Sunday, September 15, 2019

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Fitness Program: Cardio Fat Burning

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The goal of almost anyone who is overweight is to lose weight and achieve a fit look with a good fitness program . Usually, the fitness program is transformed into a high-intensity cardio program to quickly achieve the weight loss goal. In fact, a fitness program to burn fat and to lose weight should include enough cardio workout along with weight exercises.

To burn fat faster, you must incorporate the cardio workout in your fitness program into all intensity levels in your workouts so that your cardio workouts are no longer routine, and movements are no longer a habit. If you want to burn fat faster, take a look at our article on how to do cardio in your fitness program .
HIIT Cardio
Close Your Fat by Doing Cardio in Your Fitness Program
Adjust your weekly cardio intensity in your fitness program:

There are three different levels of intensity for cardio . These; low intensity, medium intensity and high intensity exercises.

If you include only slow exercises in your fitness program (or stay in the 'fat burning zone'), you may experience slower weight loss. In addition, 40-50 minutes of exercise that you do before your body becomes accustomed and does not provide the desired effect. Working at a high level of intensity, your body burns more calories, as well as provide more endurance. On the other hand, exercising too intensely can cause burnout, overload and even injury.

When planning your weekly cardio intensity in your fitness program , include all three intensity levels in your workout. without overloading all your body's energy systems will be running.
Low Intensity Cardio Study

Low intensity Cardio workouts are 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. For example:
• Low speed cycling
• Walking
• Slow swim
• Light weight training

If you want your muscles not to wear while burning fat in your fitness program, you can choose to work low intensity. Low-intensity cardio also supports your muscle development, rests you.
Medium Density Cardio Study

This is 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. It should be done between 20-40 minutes. Examples:
• brisk walking
• Step aerobics, Zumba or other aerobic types
• Light running

It allows you to burn more calories in a shorter time and accelerates your fat burning. However, if your fitness program is geared towards muscle building , it increases the risk of muscle loss more than low-intensity cardio studies.
High Intensity Cardio Study

Exercises between 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. You need to have a tempo that is difficult to speak. Examples:
• Skipping rope
• High-paced Running / sprinting
• High intensity intermittent training (HIIT)
• High intensity circular training
• Tabata Exercises
To monitor your intensity, be sure to monitor your target heart rate or use a perceived effort table.

In a short time to burn too many calories, but the worst part is excessive fatigue. So if you are doing a fitness program for muscle development, it is not recommended to do too much to adversely affect.
HIIT Cardio (High Intensity Intermittent Exercise) Fitness Program
Weekly Cardio Program to Lose Weight

Below is a table for a cardio program for a person exercising six days a week. This table is an example of how different cardio training programs can be included in seven days a week. You can change workouts according to your fitness level, time constraints and preferences.

Day Density Time exercises
Monday High 20-30 Min. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
Tuesday Middle 45-60 Min. Fast walking or jogging in light tempo
Wednesday Low All day 10 Thousand steps
Thursday Middle 30-60 Min. Light tempo running
Friday Middle 30-45 Min. Bicycle
Saturday Low 30-60 Min. Walk
market Rest Rest Rest

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3 Ways to Burn More Fat

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We have studied 3 training and nutrition techniques that are important for you to burn fat faster.

It's time to realize your dream of having a lean, healthier and fit body. With the small changes you will make in your training system, lifestyle and nutrition tempo, it may be easier to realize this dream.

Are you ready for the 3 tips I've prepared for you to burn more fat? Here we go!

Review your cardio technique
Cardio is one of the most effective fat burning methods known. It can also be more effective if done correctly. There are three basic points to be aware of. These are cardio type, cardio equipment and average heart rate during exercise.

For more information on cardio, see my cardio guide.

I will talk about these basic points in order.

Cardio Style
Your body has a great adaptation mechanism. Thus, all activities at a constant pace for a long time will begin to consume less calories after a while. One of the ways to break this cycle is HIIT. In this system after a period of high-tempo cardio slower tempo your body is constantly exposed to change is provided.

You should read

What is HIIT (High-intensity interval training)?

Cardio equipment
1 hour of high-tempo cardio if you've used the elliptical bike will spend 850-900 cal; If you spent 1 hour by bike keeping your speed between 19-22 km, you will burn 700 cal and lastly, if you run 1 hour on the treadmill at high tempo, you will spend 600-650 cal.

You see, the elliptical bike got the rope. Be sure to include the elliptical bike in your cardio workouts to burn more fat. Never be monotonous, however. Remember that monotony is a more dangerous factor than you might think mentally and physically.

Heart rate range
One of the indispensable factors for effective fat burning is the heartbeat interval. You should monitor your heart rate during cardio and keep it at the appropriate level. Special equipment for measuring heart rate is easily available from the internet or sports stores. Most cardio machines also have pads where you can monitor your heartbeat.

To calculate your age-appropriate heart rate, please read the appropriate heart rate for effective fat burning.

Training time
More training doesn't always mean more fat burning. This is related to the alarm mechanisms of our bodies. Let's summarize briefly.

The body adapts itself to the battle environment in extreme effort and stress. Thus, cortisol is released and blood sugar is increased and metabolism is tried to be slowed down. It also forces the body not to burn fat. However, the body's immune system weakens, muscle destruction accelerates. The result is a body that tends to gain weight, can easily become ill, and has difficulty in repairing its muscles.

You can also observe this mechanism in wild animals. Animals who increase their fat storage during winter preparation tend to gain weight in stress and difficult situations.

For this, triggering cortisol release will always remain an undesirable condition in exercise.

I want to do some important information about exercise I want to do sports I should read my article.

The question arises as to how much training we should do to avoid triggering cortisol release. Let's get it straight.

Experts find the duration of 45 to 90 minutes (including prior training, etc.) in terms of fat burning. Longer training can stress the body (depending on the intensity) and trigger cortisol release.

Nutrition before and after training
Nutrition before and after training is just as important as your training. You should design these two meals to give you energy during and after training, to keep your blood amino acid profile on the anabolic side and to help you burn fat more effectively.
You can create your own meals by looking at the pre- and post-training meals we have prepared for you.

Before training
(2 hours in advance) 150 grams of chicken, 100 grams of sweet potatoes or bulgur and green tea.

A coffee product (preferably turkish coffee) containing 1 cup / cup of high caffeine (30 minutes in advance).

Update: I wrote a paper about pre-training nutrition and explained the topic in detail. Be sure to check out my pre-workout nutrition guide for information.

After training
At the end of the training, 10 grams of simple carbohydrates, 200 grams of chicken / fish / red meat.

2 hours after the meal, 1 bowl of light yogurt, 1 handful of unroasted peanuts.

Update: I wrote a post-workout nutrition and explained the topic in detail. Be sure to check out my post-training nutrition guide for information.

