Tuesday, July 2, 2019

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NOW Magnesium Citrate 200 mg,250 Tablets
NOW Magnesium Citrate 200 mg,250 Tablets

Magnesium during pregnancy

This trace element is very important for the human body. Magnesium is especially important during pregnancy, because at this time, complex physiological processes occur in the body of both the mother and the fetus. In our article you will read why the need for magnesium increases during pregnancy, and how to eliminate the lack of magnesium.

Why is magnesium so necessary during pregnancy?

Magnesium is actively involved in the formation of bones and, thus, plays an important role at all stages of human growth. The work of the nervous system also depends on magnesium, since this mineral acts as an intermediary between nerves and individual muscles, controls the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, and is responsible for ensuring that the muscles not only tighten, but also relax. In addition, magnesium is an important participant in many metabolic processes. It serves as a catalyst for many enzymes and is involved in the regulation of insulin and blood sugar.
During pregnancy, the need for magnesium increases by about 35%.
Since the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for magnesium increases significantly for a number of reasons:

Hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the fact that magnesium is excreted in the urine. Its level in the urine increases by about 25%.
When nervous tension and stress develops, the body needs a lot of magnesium. Due to the physical and psychological stress of the expectant mother, the need for magnesium during pregnancy increases significantly.
The body of a pregnant woman (like the child’s body) is constantly growing, and magnesium helps the body build and repair tissues and bones, which is another reason for the increased need for magnesium during pregnancy.

How does magnesium deficiency occur during pregnancy?

Magnesium is involved in many processes in the body, so its lack may manifest itself in different ways:
Magnesium deficiency affects the body

Muscles As a rule, the first signs of magnesium deficiency are muscle spasms, cramps, abdominal pain. Sometimes there is a strong muscular tension in the neck, shoulders and back, twitching or trembling, heart palpitations or arrhythmia. Since the uterus is mainly composed of muscle tissue, it is also susceptible to seizures with magnesium deficiency, and this, in turn, can lead to premature birth, in exceptional cases - to miscarriage.
Nervous system. A lack of magnesium in the body can cause a nervous tremor in the arms and legs, tingling or numbness of the limbs.
Mind. Magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in some mental problems. For example, a person may experience increased nervousness, irritability, and depressive moods.
Arterial pressure. Acute magnesium deficiency can lead to high blood pressure and dizziness. In this case, it is necessary to report the symptoms to the doctor and follow all the instructions.

Magnesium replenishment with nutrition

Since magnesium is not produced in humans, this mineral must come from food. During pregnancy, the daily dose is about 400-500 mg. This amount can only be obtained from products rich in magnesium.
Foods high in magnesium:

Seeds (pumpkin and sunflower), cashews, almonds and unpeeled wheat germ.
Legumes, especially beans and soybeans, products from unrefined grains, oats or brown rice.
Milk and dairy products.
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale.
Some fruits, mainly bananas, kiwi, grapes, dried fruits.


Drink high magnesium water regularly. In this way, you can partially compensate for the body's daily need for magnesium.
Are mineral supplements magnesium necessary during pregnancy?

Not always the need for magnesium can be met with nutrition. In this case, the doctor prescribes mineral supplements. They are available in various forms: soluble granules, effervescent tablets or capsules. However, not all supplements are completely safe. Therefore, during pregnancy you should not start taking mineral supplements at your own risk, you should first consult with your doctor or pharmacist. An incorrectly calculated amount of magnesium can cause premature contractions.

If you are taking iron supplements, then at least two hours should pass between taking these drugs and magnesium preparations so that they do not interfere with each other's absorption. In addition, it is undesirable to take magnesium between meals, as this can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Digestive problems

Many pregnant women suffer from digestive problems. The occurrence of constipation is mainly associated with an increase in the amount of estrogen and the hormone of the yellow body. Taking magnesium during pregnancy will help improve digestion, as it has a mild weakening effect. But first, be sure to discuss the exact dosage with your gynecologist.


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Thorne Research - Magnesium Citramate - Magnesium with Citrate-Malate to Promote Energy Production, Heart and Lung Function, and Metabolism of Sugar and Carbs - 90 Capsules
Thorne Research - Magnesium Citramate - Magnesium with Citrate-Malate to Promote Energy Production, Heart and Lung Function, and Metabolism of Sugar and Carbs - 90 Capsules

Magnesium deficiency in children and adolescents involved in various sports, and its correction

The high level of modern sports requires an in-depth individual approach based on a comprehensive study of the morpho-functional capabilities of an athlete, the development of which to the greatest extent contributes to the achievement of high sports results.

One of the main directions for solving the problem of maintaining health is the appropriate metabolic support. It has been established that the athlete's body needs adequate replenishment of the whole complex of macro- and micronutrients, which are intensively spent in conditions of physical and emotional stress. The imbalance of trace elements in the human body plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of somatic diseases, manifesting itself in the form of biochemical, clinical and morphological signs.

Biochemical analysis of the blood serum of an athlete is an essential part of a comprehensive diagnosis, because according to this method one can judge the functional capabilities of the body of athletes.

Surveyed 332 athletes aged 14-17 years, engaged in swimming, hockey, tennis, football, artistic gymnastics, martial arts. Sports experience ranged from 5 to 11 years. Sports qualifications - from 1 grade and above - 188 teenagers.

Biochemical parameters were determined using an automatic biochemical analyzer DxC800 (Beckman Coulter, USA) on an empty stomach, after a workout time was at least 12 hours. Biochemical examination of blood in our observed athletes in 32% of observations revealed a decrease in an important trace element - magnesium.

The main reasons for the development of magnesium deficiency in athletes include the following: fluctuations in body weight, high-intensity physical and emotional stress, overexertion, the need for adaptation (urgent and long-term), injury, the need for rapid recovery.

In athletes, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (Mg) are manifested by various clinical manifestations. All clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency in the body of athletes differ little from children and adolescents who are not involved in sports. They can be divided into cardiovascular: angiospasm, arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, tachycardia, arrhythmias, prolonged QT interval, tendency to thrombosis; neurological: chronic fatigue syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, loss of attention, depression, fear, anxiety, dizziness, migraine, sleep disorders; visceral: bronchospasm, laryngospasm, hyperkinetic diarrhea, spastic constipation, pylorospasm, nausea, vomiting, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, diffuse abdominal pain, the formation of kidney stones; muscle: convulsions of skeletal muscles (muscle cramps in the neck, back, face, parasthesia of the extremities, convulsions of the calf muscles, soles, feet).

I would like to emphasize the important point that magnesium ions are part of the main substance of connective tissue, participate in the activation of collagen synthesis. Magnesium deficiency causes a chaotic arrangement of collagen fibers, which is the main morphological feature of connective tissue dysplasia.

One of the signs of DST of the cardiovascular system are prolapses of the heart valves. We in 15% of cases revealed mitral valve prolapse (MVP) of 1 degree without regurgitation.
Like many authors, we note the association of magnesium deficiency with polymorphism and severity of clinical symptoms in patients with MVP. In athletes in 10-15% of PMK, as a rule, heart rhythm disturbance is accompanied, primarily, in the form of ventricular premature beats, impaired myocardial repolarization processes.

In the case of MVP in adolescents, the drug of choice is magnesium orotat (magnerot). It was shown that after three to six months of regular intake of the organic magnesium drug, not only was the heart rate and blood pressure normalized, the number of episodes of rhythm disturbances decreased, but the tremor and depth of the mitral valve prolapse decreased significantly.

The high efficacy of this drug was confirmed by echocardiographic studies. Thus, in 50% of cases a complete restoration of the normal rhythm was recorded, the number of parasystoles, atrial extrasystoles decreased in a number of patients, including the blocked extrasystoles and ventricular rhythm episodes disappeared.

A crucial role in the occurrence of magnesium deficiency is played by an imbalance of vegetative regulation - the predominance of sympathoadrenal effects.

It is known that the violation of the vegetative regulation of the cardiovascular system is an early sign of failure of the athlete's body to adapt to stress and leads to a decrease in efficiency. In children with various functional changes in the cardiovascular system, for example, when myocardial repolarization processes are disrupted, sympathicotonic BP is detected up to 60%, which is important to consider when choosing the tactics of metabolic correction. That is, against the background of magnesium deficiency, electrical instability of the myocardium develops, in the presence of which it is advisable to correct the magnesium deficiency, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation of them.

With the correction of deep magnesium deficiency is difficult to do only diet and often require pharmacotherapy. Treatment is more effective if both magnesium and magnesium fixer are administered simultaneously (vitamins B6, B1, Glycine). Among the drugs used for the correction of magnesium deficiency, the drug Magne B6 has permission for use in pediatrics.

The second group of diseases is caused by the participation of magnesium in the enzymes for the maintenance of energy reactions - the exchange of carbohydrates and ATP. Therefore, a lack of magnesium is accompanied by fatigue.

The third group of violations of magnesium functions is associated with its structure-forming role in mediator metabolism. This group of causes leads to depression, impaired coordination, attention, memory, mood. We found that at high values ​​of stability and concentration of attention in 44% of athletes, an unbalance of nervous processes with a predominance of arousal force is determined. Much less often - in 10% of cases, an imbalance of nervous processes is revealed with a predominance of inhibition force. In 10-15% of observations, a destructive relationship with comrades, trainers, poorly developed emotional and volitional quality, a high level of anxiety, a high level of rigidity, a low desire to train

In identifying such psychological problems, it is necessary to consult a children's sports psychologist, trainings, and work with the coaching staff. At the same time, in order to optimize the psychological status, if necessary, we assign MagneB6.

