Thursday, February 21, 2019

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The diet prevent hemorrhoids

Following a balanced diet, rich in fiber, is one of the most effective lifestyle changes you can make for your hemorrhoids. Why? A balanced diet, high in fiber, along with an abundant intake of abundant fluids, softens bowel movements and increases their volume, which will help you avoid the effort that can cause hemorrhoids or worsen the symptoms of existing hemorrhoids.

Always consult with your health professional before starting with a diet or exercise plan.

How fiber helps prevent constipation

A balanced diet with lots of fiber and water softens stools and makes them easier to pass. This reduces the pressure in the hemorrhoids. If you follow a high-fiber diet, you will be less likely to be constipated. The most frequent causes of constipation are a diet low in fiber and rich in dairy products.

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Hemorrhoid Relief Support Oil. All Natural Formula Swelling Discomfort, Pain, Bleeding, Irritation. Topical Herbal Healing Oil 2.5 Oz

To get started
Fiber is classified into two categories: soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, and insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve. Both types favor displacement by the digestive system. You can add more fiber to your diet through food, a fiber supplement, or both. Fiber is easier to obtain from whole grains, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and fruits. Consult the table of foods with high fiber content. Your doctor may suggest that you take a stool softener or a fiber supplement.

When increasing your consumption of dietary fiber, it is important that you drink a lot of water and start small. Experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water of 8 ounces per day. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are dehydrating, so you may want to reduce them.

For your body to have time to adapt, introduce fiber into your diet gradually to avoid suffering from increased gas. Wheat bran can be a good fiber supplement option because it causes less gas than other high-fiber foods.

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Seven ways to stock up on fiber
With these simple ideas, have each meal contribute to your daily fiber intake. Remember to start small; add fiber gradually and drink eight glasses of 8 oz. water per day.

  •  Start the day with a whole grain
  • When shopping, look for cereals that indicate "integral" in the description. Stone-ground wheat, burgol, and multigrain wheat products all have less fiber than whole-wheat products. Check the fiber content in the nutritional information box of the package. Try to have your cereals have at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Serve them with a banana to add 3 more grams of fiber to your morning.
  •  Increase the volume of beans
  • Eat more beans; They are full of fiber. Most cooked beans provide more than half the daily recommended amount of fiber. Mix them in salads, mash them to prepare sauces, mix them in soups or add them to pasta dishes.
  •  More brown foods and less white
  • Brown rice, whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta are essential parts of a high fiber diet.
  •  Best baked foods
  • Replace whole flour with at least half, if not all, of the white flour indicated by the recipes. Since wholemeal flour is heavier than white flour, you should also increase the amount of baking powder in the recipe by one teaspoon per three cups of wholemeal flour.
  •  An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away
  • Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that is digested slowly and provides a feeling of fullness.
  •  Pleasant nut mix
  • Mix nuts, such as almonds or cayú chestnuts, with raisins, sunflower seeds, popcorn or whole wheat pretzels. Keep it in your car or desk for a healthy, fiber-rich snack between meals.
  •  Meals with hidden fiber
  • Replace the bread crumbs with instant oatmeal in dishes such as meatloaf or mix ground flax seeds in fruit smoothies or yogurts.

Recipes with high fiber content
Here are some delicious recipes that have at least 5 grams of fiber.

Dining out: 8 tips to incorporate fiber into your diet
Think ahead and plan where you will eat. Take the time to examine the menu and read the accompaniments first. Look for fiber-rich options, such as brown rice, baked potatoes or steamed vegetables. Read the description of all the dishes and remember that you can always make substitutions for the healthier side dishes so that your food fits your dietary needs. If you are traveling, consult more suggestions for the treatment of exacerbations while you are away from home.

  1.  For breakfast, choose whole-grain pancakes and waffles with fresh berries or cereals like oatmeal or raisin bran cereal: fiber-rich options to start your morning.
  2.  Substitute white bread for wholemeal or rye bread when ordering a sandwich.
  3.  Opt for baked potatoes with their fiber-rich skin instead of chips or chips. It will add 4 to 5 grams of fiber to your food.
  4.  Look for a plate of pasta stuffed with vegetables and ask to be served with whole wheat pasta.
  5.  When you dine in a Mexican restaurant, do not eat the rice and double the beans.
  6.  Not all rice is so good. Brown rice has four times more fiber than white rice: four grams of fiber per serving the size of a cup.
  7.  For accompaniment, order steamed vegetables; and if you have the choice, choose broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, which are particularly rich in fiber.
  8.  For dessert, choose fresh berries for their fiber content and their ability to satisfy the sweet tooth.

Tip: exercise and hemorrhoids

Moderate physical activity, such as quick walks of 20 to 30 minutes per day, can stimulate bowel function * as well as improve blood flow and muscle tone. Other beneficial cardiovascular activities include running, swimming and aerobics.

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8 measures to prevent hemorrhoids

They are annoying and are more frequent with a sedentary lifestyle, however hemorrhoids can be treated successfully.

A diet low in fiber, low water consumption, the permanence of long periods of time sitting, as well as making great efforts to evacuate, pregnancy and frequent diarrhea, are some of the factors that contribute to the appearance of hemorrhoids .

"Its appearance is more common from the age of forty and with age, its incidence increases, being the bleeding after the evacuation the main symptom - although not the only one - of this disease", explains the coloproctologist Antoine Lagunes.

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Ofanyia Natrual Hemorrhoids Cream Anal Cream for Internal Hemorrhoids Piles External Anal Fissure

The expert explains that this condition, to be located in the anorectal region, has a negative connotation of shame, embarrassment and discomfort, which causes that the people who suffer, instead of going to the specialist, prefer to practice a series of remedies that they only worsen their health situation.

"The most advisable thing before starting any type of therapy is to visit the coloproctologist to confirm that it is indeed a hemorrhoidal disease , since there are other diseases that present the same symptoms , such as anal fissures, polyps, the disease inflammatory bowel and even colorectal cancer, "says the specialist.

It is important to clarify that according to its stage of development, medical treatment may or may not be surgical, which includes the application of corticosteroid creams to reduce pain and swelling, as well as the intake of laxatives to try to soften the stool.

He adds that in some cases heat treatment is required, known as infrared coagulation , which seeks to shrink hemorrhoids and that can only be determined by the doctor.

He also recommends using cotton underwear and avoiding the use of toilet paper with perfumes or colors. The expert adds that taking sitz baths in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes helps decrease swelling.

Antoine Lagunes clarifies that if hemorrhoids can not be controlled, then the next step will be surgery to eradicate them, and that only the specialist can determine after the evaluation and, depending on the case, the treatment.

To avoid its appearance, the specialist recommends:

  •     Maintain good anal hygiene .
  •     Add greater fiber intake through vegetables, fruits and wholemeal bread.
  •     Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  •     When the diarrheas appear, go to the doctor.
  •     Avoid very spicy, spicy and fatty foods.
  •     Do not force the evacuation, or stay for long periods in the effort.
  •     Maintain an adequate body weight
  •     Avoid sedentary lifestyle, exercise at least three times a week to improve circulation.

Going to the specialist to receive a timely and appropriate diagnosis is the difference between an effective cure or stay with the hemorrhoids with the risks and discomfort that this entails.

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What to eat if I have hemorrhoids

If we have this problem we should consume two food groups: On the one hand, those that contain fiber , and on the other, those that provide vitamin K.

  •     Food with fiber: They favor the expulsion of feces and help them to be softer.
  •     Foods with vitamin K: They stop the bleeding and prevent the hemorrhoids from getting worse.

1. Flax seeds

The oils provided by this seed reduce constipation and also prevent inflammation of the inside of the anus . Flax is rich in fibers and Omega 3 fatty acids.

    You can add a spoonful (10 g) in a glass of yogurt, juice or milk (200 ml) for breakfast.

2. Apple
Apple for hemorrhoids

Actually, most fruits are advisable when you have hemorrhoids. These are important because they provide a good amount of fibers.

Add apples, oranges and strawberries to your daily diet. Also, do not hesitate to consume pears, peaches and figs.

3. Whole grains

Whole grains (for example, brown rice) are a great source of fiber. In addition, they are much healthier than their refined "versions".

It is advisable to eat whole grains every day to get constant and softer stools. Try rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.

