Monday, March 11, 2019

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10 tips to improve leg blood circulation

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the disability of the veins
to make the proper return of blood to the heart, this lack of
circulation causes its accumulation in the legs, leading to
different symptoms and problems.

   According to data from the Spanish Phlebology Chapter, the symptoms of
IVC affect 30 percent of Spanish adults, which means
that it has about 15 million people, of whom it is estimated
that 60 percent of cases are not diagnosed.

   The incidence of this pathology * increases with age *, so that
After 50 years, half of the population suffers. Many times,
it is the patient who underestimates it, since it usually does not represent
a serious problem for health. However, this vascular pathology
can greatly reduce the quality of personal and professional life of
the people who suffer it and is a problem
sanitary of the first magnitude.

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INTEY Shiatsu Massage Chair Pa

   Precisely, on the occasion of the publication of the results of the II
CinfaSalud study, dedicated to the 'Perceptions and habits of
Spanish women in relation to the health of their legs and the IVC ',
performed by Cinfa, the company's medical expert, Dr. Eduardo
González Zorzano, makes a decalogue of advice to improve the
venous circulation and relieve your symptoms.

   "There are some habits or tips that, incorporated into the day to day,
can help alleviate the pain and symptoms inherent in the
IVC, allowing, in this way, lead a fuller and healthier life
and gaining in quality of life, "he recalls.

     The report, endorsed by the Spanish Chapter of Phlebology and
Lymphology (CEFyL) of the SEACV, highlights that although the factors
triggers can not be controlled (genetic causes, pathologies,
age), many others can be prevented with an appropriate lifestyle,
through diet, exercise, and healthy habits.


* 1. * * Avoid standing, standing or sitting for long periods of time
weather*. When for work reasons or long trips by car, plane or
bus, you must stay a long time, it is recommended not to
Cross your legs and use a footrest. Whether you are sitting or
standing for long periods, you have to move your feet frequently and
Legs and take short walks.

*2. Legs up*. To improve the functioning of the veins and
after long periods of sitting or standing, it is advisable to lie down and raise
the legs above the level of the heart. In the case of
Pregnant, in addition, you should sleep reclining on the left side
and, for comfort, it is recommended to place a pillow between

*3. Use therapeutic measures *. The doctor or pharmacist will value
the degree of compression and size most suitable for each person.

*4. Follow a balanced diet and low in salt *. Both overweight
As constipation can affect the circulation. To prevent them,
a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and cereals is key; as well as
minimize the consumption of salt to retain less liquids

*5. Hydration, inside and out. * Drink between 1.5 or 2
liters of water daily. In addition, it is advisable to moisturize the
epidermis with specialized products (creams, etc.) to maintain
elastic skin and activate the blood circulation of these areas.

* 6 The sport, fundamental *. It is advisable to practice exercise
moderate physicality on a regular basis. Sports such as swimming or walking
daily, even dancing, gymnastics and the bike, help activate
the blood circulation. There are also exercise routines
singles specifically indicated for the IVC.

* 7 After the day, activate the irrigation with a shower and a massage *. To the
finish the daily shower, we will apply cold water to the calves in
ascending sense to relieve the feeling of heaviness. They also help
the massage with cold gels, from the foot to the knee in the
ascending, to activate the blood return.

* 8 Footwear and clothes, better broad *. The clothes very
adjusted are not advisable, as they can hinder the return
venous from the legs to the heart. Likewise, the use of
wide and comfortable footwear, without an excessive heel.

* 9 Avoid heat *. Since high temperatures favor
dilation of the veins, it is important to avoid sources of heat
directed directly at the legs: you should not sunbathe on the
prolonged legs, or waxed with hot wax, or use
braziers or saunas.

* 10 Consult with the health professional: * The doctor, or
Pharmacist can guide about food supplements, gels
for tired legs and specific medications to promote
venous return


  The report highlights that the first symptoms that usually appear
and which are indicative signs of suffering from this disease are:

- * Pain, tingling, heaviness and habitual fatigue in the legs *.
"These discomforts can be distinguished from others because they become more acute
be at rest and with heat, and on the contrary decrease to
lift your legs and with the cold, "says Cinfa's report.

- * Swelling of the lower legs and ankles *,
especially after prolonged periods of standing.

- Night cramps or what is known as' * legs syndrome
restless * ', which can make it difficult to reconcile the dream and the

- * Feeling of heat *, redness, dryness and constant itching in the
skin, which may be due to excess blood retained causes
an increase in temperature.

