Saturday, February 23, 2019

LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified

When should I change my mattress?

When to change the mattress
There are many questions that arise about whether our rest team needs a change or can use one more season. Most people are not aware of what it means to sleep on a quality mattress and in good condition . These are some data that will surely interest you:

  • We spend an average of 14400 minutes per month on our rest equipment .
  • A mattress of more than 10 years, stops being completely healthy and becomes harmful, regardless of the use that has been given. This is explained by Asocama (Spanish Association of Bed) after several clinical studies.
  • Over the years, our body experiences metabolic or physical changes (loss or weight gain, growth, pregnancy, bone or muscle diseases, injuries ...), and the mattress that a few years ago fitted us perfectly, can not be the healthiest after these circumstances, because our characteristics and physical conditions have varied.
  • The importance of a healthy rest
  • A good rest is as important in our day to day as a healthy diet and a correct physical activity. When there is a sleep disorder or a bad rest, from the first day the rest of factors that condition our stability as people are also affected . For example, not sleeping well affects our physical performance (we feel more tired), and our fatigue conditions our intellectual performance (less concentration at work, less attention to important tasks of day to day, forgetting important issues, disorientation), and even our humor and our ability to assimilate the routine.

LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified
LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified

Over time, if a solution to this problem is not achieved, it can lead to serious problems that will require the help of a specialist to overcome them: insomnia, chronic fatigue, vertigo, muscle injuries ...

According to a study by Asocama, 18% of the population suffers from muscular pain, 6.8% suffer from allergy problems, 5.4% suffer from insomnia, and 20% suffer from other types of illnesses that could be related to rest. In addition, 18.5% feel tired and without energy when they wake up in the morning, and 13.5% get up with muscle aches. According to this, we can affirm that more than 30% of the population is not resting on the most adequate and healthy rest equipment . In addition, the older the rest equipment used by sleepers, the greater the percentage of people who do not sleep well, wake up exhausted or in pain.

The conclusion of all this can not be other: people are not aware that many of their health problems are related to their rest equipment. Because if they were aware, they would most likely invest in their health.

You need to renew your rest equipment if ...
After what was explained above, here are a series of situations in which you probably need to renew your mattress:

You get up tired usually . This condition can be due to various causes such as specific diseases, poor diet, depression or when we are taking strong medications that can cause fatigue. However, in most cases, when there is constant exhaustion, and especially if it is accompanied by muscular or lumbar ailments, our rest team may be responsible.
Your rest equipment is between 8 and 10 years old . The maximum life of a mattress is 10 years. However, not all mattresses achieve this durability, since it also depends on the use that is given, the quality of them, or the materials that form it and even the characteristics of the sleepers that use it. Make sure that the mattress you are going to use every day does not belong to an economic range, since in the medium term it will cost more. You can find more information in our Mattress Guide.

Your mattress is sunken or deformed . As we said, the life of a mattress also depends on the use that is given to it. If your mattress suffers a deformation in its guarantee period (usually during the first 2 years), it is probably due to a manufacturing problem, in which case you should contact the manufacturer of the mattress. If, on the other hand, the mattress loses firmness, sinks or becomes deformed in the following years, it is most likely due to the use that has been given, or because the physical characteristics of the sleepers with problems such as overweight, for example , do not adapt to the benefits that mattress offered (low quality, little firmness). In many cases, in addition, the deterioration of a mattress in the first 5 years of use is due to poor maintenance of the mattress (it has not been turned over or ventilated, or it has been used on bedspaces or incompatible or defective bases).

You have experienced physical changes . Throughout the years people and metabolism are changing, and we must adapt our rest equipment to our new physical conditions. This is: if you have become pregnant, if you have gained weight in recent years, if you have had an accident or illness that has affected your physical condition or even if you have gone through a stage of life (childhood, youth, adulthood or old age) and you feel that your physical conditions are not the same. Each person needs a certain type of mattress in each period of their life.

You have been a mother or father, or your son has grown up . Children of growing age need to change their rest equipment more often than when they reach adulthood. The needs of a 6-month-old baby are different from those of 4, 12 or 16 years old. Find out what mattress is the most recommended for your child. You can do it in this report on mattresses for children .

You have moved On many occasions people who start a new life in a new home, change their old mattress for a new one taking advantage of the move and the purchase of new furniture. In these circumstances it is very common for the furniture store to offer a gift mattress for the purchase of the furniture. If it is your case, you must ensure the quality of the mattress that you are going to give, because they are almost always mattresses with very basic characteristics and that have not been offered after evaluating your needs, preferences and physical conditions. It is quite risky to trust this type of mattress for daily use.

Your mattress is worn . As many people are not aware of the important role that our mattress plays in our health, many people do not know that the mattress or base on which they support their mattress can harm the condition of it. That is, if your mattress is defective and your mattress is new, there is a great chance that your mattress will end up damaged by the mattress, in which case the manufacturer's warranty would not be responsible for the incident. If you change your mattress, change your mattress.
You need a guest bed or a second home . If this is your case, you can get fantastic offers for those auxiliary beds that are only going to be used on certain occasions, since it is generally not worth making a significant investment in a mattress that is hardly going to be used. In our cheap mattresses you have several options.
If these are your circumstances, the only thing left for us to say is that you should not forget that, when choosing your rest equipment, it is advisable to consult a specialist in rest, because after asking you some questions about your tastes and conditions physical, may recommend the healthiest mattresses for you.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Olee Sleep 10 Inch Gel Infused Layer Top Memory Foam Mattress Blue, Full

5 signs that it's time to renew your mattress

There is no mattress so good that it lasts all of life; at least taking into account that the health of your body will depend on your good performance and that you can rest well every night. Have you not changed yours for a long time? Do you want to know if it is time to change the mattress ? Next, we tell you what the signs are that the time for a change is coming.

