Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength Whitening Toothpaste - 6 ounce (3 Pack)

Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength Whitening Toothpaste - 6 ounce (3 Pack)
Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength Whitening Toothpaste - 6 ounce (3 Pack)

How to prevent caries in children?

Caring for the welfare of children, parents often forget how important oral hygiene is. Prevention of dental caries in children should begin as early as possible, it gives a guarantee that the child will have healthy teeth.

What is caries and what are the reasons for its appearance?

Some microorganisms, especially streptococci, colonize on the teeth and form a bacterial plaque. The end product of the metabolism of bacteria is an acid that dissolves tooth enamel and dentin. For the development of caries and the growth of pathogenic bacteria are primarily responsible for poor oral hygiene and food harmful to the teeth, for example, sweet drinks and sweets. In addition, bacteria often enter the baby’s mouth from the mother. This can occur during cooking or feeding, when parents use baby appliances to take samples from cooked food.

The development process of children's caries is dynamic, it is associated with a weaker mineralization of the tissues of milk teeth as compared with permanent ones.

Proper hygiene

Some parents believe that oral care should begin only with the appearance of the first teeth. However, dentists are advised to start nursing from the very first weeks after giving birth, in particular, after feeding, it is recommended to clean the baby’s oral cavity with a soft cotton cloth wound on a finger, and better with Brush-Baby DentalWipes xylitol wipes.

In the first year of life, you should learn to use a toothbrush, first without a paste, and then with a small amount of it. In 3 - 4 years the child is already able to spit out the paste and rinse your mouth. Children need to develop the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day: in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, after dinner. It is better that the first toothbrush be silicone, for example, like the Brush-Baby silicone chewing toothbrush . When the teeth become larger, you can purchase a soft-bristled baby brush, such as a Jordan teether , which will not irritate the baby’s gums and scratch the tooth enamel. When the child grows up you can think about buying an electric brush .


In order to prevent caries, you should not allow the child to be fed from dishes that other people used before. It is important that the mother during the feeding does not try to eat with the children's appliances that the baby eats. This is the most common way of transmitting bacteria responsible for the development of caries.

Proper nutrition

This is an important element of dental prevention, which includes: an appropriate level of mineral components, nutrients and vitamins, as well as rational dosing of sugar and an appropriate consistency of food.

The main mistake of the parents is that the child in the evening or at night, to quench their thirst and calm, instead of water, give sugary drinks. During sleep, the secretion of saliva decreases, so the sugar lingers longer on the surface of the teeth and promotes the growth of bacteria.

Long-term breastfeeding also contributes to the development of caries. Breast milk (as well as mixtures) contains natural sugar - lactose, which adversely affects the health of children's teeth.

For brushing your teeth, you should use only children's toothpastes without fluoride or with a small concentration of it.

Toothbrush replacement

Due to hygienic considerations and mechanical deformations, the toothbrush should be changed every 3 months. The bacteria accumulated on its surface can be dangerous not only for the teeth, but also for the whole organism.

As a preventive measure using the procedure of fluoridation, which strengthens and restores tooth enamel.

It is important to regularly, at least once every 6 months, visit the dentist. This will allow early detection of caries, and start treatment immediately. Caries is easier to prevent than to cure.

Adhering to these rules, you can reduce the risk of developing the disease in children.


Rembrandt Deeply White + Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste 2.6 oz, 2 Pack, Fresh Mint Flavor

Rembrandt Deeply White + Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste 2.6 oz, 2 Pack, Fresh Mint Flavor
Rembrandt Deeply White + Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste 2.6 oz, 2 Pack, Fresh Mint Flavor

Prevention of caries in children

Its main areas are:

a medical examination, which is absolutely necessary and free of charge;
professional oral cleaning;
fluoridation of enamel with the help of remineralizing liquidations, in order to strengthen it;
sealing fissure.

For the prevention of caries in children, it is of paramount importance what a woman eats during pregnancy and whether she receives enough fluoride from food, water, or special vitamins and food supplements.
Prevention of caries: home hygiene for kids

Parents in the office, we are always happy Care of the baby’s oral cavity should begin with the first tooth. With its appearance, you must immediately purchase a baby toothpaste and a brush for your baby.

It is necessary to show the child to the dentist no later than when he is one year old. According to the results of the examination, the doctor will explain how to take care of the baby’s oral cavity, suggest what you need to add or remove from his food.

Prevention of caries in children will have an effect when visiting the dentist regularly twice a year, and if there are any problems , it is necessary to sign up to the dentist once every three months.

Parents should educate in their baby a good attitude to the procedures necessary for oral hygiene.

If prevention of caries in young children is not carried out at all, or is carried out incorrectly, then bottle caries is possible, which is a major cosmetic defect. In the past, such teeth were made to silver, but even a child cannot have black teeth! In countries where dentistry is well developed, they have not used the silvering method for a long time.

Specialists of our clinic also moved away from it a long time ago and use more modern and effective methods so that the prevention of caries in children is effective and does not change the color of the teeth.
Fissure sealing

In babies in the fissure area, enamel is not fully formed. Because of this, parts of food are stuck there, which are the breeding ground for bacteria and caries. The sealants used in our clinic do not allow food to get stuck in fissures and provide enamel with additional nutrition, which makes it healthy.

In our clinic, various sealants are used: they can be fluorine-containing or gel-like, they can be multi-colored with glitters. Children perceive the sealing process as a game, not a cure. This method will not take much of your time, but will reliably and permanently protect your teeth from caries, and the cost of its implementation will pay for itself many times.


Sensodyne Complete Protection Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Extra Fresh, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)

Sensodyne Complete Protection Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Extra Fresh, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)
Sensodyne Complete Protection Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Extra Fresh, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)

Treatment of caries

Did you know that the tooth is the only organ that is not restored. Now you understand why jokes with caries are bad? If you notice a black dot on the enamel - forward to the doctor. Even if nothing hurts.
What is dental caries and where does it come from?

Caries is a disease for the development of which external and internal factors must coincide. External - is the most insidious bacterium Streptococcus mutans, which we get through household contacts from mom or another relative.

The activators of this bacterium are our favorite sweets: chocolate, donuts, croissants, butterscotch. As soon as you drink tea with sweets, the bacterium begins to emit acids that destroy enamel.

Internal - this is the state of the enamel itself. The weaker and thinner it is, the more actively tooth decay develops.

Other factors play a role:

food - not enough calcium and fluoride comes with food;
heredity - this is why some people in their old age do not visit dentists, while others already in adolescence crack enamel and their teeth crumble;
chronic diseases;
poor hygiene of the oral cavity and - too lazy to brush your teeth before going to bed (did this happen?);
weak immunity.