- Vascular spiders or telangiectasias and reticular varices

- Varicose veins or varicose veins, which is the best known clinical sign.

- Cutaneous skin disorders caused by poor circulation:
dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, etc.

- Venous ulcers, which represent the most advanced stage of the

- And, as the disease progresses, swelling may occur in
the ankles and legs (edema), clots in varicose veins
(varicoflebitis), or hemorrhage due to rupture of varicose veins (varicorrhagia).

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How to improve your blood circulation

 Having good blood circulation is key to having good health. There are some activities that we can carry out in the gym that will help us. For this reason, we have contacted the personal trainer and Sport Manager of Illes Centros de Fitness, Juan Morro.

Having high blood pressure is one of the most common reasons for poor blood circulation. An aspect that can be due to several reasons, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, work stress (or the stress generated by day to day) or the specific genetics of each individual. We want to offer you some keys and exercises that can ostensibly improve your circulation.

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Naipo Back Massage Seat Cushion with Heat for Chair, Deep Kneading Rolling and Vibrating - Full Back Massager for Home Office Car Use

In response to our request, Juan Morro lists a series of changes that are easy to carry out and which can significantly improve our blood circulation: lose weight (especially in the case of being overweight), exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet and do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. These changes, which in Morro's words "are summarized in leading a healthy life", should already bring us a significant transformation. And, according to the personal trainer, "maintaining a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet and exercising is essential in improving our blood circulation." That is, the essential goal of this article.

Within each gym, we will find many and varied training systems that will allow us to improve this circulation gradually. As with all physical activity, what counts is constancy rather than intermittency. A very high initial volume and then stop exercising would not do anything for our purposes.

In this way, we must gradually implement the activities recommended by the Sport Manager of Illes Centros de Fitness and we will also prosper gradually in our state of health. And it warns: "the minimum exercise of three times per week will cause that the sanguineous flow increases towards the heart and this will be key in our process of improvement".


And, we asked Morro, what kind of exercises should they be, any? Well, no, "to increase blood flow we need to perform cardiovascular exercise." In this sense, he recommends activities such as cycling and the walkin g . In both cases, the "main benefit of these activities -in the specific case to which we refer- is that the cardiovascular training that they entail will cause an increase in blood flow".

Apart from this type of directed classes, there are individual activities of another nature that can be equally useful for the desired objective. In the case of Illes Fitness Centers, Morro points out that "in our fitness rooms, as in most gyms, customers have treadmills and several models of ellipticals with which they can also exercise in cardiovascular training" . Even in the case of this center, they organize a collective class of land under the name of TIT (Total Illes Training). In it, "we work both at the cardiovascular level and strength," he says.

Personalized training

In addition to everything that has been mentioned before, if we want to have a more personalized treatment and exercise in a specific way under the supervision of an expert, Juan Morro suggests hiring the services of a personal trainer. "With his exercises and knowledge, he will help us achieve the desired purpose of, in this case, regenerate our blood circulation and lower our blood pressure." With all this "we will avoid problems and diseases in the heart and in our health, especially in view of the future". "In addition to preventing these possible cardiac complications, we will also avoid the appearance of varicose veins," says Juan Morro to close the issue.

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How to improve blood circulation

The circulatory system is responsible for driving blood to all cells of our body to provide nutrients and collect metabolic waste that we eliminate by other organisms in our body.

The poor circulation of the blood produces problems that in the first instance are not completely serious, but they can become so if they are not treated properly.

How can we improve circulation:

    Through a good diet . Foods that have potassium in their content favor the elimination of water. Some to highlight would be nuts, whole grains, fish, meat, bananas. Another class of foods are the antioxidants that protect the walls of the arteries and veins, such as raspberries, carrots, citrus fruits, grapes, spinach and tomatoes. We also recommend foods with fiber, wheat bran, vegetables, dried fruits and vegetables like prunes and raisins are ideal.

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Shiatsu Massage Cushion with Heat | Customizable Multiple Zone Massage Chair with Deep Kneading and Vibration Plus Programmable Remote | Portable for Home or Office | Black

  •     Physical activity is very advisable for those with circulatory problems since the exercise keeps the legs moving, which starts the blood supply. Dancing, walking, running, cycling or swimming will make a difference and changes will be noticed.
  •     Finish the showers with cold water d, to accelerate blood circulation.
  •     When sitting avoid crossing the legs , because the pressure exerted by one leg on the other is completely harmful, since it hinders the natural transit of blood and promotes the new appearance of varicose veins.