A mattress should be changed, ideally, every 10 years. If before that time your mattress has any of the 5 signs listed below, it is convenient to replace it before.

Olee Sleep 10 Inch Gel Infused Layer Top Memory Foam Mattress Blue, Full
Olee Sleep 10 Inch Gel Infused Layer Top Memory Foam Mattress Blue, Full

# 5 Pains in the lower back
If you wake up every day with discomfort or pain in the lower back, or even have backaches that you did not have before, your mattress may not be a good support for your upper body.

# 4 Unevenness in the mattress

Look well at the mattress without the sheet and look for small dimples, bulges, unevenness .... If there are, you know, another reason to change mattresses .

# 3 You are allergic to your mattress
Mites and allergens take over the mattresses, and the situation gets worse when the mattress is not latex. If the desire to sneeze invades you every time you lie down in your bed, replace your mattress without further delay.

# 2 Rest better on another mattress

This is a good way to know what features your mattress offers you. If you have the opportunity to sleep in another bed, upon awakening compare how you feel the body and ask yourself how well you have slept. If the answer is that you sleep better on another mattress, it means that you should change yours for a new one.

# 1 You are 40 but awake as of 50
When we grow older it is necessary to have support in conditions to avoid possible bodily ailments or that those that we already have are not accrued. For this reason, after 40 years, the ideal is to replace the mattress every 7 years and give the necessary care to last. Do you know how to keep a mattress in good condition ? Take a look at the next and last page.

Tips for keeping a mattress in good condition

Turn the mattress every week (do not let two months pass), this way your wear will be uniform.

Do not let your little children jump on the mattress regardless of the type and material it is made of.

Place the mattress on a sturdy, strong and resistant bed support, this way the mattress will last longer in good conditions.

Now that you know how to identify the signs that it is time to renew the mattress , we invite you to read How to choose a good mattress.

LUCID 12 Inch Full Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Motion Isolating Springs - CertiPUR-US Certified

When should we change the mattress?

A question we ask ourselves often is whether our mattress, in which we sleep every night for many years, is fulfilling its function. And we ask this question when we feel, rather, when we experience (first hand) that something is not right in our rest.

Surely you are already tired or tired of hearing that if a person sleeps well he gets up full of energy and you, no matter how hard you try, do not get up like this in the morning. So, in Dormitorum we tell you that something is wrong, that you have a problem with your rest. But, keep calm! that problem is easier to solve than you think.

LUCID 12 Inch Full Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Motion Isolating Springs - CertiPUR-US Certified
LUCID 12 Inch Full Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Motion Isolating Springs - CertiPUR-US Certified

Have you considered changing the mattress of your bed? Yes, the solution is as simple as making a small change. If you consider that you have a full life, without health problems and enjoy optimal psychological and emotional well-being, you do not have to sleep badly. On the contrary, with these conditions you have more than assured rest.

So here, the problem is not you but your mattress. Yes, as you read, mattresses (like yogurt) have an expiration date. And now just ask: how old is your mattress?

How often is it advisable to change the mattress?
The rest equipment has expiration date, its useful life is exhausted due to a series of factors, mainly by the progressive wear of the materials and the use that is given, among other conditions. The good condition or poor condition of the mattress is what determines the quality of the sleep you have, and the importance of rest should be one of the fundamental points if you want to enjoy a full life.

In Dormitorum we do not want you to have health problems, so we are going to give you some guidelines so that you can make an exhaustive analysis of the condition of the mattresses in your home, since it may be time to change some, especially the one that you use all the nights to sleep.

Factors to consider
You do not need to be an expert in rest to know when you have to change the mattress of your bed. You do not have to go to a mattress store to ask if you should renew it (although if you come to Dormitorum, of course we will be happy to assist you!). You do not need to search the Internet on thousands of sites when you should renew your mattress. You do not have to be an expert in the field. Why?

Because there are some factors that tell you that it is your mattress that needs a definite rest since it has already done its job of giving you every night the restful sleep you need. Anyway, in Dormitorum we want to give you some tips so that you have them in mind.

Mattress age
The average life of a mattress is estimated at 10 years, of course this has its nuances as we will see in the next point. With the passage of time, the materials from which the mattress is manufactured are suffering progressive wear, which will end up damaging the quality of sleep night after night.

Therefore, it is best to change the mattress every 10 years or so. In any case, there are materials that are more durable than others, after what we have.

Use that has been given
Obviously, the use that is given to a mattress has a great weight in the wear of the material. The life of your mattress will depend on whether you use it daily or if it is a sporadic mattress.

As you can imagine, the wear of a mattress on which you sleep every day, night after night, for many years is much greater than the one you use only to sleep sporadically on weekends, which will last some more time. But beware, using it once in a while does not mean that your life will be twice as long, only that it will hold you a little longer.