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Hemorrhoid Treatment Pills Hem-Ease All Natural – Rapid Absorption, Long Lasting Comfort, InstantPain Relief –Calm Swollen Hemorrhoids, Minimize Bleeding & Burning, Improve Colon Health

4. Agar

This algae, which is obtained in powder in the naturist houses, is very good for bowel evacuation. In addition, it helps to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids when defecating.

It can be added to meals, as it has no flavor . Take agar agar at breakfast with yogurt, juice or toast with cheese.

5. Beetroot

Also called beets , this vegetable has many properties that can help us if we suffer from piles. For example, it provides a good amount of dietary fiber (2.8 grams per 100 grams of beet) and vitamin C (which prevents bleeding from the anal blood vessels).

    You can eat this raw purple vegetable, in salads, smoothies or juices . You can also cook it and add it as a garnish to all kinds of dishes.

6. Lentils
Lentils for hemorrhoids

We recommend that you eat all kinds of legumes (beans, beans, peas, etc.) in moderate doses. This type of food provides the body with the fiber it needs .

Be careful because they can cause flatulence. To avoid this you can cook them with fennel or cumin during cooking.

    Do you want to know more? Lee: Lentils, source of proteins and antioxidants

7. Oats

You can not miss your diet if you have hemorrhoids. It has a good percentage of soluble fiber that forms less voluminous and softer stools.

Oats prevent constipation and reduce pains when evacuating . If you do not want to add it to juices or dairy at breakfast you can enjoy the rich and healthy oatmeal water (which also serves to lose weight ).

  •     1 cup of oat flakes (50 g)
  •     Stevia or honey to sweeten (to taste)
  •     1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (5 g)
  •     1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (3 g)
  •     8 glasses of water (1.6 l)
  •     Ice cubes (to taste)


  •     Leave the oatmeal to soak overnight (about 7 hours).
  •     Strain and wash well.
  •     Place the essence of vanilla, cinnamon and water in the blender jar together with the chosen sweetener.
  •     Mix well until there is a homogeneous liquid.
  •     Put in a jar and add the ice cubes.
  •     Drink a cup on an empty stomach and the rest throughout the day.
  •     Keep in the fridge.

8. Broccoli
Broccoli for hemorrhoids

All the vegetables of the cruciferous group can be very helpful, due to their contribution of vitamin K. One of them is broccoli, which is very healthy.

In addition to broccoli, we recommend consuming cabbage of all kinds. However, keep in mind that, as with legumes, they can cause flatulence.

9. Almonds

Nuts, in general, contain soluble fiber. In addition, this type of food satisfies the appetite immediately.

Although they are high in calories, almonds can be the ideal snack if we suffer from hemorrhoids. Do not eat more than a handful per day.

Prohibited foods if we have hemorrhoids

As we have said, diet is so related to the symptoms of piles. For this reason, we advise you to reduce the intake of those foods that can hinder evacuations:

1. Refined cereals
Whole grains for hemorrhoids

White flour is one of the enemies for our body. It does not provide fiber and, in addition, increases the accumulation of fats.

    Do not eat pizzas, cookies, pasta or cakes made with refined grains. Opt for the integral. In addition, it has a satiating effect and improves intestinal function.

2. Refined sugars

With sugars, something similar happens with the flours. Predispose to obesity, promote constipation and increase pain in hemorrhoids.

Opt for another type of healthy sweeteners. For example, honey, stevia, coconut sugar or cane honey.

3. Spicy
Spicy is harmful to hemorrhoids

Finally, the spicy accentuate pain or itching when evacuating . The same goes for very spicy or salty dishes.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid spices and sauces or consume them in very small quantities. To season the food opt for aromatic herbs (basil, oregano, mint, etc.), vinegar and olive oil.

4 Options to treat external hemorrhoids

The treatment for external hemorrhoids can be done with homemade measures such as, for example, sitz baths with warm water. However, anti-inflammatory medications or ointments for hemorrhoids can also be useful in relieving pain and discomfort, reducing hemorrhoids quickly.

When hemorrhoids are very large or arise frequently, the proctologist may indicate a surgery, but generally these homemade options are effective and have a lasting effect.

To control hemorrhoids in 2 days it is necessary:

1. Take a sitz bath with warm water

Warm water helps relieve inflammation and pain, and should be done 15 to 20 minutes, as many times as necessary. Some medicinal plants with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain in a few minutes and can be added in the bucket with warm water are: chamomile, lavender, arnica and witch hazel.

2. Ingest more fibers and drink more water

A diet high in fiber and with a high intake of water, helps regulate intestinal transit and soften stool, facilitating their exit. For this reason, during these two days it is necessary to increase the fiber content in all the meals that are made.

A good strategy is to eat foods rich in fiber such as fig, papaya and oats, but it is also possible to add a water-soluble fiber called Metamucil, which is purchased at the pharmacy. Just mix 1 tablespoon of this powder in a glass with water, in soups or in juices, being able to be consumed maximum 3 times a day.

It is important that, in conjunction with the increase in fiber, you drink at least 2 L of water per day, because the fibers cause the volume of the faeces to increase and the water hydrates them to soften them and facilitate their exit. If the consumption of fiber is increased and water is not drunk, the stools will be harder and may aggravate the hemorrhoids.

3. Use pomade for hemorrhoids

Some examples are Neobatín, Proctoacid and Ultraproct, which can be indicated by proctologist or internist doctor. These ointments relieve pain in a few minutes and decrease the size of the hemorrhoid.

4. Take an analgesic or anti-inflammatory

Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be used under medical guidance to relieve swelling and pain caused by hemorrhoids. But by following the 3 previous tips, you probably will not need to use these medications. Diabetics should only use medication for hemorrhoids under medical guidance.

Usually, external hemorrhoids are relieved immediately after the sitz bath and an anti-inflammatory ointment, and should disappear within 2 to 3 days. In the most severe cases, when the symptoms do not improve with all this care, surgery may be necessary.
Care during treatment

During treatment, the individual must have some care such as:

  •     Avoid using toilet paper, washing the anal region with soap and water after bowel movements;
  •     Do not lift weight;
  •     Do not eat foods that are spicy or spicy;
  •     Perform regular physical activity type walk or zumba;
  •     If necessary, a ring-shaped cushion with an opening in the center for sitting can be used.

Another important suggestion is not to perform force when evacuating, as this increases the risk of more hemorrhoids forming. See in the following video the correct position to sit and facilitate the exit of the stool.

Surgery for external hemorrhoids

Surgery for external hemorrhoids is indicated by the proctologist in the most serious cases, when evidence of excessive bleeding, which are hard, painful and / or inflamed, being in these cases removed. However, after surgery, the individual must maintain a diet rich in fiber and avoid making efforts to evacuate to prevent the appearance of new hemorrhoids.

Signs of improvement

Signs of improvement of external hemorrhoids include: pain relief, especially when sitting and evacuating; decreased swelling and; the decrease or disappearance of blood in the stools. Also, if the individual no longer feels the hemorrhoid it means that it disappeared.

Signs of worsening

Signs that external hemorrhoids are getting worse include: increased pain, mainly when sitting or evacuating; increased swelling and; increased bleeding during bowel movements

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How to cure hemorrhoids quickly
When they hurt and sting, you're not to waste your time. That's why we give you a quick and effective solution to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids.

Emergency plan to relieve hemorrhoids

When going to the bathroom or sitting down becomes a horror movie because of the pain and stinging that hemorrhoids cause, you need quick solutions. We give you an emergency plan to cure the hemorrhoids quickly with very effective home remedies so that this "Calvary" is soon a bad past memory.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly eat peeled fruit.  Eat peeled fruit every three hours

Eat fruit on an empty stomach and then take it alone every 2 or 3 hours. It is a good way to take fiber and stimulate the bowel to facilitate the evacuation of stool without effort, as it acts as a natural laxative. In addition, the rest of the meals should be rich in fruit and vegetables and poor in sugar, as this restricts.

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H- Hemorrhoids Relief (11ml): Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment for Internal, External or Thrombosed. Reduce Swelling, Itching and Burning Immediately. A Natural Alternative to Traditional Hemorrhoid Cream

how to heal hemorrhoids quickly leave coffee. Leave the coffee, the chocolate (at least a few days)

These drinks and foods irritate the anal area, so while you are raging with hemorrhoids it is better to eliminate them from your diet and if you have a tendency to suffer them, limit them a lot, if you can not leave them.