We recommend that you visit your family doctor annually to prevent any problems you may have for poor blood circulation.

Medical Services

The information published in this medium does not substitute or complement in any way the direct attention of a doctor, nor its diagnosis, nor the treatment that it prescribes; neither should it be used for self-diagnosis.

The use that the reader makes of this service is carried out under his exclusive responsibility.

recommends that for any question related to your health always consult a doctor.

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How to improve blood circulation? Some home remedies

The remedies that you could use to improve the circulation of the legs:

1. Ginkgo biloba: It is one of the best natural remedies to improve blood circulation, since it has the ability to dilate the veins, to make them more elastic . Prepare an infusion with the leaves of this plant once a day to take advantage of its benefits.

Other forms of taking ginkgo biloba are in liquid extract , which you can find in herbalists and specialized health food stores, or in capsules prepared with this plant.

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Back Massager, Electronic Vibration Car Seat Cover, IDODO Vibrating Back Seat Cushion Pad Massager with Heat, Massage Chair to Relax, Sooth and Relieve Neck and Back, Shoulder and Leg

However, it is important to take into account the contraindications of ginkgo biloba, since it is not recommended to pregnant women, or to people suffering from insomnia or anxiety.

2. Garlic: Among all its properties, dilates blood vessels and favors the blood does not coagulate , therefore, many medications to treat tired legs or varicose veins include this ingredient.

Include 1 clove of garlic in your meals. Another way to use them is to make a bath of warm water with garlic, soaking the feet to activate the circulation of the legs.

3. Cat's Claw:
It has a component that helps blood fluidity and decreases the ability of coagulation and platelet aggregation.

Therefore, the use of supplements with this plant that you can find in herbalists and specialized health food stores, will help you improve blood circulation.

4. Horsetail:
Diuretic and promotes circulation, prevents hardening of the arteries and also helps to reduce the levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood.

One of the best ways to consume this plant is to prepare an infusion to improve circulation.

Another remedy: 2 heaping tablespoons of horsetail and 1 liter of water. Take to heat in the fire.

When it breaks to boil, turn off the heat and let the infusion rest for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 or 2 cups a day.

5. Hamamelis:
You can perform frictions or scrubs with witch hazel to relieve pain and swelling of legs by varicose veins

6. Cayenne Pepper: It is a spice that has properties to activate blood vessels and improve the blood supply.

You can benefit from these properties by adding cayenne pepper to one of your dishes to allow the blood to circulate faster and improve circulation. It is one of the remedies that our grandparents used the most and it is because the result is very effective.

Remember: you are unique and unrepeatable. These tips do not exclude medical consultation and a Lic. In Nutrition who can perform specific treatments for you.

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Exercises to Improve Your blood Circulation

Having good blood circulation is frankly important, especially as the years go by. In addition to eating healthy, there are many other easy exercises you can do to keep your circulation in the best possible conditions. Take a look at these suggestions we have prepared for you and try to incorporate them into your daily routine.

General Exercises

Go for a walk

Incorporate a 30-minute quick walk to your daily activities, so that blood flows better around your body. By doing so, you will also lessen any pain you may be experiencing due to poor blood circulation. Regular walks can also help you avoid the effects of atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which causes blood flow to decrease.

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Naipo Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Chair Seat Cushion Pad with Heat Air Compression and Vibration for Ultimate Stress Relief of Neck Back Thighs and Hips (Purple)


Swimming is an ideal exercise to improve blood flow, especially at advanced ages. Exercising by floating in the water brings many benefits, regulates blood pressure and makes you more resistant to heart problems. Start going to the pool once a week and gradually increasing.

Get out on a bicycle

If you live in the countryside or in an open area with specially designed bicycle lanes, do not think twice and reserve a daily time for a ride. While it is true that your legs will get greater benefits than any other part of the body, it is also a good cardiovascular exercise, such as swimming or walking. The best thing would be to start slowly and increase the kilometers traveled little by little. A short walk of 30 minutes, two or three times a week, can be a great benefit to improve blood circulation.


If you are one of those who have a sedentary job and spend hours sitting in a chair, be sure to get up every hour from the seat to do stretching exercises. You can make circles with your arms, or touch your toes with your hands. The goal is to accelerate your heart rate and not stay in the same position all day.

