Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink - 16 Oz. Anti-Stress Drink, Orange Flavored Drink, Water-Soluble. Magnesium Supplement

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink - 16 Oz. Anti-Stress Drink, Orange Flavored Drink, Water-Soluble. Magnesium Supplement
Natural Vitality Natural Calm Drink - 16 Oz. Anti-Stress Drink, Orange Flavored Drink, Water-Soluble. Magnesium Supplement

The influence of the drug Magne B6 on the parameters of stress and cognitive function with high psycho-emotional stress

The stress state of the body, in general, corresponds to an imbalance between external conditions and the body's ability to respond adequately to them. Systematic dissatisfaction with the results of social activities, restraint of emotional manifestations, due to social norms of behavior, often lead to the fact that modern people often experience a lack of peace of mind, emotional balance, along with the gradual loss of efficiency in work and the occurrence of chronic diseases.
The analysis of stressful conditions is one of the actual directions of research of unfavorable functional states of a modern person. Evaluation and enhancement of the adaptive capacity of the organism is considered as one of the important criteria for health. The higher the adaptive capacity of the organism, the lower the risk of the disease, since the protection against the disease is more reliable. Any kind of stress can be considered as a source of “trouble in work”, given its negative effect on the results of activities and the development of personal disadaptation and mental health problems [1]. The procedural-cognitive paradigm understands stress as the process of actualizing the repertoire of internal means of overcoming difficulties. The basic stress models include the two-factor model of “demand and control” [2] and the “hormonal model” [3].
In particular, stress during intensive training can be viewed as the result of an imbalance between the requirements of the learning environment and human resources, including a subjective assessment. The curriculum of students of the 3rd year of medical schools is characterized by information overload, especially during the exam session. High emotional and intellectual tension during the pre-examination and examination period can be considered as an adequate model of occupational stress for able-bodied people of young age and to apply methods for evaluating occupational stress among students. In this paper, we investigated the effect of magnesium in synergistic combination with pyridoxine on students' ability to adapt under conditions of increased stress. To study the anti-stress activity, the drug Magne B6 produced by the French company Sanofi-aventis was used.

Materials and methods
A sample of students. 89 third-year IvGMA students took part in the study. In the selection process, the volunteers were divided into 2 groups: the studied (first) group of 58 people and the control (second) group of 31 people. Students in the first group received Magne B6 therapy 2 tablets 3 times a day (daily dose of magnesium - 288 mg per pure magnesium, pyridoxine - 30 mg) for 2 weeks, then 2 tablets 2 times a day (daily dose magnesium - 192 mg, pyridoxine - 20 mg) for 6 weeks. Students in the second group (control) did not take any special drugs.
The average age of students in the study group was 20 years (19-25 years), the control group - 21 years (19-25 years). In the studied group, women accounted for 72% of the total number of the group of students surveyed, men - 28%; in the control group, a similar proportion of the sexes was observed (67% of women, 33% of men). The average body weight of students in both groups was 56.79 ± 3.46 kg for women and 72.8 ± 5.1 kg for men.
Exclusion criteria from the study were the presence of severe, acute and chronic somatic, mental diseases, taking any medications and dietary supplements. The study complied with the ethical standards of committees on biomedical ethics, developed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, amended in 2000 and the “Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation” (1993). All students gave written informed consent to participate in the study.
The examination report. Each participant in the study was examined according to the protocol twice. The first survey was conducted prior to the study and the second - at the end of the study (after 8 weeks). Statistically significant differences of students of the first and second groups were evaluated in dynamics - day "0", day "60". According to the protocol were evaluated and analyzed:
• Individual registration cards (IGC) containing medical and demographic (age, gender), anthropometric (height, body weight) characteristics, health data, information on social and labor status, attitude to smoking.
• The level of magnesium deficiency and pyridoxine, which were evaluated during testing using a structured questionnaire [4, 5].
• The level of stress exposure of students using the method of integrated diagnosis and correction of occupational stress IDICS, presented in the form of a structured questionnaire of 6 basic scales and formed in accordance with the hierarchical scheme of stress analysis [6]. A brief description of this technique is given in Table 1. According to the IDICS scale, manifestations of acute stress were: physiological discomfort, mental and emotional stress, difficulties in communication. For chronic stress, asthenia, sleep disorders, anxiety, depressive states, and aggression were also characteristic.
• Personal and behavioral deformities, assessed by the presence of signs of burnout syndrome (apathy, complete lack of interest in work and study), neurotic reactions, shocking or excessive isolation.
• The state of various types of memory, for which diagnostics of the general state of aural speech, visual and motor memory using neuropsychological diagnostic techniques using the DIAKOR program developed at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University [1]. This made it possible to answer the question about the weakest links of the corresponding types of memory, such as the basic mental process, which influences the manifestation of other mental functions under the influence of occupational stress.

