Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Natures Plus Animal Parade Sugar-Free MagKidz Childrens Magnesium Supplement - Natural Cherry Flavor - 90 Chewable Animal Shaped Tablets - Bone & Muscle Health Support - Gluten Free - 45 Servings

Natures Plus Animal Parade Sugar-Free MagKidz Childrens Magnesium Supplement - Natural Cherry Flavor - 90 Chewable Animal Shaped Tablets - Bone & Muscle Health Support - Gluten Free - 45 Servings
Natures Plus Animal Parade Sugar-Free MagKidz Childrens Magnesium Supplement - Natural Cherry Flavor - 90 Chewable Animal Shaped Tablets - Bone & Muscle Health Support - Gluten Free - 45 Servings

Magnesium for your health and wellness

Magnesium is of great importance for mental and physical health.

The human body is a complex organism, the proper functioning of which depends on a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Unfortunately, the modern diet lacks many essential nutrients. Manufacturers of dietary supplements often ignore magnesium , despite the fact that it is extremely important for overall health.

Although magnesium is less commonly spoken of, it is one of the most abundant minerals in the world. In nature, magnesium is found, for example, in the form of magnesium chloride in the ocean or pure magnesium in plant chlorophyll. It is the second most common element in the cells of the body, hundreds of biochemical reactions in the human body occur with the participation of magnesium. In the form of a positive ion, magnesium regulates enzyme systems. This means that magnesium is involved in most of the vital functions of the body.

The main role of magnesium in the human body is to regulate the enzymes that send chemical signals throughout the body. Being an enzymatic cofactor, magnesium activates enzymes and contributes to their proper participation in enzymatic reactions. It is necessary for the normal functioning of ATP molecules, which are the source of energy in the human body. Magnesium is involved in the conversion of sugar and fat into energy, in the construction of DNA, in the reduction of muscle fibers, in the construction of new cells, in the assimilation of mineral substances, and in the regulation of cholesterol levels. The important role of magnesium causes the need for it for the normal functioning of all organs, bones and muscles in the human body, and the level of magnesium content affects many aspects of health.

One of the most important functions of magnesium is its effect on muscle contraction. Magnesium is responsible for the relaxation of muscle fibers after their reduction. Thanks to this you can make certain movements. Magnesium prevents cramps caused by prolonged muscle contraction. Without magnesium, which feeds your muscles, you feel weak and lethargic after such physical activities as climbing stairs.

The bones of the body are constantly updated through the process of homeostasis of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Magnesium not only helps regulate bone homeostasis, but also ensures proper absorption of vitamin D and calcium, essential for healthy bones. A 2010 study, published by Biological Trace Element Research, found that magnesium supplements can prevent osteoporosis in older women.

Receiving magnesium helps to prevent many other diseases. It helps to reduce cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and maintain muscle contractions, so we take a certain amount of magnesium is useful for cardiovascular diseases, stroke and heart rhythm disorders. It also plays an important role in glucose metabolism, which affects blood sugar levels. Inadequate magnesium intake increases the likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes.

Due to the fact that magnesium is involved in the chemical reactions of the body, it also affects the brain and neurotransmitters, on which our mood depends. Thus, magnesium can help improve your mental state. According to a 2010 study, depressive conditions that are not amenable to treatment with traditional drugs can be improved with magnesium. Magnesium appears to be beneficial in preventing or treating depression due to its role in the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters. It provides the brain with the necessary amount of dopamine and other chemicals that cause a feeling of satisfaction to counteract depression. Depression is so strongly associated with magnesium deficiency that some mental health experts put forward a theory that depression has become more common due to inadequate intake of whole grains rich in magnesium.

Depression is perhaps the most dangerous mental disorder, but magnesium deficiency causes other diseases, such as insomnia and anxiety neuroses. Magnesium helps calm the brain by blocking the excessive activation of NMDA receptors. Constant activation of these receptors causes the deterioration of neurons, and this can even lead to cell death. The most important protective role of magnesium in the brain is that the brain is able to relax, relax and process information.