How to heal hemorrhoids quickly avoid spicy. Avoid the spicy

Contrary to what many people believe, spicy does not cause hemorrhoids, but if you have them, it can make the pain and itching worse because it irritates the mucous membranes of the anal area. If you are very fond of this flavor, you can substitute chili for red pepper in your recipes and so you will not miss it so much.

how to cure hemorrhoids quickly bath seat. Soothing seat bath

Take a seat bath with the decoction of various plants with soothing effect such as horse chestnut, grapevine, butcher's broom or witch hazel, which help to soothe the pain caused by hemorrhoids and also contribute to reducing their size. To reinforce the effect, you can also take these herbs infused three times a day.

How to heal hemorrhoids quickly olive oil. Reintroduce external hemorrhoids with olive oil

When the hemorrhoids are advanced and have come out of the anus, you can reintroduce them by lubricating the area and the finger with olive oil. In addition, olive oil has an anti-inflammatory action that also relieves pain.

How to heal hemorrhoids quickly posture child. Adopt the child's position

Sit on your knees and bring your torso to touch your thighs, stretching your arms above your head. This position, which in yoga is known as the child's, can help combat constipation and improve some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids by stimulating the circulation of the anal area.

how to heal hemorrhoids quickly posture wall relief. Raise your legs against the wall

Another posture that provides relief is to lie on your back, bringing the buttocks to the wall as much as possible and supporting the legs up against the wall, relaxing the arms along the body. In this way, circulation in the anal area is stimulated and can be a relief for hemorrhoids.

how to heal hemorrhoids quickly ice inflammation. Ice, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic

Applying ice coated with a thin cloth on the anal area helps to relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids thanks to the anesthetic effect produced by the cold and, at the same time, helps reduce its volume because it is anti-inflammatory.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly stool in washbasin. When going to the bathroom, use a stool

If you are going to have a bad drink, make it easier and put your feet on a stool. It will serve to elevate the legs -the knees must be above the hip- and, in this way, relax the intestine to make evacuation easier.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly moderate exercise. Stay away from the chair and the couch

Not only because sitting is an unbearable torment, but because doing moderate exercise also helps make it easier to go to the bathroom. And it's not just about doing sports 3 or 4 times a week, but avoiding the sofa, the elevators, etc. The more active your life is, the fewer problems you will have with hemorrhoids.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly avoid toilet paper. Replace the toilet paper with wet wipes

It will save you a part of the torture when you go to the bathroom. Toilet paper irritates the area and worsens the situation, so, at home, you can choose to wash the area in the bidet and outside, use wet wipes, like those used for babies.

How to cure hemorrhoids quickly go to the doctor. Topical creams and other drugs

Many of the creams and medicines that are used to relieve hemorrhoids are without a prescription, but it is better that a doctor paute, especially because some, if taken beyond what is advisable, can end up worsening the situation. Creams for hemorrhoids that combine cortisone and anesthetic are recommended in the middle of a crisis, but you should not use them for more than a week. And, although they are not usually recommended, you can occasionally take laxatives. And if the pain does not give you respite, you can relieve yourself with paracetamol for example.

If you only think about going to the bathroom, you get cold sweats or sitting down is a torture ... you need our emergency plan to cure the hemorrhoids quickly. In our gallery you will find the best remedies to find almost immediate relief to your problem. But sometimes, when the problem is more advanced, in addition to a "temporary fix", you need something more. That's why we tell you all about hemorrhoids.

What are hemorrhoids

Said fast, they are like varicose veins, but instead of being in the legs, they are in the anal area. If you look at the anus head on and imagine that it is a watch, hemorrhoids tend to appear mostly in the veins that would be at what would be 3, 7 and 11 o'clock.
Types of hemorrhoids: internal, external and thrombosed

We must distinguish these various types of hemorrhoids:

  •     Internal hemorrhoids. They are those found inside the rectum. Normally, they do not usually give you discomfort, but occasionally you can find traces of blood after going to the bathroom. Sometimes, if a lot of effort is made defecating, these hemorrhoids can protrude from the anus, producing pain and stinging.
  •     External hemorrhoids. These hemorrhoids are on the outside of the anus, under the skin that surrounds it. These are more annoying, they bleed more frequently and produce more itching and pain.
  •     Thrombosed hemorrhoids. It is a complication of external hemorrhoids. In this case, what you notice is a hard lump that causes a very intense pain and is that in the hemorrhoid that is near the anus has accumulated blood to form a clot (thrombus)

Causes of hemorrhoids

  •     Constipation and overexertion when defecating. It is usually the main cause of hemorrhoids. If you have regularity problems, we tell you how to say goodbye to constipation in 5 days and without pills or laxatives!
  •     Diarrhea. When it becomes chronic it can also give rise to hemorrhoids.
  •     Sitting too long in the bathroom. If you are someone who takes a book or cell phone to the bathroom, try not to. If you spend a lot of time in the toilet, the veins in the anal area suffer excessive pressure.
  •     Overweight and obesity. The extra kilos cause more pressure on the anal area, especially in people with a sedentary lifestyle.
  •     Anal sexual relations. If you practice anal sex and it causes you pain, you are interested in reading this.
  •     Weight lifting. If it is usual, whether for sport, work, etc., pressure on the anus can lead to hemorrhoids.
  •     Chronic cough. The cough also causes more pressure on the anal area.
  •     Liver cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis can cause blood to pool in the blood vessels around the rectum.

A common case: hemorrhoids during pregnancy

  • It is estimated that 4 out of 10 women suffer from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. In this case there is a sum of causes that cause hemorrhoids such as weight gain especially in the final weeks, it also increases the pressure on the veins of the anal area and there are also circulation problems. In addition, there may be constipation problems, etc. The treatment is usually the same as in other cases, although the medication, more than ever, must be in the hands of the doctor.
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Symptoms of hemorrhoids

  •     Bleeding If you cleanse after defecating you find droplets of bright red blood (sometimes they are more than droplets), even if it does not hurt, you suspect hemorrhoids.
  •     Pain It can be more or less acute or more or less constant
  •     Itching and stinging in the anal area
  •     Inflammation of the anal area

How to cure hemorrhoids

  • In the gallery we propose an emergency plan so you can treat them quickly. Normally, changes in diet and lifestyle often give good results. But for this you have to go to the doctor when the first symptoms appear, because it is easier to treat them in their initial state.
  • When do you have to resort to medication? Only when indicated by the doctor. Even antihemorrhoidal creams can not be used indiscriminately. When containing corticoids, if the time indicated for their use is exceeded, they can cause more bleeding. Nor should we abuse analgesics.
  • When do you have to operate? It is something that you should also value with your doctor. If this solution is reached, it is usual for mild hemorrhoids to be eliminated with sclerotherapy, photocoagulation, with elastic band ligation or with mechanical suture surgery, which, despite its name, is an ambulatory technique that does not involve removal. of hemorrhoids. On the other hand, if the hemorrhoids are more advanced, they must be removed surgically.

How to prevent hemorrhoids

  •     Food rich in fiber. Avoid constipation is essential to avoid hemorrhoids, so it is important to take fiber-rich foods daily such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and avoid those that can constipate, such as sugar. It is estimated that you have to take about 25 g of fiber a day in the case of women, 38 g in the case of men. When it is not possible to reach these figures, the doctor may recommend taking fiber supplements.
  •     Drink liquids To soften the stool and make it easier to evacuate it is important to drink plenty of fluids (6 to 8 glasses of water daily, infusions, preferably). This is especially important if fiber supplements are taken.
  •     Lead an active life. The sedentarism favors the appearance of hemorrhoids. Try to exercise regularly. But, not everything happens to go to the gym or go for a run, it is also important that you try to walk as much as possible, go up the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.
  •     Avoid overweight As we have seen, the extra kilos are one of the causes of the appearance of hemorrhoids.
  •     Facilitate evacuation. Go to the bathroom as soon as you notice that you feel like it. Try to sit with your legs slightly elevated-knees above the hips-to relax the bowel and make the process easier.
  •     Do not force to evacuate. This exerts a counterproductive pressure on the anal area. If it costs you to evacuate, reinforce the measures that we have given you before.