Fat burning is a challenging process in every aspect. In this process, every second of you deserves to be evaluated and every bite you take deserves to be analyzed. Briefly; For a more effective fat burning, you should pay attention to your nutrition before and after the training. At the same time, you should review your cardio system and choose the most suitable technique for your purposes.

You should use every second of your workout carefully and train for as long as possible without putting your body into an alarm state.

Do you have any idea about burning more fat? Don't forget to share it with me.

This article was prepared by our editor Fitekran Translation Team. Can Çiftçi examined, edited and approved.

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4 reasons for weight training instead of cardio

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Although many people claim that cardio is the key to losing weight and building muscles, we should say that weight training does it alone. There are some facts we need to know, cardio burns fat right, resistance training builds muscle instead of lost fats. However, the weights that you use in this training burn fat and also increase your strength. For this reason, you can take a trip from the treadmill part of the gym to the more scary part.

Burning More Fat in Less Time:

The more muscle you use in an exercise, the more fat you burn. If you combine your normal lunge with dumbbells and do 15 repetitions for a total of 3 rounds, you'll train more muscles in your arms, legs, butt and back than you do the same exercise without dumbbells. This accelerates the burning of fat in your body.

Burn Fat Without Moving:

Cardio burns you calories just on the go. However, you will burn fat even when you are standing with weight. When you plank, put weight on your feet and stand in that way, you'll find yourself pushing harder. Goodbye oils.


It is a fact that cardion is good for endurance and strength, and we do not miss it. But how much can you push yourself to do anything you do with your own body? Determine your potential by lifting dumbbells, and try to climb on each time. Fat is not burned without forcing the body.

Self Injury:

Back pain, eclipse after sport, muscle pain .. All of this is due to muscle imbalance in your body. Doing too much squat will not be very good on the back, but weight training in the right ways can prevent bad posture and injuries. You can get rid of any posture disorders we face in modern life with a good weight training.

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Forget all you know about fat burning! Here's the only way .

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Which of the advice given to burn fat is correct as the summer months approached? Forget all you know! Here is detailed information about burning fat ...

Sea, sand, holiday ... As the summer months approach, the concerns of looking fit increase. Some are called oil- burning plants and some are instruments. Osman Muftuoglu, noting that oil-melting tools and plants, wrote the only way to melt fat. Here's all about Müftüoğlu's recommendations for fat melting ...

No oil dissolving device

Forget all you know about fat burning! Here's the only way ...
I say clearly and clearly: So far, no device has been invented that can melt the excess fat accumulated in your stomach, belly, or anywhere else.

Do not believe the companies “FDA approval”, anca something like scientist approves ”or“ something like dietician recommends ”.

None of it works in any way, never, no one. So when you lie in your fat does not melt, can not melt. The way to melt fat is to reduce (halve) what you eat and increase (double) what you do.

No heating, no cooling, no vibrations ... No shortwave, no longwave, no laser techniques ... Don't forget your lunch exercises

“Time” is an important factor for exercise as well as “motivation.. Especially those who live in cities, work, traffic in the daily rushes to say that it is difficult to allocate time to exercise. If you ask me, this “shortage of time ebilir can be solved, especially during spring and summer at lunch time intervals, even short walks during lunch breaks can help to compensate for your exercise deficit.

Don't say I don't have time, don't forget to spend a part of your lunch break.

No fat-melting herb-litter

Every year, a waking company or person emerges and tries to confuse the ladies with a fake product that they claim to be “ fat melter”. This is sometimes golden strawberry, sometimes gojiberry, sometimes Norwegian grape.

From time to time it comes to Hatay pepper, Urfa isotun, cabbage capsule, apple chromium pills. There are also classical regional attenuation bragging. Your belly is wide, swallow the carnitine. Your hips are huge, your burden will shrink to the CLA. Do not expect your legs loaded with oil, you should start one of the herbal pills! Drum powder, minaret shadow!! Aside from the joke, the summary is this: there is no fat dissolving pills, garbage, herbal product, supplements.

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Quick Fat Burning Advice

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Why should your body store fat, burn fat quickly?

You cannot prevent your body from attaching fat if you eat and drink side by side or eat and drink at a desk all day. A person who never eats can also gain weight. Then what should you do? Why should your body store fat, burn fat quickly?

Does cutting fat intake in the diet speed up the weight loss process?
One of the most common mistakes made, according to experts, eat very little. This causes the metabolism to slow down and the body enters the protection mode. The body needs a certain amount of nutrients to maintain energy levels and metabolic processes, and therefore consuming very little fat is also a problem. Another common mistake is to follow an unsustainable diet. There is no such thing as rapid slimming. A proper diet should not provide a fast thinning but a long-term solution to the problem of weight. Although too little food will usually increase the speed of weight loss, it can cause malnutrition because it is not sustainable. It is also very wrong to cut off an entire group of nutrients, like carbohydrates. Carbohydrate deficiency causes the body to not get enough fiber and vitamin B. This can lead to lower blood sugar and glucose levels needed for exercise.

Is the fat in the abdomen dangerous?
Excessive fat in the abdomen and lumbar region; obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, infertility and cardiovascular diseases.

Does eating late night prevent weight loss?
Your body does not stop working at night and you actually burn a significant amount of energy because you are in a period of hunger for a long time while you sleep. But most people find it helpful not to snack after a certain hour because eating less can cause weight gain. In the evenings, you can consume plenty of calorie foods, which is called junk food in front of the television. Of course, what matters is how much you eat. It may be a great idea to fill your kitchen shelves with snacks with a low glycemic index, such as fruit and nuts. This speeds up the work of your metabolism and protects you from excessive eating, especially unhealthy food.

Why does the female body change shape with age?
The female body is usually in the form of a pear until the menopause, and the fat is stored in the hips. After the menopause, the fat in the body is stored in the middle zone and the body takes the form of apple. This difference in the distribution of fat hormone menopause! changes. This may pose a risk for women, particularly in terms of heart disease. As we get older, we all tend to gain one or two pounds a year. Abdominal fat in the body, especially in the abdominal region is never good. For women, a waist size of less than 80 cm can be considered healthy.

Should I eat before or after exercise?
It is recommended to eat before exercise but timing is important. A high-carbohydrate and low-fiber snack two hours before workout is ideal, and eating later than this may cause you to have difficulty exercising. After carbohydrate intake, an increase in insulin first occurs in your body, which causes your blood sugar level to drop. But waiting for two hours allows your body's blood sugar and insulin values ​​to return to normal. A light snack after exercise is also suitable as it will allow you to regenerate your empty carbohydrate stores. A high-carbohydrate value after sports and a meal with some protein are ideal because protein facilitates the intake of carbohydrates.

Do fat cells in the body change over time?
Until a few years ago, it was thought that the amount of fat cells you had after birth was as much as you have in your life, and that these cells became full and empty as you weakened and became fat. As a result, although the number of cells does not change, especially when consumed fat 5 fat cells are observed to grow significantly.