Caries in the stage of white spots
Caries in the staining stage: treatment of "invisible" disease

Caries in the speck stage is the first stage in the development of carious disease. It is imperceptible at first, because it looks like a white spot on the enamel, which is simply not paying attention. However, over time, the stain darkens, which means that the disease progresses. Then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

At the white spot stage, enamel does not change its appearance; it remains smooth and even. Most often, white spots appear on the front teeth, so if you look closely, you can recognize them yourself.
In the second stage, the spots are pigmented and darken. Their shade becomes more expressive - from light brown to almost black. This is due to the aggravation of demineralization - the structure of enamel is changing, it becomes more loose and fragile. Therefore, free access to bacteria. Due to the activity of microorganisms, the spots darken.

Why is it important to go to the dentist every six months? At scheduled inspection, caries diagnostics is carried out. If you see a spot in time, you can cut off the development of caries at the root and prevent it from flowing into a more severe form.

To prevent caries, the doctor performs the following procedures:

Eliminates all deposits with a professional cleaning, polishes the surface of the teeth.
To restore the enamel conducts remineralization. The procedure involves the treatment of damaged tooth tissues with special means to restore their natural structure. Most often for this purpose, preparations based on calcium or fluorine compounds are used. They can be applied with a special brush, added to the tray or applied in the form of applications.

In combination with the right care, these procedures will help prevent the development of more complex and dangerous forms of caries.
Treatment of surface caries

Usually, caries appears in fissures - in the grooves on the chewing surface of the molar. It is to these areas that we pay insufficient attention when brushing your teeth; plaque and food debris accumulate here.

At this stage, you need to urgently run to the dentist to prevent deeper and more complex caries. The treatment is quick and painless - in 30-40 minutes. The doctor will drill out all the black and put a seal.

And in order not to accidentally miss the appearance of this insidious disease, you should make professional teeth cleaning every six months. Your dentist as a superhero in the Marvel comics will instantly detect and destroy the enemy.
Deep caries treatment

If suddenly you were turned into a routine in the rhythmic dance of the megalopolis, and you could not find time for a visit to the dentist, and caries is growing and developing - it does not matter. Our doctors will be able to save a tooth even in the most difficult cases.
Symptoms of deep caries:

short pain during hot / cold meals;
a carious cavity appeared, where food gets stuck and a raid accumulates;
X-ray shows a darkening in the root or between two molars - caries on the teeth reached the gums;
prolonged aching pain, which is aggravated at night.

In these cases, treatment takes place in one or two visits. Without an anesthesia injection can not do here.
Deep caries: treatment at the clinic 32 Dent

The doctor examines the tooth and assesses the depth of caries. If necessary, make an X-ray.
If caries is complex and deep, anesthesia is given.
Drills caries.
If the nerve is inflamed, it removes it.
The dentist cleans the root canal, sterilizes it and puts the medicine. Puts a temporary seal.
After 3-6 days you come to the reception again. The doctor takes out a temporary seal and seals the canal. And then a tooth.

Removal of caries can take place with or without anesthesia - according to your desire.

Treatment of caries in Kiev
Possible complications

Pulpitis If after the treatment of the tooth (during the first three days) periodic pains appear, then the pulp has inflamed. In this case, an urgent need to go to the doctor, so that he removed the infected area and sealed the root canals.
Repeated caries . Most often this complication occurs at the border of the filling and the tooth due to the negligence of the doctor. Apparently, he did not drill all caries. Our 32 dent dentists do everything conscientiously, they worry about patients and value their reputation.
Break off or split the crown. If the walls of the tooth are heavily thinned, cracks appeared on the enamel, then the crowns break off - a matter of time. In this case, you need to put another seal or prosthesis.

Early treatment of caries - the price of health and beauty of the rest of the teeth.
Which seal to choose?

How long the filling lasts depends not so much on the material as on the professionalism of the doctor. Even if the dentist uses superinnovative material for fillings from Germany, but will put it in violation of technology, it may fall out in a week.

Good is the doctor who drills caries to the end and at the same time preserves the enamel as much as possible.

Doctors with colossal experience work in our clinic. They cured hundreds, even thousands of teeth. And all patients were satisfied with the result.

How to prevent caries

If you have caries of the tooth root, the treatment needs to be completed the sooner the better. Otherwise, you can lose a healthy molar. And it will be much more difficult and more expensive to insert it.

A tooth fell out
Is it necessary to treat caries of milk teeth?

Unfortunately, most often parents come to a decision that is not necessary. Adults do not take the problem seriously, because baby teeth will all the same be replaced by permanent ones, and you don’t feel like scaring and injuring your child by going to the dentist.

In fact, this attitude leads to many dental problems in the future. After all, dental caries already means that pathogenic bacteria have settled in them.

If the tooth falls out, the infection will remain and may cause other problems.

In addition, the premature loss of a baby tooth leads to a curvature of the permanent dentition.

It follows from this that the main task of the dentist is to keep the baby tooth as long as possible, but at the same time not to allow the infection to develop and damage other teeth and organs.
How to treat tooth decay caries

At the initial stage

To cure tooth decay in a child at the initial stage, the dentist performs a painless and simple procedure. It lies in the fact that fluorine varnish or silver fluoride is applied to the enamel. This helps protect the tooth from further damage. To use the drill at this stage do not resort.

Medium and deep caries

If the stage of the disease progresses, the dentist performs the classic treatment of caries. In this case, the use of sedatives. More often anesthetic is required when treating medium and deep caries of milk teeth. All manipulations are aimed at reducing the time of procedures, because children get tired quickly, and treatment has to be interrupted. In some cases, the treatment of deep caries in children is carried out in several stages.

As you can see, the sooner you take the baby to the dentist, the easier and faster it will be to fix the problem.
Prevention is also important.

Often, dental caries at a young age occurs due to excessive consumption of sweets. Try as much as possible to limit the sweets in the diet of your baby, replacing them with hard fruits and vegetables, foods rich in calcium. This will strengthen the enamel and gums, help prevent demineralization.
It is very important to teach the child to follow the hygiene of the mouth from an early age. To do this, choose a brush with soft bristles and a pleasant tasting paste. Brush your teeth with your baby, show a positive example.
Bring your child to a scheduled examination to the dentist every six months. And do not forget about it yourself!

Brushing teeth with baby
How to prevent tooth decay, if possible?

Open your mouth and look in the mirror. If you see black spots, it is caries, it should be treated.

If there are no stains, and on distant chewing molars, you can see relief fissures - winding depressions resembling streams in the mountains, then dentists are also not thrilled with this pictorial picture. It is in these crevices that food accumulates and bacteria multiply.