Thus, one of the preventive directions for improving the current monitoring of the health of athletes should be monitoring their mineral metabolism and its timely replenishment. To maintain an optimal balance of magnesium in the body of children and adolescents involved in sports throughout the training and competitive cycles, it is necessary to take metabolic drugs.

Timely correction of magnesium deficiency is the most important means of preventing injuries and irregularities in the work of the heart in athletes under conditions of the use of intense training and competitive loads.


MagSRT - Jigsaw Health - Premium, Organic, Slow Release Magnesium Supplement - Active, Bioavailable Magnesium Malate Tablets with B-Vitamin Co-Factors, 240 Tablets (1)

MagSRT - Jigsaw Health - Premium, Organic, Slow Release Magnesium Supplement - Active, Bioavailable Magnesium Malate Tablets with B-Vitamin Co-Factors, 240 Tablets (1)
MagSRT - Jigsaw Health - Premium, Organic, Slow Release Magnesium Supplement - Active, Bioavailable Magnesium Malate Tablets with B-Vitamin Co-Factors, 240 Tablets (1)

Potassium and magnesium. What is the disadvantage and how to fill it.

Minerals necessary for the body

An important role in the human body play potassium and magnesium. Magnesium is one of the main participants in the process of bone formation, energy and carbohydrate metabolism, regulation of the nervous tissue. Potassium regulates the acid-base balance of the blood and is actively involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium and potassium activate the muscular work of the heart and are part of a number of enzymes.

The quality of blood supply to the heart muscle depends on the amount of magnesium. In many important bioprocesses, magnesium is a calcium antagonist, so its excess impairs calcium absorption. The optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium is 10: 7 and the average diet is able to maintain this balance.

Professional bodybuilders appreciate magnesium because it enhances metabolic processes and for its important role in protein synthesis. Together with potassium, magnesium provides relaxation of muscle fibers and regulates glycolysis. Reception of magnesium positively affects the performance of training. And potassium ensures the emergence of electrical potential in nerve cells and muscle fibers, thereby regulating muscle contraction. The recommended level of magnesium is calculated by the following formula: 4 mg of the trace element per 1 kg of its own weight.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Cases of tingling, itching, crawling, chills, numbness, painful cold - are signals of the body about violations of sensitivity - paresthesia. This is the main symptom of magnesium deficiency.

The characteristic pathological condition with typical convulsive syndrome and increased neuromuscular excitability is hidden or overt tetany, another sign of magnesium deficiency.

Among other signs of a magnesium deficiency, fatigue, insomnia or nightmares, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or vice versa, constipation are observed.
Lack of magnesium in the body, effects

Magnesium deficiency is considered one of the most common types of mineral deficiency and occurs due to minimal magnesium intake from the outside.

Disturbed exchange of this macro can occur with intensive growth, recovery, during pregnancy, constant stressful situations, excessive sweating, in cases of chronic alcoholism. Magnesium deficiency can also be caused by prolonged use of diuretics, antibiotics, anticancer and other drugs.

The consequences of magnesium deficiency are expressed in disorders of the adrenal glands, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the development of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as the initial stages of diabetes mellitus. Magnesium deficiency can provoke an immunodeficiency condition that increases the risk of developing cancer.
What foods contain magnesium?

About 50% of the daily requirement of magnesium is found in such cereal and cereals as oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, rice porridge. A large amount of magnesium is found in various types of fish (carp, flounder, sea bass, mackerel, cod), legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables and berries.

Many athletes make up their diet based on seasonal conditions. In winter, the menu is rich in honey, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, nuts, cocoa and porridge: oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley. In the spring, must be mandatory greens: parsley, dill, spinach and green salad. In the summer they use cherries, black currants and legumes. In the fall, meals include watermelons, carrots and beets.
Symptoms of potassium deficiency

Symptoms of potassium deficiency manifested in cramps and spasms of the lower extremities. Muscle strength decreases and the body experiences dehydration. Depression, fatigue, weakness in muscles, brittle hair and dry skin are all essential companions of potassium deficiency in the body.

Lack of potassium increases the risk of reduced immune protection, deterioration of the kidneys and adrenal glands, the occurrence of cardiovascular disorders, impaired lung function, nausea, vomiting, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis. For women, potassium deficiency is fraught with reproductive disorders such as infertility and cervical erosion.
Lack of potassium in the body, the consequences

Potassium deficiency occurs with large fluid losses. Any stress, with an excessive release of adrenocorticotropic hormone, leads to an increased excretion of potassium from the body along with urine. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to diagnose a violation of potassium metabolism, because its level in blood serum is not at all an indicator of its level in the whole body.

Even with an impressive loss of potassium, the level of trace elements in the blood may well be normal or even elevated. Hypokalemia, or lack of potassium in the body is fraught with rapid energy losses and the subsequent development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Potassium containing foods

In order to maintain the required level of potassium in the body, athletes saturate their diets with food of animal origin with a high potassium content: beef, fish and milk.

Potato-enriched plant foods include potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, peas, red beets, horseradish, nettles. Apples, grapes, bananas, dried fruits, stone fruits, nuts are also rich in potassium.

To replenish the potassium balance, it is advised to diversify the menu of buckwheat, oatmeal and millet cereals. Champions in potassium content are undoubtedly legumes: soybeans, beans and peas.
Food supplements containing potassium and magnesium

According to generally accepted norms, an adult needs from 2 to 5 g of potassium per day for normal body functioning. The use of more of this trace element is highly undesirable because it impairs the work of the cardiovascular system.

Bodybuilders take nutritional supplements with potassium necessarily in conjunction with magnesium, without it, the cells are not able to permanently hold up potassium. The intake of nutritional supplements containing potassium and magnesium is extremely important for nerve conduction and muscle contraction. One of the most affordable, cheap and high-quality tools to replenish the above minerals is considered "Asparkam."
Style Summary

Mineral elements are of great importance for the normal functioning of the body. If their stocks are spent and not replenished, the livelihoods and performance of the human body is put at risk. Maintaining a balance of potassium and magnesium in the norm is extremely important for highly effective training and real results.


Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink - 16 Oz. Anti-Stress Drink, Orange Flavored Drink, Water-Soluble. Magnesium Supplement

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink - 16 Oz. Anti-Stress Drink, Orange Flavored Drink, Water-Soluble. Magnesium Supplement
Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink - 16 Oz. Anti-Stress Drink, Orange Flavored Drink, Water-Soluble. Magnesium Supplement

The influence of the drug Magne B6 on the parameters of stress and cognitive function with high psycho-emotional stress

The stress state of the body, in general, corresponds to an imbalance between external conditions and the body's ability to respond adequately to them. Systematic dissatisfaction with the results of social activities, restraint of emotional manifestations, due to social norms of behavior, often lead to the fact that modern people often experience a lack of peace of mind, emotional balance, along with the gradual loss of efficiency in work and the occurrence of chronic diseases.
The analysis of stressful conditions is one of the actual directions of research of unfavorable functional states of a modern person. Evaluation and enhancement of the adaptive capacity of the organism is considered as one of the important criteria for health. The higher the adaptive capacity of the organism, the lower the risk of the disease, since the protection against the disease is more reliable. Any kind of stress can be considered as a source of “trouble in work”, given its negative effect on the results of activities and the development of personal disadaptation and mental health problems [1]. The procedural-cognitive paradigm understands stress as the process of actualizing the repertoire of internal means of overcoming difficulties. The basic stress models include the two-factor model of “demand and control” [2] and the “hormonal model” [3].
In particular, stress during intensive training can be viewed as the result of an imbalance between the requirements of the learning environment and human resources, including a subjective assessment. The curriculum of students of the 3rd year of medical schools is characterized by information overload, especially during the exam session. High emotional and intellectual tension during the pre-examination and examination period can be considered as an adequate model of occupational stress for able-bodied people of young age and to apply methods for evaluating occupational stress among students. In this paper, we investigated the effect of magnesium in synergistic combination with pyridoxine on students' ability to adapt under conditions of increased stress. To study the anti-stress activity, the drug Magne B6 produced by the French company Sanofi-aventis was used.