Magnesium also affects mental disorders because it plays an important role in the production of hormones. Certain stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, are formed when the adrenal glands are activated. Magnesium helps to suppress and slow down the activation of the adrenal glands, protecting the body from an excess of these hormones that increase blood pressure, anxiety and stress. Lack of magnesium can cause increased stress, and long-term stress can lead to a decrease in magnesium levels due to fatigue of the adrenal glands. For this reason, it is important to limit the duration of exposure to stress and increase magnesium intake, including in the diet minimally processed foods.

Even if you do not suffer from serious mental disorders, you will benefit from a soothing magnesium bath , which will help to improve your mental mood when signs of stress or depression appear. Lack of magnesium can cause confusion in thoughts and mental disorders, because the brain has problems with storing and processing information with a lack of neurotransmitters and energy. In general, magnesium is needed to optimize brain function.

Due to the positive effect of magnesium on the state of health, its use is used to treat many different diseases. The American Heart Association recommends that magnesium be administered intravenously to patients who have an arrhythmia. The study also showed that magnesium supplements can be used to treat eclampsia, a disease that occurs during pregnancy and can cause health attacks. A number of studies show that even some of the symptoms of alcoholism can be alleviated when patients take magnesium.

As we can see, magnesium is a very important mineral, but its role in biosynthesis is often overlooked. Unfortunately, a 2014 study published in the International Journal of Laboratory Medicine showed that 2.5 to 15% of the population is deficient in magnesium. This condition, known as hypomagnesemia, is fairly common because processed foods, which make up the bulk of the diet of many people, do not contain magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is also caused by drugs that are proton pump inhibitors, which are used to treat gastric reflux. People suffering from Crohn's disease, type 2 diabetes, alcoholism, celiac disease, regional enteritis also have a higher risk of developing magnesium deficiency.

At first, signs of moderate magnesium deficiency are hardly noticeable, but over time hypomagnesaemia causes serious problems. People with a slight magnesium deficiency feel tired, weak, irritable, and nauseous. If inadequate intake is replaced by an almost complete lack of magnesium intake, then symptoms such as severe muscle contractions, convulsions, arrhythmia, personality restructuring, and numbness appear. These signs of a dangerous magnesium deficiency can be life-threatening, but even less serious deficiency can cause health problems.

You may have a magnesium deficiency if you notice the following symptoms:

Regular muscle cramps and cramps
Recently identified cardiovascular diseases
Difficulty falling asleep or having trouble sleeping
Slight trembling in arms and legs
Difficulty remembering
Stable high blood pressure
Excessive anxiety or depression
Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
Lack of other minerals
Feeling weak during daily physical activity
Inability to concentrate

To get rid of these symptoms, you need to make sure that your body gets enough magnesium from food or supplements. The daily need for magnesium increases with age, because the body is less efficient in absorbing magnesium as it ages. Although men usually need more magnesium than women, the need for pregnant women is also high. Children need about 240 mg per day. Men under 30 need about 400 mg per day, but with age, the need rises to 420 milligrams. Women under 30 usually need about 310 milligrams per day, and if they are pregnant, the need is 360 milligrams per day.

Fortunately, you can increase the level of magnesium in your body. Since it is easily absorbed through the skin, you can daily rub cream with magnesium to satisfy the need for magnesium without changing your diet. English salt also contains magnesium , so bathing with English salt can increase magnesium levels.

Magnesium can be found in various plant products, because it is an important element of chlorophyll, which is involved in the process of photosynthesis. Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach and kale are high in magnesium, and magnesium is also found in whole grains, nuts, and beans. There are also many tasteless liquid magnesium supplements that can be added to drinks and cocktails to increase the level of magnesium in the body without changing your diet.

Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in almost all functions of the human body. Regardless of the source of magnesium you choose, it’s important that you fill your needs for it every day. This mineral not only strengthens your bones, organs and muscles, but it is very important for brain health. Inadequate intake of magnesium can lead to mental illness, cardiovascular disease, sclerosis, diabetes and even beriberi. Pay attention to muscle cramps, weakness, sleep problems, severe stress or depression, and other signs that your body may receive less of this mineral. In order to avoid magnesium deficiency, be sure to consume the recommended daily dose, for this it is convenient to take a dietary supplement.
