Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Fresh Scent, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Fresh Scent, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes - Fresh Scent, 105 Count (Pack of 4) (Packaging May Vary)

Air disinfectants: what modern air cleaning devices are capable

Every day, our body attacks many viruses and bacteria. Our immunity successfully copes with most of them, but once he relaxes a little bit, all the “charms” of the disease are evident. Moreover, the patient endangers the people around him at home or at work. In this article we will talk about the devices that will help to defeat the diseases caused by indoor pathogens.

Indoor air cleaning methods
Every day a person inhales about 12 m 3 , or 14 kg, of air [1] . This figure is several times the volume and weight of food consumed per day. And we always think about the benefits and safety of products, but we forget about clean air. Is it time to change the situation? The arsenal of tools for air purification in rooms today is greater than ever:

Daily wet cleaning with the use of chemicals - an effective, but rather time-consuming method. Among other disadvantages of the approach is the possibility of allergies and the harmful effects of certain chemicals [2] .

Average vacuum cleaners can only deal with fairly large particles of dust, but not with allergens, and especially bacteria. Of course, there are new generation devices, including air purification, but they are not affordable for everyone to buy and maintain.

Fine filters (catechins, plasma, electrostatic, etc.) installed on some models of air conditioners, can deal with air pollution. But in addition to the high cost, they require careful maintenance, and their installation in a room is labor intensive. In addition, errors in use, in particular, setting too low a temperature during the summer heat, can provoke a cold.

Air humidifiers with the help of special filters, cartridges or antibacterial additives for water can combat the appearance and spread of infections in the room.

UV air disinfectants . The principle of operation of devices based on the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation. Special lamps clean the air of harmful microorganisms with an efficiency of up to 99% [3] . Thus, ultraviolet rays destroy the DNA bonds inside the virus molecules, so the latter lose their ability to multiply [4] . There are open lamps for disinfecting the air with ultraviolet radiation, which do not involve the presence of people in the cleaned room. Closed lamps are more suitable for domestic use, they are safe, and their operation does not require the absence of people during the operation of the device. Such lamps work almost silently and require only an annual replacement of the UV lamp.

The latter method is one of the most effective and affordable, therefore, we will pay attention to a more detailed description of the varieties of UV devices.

Types of devices for air disinfection
To begin, compare the types of air disinfectants based on ultraviolet lamps.

Open type UV lamps
Quartz lamps have the most powerful radiation, which almost instantly destroys bacteria, spores, mold, etc. This effect is achieved through a quartz glass flask. But also for people the action of the lamp is harmful - due to the “uncovered” rays of ultraviolet and released ozone. Therefore, finding a person in a room where “quartz” is held is extremely undesirable. The same goes for pets and even plants. Quartz lamps are often used in hospitals, kindergartens, sanatoriums and other public institutions where there is a high probability of developing various epidemics.
Germicidal lamps have a less pronounced and strong effect of disinfecting air and surfaces. The glass here is not quartz, but uviol, which prevents the entry of ozone into the air, which is dangerous in high concentrations to living organisms. But at the same time they observe one condition - the light from the lamp is directed upwards, while hiding its source with a special valve. Looking at a germicidal lamp is very harmful to the retina.
Amalgam lamps , unlike the previous ones, do not contain mercury inside, which makes them quite safe when used at home. The rest of the device does not differ from the usual germicidal lamp.
Illuminators-recirculators (UV lamps closed type)

The use of such devices is not associated with the danger of getting burned or damaging the eyes. The ultraviolet lamp is located inside the body that does not transmit UV rays. The device "sucks" the air, which, passing along the UV lamp, comes out already cleaned. Recyclers are ideal for home use, because in order to kill all the harmful bacteria and viruses that live in a room, you just need to leave the device turned on. At the same time, it is not necessary to go outside the room and hide the flowers - only air is processed.

Possibilities of household recirculators
As we have said, such devices are suitable even for cleaning the air in a regular apartment. The use of recirculators becomes especially relevant when small children appear in the house. Many mothers try to especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the room, but they do not always have enough time for a large-scale fight against bacteria, even with daily wet cleaning. The household recirculator becomes a great helper - it kills viruses in the air. And in cases where one of the family members falls ill, the device does not allow the infection to spread to loved ones.

In 4 hours of operation, the recirculator reduces the number of microorganisms in the air by almost 3 times [5] , and in 8 hours, it kills almost all bacteria, viruses, and disease-causing fungi. In addition, household recirculator will help to avoid diseases of the elderly and reduce the manifestations of allergies.

Besides home use, a household recirculator can be quite useful in offices. With the onset of a period of epidemics of colds - in the fall and spring - employees take hospital sick one by one. The virus quietly "walks" around the office, disrupting the working rhythm. The effect of domestic recirculator in such periods helps to reduce the incidence of staff by at least 25% [6] .

Recyclers can be seen in public places. Especially often they are installed in beauty salons, private clinics and dental offices. This is not only an indicator of the health care of its customers, but also a profitable contribution to the image of the establishment. The same goes for kindergartens. For parents, the presence of a recirculator in the kindergarten's room is an important plus, because this measure helps to avoid many dangers to the health of the child.

The fact that the air recirculator is used in rooms where there are children, and in places with high traffic or long stay of people, speaks about the safety of the device. Ultraviolet rays, of course, harmful in its pure form - so we used to use sunscreen, going to sunbathe. But the recirculator does not transmit radiation to the outside: it reliably hides behind the body from a special material, performing only its useful functions.

How to choose a device for air disinfection for home
First of all, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room intended for processing - it is usually indicated in the passport of the device. It is better if this value corresponds to the size of the room. But even if the room is larger, the recirculator will cope with its task, although the process will take a longer time [7] .

There are also various types of fixing irradiators for air disinfection - for home use, portable models on racks can be a good option. In public places, stationary models are often installed, for example, suspended ones.

On a note
It is better to locate the feed where there is air movement. It would be reasonable to install a recirculator for disinfection near the doorway [8] .
An additional advantage of the recirculator model will be the presence of a well thought-out device management system . It is clear that the required minimum is an on / off button, but the presence of a timer and an indicator indicating how long the lamp has worked will not interfere either.

The recycle irradiator housing can be made of metal or plastic. The first ones are often more expensive and are intended for public spaces - special structural strength is required here. Home appliances can be made of plastic.

Nowadays, many scientific advances are becoming available to the general consumer, which make it possible to take care of their own health and that of their loved ones without any efforts and substantial expenses. The inconspicuous work of the irradiator-recirculator installed at home or in the office helps reduce the risk of getting colds, flu, and allergies.

Where can I buy a recirculating air disinfectant
We asked the Armed TM specialist to answer this question:

“It is necessary to take the purchase of medical equipment as seriously as possible, because here we are talking about health, and, as they say, you cannot buy it with money. Therefore, when acquiring an air disinfectant, give preference to brands that are credible. The criterion for selection can be the lifetime of a brand on the market - time-tested products always have a certain reputation that is easy to track according to the feedback from the owners. Our Armed trademark has traveled 20 years, and that says a lot. We understand that in addition to quality, price, range and convenient delivery times are important for the buyer. Therefore, we offer various types of air recirculating air disinfectants for the home - with a stylish design and an affordable price (from about 3,300 rubles [9] ), as well as more powerful models for offices and medical institutions. Zoneless ultraviolet lamps inside the irradiators are designed for 8,000 hours of continuous work, and after this period it is easy to replace them. Ease of use and adherence to high standards of production make our products attractive for both home use and installation in public places. ”