Exercise Your Hands

Stretching the fingers

To begin, close your hand with your thumb enclosed. Then open your fingers as much as possible, but without causing discomfort. Do this exercise ten times in one hand and then change to the other.

Folding dolls

Extend your arms and fingers as much as possible. Then fold the wrists upwards with the fingers extended and then bend them down. Repeat with both hands several times.

Wrist circles

Squeeze the thumb of your hand with all the fingers and slowly rotate the wrist for ten times. Do the same with the other hand.

Exercise Your Feet and Legs

Heel lifting

You can do this exercise either sitting or standing. Simply raise the heel of both feet simultaneously and hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise five to 10 times in a single session.

Walking on tiptoe

Simple and fast. Stand on tiptoe and walk for several minutes until you feel tired. With this exercise you will not only improve your circulation but you will also be stretching at the same time.

Circles with the foot

Sit on a chair and stretch one leg, keeping the toes also stretched. Now draw circles with the leg for a few moments to then change legs and do the same. This exercise will improve circulation and tone your legs.

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10 Excellent home remedies to improve blood circulation

The adequate blood circulation in the body is vital for a perfect health, since by means of the circulation is that the nutrients, minerals and oxygen are transferred to different parts of the body; In addition to this, good circulation promotes cell development and correct function of the organs. It is necessary to keep in mind that poor circulation can affect the whole body, including the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and extremities.

To detect at the time when this is happening poor circulation in your body is easy, if you have some numbness or tingling sensations in a certain part of the body, in addition to cold hands and feet, fatigue, dizziness, hair loss, dry skin , edema, headache, muscle cramps, pain in the legs and an irregular heartbeat, you should be alert.

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Naipo Back Massager Massage Chair Vibrating Car Seat Cushion for Back, Neck, and Thigh with 8 Motor Vibrations 4 Modes 3 Speed Heating at Home Office Car

There are many causes why you can suffer from this disease, but to improve the situation, start by making changes in your lifestyle, eating a healthy diet and try these wonderful homemade antidotes. It is important that those with circulatory disorders ask a doctor first.

Home remedies for blood circulation

The exercise

home remedies exercise

Exercise is the best way to encourage good blood circulation, it is not necessary to perform strict exercises with weights. Simple exercises are enough to improve blood flow.

Walk for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week. Do swimming, running, cycling, and other related activities, 2 times a week. Do exercises for 15 minutes a day in the mornings.
Note: Do not overwork with exercise, especially when the circulation is poor.

The massage

home remedies head massage

Regular massage helps blood flow through congested areas. A relaxing massage throughout the body helps to dilate the blood vessels, which in turn facilitates the flow of this.

Heat some olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil to massage or add a few drops of rosemary oil. Massage gently but firm hands, legs, ankles and other parts of the body with oil, wait a while and take a hot bath, do this 2 times a week.

    Note: When performing the massage, make the movements towards the heart for better blood flow.


Home remedies Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is another simple and efficient way to have a good circulation. Enjoy a hydromassage bath, steam bath, hot tub or sauna twice a week.

Home remedies curcuma

Turmeric is a fantastic seasoning that helps improve blood circulation , because it has the active ingredient of Turmeric, which helps reduce the process of clot formation and decreases the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

How should you use it?

  •     Add 1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder and a little honey in a glass of warm milk. Take 1 or 2 times a day.
  •     You can also take turmeric supplements after asking the doctor.

The cayenne

home remedies cayenne pepper

Cayenne contains Capsaicin that helps increase blood flow through the body and organs, as well as strengthens the arteries and Piliferous. In addition to this, it helps reduce the symptoms of poor circulation such as headache, cold feet and tingling in the legs.

How should you use it?

Mix ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder, two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of molasses in a cup of water. Take this mixture a couple of times a day.

Note: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid consumption of cayenne pepper.

Coconut oil

home remedies coconut oil

Coconut oil is very advantageous for improving blood circulation, since it has healthy fats and contains medium chain triglycerides that help to calm the inflammation of the arteries.

How should you use it?

  •     Consume 2 - 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil daily.
  •     You can also use hot coconut oil to massage your hands and legs daily.

Green tea

Home remedies green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help relax arteries and improve circulation. It is associated with an increase in the levels of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator. It helps to widen blood vessels, which increases blood flow.

How should you use it?

Put a bag of green tea in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes, squeeze the excess tea by pressing the bag against the cup with a spoon, remove the bag, add the honey and take it. You should take it 2 - 3 cups a day.