Materials and methods
A sample of students. 89 third-year IvGMA students took part in the study. In the selection process, the volunteers were divided into 2 groups: the studied (first) group of 58 people and the control (second) group of 31 people. Students in the first group received Magne B6 therapy 2 tablets 3 times a day (daily dose of magnesium - 288 mg per pure magnesium, pyridoxine - 30 mg) for 2 weeks, then 2 tablets 2 times a day (daily dose magnesium - 192 mg, pyridoxine - 20 mg) for 6 weeks. Students in the second group (control) did not take any special drugs.
The average age of students in the study group was 20 years (19-25 years), the control group - 21 years (19-25 years). In the studied group, women accounted for 72% of the total number of the group of students surveyed, men - 28%; in the control group, a similar proportion of the sexes was observed (67% of women, 33% of men). The average body weight of students in both groups was 56.79 ± 3.46 kg for women and 72.8 ± 5.1 kg for men.
Exclusion criteria from the study were the presence of severe, acute and chronic somatic, mental diseases, taking any medications and dietary supplements. The study complied with the ethical standards of committees on biomedical ethics, developed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, amended in 2000 and the “Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation” (1993). All students gave written informed consent to participate in the study.
The examination report. Each participant in the study was examined according to the protocol twice. The first survey was conducted prior to the study and the second - at the end of the study (after 8 weeks). Statistically significant differences of students of the first and second groups were evaluated in dynamics - day "0", day "60". According to the protocol were evaluated and analyzed:
• Individual registration cards (IGC) containing medical and demographic (age, gender), anthropometric (height, body weight) characteristics, health data, information on social and labor status, attitude to smoking.
• The level of magnesium deficiency and pyridoxine, which were evaluated during testing using a structured questionnaire [4, 5].
• The level of stress exposure of students using the method of integrated diagnosis and correction of occupational stress IDICS, presented in the form of a structured questionnaire of 6 basic scales and formed in accordance with the hierarchical scheme of stress analysis [6]. A brief description of this technique is given in Table 1. According to the IDICS scale, manifestations of acute stress were: physiological discomfort, mental and emotional stress, difficulties in communication. For chronic stress, asthenia, sleep disorders, anxiety, depressive states, and aggression were also characteristic.
• Personal and behavioral deformities, assessed by the presence of signs of burnout syndrome (apathy, complete lack of interest in work and study), neurotic reactions, shocking or excessive isolation.
• The state of various types of memory, for which diagnostics of the general state of aural speech, visual and motor memory using neuropsychological diagnostic techniques using the DIAKOR program developed at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University [1]. This made it possible to answer the question about the weakest links of the corresponding types of memory, such as the basic mental process, which influences the manifestation of other mental functions under the influence of occupational stress.

For statistical processing of the results of the study, methods of mathematical statistics were used, including the calculation of numerical characteristics of random variables, testing of statistical hypotheses using parametric and non-parametric criteria, correlation and analysis of variance. To test the statistical hypotheses about the difference in the mean values ​​of the signs, the method of visual comparison of 95% confidence intervals was also used. The estimation of the confidence intervals was made by the binomial distribution. To mark the boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of relative values, the “#” symbol was used, separating the upper and lower boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of the true mean value of a random variable. Comparison of predicted and observed frequencies of occurrence of characters was performed using the Chi-square test. For comparison of dependent variables, the most accurate Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney T-test was used when conducting medical research (which, as is well known, is not limited to a certain form of distribution of a random variable). For statistical processing of the material used by the application "STATISTICA 6.0". Calculated confidence levels; P values ​​were considered significant
Results and discussion
There were no statistically significant differences in the age, gender, or body mass of the students in both groups (p> 0.05). Table 2 shows the analysis of the incidence of diseases in the students surveyed. Analysis of the frequency of occurrence of individual diseases recorded in students in the IGC, showed that the most common among students of both groups are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases. For all diseases, there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of individual diseases between groups 1 and 2 (p> 0.05).
The homogeneity of the studied groups was also analyzed by means of a pair of correlation methods for Spearman. In both groups, on the day “0”, clear correlations were observed between the levels of magnesium deficiency and the parameters on the IDICS scale. Thus, correlations were found between the level of magnesium deficiency and conditions, and the organization of labor (P
1. Stress exposure
Indicators of the total stress level in the study groups on day “0” practically did not have differences, and the overall stress index on the IDICS scale (“V0” in Table 3) corresponded to a high level (58.1 in the study group and 55.3 in the control group) . On Day 0, students in both groups could identify the following characteristics of occupational stress:
• impeding external circumstances (poor working conditions, problems in the organization of the labor process and high intensity loads);
• strengthening of inadequate forms of stress relief: smoking, drinking alcohol;
• demonstration of hostile behavior characteristic of magnesium deficiency [5, 7].

When comparing the assessment of occupational stress among students of the initial level (day “0”) and after 2 months (day “60”) in the control group (second group), the subjective assessment of the professional situation worsened significantly (during the observation period, the workload increased session) (p = 0.021). The deterioration was accompanied by signs of psychological exhaustion — emotional tension, a decrease in general well-being, an increase in anxiety, signs of depression, and sleep disorders.
At the same time, in the study group that received Magne B6 therapy, despite the growing tension in studies and preparation for the session, the test index of the subjective assessment of the professional situation did not significantly change (which corresponds to the supportive effect of the drug). In addition, Magne B6 therapy reliably reduced the severity of experiences of acute and chronic stress (p = 0.022 and 0.001, respectively), which was manifested in improving the general well-being, mood, concentration of attention, remembering the necessary information. In the control group, the level of chronic stress also decreased, albeit unreliable (we believe that this is the answer to the use of placebo and the element of keeping some test questions in memory).
Most importantly, taking the drug Magne B6 led to a decrease in the severity of stress reactions. The overall stress index of IDICS in this group also decreased significantly (p = 0.001), whereas in the control group it grew. In addition, Magne B6 therapy significantly (by 30%) reduced the manifestations of personal behavioral deformities (p = 0.00001), i.e., reduced the signs of burnout syndrome and neurotic reactions (see Table 3). Students have improved performance indicators of autonomy of the tasks (autonomy). The most significant differences are summarized in fig. one.

2. Memory Functioning
On the DIAKOR scale, the parameters of aural speech, visual and motor memory were assessed. According to this scale, the functioning of memory was evaluated inversely as the number of so-called “Penalty points”, i.e., the lower the score, the more effectively memory operates. Almost all parameters of all three types of memory showed significant improvements in the group that took Magne B6, compared to the control.
a) When evaluating the parameters of hearing-speech memory on the day “60”, students of both groups improved the integral indicator of hearing-speech memory (p 6) by the end of the treatment course the changes were higher than in the control group: the integral memory indicator on the DIAKOR scale improved by 2.55 against 2.42 times, respectively (P 6, the best results were obtained in combining various stimuli into holistic semantic structures, i.e., the ability to analyze and synthesize information. In the group of students who took Magne B6, penalty points for combining incentives into holistic thought structures decreased from 1.16 to 1.02 (R b) When evaluating the parameters of visual memory on day 0, no significant changes were detected in the comparison groups (p> 0.05). On the day 60, students in the control group there was an improvement in the volume of direct visual memory on the IDICS scale (p = 0.05), the other parameters did not significantly change (Table 4).
At the same time, in the group of students who took Magne B6, the data obtained on day 60 indicate a pronounced and, most importantly, significant improvement in the integral index of visual memory (5.4 times, p in). In a comparative assessment of the parameters of the motor memory of the studied group on day “0” and dynamic parameter estimation in the second group (control) no significant changes were detected (p> 0.05). The students of the studied group significantly improved the integral index of motor memory (p = 0.0035, 2.3 times versus 1.9 times as compared with the control group) due to a significant increase in the amount of direct memory (5 times, p = 0.014) ( Table 5).
Differences in the integral indices of different types of memory are summarized in Fig. 2
Thus, the course dose of the drug Magne B6 improves the parameters of the visual, auditory and motor memory. Improving the parameters of both visual and auditory memory is related to the optimization of the work of the posterior structures of the left hemisphere, the anterior structures of the left hemisphere, the posterior sections of the right hemisphere and the anterior sections of the right hemisphere. At the same time, improving the performance of motor memory, the drug is likely to affect the work of brain structures providing interhemispheric interaction.

3. Evaluation of magnesium and vitamin B6 levels
The students of both groups had about the same level of magnesium deficiency and B6 hypovitaminosis at day 0. The two-month course of Magne B6 vitamin-mineral complex significantly reduced the total points of magnesium deficiency (p = 0.000001) and vitamin B6 (p = 0.00003), which corresponds to a significant improvement in the provision of magnesium and pyridoxine, while in the control group there is a change in indicators (Fig. 3).
Another interesting observation directly indicating the normalization of magnesium homeostasis was a significant reduction in convulsions of the gastrocnemius muscles in the study group (p 6 and 19.35% (6 out of 31) in the control group complained about the "reduction" of the gastrocnemius or foot muscles during swimming or after the pool, as well as after training in the gym. On the “60” day, in the control group, the number of students who complained of leg cramps not only did not decrease, but increased to 25.8% (8 out of 31), while as in the group of students taking Magne B6, no convulsions were observed Not a single student has an elk (Fig. 4).

Thus, against the background of the course taking the drug Magne B6 noted:
1. a significant reduction in the symptoms of magnesium deficiency and vitamin B6;
2. Improving the performance of hearing, movement and visual memory;
3. reducing the experience of acute and chronic stress, reducing personal and behavioral deformities, improving muscle performance.

These results indicate that the 60-day course of the drug Magne B6 is an effective way of pharmacological correction of magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiency, which was manifested in a significant improvement in cognitive functions and, above all, memory and reduction of negative stress manifestations with high psycho-emotional stress.
Thanks. We are very grateful to the asp. I.V. Gogol, Assoc. O.A. Nazarenko, V.A. Abramova, A.S. Murinu for assistance in conducting a clinical study and a VSP. A.Yu. Gogolev - for help with mathematical data processing.