Fabrication material
The type of material can also influence the durability of the mattress. Quality is always synonymous with profit and a mattress made of quality materials will last much longer than a mattress of inferior quality. But beware, that quality is no longer synonymous with expensive.

At present there are mattress stores that manufacture their own products using high quality materials and, in this way, they can sell them at cost price. By the way, do you know that Dormitorum is one of these manufacturers that sells quality at low cost?

Signs that indicate that you must renew it
We just taught you the theory, which is always good to know, right? But the practice is what really tells you if your mattress is the one that needs a permanent rest. So all you have to do is be alert for signs that your mattress is in poor condition. Let's move on to evaluate the following factors.

You get up tired
Numerous research and scientific studies have shown that resting is synonymous with health, we have been listening to the consequences of a bad sleeping life for years. And surely you are tired or tired of listening to it, because you have verified that it is true.

They're going to tell you that you do not know! That every day you're looking forward to bedtime to lie in your bed and sleep like a log. And at that moment two situations can occur.

One of them is that even if a bomb falls by your side you are not able to wake up, not even the noise of a fly with the desire to be gay can get you awake. But despite sleeping all night long, you wake up with a terrible fatigue, as if you had only slept two or three hours. And when you touch the alarm and you get up (you do not know how), you wonder how this can happen to you?

The other situation that occurs is the opposite, that you can not sleep. Despite being very tired or tired from having a day full of activities (work, home, children, a little sport, shopping, your social life, etc.), the time comes when you lie in bed , you relax, you're about to fall asleep and ... a lap, another lap and so on all night. And you think why? with what my body and mind need to rest and (without having any kind of concern) you can not recharge the batteries.

Olee Sleep 10 inch Omega Hybrid Gel Infused Memory Foam and Pocket Spring Mattress (Full)

When do I have to change my mattress?

Like any other element of our home that we use daily, our rest equipment suffers progressive wear.

  • A good maintenance schedule will allow the mattress to have a longer useful life, but if we check it for signs of wear, the recommendation for hygiene and comfort is to replace it with a new one.
  • The general recommendation on the renewal term of our mattress is 8 to 10 years as long as we do not notice obvious signs of wear or malformation, in which case it should be changed as soon as possible to avoid possible health problems and improve our quality dream.
  • During the course of the years the components of the rest equipment are losing effectiveness, with what in the end the bad state affects our rest.
  • To prevent the period within which we must replace our mattress is shortened, we must ensure that wear is progressive and homogeneous, following a few basic maintenance guidelines as rotate positions every three months.

Should I change all the elements of the rest equipment?

In addition, to maintain mattress conditions it is important to have a good base. The specialists recommend changing the rest equipment if the base presents some type of damage, because a base in bad condition will reduce the effectiveness of the mattress.
The main reason for the change of a bed frame is the breakage of some of its parts or the change of comfort level of the rest set, for example, if you want to increase the total firmness, one of the options is to change the bed base by a rigid base.
Finally, we should not forget that the pillow is also part of the rest equipment and recommend changing it every two years.

Olee Sleep 10 inch Omega Hybrid Gel Infused Memory Foam and Pocket Spring Mattress (Full)
Olee Sleep 10 inch Omega Hybrid Gel Infused Memory Foam and Pocket Spring Mattress  (Full)

From Pikolin we offer you some basic recommendations before changing mattresses:

  • Know what type of mattress we have used during these years and what technology has been used in its manufacture to have a starting point in the search for a new rest equipment.
  •  Go to a specialized store and let yourself be advised by the professionals.
  • Give all the indications to the specialist in rest on the needs at the time of sleeping, if you sleep alone or accompanied, if there is a lot of weight difference between both, your height, if it is for a first home or a second, if the person going to sleep is very hot, whopping, if it is allergic, what basis rest is currently going to change, etc ... all the information that can help us give a personalized recommendation to our needs.
  • Test in situ the mattresses that we believe can be adjusted to our needs. Lying in the same position we use when we sleep, and if we do it as a couple, try it both. There are many different materials in the market. The important thing is to feel good with the solution proposed by the specialist in rest, our back and sleep are at stake.
  • Learn about the mattress warranty and do not rely on products that are confusing or excessively long, since as we have seen, the average life of a mattress is 8 to 10 years.
  • Remember that you must have patience and advise with specialists in rest since the purchase of a mattress is a very important choice on which it will depend that you obtain a perfect rest in quality and quantity to get up with the energy that your body needs.

Olee Sleep 10 Inch Cool I-Gel Foam Top Innerspring Mattress 10SM01F

The mattress, when do you have to change it?

Although our rest equipment does not mention an expiration date as they exist in food, the passage of time also entails a wear of the materials and the possibility that over time your rest will be affected in a negative way.

Therefore, from Pikolin we want to answer several questions that you may have regarding your rest equipment.

The general recommendation on the renewal term is between 8 and 10 years. During this period of time, the components of the rest equipment are losing quality and effectiveness until reaching a point where their use can harm our rest. To reach this period, the ideal is to achieve progressive and homogeneous wear, therefore, basic maintenance steps must be followed. That is, a mattress that has not been rotated and rotated as recommended will lose its properties more quickly for a proper rest.

Olee Sleep 10 Inch Cool I-Gel Foam Top Innerspring Mattress 10SM01F
Olee Sleep 10 Inch Cool I-Gel Foam Top Innerspring Mattress 10SM01F

In addition, to maintain mattress conditions it is important to have a good base. The specialists recommend changing the rest equipment completely, because a damaged base can diminish effectiveness of the mattress.