The dark chocolate


The cocoa in the dark chocolate helps in the blood flow, on the other hand, according to an investigation in 201 published in the gazette of the American Heart Association, dark chocolate improves the blood flow in the legs widening the arteries.

How should you use it?

Eat a small piece of dark chocolate a day to improve circulation. However, be sure to choose dark chocolate with 70% cocoa.


Home remedies Ginger

This is an ingredient that can help because it contains compounds such as Gingerols and Zingerone that have a warming effect on the body, resulting in good blood circulation. Regular consumption of ginger prevents the creation of blood clots in the body and reduces the danger of heart disease and atherosclerosis.

How should you use it?

  •     To make the tea, you should boil 1 tablespoon of thinly sliced ​​ginger in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes, strain, add the honey and take. Drink ginger tea 2 - 3 times a day.
  •     You can chew certain slices of fresh ginger each and every day or include dried ginger.
  •     Another alternative is to take ginger tablets after asking your doctor.


home remedies garlic

Garlic promotes blood circulation , reduces blood pressure and prevents the aggregation of platelets in the blood. It is efficient in preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries and reduces the danger of atherosclerosis.

Using each of these home remedies, rest assured that it will improve your blood flow; do not forget to exercise daily.

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Follow this daily routine to improve blood circulation

Feet and ankles swollen in the summer and, in the winter, a feeling of constant cold in the extremities of the body are the symptoms of poor circulation . A real nuisance for those who suffer it and a phenomenon that may depend on many factors . The positive news is that there are small daily actions that help improve blood circulation . Do you apply them in your day to day?

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Homgrace Swivel Gaming Massage Chair Ergonomic PU Leather Executive Office Chair Vibrating 7 Point Wireless Massage Chair with Heating Function (White)

Why do I have cold feet in winter and swollen legs in summer?

Poor circulation can cause even more serious symptoms than those mentioned above. Varicose veins , phlebitis and purple legs may appear in people who have poor blood circulation.

This problem does not have a specific cause, but it can be the consequence of several factors:

  •     Unhealthy habits such as excessive caffeine in the diet or smoking, diets rich in saturated fats.
  •     Diseases such as diabetes , hypercholesterolemia, obesity.
  •     Lifestyle also influences the proper functioning of circulation. Both spending many hours on foot and making a sedentary lifestyle can cause or aggravate the symptoms of poor circulation.

Routine to improve circulation

Faced with the presence of more severe symptoms of poor circulation, tingling, varicose veins, pain, difficulty walking , it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist.

To prevent the appearance of milder symptoms and take care of your legs in both summer and winter, it is important that your routine does not miss physical exercise .

Especially if you spend a lot of time standing or work requires you to sit for many hours, we suggest some exercises that will help you improve circulation . You can do them even in the office!

  •     Stretch Sitting on a chair, raise one leg parallel to the floor and squeeze the muscles. Then he relaxes and rests his foot on the floor. Keep alternating the two legs and perform about 30 repetitions.
  •     Contract This time, squeeze a book between your knees, support your hands on the sides of the chair to help you raise your feet about 10 cm from the floor, without releasing the book between your knees.
  •     Activate From the same position, put your legs together and put your feet on tiptoe alternately. There is a second on each foot and repeat the exercise for a minute.

Ideally, perform these exercises twice throughout the day and get up to take a few steps whenever possible.

If you work standing up most of the day , try to make the scales whenever you have the opportunity, wear comfortable shoes and do this exercise whenever you can:

From the standing posture, with the straight back and the coccyx inwards, inspire and climb on the toes while contracting the muscles of the legs. Count to 5, exhale and lower. Repeat 10 times. If you work facing the public you can do the exercise simply by contracting and relaxing the muscles. Repeat several times a day to relieve the feeling of swelling or coldness in the legs .

Good habits to keep your legs in shape

Small actions in your day to day can improve your lifestyle by alleviating the symptoms of poor circulation. Here we bring you some examples:

  •     Some supplements help strengthen the arterial walls . Collagen is an essential component for the health of veins and arteries that are essentially composed of this protein that gives the vessels elasticity and resistance.
  •     Some infusions and plant extracts that help prevent arterial blockages. A specialist will know how to guide you in choosing the most suitable ones for you.
  •     Balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables and unsaturated fatty acids to provide your body with the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the circulatory system .
  •     Support your legs on a pillow at bedtime to facilitate blood return.
  •     Wear comfortable shoes with 3-4 cm wedge .
  •     Leaning your feet on a stool if you spend many hours sitting improves the venous return from the feet to the heart.
  •     The draining massages to relieve the swelling help to improve the symptoms. In these cases it is very important to undergo only professional treatment to avoid risks.