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How to fill the magnesium deficiency in the body

If in the winter you are accustomed to catch up with apathy and irritability, do not rush to blame the weather. More like that you do not have enough magnesium - a trace element that plans to push vitamin C from the post of the chief health officer.

The human body is a powerful chemical laboratory that works without holidays and weekends every second of life. For thousands of reactions constantly need vitamins, trace elements, water, fatty acids, glucose. As in any industry, some substances are needed quite a bit, and even if they are not in stock, no one will die: they will replace, synthesize, postpone the reaction until better times. But some elements are needed all the time, and their shortage can stop the work of the enterprise. It’s like in the restaurant’s kitchen: a good chef will manage without capers or lime leaves, but if you don’t have salt or oil on hand, the establishment will not last long.

Magnesium Magnesium
The most popular vitamins and microelements in the lab called “man” are vitamin C, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and magnesium. The latter keeps a little apart by chance: compared with colleagues, it is not so easy to get from food. First, magnesium champion products are not very popular. Remember how often you personally eat rice bran, seaweed, pumpkin or watermelon seeds? Secondly, in cereals, leafy greens, nuts, which are considered to be good sources of magnesium, every year less and less of this element. This is due to the depletion of the soil and aggressive farming: the introduction of some fertilizers reduces the content of vitamins, micro and macro elements and antioxidants in plant foods. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), over the past
For 50 years, vegetables and fruits have become 30–50% less valuable from the point of view of mineral substances. Another reason to talk about magnesium is that its consumption increases markedly in the event of stress. A rare resident of the metropolis can boast that he lives without emotional shocks, physical and intellectual stress, lack of sleep, fast food, and all this causes the body to spend more magnesium for the body to work properly.

Will not find it
A serious magnesium deficiency is difficult not to notice: literally all organs and systems will signal this. The element is necessary for muscle and nervous relaxation - it helps to relax the blood vessels and heart muscle, soothe in stressful situations. If there is a shortage of magnesium, the person will quickly experience symptoms such as high blood pressure, tachycardia, tearful or depressive state. Magnesium also helps to assimilate the most important for health vitamin D, participates in the formation of the bone skeleton and lipid metabolism, is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. It is also important that in a situation when a person does not receive 320-500 mg of a substance necessary for him every day with food, the body begins to take magnesium from the bones - its main reserves are stored there. Such crediting will not lead to anything good: efforts to exchange will be spent a lot, and the result will be only a short-term improvement in the general condition of the person and the fragility of the bones in the future.

Out of range
It is considered if a person fully and variedly eats, does not experience increased physical and emotional stress, and does not carry a child, he only needs magnesium, which is ingested with food and water. But in reality, experts of the World Health Organization claim that about 75% of the inhabitants of industrialized countries receive less than the recommended daily dose of this element, and most of them are satisfied with only 10% of the required amount. Plus, even those crumbs that enter the body with nuts, seeds, seafood, meat, are often poorly absorbed due to the genetic characteristics of a particular person, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diets with a large amount of calcium and protein - these substances prevent the absorption of magnesium.

That is, ever-losing weight lovers of cottage cheese and chicken breast in a particular risk group: chronic fatigue and bad mood may well be companions of their diet precisely because of the incomplete absorption of magnesium. Sweet tooths are also unlucky: excessive sugar consumption worsens magnesium metabolism, and its lack, in turn, threatens insulin resistance and the development of various forms of diabetes.

Refer to the sources
We can do nothing with the quality of modern products, but we can change a lot in our own way of life, so as not to suffer from magnesium deficiency. Step one is to remember that this valuable element can be obtained not only from food. The largest organ of the human body, the skin, is able to absorb it directly. Therefore, baths with English salt is a good way to help your nervous system recover from a hard day. By the way, this bath also contributes to detoxification of the body, so before swimming it is recommended to drink a couple glasses of water.

The second stage of magnetization is to take dietary supplements with this element in the composition, after consulting with a doctor. The recommended daily intake is 320 mg, for women over 30, it can be increased to 400 mg. Since not all forms of magnesium are equally well absorbed, endocrinologists recommend taking it in the form of citrate or glycinate. But you shouldn’t hope for supplements only: the human body prefers to receive necessary substances from food. The good list of foods rich in magnesium is very appetizing: here and avocado with dried apricots, and spinach with soy, and sea fish with sesame, and buckwheat with quinoa.

Top 10 magnesium deficiency symptoms

Cramps, especially at night and after exercise. Tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.
Feeling of chronic fatigue, lack of energy in the morning after a long sleep.
High blood pressure.
Crying, irritability, increased manifestations of PMS.
Edema, fluid retention, constipation.
Indistinct eyesight, nausea, loss of coordination, clouded consciousness.
The sharp deterioration of the skin, hair and nails.


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Magnesium sulfate: instructions for use

Pharmaceutical action

Magnesium is able to displace calcium from its binding sites, as it is a physiological calcium antagonist. Magnesium regulates metabolic processes, muscular excitability and neurochemical transmission, prevents the passage of Ca2 + ions through the presynaptic membrane, reduces the content of acetylcholine in the central and peripheral nervous system. The intracellular deficiency of Mg2 + ions provokes the development of ventricular arrhythmias. When injected, magnesium sulfate blocks the neuromuscular transmission (in large doses, the drug has curare-like properties) and prevents the development of seizures, dilates the peripheral vessels, reduces the pulse rate and slows down AV conductivity. Injections of low doses of magnesium sulfate cause only sweating and hot flashes, high doses cause a decrease in blood pressure.
Magnesium sulfate has a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Depending on the dose administered, sedative, hypnotic, and even general anesthetic effects can be observed.
Magnesium sulfate reduces the excitability of the respiratory center, large doses of the drug can lead to respiratory paralysis. Magnesium sulfate when poisoning with salts of heavy metals is an antidote.
Systemic effects with intramuscular injection develop after 1 hour, with intravenous administration almost instantly. The duration of the drug when administered intramuscularly is 3-4 hours, with the introduction of intravenous - about 30 minutes.
When used orally, the drug promotes the release of cholecystokinin, has a choleretic effect, irritates the duodenal receptors. Magnesium sulfate is poorly absorbed, not more than 20%, increases the osmotic pressure in the gastrointestinal tract, retains fluid and, by a concentration gradient, facilitates its release into the intestinal lumen, increasing peristalsis in all intestinal sections, 4 to 6 hours after ingestion leads to defecation. The absorbed part of magnesium is excreted by the kidneys, and diuresis increases. The drug passes through the placenta and the blood-brain barrier, is found in breast milk, and its content is 2 times higher than in the mother's blood plasma.

For injection: hypertensive crisis (including with signs of swelling of the brain); encephalopathy; eclampsia; hypomagnesaemia, including for prevention (unbalanced or inadequate nutrition, diuretics, contraceptive use, chronic alcoholism, muscle relaxants); acute hypomagnesemia (myocardial dysfunction, signs of tetany); increased need for magnesium (pregnancy, stress, recovery period, growth period, excessive sweating); the threat of preterm birth; convulsions during preeclampsia; ventricular tachycardia type "pirouette"; ventricular arrhythmias that are associated with an increase in the QT interval; the occurrence of arrhythmias at low plasma concentrations of magnesium or / and potassium; urine retention; epileptic syndrome; poisoning with salts of heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, lead).
For oral administration: constipation; cholecystitis; gallbladder dyskinesia of hypotonic type (for tubing); cholangitis; bowel cleansing before diagnostic procedures; duodenal intubation (to obtain a cystic portion of bile); poisoning with salts of heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, barium, lead).

Hypersensitivity, hypermagnesia. Additionally for injections: arterial hypotension, severe bradycardia, depression of the respiratory center, AV blockade, prenatal period (2 hours before delivery), severe renal failure (with creatinine clearance less than 20 ml / min). Additionally for oral administration: appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, rectal bleeding (including intended), dehydration.

Magnesium sulfate is injected intramuscularly, intravenously, taken orally. Intravenously (slowly, the first 3 ml - enter 3 minutes) or intramuscularly - 5–20 ml of a 20–25% solution every 1-2 times a day. In case of poisoning with arsenic, mercury, tetraethyl lead - intravenous 5–10% solution of 5–10 ml. To relieve convulsions in children intramuscularly 20–40 mg / kg (or 0.1–0.2 ml / kg of a 20% solution). The maximum dose of magnesium sulfate is 40 g / day (160 mmol / day).
Inside: as a laxative (on an empty stomach or for the night) adults - 10–30 g in half a glass of water, children —1 g for 1 year of life; for cholagogue - 1 tablespoon of a 20–25% solution 3 times a day; for duodenal sounding, 100 ml of 10% solution or 50 ml of 25% solution is injected through a probe.
Poisoning with soluble barium salts: wash the stomach with 1% magnesium sulfate solution or take it inside with 200 ml of water 20-25 g.
With prolonged treatment with magnesium sulfate, it is recommended to monitor the work of the heart, blood pressure, tendon reflexes, respiratory rate, kidney function. If it is necessary to simultaneously use intravenous calcium and magnesium preparations, then they should be injected into different veins. Patients with severely impaired renal function should not receive more than 20 g of magnesium sulfate for 2 days; also the patient (and also patients with oliguria) should not be given intravenous magnesium sulfate too quickly.
Side effects

When administered parenterally: the symptoms and signs of hypermagnesemia - diplopia, bradycardia, flushing, hypotension, sweating, depression of the central nervous system and heart, with a content of Mg2 + 2-3.5 mmol / l in the blood - a decrease in deep tendon reflexes; 2.5–5 mmol / l - expansion of the QRS complex and prolongation of the PQ interval on the ECG; 4–5 mmol / l - the absence of deep tendon reflexes; 5–6,5 mmol / l - depression of the respiratory center; 7.5 mmol / l - disturbances of cardiac conduction; 12.5 mmol / l - cardiac arrest. Hypothermia, atony of the uterus, weakness, headache, anxiety, hypocalcemia with signs of secondary tetany can also develop. With a very high plasma concentration of magnesium (which can occur, for example, with a very fast intravenous drug, with renal failure): polyuria, paresthesia, nausea, vomiting.
When ingestion: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, thirst, spastic abdominal pain, flatulence, electrolyte imbalance (asthenia, fatigue, confusion, convulsions, arrhythmia), symptoms and signs of hypermagnesium (especially in the presence of renal failure).

