Monday, February 25, 2019

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Tips to prevent and treat hemorrhoids

The most frequent symptoms are a slight bleeding after the deposition, pain in the anal area and the appearance of a slight lump.

The Spanish Society of Community Pharmacy (SEFAC) has developed a set of recommendations to the population on hemorrhoids, a disorder that affects between 10 and 25 percent of the adult population, without differences between sexes.

The origin of hemorrhoidal disease, commonly known as hemorrhoids or, in colloquial language, piles, is the alteration of vascular structures (blood vessels) located in the anus. This alteration manifests in the form of bleeding, itching, pain and swelling of the affected area, and its most common cause is excessive exertion during defecation.

ObboMed? SV-2500 (15"") Folding Inflatable Portable Ring Donut Seat Pillow Cushion – Relieves pain from hemorrhoids, Tailbone and Coccyx, bed sores, perineal pain, sciatica post child birth
ObboMed? SV-2500 (15

Depending on the affected vascular area, we could talk about internal, external or mixed hemorrhoids. Normally hemorrhoidal disease is not considered a serious pathology, so it can be treated at home with hygienic-dietary measures and pharmacological treatment. However, in some cases it could become complicated, which would require even a surgical intervention. Be that as it may, there are preventive measures and treatments that help to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


1. The main preventive measure of this pathology is to avoid excessive efforts during defecation.

2. Both to prevent and to treat hemorrhoids, it is recommended that you avoid as much as possible the constipation, maintaining a diet rich in fiber (vegetables, fried, cereals ...) and ingesting plenty of liquid (1,5-2 liters of water per day).

3. Try to take "black" fruits with some frequency, such as blackberries, plums or grapes, as they contain flavonoids, which act as protectors of the blood vessels.

4. If the diet is not enough to prevent constipation that can cause hemorrhoids, it would be convenient to associate a natural fiber; consult your pharmacist and he can tell you all the possible options.

5. If you have hemorrhoids, it is convenient that you do not exert pressure with the paper when cleaning after defecation; in this case the use of hygienic or washed wipes is recommended.

6. Avoid as much as possible the spicy foods, as well as the consumption of alcohol, as it would act as a vasodilator, worsening the symptoms.

7. It can also be helpful to perform physical exercise, and above all you should not spend long periods sitting or standing, without moving.

8. Try to do sitz baths, with warm water, for ten or fifteen minutes a day, two or three times a day, or apply ice packs to the affected area. This will help you avoid the venous dilation associated with this pathology.

9. In addition to the hygienic-dietetic measures, there are pharmacological treatments that can be of great help, such as ointments or antihemorrhoidal suppositories. Check with your pharmacist, who will tell you which would be the best in each case.

10. If the hygienic-dietetic measures have not been useful, it is important that you consult with the doctor, since there are non-surgical treatments such as sclerosing injections or the placement of rubber bands that could be very effective in some cases. In the most extreme, the doctor will assess if surgery should be removed.

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Prevention and natural treatment of hemorrhoids

It is a very common condition. Generically, the result of increased pressure in the anus.

Hemorrhoids originate due to a swelling developed in the veins of the anus , or the lower part of the rectum. It is a very common condition. Generically, the result of increased pressure in the anus.

It may arise more frequently during pregnancy, as well as during childbirth or due to constipation. The swelling in the veins and anal tissues originates due to an excess of pressure. This tissue can bleed, usually during bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids tend to appear more easily after age 40. Similarly, as mentioned above, they are also common in pregnant women.

Grafco 1821 Inflatable Rubber Invalid Ring, 16"" Diameter
Grafco 1821 Inflatable Rubber Invalid Ring, 16

The specialist doctor, the coloproctologist, is the best person to give a diagnosis and indicate the best treatment. Also, medical treatments can be complemented with simple and highly effective natural therapies.

If you have hemorrhoids

What are your causes?

Hemorrhoidal veins are normal to dilate. This is how they fulfill their function of closing the year. The problem is caused, as explained, they swell.

Its appearance is considered easy to warn. It is usually accompanied by a burning sensation in the rectum, a sharp pain, a continuous discomfort is felt in the anus. You also have to take into account the possibility of some bleeding when you evacuate.