Nor should we forget about the pillow whose renewal period is a maximum of 2 years.


Advances in the rest industry have made even the simplest mattresses have a satisfactory durability; that is, breakages or subsidence are prevented. But this is not enough. In addition to durability, it is important to maintain the capacity of the equipment to guarantee optimal conditions for rest. Continuous wire technology such as Normablock® or Normactive® from Pikolin, or new sophisticated materials such as Bultex®, place special emphasis on the rest equipment maintaining its properties throughout its useful life.

With a good maintenance mattress wear is very progressive and it is not noticeable since we sleep every day in it, little by little we get used to it. The clear evidences are two, the time passed from the date of purchase and, the most important, not sleeping well, getting up with back pain and with the sensation of not having rested.


32% of the Spanish population uses these two expressions: "I get up tired, without energy" and "I wake up with muscular pains", the percentage of people who use these two phrases increases significantly when the mattress on which they sleep has more than 10 years.

Since each case is very specific and it is difficult to give general recommendations in these cases.

From Pikolin we recommend to go to the specialist doctor so that he is the one who would advise him what type of mattress and / or pillow would be the ideal one for each specific situation (level of firmness and adaptability, etc ...).


It is advisable.

It is best to inform the specialist about the mattress or base that you have at home so that he is the one who recommends the best option. All this after having inspected us at home if it shows obvious signs of wear, in which case it has to be changed.

If the time has come to change the mattress, find out in a very simple way which mattress is the one that fits your needs, with only 6 questions. Also, so you can try it, we tell you where you can find it for more ease.

Saridjo Donut Seat Cushion | Medical Pillow Seats for Back & Lumbar Support | Inflatable Chair Pillows for Coccyx, Pregnancy, Hemorrhoids & Surgery Recovery | for Men & Women | Black - 22 inches

Know what are the creams for hemorrhoids

Some examples of pomades for hemorrhoids are Proctoacid, Ultraproct and Doxiproct plus that can be used after prescription by the general practitioner or proctologist in a medical consultation.

These ointments act as analgesics, decreasing inflammation and can also have healing or moisturizing action, some of them are:

  •     Neobatin - is an antibiotic ointment used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, which contains antibiotics Neomycin and Bacitracin, which are used to treat wounds of the skin and mucous membranes, preventing infections and helping to heal the skin.
  •     Xifen - is a medicine that comes in tablets and has the function of strengthening the veins of the area with hemorrhoids, it works as an anti-inflammatory, relieving pain and itching.
  •     Proctoacid - is an anesthetic and astringent ointment that can be used in the treatment of internal or external hemorrhoids, treating pain and inflammation, contracting blood vessels thus stopping bleeding.
  •     Doxiproct plus - is an anesthetic ointment that reduces inflammation, bleeding and relieves the symptoms of pain, burning and itching.
  •     Ultraproct - is a corticoid ointment that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, thus relieving pain, swelling, burning and itching. This ointment can be used in the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids.

Some of these ointments, such as Proctoacid or Ultraproct, can be used even after surgery for Hemorrhoids, always following the indications of the proctologist.

Saridjo Donut Seat Cushion | Medical Pillow Seats for Back & Lumbar Support | Inflatable Chair Pillows for Coccyx, Pregnancy, Hemorrhoids & Surgery Recovery | for Men & Women | Black - 22 inches
Saridjo Donut Seat Cushion | Medical Pillow Seats for Back & Lumbar Support | Inflatable Chair Pillows for Coccyx, Pregnancy, Hemorrhoids & Surgery Recovery | for Men & Women | Black - 22 inches

Ointments for hemorrhoids in pregnancy and post-partum

None of these ointments should be used in pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding without medical advice. For this reason, if the pregnant woman or the nursing mother feels some discomfort due to the hemorrhoids, the ideal is to go to the doctor, to be evaluated and the doctor to prescribe the most appropriate and least harmful medication for the baby.

Homemade and natural ointments for hemorrhoids

Homemade and natural pomades for hemorrhoids can also be useful in relieving pain and discomfort because they moisturize the skin and fight inflammation. Some examples of these natural ointments are:

1. Homemade ointment based on Hamamelis : it is a natural ointment, which can be prepared at home, its main ingredient being the Hamamelis virginica plant. This ointment can be applied daily in external hemorrhoids, relieving pain, discomfort and irritation.

Ingredients :

  •     4 spoons of Hamamelis peels;
  •     60 ml of liquid paraffin;
  •     60 ml of glycerin.

Preparation method :

In a pot add the witch hazel and liquid paraffin shells, boil for 5 minutes. Next, strain the obtained mixture and add the glycerin and mix well again. Then place the obtained ointment in a container with lid and you should keep it in the refrigerator.

2. Nelsons H + Care Ointment Haemorrhoid Relief Cream : is a natural ointment, made from natural ingredients such as Horse Chestnut, Witch Hazel, Calendula and Paeonia, which treats, soothes and softens external hemorrhoids, providing relief from irritation, pain and itching, also improving venous circulation. This is a homeopathic ointment, which can be purchased online, in some pharmacies or even by amazon.

In addition to this, Ruscus is another medicinal plant used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, since it tones and reduces the swelling of blood vessels, also improving blood circulation.