Beware, hemorrhoids can get complicated

  • Hemorrhoidal thrombosis. When the blood accumulates forming a thrombus in an external hemorrhoid it is very painful, although it is not dangerous. You have to go to the doctor to drain the blood and relieve the pain.
  • Anemia. The loss of blood that can cause hemorrhoids could lead to iron deficiency anemia, although this is not usually the case.
  • Hemorrhoidal strangulation. When the blood does not reach an internal hemorrhoid there is a "strangulation" and the pain it causes can be really disabling.
  • And if the bleeding were for something else ...

Sometimes, we attribute bleeding to hemorrhoids, when it can be due to more serious causes, such as colon cancer. If the bleeding is accompanied by the following symptoms, you suspect:

  •     Change in the rhythm of bowel movements. At a time of constipation can follow a diarrhea.
  •     Changes in the shape of the stool. Suspect if they are smaller and thinner.
  •     Abdominal pain. If you notice a pain that comes and goes under the last rib. It may disappear for a few days, but it always reappears.
  •     Unexplained weight loss If you have not made changes in your diet or in your workouts and physical activity in general, you should also suspect.
  •     Unexplained tiredness If you can not attribute it to any activity, it is another warning symptom.

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Healthy eating to prevent hemorrhoids

Treating and controlling hemorrhoids is possible with good nutrition . Eating healthy is essential for health, since many of the functional aspects of the body are affected by our diet.

Hemorrhoidal disease is a pathology that affects a large number of subjects, in Spain and Latin America 40% of the adult population has suffered at least once in their lives because of problems related to these important vascular structures in the anal canal.

What are piles and how can we prevent them?

From the clinical point of view, it is a condition of the excessive dilation of the veins that supply blood to the hemorrhoids, which are the anatomical structures critical to the continence of the feces, with the consequent bulging of the walls of the blood vessels involved.

Hemorrhoids , as a result, become inflamed and can significantly affect the conduct of satisfying daily life. The associated pain is in fact capable of reaching disabling levels, which makes it very difficult to perform many basic activities.

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Hemovir - Best Hemorrhoid & Fissure Treatment for Rapid Healing; Reduce Itching,Irritation, Bleeding & Burning !100% Natural Ingredients - 45 Capsules - 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!

The cure of hemorrhoidal inflammation is possible if measures are taken in a timely manner, avoiding the condition of deterioration and preventing the disease from intensifying. In this sense, preventive treatment is important, with special attention to what is decided to put on the plate, it is very important and in the following lines you will find some quick and easy tips to have a correct and effective nutrition to prevent the appearance of piles.

What are the best foods for hemorrhoids?

The recommended food source for treating hemorrhoids includes mainly fibers , as they play a vital role in increasing the volume of stool, thanks to its ability to retain water. Faeces not only increase their volume, but are softer to expel . They also become softer and their transit makes it less likely to irritate the hemorrhoids. A diet high in fiber also implies a special attention in the daily intake of liquids .

In this case, it is possible to orient yourself taking into account the most frequent medical indications, which advise approximately 2 liters of water daily , the adequate amount for the maintenance of a satisfactory level of health in general.


Frutas dieta saludable prevenir hemorroides

To take full advantage of all the benefits brought by fruits and vegetables we must put on the plate a mixture of the main fruits that are beneficial to include in a diet to prevent or relieve hemorrhoidal symptoms , it can be said that very acid fruits such as oranges or lemons are not advised.

  •     Apples
  •     Strawberries
  •     Pears
  •     Bananas
  •     Plums
  •     Papaya


We do not just talk about the fibers of the vegetables. When talking about the relationship between hemorrhoids and food, it is often discovered that in order to prevent and treat this disease, the choice of what we eat is fundamental; This means, for example, taking an appropriate variety of fruits and vegetables . Vegetable foods are usually rich in Vitamin K , which improves the bleeding of the piles by intervening in the coagulation of the blood.

  •     Broccoli
  •     Radishes
  •     Cabbage
  •     Turnip
  •     Cruciferous
  •     Carrots
  •     Artichokes
  •     Potatoes
  •     Spinach

Recommended for you Types of anal or rectal diseases


Because nuts are a very rich source of fiber it is convenient to add them to our diet , yes, do not abuse them because their fat content is high and can make our digestion heavier, nuts and seeds More recommended are:

  •     Almonds
  •     Nuts
  •     Dried figs
  •     Raisins

Whole grains

That is well known that cereals are much healthier to take them in its integral version, this feature becomes more important if we suffer from piles, the fiber of cereals will facilitate the digestion of food and will not suffer from constipation .

  •     Rice
  •     Corn
  •     Oats
  •     Wheat
  •     Wholemeal bread
  •     Wheat bran
  •     Whole pasta


Like whole grains, legumes are a very good source of fiber . If your tolerance is correct we can include it in our diet against hemorrhoids, such as:

  •     Lentils
  •     Jewish
  •     Chickpeas
  •     Soy
  •     Green peas

Tablespoon agar

This product mixed with cold water forms a consistent gelatin that can be eaten in a very easy way, favoring the intestinal transit, thus decreasing the pains in bowel movements. The agar agar can be included in other dishes to make it tasteless.

List of bad and forbidden foods for hemorrhoids

    "Do you know what are the BEST and WORSE FOODS IF YOU HAVE ALMORRANAS?" Find out the DIET that you have to follow to eliminate hemorrhoids HERE ==> "

To complete our diet against piles we have to know which are the most harmful foods if we suffer from this disease. There is a list of substances that are not recommended and that can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, that is why here is a list of prohibited foods and to avoid if we want to eliminate or prevent this disease. These are the ones that you have to avoid .

Food with spicy and very spicy

Avoid spices such as chili pepper, hot pepper, pepper or mustard , which can be very irritating to the intestinal tract. In addition, foods with many condiments such as salt can also irritate us and produce burning and heaviness.

The sugar

Sugar is present in many foods , even those that should not carry, that is why the total consumption of sugar in the population is very high, and among other evils, it is not advisable to take if we suffer from this disease. A good way to control the daily amount of sugar we consume is to eat fresh and unprocessed foods.

As we have said, whole grains are beneficial , on the contrary, refined or non-integral flours can be harmful and contribute to the correct treatment of hemorrhoids. Avoid taking processed foods full of these flours is the best form of prevention.
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Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages

Alcohol, coffee and drinks with caffeine such as tea must be suppressed from the diet or consume very little, in the case of alcohol the reduction is total. These drinks are stimulants and are not beneficial for people suffering from piles.

Diet and nutrition, the best way to fight hemorrhoids

The relationship between hemorrhoids and food is much closer than you think and fundamentally influenced by the frenzy that characterizes the lives of many people, which translates into the short time spent selecting healthy foods .

Be careful with what is put on the plate to prevent and cure hemorrhoids ; This also means the elimination of certain substances that are powerful irritants, such as caffeine, spicy foods and some types of sausages .

As you can see, a little attention may be enough to fight a disease that is one of the most frequent causes of localized pain in the rectal area. The natural remedies that go in the direction of a healthier diet are the best solution , mainly because they avoid the introduction of drugs in the body that can cause intoxication phenomena ...

The remedies that nature offers us are some of the best options when faced with such invasive and painful problems. In many situations, the cause of this disease is in fact linked to bad habits and only very little is needed to restore the balance of the evacuation.

Proper local treatment with specific natural products can help relieve pain and promote regression of the problem. However, this does not mean that you do not have to pay attention to certain customs once the condition improves or the pain fades more or less completely.

To successfully treat hemorrhoids we have to act on several fronts and not just act on the symptoms. Balanced diet, good habits and a specific local therapy that works in synergy with the other recommendations are the perfect combination to get rid of the problem.

It is not surprising that the real one is key to the resolution of the hemorrhoidal disease being a way to approach the problem from the root. Treating and preventing hemorrhoids is really possible, especially if you know the best tricks to cure them and the solutions to change our lifestyle forever.

For this reason, my advice is to try to apply , when it is still possible, a treatment method based on natural remedies and healthy lifestyle that pay particular attention to the correct habits to adopt a close relationship between food and hemorrhoids .

    Do you know any other good or bad food that may affect the hemorrhoidal disease? Share it with the community, surely many of us will appreciate it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

HemClear for Hemorrhoids - Vegan, 100% Natural Formula for Hemorrhoid Relief & Vascular Health - Maximum Strength 1 Bottle

5 ways to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids

The treatment for hemorrhoids can be done with analgesic and / or anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by the proctologist to relieve pain and discomfort, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Also, the doctor may also prescribe the use of ointments such as Proctoacid or Ultraproct, or in the most serious cases, performing surgery.