The mild discomfort caused by poor circulation can be alleviated with a little prevention. What are you doing to improve the circulation of your legs?

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Exercises to improve blood circulation in pregnancy.

The body of the pregnant woman needs anatomical, physiological and chemical modifications to guarantee the baby the best conditions for its development. These changes tend to cause slight discomfort, one of them being the deficiency of the blood circulation.

During pregnancy, the mother's blood , in addition to meeting the needs of her body, must supply the necessary substances for the development of her child and collect the waste to eliminate them. The process of substance exchange , in both directions, is carried out through the placenta .

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TENKER Massage Cushion, Shiatsu Full Back Massage Chair Vibration Seat Cushion with Heat for Home Office Car

The blood vessels of the mother dilate from the beginning of pregnancy, increasing the volume of maternal blood by approximately one and a half liters. Due to the increase in volume of the uterus, the blood return from the legs is difficult and usually produces inflammation , a feeling of heaviness and, in some cases, causes the appearance of varicose veins. Meanwhile, the discomfort increases if the uterus, on the right side, compresses the vena cava that is responsible for returning blood to the heart.

During the second and third trimesters , the mother is likely to experience leg cramps , especially while sleeping. Cramps occur when the muscles are suddenly tense, for various reasons: lack of fluids, injury, muscle strain or staying in the same position for a prolonged period. Problems with blood circulation or pressure in the nerves of the spine can also cause pain similar to leg cramps.

To prevent these discomforts , it is advisable to carry out an active pregnancy , through the practice of physical exercises, controlled by a professional specialized in Physical Education for pregnant women, as long as the doctor is available. Some ideal physical practices to perform during pregnancy, which improve blood circulation, are swimming , aqua-gym and outdoor walks . In the meantime, if the modality chosen is gymnastics , the routine should be practiced on a firm surface and should take into account some care. Begin the exercises slowly and gradually ; if you feel pain or fatigue, lower the intensity of the exercise; Always try to breathe normally.

Below, you will find some exercises that can help you avoid or mitigate the deficiency of the blood circulation.

Stretching legs and feet: Sit with your back straight and your legs extended in front. Place your hands on the floor, near your hips, to support your weight. Bend the knee slowly and then straighten it. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. This will tone the muscles of the calf and thigh, and will also help relieve cramps.

Move the ankles circularly.

Relaxation: Lie down, with your legs resting on a chair or a bed, but as you increase in volume, avoid doing it on your back for too long. It may help to have the shoulders slightly raised with pillows so as not to get dizzy. This will help relieve swelling of the ankles and feet . If you choose to lie flat on the floor, lie on your side with a pillow under your head. Flex the upper arm and leg and place a pillow under the knee. Keep the other leg stretched. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. This position relieves pressure on the large blood vessels and abdomen.

Likewise, it is advisable not to stand for a long time, sitting or standing in the same position for a prolonged period. Also, avoid sitting in a position that limits blood flow (such as sitting cross-legged for a long time). It is also advisable to rest a few times during the day and sleep with slightly elevated legs .

Finally, the normal changes that occur in the blood circulation during pregnancy represent an additional effort for the heart, so a woman who is pregnant or considering being pregnant should tell her doctor if she has or has ever had a heart disease

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10 plants to improve blood circulation

The infusion of nettles is an excellent iron supplement in the treatment of anemia. It helps regulate hypertension combined with hawthorn and lemon balm, and is a traditional remedy for varicose veins mixed with motherwort and royal pate.

ginger, plant to improve circulation Ginger

Effective circulatory and vasodilator stimulant that also exerts an anti-cholesterol action. You can take ginger powder dissolved in hot water, in tincture or in capsules, to relieve cold in feet and hands, and contribute to the treatment of arteriosclerosis.

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GALAXY ARIA 6 (Brown) Best Full Body Massage Chair, Sports Massage, Stretch and Treatment

hawthorn, plant to improve circulation Hawthorn

Traditionally used as a restorative of the heart and for circulation, hawthorn helps regulate heart rate and hypertension. Take in infusion, tincture or capsules.

alquilea, plant to improve circulation Aquilea
Combined with lemon balm and hawthorn in infusions or tincture, alkaline reduces hypertension and treats arteriosclerosis. Wet a cotton disk in diluted tincture or cold infusion to stop nosebleeds.