That is why dentists recommend to seal even healthy teeth with fissures with a special material so as not to provoke caries once again.

What to do if caries on the front teeth? The treatment is complicated, but possible. Our dentists will ensure that no one notices the filling. Will pick up material under enamel color.


Sensodyne Sensitive Teeth Whitening, True White Mint, Sensitivity Toothpaste, 3 ounce

Sensodyne Sensitive Teeth Whitening, True White Mint, Sensitivity Toothpaste, 3 ounce
Sensodyne Sensitive Teeth Whitening, True White Mint, Sensitivity Toothpaste, 3 ounce

Prevention of caries in children

It is easier to prevent dental disease than to treat it. And it does not matter, it is caries, periodontal disease or gingivitis. Yes, and prevention will cost much cheaper.

Studies show that in the world of caries is considered the most common disease of the teeth, which destroys hard dental tissue. The disease itself is harmless, but the complications it causes are very. If time does not cure caries, it will provoke the development of more serious diseases that require an integrated approach.
How to prevent caries

Caries prevention consists of several critical actions that should be performed daily.

Daily oral hygiene. Be sure to remind the children to brush their teeth twice a day, preferably after a meal. The surface of the teeth is cleaned from the inside and outside. Dentists recommend starting to brush your teeth on the principle of "from red to white." This means that the movement of the brush should be directed first to the gums, and then to the teeth. This is the only way to achieve a better result. Do not disregard the condition of the gums. The appearance of bad breath can be a signal of inflammation of the gums and developing periodontal disease.

Brushing your teeth with a brush is not enough. It is also necessary to use a dental floss (preferably in the evening), as well as an irrigator - a special device with which you can thoroughly clean out hard-to-reach places.

Balanced diet. If a child eats incorrectly, his body loses vitamins and macronutrients, which he needs so much for growth and proper development, which ultimately will have a negative impact on the condition of the teeth.

Lack of bad habits. The passion for eating sweets can also be considered a bad habit, because it negatively affects not only weight, but also the condition of teeth. Control the amount of sweets and sugar-containing drinks your child consumes throughout the day. Sugar is the biggest enemy of healthy teeth.
Professional protection

It is very important to visit the dentist every six months, even if the child is not disturbed by anything.

Professional dental protection includes several types of procedures.

Professional dental hygiene. This is not a luxury, as many think, but a necessity. The procedure consists of two stages: ultrasound tartar removal and removal of plaque with an Air Flow sprayer. With it, a strong jet of soda and water is sent to the teeth to remove the porous matrix, which provokes the occurrence of tartar. After this procedure, the teeth become completely clean and become white. After that, dentists recommend polishing them or applying a fluorine-containing substance to them. Such manipulations help to reduce the sensitivity of teeth, several times increase the resistance to the occurrence of caries, and freshen breath. Dentists recommend professional dental cleaning every six months. If the patient has braces or has problems with periodontal, you can pass it more often.

Enamel-sealing liquid. This substance has a strong bactericidal action. With its help, it is possible to minimize the formation of a microbial film that appears on the surface of the tooth enamel. Enamel-sealing liquid protects the tooth from damage and penetration of microbes through the dentin canal. The procedure is recommended for people with hypersensitivity tooth enamel. This substance fills the space between the keratin fibers. In addition, it replaces such a procedure as silvering children's teeth. With it, you can eliminate melopodobnye spots that appear in the first stage of caries.

If necessary, the dentist can fluoridate the teeth using a transparent mouthguard.

To prevent the occurrence of caries, a procedure is prescribed for sealing fissures with a special substance containing fluorine.
Prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, in which circular mating is not disrupted (“eyelet” around the tooth). It does not allow penetration of infection into the canal of the tooth, preventing the formation of periodontal pockets. If you do not start treatment in time, the disease will turn into periodontitis. Gingivitis very often occurs on the background of hormonal disorders in adolescence and in pregnant women. To prevent it, you need to annually do professional teeth cleaning. And the more often it is done, the better.

Periodontitis is a more serious disease that can cause tooth loss. It is dangerous not only for the teeth, but also for the organism as a whole, because it affects the digestive system, reduces immunity. It can be recognized by the characteristic symptoms: swelling, redness, bleeding gums, the appearance of pus on them, pain around the tooth, the integrity of the teeth, their loss.
Simple, but effective methods to prevent dental diseases:

brush your teeth thoroughly with a suitable brush at least twice a day;
regularly visit the dentist;
in the presence of bite pathology, seek help from an orthodontist;
disinfect periodontal pockets.

Periodontitis shows the condition of the body as a whole. If you have any diseases, they will eventually affect the condition of the oral cavity. Therefore, do not be surprised if the periodontist directs you to consult an endocrinologist. Very often, periodontitis is a disease of carious teeth.


Parodontax Complete Protection Toothpaste For Bleeding Gums, Pure Fresh Mint, 3.4 Ounce

Parodontax Complete Protection Toothpaste For Bleeding Gums, Pure Fresh Mint, 3.4 Ounce
Parodontax Complete Protection Toothpaste For Bleeding Gums, Pure Fresh Mint, 3.4 Ounce

How to prevent caries

1 How To Prevent Caries By Joylyn Fowler Garden Grove CA USA From NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 19 No. 5, September-October 2002, p Vanya was almost 2 years old when his mother Olga noticed a brown speck on one of the chewing teeth, like a sticky food. When Olga failed to clean the stain with a brush, she took her son to the dentist. The doctor managed to examine the oral cavity, only having made the boy anesthesia. During the examination, the dentist discovered that all the teeth, except one, are affected by caries. Four front teeth had to be removed, two crowns were put in, and the rest, except for one healthy tooth, were sealed. The dentist told Olga that breastfeeding at night is the same as bottle feeding. To save the teeth will have to stop feeding at night. Olga doubted the recommendation of the dentist. "It can not be! People fed children for millennia, and their teeth were fine, she thought. Olga decided to continue feeding Vanya at night, as the family was preparing for the move, which, even without a night of weaning, was quite a stress for the boy. Mom tried to wipe her teeth with a soft cloth after each night feeding, but Vanya woke up during this procedure. For several months, Olga gradually stopped feeding her son at night. Why did the dentist decide that breastfeeding, especially at night, could cause caries? Human milk contains lactose sugar. It is well known that food and drinks containing sugar often cause tooth decay. Some studies have traced the relationship of feeding and caries, while others argue that there is no connection. The American Academy of Children's Dentists recommends not to feed the child at night after the first teeth appear (Pediatric Dentistry magazine). Many dentists agree with this recommendation, both in the US and outside. Let's understand the existing contradictions among the data on children's caries. Analysis of research results Dr. Joyce Sinton and her colleagues conducted a comparative analysis of research on feeding methods and caries, trying to determine why researchers disagree on the effect of breastfeeding on teeth. They concluded that in many studies, during which the connection between breastfeeding and caries was found, the research methodology did not meet the standards, and the researchers came to contradictory results. Most of the articles found by researchers were not included in the final review, because they were merely descriptions of particular cases: it was about one or more infants who were already found to have caries at the time of the study. In these cases, it was assumed that tooth decay was caused by breastfeeding, but no evidence of this was given. The researchers stated that in fact they had to exclude most of the "classic" articles about the relationship of caries and breastfeeding. The remaining studies were very carefully compared, and concluded that the results were often inconsistent due to the neglect of other factors affecting