For statistical processing of the results of the study, methods of mathematical statistics were used, including the calculation of numerical characteristics of random variables, testing of statistical hypotheses using parametric and non-parametric criteria, correlation and analysis of variance. To test the statistical hypotheses about the difference in the mean values ​​of the signs, the method of visual comparison of 95% confidence intervals was also used. The estimation of the confidence intervals was made by the binomial distribution. To mark the boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of relative values, the “#” symbol was used, separating the upper and lower boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of the true mean value of a random variable. Comparison of predicted and observed frequencies of occurrence of characters was performed using the Chi-square test. For comparison of dependent variables, the most accurate Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney T-test was used when conducting medical research (which, as is well known, is not limited to a certain form of distribution of a random variable). For statistical processing of the material used by the application "STATISTICA 6.0". Calculated confidence levels; P values ​​were considered significant
Results and discussion
There were no statistically significant differences in the age, gender, or body mass of the students in both groups (p> 0.05). Table 2 shows the analysis of the incidence of diseases in the students surveyed. Analysis of the frequency of occurrence of individual diseases recorded in students in the IGC, showed that the most common among students of both groups are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases. For all diseases, there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of individual diseases between groups 1 and 2 (p> 0.05).
The homogeneity of the studied groups was also analyzed by means of a pair of correlation methods for Spearman. In both groups, on the day “0”, clear correlations were observed between the levels of magnesium deficiency and the parameters on the IDICS scale. Thus, correlations were found between the level of magnesium deficiency and conditions, and the organization of labor (P
1. Stress exposure
Indicators of the total stress level in the study groups on day “0” practically did not have differences, and the overall stress index on the IDICS scale (“V0” in Table 3) corresponded to a high level (58.1 in the study group and 55.3 in the control group) . On Day 0, students in both groups could identify the following characteristics of occupational stress:
• impeding external circumstances (poor working conditions, problems in the organization of the labor process and high intensity loads);
• strengthening of inadequate forms of stress relief: smoking, drinking alcohol;
• demonstration of hostile behavior characteristic of magnesium deficiency [5, 7].

When comparing the assessment of occupational stress among students of the initial level (day “0”) and after 2 months (day “60”) in the control group (second group), the subjective assessment of the professional situation worsened significantly (during the observation period, the workload increased session) (p = 0.021). The deterioration was accompanied by signs of psychological exhaustion — emotional tension, a decrease in general well-being, an increase in anxiety, signs of depression, and sleep disorders.
At the same time, in the study group that received Magne B6 therapy, despite the growing tension in studies and preparation for the session, the test index of the subjective assessment of the professional situation did not significantly change (which corresponds to the supportive effect of the drug). In addition, Magne B6 therapy reliably reduced the severity of experiences of acute and chronic stress (p = 0.022 and 0.001, respectively), which was manifested in improving the general well-being, mood, concentration of attention, remembering the necessary information. In the control group, the level of chronic stress also decreased, albeit unreliable (we believe that this is the answer to the use of placebo and the element of keeping some test questions in memory).
Most importantly, taking the drug Magne B6 led to a decrease in the severity of stress reactions. The overall stress index of IDICS in this group also decreased significantly (p = 0.001), whereas in the control group it grew. In addition, Magne B6 therapy significantly (by 30%) reduced the manifestations of personal behavioral deformities (p = 0.00001), i.e., reduced the signs of burnout syndrome and neurotic reactions (see Table 3). Students have improved performance indicators of autonomy of the tasks (autonomy). The most significant differences are summarized in fig. one.