The main causes that give rise to the appearance of hemorrhoids are the following;

  •     Poor nutrition or hereditary factors.
  •     Maintain a sedentary lifestyle
  •     Habitual constipation or diarrhea.
  •     Make a lot of pressure or spend a lot of time sitting on the toilet.
  •     During pregnancy or because of obesity .
  •     Lift a lot of weight.

How to prevent hemorrhoids?

First, it is advisable to avoid sedentary lifestyle. Walk one hour a day, practice some exercise that promotes your circulation. In the same way, it is a good option to make the effort to maintain an adequate body weight.

Also, it will be advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water a day . Thus, avoid very seasoned, spicy and fatty foods. Increase in your diet the consumption of fiber , fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread.

In addition, experts recommend going to the bathroom when the body asks for it . It is not good to withstand the desire, nor force the situation too much. Finally, avoid spending too much time sitting in the cup.

How to treat my hemorrhoids to live better?

In addition to having a treatment indicated by a specialist, it is possible to combine the same with some natural remedies . Among others, we recommend the following.

External treatment

To relieve your stinging it is advisable to take cold water baths in the bidet for 10 or 15 minutes, especially after evacuating.

In addition, it is possible to make a product called Castaño de Indias. This is ideal to stop small bleeds and reduce inflammation, helps improve circulation. It is obtained in suppositories in pharmacies or through an infusion, which later, we will apply to a compress. To take three or four leaves of the horse chestnut, boil them in water and moisten the compress to apply a few minutes in the rectal area.

Similarly, blueberries are a very good option to help improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Simply cook 70 grams of blueberries per liter of water. We let it cool and apply it also to a compress. We will see the relief immediately.

It may interest you: How to overcome constipation if you already follow a healthy diet

External treatment

To carry out a treatment of external characteristics, the following options can be taken into account.

  •     Plantain. One of the best plants to help treat hemorrhoids.
  •     Lima: It has vitamin C, which along with its flavonoids acts on the arteries to improve its elasticity and prevent spills of veins and capillaries. Drinking your juice once a day improves your treatment and helps prevent.
  •     Alfalfa: Contains vitamin K, which also helps prevent bleeding. To take it we can take a cup of alfalfa sprouts, very clean, and mix them with half chopped cucumber to take them after the blender.

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that should not cause serious consequences in the person. Anyway, it is important to go to a specialist to get a specific diagnosis and recommend the best solution for each person.

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How to prevent hemorrhoids?

It is estimated that approximately 50% of the population suffered from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Dr. Daniel Baetti , member of the General Surgery and Coloproctology Services , provides information to prevent its appearance.

Hemorrhoids are dilatations and inflammations of the veins of the rectum and anus. It is estimated that approximately 50% of the population suffered this pathology at some point in their lives. Particularly, after the age of 40, its appearance is more common, with bleeding after evacuation being the main symptom.

Anti-Hemorrhoid Capsule (250 mg x 300 tablets)
Anti-Hemorrhoid Capsule (250 mg x 300 tablets)

    "It is estimated that 50% of the population suffered hemorrhoids at some point in their lives."

Tips to prevent hemorrhoids

• Maintain a diet rich in fibers, through vegetables and fruits. Where possible, eliminate those foods that are abundant in fats, flours and spicy foods. Establishing a balanced diet allows reducing the chances of constipation and diarrhea, which are associated with the appearance of hemorrhoids.

    "By establishing a balanced diet, the chances of constipation and diarrhea, associated with the appearance of hemorrhoids, decrease."

• Good hydration: The ideal is to drink no less than 2.5 liters of water per day.

• Avoid sedentary lifestyle: It is recommended to exercise or walk constantly.

• Do not exert much force when defecating. Also, keep doing prolonged efforts, no more than five minutes.

• Correct anal hygiene after evacuation, with the use of water and drying well.

    "After the age of 40, the appearance of hemorrhoids is more common, with bleeding after evacuation being the main symptom"

Before the appearance of any symptom, it is recommended to consult a Coloproctology specialist as soon as possible. Going to the consultation is extremely necessary to establish an adequate diagnosis and treatment and on time.

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The best way to prevent hemorrhoids

Forget about these painful annoyances forever.

Reviewing Facebook without stopping is a great way to spend time while sitting on the toilet, but it can become a nuisance in the back: people who read on the toilet are more likely to develop hemorrhoids .