Can I lose weight by eating three main meals?
Snacks are much more useful than main meals because they accelerate metabolism. They provide a balanced insulin secretion. High insulin values ​​should be reduced because it reduces the body's ability to break fat. Snacks prevent sudden openings.

How to accelerate fat burning?
Calorie Restriction: Increasing your energy consumption while eating less and healthy foods in your meals is the most logical way to lose weight.

Meal Substitutes: Some of these blends aim for significant weight loss in the short term. Such a method of slimming probably involves fat loss as well as muscle loss. These blends usually contain as much protein as the body doesn't store, but you'll probably quickly recover your lost weight when you go back to your old diet.

Weight Loss Medicines: These drugs, the body prevents the body to take the fat in food is safe. But it can have unpleasant side effects, especially diarrhea. This may serve as a negative boost, leading you to eat less fat.

Exercise Programs: Exercise programs should be part of every slimming strategy and must include a resistance exercise to build muscle. Muscle formation prevents fat from settling in that area.
You can accelerate your metabolism by dripping a few drops of lemon into the water.

The reason and how fat is stored in the body is an important factor in the formation of excess weight. In the old days when people lived in more difficult conditions, storing fat in the body was vital. The body stored the increased energy from food for use when no food was available. Although energy storage is not vital today; Fat is important because it produces hormones that affect the functions of other organs. Too much fat can reduce the body's ability to process sugar, which may increase the likelihood of a person having problems with the reproductive system. Inadequate fat intake can lead to disruption of menstrual periods and fertility problems.

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Tips for Speeding Up the Fat Burning Process

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The first thing to be done in order to get a fit body by getting rid of excess weight is to get rid of the fats in the body. For this, it is necessary to exercise on one hand and regular sport on the other hand. Still burning fat while getting rid of fats.

The first thing to be done in order to get a fit body by getting rid of excess weight is to get rid of the fats in the body. For this, it is necessary to exercise on one hand and regular sport on the other hand. However, some additional methods may be employed to accelerate the fat burning process while recovering from fat.

1- Add Weight Exercises to Your Training Program

Although weight exercises added to the training program aim at muscle gain in general, it has been observed in many studies that these exercises accelerate fat burning. Weight exercises, which prevent the internal organs from being lubricated, help strengthen the muscles and help the body burn more calories during the day. In fact, weight training, which helps to increase the body's basal metabolic rate during rest, increases fat burning.

2- Add high protein content to your nutrition program

high burning methods

The high-protein foods added to the nutritional program help to control appetite and at the same time accelerate fat burning. The protein, which is very important for the repair of damaged muscles during training and for the recovery of new tissues, also helps the metabolism to work faster. Protein-containing foods increase the body temperature since they have mo thermogenic effect.. Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes, milk and dairy products are added to the nutrition program to protect the muscles and increase the body's fat burning capacity.

3- Edit Your Sleep Hours and Sleep Time

high burning methods

Regular and adequate sleep helps the body to rest fully and prevents weight gain and accelerates fat burning. Quality sleep, regular exercise and a healthy diet program helps to control appetite and helps metabolism to work properly. Especially after a certain time in the evening to limit the consumption of caffeine and stay away from electronic devices, improves sleep quality.

4- Add Healthy Oils to Your Nutrition Program

When a completely fat-free diet program is implemented to lose weight or increase fat burning, the use of fat-soluble vitamins important to the body is prevented. At the same time, very low-fat diets reduce bowel movements and cause problems such as constipation. Food prepared using unsaturated oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil helps to control appetite. The addition of oil seeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts to the diet increases the fat burning by accelerating the metabolism.

5- Choose Healthy Drinks

high burning methods

Juices with high sugar content, cold teas, fruit soda, alcohol and carbonated drinks, empty calorie sources. It only provides energy to the body; however, it does not contain any components that are beneficial to the body. Instead of unhealthy drinks such as green tea, clove tea, cinnamon, ginger, mint lemon, rosehip, fruit and herbal teas such as blackberries can be consumed. Fruit and herbal teas facilitate the elimination of toxins and excess water in the body and accelerate metabolism. In addition, herbal teas have mo thermogenic effects sayesinde and make it easier to burn fat.

6- Take Care of Your Fiber Consumption

Foods with high fiber content are slow to digest and more energy is consumed during the digestion of such foods. Fibrous foods, which create a feeling of satiety for a long time by swelling in the stomach, support lower calorie intake and help to lose weight. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, oats, legumes and dried fruits added to the nutritional program can accelerate metabolism and increase fat burning.

7- Do Cardio-Exercises

Exercises that increase heart rhythm are one of the most effective ways to accelerate fat burning. Daily 45-minute mid-paced walking, 20-minute running, 30-minute cycling or 30-minute swimming exercise speeds up metabolism and increases fat burning.

8- For Coffee

high burning methods

People who do not have any health problems drink a cup of coffee daily will accelerate fat burning. Caffeine content is present in almost all foods that are specially made for fat burning. Caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system, accelerates metabolism and makes fat burning easier. Caffeine, which also helps to control appetite, helps to lose weight.

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1-week fitness program to burn fat fast

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What to do for a fit, athletic, muscular or 34 body body? At what heart rate are we burning fat? 1-week fitness program to burn fat fast…

Uskudar University Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya, only changes in lifestyle can be a healthy person, he said.
Bad habits threaten health

Asserting that it is necessary to avoid unhealthy living habits in order to protect or improve our health, Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya, ed What are these habits: smoking, low and inadequate sleep, excessive stress, watching too much television, a sedentary life (sitting for a long time in a fixed way during the day), unbalanced and poor quality of eating, living away from sports or exercise ”He said.
Veins of weak individuals may also be unhealthy

Asserting that our body fat ratio increases as a result of our unhealthy life habits. Dr. Defne Kaya pointed out the importance of vascular health and said:

“Particularly the greatest danger is the increase in the amount of unwanted fat that surrounds our internal organs and forms plaques in our vessels. This may not always have a direct relationship to whether we appear weak or overweight. Weak individuals, if they have unhealthy living habits, may be surrounded by unwanted fat mass in their internal organs or covered with plaques in their veins.
Undesirable fats disrupt blood circulation

Our veins are like the highways of our bodies. It brings clean blood, and therefore oxygen, to all our cells, and collects and brings back dirty blood. When the unwanted fats in our bodies surround our internal organs, they begin to impede the circulation by applying pressure on the vessels. The problem in the transmission of essential substances carried by oxygen and other clean blood to our internal organs progresses and begins to affect our other systems.

Less muscles, less bones, less oxygen, less blood. What about the oils in our veins? Although there are different amounts of fat in our blood vessels, there is fat. But the danger here is the increase in the amount of fat in our blood vessels.

34 exercise for strong veins, not for body
May cause paralysis

Microscopically, the first sign of atherosclerosis is the formation of fine fat lines within the vessel. These fat lines begin to form plaques within the vessel. These plaques cause narrowing of the vessel. Wherever that vessel goes, less blood begins to go to that area.