The use of nephrotoxic drugs such as cisplatin, amphotericin B, gentamicin, cyclosporin, increases the need for magnesium. Thiazide and loop diuretics with prolonged use can reduce the magnesium-preserving function of the kidneys, this can lead to hypomagnesemia (control of the content of magnesium in the blood is necessary). Potassium-sparing diuretics with prolonged use increase the reabsorption of magnesium in the kidneys, this can lead to the development of hypermagnesia, especially in patients with renal insufficiency. Calcium salts (for intravenous administration) relieve the effects of magnesium sulphate used parenterally. But calcium chloride or calcium gluconate is used in hypermagnesia to eliminate toxic effects. The combined use of oral calcium supplements and magnesium sulfate can cause an increase in serum magnesium or calcium, especially in patients with renal insufficiency. The deprivation effect on the central nervous system with parenteral use of magnesium sulfate is enhanced when combined with drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. There is information about the development of hypomagnesemia in patients who simultaneously used digitalis glycosides and magnesium sulfate, and this can cause digitalis intoxication. When administered orally together, magnesium sulfate may reduce the absorption and content of glycosides in the blood in digitalis. Muscle relaxants increase neuromuscular blockade when taken together with magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate reduces the absorption of tetracyclines, etidronovoy acid. Excessive glucose or alcohol increases the renal excretion of magnesium.
special instructions

Restrictions on the use of

For injections: myasthenia gravis, respiratory diseases, chronic renal failure and other disorders of the kidneys, acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
For oral administration: myocardial damage, heart block, chronic renal failure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

If there is a need to use magnesium sulfate during lactation, then breastfeeding should be stopped. Animal studies using magnesium sulfate have not been carried out. It is not known whether magnesium sulfate has an adverse effect on the fetus or whether the drug affects the reproductive capacity. Therefore, use magnesium sulfate during pregnancy only if necessary.
With parenteral use during eclampsia in pregnant women, the drug quickly penetrates the placenta and in fetal blood serum reaches approximately the same concentration as that of the mother. In newborns, the effects of magnesium sulfate are similar to those of the mother and may include hyporeflexia, respiratory depression, hypotension, if the woman received magnesium sulfate before delivery. Therefore, usually in the prenatal period (2 hours before delivery) magnesium sulfate is not used, except in cases when it is necessary to prevent convulsions during eclampsia. Magnesium sulfate can be administered continuously intravenously at a rate of 1–2 g every hour, provided that the patient is carefully monitored (plasma magnesium concentration, blood pressure, respiratory rate, deep tendon reflexes).


In case of an overdose of magnesium sulfate when administered parenterally, there are: the disappearance of the knee jerk (the classic clinical symptom of the onset of intoxication), nausea, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, bradycardia, vomiting, depression of the central nervous system and respiration.
Necessary: ​​as an antidote, calcium preparations (calcium gluconate or calcium chloride 5–10 ml 10%), intravenous inhalation of carbogen, oxygen therapy, artificial lung ventilation, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, symptomatic therapy (correcting the cardiovascular and central nervous system) are slowly administered intravenously. ).


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Magnesium for your health and wellness

Magnesium is of great importance for mental and physical health.

The human body is a complex organism, the proper functioning of which depends on a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Unfortunately, the modern diet lacks many essential nutrients. Manufacturers of dietary supplements often ignore magnesium , despite the fact that it is extremely important for overall health.

Although magnesium is less commonly spoken of, it is one of the most abundant minerals in the world. In nature, magnesium is found, for example, in the form of magnesium chloride in the ocean or pure magnesium in plant chlorophyll. It is the second most common element in the cells of the body, hundreds of biochemical reactions in the human body occur with the participation of magnesium. In the form of a positive ion, magnesium regulates enzyme systems. This means that magnesium is involved in most of the vital functions of the body.

The main role of magnesium in the human body is to regulate the enzymes that send chemical signals throughout the body. Being an enzymatic cofactor, magnesium activates enzymes and contributes to their proper participation in enzymatic reactions. It is necessary for the normal functioning of ATP molecules, which are the source of energy in the human body. Magnesium is involved in the conversion of sugar and fat into energy, in the construction of DNA, in the reduction of muscle fibers, in the construction of new cells, in the assimilation of mineral substances, and in the regulation of cholesterol levels. The important role of magnesium causes the need for it for the normal functioning of all organs, bones and muscles in the human body, and the level of magnesium content affects many aspects of health.

One of the most important functions of magnesium is its effect on muscle contraction. Magnesium is responsible for the relaxation of muscle fibers after their reduction. Thanks to this you can make certain movements. Magnesium prevents cramps caused by prolonged muscle contraction. Without magnesium, which feeds your muscles, you feel weak and lethargic after such physical activities as climbing stairs.

The bones of the body are constantly updated through the process of homeostasis of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Magnesium not only helps regulate bone homeostasis, but also ensures proper absorption of vitamin D and calcium, essential for healthy bones. A 2010 study, published by Biological Trace Element Research, found that magnesium supplements can prevent osteoporosis in older women.

Receiving magnesium helps to prevent many other diseases. It helps to reduce cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and maintain muscle contractions, so we take a certain amount of magnesium is useful for cardiovascular diseases, stroke and heart rhythm disorders. It also plays an important role in glucose metabolism, which affects blood sugar levels. Inadequate magnesium intake increases the likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes.

Due to the fact that magnesium is involved in the chemical reactions of the body, it also affects the brain and neurotransmitters, on which our mood depends. Thus, magnesium can help improve your mental state. According to a 2010 study, depressive conditions that are not amenable to treatment with traditional drugs can be improved with magnesium. Magnesium appears to be beneficial in preventing or treating depression due to its role in the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters. It provides the brain with the necessary amount of dopamine and other chemicals that cause a feeling of satisfaction to counteract depression. Depression is so strongly associated with magnesium deficiency that some mental health experts put forward a theory that depression has become more common due to inadequate intake of whole grains rich in magnesium.

Depression is perhaps the most dangerous mental disorder, but magnesium deficiency causes other diseases, such as insomnia and anxiety neuroses. Magnesium helps calm the brain by blocking the excessive activation of NMDA receptors. Constant activation of these receptors causes the deterioration of neurons, and this can even lead to cell death. The most important protective role of magnesium in the brain is that the brain is able to relax, relax and process information.

Magnesium also affects mental disorders because it plays an important role in the production of hormones. Certain stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, are formed when the adrenal glands are activated. Magnesium helps to suppress and slow down the activation of the adrenal glands, protecting the body from an excess of these hormones that increase blood pressure, anxiety and stress. Lack of magnesium can cause increased stress, and long-term stress can lead to a decrease in magnesium levels due to fatigue of the adrenal glands. For this reason, it is important to limit the duration of exposure to stress and increase magnesium intake, including in the diet minimally processed foods.

Even if you do not suffer from serious mental disorders, you will benefit from a soothing magnesium bath , which will help to improve your mental mood when signs of stress or depression appear. Lack of magnesium can cause confusion in thoughts and mental disorders, because the brain has problems with storing and processing information with a lack of neurotransmitters and energy. In general, magnesium is needed to optimize brain function.

Due to the positive effect of magnesium on the state of health, its use is used to treat many different diseases. The American Heart Association recommends that magnesium be administered intravenously to patients who have an arrhythmia. The study also showed that magnesium supplements can be used to treat eclampsia, a disease that occurs during pregnancy and can cause health attacks. A number of studies show that even some of the symptoms of alcoholism can be alleviated when patients take magnesium.

As we can see, magnesium is a very important mineral, but its role in biosynthesis is often overlooked. Unfortunately, a 2014 study published in the International Journal of Laboratory Medicine showed that 2.5 to 15% of the population is deficient in magnesium. This condition, known as hypomagnesemia, is fairly common because processed foods, which make up the bulk of the diet of many people, do not contain magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is also caused by drugs that are proton pump inhibitors, which are used to treat gastric reflux. People suffering from Crohn's disease, type 2 diabetes, alcoholism, celiac disease, regional enteritis also have a higher risk of developing magnesium deficiency.