Some homemade measures such as sitz baths with warm water, as well as maintaining some care such as avoiding using toilet paper, also help to treat hemorrhoids, mainly in cases of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Learn more about the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy .

HemClear for Hemorrhoids - Vegan, 100% Natural Formula for Hemorrhoid Relief & Vascular Health - Maximum Strength 1 Bottle
HemClear for Hemorrhoids - Vegan, 100% Natural Formula for Hemorrhoid Relief & Vascular Health - Maximum Strength 1 Bottle

Here are some important treatments for treating hemorrhoids:

1. Make a diet rich in fibers

To help treat and prevent hemorrhoids from getting worse, you will increase your intake of fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, bread with cereals, flaxseed and wheat germ every day to make the stools softer and not cause pain at the time of evacuate. See what are fiber-rich foods .

Also, it is equally important to drink around 2 liters of water per day, because the fiber in the food helps to increase the size of the feces and the water moisturizes them making them softer, facilitating their expulsion.

2. Going to the bathroom just feel like it

Some important strategies that can help relieve pain is to avoid doing too much force to evacuate, as well as not making efforts like lifting weights, for example. Should go to the bathroom as soon as I feel like it.

Likewise, you should avoid the use of toilet paper to clean yourself, especially at times when you have a crisis, you should only wash the area with soap and water, not to feel so much pain, not cause the hemorrhoid to rupture and not hurt the skin that is very sensitive.

3. Practice physical activity

Regular physical activity such as walking, jogging or swimming helps to stimulate the intestine because it increases mobility, also makes the feces are softer and molded, preventing them from igniting and facilitating their expulsion.

In addition to this, to avoid discomfort in those who work many hours sitting a day, it is also possible to use a circular cushion that has a hole in the center to sit, this relieves the pressure on the hemorrhoid decreasing discomfort.

4. Apply ointments for hemorrhoids

The pomades for hemorrhoids such as Proctoacid, Doxiproct plus, Ultraproct are widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because they possess substances with vasoconstrictive, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The ointments should be indicated by the doctor and should be applied directly on the hemorrhoid, performing a very gentle massage 2 to 3 times a day, while the treatment lasts. Know what are the ointments used for hemorrhoids .

In some cases, the doctor may also recommend the intake of tablets to relieve pain as analgesics and / or anti-inflammatories.

5. Perform sitz baths

Sitz baths can be prepared with warm water 3 to 4 times a day. Warm water helps relieve pain, decrease inflammation and discomfort. To prepare a sitz bath, just fill a large bucket with warm water and sit inside it, without underwear, for about 20 minutes or until the water cools.

Also, for the seat bath is more effective you can add some substances with anti-inflammatory and vasopressor properties to water, such as: witch hazel, cypress or onion.

Signs of improvement
Signs of improvement of hemorrhoids include relief of pain and discomfort, mainly when evacuating and when sitting. Also, the presence of blood in the stool disappears or after cleaning the anal region, as well as the or the protuberances in the anal region, in the case of external hemorrhoids.

Signs of worsening

Signs that hemorrhoids are getting worse include increased pain and discomfort, especially when sitting or evacuating; increase in size or number of bumps in the anus and; increased blood in both the stool and toilet paper after evacuation.

New red laser technique for hemorrhoids and fistulas

The Proctology Unit of USP Sacred Heart of Seville is a pioneer in Spain in the application of a new laser surgical technique for hemorrhoidal desarterialisation guided Doppler (HELP) in the treatment of hemorrhoids and the sealing of fistulous trajectories (FILAC) for the fistulas. The aim of these innovations is to achieve better and better results with minimal complications and to alleviate postoperative pain as much as possible.

One of the most frequent causes of consultation in surgery is the proctological pathology and it is estimated that eight out of ten citizens will ever demand assistance for these anal diseases, highlighting the anal fissure, the perianal fistula and the hemorrhoids , whose symptoms are mainly bleeding, itching, discomfort and pain.

Ignacio Durán, surgeon of this unit, explains that the laser desarterializes the hemorrhoids . "Using a Doppler system, we look for the arteries that go to the hemorrhoids, locate them and then seal them with the laser, which means that these hemorrhoids will tend to decrease in size because the blood supply does not reach them."

This technique is performed intraanally and would be "mainly indicated for internal hemorrhoids, external ones will also improve, but tend to have less visible results," he said. Among the advantages that it presents compared to the techniques used previously, the patient needs low doses of anesthesia -in some cases it is not necessary-, minimal later analgesia and absence of postoperative cures. "It is not an aggressive technique," Duran emphasized, "and the results are immediate, as is the incorporation into daily life."

Perianal fistulas
One of the major concerns of surgeons in the therapeutic approach of perianal fistulas is the danger of working in a field where the anal sphincter apparatus is located -with the risk of producing incontinence to the patient- and the rate of recurrence they present. For this reason, more conservative techniques become more important today and attempts are made to seal this fistulous path with biological or prosthetic sealants .

However, according to this surgeon, the novelty of the laser technique is that it uses the fistula itself as a sealant for the fistulous tracts. "The action of the laser denatures the tissue along the entire path of the fistula, using it as a sealant." Therefore, the advantages over other techniques are that it keeps the sphincter intact and does not use prosthetic or synthetic material , in addition to not needing further cures.

The unit has become a training center for other specialists in the country, having carried out several training courses to date. "We have been using this technique for about nine months and the results in hemorrhoids are spectacular: more than 90 percent of the patients present disappearance of the symptoms , mainly bleeding, from the next day, and the short-term results of the fistulas reach a success rate of 75 percent, "said the specialist.

H- Hemorrhoids Relief (11ml): Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment for Internal, External or Thrombosed. Reduce Swelling, Itching and Burning Immediately. A Natural Alternative to Traditional Hemorrhoid Cream

Ten remedies to reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen veins located in the anus that cause itching and pain. Bleeding is the main sign for diagnosis. "Symptoms may worsen due to irritation from hard stools or chemical substances such as caffeine, teine, spices, alcohol or liquid acid feces , among others," explains Javier Martínez Alegre, coordinator of the Coloproctology Unit of the Surgery Department General and Digestive of Infanta Sofía Hospital , in Madrid.

H- Hemorrhoids Relief (11ml): Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment for Internal, External or Thrombosed. Reduce Swelling, Itching and Burning Immediately. A Natural Alternative to Traditional Hemorrhoid Cream
H- Hemorrhoids Relief (11ml): Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment for Internal, External or Thrombosed. Reduce Swelling, Itching and Burning Immediately. A Natural Alternative to Traditional Hemorrhoid Cream

Creams and ointments
To relieve the symptoms, Martinez indicates that there are many creams and ointments in the market. " Only in the case of a hemorrhoidal crisis should we add these topical treatments to reduce edema and inflammation. In the case that the person has a significant pain we could add some analgesic, "he explains.

He warns that "many of the ointments and wipes that are sold contain soaps and corticosteroids, so their excessive use could cause itching and local dermatitis , worsening the symptoms of hemorrhoids."

The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine ( Semfyc ) also emphasizes that ointments can relieve, but not cure . They suggest not using them for more than a week, since, "in the long run, they can lead to atrophy of the skin of the anus".

In addition to these treatments, Martinez gives a series of remedies and guidelines able to reduce the discomfort of piles.

Avoid constipation: " constipation causes overexertion in bowel movements and may increase pain," he says. To do this, suggests eating a diet rich in fiber and abundant fluids. Semfyc adds that, if you increase the volume of stools, they will be less time in the intestines and will have less pain when going to the bathroom.
Use laxatives moderately, if necessary: Martinez alludes to its moderate use, while Semfyc indicates that it is better not to use them without doctor's instructions. "They can cause belly pain and diarrhea , which would aggravate hemorrhoids," they say.
Perform sitz baths with warm water and soap: these baths consist of submerging the anus area in warm water, not too hot, for 10-15 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. This calms the pain.

Clean with sponge or wet wipes: the coloproctologist states that these reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Semfyc, for his part, insists that correct hygiene of the anus is essential. They recommend the use of a neutral soap, although they clarify that it is not good to wash it more than once or twice a day.
Do physical exercise frequently: Martinez stresses that sedentary lifestyle worsens the symptoms of hemorrhoids. "If you have to sit for many hours for your work, you should avoid sitting down and exercise regularly". Semfyc points out: "It is good to exercise, but you should avoid activities such as riding a bicycle, riding a horse or rowing."
Avoid the excess time to perform the deposition: you should go to the toilet when you need it, but you have to try not to sit too long in the toilet, or make many efforts to empty the bowels.