Sometimes, a piece of plaque breaks into the blood (throws a clot) and progresses to a place where it can not pass. Clogs the last vessel. When one of the main vessels that feeds the brain or heart is affected, the stroke results in a stroke. ”
Need to get rid of unwanted oils

Elbette Of course, how we look from the outside is very important, en he says. Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya said, “It is important that we are especially happy with our own body, but when we look inside, we should look as fit and healthy as the outside. In the past, the body fat ratio for 20-40 years of age is 2-5% for men and 10-13% for women.
Fitness prescription

Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya, to lose weight and to burn fat both aerobic (heart rate increases) and muscle strengthening (with weight) should be done by specifying the fitness, he said:
There are two important markers for a fitness prescription that is adequate and improves your health:

1) Your heart-lung system is evaluated and at which heart rate you start to burn fat

2) Muscle strength should be assessed and how much we load on your muscles, we support fat burning should be answered. Therefore, a good evaluation should give you a basic and effective exercise prescription.
At what heart rate are we burning fat?

The most well-known method is subtracting our age from 220. The number obtained gives us our maximum heart rate. We calculate either 60%, 70%, or 80% of this high-level heart rate, and load it into our hearts until we reach the resulting value. Today, this formula has been replaced by methods called CPET which calculate the most realistic result for each individual. Your aerobic exercise prescription for your heart rate calculated with the old formula or CPET may be drawn by your physiotherapist.

Today, as before, we do not expect aerobic exercises to be started and the fat burning period to be started after 30-40 minutes. High Intensity Intermittent (HIIT) exercises are used in which we constantly change the heart rate. Following warm up with dynamic stretching, this program of different exercises and cooling lasts for 20-25 minutes, but not less than 7 minutes.

34 exercise for strong veins, not for body
How can we increase our muscle strength?

It is essential to calculate your muscle strength. Muscle strength is measured by the isokinetic system which is accepted by the world as it is calculated by 1 maximum repetition method. Half a pound of muscle consumes 6-10 calories of energy while sitting. The more you increase the strength of your muscles, the more calories you spend.

Especially when you increase the strength of the muscles in the front and back of your thigh and the muscles of your trunk, your body will burn more calories when you sit down. All body weight training using body weight is more preferred.

You can also use colored resistance bands, sandbags or other weighting equipment. Your physiotherapist will draw you the most healthy and correct exercise program while preserving your body structures. You'll still spend calories for up to 39 hours after a full-body strength training. Ile
1-week fitness program for fast fat burning:

A weekly sample fitness program to burn fat, get rid of excess weight:

Monday: Whole body strengthening exercises

Tuesday: HIIT operation: 30 sec. active rest (walking or light jogging), 30 sec. loading (repeated more than 7 times)

Wednesday: Whole body strength exercises

Thursday: HIIT operation: 30 sec. active rest (walking or light jogging), 30 sec. loading (repeated more than 7 times)

Friday: Whole body strengthening exercises

Saturday and Sunday: Rest
Pay attention to health criteria, not body size

Assoc. Dr. Defne Kaya listed his recommendations as follows: hareket Act for health le You can keep your outer and inner appearance healthy for many years with both your heart and muscles. Pay attention to health measures, not body measurements. Act for the health of your heart, muscles, soul and brain, exercise and exercise, eat well, smile and be happy. Consult your physiotherapist for a correct and healthy workout program. ”

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Fat Burning Tips for Faster Weight Loss

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Watch out for what you eat, exercise but still can not lose weight? Maybe you're on the wrong track. Unless done incorrectly, sports and healthy nutrition are good, but you can try different exercise methods in consultation with a specialist to lose weight quickly. With these exercise tips, your body continues to burn fat even after sports.

1. Mix the muscle groups.

As for the work that maximizes efficiency, Lauren Manganiello, an ACE certified personal trainer and dietitian, recommends circuit training (successive movement of movements from different muscle groups). Circuits of opposing muscles such as chest and back are a great way to get the most out of your training in a short time. Keep rest time between sets to a minimum but as long as necessary to ensure that you keep your heart rate throughout the workout .
2. Prioritize strength training.

If you tend to move away from weight and focus on cardio, it's time to rethink your weight-loss strategy. According to Manganiello, "strength training is the best way to burn fat and build muscle". This means that your metabolism will be extremely fast, even at rest, compared to those with less muscle mass.
3. High tempo intermittent cardio is the key.

If you work at regular intervals, you'll have to change the intermittent running on the treadmill for hours. High-tempo cardio (HIIT) can help you spend more calories than you're performing at constant medium speed and steady. Start at a fast pace, slow down and accelerate again. But beginners should be careful that they should work on steady-state conditioning and cardiovascular endurance before moving to this type of cardio.
4. Squat, squatting and step variations ...

One of the fastest ways to burn calories is to focus on the larger muscle groups in your body because they require more energy. According to Mike Suski, a former professional boxer and AFAA certified personal trainer, the best exercise moves for your legs are squat, squatting and step variations. These exercises will form strong, weak legs that will affect all major muscle groups including quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.
5. Have your body burn fat after exercise.

David Baillie, an SSA-certified personal trainer, emphasizes the importance of EPOC (Afterburn oxygen consumption) when trying to lose weight. EPOC is the amount of oxygen needed to restore your body to its normal, resting metabolic function. As a result of EPOC, your body will continue to burn a high percentage of calories after you finish the exercise. To increase your EPOC level, try a high intensity, 35-80 minute interval training .
6. Reflect the sport to your lifestyle.

Lisa DeCamella, an ACE-certified personal trainer and nutritionist, knows that it can be tedious and difficult to simply pinch workouts to the schedule. Instead of completely abandoning sports, it proposes that you adapt to your lifestyle by counting your steps while climbing the stairs, maximizing how much you can walk every day.
7. Consider quality, not quantity.

Instead of focusing on how much time you spend in the gym, focus on the kinds of training you do. The key to a short and effective workout is to use as much energy as possible in the shortest possible time. If you use multiple muscles at the same time, you can do even the best of a twenty-minute workout.
8. Focus on your muscles.

Focus on the muscles you are working on during your sweating session to make sure you're pushing yourself as hard as you can.
9. Tabata!

The simplest and most effective form of high-intensity intermittent exercises is Tabata. It has a reputation for making short, effective, and calorie expenditure really high with 20 seconds of explosions with maximum effort and 8 laps and 10 seconds of relaxation exercises. Since a Tabata set lasts only 4 minutes, you can spare time even on your busiest days.
10. Do not skip warming movements.

Since you already have a short time to do the exercises, it may be tempting to skip these movements. But before starting high-intensity intermittent training, it is important to start with simply warm-up exercises such as walking or jogging or arm and leg movements to increase heart rate and provide blood flow to the muscles.
11. Using an application can streamline you.