At first, signs of moderate magnesium deficiency are hardly noticeable, but over time hypomagnesaemia causes serious problems. People with a slight magnesium deficiency feel tired, weak, irritable, and nauseous. If inadequate intake is replaced by an almost complete lack of magnesium intake, then symptoms such as severe muscle contractions, convulsions, arrhythmia, personality restructuring, and numbness appear. These signs of a dangerous magnesium deficiency can be life-threatening, but even less serious deficiency can cause health problems.

You may have a magnesium deficiency if you notice the following symptoms:

Regular muscle cramps and cramps
Recently identified cardiovascular diseases
Difficulty falling asleep or having trouble sleeping
Slight trembling in arms and legs
Difficulty remembering
Stable high blood pressure
Excessive anxiety or depression
Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
Lack of other minerals
Feeling weak during daily physical activity
Inability to concentrate

To get rid of these symptoms, you need to make sure that your body gets enough magnesium from food or supplements. The daily need for magnesium increases with age, because the body is less efficient in absorbing magnesium as it ages. Although men usually need more magnesium than women, the need for pregnant women is also high. Children need about 240 mg per day. Men under 30 need about 400 mg per day, but with age, the need rises to 420 milligrams. Women under 30 usually need about 310 milligrams per day, and if they are pregnant, the need is 360 milligrams per day.

Fortunately, you can increase the level of magnesium in your body. Since it is easily absorbed through the skin, you can daily rub cream with magnesium to satisfy the need for magnesium without changing your diet. English salt also contains magnesium , so bathing with English salt can increase magnesium levels.

Magnesium can be found in various plant products, because it is an important element of chlorophyll, which is involved in the process of photosynthesis. Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach and kale are high in magnesium, and magnesium is also found in whole grains, nuts, and beans. There are also many tasteless liquid magnesium supplements that can be added to drinks and cocktails to increase the level of magnesium in the body without changing your diet.

Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in almost all functions of the human body. Regardless of the source of magnesium you choose, it’s important that you fill your needs for it every day. This mineral not only strengthens your bones, organs and muscles, but it is very important for brain health. Inadequate intake of magnesium can lead to mental illness, cardiovascular disease, sclerosis, diabetes and even beriberi. Pay attention to muscle cramps, weakness, sleep problems, severe stress or depression, and other signs that your body may receive less of this mineral. In order to avoid magnesium deficiency, be sure to consume the recommended daily dose, for this it is convenient to take a dietary supplement.


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Familiar with macro and microelements: magnesium

Antistress mineral, the second intracellular cation after potassium. Component of chlorophyll plants. Where the soil is rich in magnesium (on the banks of the Nile), malignant tumors are very rare. And in those areas of the globe where it is not enough (some areas of the UK), malignant tumors are more common. Magnesium balance is regulated by the kidneys.

Daily need

Adults: 280–400 mg (approximately 4.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight). Children need more than adults (as there is a constant increase) - about 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight: children under 3 years old - 50–150 mg, 4–6 years old - 200 mg, 7–10 years old - 250 mg, 11-17 years old - 300 mg.

Lactating women should additionally receive 60 mg of magnesium to compensate for its loss with breast milk. According to other sources: pregnant and lactating - about 350-450 mg.

With kidney disease - more than 3000 mg of magnesium per day is not recommended.

The need for magnesium increases in the following cases:

in children and adolescents, people of elderly and senile age;
caffeine intake (tea, coffee, chocolate, pepsi-cola);
when used sugar: magnesium affects the metabolism of insulin, and sugar increases the loss of magnesium in urine;
a large amount of fat in the diet reduces the absorption of magnesium, since fatty acids and magnesium form salts that are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract;
high-protein diet, especially in children, athletes, during pregnancy and lactation;
colitis, constipation, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea;
with increasing cholesterol in the blood;
thyrotoxicosis, parathyroid hyperfunction, renal acidosis, epilepsy;
after high-temperature diseases;
after operations;
with heavy physical exertion;
in the use of contraceptives and estrogens;
chronic alcoholism. Alcohol more than any other of the known substances contained in food, reduces the magnesium content in the blood. Even with moderate alcohol intake, magnesium deficiency gradually develops.

In alcoholics, it is manifested by muscle weakness and myocardial damage.
Value in the body

Magnesium is closely associated with the synthesis and use of ATP, therefore it has an exceptional effect on the body's energy metabolism.

About 300 enzymes participate in the work. Magnesium is necessary for the activation of enzymes in 50% of cases.

Anti-toxic and anti-inflammatory factor.

In cardiomyocyte, it participates in the conjugation of arousal of contraction-relaxation and thus ensures the health of the cardiovascular system.

Normalizes the function of the parathyroid glands.

Regulates temperature, helps to adapt to cold.

Building material for lung tissue.

Required to strengthen the skeleton and prevent osteoporosis.

Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous tissue, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, calms the central nervous system, helps in the fight against depression. If the nerve cells have not yet died, but only suffered, then, having received their portion of magnesium, they will be actively restored.

Prevents kidney stones.
Relationship with other trace elements

The presence of magnesium reduces the risk of the toxic effect of heavy metals by 30%.

It is a natural and physiological partner of calcium, competing with it at all levels of the cell and in the process of absorption in the intestine. The ratio of calcium to magnesium should be 2: 1.

The introduction of magnesium can increase the intracellular content of potassium due to the activation of ATP, which inhibits the loss of potassium by the cell. With a lack of intracellular magnesium begins the loss of cellular potassium. In response to the release of potassium from the cell, sodium begins to flow into it, reducing its energy.
Use in medicine

Prevention and treatment of various forms of angina.
Prevention of metabolic changes caused by myocardial ischemia.
Prevention of hyperparathyroidism.
Interferes with blood vessel calcification, but magnesium should work together with calcium.
When drunk to alleviate or prevent hangover.

Initial signs of magnesium deficiency

Palpitations, arrhythmias or tachycardias, often accompanied by severe, piercing chest pain, changes in blood pressure in any direction; magnesium deficiency contributes to atherosclerosis. Heart rhythm disturbances, neurocirculatory dystonia, and coronary heart disease develop.

Insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, heavy awakening, tearfulness, and even bouts of anguish.

State of anxiety, anxiety, nervousness, fear, violation of skin sensitivity.

Fatigue, frequent headaches, difficulty concentrating; sudden dizziness, loss of balance; morning tiredness, even after a long sleep. Feeling of heaviness in the body.

Hair loss, brittle nails, tooth decay.

Sensitivity to changes in weather, to cold and humidity, often causing various pains of teeth, gums, joints.

Decreased body temperature, cold hands and feet, stiffness of the limbs, tingling in the legs, spasms.

Twitching eyelids; fog, twinkling dots before eyes.

Enhanced start-reflex ("jumping"), impatience, the desire to do at the same time a lot of things that a person starts and does not end.

In further concern:

acute, antispasmodic pain in the stomach, often accompanied by diarrhea; chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
muscle spasms, muscle twitching (tetany), tremor, sore pain or muscle tension;
anemia (due to the destruction of red blood cells);
trophic ulceration;
calcification of tissues characteristic of hypercalcemia, but against the background of normal calcium content;
formation of thymomas: the thymus gland mass increases, immunity is disturbed.

A deficiency of calcium and magnesium worsens the course of allergic diseases.

During an attack of bronchial asthma, magnesium is deficient in the blood.

Low levels of magnesium are often found in patients with diabetes, which leads to the destruction of the body. An increase in magnesium normalizes blood sugar.
Consequences of deficiency for pregnant women

Arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, eclampsia.
Consequences of deficiency for newborns

Heart defects and blood vessels.
Consequences of deficiency for children

Rickets, lethargy, tremor, laryngo-and bronchospasm, contraction of small muscle groups. The development of atherosclerosis from childhood is characteristic.

Aloe vera, hawthorn, white grapes, pepper, zherukha, nettle, lemon balm, parsley, black chokeberry, spinach, chlorella, vegetable greens, skullcap, cocoa, pine, almond and hazelnut, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, soybean, wheat bran, cereals (whole grains), beans, fresh leafy greens, as well as peas, crabs, shrimps, clams, liver, oats, rye bread, apples, figs, lemons, grapefruits, grapes, dogrose, pumpkin, garlic, mineral water with magnesium .

The amount of magnesium in foods depends on its content in the soil. By grinding the grain 80% of magnesium is removed.


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Calcium plus magnesium preparations. Preparations of potassium, calcium and magnesium. An excess of elements is as dangerous as their lack.

Age, ecology and lifestyle - the main factors that affect the performance of internal organs. If the issues of ecology of the environment and a healthy lifestyle a person can decide on their own, then time is beyond the control of anyone. With age, all processes in the body slow down and lose their former effectiveness, and the organs are increasingly beginning to falter. The main internal organ is rightfully considered to be the heart, which, with proper care throughout life, is able to work an impressive length of time.
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For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, you should get rid of bad habits , keep your weight in the normal range and help the body with medication. With the latter copes containing potassium and magnesium. In this article, we will consider the beneficial properties of these substances, their role in the vital activity of the organism, and we will give examples of optimal drugs that are distinguished by a high indicator of effectiveness.

When it comes to calcium, most people immediately think of milk, cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt. But calcium is not only found in dairy products. However, sufficient sunlight is required. Do you believe only in what can be confirmed by scientific research?