This is because hemorrhoids (which are normal vascular structures that we all have in the anal canal) can enlarge and cause pain when pressed against the connective tissue that normally keeps them in place, explains Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist at the University Medical Center of Princeton University in New Jersey.

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#1Turmeric Anal Fissure Suppository Treatment! All-Natural Medicine, Stops Bleeding

Sitting in the toilet for a long time tense, irritates and inflames these connective tissues, says Dr. Sheth. The same happens when you are constipated or if you sit in the same position on the desk or in the car.

Some men may even experience hemorrhoids from carrying too much weight in the gym, Sheth says. Active the same abdominal muscles when evacuating, which can stretch the tissue around the anus .

If you do any of this, it is very possible that you experience hemorrhoids . In fact, about 75% of people will suffer at some point in their life, according to the National Institute of Health of the United States.


1. External hemorrhoids , located under the skin around your anus and can form small hard lumps. They can cause bleeding, painful swelling and itching.

2. Internal hemorrhoids are located in the rectum, the final part of your large intestine, and usually are not painful. However, they can cause bleeding that you will notice in your stool, on paper when cleaning or in the toilet after evacuating.

The chances of getting hemorrhoids increase with age, Sheth adds. The connective tissue that lines your anal canal weakens with age, making it easier for your blood vessels to bulge when irritated.

The good news:
they are easy to deal with.

Your first choice should be creams, ointments or over-the-counter suppositories that contain hydrocortisone . This medicine reduces inflammation, pain and itching.

"If your symptoms do not go away within a week, make an appointment with your doctor," says Dr. Gina Sam, director of Gastrointestinal Motility at Mount Sinai Hospital.

"You may need a medication that contains a combination of hydrocortisone and lidocaine to control swelling and pain," he adds.

Does the pain persist?

Ask your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist or a proctologist.

The specialist can treat severe cases or any complication, such as a blood clot, persistent bleeding, or a prolapse (an internal hemorrhoid that pushes your anus outward).

In this case, you may have to undergo a surgical procedure to decrease the hemorrhoid .


To prevent them from coming back, take care of the causes, says Dr. Sam.

Constipation : Eat more fiber and drink more water. Try to consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day from oats, prunes, fruits, vegetables and grains, says Sheth.

A lot of sitting time : if you are one of those who spend hours sitting at the desk, get up every 20 minutes to avoid pressure at the same point.

Take your phone out of the bathroom. Do not you sit in the toilet longer than necessary? Says Sheth.

The weights
: you do not need to stop doing squats or dead weights, but you may need to lower the weight if the symptoms are recurrent, concludes Sheth.

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How to prevent and treat hemorrhoids

Key points

  •     Despite being a very common ailment, many of the people affected do not consult the specialist for modesty
  •     According to Dr. Aurora Garre, Cinfa's medical advisor, bad eating habits are the main risk factor for this problem

Although a large part of the population suffers from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, this disease often causes a modesty that prevents affected people from speaking openly about it. Instead of going to the doctor, patients with mild discomfort tend to self-medication, which makes it difficult to effectively treat the symptoms. Likewise, due to this circumstance, the real incidence of this pathology among the population is unknown.

Emuaid? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Regular Strength Treatment. Regular Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.
Emuaid? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Regular Strength Treatment. Regular Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

In general, hemorrhoidal disease affects adults between 25 and 60 years old and is more common among men. As Aurora Garre, Cinfa's medical advisor explains, "what we commonly call hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are venous structures located in the anal canal and that, for different reasons, expand and inflame, they can be internal or external, and of greater or smaller size "
Symptoms vary depending on the degree of severity. Thus, Dr. Garre notes that, "in the first stages, hemorrhoids cause more or less mild discomfort such as itching, inflammation of the skin, burning, pain or small bleeding associated with bowel movements. Fleshy, they go out and stay out of the sphincter most of the day, which can be very painful, "he adds.
Avoid constipation, priority

"Genetic inheritance, the over-abdominal effort caused by pregnancy and advanced age are risk factors for this disease, however, the most frequent cause is constipation, since the effort made during defecation increases the pressure on hemorrhoids" , says the expert. Also incorrect eating habits or negative routines of the individual can cause or accelerate this condition: "The sedentary lifestyle, the intake of spices, fat, spicy or alcohol and overweight increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids," recalls the consultant.