You want to try Tabata or different exercises, but aren't sure how to control the exact timing yourself? There are many free Tabata app timers and exercise planners that you can download to keep track of the correct time intervals.
12. No equipment needed!

There are so many moves you can do at home in consultation with the expert! Without the need for any sports equipment. A chair, a book or even a water bottle may be enough for you. A program that you can do to lose weight quickly, starting with a 40-second squat and 20 seconds of rest after a 40-second stretching movements and 20 seconds of rest. Finally, combine the movements and repeat this circuit two more times.

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Fat burning science

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Actually, technically, we burn fat every minute. But now let's talk about how to burn more fat in the weight loss process.
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Actually, technically, we burn fat every minute. But now let's talk about how to burn more fat in the weight loss process.

They claim that they provide the best products, pills, tea, dietary fat burning, and they are added every day. After this article, you will learn how to burn fat in the most effective and healthy way.

Why insulin plays a key role in fat burning

All experts agree that controlling insulin levels is key to fat burning. Creating a hormonal environment that does not raise insulin is the main secret of fat burning.

Insulin and carbohydrates are soul mates and are created for each other, insulin increases when blood sugar increases. When you eat a slice of pizza or carrot cake, insulin comes in immediately. And insulin does something very well: Storing fat.

This important hormone does not increase when it eats fat and protein, whereas carbohydrates cause insulin to rise. The more carbohydrates are processed, the faster your blood sugar rises, and as a result, insulin increases. However, protein has little to do with insulin and increases the level of Glucagon, which is the sister of insulin and facilitates fat burning. Diets restricting carbohydrate and weighting animal protein (eg Atkins, Dukan, South beach, Karatay) go to extreme extremes in reducing carbohydrates and fill a large portion of the diet with animal foods and saturated fats.

The coin also has a dark side. It is difficult to maintain high-protein diets with low carbohydrates, and even when you eat a little bit of carbohydrate (sugar and insulin secretion), the animal proteins and fats you eat actually cause you to gain weight immediately because they are high calorie. If you remove all the healthy and unhealthy carbohydrates and replace them with animal protein and animal fats, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases in the long term, the body is thrown into a fire called inflammation and the risk of cancer may increase. Since it takes time for all of this to take place, you believe you are not hurt at that moment. Another disadvantage of these diets is that they increase the foods that can be harmful, as well as limiting legumes, fruits, healthy carbohydrates and fiber sources, which are the source of antioxidants and vitamins from diseases, and resulting in wrong results as they are obese.

However, there are healthier ways to burn fat. Instead of animal protein and saturated fats, nuts, walnuts, nuts, almonds, avocado, coconut oil and vegetable protein by eating healthy way to burn fat again.

How carbohydrates affect the fat burning process

You have now learned that sugar and insulin are soul mates, and that insulin's duty is to store and fatten fat. If you have any doubts about it, open and read all the books of biochemistry and endocrinology written all over the world, all of which says that the task of insulin is to put the fat in the cell. It not only lubricates your belly but also your veins.

So if you really want to burn fat, you need to control insulin secretion. Limiting carbohydrates is the key to doing so.

A low-carb diet allows you to burn fat by reducing insulin. When your insulin level is high, your fat cells are locked so that you don't lose fat and weight loss becomes metabolically difficult. When the insulin level decreases, the fat cells are unlocked.

Your insulin level determines the quality and quantity of carbohydrates you eat. Processed carbohydrate sources, such as sugar, flour, sweets, raise insulin at rocket speeds.

The role of vegetables in fat burning

After controlling your insulin levels, vegetables help you in two ways to burn fat. First, eating large amounts of green leafy vegetables reduces the feeling of hunger. It is filled with micronutrients (vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals, minerals) to keep you and your body saturated. You also experience less sweet crises when your consumption of vegetables increases.

Second, most vegetables, for example fungi, prevent the formation of new vessels. Tumors need more blood to grow and create new vessels for this.

Interestingly, adipose tissue also creates new vessels to grow. When you increase your consumption of vegetables, especially broccoli, mushrooms, onions, greens and strawberries, prevents the formation of new vessels to reduce the amount of fat.

Researchers are currently investigating new therapeutic options that may affect pharmacological effects of adipose tissue for the treatment of obesity and associated metabolic diseases. They try to turn these properties of vegetables into medicine.

Other factors involved in fat burning

Eating small amounts of protein at each meal will help you burn fat. A smoothie containing vegetable protein, an oat with strawberries and nuts, and an omelet with vegetables are healthy ways to start the day by balancing it without raising your sugar in the morning.

There are two other hormones that regulate appetite: Ghrelin and Leptin. When Ghrelin tells you to eat, Leptin says no more.

Scientific studies show that having a protein breakfast in the morning reduces the level of ghrelin more than a carbohydrate breakfast.

If you lower Ghrelin levels, your blood sugar will be better balanced and less hungry.

By eating a small amount of animal protein and vegetable protein in your meals, the more you eat healthy fats such as nuts, avocado, coconut oil, vegetables and salads, the faster you will be able to burn fat.

Also drinking green tea helps you burn fat.

Calorie restriction and fat burning

It should be said that calorie restriction, that is, eating less, plays a key role in the fat burning process. There is a lot of research showing that when you limit calories, the total amount of fat is reduced.

But the problem with this is that you cannot cope with hunger and eventually have to quit and cause health problems because it does not meet the body's nutritional needs. Eating low-calorie but high nutritional value vegetables and salads is a more accurate way to both reduce calories and meet the needs of your body.

Effect of fiber on fat burning

Fiber plays a role in fat burning in three ways. By reducing the level of ghrelin, it provides a feeling of fullness and saturation in the stomach and prevents the rapid rise of insulin by allowing the incoming healthy sugar to mix slowly into the blood.

A scientific study has shown that when consuming 14 grams of fiber per day, it is possible to lose an extra 2 kilos per month. Add healthy fiber to your diet from healthy sources.

Some fats burn more fat

Omega 3 fats and nuts, avocados and fats in kernels unlock the stored fat cells and increase the levels of carnitine produced by your own body. It accelerates your metabolism in a healthy way. It also gives you energy and increases serotonin levels and prevents sweet / hunger crises.

Using them as a pill alone does not help you lose weight. However, when combined with a low amount of healthy carbohydrate diet and exercise, your fat burning will accelerate.

How much exercise is needed to burn fat?

Exercise has positive effects on cardiovascular, immune system and all health. But let's be honest, how many people among you do not exercise for these health benefits, but to burn fat?

Aerobic exercise does not contribute much to fat burning, resistance exercises and intensified exercises will help you burn fat more effectively. For example, walking for 20-60 seconds and raising your pulse and then walking again will burn more fat than just walking.

Studies have shown that the intensity of this exercise is increased from time to time to burn more fat.