How to use the pill for hemorrhoids

To use the pomade for hemorrhoids a small amount of ointment should be applied 2 to 3 times per day, according to the medical indication, and always after the evacuation the anal region should be washed with soap and water. The duration of treatment will depend on whether the hemorrhoid is internal or external, and should be indicated by the doctor.

In the treatment for external hemorrhoids the ointment should be applied in the external region of the anus, and its application should be done with a gentle massage until the ointment is completely absorbed. Learn more about the treatment of external hemorrhoids .

In the treatment for internal hemorrhoids the ointment should be placed using an applicator, so that the ointment can be introduced into the anus. After the application the applicator should be washed with soap and water.

Tips for caring for hemorrhoids

Treatment for internal or external hemorrhoids can be done by taking certain measures such as: avoid using toilet paper and wash the anal region with soap and water after evacuations, avoid making much effort to evacuate, perform a diet rich in fibers to improve the Stool consistency and drink plenty of water during the day to facilitate intestinal transit.

In addition to this, it can also be recommended to do the ligation treatment with elastic band or sclerotherapy, and in case no treatment works, the doctor may order surgery.

Calmovil Hemorrhoid Cooling Cream - Burning, Itching, Bleeding, Swelling Hemorrhoid Treatment Cream

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

There are some home remedies that can be used to relieve symptoms and cure external hemorrhoids faster, complementing the treatment by the doctor. Some good examples are the seat bath with horse chestnut or the use of a witch hazel ointment, but there are other solutions such as increasing the consumption of fiber-rich foods and taking garlic, echinacea or Psyllium capsules.

Garlic and echinacea capsules are also excellent options for combating internal hemorrhoids, but these home treatments should not replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor, which may include the use of pain killers, ointments or balms.

Calmovil Hemorrhoid Cooling Cream - Burning, Itching, Bleeding, Swelling Hemorrhoid Treatment Cream
Calmovil Hemorrhoid Cooling Cream - Burning, Itching, Bleeding, Swelling Hemorrhoid Treatment Cream

Home remedies for external hemorrhoids

1. Seat bath with horse chestnut

Horse chestnut is one of the most proven natural ingredients for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, because they contain properties that improve circulation. Likewise, horse chestnut is also rich in Escin, a type of saponin that exerts a strong anti-inflammatory effect, relieving pain and discomfort.


  •     60 grams of powdered horse-chestnut peel;
  •     2 liters of boiling water.

Preparation mode

Mix all the ingredients and let boil for more than 12 minutes. When it is warm, it should be strained and placed in a bucket or large container. Then you should sit down, without underwear, for 20 minutes. Repeat this home treatment for at least 5 days.

Horse chestnut can also be ingested in the form of capsules. To get the best results, you should take about 300 mg, 2 times per day, but the treatment can also be done with 40 mg, 3 times per day.

2. Toilet seat with cypress

The cypress has calming and antimicrobial properties that help control pain and reduce inflammation, making the hemorrhoid return to normal.


  •     1.5 liters of boiling water;
  •     8 drops of cypress essential oil.

Preparation mode
The drops of cypress essential oil should be placed in hot water and mixed well. When the water temperature is pleasant, the person should sit in the container and remain for at least 20 minutes at least, letting the remedy work.

Another option to use another essential oil is to apply 2 or 3 drops in another vegetable oil, such as sweet almond oil, for example, and apply it directly on the region. This essential oil of cypress, should not be applied directly on the skin, because it can cause a burn.

3. Witch hazel homemade ointment

Witch hazel is another plant with excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which help to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. An excellent way to use witch hazel is to make a homemade ointment, as indicated below.


  •     60 ml of liquid paraffin;
  •     4 tbsp of witch hazel peels;
  •     60 ml of glycerin.

Preparation mode

Place the paraffin and witch hazel in a pot and boil for 5 minutes. Next, strain and add 30 ml of glycerin to the mixture. Place in a covered container and store in the refrigerator. Use daily for 1 month, whenever necessary.

4. Seat baths with Epsom salts

Epsom salts can also be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because it is excellent for reducing inflammation, and can easily be added to water. Thus, in addition to the warm water that helps stimulate the normal functioning of the intestine, this home treatment also has a strong anti-inflammatory component that is released by the salts.


  •     2 caps of epsom salts;
  •     2 liters of boiling water.

Preparation mode

Mix the salt in the water until it dissolves. When the water is warm you should sit in the bucket, without using intimate clothes, for 15 to 20 minutes. This sitz bath can be repeated 2 to 3 times per day.

Home remedy for internal hemorrhoids

1. Garlic capsules

Taking garlic capsules daily helps strengthen intestinal vascularization, relieving pain, improving discomfort and decreasing the incidence of hemorrhoids.

The recommended dose of garlic capsules per day is 600 to 1200 mg per day divided into 2 to 3 doses. However, the dose must always be adapted to each person.

In addition to the capsules, the increased consumption of garlic also provides similar benefits, so another excellent natural option is to use garlic in meals whenever possible.

2. Foods rich in fibers

Another excellent strategy to alleviate the pain caused by internal hemorrhoids is to soften the stool by increasing fiber intake and ingesting more water.

The foods that prevent constipation are kiwi, black plum, papaya and pumpkin seed, for example. It is recommended to eat around 25 to 30 grams of fibers and drink 8 glasses of water per day.

