Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clorox Commercial Solutions Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wet Wipes, 6 Canisters/Case

Clorox Commercial Solutions Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wet Wipes, 6 Canisters/Case

Clorox Commercial Solutions Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, 75 Wet Wipes, 6 Canisters/Case

How to disinfect the apartment from viruses

Disinfection disinfects the room, kills harmful microorganisms and eliminates toxins. This procedure is especially necessary in the period of exacerbation of viral diseases.

cleaning bath tap

Disinfection is also carried out when isolating the patient is not enough, and other people are at risk of illness. The procedure is carried out after the disease to clean the room, kill harmful germs and reduce the risk of re-illness.

In addition, it is important to regularly disinfect with a large number of animals in the house. The procedure is done not only in these cases, but also as a prophylaxis of influenza, various infections and fungi. In this article we will look at how to sanitize the apartment and treat the room from viruses on its own.

How to disinfect the apartment
Chemicals - the easiest and most reliable way. Choose products containing bleach, chlorine or monochloramine, which are designed to fight bacteria, viruses and fungus. Well suited classic “White”. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and follow the recommendations. In most cases, it is imperative to use protective equipment;
Folk remedies. Instead of purchased store supplies, you can treat the room with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, acetic acid, or even a saturated salt solution. These compounds also disinfect the apartment, eliminate dangerous bacteria after rotavirus, influenza or any infection;
Aromatization of air using essential oils and aroma lamps is an affordable and effective method of disinfection. In addition, this procedure fills the room with a pleasant aroma, promotes comfortable rest and relaxation, creates a cozy atmosphere in the house. Tea tree oil which is distinguished by antifungal and antibacterial action is considered the most effective. It cleans and refreshes the air in the apartment without chemical additives. In addition, suitable essential oil of lavender, fir and needles, eucalyptus and lemon. For 20 square meters, two drops of any 100% essential oil are enough. Just add a natural remedy to the oil burner;
Ultraviolet lamp - a reliable and cheap way that is common in medical institutions. For home use, you can purchase a portable ultraviolet device. This lamp can only be used in an empty room without people or animals. Dimensional furniture and other immovable objects are covered with a dense dark plaid or bedspread. The procedure is carried out for about twenty minutes, after which the room is thoroughly aired;
Salt lamp disinfects the room and saturates the apartment air with useful substances of sea salt. Salt crystals form ions that reliably and quickly destroy various viruses, bacteria, and prevent diseases. However, the effect of one lamp is only enough for 10 square meters;
Bactericidal air recirculator allows you to disinfect the air in the room up to 50 m2. For a separate room, choose a device with less power. The device takes the infected air, cleans it with the help of ultraviolet light and releases it back clean. At the same time, the recirculator is absolutely safe, so during the procedure people and animals can be in the room without fear;
Humidifiers increase humidity and purify the air. In addition, they moisturize the skin and mucous membranes of a person, which also reduces the risk of viral diseases. It is important to regularly update the water in the humidifier in order to get the maximum effect. On the action of the device and how to choose the right humidifier, read here .
device for disinfecting an apartment from viruses

Chemical and folk disinfectants
The most safe among the chemical compounds is a solution of monochloramine, which is taken at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters of water. The tool is used for processing walls, ceiling and floor, tile and plastic, furniture, plumbing, door handles.

Folk remedies are safer than chemical ones. In addition, they are more affordable and cheaper than various devices. The chemical composition will replace table vinegar 9%, which is diluted in proportion to two tablespoons per liter of water. This composition wash the floor and walls, tiles. For toys, clothes and upholstered furniture, use vinegar 7%.

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable to disinfect underwear and clothing, especially white things. To do this, dissolve one hundred grams of the product in ten liters of warm water, where the products are immersed. Then the water is brought to a boil and the clothes are boiled for 15 minutes, stirring regularly.

When using a washing machine in boiling water, one hundred grams of hydrogen peroxide is diluted and poured into the drum. Already washed laundry is put into the solution and washed for another 5-10 minutes. For colored items, before rinsing, pour 50 grams of vinegar per five liters of water into the tank.

machine washable with vinegar

How to disinfect the room
If you use chemical or folk remedies, it is important to follow the rules of the procedure. Be sure to use gloves, sometimes protective glasses and a respirator are required. Some formulations are dangerous and aggressive, leading to burns on the skin, irritation of the eyes, mucosa and respiratory tract.

During the procedure, children and animals should not be present in the room. The disinfection process takes place as general cleaning. First, with a cloth and a tool, clean the corners, and then wash each horizontal surface. After treatment with special compositions, the surfaces are washed with clean water and wipe dry.

Do not forget about disinfecting curtains and carpets, soft toys, souvenirs and various small items. It is important to process not only the walls, floor and ceiling, but also every object in the room. For convenience when disinfecting small items use a spray bottle.

Soft toys, curtains, cloth covers, it is desirable to wash in warm water with powder. In addition, you can disinfect small objects separately using an ultraviolet lamp.

disinfection of soft toys from viruses

Pay special attention to the things you use daily. These are ware, door handles and a handrail, the computer keyboard and a mouse. These items require thorough disinfection.

After the end of cleaning and use of an ultraviolet lamp, be sure to ventilate the room. In addition to disinfection, you can use a number of recommendations to avoid viral diseases.

Security Measures for Flu and Colds
Proper nutrition, fresh fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins, playing sports, exercising and tempering are the first things that come to mind. But in order to fully protect yourself from possible colds, it is important to secure the room. A suitable option would be frequent airing. During the day, it is advisable to ventilate the room every four hours, and at night - leave the window open.

Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity for the body. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees Celsius, and the optimum humidity is 50-70%. Use indoor air humidifiers.

optimal room temperature

They maintain the necessary humidity and a comfortable microclimate in the house, have a positive effect on health and well-being, keep upholstered furniture and wooden products in good condition for a long time.

If someone is sick in the house, move the patient to a separate room. He should eat from separate dishes and use an individual towel. Healthy people in contact with patients should always use protective gauze dressings.

After a person has recovered, be sure to wash, or rather boil clothing and bedding, disinfect the toothbrush, and better replace it with a new one.

To maintain a healthy and comfortable indoor microclimate, use indoor plants, as many contain volatile production. These nutrients help protect your home from colds and flu. Suitable tsiperus, begonia and coffee tree, geranium and azalea, ficus and various citrus plants.

house plant for disinfecting viruses in the apartment

Wipe dust regularly and do wet cleaning. Viruses and bacteria are deposited on each surface. Their life in dust increases to five weeks. Therefore, it is important to regularly remove dust from surfaces, clean and vacuum carpets, curtains and soft toys, because these are excellent “dust collectors”.

So that the dust no longer settles on surfaces, take a special microfiber cloth or from ordinary wool. When wiping, add two to three drops of pink or lavender essential oil to the water. This is a great antistatic.