Consequently, although specific creams and suppositories help reduce inflammation or itching, prevention plays a key role in preventing and alleviating various discomforts. "The priority is to avoid constipation," says the doctor, "so that regular physical exercise, a balanced diet and drinking fluids is crucial, thus ensuring a better stool routine, more regular and smooth. adequate dietary and hygienic habits, people suffering from this pathology will improve their quality of life, "he concludes.
Decalogue of tips to prevent and treat hemorrhoids:

  •     Lose shame. Affected people should consult the doctor as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis of their condition and determine the appropriate treatment. Only in advanced stages and with severe symptoms is surgery necessary.
  •     No hurry, but no pause . In order to avoid overexertion, it is important to adopt healthy habits in the bathroom, such as avoiding suppressing the desire to defecate or staying too long in the toilet.
  •     Fiber, a great ally. Since the objective to avoid constipation and hardening of the stool is to perform at least one stool a day, people prone to hemorrhoids should increase the daily amount of fiber they ingest, adding to their daily diet whole-grain products, fresh fruits ( if possible, with the skin) and vegetables.
  •     Products 'prohibited' . It is crucial to avoid spicy foods, fats and spices, as well as foods that can produce gases, such as legumes. And, always with the aim of fighting against constipation, the consumption of rice, sugars, caramels and cured cheeses should be moderated, which harden the stools, making it difficult to expel them.
  •     Drink plenty of fluids. At least two liters per day are recommended, since proper hydration favors digestion and evacuation. Water, infusions, juices, vegetable broths ... everyone is welcome.
  •     Fight against a sedentary lifestyle. Incorporating a little physical exercise into our daily habits is also very effective in facilitating intestinal transit: walking, running or swimming are excellent options.
  •     Quilt the seat and rest by walking. In the case that the work forces to be a long time sitting, to relieve the pressure on the area, it may be advisable to use a small cushion or pillow on the chair. Likewise, our body will appreciate that we rest from this position dedicating a few minutes each hour to walk.
  •     Take care of anal hygiene. You should avoid scratching the hemorrhoids and, after going to the bathroom, clean the area with warm water and a neutral soap. The excess of washing can make disappear the natural fatty mantle of the anal skin, reason why it can be recommendable to use an antihemorrhoidal ointment or vaseline to avoid the irritations. Also natural remedies such as compresses with chamomile can be beneficial.
  •     Creams and suppositories. People who suffer at the time of evacuation can find relief in the use of anti-inflammatory pomades and suppositories. Although these are sold without a prescription, they should not be used without medical supervision and, in any case, their use should not be prolonged more than a week, since they often contain cortisone. You can consult the pharmacist about it.
  •     Resort to natural anesthetics . If the pain is very intense, there is always the option of relieving it with warm-cold sequences: ice or cold packs should be applied and then alternated with hot sitz baths.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hem-Control Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Supplement - Fast & Lasting Pain Relief Pills - 180 Vegan Capsules for Hemroid & Colon Health with Blond Psyllium Husk

How to prevent hemorrhoids: say no to piles

Having piles is a common problem that, if you have not suffered at some point, you may develop it at some point in your life. To prevent hemorrhoids it is important to take some measures, either so that they do not reappear or to avoid their first appearance. Unfortunately, there is no measure that guarantees you 100% that you will not suffer from piles, but they will help you to be less prone to suffer your discomfort.

Remedies to prevent hemorrhoids

To prevent hemorrhoids you have to know what is producing them. When we exert too much pressure on the anal area, the small blood vessels in the final part of the rectum and anus can dilate . This causes pain, but also itching, stinging, irritation and even bleeding from hemorrhoids.

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Hem-Control Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Supplement - Fast & Lasting Pain Relief Pills - 180 Vegan Capsules for Hemroid & Colon Health with Blond Psyllium Husk

There are many daily gestures that cause more pressure in the area of ​​the piles that they can withstand. For example, the effort to defecate with constipation , when the stools are harder and more compact, makes the hemorrhoids more prone to dilation. Overweight people and pregnant women can also suffer from hemorrhoidal disease. Being sedentary or spending a lot of time standing or sitting are also common causes of the appearance or worsening of hemorrhoids.

To prevent all these discomforts, it is necessary to make a healthy change in the routine. They are simple actions that will make you less likely to develop hemorrhoids or, once you have already suffered them, have less pain. Take note of the following tips .