2 on the occurrence of caries: for example, the fluoridation of water or components of the infant diet in addition to breast milk. Also, the researchers did not give clear definitions of the concepts “breastfeeding” and “effective care of teeth”. So, children in mixed feeding are considered breastfed in one study and artificially in another. Confusion in the definitions leads to deceptive results, since exclusive breast and mixed feeding affect the body in different ways. The use of such inaccurate definitions indicates an unscientific approach to the study of the issue. Reliable information about caries and breastfeeding is very important, as recently, early childhood caries is widespread. The high cost of treatment even more draws attention to the problem. Researchers claim that in some countries, the prevalence of caries at an early age has taken on epidemic proportions (Tinanoff, O'Sullivan 1997). The cost of caries treatment in children in the United States costs in dollars for treatment and for medicines (Erickson, 1999). One can only guess about moral damage both for the child and for the parents - especially if it is a question of sharp weaning. Evidence for breastfeeding Not all dentists and scientists believe that breastfeeding, including at night, leads to tooth decay. The data of Dr. Harold Slavkin showed that "studies based on a population survey did not reveal a link between long-term breastfeeding and caries." Dr. Konstantin Oulis and his colleagues concluded that breastfeeding can "have a preventive effect and inhibit the development of caries in children." Dr. Harry Torney examined 107 children who had breastfed for at least two years (about half of them were not weaned at the time of the study). He found no evidence to suggest that prolonged breastfeeding on demand leads to caries (Torney, 1992). Dr. Brian Palmer is one of the most active supporters and zealous advocates of breastfeeding in the fight against tooth decay. He is confident that caries in young children is a relatively new phenomenon. Palmer studied ancient children's skulls from various museums. Signs of destruction were found on less than 1.4 percent of the teeth. In total, Palmer examined 1344 baby teeth, of which 19 were slightly affected by caries and only 4 (0.3 percent) had serious damage. Anthropologists believe that anatomically modern man has been around for years, despite the fact that modern humans appeared about 30,000 years ago. At the same time, studies of skulls indicate the occurrence of caries at an early age only 8-10 thousand years ago, which means that the previous 92 thousand years had no caries in young children (Palmer, 2000). What happened 8-10 thousand years ago? Humanity has learned to process food and eat differently. Presumably, babies in prehistoric times sucked their breasts at night for 2-3 years or longer. On this basis, the idea that breast milk leads to tooth decay seems implausible. If this were so, traces of caries would be found on teeth older than 10 thousand years. In addition, as Dr. Palmer says, "if breast milk resulted in tooth decay, it would be an evolutionary suicide." There are data from two more studies that compared the influence of modern

3 artificial breast milk substitutes (mixes) and breast milk itself for factors that are considered to cause caries. These studies revealed significant differences between human milk and most blends. First, it was found that breast milk has virtually no effect on the acid-base balance in the oral cavity, while almost all brands of mixtures make the medium more acidic. Streptococcal bacterium, which is blamed for the destructive effect on the teeth, best reproduces in an acidic environment. Secondly, most of the mixtures contributed to the active growth of bacteria, and in breast milk, this growth was much slower. Thirdly, it turned out that the mixture dissolves tooth enamel, while breast milk, on the contrary, remineralizes it (ie, “supplies” calcium and phosphorus to teeth). The researchers also came to the conclusion that human milk, washing the teeth, does not lead to caries, if there is no other source of carbohydrates on the teeth that are necessary for bacteria to reproduce. Most of the artificial mixtures tested cause caries. (Erickson, 1999) These studies show how important the accuracy of definitions is. A mixed-feeding baby should be treated separately from infants in studies on children's caries, since the mixture dissolves tooth enamel, while breast milk, on the contrary, remineralizes it. Streptococcus mutans Most often, children become infected with Streptococcus mutans (a type of streptococcal bacteria) from parents or other people caring for children. Infection occurs through kisses, playing with the parental toothbrush, or using common forks. Once in the baby’s mouth, Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) begins to multiply rapidly. This bacterium has properties that prevent the growth of similar bacteria and many other microorganisms, and thus can become the predominant bacterium in a child’s mouth (Slavkin, 1999). S. mutans can be controlled by preventive methods. One study found that “if pregnant women, starting from the seventh month of pregnancy, rinse their mouths daily with sodium fluoride solution and chlorhexidine, bacterial colonization of the mouth of their children is delayed by an average of 4 months” (Slavkin, 1999). As with all drugs, both sodium fluoride and chlorhexidine should be prescribed by a doctor. However, the use of these drugs is associated with certain side effects, so the need for these tools is questionable. Before taking medications, you should consult with your doctor and weigh the balance of benefits and risks. The later the child encounters S. mutans, the less likely it is the occurrence of caries at an early age. Use individual toothbrushes and cutlery. Never lick artificial nipples or pacifiers. Knowing that S. mutans breeds best in an acidic environment, maintain a neutral environment in the mouth. This will help maintain a healthy bacterial flora in the mouth (Slavkin, 1999). As mentioned above, the mixture, in contrast to breast milk, creates a more acidic environment in the oral cavity, so it is better not to feed the children with the mixture. If supplementation is unavoidable, be sure to brush your baby immediately after feeding the mixture. In the process of digestion, the acid-base balance is restored, and as a result of swallowing food, the environment becomes neutral. When we eat or drink, saliva