Linden, plant to improve circulation Linden flowers

The small-leaved lime flowers help reduce the stress and tension associated with hypertension, and it is also used to strengthen the arteries and relieve headaches resulting from hypertension. It is often combined with hawthorn and taken as an infusion or tincture.

garlic, plant to improve circulation Garlic
It helps prevent the increase of cholesterol and has a beneficial anticoagulant action for thrombosis and arteriosclerosis. Take the raw garlic, in juice or in capsules.

rosemary, plant to improve circulation Rosemary
Circulatory tonic traditionally used to strengthen the heart, reduce varicose veins and prevent arteriosclerosis. Combine with melissa in infusion to avoid the headaches derived from hypertension.

Ginkgo, plant to improve circulation Ginkgo

Stimulant of the circulation and peripheral vasodilator. Combine with hawthorn to treat arterial diseases. Combine with alkaline to treat varicose veins. Combine with ginger to treat cold extremities, intermittent claudication and chilblains.

Goji, plant to improve circulation Goji
Chinese tonic that is believed to provide a very long life. Its berries, star ingredients in the West, are a tonic for the circulatory system and blood, and relieve dizziness, tinnitus or tinnitus by which bumps or sounds are heard in the ear without coming from any external source.

Hamamelis, plant to improve circulation Hamamelis
Dip a cotton disc in witch hazel distilled with hazelnuts and apply locally on fevers, inflammations, itching in varicose veins, hemorrhoids and chilblains.

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Blood circulation problems during pregnancy, can they be prevented?

Throughout pregnancy many physical changes that affect the welfare of the mother and following healthy habits can control them or minimize the risks. The problems of blood circulation during pregnancy are very frequent and we will see how they manifest.

During pregnancy, for the uterus and the fetus to receive enough oxygen, more liters of blood flow through the woman's body. This increase in blood volume, which is around 40%, circulating in the body, may favor the appearance of varicose veins .

SL-Track Massage Chair, KissDate Chair Full Body Massage Chair Zero Gravity Air Massage with Stretch Heating Vibrating Function
SL-Track Massage Chair, KissDate Chair Full Body Massage Chair Zero Gravity Air Massage with Stretch Heating Vibrating Function

These are swollen veins (blood exerts more pressure on them) and often painful in the legs, the lips of the vulva (varicose veins) and anus ( hemorrhoids ).

The increase in blood volume also causes the tissues to accumulate fluid, which can lead to the first signs of edema , the most common: swelling of the ankles and feet (to a lesser extent, the hands and face can also be affected).

This happens because as the pregnancy progresses the pressure of the uterus causes the blood to rise to the heart to circulate more slowly: the fluid from the veins is retained in the tissues of the feet and ankles.

They have a higher risk of circulation problems during pregnancy (and more serious) those women who have problems of this type before becoming pregnant. Overweight women and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle also have a high risk of developing circulatory problems during pregnancy.

So, can we do something to avoid or minimize circulatory problems during pregnancy?

Pregnancy circulation exercise

Minimize circulation problems during pregnancy

The practice of regular exercise during pregnancy (if there is no risk) is very beneficial in many ways, also to improve blood circulation. There are some more suitable exercises during this stage that can help you: swimming, yoga, walking ... Other specific exercises are:

    When we lie down, we can and raise our legs above the level of the heart and do "bicycle" type exercises, pedaling; also drawing circles with the feet to activate circulation.

    Also lying on your back, raise your legs little by little, bending your knees, trying to form a 90º angle with your trunk. It is easier to do it with one leg first and the other later.

    Lying on the side, raise the leg that is above, stretched like a scissor and repeat the exercise several times and changing sides.

    Seated with the legs together and stretched, performs a flexion and extension of both feet alternately, bringing the tips forward and backward.

    Sitting and barefoot with a tennis ball on your feet, roll it over, pass it from the tip to the heel of your foot.

    Standing, support the heels and the toes alternately. Without moving from the site you can also simulate the march by raising the knees a lot.

Carrying a healthy diet with a rich hydration (water is your best ally) also helps the circulation is fluid and we have no problems in this regard.

Pregnant women should avoid sitting for a long time or standing without moving, as well as crossing their legs.

