Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Cherry - 16 Ounces

Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Cherry - 16 Ounces
Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Cherry - 16 Ounces

How to fill the magnesium deficiency in the body

If in the winter you are accustomed to catch up with apathy and irritability, do not rush to blame the weather. More like that you do not have enough magnesium - a trace element that plans to push vitamin C from the post of the chief health officer.

The human body is a powerful chemical laboratory that works without holidays and weekends every second of life. For thousands of reactions constantly need vitamins, trace elements, water, fatty acids, glucose. As in any industry, some substances are needed quite a bit, and even if they are not in stock, no one will die: they will replace, synthesize, postpone the reaction until better times. But some elements are needed all the time, and their shortage can stop the work of the enterprise. It’s like in the restaurant’s kitchen: a good chef will manage without capers or lime leaves, but if you don’t have salt or oil on hand, the establishment will not last long.

Magnesium Magnesium
The most popular vitamins and microelements in the lab called “man” are vitamin C, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and magnesium. The latter keeps a little apart by chance: compared with colleagues, it is not so easy to get from food. First, magnesium champion products are not very popular. Remember how often you personally eat rice bran, seaweed, pumpkin or watermelon seeds? Secondly, in cereals, leafy greens, nuts, which are considered to be good sources of magnesium, every year less and less of this element. This is due to the depletion of the soil and aggressive farming: the introduction of some fertilizers reduces the content of vitamins, micro and macro elements and antioxidants in plant foods. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), over the past
For 50 years, vegetables and fruits have become 30–50% less valuable from the point of view of mineral substances. Another reason to talk about magnesium is that its consumption increases markedly in the event of stress. A rare resident of the metropolis can boast that he lives without emotional shocks, physical and intellectual stress, lack of sleep, fast food, and all this causes the body to spend more magnesium for the body to work properly.

Will not find it
A serious magnesium deficiency is difficult not to notice: literally all organs and systems will signal this. The element is necessary for muscle and nervous relaxation - it helps to relax the blood vessels and heart muscle, soothe in stressful situations. If there is a shortage of magnesium, the person will quickly experience symptoms such as high blood pressure, tachycardia, tearful or depressive state. Magnesium also helps to assimilate the most important for health vitamin D, participates in the formation of the bone skeleton and lipid metabolism, is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. It is also important that in a situation when a person does not receive 320-500 mg of a substance necessary for him every day with food, the body begins to take magnesium from the bones - its main reserves are stored there. Such crediting will not lead to anything good: efforts to exchange will be spent a lot, and the result will be only a short-term improvement in the general condition of the person and the fragility of the bones in the future.

Out of range
It is considered if a person fully and variedly eats, does not experience increased physical and emotional stress, and does not carry a child, he only needs magnesium, which is ingested with food and water. But in reality, experts of the World Health Organization claim that about 75% of the inhabitants of industrialized countries receive less than the recommended daily dose of this element, and most of them are satisfied with only 10% of the required amount. Plus, even those crumbs that enter the body with nuts, seeds, seafood, meat, are often poorly absorbed due to the genetic characteristics of a particular person, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diets with a large amount of calcium and protein - these substances prevent the absorption of magnesium.

That is, ever-losing weight lovers of cottage cheese and chicken breast in a particular risk group: chronic fatigue and bad mood may well be companions of their diet precisely because of the incomplete absorption of magnesium. Sweet tooths are also unlucky: excessive sugar consumption worsens magnesium metabolism, and its lack, in turn, threatens insulin resistance and the development of various forms of diabetes.

Refer to the sources
We can do nothing with the quality of modern products, but we can change a lot in our own way of life, so as not to suffer from magnesium deficiency. Step one is to remember that this valuable element can be obtained not only from food. The largest organ of the human body, the skin, is able to absorb it directly. Therefore, baths with English salt is a good way to help your nervous system recover from a hard day. By the way, this bath also contributes to detoxification of the body, so before swimming it is recommended to drink a couple glasses of water.

The second stage of magnetization is to take dietary supplements with this element in the composition, after consulting with a doctor. The recommended daily intake is 320 mg, for women over 30, it can be increased to 400 mg. Since not all forms of magnesium are equally well absorbed, endocrinologists recommend taking it in the form of citrate or glycinate. But you shouldn’t hope for supplements only: the human body prefers to receive necessary substances from food. The good list of foods rich in magnesium is very appetizing: here and avocado with dried apricots, and spinach with soy, and sea fish with sesame, and buckwheat with quinoa.

Top 10 magnesium deficiency symptoms

Cramps, especially at night and after exercise. Tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.
Feeling of chronic fatigue, lack of energy in the morning after a long sleep.
High blood pressure.
Crying, irritability, increased manifestations of PMS.
Edema, fluid retention, constipation.
Indistinct eyesight, nausea, loss of coordination, clouded consciousness.
The sharp deterioration of the skin, hair and nails.
