Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 15ct

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 15ct

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 15ct

Why do I need disinfection and what is it like?

Disinfection - the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the human environment. IN AND. Vashkov

We all know that there are a huge number of microorganisms that can cause very great harm to humans. To protect people from a variety of infections and diseases requires competent disinfection. Let's try to figure out what disinfection is, what it is, what methods and methods of disinfection exist.

Disinfection is a science that studies the ways and means of destroying the causative agents of infectious diseases on various objects and in various substrates of the external environment.

Disinfection is divided into two types: focal and prophylactic.

Focal disinfection is disinfection in the infectious focus, which in turn is divided into final and current.

Final disinfection
This is a set of measures taken to disinfect the source of an infectious disease. It is carried out once with the use of disinfectants after removing the source of infection from the outbreak: during hospitalization, during recovery, when the patient is discharged, etc. For final disinfection, dezestants and medical workers are responsible.

Current disinfection
Carried out with the aim of destroying and preventing the dispersion of microorganisms in the transmission routes of infection The current disinfection is carried out systematically in all medical institutions, infectious medical institutions.

Preventive disinfection
It is carried out constantly in the absence of infectious diseases in beauty salons, spa centers, baths, swimming pools, saunas, sports clubs, catering establishments, hotels, educational institutions, trade institutions, and industrial enterprises.

There are 5 main methods of disinfection:

Mechanical - provides for the removal of an infected layer of soil or the device flooring.
Physical - treatment with ultraviolet lamps, sources of gamma radiation, boiling. This method is mainly used for intestinal infections. Boiling is used to process linen, dishes, drinking water, toys, food. Ultraviolet irradiation is used to disinfect indoor air in medical and other institutions.
Chemical - The main way consists in destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and destruction of toxins disinfectants.
Combined - based on a combination of several of the listed methods, for example, wet cleaning followed by ultraviolet radiation.
Biological - based on the antagonistic action between various microorganisms, the action of biological agents. It is used at biological stations, during wastewater treatment.
Obligatory disinfection should be subjected to:

all medical instruments and equipment;
tools and equipment for manicure, pedicure and other cosmetic procedures;
surfaces of premises and objects;
the skin of the patient (injection and surgical fields) and the hands of medical personnel.

Only careful disinfection and cleanliness will be able to protect a person from being able to become infected with a huge range of diseases that cause harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. The most stringent requirements for disinfection are always imposed on medical institutions, since the flow of sick people who can spread infections is the largest in them. And only thorough disinfection can prevent serious outbreaks of disease. There are still many public places where the risk of spreading infections is high. If a person who is sick, for example, a fungal disease of the feet comes to a bath, a pool, or a gymnasium, then he can very easily pass on his illness to others. In the manicure and pedicure rooms, the risk of transmission of infections through tools is also increased. The task of the staff is to ensure the safety of their institution and prevent the spread of infection. For this and need disinfection. In addition, every person who thinks about his health should not neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

In the next article we will focus on the chemical method of disinfection. Consider the main types of disinfectants and requirements for them.