Reduce coffee consumption: also excess salt, spices, acids, chocolate, spicy and alcohol.
Even if they sting, do not scratch: if they rub or scratch the hemorrhoids they become more irritated.
Apply ice if they swell: Semfyc suggests putting ice in for a few minutes and, "if they get out of the anus, it is best to try to return them to their usual position with a light finger pressure".


What is it
Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are veins inflamed excessively in the anus or lower rectal area . Generally they are not serious disorders and, as José María Enríquez-Navascués, head of the Department of General and Digestive Surgery at the Donostia University Hospital, explains, "they are a normal component of the human anatomy", although when they increase in pathological size or slip towards the outside, they cause discomfort such as itching, pain or burning , and even, sometimes, they can be accompanied by a rectal tumor, so they require an adequate diagnosis and treatment.

Hemorrhoids are pathological when the blood flow in the area is interrupted. It is considered that there is hemorrhoidal disease when varicose dilatations are detected in the hemorrhoidal veins.

According to Gonzalo Guerra Azcona, medical director of the Medical-Surgical Center for Digestive Diseases , in Madrid, "the exact cause of the inflammation of hemorrhoids is not known, but risk factors have been identified that predispose to suffer it." The main causes are:

Constipation : The hard and dry stools of constipation oppress hemorrhoidal veins and cause inflammation.
Diarrhea : Severe diarrhea can cause hemorrhoids because of irritation.
Pregnancy: The pressure exerted by the fetus on the rectal area, in addition to the efforts made during delivery , can cause the appearance of hemorrhoids.
Poor eating habits: A diet low in fiber , as well as the abuse of spicy, alcohol or coffee, are associated with the appearance of hemorrhoids.
Bad hydration: Drinking little water or liquids in general increases the risk of hemorrhoids.
Inadequate posture : Standing or sitting for periods of time is detrimental to this condition.
Great efforts during the realization of physical exercise.
Effort during bowel movements : The oppression of hemorrhoidal veins due to stress during bowel movements causes this inflammation.
Repression of the desire to go to the bathroom: Postponing the evacuation, can make, later, the defecation is more difficult and it is necessary to make more efforts of the advisable.

The most frequent clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids are:

Bleeding (live red blood) : Usually does not produce pain and is scarce. It usually originates after defecation.
Prolapse : It consists of a bulge that appears when hemorrhoids leave the inside of the anus and it is difficult to insert them again.
Secretion : Secretion of mucus from the anal mucosa is usual in internal hemorrhoids. It causes skin irritation, itching or burning, especially during defecation.
Pain : Internal hemorrhoids usually do not hurt, but external ones are especially annoying when they come out of the anus given the pressure of the anal ring.
To avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids it is advisable to correct the causes that originate them. Some recommendations are:

  • Drink two liters of water a day to prevent constipation.
  • Avoid the intake of alcohol , as it impairs blood circulation, hindering digestion.
  • Reduce the consumption of salt , since it favors the retention of liquids.
  • Eat a diet rich in fiber , fruits, vegetables and whole products.
  • Avoid the defecatory effort : In case of chronic constipation, War recommends consulting the specialist, since "it will give you the pharmacological and eating habits guidelines that will allow you to treat constipation while avoiding the appearance of hemorrhoids".
  • Practice sports regularly to activate blood circulation and help improve intestinal transit.
  • Avoid making great efforts in which the abdominal area has special importance.

According to Marcos Rodríguez Martín, specialist in General Surgery and Gastroenterology at the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, in Madrid, there are two types of hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids

They are hemorrhoids that bleed with the stool and those that prolapse through the anus. They are not painful unless accompanied by hemorrhoidal thrombosis. There are four grades to classify them:

Grade I: These are normal hemorrhoids.
Grade II: They are the hemorrhoids that leave the anus with the deposition and are introduced alone.
Grade II: They are the piles that leave the anus with the deposition and you have to help reintroduce them.
Grade IV: They are the internal hemorrhoids that come out through the anus and are always on the outside. They differ from external hemorrhoids in that the latter are covered by normal skin.

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are those that occur around the anus and that often accompany internal hemorrhoids or other processes such as anal fissure. External hemorrhoids do not bleed, although they can produce a sensation of heaviness and anal pain when thrombosed.

Guerra argues that "to make a proper diagnosis, the main thing is to go to a specialist in the digestive system , because often the only symptom that may occur is bleeding, which is not only indicative of the presence of hemorrhoids, but also other diseases digestive problems such as colon cancer . "

Once in the consultation, the diagnosis consists first in the realization of a clinical history with the patient's medical history and the symptoms that it presents, for a later manual exploration by the doctor .

In cases in which the hemorrhoids are not external, but internal, the specialist will prescribe a colonoscopy for the confirmation of the disease.

The treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the degree of inflammation or thrombosis of the affected vein of the rectal area.

In mild cases, "the most usual treatment usually consists of the application of ointments with local anesthetics and anti-inflammatories and the so-called sitz baths . This practice consists of bathing the affected area several times a day with warm water and salt, which helps to reduce inflammation of the hemorrhoid and, therefore, relieve symptoms ", says Guerra.

Similarly, the expert explains that "in severe cases, when the inflammation or strangulation of the rectal vein is very large, it is usually resorted to a surgical procedure called hemorrhoidectomy , a simple intervention and, usually, ambulatory, in the that hemorrhoidal packages are removed . " In case of bleeding, Enríquez-Navascués says that "the first thing is to check if it is only due to hemorrhoids; then, the most frequent is to perform a ligation or banding, a non-surgical procedure that is carried out in the consultation itself ".

"When an external hemorrhoid is very strangulated," says Guerra, "a minimal incision is made in the consultation and under local anesthesia, allowing blood to be expelled and removing the excess skin. This treatment consists of a practically painless process that does not require hospital discharge and the patient can be immediately incorporated into their daily routine. "

"When prolapse occurs frequently or causes discomfort, it should be treated surgically, " explains Enríquez-Navascués. Also, the specialist argues that "in case of a thrombosis in external hemorrhoids repeatedly, should be removed."

Other therapies used by specialists are:

Coagulation with infrared light : It is a heat treatment that coagulates the veins and reduces the size of the hemorrhoids.
Cryotherapy : The use of liquid nitrogen freezes the hemorrhoid and eliminates it.
Sclerosing injections : Scar substances are injected into inflammations, relieving symptoms.
Anopexia Circular Mucosa (AMC) : It is a treatment that uses a circular stapler that prevents blood flow and reduces prolapse.

Other data

Possible complications

Bleeding caused by hemorrhoidal inflation can lead to blood clots that sometimes cause the surrounding tissue to die . Occasionally, bleeding can be very intense due to iron-deficiency anemia, which would be the trigger for a prolonged loss of blood.

It is advisable to go to the doctor when the symptoms of hemorrhoids do not improve with home remedies, excessive bleeding occurs and you suffer from dizziness , dizziness or fainting.

Queen Size 9 Leg Metal Bed Frame with Headboard & Footboard Brackets


Make a bed with pallets? Yes, and in a very simple and economical way.

And that even the headboard is included.

You will only need 6 pallets, which will have to undergo a fungicide treatment if they are recycled, sanded and brushed to leave it smooth and without splinters, give the varnish or paint layer you want, and start assembling.

Dispose of the pallets as in this image and connect them with the help of screws or metal brackets.

This example is for a low pallet bed, which will require a wide mattress, however, resorting to another height of pallets to raise the height of the bed, as always, to taste of each person.

You can choose to put wheels under the bed, yes, good wheels that can withstand the weight of the entire structure.

Queen Size 9 Leg Metal Bed Frame with Headboard & Footboard Brackets
Queen Size 9 Leg Metal Bed Frame with Headboard & Footboard Brackets

The wheels are very comfortable because they allow the mobility of the bed and that for cleaning always goes phenomenal.

If you are not going to move the bed, you need only place the pallets directly on the floor, like this example.

Once you see the result you can give it the color you want. In this example they have resorted to a very dark oil.

Consult in your usual hardware store or in online stores the different shades of oil for wood that there is, so that you can choose between a very natural and clear color, a color honey or darker colors like this one.