4 begins splitting food into simpler sugars that are contained in the entire meal. Sugars, in turn, fall on the teeth, feeding the bacteria, promoting their reproduction and creating an acidic environment in the mouth. In an acidic environment, minerals are washed out of the tooth enamel. Between meals, saliva restores normal acid-base balance. As already mentioned, breast milk remineralizes tooth enamel, strengthens children's teeth and helps prevent tooth decay. Dr. Palmer notes that “some components of breast milk can also protect teeth from caries. Thus, IgA and IgG immunoglobulins are able to inhibit the growth of S. mutans. Also, S. mutans is very sensitive to the bactericidal effect of lactoferrin of one of the main components of breast milk. ” The process of sucking Breast milk is not long in the mouth in the process of sucking the breast. When the baby sucks the breast, the nipple is deep in the baby's mouth, and the milk is injected practically into the throat. In addition, the sucking process includes mandatory swallowing - before the child continues to suck, the baby must first swallow the milk. If a baby drinks milk, juice or a mixture from a bottle, the liquid continues to flow into the mouth, even if the child sucks the bottle inactively. If the child does not swallow, fluid accumulates in the mouth, washing the front teeth. The liquid entering through the short nipple also washes the teeth before getting into the throat. Dry mouth is another cause of tooth decay in young children. Saliva maintains a neutral environment in the mouth. At night, salivation decreases, especially if the person breathes through his mouth. This is one explanation why brushing your teeth before bedtime reduces the risk of caries. If the baby sucks often at night, he continues to produce enough saliva to prevent the mouth from drying out. Family matters Heredity plays a significant role in the occurrence of caries. We cannot change the genes of a child, but it is important for parents to pay attention to the prevalence of caries and other dental problems in the family. Armed with the necessary information, parents can engage in the prevention of children's caries already during pregnancy. Oral hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of caries. Parents who regularly brush their teeth not only set a good example for their children, but also reduce the number of bacteria in their mouths, thereby reducing the likelihood of transmitting S. mutans. Joint visits to the dentist allow you to get used to the situation of the dental office from early childhood and get acquainted with what happens during preventive visits. In families with a genetic predisposition to caries of children, it is recommended to show the dentist every six months from the time the first teeth appear. An early visit to the dentist will also help detect any defects in the enamel. Brushing your teeth baby needs to start as soon as they appear. At first it can be done with a piece of gauze or a soft cloth. Children should learn to brush their teeth as early as possible, but at the same time, parents should continue to brush their teeth themselves at least 2 times a day until the child can do it himself. A full and varied diet is an important component of caries prevention.

5 A healthy diet increases the body's resistance to microbes and bacteria. Give your child to drink water, not juice or other liquids. Water does not make the environment in the mouth acidic, and there is no sugar in the water, which has a destructive effect on the teeth. Avoid foods that are long in the mouth or stick to the teeth. For example, when a child sucks a lollipop for a long time, during all this time the level of acidity in the mouth rises. Sugar gets on the teeth, bacteria begin to multiply actively, enamel demineralization begins. Until the child brushes his teeth or saliva does not wash away all the sugar from the teeth and restores the neutral environment, the teeth are at risk of destruction. But if a child eats an apple, chewing and swallowing promotes the washing of teeth with saliva. However, some useful products, such as dried fruits, stick to the teeth and can begin demineralization. Dr. Palmer believes that heredity is not the only factor influencing the development of caries. Parents can take care of dental health long before the baby is born. According to Palmer, there are four factors that increase the risk of children's caries: stress during pregnancy, especially associated with the loss of a loved one; lack of dairy products in the mother’s diet; serious maternal illness or taking antibiotics during pregnancy. Of course, not all of the above circumstances can be controlled by a woman. People get sick and die, and this is not under our control. A reduction in the overall level of stress is subject to much and has a positive effect on both the mother and the child. Regular monitoring of a woman during pregnancy helps to improve maternal nutrition and reduces the likelihood of illness. If you happen to get sick, sometimes you need to resort to antibiotics. In this case, each woman should assess her specific situation and discuss with her doctor how much the benefits of taking antibiotics exceed the risk. It is impossible to foresee and avoid all risk factors for caries, but, having all the necessary information, a woman can make the maximum possible efforts to prevent the disease. Treatment The treatment regimen depends on the parents: it is easier for them to decide which methods are acceptable for their child. This article describes several possible treatment options. Additional options were published in the Toddler Tips section of the New Beginnings magazine (July-August 2000 issue). In the early stage of damage, teeth can be remineralized with food additives and the use of fluoride. That is why children at risk are particularly recommended early prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Regular brushing reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth. Recently, an article about a study appeared in Mothering magazine, which states: “The first attempts of scientists to destroy S. mutans with antibacterial mouthwash were successful” (Raegan, 2000). If the teeth are already affected by caries, the choice may be limited by filling or extraction of the tooth. In case of need for general anesthesia, parents should learn more about preoperative fasting as applied to breast milk. Together with the anesthesiologist, you can develop the most gentle abstinence for the child before the operation.

6 Often, parents of breastfed babies have to look for an understanding pediatric dentist. If your dentist is not familiar with the physiological characteristics of infants, try providing your doctor with information about breastfeeding and caries research. Conclusion on the key points of the research: breastfeeding and caries. Was it really necessary to wean Vanya from the chest? According to Dr. Palmer, there is no, and he is not the only doctor who holds this opinion. - Surveys based on population surveys have not established a link between long-term breastfeeding and caries (Slavkin, 1999) - Long-term breastfeeding on demand does not lead to the spread of caries (Weerheijm, 1998) - Breastfeeding can prevent and inhibit the development of caries in children ( Oulis, 1999) - Lactose to a lesser extent than sucrose serves as a food source for bacteria that cause tooth decay (Rugg-Gunn, 1985). Conclusion Mom Vanya is not the only one who was told to wean the baby from the breast. Catherine feeds the 18-month-old daughter Yulya. The children's dentist insisted on an immediate cessation of feeding prior to the start of caries treatment. Catherine found a dentist who is more knowledgeable about breastfeeding and continues to feed Yulia with confidence that not only did feeding not cause tooth decay, but, perhaps, reduced the rate of caries spread. And, of course, feeding helps to calm Julia after unpleasant dental procedures! References AAP. Breastfeeding policy statement. Pediatrics 1997; 100 (6): Clinical guideline for early childhood caries and breastfeeding. Pediatr Dent: Erickson, PR & Mazhari, E.E. Pediatr Dent 1999; 21 (2): Erickson, P., McClintock, KL, Green, N. et al. Estimation of the caries is associated with infant formulas. Pediatr Dent 1998; 20 (7): Oulis, C. et al. Feeding practices for children with and without nursing caries. Pediatr Dent 1999; 21 (7): Palmer, B. Breastfeeding and infant caries. ABM News and Views 2000 Dec; 6 (4): Palmer, B. "Infant Dental Decay Is It Related To Breastfeeding." A Presentation, Reagan, L. Big bad cavities, breastfeeding is not the cause. Mothering 2002 Jul-Aug; 113. Rugg-Gunn. A. et al. In vitro and enamel dissolution in vitro compared with bovine milk, lactose and sucrose. Caries Res 1985; 19 (4):