Exercise on an empty stomach burns muscle instead of fat so be careful.

How does sleep and stress affect fat burning?

You've done everything, but if you're sleeping less than 5 hours, all your efforts can be wasted. Insomnia and stress can sabotage your fat burning effort by causing you to eat as much as you can never spend.

An average of 7 hours per day is necessary to burn a good quality fat. When you sleep less, the hormone ghrelin increases, which triggers you to eat more, so your insulin level increases and as you eat you enter the vicious cycle of eating. Leptin hormone, which reduces your appetite and reduces fat, is reduced due to less sleep. This makes you eat more during the day.

Excessive stress increases the level of cortisol and causes fat deposition. Stress relief may be difficult, but you can learn how to handle it completely. You can experience less stress by changing your approach to events, or approaches such as prayer, yoga, meditation, suggestion, EFT, NLP can help you manage stress and be less affected.

Which vegetables burn fat?

All aluminum group vegetables (whole onions and family)

Strawberry and the whole family

Black rice



Citrus fruits

Broccoli and cauliflower

Cabbage and family

Flax seeds


Green tea


Omega 3 oils







What is interesting on this list is that all these vegetables are also vegetables that fight cancer growth. From a scientific point of view, this information seems useful for burning fat. Be open-minded and follow what works for you.

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Tips to help you burn fat faster while exercising

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You want to lose fat, not just lose weight? Cardio, especially high intensity interval exercises are the best way to lose weight. With some small tips you can get more efficiency from your exercises and burn more fat. Here are some tips to help you burn fat faster:
1. Heat

Interval specializes in exercise, and is ready, set, go! "You need to increase your heart rate regularly," says Phil Campbell, author of Fitness. Don't forget to warm your joints and ligaments such as wrist, knee, shoulder and make your body ready to burn fat more quickly.

2. Keep Sprint time

If you are cycling or running, go to the top speed of the machine you are working on and continue at the top speed for 30 seconds. Then slow down and continue at low speed for 90 seconds. If you're running outside, run at top speed of 60-70 meters, then walk for 90 seconds. Repeat this after cooling your body.

3. Stand upright

Almost everyone leans forward while doing cardio exercise. This actually makes exercise a little easier. Especially if you take care to stand upright during sprinting, the intensity in your muscles remains the same throughout the exercise.
4. Take your time

Do not skip to the next exercise unless you are ready. Your body consumes much more calories during the transition from resting to intense activity. Therefore, do not miss rest periods, especially between exercises. Even if you think you can sprint for more than 30 seconds, block yourself and take a 90-second break, then continue.
5. Make progress slowly if you exercise outside

If you're running outside, try to get up to 50 percent of your top speed at first. Then advance it to 60, 70 percent. Don't overload your body suddenly.

Related article: Delicious recipes that can be prepared with 8 drinks that come to mind when fat burning is mentioned
6. Focus on the intensity and quality of the exercise

To burn more fat, you do not need to do interval training once more on the same day, it is important to do your exercise as needed. The intensity of interval exercises is much more important than the number of times you do that exercise.
7. Stay away from the scale

Muscle mass may be increasing while fat in your body is decreasing. Therefore, do not stress yourself to go on the scale often. How your body looks in the mirror is more important than the result you see on the scale.
8. Slowly reduce your calorie intake

If you want to lose fat, do not reduce the amount of calories you receive daily. This will put your body into a state of famine and slow down your metabolism and cause more difficult fat burning. To prevent your metabolism from slowing down, gradually reduce your calorie intake if necessary.

9. Cut carbohydrate, increase protein

If you want to lose fat fast, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake. Increasing protein intake increases the speed of your metabolism and helps to maintain muscle mass. On the other hand, when you take carbohydrates also affects your fat burning rate. Be sure to consume carbohydrate-containing foods before 3 o'clock in the day.

10. Eat 6 small meals a day

By feeding 6 small meals a day, you give your body the support it needs to strengthen muscle mass and burn fat fast. However, your metabolic rate increases. Prevents your body from entering famine.

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All the practical information you need to know about fat burning

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• You should have breakfast in the morning. You should consume boiled eggs that help burning fat in your breakfast. I would recommend 2-3 eggs, one of which will be full eggs.

• Use olive oil instead of fat for cooking. You should prefer olive oil which is rich in terms of protection against arteriosclerosis and monounsaturated fat content.

• Prefer fresh fruit to dried. Dried ones have more sugar density.

• Consuming more protein (1-1.5 g / kg) is one of the most important issues.


• Do not consume carbohydrates alone. There is always a small amount of fat or protein, so that carbohydrates are easily digested.

• Make sure to consume 3 main 2-3 meals a day.

• Eating half grapefruit with breakfast, eating fiber and eating compound carbohydrates, helps burn fat.

• Adding low-fat yogurt, milk and curd cheese to your diet increases protein intake and also regulates the function of 'Calcitriol' hormone, which suppresses fat burning and suppresses fat burning.

• You can add a few slices of avocado to your salads on a regular basis. Avocado helps to burn fat thanks to its mannoheptulose content that increases calcium absorption and reduces insulin release.

• Two cups of very cold intermittent water during the day increases your metabolic rate by 30%. This simple trick that increases the rate of norepinephrine increases heart rate, glucose release from stores and blood flow to skeletal muscles.

• You must read the labels of the products you buy from the markets. Avoid corn syrup containing high fructose.

• Be sure to consume an apple during the day. Apple can be digested slowly and is a very useful fruit thanks to the numerous antioxidants it contains. Thanks to the polyphenol it contains, it increases muscle strength. An average apple contains 200 ml of polyphenols and only 30 grams of carbohydrates. It also helps in fat burning.

• Slow digestible foods such as brown rice, oats, whole wheat bread serve to keep insulin levels low and stable and help to burn fat.

• Eat whatever green you find randomly every day. Raw broccoli, leek, spinach, purslane each can be boiled or consumed raw. If the scale is as frequent as a handful it can be up to 3-4 palms. Thanks to the fiber they contain, they create a feeling of satiety and prevent your blood sugar from falling. Therefore, take at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day.

• Although the issue is fat burning, the other way to burn fat is to get your daily fat needs from the exact and correct fatty acids. Pour olive oil on salads, do not be afraid to eat oily fish, sometimes try unrefined coconut oil in your meals. Hazelnut, peanut, almonds in the useful oils provide you with benefits.

• Research shows that even an innocent snack during the day is around 500 kcal, and if you do it every day, you store 3500 kcal of empty calories per week. Choose your choice wisely.

• Non-organic strawberries, dietary soda, tomato paste, sweetener, microwaved popcorn, white chocolate, hamburger, swordfish, white bread, corn, sugar, salt, nutrients should never be consumed.

• Try to consume herbal teas such as rosemary, clove, cinnamon and ginger, or accelerate the metabolism together, or consume 3 cups.