During the rest lying down, raise your legs on cushions so that they are above the level of the heart, to "discharge" them.

Relaxing massages during pregnancy can also contribute to better circulation (and also bring many other benefits).

Do not wear clothing that oppresses the body, tight shoes , or heels (especially at the end of pregnancy). A comfortable footwear is fundamental for the feet, normally swollen. Avoid saunas and extreme heat.

In summer, try to be in cool places and do exercises in the less hot moments and without direct exposure to the sun.

In short, although circulation problems during pregnancy are very frequent , there are many ways to minimize the risks. The best thing is to lead an active and healthy lifestyle and if the discomforts do not allow you to maintain a normal rhythm, consult the gynecologist.

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How to improve poor blood circulation

There are many people who need to improve poor blood circulation, this article gives advice and natural remedies that can be of great help.

Introduction to the venous and arterial circulatory system

We can divide the dysfunctions of the circulatory system into two large groups:

  •     Conditions on the arterial system.
  •     Alterations in the venous system.

Through the arterial channels blood reaches the heart; It is pumped through these cells providing oxygen, electrolytes and other nutrients necessary for life and the proper functioning of each and every organ and tissue of our body.

Massage Chair Recliner, Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Brown
Massage Chair Recliner, Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Brown

Venous ducts carry blood from the organs and tissues back to the heart. It is the system responsible for collecting metabolic waste from cells (CO2, lactic acid, etc.)

The development of this route is against gravity when blood returns from lower body areas to the heart. To make this blood return possible, the veins have valves in their interior that prevent blood from returning.

Types of dysfunctions of the circulatory system

Injuries in the arterial wall or obstructions in its circuit: they generate "ischemic" type conditions (lack of oxygen and nutrients) such as the formation of atheromatous plaques (arteriosclerosis) derived from the chronic accumulation of substances in the walls that, if detached in the form of a plunger can close any other artery. Acute obstruction is known as thrombosis.

The blood does not flow properly so it cuts the cellular nutrition of the areas after the "plug" and in turn causes waterlogging lesions in areas before the arterial blockade producing an excess of pressure (hypertension) supported by the walls of the same. In its most critical manifestation, it can lead to an acute myocardial infarction (heart) or cerebral infarction.

Failures in ducts and venous valves: they produce stagnation of the oxygen-poor blood and other nutrients in peripheral tissues, dilating the walls (varicose veins) as well as dysfunctions in the valves (venous insufficiency).

Dilation occurs in the walls of venous capillaries with leakage of fluid from the blood plasma into tissues generating edema (inflammation due to fluid accumulation) in the affected areas. Annoying sores or ulcers called varicose can occur due to their origin.
Factors that influence poor blood circulation

  •     Family history (genetic inheritance and life habits).
  •     Diabetes mellitus type II.
  •     Advanced age.
  •     Hypercholesterolemia (mainly increased "bad" LDL cholesterol as opposed to "good" HDL cholesterol).
  •     High blood pressure that can be a consequence and also a cause.
  •     Sedentary.
  •     Smoking as one of the most important causes.

Tips to prevent poor blood circulation

  •     Avoid overly abundant meals.
  •     Moderate the consumption of saturated fats: meats, sausages and dairy products.
  •     Caution with trans fatty acids, fats and cooked oils.
  •     Consume raw unsaturated oils such as olive oil and omega 3.
  •     Hypocholesterolemic: there are organic synthesis as yeast red rice.
  •     Daily diet without salt: especially avoid refined salt due to its high sodium content.
  •     Hypotensive: garlic, onion, hawthorn.
  •     Low glycemic load effective and preventive diet in diabetes mellitus II.
  •     Protect blood capillaries: Rusco, buckwheat and Bochú. Cranberry, red vine and Ginkgo. Consumption of other antioxidants such as vitamins A, E and C, Selenium or Zinc, among others.
  •     Body weight suitable according to your constitution.
  •     Physical exercise, especially of moderate intensity.
  •     After narrowing of arteries: anticoagulants and vasodilators through supervision.

How to improve poor circulation of blood (varicose veins, venous insufficiency, edema, etc.)

  •     Favoring vascular spasm: horsetail, witch hazel.
  •     Stimulate platelet aggregation: Shepherd's purse, Horsetail.
  •     Stimulate blood coagulation with vitamin K: Alfalfa, spinach, celery.
  •     Activate the circulation by means of showers of cold water in the extremities in ascending direction and with long walks by the shore of the sea in contact with the cold water.