Monday, March 11, 2019

INTEY Shiatsu Massage Chair Pa

10 tips to improve leg blood circulation

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the disability of the veins
to make the proper return of blood to the heart, this lack of
circulation causes its accumulation in the legs, leading to
different symptoms and problems.

   According to data from the Spanish Phlebology Chapter, the symptoms of
IVC affect 30 percent of Spanish adults, which means
that it has about 15 million people, of whom it is estimated
that 60 percent of cases are not diagnosed.

   The incidence of this pathology * increases with age *, so that
After 50 years, half of the population suffers. Many times,
it is the patient who underestimates it, since it usually does not represent
a serious problem for health. However, this vascular pathology
can greatly reduce the quality of personal and professional life of
the people who suffer it and is a problem
sanitary of the first magnitude.

INTEY Shiatsu Massage Chair Pa
INTEY Shiatsu Massage Chair Pa

   Precisely, on the occasion of the publication of the results of the II
CinfaSalud study, dedicated to the 'Perceptions and habits of
Spanish women in relation to the health of their legs and the IVC ',
performed by Cinfa, the company's medical expert, Dr. Eduardo
González Zorzano, makes a decalogue of advice to improve the
venous circulation and relieve your symptoms.

   "There are some habits or tips that, incorporated into the day to day,
can help alleviate the pain and symptoms inherent in the
IVC, allowing, in this way, lead a fuller and healthier life
and gaining in quality of life, "he recalls.

     The report, endorsed by the Spanish Chapter of Phlebology and
Lymphology (CEFyL) of the SEACV, highlights that although the factors
triggers can not be controlled (genetic causes, pathologies,
age), many others can be prevented with an appropriate lifestyle,
through diet, exercise, and healthy habits.


* 1. * * Avoid standing, standing or sitting for long periods of time
weather*. When for work reasons or long trips by car, plane or
bus, you must stay a long time, it is recommended not to
Cross your legs and use a footrest. Whether you are sitting or
standing for long periods, you have to move your feet frequently and
Legs and take short walks.

*2. Legs up*. To improve the functioning of the veins and
after long periods of sitting or standing, it is advisable to lie down and raise
the legs above the level of the heart. In the case of
Pregnant, in addition, you should sleep reclining on the left side
and, for comfort, it is recommended to place a pillow between

*3. Use therapeutic measures *. The doctor or pharmacist will value
the degree of compression and size most suitable for each person.

*4. Follow a balanced diet and low in salt *. Both overweight
As constipation can affect the circulation. To prevent them,
a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and cereals is key; as well as
minimize the consumption of salt to retain less liquids

*5. Hydration, inside and out. * Drink between 1.5 or 2
liters of water daily. In addition, it is advisable to moisturize the
epidermis with specialized products (creams, etc.) to maintain
elastic skin and activate the blood circulation of these areas.

* 6 The sport, fundamental *. It is advisable to practice exercise
moderate physicality on a regular basis. Sports such as swimming or walking
daily, even dancing, gymnastics and the bike, help activate
the blood circulation. There are also exercise routines
singles specifically indicated for the IVC.

* 7 After the day, activate the irrigation with a shower and a massage *. To the
finish the daily shower, we will apply cold water to the calves in
ascending sense to relieve the feeling of heaviness. They also help
the massage with cold gels, from the foot to the knee in the
ascending, to activate the blood return.

* 8 Footwear and clothes, better broad *. The clothes very
adjusted are not advisable, as they can hinder the return
venous from the legs to the heart. Likewise, the use of
wide and comfortable footwear, without an excessive heel.

* 9 Avoid heat *. Since high temperatures favor
dilation of the veins, it is important to avoid sources of heat
directed directly at the legs: you should not sunbathe on the
prolonged legs, or waxed with hot wax, or use
braziers or saunas.

* 10 Consult with the health professional: * The doctor, or
Pharmacist can guide about food supplements, gels
for tired legs and specific medications to promote
venous return


  The report highlights that the first symptoms that usually appear
and which are indicative signs of suffering from this disease are:

- * Pain, tingling, heaviness and habitual fatigue in the legs *.
"These discomforts can be distinguished from others because they become more acute
be at rest and with heat, and on the contrary decrease to
lift your legs and with the cold, "says Cinfa's report.

- * Swelling of the lower legs and ankles *,
especially after prolonged periods of standing.

- Night cramps or what is known as' * legs syndrome
restless * ', which can make it difficult to reconcile the dream and the

- * Feeling of heat *, redness, dryness and constant itching in the
skin, which may be due to excess blood retained causes
an increase in temperature.

- Vascular spiders or telangiectasias and reticular varices

- Varicose veins or varicose veins, which is the best known clinical sign.

- Cutaneous skin disorders caused by poor circulation:
dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, etc.

- Venous ulcers, which represent the most advanced stage of the

- And, as the disease progresses, swelling may occur in
the ankles and legs (edema), clots in varicose veins
(varicoflebitis), or hemorrhage due to rupture of varicose veins (varicorrhagia).