1 Feeding to prevent hemorrhoids

Having a varied diet, in which there is a sufficient amount of fruit and vegetables, is essential to feel good. You should eat foods that give you a lot of fiber and vitamin K , which will help you fight against constipation.

Take apples, artichokes, whole grains, legumes such as lentils, oatmeal, broccoli, nuts ... Your fiber will make it less expensive to go to the bathroom and, therefore, your hemorrhoids will suffer less. In case of suffering from hemorrhoids, very spicy foods and refined products (above all sugars and cereals) are also discouraged.

As in the treatment that is followed to eliminate hemorrhoids , in prevention it is also important to drink a lot of water to improve traffic.

2 Never be hungry

It is important not to delay bath time . When you feel the need to go to the toilet, do not hesitate to do so, because if you delay the stools accumulate becoming drier and that will make the force you have to exercise to expel it is greater. The more force you have to do, the more likely you are to bleed and that your piles suffer.

Also, it is not convenient to force the hemorrhoids by holding a large amount of stool, as this will increase the weight they have to bear directly.

3 Reduce the time in the bathroom

The time spent in the toilet can also be counterproductive. Long periods of time sitting on the toilet will cause you to exert more pressure in the anal area and, therefore, that the inflammation of your piles persists. For that reason, however much we like to go to the bathroom with a cell phone or a book, it is advisable to go without any distraction to reduce the time we are on the toilet.

If you want your hemorrhoids to suffer less while, you must change the position in which you sit on the toilet. Experts recommend raising your feet on a small step so that your knees are close to your chest. From 90 degrees, your knees should flex to approximately 35 degrees.

Consejos para prevenir las hemorroides o almorranas

4 Keep your weight

Another handicap for hemorrhoids is weight, since hemorrhoidal disease is one of the complications that obesity can cause. Being overweight can cause inflamed hemorrhoids because more pressure is exerted on the anal area. In part and over distances, it is also this extra pressure that causes pregnant women to have more problems with hemorrhoids. The extra kilos make the pelvic floor have to support more weight.

For hemorrhoids and for the rest of the health problems that obesity can cause, patients are recommended to see a doctor to recover their health. Your doctor will recommend the best diet to lose weight or, if necessary, design a treatment to make you feel better.

5 Do daily exercise

Sport is always recommended, but for hemorrhoids even more. Performing aerobic exercise such as walking for about half an hour each day will help you facilitate the removal of stool and maintain an ideal weight. In addition, you will have greater well-being since sedentary lifestyle is one of the great scourges of our current lifestyle.

If, despite these prevention tips, you can not avoid getting piles, you can go to your regular doctor's office . This will study your case and, if deemed appropriate, will recommend that you go to the proctologist, the specialist doctor in the colon, rectum and anus.

In any case, not all types of hemorrhoids need medical treatment, depending on the degree to which they are, in which the I is the least dangerous and the IV the most serious. The milder piles are well controlled with pharmacy medications such as ointments or home remedies such as ice or sitz baths. However, the more serious ones may need to be removed by surgery.

Many people do not feel comfortable talking about their hemorrhoids but your experience can help a lot of other people who are suffering from them right now. Tell us in the comments your remedies to prevent hemorrhoids.

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Tips to combat and prevent Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a very common ailment in adults , especially between 45 and 65 years. However, many of those affected do not go to the doctor because of embarrassment and tend to self-medicate, two big mistakes.

There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids when they are inside the anal canal and external hemorrhoids when they do it on the surface of the anus.

In the following video, Dr. Deus Fombellida gives us some tips to prevent hemorrhoids and explains how the treatment is.

Half of the population will have hemorrhoids at some point in their life but most of these cases can be prevented by following these simple tips. The discomfort, itching or blood in the stool are the main symptoms of a hemorrhoidal crisis.

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EmuaidMAX? Ointment - Antifungal, Eczema Cream. Maximum Strength Treatment. Use Max Strength for Athletes Foot, Psoriasis, Jock Itch, Anti Itch, Ringworm, Rash, Shingles and Skin Yeast Infection.

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it is essential to avoid constipation by means of regular physical exercise, balanced diet and abundant fluid intake.

Dr. Deus Fombellida is an expert in Operation of Hemorrhoids in Zaragoza . In his previous article he told us about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of Hemorrhoids , and then he gives us some interesting advice against hemorrhoids .