Another way to consume fiber is to add 1 tsp of Psyllium, such as Metamucil in meals. This is a highly soluble fiber that can be purchased in pharmacies.

See a more complete list of foods that prevent constipation .

3. Take echinacea capsules

In the case of inflamed and very painful hemorrhoids, echinacea capsules can be a natural solution because it has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and immunostimulant properties, relieving pain, helping to treat the infection and strengthening the immune system.

Chinese Herbal For Treatment Hemorrhoids Cream Anus Prolapse Anal Fissure Antibacterial Cream By Shouhengda

What foods soften the stool?

Moodiness and continuous stomach pain are the biggest symptoms of constipation, but for you to solve a well-stipulated diet can work so in this opportunity we will show you what are the foods you should include in your diet and why you should do it.

There are many factors that can trigger constipation, stress, poor diet or lack of physical activity, can be some examples. According to Mayo Clinic specialists , if you have a healthy diet, full of fruits and vegetables can be transcendental for a good life. Whole grains and legumes help and prevent constipation.

Chinese Herbal For Treatment Hemorrhoids Cream Anus Prolapse Anal Fissure Antibacterial Cream By Shouhengda
Chinese Herbal For Treatment Hemorrhoids Cream Anus Prolapse Anal Fissure Antibacterial Cream By Shouhengda

Fiber acts in the digestive system favoring intestinal movement, which increases the volume of feces, favoring the elimination of waste without so many complications.


A really delicious fruit that has among its qualities the ability to soften the feces, but for this to happen it is recommended to consume between four and five pieces daily .


The sweet and delicious pear, is a fruit really rich in fiber , in fact it has much more than apples and that is saying a lot. A small piece of fruit usually has between 4.4 grams of fiber, which gives one gram more than the apple.


Pineapple has many benefits for the body, is really rich in Bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps regulate digestion, consume a cup of this fruit can be very useful, it is said that by consuming this amount are entering your body about 2.3 grams of fiber.


These are quite delicious fruits and contain a lot of soluble fiber, which allows you to consume them and get good results , the digestive system will be normalized immediately and you can evacuate without any problem.


Flax seed not only has an amazing amount of fiber, it also has a lot of omega 3 which will also help keep your heart healthy.


A large cup of wheat bran contains a healthy 25 grams of fiber; Of course, if you have irritable bowel, it is better to avoid it at all costs.


Caffeine can have many negative effects on the body, but it has a spectacular laxative effect, it stimulates the movements of the large intestine , so if you want to have much softer stools you should take about two cups a day.


2.7 grams of fiber enter your body if you consume a cup of broccoli, you must consume it full, with everything and stems and you will notice the difference.


Not only are they delicious and ideal for enjoying a good movie, they also help to flush your stools and regulate your digestion. Cook yourself, so you can control fat and salt in this way you will have a healthy snack that will help you go to the bathroom without problems.


Protein and fiber united in a single superfood, a cup of cooked beans have about 14 grams of fiber, which is super good for your digestion.

HEMORRHOID Formula Blend of Horse Chestnut and Micronized Diosmin - Created by a Board Certified Surgeon.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

We solve the most frequent doubts about this uncomfortable condition, and we explain what are the risk factors that predispose to the appearance of hemorrhoids, and the best ways to alleviate the discomfort they cause.

To prevent your discomfort, it is best to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids correcting, as far as possible, the causes that originate them:

HEMORRHOID Formula Blend of Horse Chestnut and Micronized Diosmin - Created by a Board Certified Surgeon.
HEMORRHOID Formula Blend of Horse Chestnut and Micronized Diosmin - Created by a Board Certified Surgeon.


It is very important to substitute an inadequate diet for another one rich in fiber , fruits, vegetables and vegetables, as well as to consume between a liter and a half and two liters of water a day to avoid constipation . The fiber has the quality to absorb water and increase the volume of feces, whose consistency is softer and, therefore, facilitates its evacuation. It is convenient to reduce the consumption of salt , because it favors the retention of liquids and, therefore, causes venous congestion. The ingestion of alcohol, on the other hand, impairs blood circulation, hinders digestion and irritates the stomach and intestines.

You should also moderate the consumption of certain foods and irritants, such as: chili, spices, mustard, vinegar, garlic , onion , fat and coffee.


Practice soft sports on a regular basis, such as walking or swimming, tone muscles, activate circulation and help improve intestinal transit, reducing the possibility of hemorrhoids. However, certain sports such as cycling, horse riding and motorcycling are not advisable. Neither are those that involve great efforts (to increase the pressure on the anorectal area), and those that involve excessive weight loads (such as weightlifting).


Try not to stand or sit for long periods of time.


Efforts should be avoided when defecating and using soft toilet paper, wet wipes or baths with warm water to clean the anus. Many people feel pain when evacuating when they have constipation and avoid or delay going to the bathroom, which produces more constipation and worsens the hemorrhoidal picture. Neither should the time to go to the bathroom be delayed when the need arises, nor should you spend a lot of time sitting on the toilet.


Excess weight, especially if the fat is concentrated in the abdomen, compresses the hemorrhoidal veins.


Do not wear tight clothing.