• It is a known fact that omega-3 oil helps to burn fat. However, the most important way of burning fat intake in the morning, noon, evening meals with 2 grams each is to consume.

• In addition to omega-3, 500 mg of green tea extract, which is consumed regularly every day, is taken before morning and lunch and provides fat burning.

• It is in no way beneficial to cut carbohydrates completely or to take too little to lose weight.

• It is important to know the best time to consume carbohydrates. The first time you can consume carbohydrates during the day should be the first meal as soon as you get up in the morning, the second before and after the sport. In these purchases the measure should be up to 1 gram per kilo. (During diet periods)

• Your diet should be protein-based and contain carbohydrates, and consume plenty of water during the day. One meal a week can be eaten as a cheat meal. This meal contains plenty of carbohydrates as well as trans fat. The aim is to choose a fraudulent portion of meals that will not make the body feel that you are on a diet.

• All test results for thyroid glands and their functions should be within accepted values. (You should check your T3, T4, TSH values ​​from time to time.)

• In addition to thyroid functions, special precautions should be taken for irregular menstruation, menopause, anthroposis and pregnancy.

• If you have a condition such as Metabolic Syndrome (Insulin Resistance), you should share it with your dietitian and fitness instructor.

• If you cannot or cannot do sports, always choose an active life. Instead of going up the ladder to the elevator, where you have to go by bus, prefer to descend one stop before, climb with your own legs, and those gigantic escalators in subway stations. Glycogen is the stored part of carbohydrate in muscles.

• If too much glycogen begins to be stored, the body loses its ability to burn fat because of this excess carbohydrate. The best way to prevent this is to whip the body's ability to burn fat by taking very low carbohydrates for two consecutive days every two weeks. The scale itself is not always sufficient to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.

• It is a known fact that 2 cups of coffee during the day accelerate the fat burning. Try to consume one of these two cups for your breakfast before training.

• Make sure that you meet your daily vitamin and mineral needs in the right amounts and continuously.

• It is known that 400-500 mg vitamin C burns more fat daily and 800 mg vitamin D helps burn fat. Be sensitive to the intake of these vitamins.

• Flaxseed oil increases your fat burning potential. You can use it frequently.

• Consume frequently thermogenic products such as caffeine, capsaicin, and green tea. Thanks to their thermogenic properties, they accelerate fat burning.


• Two other important criteria rather than weighing are the measurement of waist circumference and the other is the measurement of body fat percentage.

• It is important that we store them as much as our excess weight. Thickness around the umbilicus is often evidence of increased fat around the liver, heart and other internal organs.

• various scientific and professional organizations in Turkey, males from 94 cm, measurements of more than 80 cm in women admit as a sign of higher risk.

• Oatmeal, banana, almond, curd, cottage cheese, basil, yogurt, red berries, leek, carrot, humus, green tea, a handful of dried fruits, 1 cup of buttermilk can be selected as snacks.

• Soybean milk, cinnamon, grapefruit, apple, turkey meat, beans, spinach, pepper, broccoli, curry can be consumed as metabolic accelerators.

• Water is your biggest help in weight loss. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water during the day. Suppress your appetite by consuming before meals.

ALWAYS CONSUME 2 CUPS OF WATER AS soon as you wake up.

• To lose weight and burn fat, your body should not lack zinc, C, B and D vitamins, and your testosterone levels should be within normal limits.

• You must follow 3 white legends. You should avoid flour, sugar and salt. Processed foods are as dangerous as these 3s.

• Alcohol intake should be reduced. If you cannot prevent this, you should consume low-calorie alcohol products.

• After 20.00 in the evening, heavy and simple carbohydrates should not be consumed. Carbohydrate should be avoided at night. If possible, you can walk after dinner.

• Stressful life and intense chronic stress is one of the major factors in weight gain because it secretes cortisol. It is also one of the major causes of lubrication in the belly area. In addition, medical cortisol should be considered once again, even for therapeutic purposes.

• Of course, and necessarily have a nice sleep. Keep in mind that insomnia needs to consume 300 calories more than those who can sleep during the day. (8 hours)

• Curd cheese may be your last meal before bedtime because of casein (slow digestible protein) in cheese.

• CLA and chrome as an additional nutritional support help to burn fat when consumed with food.

When it is difficult to burn fat now, that is, when you enter the plateau, use the method of intermittent fasting as a last resort.

All these pathways do not have a miraculous effect alone but should be preferred because of their synergistic effects.


• You should add resistance and weight exercises at least 3 days a week to increase your muscle mass and increase your basal metabolic rate.

• Many studies have shown that vibration-related studies, such as jumping in trampolines and working on a power plate device, help burn fat.

• Frequently use the 'Caliper' as an oil meter. Ask your sports coach for help. Frequent measurements will show how close you are to your target or how astonished you are.

• Those who aim to burn fat together with diet should not remain loyal to their diet for a long time and should change their diet and sports programs when they enter the plateau.

• Be careful not to consume foods from carbohydrate group with high glycemic index before training.

Many people who do regular sports and live active lives burn calories at a value of about 36-40 per day per kilo. If you are a regular sports and balanced diet follow-up, if you are doing sports, calorie intake per day 28-32 calories per day, up to 24 calories when you are not doing sports.

• It has been found that protein powder smoked between meals helps in the production of high quality muscle mass as well as fat burning. Studies in the UK have shown that protein powder increases the level of cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-1 hormones that provide fat loss and suppress hunger.

• Do not avoid taking carbohydrates on your training day, which is full of functional and multi-joint movements, and can increase up to 4-5 grams per kilo.

• According to a 2008 study by the University of Alabama in the US / catcham, soy protein (after not exceeding 15-20 grams per day) after 3 months of regular use reduces appetite and slows calorie intake, resulting in significant abdominal fat loss.

• HCA supplementation, known as hydroxycitrate, can be taken up to 250-1000 mg daily and helps with fat burning and provides durability to extend training time.

• In addition, creatine supplementary nutritional supplement used by athletes is one of the additional nutrients that athletes use to support fat burning in their training.

• According to a study at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, it is found that the protein powder mixture that is used after sports is made with less water and served intensely makes it feel longer.


Do not eat anything at least 3 hours before bedtime. At night, the insulin sensitivity of the body is reduced, which means that more carbohydrates are eaten during the day than the daylight. This is all about hormones. Instead it is recommended to consume 4 hours prior to protein or casein protein near bedtime.

• Before bedtime, 30-60 minutes before, 5-10 grams of caffeine-free nitric oxide can be taken into the empty stomach. NO is an additional nutritional supplement with a fat burning feature. There are research results that can increase the level of growth hormone called Ghrelin and accelerate fat burning.

• My advice to those who exercise and work out to lose weight may drink a cup of coffee 45 minutes before workout. Likewise, before the study 1-carnitine and 5 grams of BCAA to be taken as an ideal supplementary nutrients for fat burning Some studies suggest that an additional 100 mg aspirin intake may contribute to speed up fat burning.