Hygiene advice

  •     Try to make a single daily deposition . Do not suppress the desire to defecate.
  •     Avoid straining when defecating . Do not sit too long on the toilet.
  •     Do not use toilet paper . For cleaning it is preferable to perform, after the deposition, a wash with cold or warm water (never hot), using carefully the clean fingertips.
  •     Dry without rubbing , pressing gently with a towel.
  •     If the hemorrhoids come out after defecation, try to return them to the interior by gently pressing with your finger into the anus. If the hemorrhoids are always out and you can not introduce them, try not to touch the underwear by placing cotton or gauze in the middle.

Dietary recommendations

    Avoid constipation

1. Increase daily fiber intake.

2. Drink plenty of liquids (2-3 liters a day): water, juices, soups ....

3. Follow regular meal times.

4.Get food well.

  •     Avoid diarrhea . Consult your doctor before taking any laxative.
  •     Cook foods preferably boiled or grilled . You can take some fried with oil or sofrito sofrito.
  •     Avoid overheated or overnight foods, as well as frying oils several times

Foods to include in the diet if you have hemorrhoids

  •     Liquids : 2-3 liters / day: water, juices, soups ...
  •     Vegetables : Turnips, carrots, radishes, beets, radishes, garlic, onions, leeks, chives, asparagus, chard, broccoli, spinach, artichokes, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, avocado ...
  •     Natural fruit: apple, melon, watermelon, pear, cherry, medlar, plum, peach ...
  •     Contribute abundant fiber to your diet: in the form of bran, whole wheat bread, corn, cereals, etc.

fruits vegetables
Foods that should be decreased in the diet or taken in moderation

  •     Foods that produce flatulence: cabbage, cauliflower, tender beans, peas, potatoes, chickpeas, beans, lentils, apricot, banana ...
  •     Astringent foods: rice, pasta, potatoes, white bread and cocoa.
  •     Acid or little ripe fruits: orange, lemon, tangerine, strawberries, pineapple, grapefruit, papaya, kiwi, quince, jelly ...
  •     Milk and its derivatives.
  •     Light pastries : (without animal fats): sponge cake, cookies ...

Foods that should not be included in the diet

  •     Alcohol : all kinds of liquors, snacks, wine, beer ...
  •     Spicy : especially pepper, paprika, chilli peppers, mustard, chili, sausages, spicy, spicy foods, vinegar.
  •     Carbonated drinks
  •     Salted .
  •     Strong cheeses or very cured.
  •     Chocolate, nuts and seafood.
  •     Coffee and tea in large quantities.
  •     Foods rich in fat such as sausages.
  •     Heavy pastries: marzipan, nougat, chocolate, butter, and excess sugar

The importance of physical activity

  •     Avoid spending a lot of time sitting or standing all the time. If your job forces you to stay seated for a long time, stand up every hour for a few minutes.
  •     Refrain from long trips by car .
  •     Try to use upholstered seats with wool or fabric and do not use chairs upholstered with rubber or synthetic leather. Use wool fillings and avoid synthetic foams.
  •     Do not use hard surfaces (wood, iron) or seats that sink excessively. In the car use hollow floats or seats with grid.
  •     Avoid lifting heavy objects from the ground, as well as carrying heavy weights.
  •     Use large and comfortable clothes . It is not recommended to wear tight-fitting clothes in the abdomen, nor to use tight belts, pants with tight seams, or tubular girdles or thongs.
  •     The use of synthetic underwear is not recommended.
  •     Sports such as swimming, walking or hiking are beneficial.
  •     You must avoid certain sports such as horse riding, cycling, tennis, squash, motorcycling ...


  •     If you are pregnant you should know that hemorrhoids are very common in the late stages of pregnancy and postpartum.
  •     Consult your doctor about the particular therapeutic measures to be taken.

What should I do if I have hemorrhoids?

  •     Consult your doctor immediately.
  •     Do not self-medicate .
  •     Keep rest in bed, raising the pelvis with a pillow.
  •     Take sitz baths (3-4 a day) on the bidet with cold or warm water, never hot water, for 10-15 minutes especially after each deposition.
  •     Keep a strict diet .

The application of these measures are of great interest for patients with hemorrhoids , especially considering that many of them are reluctant to consult their problem, to speak freely during the consultation, to be allowed to examine, etc.