7 Sinton, J. et al. A systematic overview of the relationship between infant feeding and breast feeding. Ont Dent 1998; 75 (9): Slavkin, H. Streptococcus mutans: early childhood caries and new opportunities. JADA 1999; 130: Torney, H. "Prolonged, On-Demand Breastfeeding and Dental Caries-An Investigation" [unpublished MDS thesis]. Dublin, Ireland, Tinanoff, N. & O'Sullivan, DM Early childhood caries: overview and recent findings. Pediatr Dent 1997; 19 (1), Weerheijm, KL Prolonged demand breastfeeding and nursing caries. Caries 1998, 32 (1): Informative website Prevention of caries during pregnancy: - Eat foods rich in calcium - Try to be as little nervous as possible - Take care of yourself, see your doctor, treat all diseases in a timely manner - If possible, try to avoid taking antibiotics Prevention of caries in children - Do not administer supplements until signs of readiness for it appear (6 months and older). - Do not eat with a baby with one spoon and do not give him anything from your mouth; The child’s toothbrush should have its own. - If you use nipples or pacifiers, do not lick them. - Set a good example for your child: brush your teeth often and carefully. - Brush your child's teeth with the appearance of the first teeth, especially after he ate or drank anything besides breast milk or water. - Try to cook nutritious and varied food, with lots of whole foods and natural sugar. - When giving sweets to your child, choose those that are smaller in the mouth. - At night, breastfeed your baby or offer water to prevent dry mouth. Causes of caries: - Streptococcal bacteria transmitted from parents to children. - Transferred diseases and stress during pregnancy, taking antibiotics. - Malnutrition. - Poor oral care. - Dry mouth. - Frequent and long-term use of sweet. Anna Novikova Translation


Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride Free Toothpaste, Spearmint, 5.5 Ounce, 2 Count

Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride Free Toothpaste, Spearmint, 5.5 Ounce, 2 Count
Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride Free Toothpaste, Spearmint, 5.5 Ounce, 2 Count

Red wine will help prevent tooth decay

New research published in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" of the American Chemical Society , reports that red wine and grape seed extract can serve as a means of preventing caries.

Caries, paradontosis and other oral diseases suffer from 60 to 90% of the world's population. “Problems begin when bacteria present in the oral cavity form biofilms that are quite difficult to destroy. Formation of plaque and acid is emitted, corrosive enamel. Brushing your teeth with a fluoride paste helps, but its effect is short. Some studies have shown that grape seed extract and wine can slow the growth of bacteria. We decided to check it out, ”says Maria Victoria Moreno-Arribas, head of the research team.

During the experiment, the biofilms of bacteria were alternately immersed for a couple of minutes in various liquids: in red wine containing and not containing alcohol, in red wine with the addition of grape seed extract, in water with 12% ethanol content. Red wine, regardless of the presence of alcohol in it, as well as wine with grape seed extract, were most effective in getting rid of bacteria.


Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 2 pack

Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 2 pack
Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 2 pack

How to prevent caries?

One of the most common oral cavity problems in most people is caries. Since childhood, parents say to children: “You can’t eat a lot of sweets, caries will appear!”, “You need to brush your teeth well, otherwise caries will appear!”.
What is this disease?

Caries is the destruction of enamel and dentin of a tooth, which leads to the formation of defects, namely dark spots, the formation of holes and the complete destruction of the tooth. There are 4 stages of caries: the appearance of spots, superficial caries, medium and deep. In order to avoid deplorable consequences, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the oral cavity, if you recognize the initial signs of caries in time, it can be eliminated completely simply and painlessly.
What causes caries?

When eating under the influence of enzymes of saliva in the oral cavity, acids are formed, which dissolve the tooth enamel and wash out minerals and salts from it. The surface of the tooth weakens and begins to collapse. If a person does not follow the simplest rules of hygiene, bacteria begin to multiply in the oral cavity, which devour the tooth enamel. Bacteria can contribute to:
• abuse of sugar-containing products, which contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates: sugar, chocolate, flour products, sweet water and juices, which are also overflowed with harmful acids.
• non-systematic or poor-quality teeth cleaning.
• frequent use of antibacterial agents for the oral cavity, which violate the natural microflora.
• malnutrition, in which the consumption of foods rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium is limited.

How to prevent caries?

In order to protect your teeth from unwanted defects, you must follow a few basic rules.
1. Regular visits to the dentist, at least once a year.

If you systematically go to the doctor, you can prevent the emergence of many diseases that will be in the initial stage and not run them to a critical state. The main rule - instant response, then the teeth can be saved and reanimated.
2. Proper oral care.

To maintain a good dental condition, it is not enough just how to clean them. It is necessary to adhere to a special technique, due to which the cleaning will be more thorough, the plaque on the teeth should not remain, otherwise it will lead to the multiplication of bacteria. It is also necessary to properly select hygiene products, namely a toothbrush and toothpaste. They need to choose the state of the gums, the characteristics of tooth enamel. To make the right choice, it is better to consult a doctor.
3. Proper nutrition.

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sugar and products containing fast carbohydrates, namely sweets, chocolate, flour products, sugar, and so on. You also need to include in your diet foods rich in minerals and substances: chicken, kefir, cottage cheese, walnuts, seafood, fish, mint, parsley, apples, onions, Chinese cabbage, carrots, celery, pepper, and so on.

Like it or not, a person is attractive with his smile and if the oral cavity and teeth are in good condition, it will have the interlocutors. You must always take care of the health of the oral cavity so that no serious problems arise, for example, the loss of teeth. By following the simple rules, you can ensure a beautiful and healthy smile for yourself for a long time.


Crest Pro Health Advanced Deep Clean Toothpaste, Mint, 5.1 Ounce, Pack of 3

Crest Pro Health Advanced Deep Clean Toothpaste, Mint, 5.1 Ounce, Pack of 3
Crest Pro Health Advanced Deep Clean Toothpaste, Mint, 5.1 Ounce, Pack of 3

What is dangerous caries: how to prevent the disease?