With the osteoporosis slogan - every third woman suffers trying to calm fears and sell calcium pills. Osteoporosis refers to porous bones that break too easily. In addition to more than 70 microelements, the Sango sea coral provides, in particular, calcium and magnesium - two basic minerals that are known to have extremely beneficial properties for our health.
What is the body for vitamins potassium and magnesium?

Preparations of potassium and magnesium perform a number of useful actions to ensure the safe operation of the heart. Each of the components is responsible for individual tasks, which together result in a significant reduction in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to a positive impact on the work of the cardiac system, potassium normalizes the functioning of the intestine, leads to a balance of water-electrolyte ratio and is actively involved in the process of metabolism. Potassium helps the body produce protein and transform glucose into glycogen.

Magnesium deficiency affects all of us. Study the multiplicity of causes of magnesium deficiency and then prevent magnesium deficiency. One day Japanese Shigechiyo Izumi was supposed to interview a British journalist. Few people know how important vitamin K is for their bodies. Vitamin K not only controls blood clotting, but also activates bone formation and protects against cancer.

Magnesium, the most common mineral in the body, plays an important role in the activation of more than 300 chemical reactions. Again and again, vegans from the so-called experts should say that their vegetarian method of nutrition represents a huge risk for bone diseases.

An adult needs 3-5 grams of potassium daily. The dosage depends on the lifestyle and the availability of regular physical activity. The average person does not take the norm from a regular meal, so it is advisable to use vitamins potassium, magnesium and calcium tablets.

Most potassium is found in dried apricots, raisins, peas, bananas, watermelons and kiwi.

Milk and dairy products have always been evaluated as high-value protein, vitamin and mineral supplements in advertising. Calcium, along with magnesium, is the most famous mineral. Calcium is also a mineral that is often ingested in the form of tablets or powder.

Finding the best source of calcium is not easy. Because the choice is very large. The best known sources of calcium are calcium citrate and calcium carbonate. And magnesium is closely related to its effectiveness. This aspect of cholecalciferol often remains a missed error. To transport the vitamin in the body, magnesium serves as a transport molecule as a fuel. If it is too long, the body's healthy self-regulation is excluded.

Magnesium allows you to increase energy reserves in the body, due to the splitting of glucose. It plays an important role in many enzymatic processes associated with the restoration of cells and their protection from damage. Magnesium increases the absorption of B vitamins.

In tandem with calcium, he leads the work of blood vessels in tone and prevents their diseases. Magnesium and calcium interact harmoniously, enhancing the positive effects of each other. Preparations containing potassium, magnesium and calcium strengthen bones, cartilage, teeth, nails and hair, and also contribute to the normalization of blood pressure.

The alleged disease is associated with a strong magnesium deficiency. An increase in vitamin absorption leads to an increase in magnesium excretion. As a side effect, absorption of magnesium is increased through the intestines, which does not compensate for excretion. Each individual development requires certain enzymes that depend on magnesium. Without this, it is impossible to carry out the metabolism of the vitamin and develop the effect. The same applies to an excessively high amount of magnesium.
Magnesium is 400 mg per day.

Healthy adults need a daily dose of 400 milligrams of magnesium. There are several possibilities to satisfy this day. The natural way is the consumption of food. Whole grains, amaranths, pumpkin and sunflower kernels, some seaweed, sesame, chocolate and nuts provide a concentrated amount of magnesium. 100 g of sunflower seeds contain 420 mg of magnesium.

An adult needs to consume 350-450 mg of magnesium daily. It is present in cabbage, nuts, seafood and cereals.
What is dangerous excess and lack of potassium and magnesium?

Any medication is useful only if you strictly adhere to the prescribed dosages and multiplicity of techniques. Self-treatment often leads to a complication of the situation, so the decision to start a course of a drug should be made on the basis of the recommendations of the doctor.

For food additives, the ingredients "magnesium gluconate" or "acetate" are necessary. These forms have better usability than other means. For this purpose, there are oral and transdermal solutions. Oral supplements are in the form of tablets, capsules, solutions and powder mixtures.

Transdermal means absorption through the skin using magnesium baths or oils. Pharmacies and supermarkets contain more than 20 active ingredients of magnesium. Magnesium does not consist exclusively of chemicals, but requires a binder partner in the form of salt. These drugs are distinguished by the content of elemental magnesium, bioavailability, side effect of the binding partner and their laxative effect. To not have the opposite effect or show additional symptoms, you must follow the advice of a doctor.

Important! Potassium and magnesium tablets do not increase their effects at high dosages. On the contrary, excess of norms is fraught with serious consequences, even lethal.
Excess potassium

The maximum rate of potassium per day - 6 grams. If the body enters more than 15 grams per day, it is possible cardiac arrest. Before starting a long course of potassium-containing drugs, you should be examined and consulted by a doctor. Since in some diseases the body initially contains high levels of the substance. In this case, the additional use of drugs can not help but harm. An excess of potassium is characteristic of the following diseases:
Transdermal absorption little studied

If free choice is available, magnesium citrate and glycinate are the best all-round forms. Magnesium transdermal absorption is not supported by any clinical study. Alternative doctors suggest that this type of intake is higher than oral administration. Large oral doses have a laxative effect and cause a further drawback.

For transdermal absorption, the patient is bathed in magnesium salt. It dissolves in water, due to which a high concentration is deposited directly on the skin. The consistency is perceived by patients as fat, so they are called "magnesium oil".

renal failure;
type II diabetes;
radiation exposure.

The course of the drug lasts from 1 to 3 months depending on the nature of the existing disease. With long-term use of high dosages, negative consequences are possible:

anxiety, insecurity, irritable state;
loss of muscle tone, heart rate failure;
bowel discomfort;

Excess magnesium

The maximum daily dosage of magnesium is 800 mg. Excess of the established norms does not threaten a lethal outcome, but is fraught with the formation of kidney stones, the appearance of psoriasis and hyperthyroidism.

Food supplements containing copper and manganese. Multi-talent for muscles and bones. The optimal supply of vitamins and minerals is an important prerequisite for the well-being and efficiency of our body. Supplying magnesium and calcium is often not optimal with an unbalanced diet. In particular, the supply of calcium in a significant part of the population does not comply with the recommendations.

The biphasic tablet with a dual cardiac system consists of two different layers due to a specially designed manufacturing process. Magnesium and trace elements of manganese and copper are gradually released and, thus, can be available to the body in the time interval from phase 1. Magnesium for normal nervous and muscular function. Magnesium is a vital mineral that the body cannot form by itself. A high degree of food processing can now lead to the fact that the amount of magnesium absorbed through food is not always optimal.
Preparations containing potassium and magnesium

Presented to your attention drugs, whose composition is optimally balanced and can effectively solve problems with the heart.

One of the most popular drugs containing potassium and magnesium for the heart in pills. The active substance covers a complete list of possible disorders of the cardiovascular system: from arrhythmias to angina.

Magnesium promotes normal energy metabolism, as well as normal muscle function. It also supports the normal function of our nervous system. Copper and manganese to protect connective tissue and cells. Trace elements of copper and manganese contribute to the maintenance of normal connective tissue. Mangan also maintains normal bone content. In addition, copper and manganese help protect cells from oxidative stress.
Who informs me about the quality of my drinking water?

Recommended use: Take 1 tablet daily with some liquid, without chewing. Mineral waters contain more minerals than tap water? We provide answers to frequently asked questions. Here, the focus is on fluid intake of about two liters per day, which is less than mineral intake. What kind of bottled water should be bought from the region in reusable bottles. The environment is the best.

Adequate alcohol intake is important.
Calcium, magnesium and K °, the body mainly cares about food.
Many mineral waters are rich in these substances.
Drinking water also quenches thirst.

Responsibility for the quality of your drinking water is water supply.

Basic properties:

Completion of potassium deficiency during the course of diuretic drugs that are potassium-sparing (Furosemide, Diacarb, Torasemide, etc.).
Important! When using diuretic drugs you need to know whether their effect on the level of potassium in the body. If not, then an additional reception Panangin is not required.
Normalization of heart rhythm. Panangin is used as an additional means to increase the effectiveness of the main antiarrhythmic drug.
Prevention of angina pectoris and hypertension.
Suppresses side effects from treatment with cardiac glycosides.

The drug has a wide range of contraindications, which must be read before the course.

Companies regularly check drinking water to make sure it is in excellent condition. The Drinking Water Ordinance sets limits and standards for many substances. If the load is too high, for example, nitrate or drug residues, the reasons should be eliminated. However, water is only responsible for the water clock in the house.
What is the difference between natural mineral water, healing water, spring water and table water?

Drinking water - the best proven food and good quality. Ask the water supplier about the results of the water analysis, sometimes they are also published online. Natural mineral water must be of original purity. It comes from underground, protected water pollution. It will be completed directly on the site. Mineral water is characterized by typical mineral content, trace elements or even carbon dioxide.

Asparkam has a similar composition and properties with Panangin. The difference lies in the cost, due to a lower level of efficiency and a slower mechanism of action.

Another analogue of Panangin, but in capsule form. Used to combat cardiac arrhythmias. Not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women. It has an identical list of side effects and caveats.

Source and table water are not mineral water. To them apply the limit values ​​for the regulation of drinking water. Spring water is also extracted from an underground source. However, it should not be protected from contamination. Table water is usually treated drinking water, it can be mixed with minerals and carbon dioxide. Table water can be obtained anywhere, including from different reservoirs.