These are the reasons why all these recommendations must be known and applied by all those people who suffer in silence this frequent problem. Following these tips can find a great relief and improvement of your particular situation.

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Foods that cause and fight constipation

The foods that help to combat constipation are those rich in fibers, such as whole grains, fruits with peel and raw vegetables. In addition to the fibers, water is also important to treat constipation because it helps in the formation of the fecal bolus and facilitates the transit of stool throughout the intestine.

Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream, Chinese Medicine HuaTuo, Shrink Swollen Hemorrhoid Tissue, Reduce Heat and Inflammation, Relieve Hemorrhoid Pain, Clear Away Toxic Materials, Remove Decayed Tissues
Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream, Chinese Medicine HuaTuo, Shrink Swollen Hemorrhoid Tissue, Reduce Heat and Inflammation, Relieve Hemorrhoid Pain, Clear Away Toxic Materials, Remove Decayed Tissues

  • Constipation is usually caused by excessive consumption of sugars, fats and industrialized foods, but may also be a result of lack of physical activity and prolonged use of medications such as laxatives and antidepressants.
  • Alimentos que causan y que combaten el estreñimiento
  • Foods that fight constipation

The main foods that help fight constipation are:

  •     Vegetables , especially raw vegetables and with leaves such as cabbage, cabbage, or lettuce;
  •     Fruits with husk , because the crust is rich in fibers;
  •     Whole grains such as wheat, oats and rice;
  •     Germ and wheat bran ;
  •     Seeds such as flaxseed, chia, squash and sesame;
  •     Yogurts , especially those that contain probiotics, because they help regulate the intestine;
  •     Water, with a consumption of 1.5 to 2 L per day.

Raw and whole foods have more fibers than cooked and refined foods, and therefore improve intestinal transit. In addition to this, drinking plenty of water also helps fight constipation because water hydrates the fibers, making the stools softer and moving through the intestine easier. See the amount of fibers in the food in: foods rich in fiber .
Frutas ricas en fibras Fruits rich in fibers
Frutas ricas en agua Fruits rich in water
Foods that cause constipation

The foods that cause constipation and should be avoided are:

  •     Foods rich in sugar such as soft drinks, cakes, sweets, filled cookies, chocolates;
  •     Fat-rich foods such as fried, breaded and frozen prepared food;
  •     Fast food;
  •     Complete milk and its derivatives, since they are rich in fats;
  •     Processed meats such as sausages, bacon, bacon, sausages and ham;
  •     Green banana and guava.

On the contrary, it gives green banana, the ripe banana helps to fight constipation, since it is rich in fibers that favor intestinal transit. In addition to this, lack of physical activity and frequent use of laxatives, antidepressants or medications that fight heartburn can also cause constipation.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

HIFORT 10 Inch Memory Foam Mattress Queen with Medium Plush Feel - Non Toxic 60x80 Comfy Foam Mattress Colchon Queen Size- Fit for Bedroom Bunk Trundle Boxed Bed - Compressed in a Box

The benefits of polyurethane as thermal insulation

Last week we talked about polyurethane and the present that is in our lives. Polyurethane is an extremely versatile material with excellent properties such as strength, durability and comfort.

However, its most outstanding property is surely the thermal insulation it provides to buildings.

HIFORT 10 Inch Memory Foam Mattress Queen with Medium Plush Feel - Non Toxic 60x80 Comfy Foam Mattress Colchon Queen Size- Fit for Bedroom Bunk Trundle Boxed Bed - Compressed in a Box

Thermal insulation of polyurethane

Isolation is one of the most important aspects when designing a building. Choosing a material with a high thermal performance for its isolation offers many advantages:

  •     It helps to maintain a comfortable interior temperature , and therefore to facilitate a comfortable living and working environment for the people who use the building. It does this by forming a barrier that stops the flow of heat through the envelope of the building, giving us better control of the interior temperature regardless of the temperature outside.
  •     It helps reduce energy consumption and its costs . Isolation is one of the cheapest ways
  •     and easy to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. By requiring less energy to heat or cool the building, there will be less fuel consumption and economic savings for the user.
  •     Help in the fight against climate change . The energy used in buildings, especially for heating, creates large amounts of carbon dioxide, a gas that increases global warming and harms the environment. By improving the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing energy demand, there are also fewer emissions of this gas.
  •     It helps to ensure the energy supply. The energy sources of fossil fuels are finite. If we manage to reduce the demand, we will guarantee the energy supply for a longer time.

