Sunday, June 16, 2019

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, to Go Pack!, 9 ct. (6 Pack)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, to Go Pack!, 9 ct. (6 Pack)

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent, to Go Pack!, 9 ct. (6 Pack)

How to properly disinfect the apiary

In order to create healthy apiaries and to obtain high-quality sanitary products of beekeeping, beekeepers need to regularly (at least once a year) carry out veterinary and sanitary measures in their apiaries, in which disinfection is a necessary link.

Disinfection in apiaries is carried out both with the preventive purpose, and forcedly - with the aim of eliminating the source of the disease.
The objects of disinfection in apiaries are beehives, honeycombs, equipment, equipment, beekeeper overalls, winter workers, storage facilities, as well as the territory of the apiary (pre-kiln platforms), drinking bowls, wax and wax.

Disinfection consists of two successive operations:
1. Mechanical cleaning, which removes dirt from the surfaces of the walls and bottom of hives, frames, etc.
2. Actually disinfection - surface treatment with disinfectant solutions.

1. Mechanical cleaning

During the beekeeping season, pollution consisting of residues of wax, propolis, bee feces, which contain billions of spores and vegetative cells of causative agents of infectious diseases of bees, accumulates on the surface of hives, somatoramok, beekeeping equipment, clothing of the beekeeper, etc. Solutions of disinfectants applied to such contaminated surfaces do not penetrate due to the strong surface tension of the liquid, which makes the disinfection process ineffective. Therefore, to achieve a more reliable result, all contamination must be removed and the surfaces should be degreased.

Before starting work, to prevent the dispersion of pathogens of infectious diseases, the walls, bottoms and hay frames must be irrigated with a weak solution of disinfectant. After 5-10 minutes, using a chisel or metal scraper, carefully clean the traces of excrement, wax growths, propolis and other contaminants. From the bottom of the hives collected podmor, debris and be sure to burn.

Then the hives are washed with hot water with the addition of detergent powder (2 tablespoons per bucket of water), washed with water and dried.

Empty soto frames (free from honey and perga) are sorted, old (dark) honeycombs, as well as honeycombs with moldy perga, fermented honey, contaminated by bees excrements, dead bees in the cells, and damaged mice are rejected to overflow. Wooden planks sotoramok, suitable for further use, thoroughly cleaned from contamination, wax, propolis, bee faeces and put in a room inaccessible to bees.

After completion of the mechanical cleaning of the objects proceed to disinfection.

2. Preventive disinfection.

For prophylactic disinfection of hives, frames and other equipment, prepare one of the disinfecting solutions of the following composition:

5% solution of soda ash>: 500 grams of soda ash is dissolved in 10 liters of hot (50-70 ºС) water and thoroughly stirred.
2% sodium hydroxide solution: 200 g (1 cup) is dissolved in 10 liters of hot (50-70 ºС) water and thoroughly stirred.
3% solution of ash liquor. For what they take 6 kg of wood ash and 1 kg of freshly-boiled lime and pour 10 liters of water. The solution is incubated for 24 hours with 3-4 single stirring. For disinfection use pooled top layer of alkaline solution.
For preventive disinfection sotoramok prepare:
1% hydrogen peroxide solution, acidified with acetic or formic acid (110 ml of a 33% solution of perhydrol are taken per 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoonful of acetic or formic acid is added).

After mechanical cleaning, washing and drying, beehives and wooden planks from rejected combs are transferred to a concrete or well-compacted area and irrigated with the prepared solution. It is applied from any type of sprayers until the surfaces of the treated objects are moistened evenly.

To increase the efficiency of disinfection, it is desirable to use hot (50-70ºС) disinfecting solutions. 3 hours after treatment, the hives and wooden planks are washed with water and dried.

Sotorams suitable for further use are irrigated from sprays of any type until they are uniformly moistened, folded into hives with closed tap holes, covered with lids and left for three hours. After the processing time, the cells are dried in a room out of reach of bees.

In the absence of disinfecting agents, the hives and wooden slats from the frames can be disinfected by burning with a blowtorch, a gas burner to even (light brown) browning, or use a building dryer (heat gun). Thermogun - modern replacement of a blowtorch, creates air temperature up to 650ºС.

If infectious diseases occur in the apiary (American and European foulbrood, ascospherosis, aspergillosis, saccular brood, chronic viral paralysis, Nozematosis), along with medical measures, they conduct forced disinfection.

3. Forced disinfection.

Empty hives, sotoramki and other equipment after mechanical cleaning disinfect:
- 10% hydrogen peroxide solution, acidified with formic or acetic acid (1100 ml of 33% solution of perhydrol are taken per 1 l of water and 1 tablespoon of acetic or formic acid is added). Apply it on the treated surface of the fine sprayer to their abundant, uniform moisture. Then processed sotoramki and other inventory is placed in empty (clean) hives, covered with roofs, cover the ventilation holes, and leave for 4 hours;

- formaldehyde vapors: at the bottom (preferably in a corner), previously cleaned, washed and dried hive, put a glass container into which 45 ml of formalin and 20 ml of water are poured. Then the sotarams prepared for disinfection are placed in it (leaving a small space above the formalin container), the hive caps are tightly closed, the slots are sealed. The hive is covered with a lid, after which they take 30 g of potassium permanganate, raise the hive lid over the place where the formalin container is located, quickly pour the permanganate into the container and tightly close the lid.

It should be remembered that when potassium permanganate is added, formaldehyde vapor emission starts instantly! Therefore, when using this method of disinfection, the following precautions should be observed: add potassium permanganate at arm's length from the container, hands should be protected by gloves, and upper respiratory tract - by a respirator.

After 2 hours, the capacity is removed, and the residual formaldehyde on the comb is neutralized by spraying the treated somatorams with 5% ammonia solution.

After disinfection, beehives, honeycombs, etc., the inventory is washed with water and dried. Dry, decontaminated somatorams should be stored separately from the discarded frames and wax obtained from sick families.

With Nosema, empty somato frames can be disinfected with acetic acid vapors (80% concentration). At the same time, empty soto frames from patients with Nosematosis of bee colonies are placed in a hive with closed gaps, on which an empty store extension is placed, where an open glass container with an acid at the rate of 200 ml of acid is placed on one case with a sushi, the shop hive is sealed from above. Disinfection is carried out for 4-5 days. After the expiration of the exposure, airing the somatorams is carried out in the open air for 3-5 days.

Hive batties, bathrobes, towels and overalls are disinfected in this way:
- boiling in a 3% solution of soda ash or zonal lye for 30 minutes;
- immersion in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 3 hours, or 10% formalin solution for 4 hours, or 1% solution of activated chloramine for 2 hours.

After disinfection, the canvases, clothing, etc. are washed in water and dried.
Metal small beekeeping stock can be ignited on fire.
The culled honeycombs are burned or melted to wax separately from the wax raw materials from healthy bee colonies. The resulting wax is stored separately in a tightly closed container and sent for technical purposes, Merv and heat burned.
Honey and pollen (pollen) obtained from such families are stored in a sealed container and sold only for food purposes. Using them for feeding bees is prohibited.
Beehives, beekeeping equipment, overalls, honey extractors, honey containers and other apiary accessories are not recommended to be transferred from one apiary to another without prior disinfection.

Precautionary measures

It is advisable to carry out all work on disinfection during the period of minimal flight activity of bees or away from the main summer of bees, on a concrete or well-packed area with a shed and a closed pit for sewage.
Use personal protective equipment: clothing, rubber boots and gloves, respirator, goggles.
Compliance with these recommendations will minimize the risk of occurrence and spread of infectious diseases of bees in apiaries.