What is the cause of caries? Forewarned is forearmed!
Currently, scientists can definitely name the main culprit for the development of caries - this is the bacterium Streptococcus mutans (Streptococcus mutans). Her activity is found literally in the first days of each child’s life. Of course, simply the presence of bacteria is not enough for the appearance of the disease, therefore, concomitant causes of caries are also distinguished. Failure or poor oral hygiene creates ideal living conditions for Streptococcus mutans, a bacterium that feeds on food particles trapped between teeth. Accelerated the formation of plaque contributes to the love of sweets. On average, 1 mg of plaque contains from 5 to 800 million microbes. If plaque is not removed within a few days, it turns into a dental plaque, which is a 200 micron polymicrobial formation. Further, in the event of a change in microorganisms and an increase in pH, calcium is deposited in the form of phosphorus salts, forming tartar.

Caries can also cause xerostomia - lowering the amount of saliva that can neutralize the acids secreted by harmful bacteria. Among other causes of caries emit: weak immunity of the body, heredity, low content of calcium, fluoride and phosphorus in drinking water. Separately, it is worth noting the comorbid diseases that even being transferred in early childhood, make themselves felt, disrupting the proper formation of dental tissues. Thus, the causes of caries include rickets, tuberculosis, etc.

Thus, the development of caries is influenced by a number of factors, both external (fluorine content in drinking water) and internal (for example, the poor state of the immune and digestive systems are the most common causes of caries).

How does caries appear? Visible and invisible symptoms of caries
The initial stages of caries are sometimes asymptomatic. In other words, a person may not even suspect that changes are already taking place in the tooth enamel. Further symptoms of caries appear as a small white or dark spot. The cause of pigmentation is the leaching of calcium from enamel, or demineralization. As a rule, this process is not accompanied by pain, that is, at an early stage there are very few chances to detect caries. Deeper enamel damage - superficial caries - leads to the formation of a small cavity in the tooth. In this case, there is an increased sensitivity to hot food. Most often, caries appears in the most vulnerable places - in cracks or grooves on the chewing teeth, between the teeth, in the areas of restoration - around old fillings, crowns, and also in the cervical areas.

How does the body fight tooth decay? Ally in the fight for health
Malicious organisms secrete acid, which antibacterial substances of saliva are capable of neutralizing. Forming a thin layer around the teeth and soft tissues, saliva protects the oral cavity from damage. Mineral components of saliva, such as fluoride, calcium, phosphate, help maintain a dynamic balance between enamel and saliva, normalizing the process of remineralization. Tooth enamel has a distinctive property of being saturated with components of saliva, thus, with age, resistance, or resistance, to diseases of caries increases. The protective mechanism of saliva against bacteria are also special substances that prevent the growth of microbes. In other words, our body is constantly fighting for oral health. However, this is not enough to maintain a beautiful and natural smile, you should follow the recommendations of dentists and carefully monitor hygiene. For more information on how to prevent tooth decay, you can at your dentist.

Treatment of caries: there are no hopeless cases!
Despite the fact that the possibilities of modern dentistry allow you to restore the beauty and functional characteristics of teeth, even in the most difficult cases, you should not wait until the last to consult a dentist. It is well known that the earlier the start of diagnosis and treatment, the closer the recovery! Treatment of caries directly depends on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the body and associated diseases, for example, pulpitis. Uncomplicated forms of caries suggest cleansing the carious cavity and staging the fillings. Deep caries requires a more serious approach, initially a temporary filling is established, which over time is changed to a permanent one. It is important to remember that prevention of caries is based on the prevention of the disease by observing thorough oral hygiene. Sometimes the dentist recommends using special compresses with calcium solutions.


Parodontax Bleeding Gums and Gingivitis Toothpaste, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounce

Parodontax Bleeding Gums and Gingivitis Toothpaste, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounce
Parodontax Bleeding Gums and Gingivitis Toothpaste, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounce

How to protect children's teeth from caries

Caries is easier to prevent than to cure. Even with a bad heredity, if you take the necessary measures in time, you can get completely healthy teeth in a child. For you - the recommendations of a pediatric dentist, periodontist of the clinic "Medissa" Amani Nilab.

The basis of the basics is hygiene.

Not all mothers can properly care for a child’s teeth and can teach their children themselves. Therefore, in order to acquire the right hygiene skills, it is worthwhile to come to a dentist’s consultation. The doctor will tell you how to care for your child’s teeth. He will help you choose a brush and paste for the child.

To begin oral hygiene is necessary before the appearance of the first teeth . It is important to clean the baby's mouth (tongue, cheeks and gums) so that plaque does not form after feeding with breast milk or a mixture and thrush does not develop (a fungal disease in infants). To remove plaque, dip a piece of sterile gauze into distilled or boiled water and gently rub the entire oral mucosa to the child. This procedure should be performed once a day in the evening.

Teeth need to start brushing as soon as the first one appears . The brush for this is selected individually for the first teeth. It is desirable that the doctor participated in the selection of the brush. According to the shape of the teeth of mom and dad, the doctor may suggest what kind of teeth the child will have . The brush is chosen so that its head captures two teeth at once.

Toothpaste is matched by age . As a rule, the first toothpaste is intended for children from 0 to 3 years. Why pasta is chosen strictly according to age? Because it contains fluoride. It is useful and necessary to strengthen the teeth, but it can also be toxic when it accumulates in the body in large quantities. For young children, the allowable amount of fluoride is 500 ppm. With such an amount, even if the child swallows the paste, there will be no consequences. The paste must also contain abrasive, otherwise it will not clean the tooth from plaque.

After cleaning the teeth of the child can not be fed . On the teeth there is a film, which is formed due to saliva. It protects teeth from bacteria, because the whole film deposits on this film. When cleaning the teeth, this film is removed, and if immediately after cleaning to give the child something to eat, the teeth, left without protection, will collapse. Therefore, after brushing your teeth for some time you need to abstain from food, you can only drink water.

Use dental floss . The child is growing up, he has more chewing teeth. Between the teeth there are gaps in which food gets stuck. On these contacts or on the chewing surface most often begins caries. Therefore, dental floss is required for small children. It differs from that used by adults. Children need a special dental floss - superfloss. After brushing your teeth, go to the contacts between the teeth and floss and rinse the mouth.

At some dental clinics, master classes are held where children are taught to brush their teeth using a special technique, painting the movements that are necessary when brushing with a toothbrush. The child through the game remembers the movement of the brush well.

How to protect teeth from caries at the dentist?

In addition to hygiene procedures that should be regularly performed at home, there are methods of caries prevention, which are used by dentists.

To strengthen the front teeth, apply fluoride-containing medication. With chewing teeth, the procedure is different; it is called sealing of fissures. In this procedure, dimples and grooves are sealed on the surface of the chewing teeth, in which plaque often accumulates and caries appears. First, the dentist cleans his teeth, cleaning them of plaque. Then the grooves on the teeth open a thin boron, this removes the remaining plaque. After this, the tooth surface is treated with an antiseptic and sealed with a microfield. This seal is very thin, in the form of a cobweb, the color of the tooth. It protects the tooth from bacteria. After this procedure, you should come to re-admission after 3 months. This is necessary because with the growth of teeth new grooves appear on the chewing surfaces, which also need to be processed.