2. Memory Functioning
On the DIAKOR scale, the parameters of aural speech, visual and motor memory were assessed. According to this scale, the functioning of memory was evaluated inversely as the number of so-called “Penalty points”, i.e., the lower the score, the more effectively memory operates. Almost all parameters of all three types of memory showed significant improvements in the group that took Magne B6, compared to the control.
a) When evaluating the parameters of hearing-speech memory on the day “60”, students of both groups improved the integral indicator of hearing-speech memory (p 6) by the end of the treatment course the changes were higher than in the control group: the integral memory indicator on the DIAKOR scale improved by 2.55 against 2.42 times, respectively (P 6, the best results were obtained in combining various stimuli into holistic semantic structures, i.e., the ability to analyze and synthesize information. In the group of students who took Magne B6, penalty points for combining incentives into holistic thought structures decreased from 1.16 to 1.02 (R b) When evaluating the parameters of visual memory on day 0, no significant changes were detected in the comparison groups (p> 0.05). On the day 60, students in the control group there was an improvement in the volume of direct visual memory on the IDICS scale (p = 0.05), the other parameters did not significantly change (Table 4).
At the same time, in the group of students who took Magne B6, the data obtained on day 60 indicate a pronounced and, most importantly, significant improvement in the integral index of visual memory (5.4 times, p in). In a comparative assessment of the parameters of the motor memory of the studied group on day “0” and dynamic parameter estimation in the second group (control) no significant changes were detected (p> 0.05). The students of the studied group significantly improved the integral index of motor memory (p = 0.0035, 2.3 times versus 1.9 times as compared with the control group) due to a significant increase in the amount of direct memory (5 times, p = 0.014) ( Table 5).
Differences in the integral indices of different types of memory are summarized in Fig. 2
Thus, the course dose of the drug Magne B6 improves the parameters of the visual, auditory and motor memory. Improving the parameters of both visual and auditory memory is related to the optimization of the work of the posterior structures of the left hemisphere, the anterior structures of the left hemisphere, the posterior sections of the right hemisphere and the anterior sections of the right hemisphere. At the same time, improving the performance of motor memory, the drug is likely to affect the work of brain structures providing interhemispheric interaction.

3. Evaluation of magnesium and vitamin B6 levels
The students of both groups had about the same level of magnesium deficiency and B6 hypovitaminosis at day 0. The two-month course of Magne B6 vitamin-mineral complex significantly reduced the total points of magnesium deficiency (p = 0.000001) and vitamin B6 (p = 0.00003), which corresponds to a significant improvement in the provision of magnesium and pyridoxine, while in the control group there is a change in indicators (Fig. 3).
Another interesting observation directly indicating the normalization of magnesium homeostasis was a significant reduction in convulsions of the gastrocnemius muscles in the study group (p 6 and 19.35% (6 out of 31) in the control group complained about the "reduction" of the gastrocnemius or foot muscles during swimming or after the pool, as well as after training in the gym. On the “60” day, in the control group, the number of students who complained of leg cramps not only did not decrease, but increased to 25.8% (8 out of 31), while as in the group of students taking Magne B6, no convulsions were observed Not a single student has an elk (Fig. 4).

Thus, against the background of the course taking the drug Magne B6 noted:
1. a significant reduction in the symptoms of magnesium deficiency and vitamin B6;
2. Improving the performance of hearing, movement and visual memory;
3. reducing the experience of acute and chronic stress, reducing personal and behavioral deformities, improving muscle performance.

These results indicate that the 60-day course of the drug Magne B6 is an effective way of pharmacological correction of magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiency, which was manifested in a significant improvement in cognitive functions and, above all, memory and reduction of negative stress manifestations with high psycho-emotional stress.
Thanks. We are very grateful to the asp. I.V. Gogol, Assoc. O.A. Nazarenko, V.A. Abramova, A.S. Murinu for assistance in conducting a clinical study and a VSP. A.Yu. Gogolev - for help with mathematical data processing.