Making great efforts, such as lifting heavy objects frequently, can facilitate the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

These are some recurrent guidelines in the treatment of hemorrhoids to relieve their annoying symptoms:

  •     Take sitz baths with warm-cool water (3-4 a day) for 10-15 minutes.
  •     Apply cryocompresses or ice to the affected area to relieve symptoms such as pain, itching and inflammation.
  •     Antihemorrhoidal cream, which works as a local analgesic and improves symptoms immediately. With these ointments up to 80% of uncomplicated hemorrhoids can get better associated with the other measures described.
  •     Analgesics orally to eliminate pain.
  •     You can use natural natural remedies, making an infusion with plants, such as chamomiles , burdock , calendula and horse chestnut, which promote venous circulation, and take baths with this preparation.
  •     Use sanitary towels for hemorrhoids instead of toilet paper, which moisturize, relieve itching, and prevent possible infections in the area.

Treatment for bloody hemorrhoids

If it is bleeding internal hemorrhoids, or very annoying (itching and significant pain and continued, abundant mucous secretion), you can use certain methods to eliminate them, such as:

  •     Place some elastic bands at the base of the hemorrhoid , strangulating it until it falls off after a few days . At first, the patient may feel discomfort and have some slight blood loss.
  •     The coagulation , with laser or infrared light, that applies heat on the affected tissue in order to coagulate the veins on the hemorrhoid, which shrinks and disappears. Electrocoagulation also interrupts the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. This technique causes discomfort and bleeding for a few days.
  •     Cryotherapy Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the hemorrhoid and destroy it. The disadvantage is that swelling of the anus usually occurs and healing is slow.
  •     Sclerosing injections . Substances are injected into hemorrhoids, which cause their healing, decreasing symptoms.

Surgery to treat hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal of hemorrhoids) is usually used for large, uncomfortable internal hemorrhoids that have not responded to other treatments. It is considered as the most effective method to treat internal hemorrhoids although, like all surgery, it carries risks and inconveniences. A risk derived from hemorrhoidal surgery is the formation of blood clots in the legs. These clots can occur days after the intervention and cause acute swelling and pain.

Another specific risk of the operation of hemorrhoids, although uncommon (<1%), is anal stenosis , which consists of a narrowing of the anus and impaired control of the intestines that makes evacuation difficult. In most cases, however, the patient is lifted shortly after surgery and discharged within 24 hours. During the first days it is usual that there is pain and a slight bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, you should go immediately to the doctor.

Another technique used to operate hemorrhoids is circular mucosal anopexy (CMA) , which uses a circular stapler to prevent blood flow and reduce anal mucosal prolapse. This technique was devised by the Italian surgeon Antonio Longo and reduces the postoperative pain so feared by patients, although studies are needed to demonstrate its long-term effectiveness.

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Ten tips to prevent and fight hemorrhoids

Constipation, genetic inheritance, over-abdominal effort caused by pregnancy, bad eating habits and advanced age are causes of hemorrhoids or piles, which is the dilation and inflammation of the venous structures located in the anal canal. They are common among people who are between 25 and 60 years old.

"In the early stages, hemorrhoids cause more or less mild discomfort such as itching, inflammation of the skin, burning, pain or small bleeding associated with bowel movements," explains Aurora Garre, medical adviser to Cinfa. "In the most severe cases, the fleshy masses go outside and get to stay out of the sphincter most of the day, which can be very painful."

Hemodas - CODE RED 5 Day Anal Support, 30 Capsules - #1 Recommended: European Crisis Solution for Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support Crisis Care 5-Day
Hemodas - CODE RED 5 Day Anal Support, 30 Capsules - #1 Recommended: European Crisis Solution for Anal Vein and Blood Vessel Support Crisis Care 5-Day

How to prevent and fight them

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it is essential to avoid constipation by means of regular physical exercise, balanced diet and abundant fluid intake. According to the expert, the recommendations for those suffering from this pathology to have a better quality of life are:

1. Consult the doctor as soon as the first discomforts are felt. Look for an accurate diagnosis that determines the appropriate treatment. Only in advanced stages and with severe symptoms is surgery necessary.

2. Avoid overexertion. Adopt healthy habits in the bathroom, how to avoid suppressing the desire to defecate or stay too long in the toilet.

3. Eat fiber, a great ally to avoid constipation and hardening of the stool. It is achieved by adding whole products, fresh fruits and vegetables to the daily diet.

4. Do not eat spicy foods, fats and spices, foods that produce gases, such as legumes. Moderate the consumption of rice, sugars, caramels and cured cheeses, which harden the stool making it difficult to expel.

5. Drink plenty of fluids. At least, two liters of water daily, In addition to drink infusions, juices, vegetable broths ...

6. Fight against a sedentary lifestyle. Do regular physical exercise, such as walking, running or swimming.

7. Quilt the seat and rest by walking. If work requires a long time sitting, use a small cushion or pillow on the chair to relieve pressure on the area. Likewise, our body will appreciate that we rest from this position dedicating a few minutes each hour to walk.

8. Take care of anal hygiene. You should avoid scratching the hemorrhoids and, after going to the bathroom, clean the area with warm water and a neutral soap. The excess of washing can make disappear the natural fatty mantle of the anal skin, reason why it can be recommendable to use an antihemorrhoidal ointment or vaseline to avoid the irritations. Also natural remedies such as compresses with chamomile can be beneficial.

9. Use anti-inflammatory creams and suppositories, if they provide relief to the patient. Do not use without medical control, as some contain cortisone.