Medicinal water is a medicinal product and is subject to the German Medicines Act. Its preventive or curative properties must be demonstrated by research. It should be drunk only after treatment. Mineral water is the only food that is recognized by the state. To this end, conducted numerous studies of water quality. Requirements are regulated in the rules on mineral and table waters.

The composition of the drug contains magnesium orotate. Each tablet contains 500 mg of the active substance.

It helps with the lack of magnesium in the body, the appearance of arrhythmias, developing angina, atherosclerosis, chronic cardiac insufficiency, myocardial infarction, muscle spasms and failures in the processes of assimilation of fat.

Side effects attributed to:
How problematic is uranium in natural mineral water?

Uranium naturally occurs in varying concentrations in the soil and is considered renal toxicity. Depending on the region and rocks, drinking or natural mineral water may also contain undesirable substances. For drinking water, 10 micrograms of uranium per liter are set as limit values. There is no general limit for mineral water. Only water “suitable for making baby food” should not contain more than two micrograms of uranium per liter.
What does “still” mineral water mean?

Your water supplier informs you about the water content in your drinking water. It does not need to point to the bottles of mineral water. Ask the manufacturer. The term "still" is not regulated by law. There is mineral water with this indicator, which contains little or no carbon dioxide. The small font should indicate whether it is naturally contained or added.

allergic reactions;

It is necessary to limit the use of Magnerot in the following cases:

in the presence of stones in the bladder;
with cirrhosis;
with intolerance to dairy products (lactose);
in case of failures in the assimilation of glucose.


Dietary supplement that contains a bundle of magnesium and calcium. It has a similar list of properties and contraindications, as in Magnerot.
Drugs to combat convulsions

Muscle cramps, colic, "goosebumps" are a consequence of the breakdown of the muscle-nerve connection, which can occur from a lack of magnesium in the body. An additional factor is the deficiency of vitamin B, whose production is directly dependent on the amount of magnesium. Involuntary muscle contractions occur when:

lack of fluid in the body;
diarrhea or poisoning;
use of diuretic drugs;
regular enemas;
prolonged malnutrition.

Similar symptoms are most often seen in elderly people. In their bodies, blood circulation slows down, leading to leaking limbs and cramps. The same consequences are faced by people who:

abusing alcohol;
experiencing an imbalance of macronutrients;
underwent surgery on the small intestine;
suffer from diabetes;
undergoing treatment with oncological drugs.

Cramps happen to different muscle groups. To get rid of irritable muscle contractions, it is necessary to take medicines containing magnesium and vitamins of group B.
Magne B6

The drug is available in tablet or liquid form. The composition consists of two main components: magnesium and vitamin B6. The use of medication is advisable in the following situations:

frequent muscle spasms;
pain in the stomach and intestines;
irritable state.

Magne B6 take a course (4 to 6 weeks). It is necessary to drink 4-8 ​​tablets 2-4 times a day during meals.

Use of funds should be limited to:

renal failure;
fructose allergy;
failure in the assimilation of glucose and sucrose.

It is also not recommended to drink Magne B6 pregnant or lactating women, as the active substance adversely affects the composition of breast milk.

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and flatulence. However, all the listed symptoms are extremely rare and have a short duration.
Analogs Magne B6

The pharmaceutical market is replete with a wide list of analogues to Magne B6, which are not inferior in efficiency to the original. The main ones are:

Magne Express;
Magnelis B6;
Magnesium + B6 from Systematic.

The above means have a similar list of side effects, contraindications and useful properties. Only Magnistad, which is available in the form of capsules with a special shell, is distinguished. It allows the active substance to get directly into the intestine, which greatly enhances efficiency and accelerates the mechanism of action.
Other indications for the use of such funds

Injectable form magnesium sulfate (magnesia) relieves vascular edema, reducing blood pressure. For a long period of time, the drug was used as a precautionary hypertensive crisis. At the moment, has found widespread use with increased intracranial pressure.
The magnesium sulfate powder form is a powerful laxative that removes bile from the body. A few years ago, the practice of using magnesium sulfate and hot water bottles was common, but in modern medicine, other types of laxatives are preferred.
Magnesium sulfate in droppers put pregnant women to relieve edema and relax the muscles of the cervix. For a long time, the tool was used as anesthesia, but with the development of medicine, doctors abandoned this method.


Funds containing magnesium and potassium play an important role in human life. First of all, they struggle with the lack of missing elements in the human body. Secondly, they often act as auxiliary means to ensure the normal functioning of the heart, intestines and stomach. Eliminate the deficiency of nutrients can not only medication, but also by adjusting your own diet. On the Internet, a lot of information about which products contain the most magnesium and potassium.

Important! Remember that the use of excessive dosages is fraught with complications. Before starting a course of treatment, be sure to consult with a qualified doctor. An experienced specialist will establish the optimal dosage and multiplicity of techniques, as well as tell you what products should be consumed in order to achieve positive results as soon as possible.

When choosing a drug, give preference to the combined variants, where both potassium and magnesium are simultaneously contained. Trace elements do not contradict each other, but rather harmoniously interact. Use the above tips and recommendations to permanently get rid of the problems associated with the deficiency of vital elements - potassium and magnesium.

The normal functioning of the body is ensured by the systematic entry of certain elements into it. A very important role among them is played by minerals, as well as vitamins. It is these particles that are responsible for the normal passage of all metabolic processes, as well as for the production of enzymes and hormones, the functioning of organs and systems, the production of blood and much more. However, with the help of food it is not always possible to cover all the needs of the body in these substances. And here come to the aid of various multivitamin and polymineral pharmaceutical drugs. Which of them are able to saturate our body with calcium and magnesium?

How to recognize the deficit?

In order to recognize the lack of these mineral elements in the body, you should pay attention to your well-being. A blood test is not able to show a clear picture of the content of magnesium or calcium in the blood, so you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of their lack. So a lack of calcium leads to muscle cramps, which most often bother the patient at night. The person also suffers from increased nervous excitability. Symptoms of disturbed nervous regulation of the internal organs may be observed. Children often develop laryngeal spasms that can be triggered by exposure to external factors — cold, excitement, and sudden arousal. Spasms of the bronchi can significantly relieve asthma attacks, and spasms of the muscles of the stomach provoke vomiting, constipation and diarrhea. In addition, lack of calcium can cause spasm of the bladder, resulting in pain in the kidneys, or spasm of the gallbladder, which causes pain in the liver. Also, such a deficiency often causes obvious PMS in women and provokes severe discomfort and pain during menstruation.

If we talk about magnesium deficiency, it is also quite common. This problem is manifested by a feeling of chronic fatigue and rather rapid fatigue, the person feels heaviness in the body, and in the mornings remains broken even after prolonged sleep. Magnesium deficiency often causes hair loss, brittle nails and dental caries. Such a deficiency is also manifested by irritability and anxiety, provokes tearfulness, depression and unexplained bouts of anguish. In this case, patients may complain of violations of the quality of night rest, they are worried about nightmares, excessive sweating at night.

Dizziness or headaches also become a frequent symptom of magnesium deficiency. In this case, the person also loses the ability to concentrate, his attention weakens and his memory deteriorates.


In order to choose the most suitable drug for you to saturate the body with calcium and magnesium, it is worth remembering about some of the features of these substances. So calcium is quite difficult to digest by our body, and to fully absorb its drug, it must also contain vitamin D3, the latter must be in a water-soluble form. The content of calcium and magnesium in the selected composition should be 2: 1, only in this case, both of them will really assimilate as much as possible.

An excellent variant of such a medicinal composition is the drug under the name Ortho Calcium + Magnesium. This medicine is produced by the world-famous ORTO company from raw materials supplied from Sweden, Switzerland, and also Germany. In addition to calcium and magnesium, there is also vitamin D3, as well as vitamins C, B6 and K1, as part of such a medicine. Also, this tool fills the body with zinc, manganese and citrates.

Vitrum Osteomag is a source of calcium and magnesium, and also supplies vitamin D3, zinc, copper and boron to our bodies.

The composition of Calcium Advance, in addition to calcium and magnesium, also contains zinc, manganese, copper and boron, besides it also contains vitamin D3.


If vitamins containing magnesium and calcium are taken in order to prevent a shortage of the elements already described, it is customary to consume one tablet per day. However, with an existing deficiency, the dosage is selected by a doctor and can be increased to two tablets or even more, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Possible side effects

In certain cases, consuming this type of multivitamin supplement causes side effects. So they can provoke constipation and bloating, as well as cause nausea and mild pain in the abdomen.

An overdose of medicinal formulations can cause headaches, appetite suppression, as well as nausea and even vomiting. In certain cases, patients with excessive consumption complain of severe weakness and dizziness. In this case, they should drink plenty of ordinary pure water and reduce the consumption of foods containing calcium.


It is worth considering that such medicinal formulations should not be taken during the period of gestation of the baby or in the implementation of breastfeeding without prior consultation with a specialist. In addition, such drugs are not prescribed for urolithiasis (with the formation of phosphorus-calcium stones) or for renal failure. Calcium preparations are contraindicated in case of excessive calcium in the blood. Of course, another contraindication is the individual intolerance of some components of the selected medication.