Among the variety of insulating materials available in the market, polyurethane is the one that has a lower thermal conductivity. This means that isolating buildings with optimal levels of polyurethane (the appropriate thicknesses) also provides an economic benefit over the use of other materials.

Acoustic insulation of polyurethane

Although in this article we focus on the advantages of polyurethane as a thermal insulator, it is also worth mentioning the function of acoustic insulation offered by polyurethane.

It acoustically insulates the buildings, helping to dampen external noises (those that surround the building) and internal noises (neighbors, furniture, etc.) and ensuring greater comfort for users.

PU Europe has prepared the following document on the benefits of polyurethane where you can find more information on the subject. Download it now:

LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified

Benefits of polyurethane foam


This foam is designed with German quality for bonding and sealing of well rings, insulating and filling in roofing and dry construction, insulation and filling of window connection joints; around window frames and shutter boxes. To insulate and fill finished elements and wall cavities.

LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified
LUCID 10 Inch Twin XL Hybrid Mattress - Bamboo Charcoal and Aloe Vera Infused Memory Foam - Moisture Wicking - Odor Reducing - CertiPUR-US Certified

It has a valve and a system that allows reuse once the container is opened.

  •     Single-component foam for PU
  •     Construction material class B2 or B3
  •     Beige
  •     The solid valve prevents adhesion when stored in horizontal position
  •     Performance of extruded foam 750 ml: 45 l (500 ml: 30 l)
  •     Processing temperature between + 5 ° C and + 35 ° C.
  •     Not sticky after approx. 20 minutes
  •     It can be cut after approx. 40 minutes
  •     Forge in a period of between 5 and 8 hours
  •     Temperature resistant between -40 ° C and + 90 ° C.
  •     For layer thickness> 50 mm: apply the foam in several layers and then tighten.
  •     General inspection certificate of the works inspection P-NDS04-136 for B2
  •     Proof of joint sound tested for B2: R (ST, w) = 61 dB according to ISO EN 717-1 for B2
  •     Impermeability test for the adhesion of rings for access wells


  •     The reclosable clamping adapter allows immediate use and reuse of open cans, ensuring long-lasting functionality.
  •     The quick installation foam has been approved as waterproof by an external inspection service, being suitable for use in wet conditions. It meets the requirements for a well foam.
  •     The ergonomic handle is perfectly placed in the hand and allows easy use.

    Fresh foam spots can be removed immediately with the PU fischer cleaner.

Adhere to all standard construction materials, such as:

  •     Concrete
  •     Anodized coating
  •     Gypsum panels
  •     Wood
  •     Sandstone brick
  •     Plastics (not in PE, PP, Teflon, silicone)
  •     Masonry
  •     Metals with primer
  •     Cast


No fire spread.

The valve is better than none because of its unique non-stick system that prevents the foam from sealing the valve.

Zero failures in the use of the product.

Molecule closed, less humidity, maximum efficiency.

Zinus 12 Inch Gel-Infused Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress, Queen

Gel foam mattress

What is a gel foam mattress?

Gel foam mattresses are relatively new in the mattress industry and are usually made up of memory foam or visco and a layer of gel. The gel can be infused through the mattress or in some cases can be contained within a specific layer and is most commonly found in pillows. Gel foam mattresses consist mainly of a support core and a gel foam cushion. The core of the gel mattresses can consist of a cold core foam or spring. The gel foam coating is a gel that is mixed with cold foam. This provides the product with stability without losing the gel's pressure relief properties. Gel foam mattresses are characterized, therefore, by a good body support and are very breathable.

Zinus 12 Inch Gel-Infused Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress, Queen
Zinus 12 Inch Gel-Infused Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress, Queen

Mattresses foam gel compared with other mattresses

Gel foam mattresses offer better climate regulation because the gel absorbs and distributes heat better than other types of mattresses. Which means you do not get hot at night like with some traditional memory foam mattresses. Just like traditional memory foam, gel technology will help stop the transfer of movement when people sleep in the same bed and ensure the support of the pressure points of your body. Gel foam is also hypoallergenic, which keeps dust mites away. Gel mattresses offer more support than others and tend to be firmer.