10. Use natural anesthetics. If the pain is very intense, there is always the option of relieving it with warm-cold sequences: ice or cold packs should be applied and then alternated with hot sitz baths.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Hemorrhoid Relief Support Oil. All Natural Formula Swelling Discomfort, Pain, Bleeding, Irritation. Topical Herbal Healing Oil 2.5 Oz

The diet prevent hemorrhoids

Following a balanced diet, rich in fiber, is one of the most effective lifestyle changes you can make for your hemorrhoids. Why? A balanced diet, high in fiber, along with an abundant intake of abundant fluids, softens bowel movements and increases their volume, which will help you avoid the effort that can cause hemorrhoids or worsen the symptoms of existing hemorrhoids.

Always consult with your health professional before starting with a diet or exercise plan.

How fiber helps prevent constipation

A balanced diet with lots of fiber and water softens stools and makes them easier to pass. This reduces the pressure in the hemorrhoids. If you follow a high-fiber diet, you will be less likely to be constipated. The most frequent causes of constipation are a diet low in fiber and rich in dairy products.

Hemorrhoid Relief Support Oil. All Natural Formula Swelling Discomfort, Pain, Bleeding, Irritation. Topical Herbal Healing Oil 2.5 Oz
Hemorrhoid Relief Support Oil. All Natural Formula Swelling Discomfort, Pain, Bleeding, Irritation. Topical Herbal Healing Oil 2.5 Oz

To get started
Fiber is classified into two categories: soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, and insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve. Both types favor displacement by the digestive system. You can add more fiber to your diet through food, a fiber supplement, or both. Fiber is easier to obtain from whole grains, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and fruits. Consult the table of foods with high fiber content. Your doctor may suggest that you take a stool softener or a fiber supplement.

When increasing your consumption of dietary fiber, it is important that you drink a lot of water and start small. Experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water of 8 ounces per day. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are dehydrating, so you may want to reduce them.

For your body to have time to adapt, introduce fiber into your diet gradually to avoid suffering from increased gas. Wheat bran can be a good fiber supplement option because it causes less gas than other high-fiber foods.

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Seven ways to stock up on fiber
With these simple ideas, have each meal contribute to your daily fiber intake. Remember to start small; add fiber gradually and drink eight glasses of 8 oz. water per day.

  •  Start the day with a whole grain
  • When shopping, look for cereals that indicate "integral" in the description. Stone-ground wheat, burgol, and multigrain wheat products all have less fiber than whole-wheat products. Check the fiber content in the nutritional information box of the package. Try to have your cereals have at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Serve them with a banana to add 3 more grams of fiber to your morning.
  •  Increase the volume of beans
  • Eat more beans; They are full of fiber. Most cooked beans provide more than half the daily recommended amount of fiber. Mix them in salads, mash them to prepare sauces, mix them in soups or add them to pasta dishes.
  •  More brown foods and less white
  • Brown rice, whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta are essential parts of a high fiber diet.
  •  Best baked foods
  • Replace whole flour with at least half, if not all, of the white flour indicated by the recipes. Since wholemeal flour is heavier than white flour, you should also increase the amount of baking powder in the recipe by one teaspoon per three cups of wholemeal flour.
  •  An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away
  • Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that is digested slowly and provides a feeling of fullness.
  •  Pleasant nut mix
  • Mix nuts, such as almonds or cayú chestnuts, with raisins, sunflower seeds, popcorn or whole wheat pretzels. Keep it in your car or desk for a healthy, fiber-rich snack between meals.
  •  Meals with hidden fiber
  • Replace the bread crumbs with instant oatmeal in dishes such as meatloaf or mix ground flax seeds in fruit smoothies or yogurts.

Recipes with high fiber content
Here are some delicious recipes that have at least 5 grams of fiber.

Dining out: 8 tips to incorporate fiber into your diet
Think ahead and plan where you will eat. Take the time to examine the menu and read the accompaniments first. Look for fiber-rich options, such as brown rice, baked potatoes or steamed vegetables. Read the description of all the dishes and remember that you can always make substitutions for the healthier side dishes so that your food fits your dietary needs. If you are traveling, consult more suggestions for the treatment of exacerbations while you are away from home.

  1.  For breakfast, choose whole-grain pancakes and waffles with fresh berries or cereals like oatmeal or raisin bran cereal: fiber-rich options to start your morning.
  2.  Substitute white bread for wholemeal or rye bread when ordering a sandwich.
  3.  Opt for baked potatoes with their fiber-rich skin instead of chips or chips. It will add 4 to 5 grams of fiber to your food.
  4.  Look for a plate of pasta stuffed with vegetables and ask to be served with whole wheat pasta.
  5.  When you dine in a Mexican restaurant, do not eat the rice and double the beans.
  6.  Not all rice is so good. Brown rice has four times more fiber than white rice: four grams of fiber per serving the size of a cup.
  7.  For accompaniment, order steamed vegetables; and if you have the choice, choose broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, which are particularly rich in fiber.
  8.  For dessert, choose fresh berries for their fiber content and their ability to satisfy the sweet tooth.

Tip: exercise and hemorrhoids

Moderate physical activity, such as quick walks of 20 to 30 minutes per day, can stimulate bowel function * as well as improve blood flow and muscle tone. Other beneficial cardiovascular activities include running, swimming and aerobics.