If you are one of the ones who adores the color, join the chalk Paint and bet on the pastel shades of chalk that are so good results on the wood. The result is spectacular, don't be afraid to play with the colors!

After giving the color to all the wood and once dry, it is time to join the pallets together so that there is a compact base. To do this, use metal brackets and screws to fix the pallets together.

The result cannot be more beautiful. In this case, they have even decorated the headboard and the bed with abstract drawings applying the technique of decoupage.cama de matrimonio de palets


These pallet-bed structures allow you to take advantage of the spaces to store books, either directly or using drawers made for pallets to put lights in us inside and create a cozy atmosphere in the Bedroom. The most recommended lights are the LED light strips.

Don't you think it's a wonder bed? And at minimum cost!

A very simple way to be able to have your own bed in the shortest possible time and at a very low cost. and made for you that has even more merit!

Best Price Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame - 7 Inch Metal Platform Beds w/ Heavy Duty Steel Construction Compatible with Twin, Full, and Queen Size

Structure of bed and other furniture as decorative elements

The bedroom should be our resting temple. Therefore, it is essential to take care of decoration and order in it. The bed structure is one of the elements to consider together with the tables, the wardrobe, some dresser, dresser ... It depends on the tastes and the available space, of course.

In today's post we will see all those elements that can be included in the decoration of a bedroom, making it more cozy, functional and appetizing.

Best Price Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame - 7 Inch Metal Platform Beds w/ Heavy Duty Steel Construction Compatible with Twin, Full, and Queen Size
Best Price Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame - 7 Inch Metal Platform Beds w/ Heavy Duty Steel Construction Compatible with Twin, Full, and Queen Size

The structure of bed and other bedroom furniture

To see all those elements that we talked about, we are going to go from the essential to the accessory.

The bed structure

The piece of furniture that occupies the most visual space in the bedroom is the bed. Unwillingly, and unless we have a very large space, will always be the center of attention that captures the look as you enter the room. Therefore, it is important to take care of its appearance. We have two possibilities: a bed structure or a conventional bed with headboard.

The bed structure is a piece of furniture with a mattress and mattress. We can find bed structures in infinity of finish and designs. From the most modern to the most classic, through designs in wrought iron, wood ... The main advantage of these structures is that they are a decorative element in themselves and are very solid. As a disadvantage, we can say that they occupy more space than a conventional one, so it will have to be taken into account for smaller bedrooms.

In Colchón Exprés we have perfect bed structures to decorate your bedroom with style and without sacrificing the comfort and quality that characterizes us.

In the case of deciding on a conventional bed, that is, a base and mattress, we can add a headboard. The great advantage of this option is that it occupies less space than a bed structure and that we can also add the type of base we want without restrictions.


The second most spectacular piece of furniture in the bedroom is the wardrobe. More and more people are deciding to place fitted wardrobes in their rooms. In this way, the furniture is integrated into the architecture of the room. It seems that it does not occupy space and also allows to take advantage of every corner for storage.

When you lack the space in your closet and you can not include other furniture, you can resort to folding canapés. It is an excellent way to take advantage of the space available under the bed.

The bedside tables

The bedside tables are necessary to have a base of support for the alarm clock, a glass of water, a lamp or a book that we are reading. And if we can also choose a model with drawers, we will be gaining storage space for small objects.

nightstands are essential in the bedroom


The dresser is an element that should not be missing in the bedroom. They are especially useful for storing small items of clothing: underwear, scarves, ties, handkerchiefs ... In addition, they serve as support for other decorative elements: some flowers, some pictures, ceramic pieces ...

The dressers are ideal for storing small objects in the bedroom

A bench or a shoe remover

If you have a large bedroom, there is a series of furniture that can be very useful. For example, a small bench or a shoe remover. They help to dress, take off, or just sit down when necessary.

Dressing table

There are people who would love to have a dressing table in their bedroom. It is not always possible, because of a space problem. Although we can improvise one by adding a mirror on the dresser. It will be enough to incorporate some small jewelery storage accessory for accessories and make-up to have a dressing area.


When decorating a bedroom, do not forget about accessories. They are the ones who will give that personal touch to the environment. Pictures, photographs, flowers, bedding , a mirror ... All this helps create your ideal space for relaxation.

Ecos Living 14 Inch Wood Platform Bed Frame/Steel Slat Non-Slip Support/Acorn (Full)

Types of beds - discover the different types

If you are thinking about replacing your bed, it might be very useful to know the trends in this important bedroom furniture. Choosing the right bed is vital for the rooms and in this decision we will take into account both its aesthetic appearance and its comfort and functionality. We should look at: the size, the design, the style, the material and the characteristics. Of course, the distribution, size and decoration of the room will also be important in the decisive process. Keep reading this unCOMO article and find out what all the types of beds you can find in furniture and decoration stores.

Ecos Living 14 Inch Wood Platform Bed Frame/Steel Slat Non-Slip Support/Acorn (Full)
Ecos Living 14 Inch Wood Platform Bed Frame/Steel Slat Non-Slip Support/Acorn (Full)

You may also be interested: Ideas and pictures of sofa or sofa beds - children, youth and adults styles

The size of the bed

The beds can be classified into four basic sizes , with their varieties:

  •     Individual, more suitable for people who live alone or children's rooms.
  •     Double beds , for two people. They are the most common.
  •     King Size beds , the largest, which we often find in hotels. They measure 2x2 meters and, when buying them, you are investing in space and comfort, although it is recommended if this piece of furniture is not going to occupy too much in your room.
  •     The so-called Queen beds are the intermediate step between matrimonial and maxitamaño. Its length ranges between 1.90 cm and 2 meters, while the width would be between 1.75 cm and 1.80 centimeters.

Types of beds - discover the different types - The size of the bed

Most common materials for bed support

The bed support material will also determine how it will be together. Wood is the most common in the manufacture of beds, so it will cost us less to find a great variety. It is a very suitable material because of the warmth it brings.

Also, sometimes, we have seen a structure in iron or metal. The wrought iron ones remind us of past decades and it is more unusual to see them in current constructions. Many designers, however, recover other materials such as aluminum or steel that, while not providing the same warmth as wood, also gives us good results and great versatility.

Wicker or rattan are sustainable materials that are becoming fashionable for headboards and pieceros beds, although the structure is made of other materials. They are firm, luminous materials that will give us a touch of fresh air and nature in the bedrooms. Another variety is offered by headboards and pieceros made in fabric.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Most common materials for bed support
The traditional beds

Regarding the design, this will define the shape and structure of the base of the bed. Traditional beds are usually panel-type (in English, they are called Panel Bed) , usually made of wood. They have a headboard and a support for parallel feet and connected by the piece that serves as the base for the mattress. Within these traditional beds, the market surprises with a great variety of materials, models and designs. The headboard and footboard can be of the same height, although the headboard is usually higher and have very different shapes.

Something similar is offered by beds that, instead of panels, make four wooden poles , one in each corner. This type of post bed is very elegant and suitable for couples. Like the previous one, the most usual material is wood.

The headboards of these more traditional beds can vary greatly in terms of shapes (simply square, rounded, asymmetrical, with curvature ...), as does the panel at the feet, which can be straight, concave, convex , etc.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Traditional beds
Industrial beds, simply stand

Many people are committed to the simplicity and spaciousness of a bed without a headboard , which simply consists of a structure and a mattress. This type of beds are very suitable for modern and minimalist designs, while the others will be better for rustic or classic styles.

The weight of the decoration in this type of beds will fall on the quilt and other elements to put on the wall of the headboard, like the paintings.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Industrial beds, simply support
Scandinavian style, simplicity

Between the traditional and the industrial ones, there would be Scandinavian-style beds , which we sometimes see in stores like Ikea. It is a simple structure that incorporates a headboard that is fixed to the wall (without a footboard). This headboard can come with integrated tables or even a shelf to facilitate storage in the room.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Scandinavian style, simplicity
To save space: murfy beds, trundle beds or with drawers

If we have a space problem or are thinking of buying this bed for guest bedrooms, the "Murfy" beds will be a good option to consider. At first sight, they look like a normal living room furniture, with shelves and drawers, but, in its central part, we will find a folding bed.

Other solutions for storage, ideal for the children's room , are the trundle beds , which keep a second bed below the usual one. It is incredibly functional for visits. Bunk beds or bunk beds are also an interesting option for children's rooms.

