Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Thorne Research - Magnesium Citramate - Magnesium with Citrate-Malate to Promote Energy Production, Heart and Lung Function, and Metabolism of Sugar and Carbs - 90 Capsules

Thorne Research - Magnesium Citramate - Magnesium with Citrate-Malate to Promote Energy Production, Heart and Lung Function, and Metabolism of Sugar and Carbs - 90 Capsules
Thorne Research - Magnesium Citramate - Magnesium with Citrate-Malate to Promote Energy Production, Heart and Lung Function, and Metabolism of Sugar and Carbs - 90 Capsules

Magnesium deficiency in children and adolescents involved in various sports, and its correction

The high level of modern sports requires an in-depth individual approach based on a comprehensive study of the morpho-functional capabilities of an athlete, the development of which to the greatest extent contributes to the achievement of high sports results.

One of the main directions for solving the problem of maintaining health is the appropriate metabolic support. It has been established that the athlete's body needs adequate replenishment of the whole complex of macro- and micronutrients, which are intensively spent in conditions of physical and emotional stress. The imbalance of trace elements in the human body plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of somatic diseases, manifesting itself in the form of biochemical, clinical and morphological signs.

Biochemical analysis of the blood serum of an athlete is an essential part of a comprehensive diagnosis, because according to this method one can judge the functional capabilities of the body of athletes.

Surveyed 332 athletes aged 14-17 years, engaged in swimming, hockey, tennis, football, artistic gymnastics, martial arts. Sports experience ranged from 5 to 11 years. Sports qualifications - from 1 grade and above - 188 teenagers.

Biochemical parameters were determined using an automatic biochemical analyzer DxC800 (Beckman Coulter, USA) on an empty stomach, after a workout time was at least 12 hours. Biochemical examination of blood in our observed athletes in 32% of observations revealed a decrease in an important trace element - magnesium.

The main reasons for the development of magnesium deficiency in athletes include the following: fluctuations in body weight, high-intensity physical and emotional stress, overexertion, the need for adaptation (urgent and long-term), injury, the need for rapid recovery.

In athletes, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (Mg) are manifested by various clinical manifestations. All clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency in the body of athletes differ little from children and adolescents who are not involved in sports. They can be divided into cardiovascular: angiospasm, arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, tachycardia, arrhythmias, prolonged QT interval, tendency to thrombosis; neurological: chronic fatigue syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, loss of attention, depression, fear, anxiety, dizziness, migraine, sleep disorders; visceral: bronchospasm, laryngospasm, hyperkinetic diarrhea, spastic constipation, pylorospasm, nausea, vomiting, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, diffuse abdominal pain, the formation of kidney stones; muscle: convulsions of skeletal muscles (muscle cramps in the neck, back, face, parasthesia of the extremities, convulsions of the calf muscles, soles, feet).

I would like to emphasize the important point that magnesium ions are part of the main substance of connective tissue, participate in the activation of collagen synthesis. Magnesium deficiency causes a chaotic arrangement of collagen fibers, which is the main morphological feature of connective tissue dysplasia.

One of the signs of DST of the cardiovascular system are prolapses of the heart valves. We in 15% of cases revealed mitral valve prolapse (MVP) of 1 degree without regurgitation.
Like many authors, we note the association of magnesium deficiency with polymorphism and severity of clinical symptoms in patients with MVP. In athletes in 10-15% of PMK, as a rule, heart rhythm disturbance is accompanied, primarily, in the form of ventricular premature beats, impaired myocardial repolarization processes.

In the case of MVP in adolescents, the drug of choice is magnesium orotat (magnerot). It was shown that after three to six months of regular intake of the organic magnesium drug, not only was the heart rate and blood pressure normalized, the number of episodes of rhythm disturbances decreased, but the tremor and depth of the mitral valve prolapse decreased significantly.

The high efficacy of this drug was confirmed by echocardiographic studies. Thus, in 50% of cases a complete restoration of the normal rhythm was recorded, the number of parasystoles, atrial extrasystoles decreased in a number of patients, including the blocked extrasystoles and ventricular rhythm episodes disappeared.

A crucial role in the occurrence of magnesium deficiency is played by an imbalance of vegetative regulation - the predominance of sympathoadrenal effects.

It is known that the violation of the vegetative regulation of the cardiovascular system is an early sign of failure of the athlete's body to adapt to stress and leads to a decrease in efficiency. In children with various functional changes in the cardiovascular system, for example, when myocardial repolarization processes are disrupted, sympathicotonic BP is detected up to 60%, which is important to consider when choosing the tactics of metabolic correction. That is, against the background of magnesium deficiency, electrical instability of the myocardium develops, in the presence of which it is advisable to correct the magnesium deficiency, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation of them.

With the correction of deep magnesium deficiency is difficult to do only diet and often require pharmacotherapy. Treatment is more effective if both magnesium and magnesium fixer are administered simultaneously (vitamins B6, B1, Glycine). Among the drugs used for the correction of magnesium deficiency, the drug Magne B6 has permission for use in pediatrics.

The second group of diseases is caused by the participation of magnesium in the enzymes for the maintenance of energy reactions - the exchange of carbohydrates and ATP. Therefore, a lack of magnesium is accompanied by fatigue.

The third group of violations of magnesium functions is associated with its structure-forming role in mediator metabolism. This group of causes leads to depression, impaired coordination, attention, memory, mood. We found that at high values ​​of stability and concentration of attention in 44% of athletes, an unbalance of nervous processes with a predominance of arousal force is determined. Much less often - in 10% of cases, an imbalance of nervous processes is revealed with a predominance of inhibition force. In 10-15% of observations, a destructive relationship with comrades, trainers, poorly developed emotional and volitional quality, a high level of anxiety, a high level of rigidity, a low desire to train

In identifying such psychological problems, it is necessary to consult a children's sports psychologist, trainings, and work with the coaching staff. At the same time, in order to optimize the psychological status, if necessary, we assign MagneB6.

Thus, one of the preventive directions for improving the current monitoring of the health of athletes should be monitoring their mineral metabolism and its timely replenishment. To maintain an optimal balance of magnesium in the body of children and adolescents involved in sports throughout the training and competitive cycles, it is necessary to take metabolic drugs.

Timely correction of magnesium deficiency is the most important means of preventing injuries and irregularities in the work of the heart in athletes under conditions of the use of intense training and competitive loads.