It is important to combine prophylaxis in a dental office with regular oral hygiene. Unfortunately, prevention, even the highest quality, does not guarantee that caries will not appear. But it significantly reduces the risk of its development.


Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, Complete Protection, Mint - 6 ounce (3 Pack)

Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, Complete Protection, Mint - 6 ounce (3 Pack)
Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, Complete Protection, Mint - 6 ounce (3 Pack)

How to prevent caries

What is caries?

Caries of teeth (lat. Caries dentiis) - in exact translation caries means rotting.

The term caries began to be called the disease of hard tooth tissues, which are manifested in the destruction of enamel and dentin of the tooth. This is the most common dental disease that affects up to 98% of the world's inhabitants. Tooth caries is accompanied by characteristic pain. This disease can be divided into five degrees: not complicated caries, carious spot, superficial caries, medium caries, deep caries.

How is caries formed?

Caries is formed due to acids (as a result of microbial activity), which dissolve the structure of the tooth. When eating foods with a high sugar content, bacteria are vital and produce acid. It should be noted that the bacteria in large quantities are on plaque on the teeth, as well as on the tongue.

How to treat caries?

The sooner you go to the dentist (at the first sign of caries), the easier and cheaper it will be to treat it. Caries treatment is carried out with the obligatory treatment with boron. Then medical treatment and filling of the cavity with a filling material is carried out.

Medium caries treatment is carried out in one session in the dental clinic. Usually deep caries requires repeated visits to rule out the possibility of pulpitis. Sometimes you have to remove a nerve. Deep caries can be treated in one session, but this requires a lot of experience.

It is important to know that properly cured caries will not cause trouble in the future.

How to prevent caries?

You can prevent tooth decay! To do this:

use less sugar or use a sugar substitute;
use sugarless chewing gum;
brush teeth 2 times a day;
use dental floss;
undergo a dental examination at least 2 times a year;
consult with a dentist or independently choose a toothpaste containing fluoride.


Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste with Breath Strips, Cool Mint - 7.6 ounce, 3 Count

Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste with Breath Strips, Cool Mint - 7.6 ounce, 3 Count
Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste with Breath Strips, Cool Mint - 7.6 ounce, 3 Count

Avoid tooth decay: 11 ways to protect our teeth

Caries is not dangerous if it is cured in time, but it is better to avoid the formation of caries and try to keep your teeth healthy.

Why do teeth caries form? Every day, food debris deposits on the inner surface of our teeth and, if not removed in time, they accumulate and destroy the tooth tissue, which leads to the formation of dark spots and subsequently holes. Avoid caries can, if you follow the simple rules and develop good habits.

Children tend to be more prone to caries, as they eat a lot of sweets; however, adults may also suffer from caries, who do not care enough for their teeth.

In this article we will tell you how to prevent the formation of caries.

Why caries is formed?

In the oral cavity, microbes and bacteria accumulate, which multiply, feeding on the remnants of acids and sugar. When the acid acts on the tooth enamel , the tooth tissue is weakened and holes are formed. In this case, you can see black spots on the surface of the teeth - this is caries.

Caries can not be cured with medication or wait until it passes by itself. This will only worsen the situation. The only way to prevent bacteria from “eating tooth tissue” is to remove the damaged tooth piece and fill the empty space with a special paste or amalgam. This can only be done by a dentist.

Caries is not dangerous if it is cured in time, but it is better to try to keep your teeth healthy in order to avoid caries.

These tips will help you teach your children to take care of their teeth from an early age and regularly visit the dentist. So you will save money, time and save children from terrible pain.

Try it yourself to follow our advice and set an example for the younger generation.
Do not eat sugar

Sugar is found in sweets, baked goods, carbonated beverages and convenience foods. It destroys the teeth. Encourage children to eat less sweet and replace cakes with fruit.

Let them have lunch with them: so they will eat less candy and buns at school. It is also very important to brush your teeth thoroughly and use dental floss after sweets.

If they are not at home, advise them to at least drink water and rinse your mouth.

Eat no more than four times a day.

If you constantly eat, then put yourself at risk not only obesity, but also the formation of caries. Divide the daily ration into four meals: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

Do not bite and brush your teeth after every meal.
Brush your teeth properly

It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day (immediately after waking up and before bedtime). If possible, also brush your teeth after dinner. Proper dental care begins with this habit.

You can carry a spare toothbrush with you to clean your mouth of food debris in time when you are away from home.
Use dental floss

The use of dental floss allows you to get rid of food debris stuck between the teeth, where they can not be reached with a brush.

It is enough to use dental floss once a day, preferably in the evening. Keep the floss box in a clean, dry place.

Use the floss after you have eaten a cookie, cake, porridge with added sugar or breaded food, as all of the above is harmful to your teeth.
Chew food thoroughly

Then the leftover food will not get stuck between your teeth, especially if you are not at home and you do not have dental floss with you.
Drink water with lemon

A great home remedy for tooth decay is lemon. You can dilute a few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this mixture after brushing your teeth. Sour lemon pH will protect teeth from damage.
Massage the gums

Gently massage the gums in a circular motion or from top to bottom to improve circulation. Then your gums will become stronger, and you can avoid tooth decay and other diseases.

Remember that if the teeth themselves are healthy, bacteria cannot penetrate into them , and no holes are formed in them.
Rinse your mouth

Do you know why in a cafe you usually serve us a glass of water for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine? It helps to get rid of the taste of these drinks, and also serves as an excellent prevention of caries.

After eating certain foods and drinks, it is very important to rinse your mouth . This applies to alcohol, coffee, sour fruits and sweets.
Do not go to bed without brushing your teeth.

Children usually inherit this habit from their parents. Never go to bed without brushing your teeth. Remember that while we sleep, the bacteria eat what we eat during the day.

Even if you are tired and you have a lot of work, you just want to close your eyes and fall asleep, force yourself to take two minutes to brush your teeth.
Eat foods rich in calcium

Calcium is found not only in milk and yogurt, but also in green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and cabbage. Almonds also contain a lot of calcium.

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can buy or cook almond milk .

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Celery and carrots help to avoid caries, as their fibers perfectly clean off all dirt from the teeth. An apple, eaten with the peel, strengthens the teeth, whitens them and removes stuck food debris. In addition, it is a great dessert that can easily replace buns and pastries.