In addition to all these and the so-called sofa-beds, we have another option that will allow to keep the stays much more collected. They are those with multiple drawers incorporated in the base. They are ideal for storing our belongings and clothes, for example, clothes from another season.
Types of beds - discover the different types - To save space: murfy beds, trundle beds or with drawers
Beds with canopy

For those dreamers who want a legendary bed, four-poster beds will be very appropriate. They are those whose structure extends upwards in vertical and is usually covered with thin curtains , usually of vaporous fabric.

The canopy can be presented in a square shape or with a central support point so that the curtain falls in a triangular shape. The advantage of this bed is that it increases the privacy of whoever is going to use it and protects from light or cold.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Beds with canopy
Modern beds, to leave the usual

Maybe you're looking for something more innovative for your next bed. Currently, designers offer us increasingly original and unusual beds, which break with traditional sleeping structures.

One of them is tatami beds , Japanese-inspired, which are simply a thick structure on the floor and a mattress on top. The room will win in aesthetics and modernity and many people find them much more comfortable.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Modern beds, to get out of the ordinary
Floating beds

The latest in avant-garde decoration are the floating beds, which are nothing more than a wooden structure with a support that makes them seem suspended in the air. When we sit on these types of beds, our feet hang. The design is the most innovative.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Floating beds
Round beds

Who has never dreamed of having a round bed? They leave aside the usual rectangular shape and opt for roundness , taking a big step in terms of design.

The great disadvantage is the space they occupy, we must have a very large room to be able to have a round bed and that this gives us the necessary functionality.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Round beds
Moon beds

It consists of a structure with the shape of a moon , from whose vertex can fall, or not, vaporous curtains to complete the set.

There is another variety, called "cloud bed" , which completely closes the circle, although this may give a feeling of 'encierro' more than the previous one.
Letto Zip, for those who are really looking for something different

This unusual bed is one of the most modern known. Its structure made of soft materials guarantees comfort and has the particularity that we can close it with a zipper when we do not have time to make the bed.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Letto Zip, for those who are really looking for something different
Capsule beds

These beds that are very good for futuristic decoration, consist of a round capsule with a large opening to access them. On the capsule, you can put quilts, mattresses and cushions that you need for your rest.
Rocking bed, innovative structure

Elegant, practical, but very disruptive we found the rocking bed . Its concave structure, normally made of wood, flees from straight lines and bets on the funniest design.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Rocking bed, innovative structure
Dinghy, a bed for children and adults

The little ones will find their peace and intimacy in this type of bed proposed as an island for them. Made of a soft and soft material , this bed is original more than its shape, because of the material of its structure. The Dinghy bed is also a very good option for adults.
Types of beds - discover the different types - Dinghy, a bed for children and adults
To feel in nature while we sleep

One of the favorites -and of great originality- is the voyage bed made of rattan. Mix the most traditional with the modern. We will feel in it in a nest or a boat, without a doubt one of the most exotic proposals of the market.

In addition to all these styles for your bed, remember that you can modernize it in different ways: replacing or decorating the headboard , choosing a modern bedding, modifying the furniture around it or providing it with fluffy and varied cushions.
Types of beds - discover the different types - To feel in nature while we sleep

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Night Therapy Platform Metal Bed Frame/Foundation Set(SmartBase + Metal Brackets for Headboard & Footboard + Bed Skirt - Queen) - No Box Spring needed

Building a bed frame

The whole business of making things with raised panels has given me lots of thought over recent years. But router bit sets for making raised panels are relatively expensive, and very limited in terms of thickness of material they can handle.
They also prevent the use of mortise and tenon joints on the frame, because the throat depth on the router bits is too small to accommodate much of a tenon. So I did an experiment to see how well I could shape the frame more by hand. I just made the panel flat (no need for a bit), and used a quarter round router bit as far as I could into the corner, and then carved all the way into the corner with a chisel. So I could approximate the effect of the raised panel router bits this way.

Night Therapy Platform Metal Bed Frame/Foundation Set(SmartBase + Metal Brackets for Headboard & Footboard + Bed Skirt - Queen) - No Box Spring needed
Night Therapy Platform Metal Bed Frame/Foundation Set(SmartBase + Metal Brackets for Headboard & Footboard + Bed Skirt - Queen) - No Box Spring needed

Although it was labor intensive, I was reasonably satisfied with the results. I would not like a whole kitchen this way, but I figured it might be good for a project.

I figured this approach would be nice for a headboard for a bed, and I wanted to build a new bed frame anyway. So I bought the lumber and started working away at it. I decided to go with a non-square shape for the panels. I first cut out the basic shape with a bandsaw, and then put it together with square mortise and tenon joints.

For the panel, I decided to use some very nice 5-ply 5/16 inch birch plywood that came from a discarded shipping crate. My cheap router bit set came with a T slot cutter of the same thickness, but that bit had no guide roller. So I made a fixed guide, and bolted that to the base router - see image above right. That worked surprisingly well.

After I cut the groove into the frame for the panel, I realized that I could not use the roller guide on my quarter round bit, because I had a grove right where the roller guide would press against the wood. Oops! I could have made another wooden guide, like I did with the other bit router. But I had been thinking of the whole bed a bit more of a hand-carved look, so I just carved an approximation of the quarter round profile with a draw knife and a spoke shave.

I used the same approach to carve the outside edge of the headboard, especially because I did not have the right shape of router bit for the profile I wanted.

The next step was to make the posts for the bed. These I glued together out of two pieces of construction lumber to get the right thickness. Two 2x4's would do the trick, but I have found that I can get a lot better quality lumber by buying 2x10x8 pieces. These, by necessity, have to come from larger trees, and tend to be higher quality. The price per unit of lumber is of course more for these, but using construction lumber for furniture is in general remove cheap, so it does not add much to the cost.

For the tops of the posts, I decided on a ball shaped top. I wanted this to be an integral part of the posts, so this required turning the whole posts on my lathe. Now, my lathe is quite big and heavy, but the lathe was not quite long enough to mount the posts for the headboard side of the bed. It is very low tech, it is easy to build an extension for the tail stock of it out of wood.

I left a little bit of wood past the knob, which I cut off afterwards. That way, the hole I had to drill for the dead center to turn in, and the oil I had to put on it to let it run smooth, were cut away.

The next step was to attach the headboard to the posts. Normally, for this type of joint, I would use a mortise and tenon joint. But, I found myself unable to cut the tenons at the ends of the headboard, because I did not have enough ceiling to put the headboard pieces vertically into my tenon jig on the table saw. Strength for this joint was not critical, so I just decided to join it with dowels.

To get the dowel holes aligned precisely, I had the idea of ​​making a drill out of a piece of hardwood, and just drilling through that to get repeatable hole alignment.

This worked well in terms of getting the holes aligned precisely, but with a catch. I could not fit the headboard in my drill press, so I just drilled the holes with a hand drill. I'm usually pretty good at judging right angles, but it's hard to do while also pushing down really hard on a hand drill. For two of the holes, I was about five degrees off in one axis. I compensated for this by tapping on one side of the dowels for those holes, and just pounding it with a rubber mallet when I attached the headboard to the posts. I have since then built to horizontal boring jig to avoid this problem.

This being a "proper" wooden bed, it has bed rails on the sides of the mattress. I'm using these bed rail hooks, so the whole bed can be taken apart easily. I bought these at The Home Depot. The Home Depot calls them "bed rail clips", but you will have more success on the internet searching for "bed rail hooks". Last time I checked, The Home Depot only carried the 4 "bed rail hooks, which would be too small for this bed. through the bed rail so that the screws holding the bed rail clips actually have some cross-grain hardwood to thread in. These are blind holes, so they can only be seen from the mattress side when the bed is assembled - see image at right.

The side rails also have a ledge on the inside to hold the slats (not yet mounted in the picture at right). The slats are essentially supported by the bed rails.

The foot board for the most part is the same as the head board, but shorter, less curved, and without any panels in it.

The bed was too large for me to be able to assemble it in my workshop , so I did not actually assemble it completely until after it was all done and varnished. The first time I put it together was in my driveway. After I took this photo, I shortened the legs a little bit.

The next test assembly was in my living room with the mattress in it. At that point I decided to taper the ends of the slats so they would sit a bit further down in the bed frame. This lowered the mattress down by about a centimeter. And then finally, I set it up in my bedroom.