• Consumption of beverages containing caffeine and EGCG (green tea extract) which is used as an energizer helps weight loss. The abovementioned candies are not commercially available sugared energy drinks. You can prepare this mixture at home and consume cold. Especially before training, 200 mg caffeine, 250 mg green tea extract is sufficient.

If you intend to use an oil burner, ALWAYS consult your doctor.

Fat burning products can have serious side effects such as lowering HDL cholesterol, which is known as good cholesterol. If you are going to use vitamin B3 known as niacin in the morning on a full stomach to be taken as one (500mg). This is not meant to be L-carnitine-type fat burners but rather fat burners known in the market under their trade names. In contrast to L-carnitine, it has beneficial effects on metabolism as well as fat-burning effect.


• Eat your biggest meal during the day after your weight training.

• On some training days, the upper and lower body work together and apply it as a super set. A movement from the lower body to the upper body, apply it in sequence and continue resting for more than 30 seconds.

• Try to apply the super set logic, sometimes with three different motions, instead of two separate motions.

• Running large groups of muscles facilitates weight loss.

• Do not underestimate Plyometric training. These movements, consisting of a series of splashing, explosive, improve explosive power as well as increase fat burning. Repeat 6-7 plyometric movements 10 times in succession, make 4-5 laps and rest for 1 minute.

• Make a cycle with 3 consecutive 1 minute movements. The movements you choose for this cycle can be shadow boxing, skipping rope, punching a punching bag, or a challenging series of 3 favorite plyometric moves. Do one of each for one minute. After your 3-minute mixed set, take a rest and try to make this series 4-5 times.

• Basic and multi-joint movements should be indispensable for your training. Squat, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press, barbell row… make sure to do such movements.

• Occasionally include cycle workouts in your workouts, performing a series of successive movements with very little rest. In order to benefit from the aerobic system in circular exercises, the circular training set must take at least 2 minutes. 10 repetitions of 6-8 movements should be made and each of these sets should be continued for at least 45 seconds at the end of the round training 2-3 minutes should be given after 6-10 rounds.

The training logic above:

Target zone: Whole body, cycle method

Number of tours: 6-10

Number of moves per turn: 6-8

Number of repetitions: 10

Frequency: 3 per week

Set time: 45 seconds

Rest between tours: 2-3 minutes

Movements to select: Multi-joint movements

• 6 repetitive weight lifts in your training, contrary to the known less weight, more repetitive sets burn more fat.

• Do not run away from heavy weight workout is exactly the opposite will help you. Load and load. Spend energy in all your activities faster, farther.

• Very heavy single lifts, successive lifts, and changes in lift speed in your workouts change the muscular fibril you run from Type 1 to Type 2b and sometimes from Type 2b to Type 1. You can achieve this by combining strength and hypertrophy training. Example: Let's say you've done very heavy 5 repetitions. Sometimes, after 5 heavy repetitions, rest for 20 seconds instead of doing 5 × 5. Rest for 20 seconds and do 2 more. So you've created 10 repetitions in a short time, creating a great warning for a thicker muscle mass.

• There are studies showing that protein drinks contribute to fat burning in morning and post-training intake.

• It is known that glutamine (some kind of amino acid), taken up to 5 grams twice a day, helps to build muscle mass that will contribute to fat burning.

• The use of free weights in your workouts is more difficult than machine, hydraulic, cable work, and has a positive effect on fat burning.

• In another study, 3-5 sets of training series including 8-12 repetitions but short-term rest periods increase testosterone and growth hormone secretion in men and improve anabolic process.

• You should reduce your rest period during training. Do not exceed 30 seconds.


Any activity in the region between 220- yrs x 0.6 and 220- yrs x 0.80 will burn you fat.

• You can walk, cycle or jog within this pulse range according to your age. Although these types of exercises work on fatigue-resistant Type 1 muscle fibrils, these types of training allow for more blood circulation and distribution of lactic acid. It also improves the aerobic energy system and prepares you for more difficult training series and contributes to fat burning.

• Do your weight training on your training days before you finish, then do cardio. This is because the first weight training to empty the glycogen stores after the fuel used for cardio activity is the oil.

• After a sleep of about 7-8 hours in the morning, the body's glycogen stores become empty, and during the morning the cardio is made on a warm stomach with a mild intensity, the free fatty acids in the blood will be burned more easily, so you can make your cardio before breakfast. Believe in an effort worth getting up half an hour early. According to a study conducted by the University of Kanazawa in Japan, this walk will prevent caffeine and muscle destruction before the amino acid 6-10 grams or half-scale protein powder made with water will be very useful.

• Another option is; It is one of the best cardio options to warm up after 2-3 minutes of rapid walking and increase loading intensity to 80-85%, run for 15-20 minutes, then reduce loading intensity to 60-65% and continue for 10-20 minutes.

• In cardio training for fat burning, the loading intensity should be between 60% and 80%. The ideal range is 70% loading intensity and causes 40 grams of fat burning per hour. Do these cardio sessions 4-6 times per week for 30-60 minutes if you are not taking an interval.

• If you choose a weight vest with 10% of your body weight during the training with weight vest, the calories you will burn during walking and other activities will increase by 8%. Consider this as an opportunity.

• Blend your long-term low-intensity cardio sessions with your short-lasting severe HIIT (Interval) sessions. If you make the weekly distribution correctly, you will continue to burn fat without overtrain.


It is an interval type of anaerobic training and is mostly used during fat burning periods. It is usually done on the treadmill.

These are sprinting after general warming with a 5 minute walk.

The ratios may be 1: 1/1: 2/1: 3 /.

1 minute too fast

1 min slow tempo walk

or 1 minute too fast 2 min slow tempo walk

or 1 minute very fast three minutes slow tempo walk and can be planned from 4 to 10 repetitions.

• As the condition increases, you can convert slow tempo walks to light jogs, and more quickly to tempo races equal to half of the fast runs. If you are running at 12 km speed, you should walk at 6 km speed during the rest period.

• For overweight 110 kg or more, my advice is to provide a 10 kg reduction in body weight with cardio and then switch to the Interval system.

• Intervals with excess weight will bring overload to the knees. For this reason, it should be replaced by a walk after cardio training.

During fat burning, when you are forced to burn fat now, that is, when you enter the plateau, add an extra 1 day to your weekly interval studies. If you do 3-4 times a week before, that number now has to be 4-5 for you. Intervalin difference is called EPOC (increased oxygen consumption after exercise), thanks to the continuation of fat burning at rest. Interval is an anaerobic study. Cardio is an aerobic exercise that ensures fat burning as long as it is performed.

In addition to intervalin, you can start shorter but much more intense 10-20-30 second sprints and start again when your pulse is 120-140. Another option If you do 20 squats at the end of each of these sprints and do the rest between 40 seconds rather than pulse rate, your fat burning will accelerate.

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