution, avoiding the formation of air plugs. Through

the channels alternately pump the solution of the agent and remove the air using a syringe or other device.

The procedure is repeated several times until complete removal of biological contaminants.

Detachable products are immersed in the solution in disassembled form. Products having castle parts are immersed.

disclosed, having previously made them several labor motions for better penetration of the solution into

hard-to-reach areas of products in the area of ​​the castle part. The thickness of the layer of products above the products should not be

less than 1 cm

Disinfection of dental equipment means "Defect" Forward.

Otteski, denture blanks and other dental materials, pre-washed in 0.05%

solution means "Defect" Forward. Disinfect by immersing them in the working solution by modes

(given in the instructions). At the end of the disinfection, the dental materials are rinsed with running water.

water, after which they are dried in air. Means for the processing of casts are used repeatedly

processing at the same time no more than 50 prints. At the first signs of a change in the appearance of the solution

it should be replaced.

Suction systems in dentistry are disinfected using a working solution means concentration

1.5%. 1 l, is passed through the installation suction system for 2 minutes. Then 1.5% solution

leave it for 30 minutes (at this time the suction system is not used). Procedure

carried out 1-2 times a day, including at the end of the work shift.

Disinfection of air in the dental office means "Dezfekt-Forward . "

Air disinfection is carried out using technical installations by spraying working solutions

agents with a concentration of 0.6% at an exposure of 30 minutes or 0.8% at an exposure of 15 minutes, at a consumption rate

50-100 ml / m3. Pre-disinfect surfaces, close windows and doors, turn off the inlet

exhaust ventilation. After disinfection exposure the rest of the working solution, if necessary

removed from the surfaces with a dry cloth, and the room is ventilated for 10-15 minutes.

Disinfect Forward Sanitizer has antimicrobial activity against

various gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including causative agents of purulent

septic and other nosocomial infections (intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and other

known pathogens of nosocomial infections), pathogens of especially dangerous infections - plague, cholera, mycobacterium tuberculosis,

fungi of the genus Candida, trihofiton (effective for the prevention of candidiasis and dermatophytes), molds,

fungal spores, viruses (for all known human pathogen viruses, including enteral viruses

and parenteral hepatitis (including hepatitis A, B and C), HIV, poliomyelitis, adenoviruses, enteroviruses,

rotaviruses, SARS viruses, H5N1 avian flu virus, A / H1N1 swine flu virus

human herpes. The tool is characterized by residual antimicrobial action.

"Defect-Forward" contains as an active substance a complex of 2-quaternary ammonium

compounds - alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride, dimethyldidecylammonium chloride, as well as fragrance, dye,


The "Disinfection Center" produces premium class disinfectants to protect your health.

Documents regulating disinfection and sterilization activities

in dental institutions

1. OST 42-21-2-85 “Sterilization and disinfection of medical products. Methods, means, modes ";

2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 12.07.1989 No. 408 "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis

in the country";

3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 03.09.1991 No. 254 “On the development of disinfection in the country”;

4. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 18, 1997 No. 170 “On measures to improve HIV prevention and treatment

infections in the Russian Federation ";

5. Guidelines for disinfection, presterilizing cleaning and sterilization of medical products

appointments (MU-287- 113 dated 12/30/1998), approved by the Department of Gossaped Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of Russia

6. "The concept of prevention of nosocomial infections", approved by the dimensional deputy

RF Minister of Health Onishchenko G.A. 12/06/1999;

7. Manual "The use of ultraviolet germicidal radiation for air disinfection and

surfaces in rooms ”(Р 3.1.683-98, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation);

8. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.5.1378-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities";

9. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and conduct of production control

the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary - anti-epidemic (preventive)

events ";

10. Guidelines MUK 4.2.1035-01 from 23.05.2001 “Methods of control. Biological and microbiological

factors. Control of disinfection chambers ";

11. Manual "Organization of modes of disinfection and sterilization in dental institutions, offices"

(L.A.Ponomareva, Moscow Disinfection Station No. 7, 1998);

12. Methodical recommendations “On the organization and conduct of anti-epidemic measures in institutions

Dental Service ”(Ph.D., PS Oparin, Irkutsk Disinfection Station, Siberia-Vostok Journal,

April 2000);

13. Methodical letter TsGSEN in Moscow from 21.03.1995, No. 12/20 / -208 “Organization of sanitary and hygienic

and disinfection and sterilization regimes in dental institutions ”;

14. The manual on the use of disinfectants and sterilization in hospitals and the organization of disinfection modes and

sterilization in the departments of endoscopy and dentistry. Moscow, 1998.
