Monday, March 11, 2019

Massage Chair, Back Massager for Chair, Sotion Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping Massage Seat Pad with Heat and Height Adjustment for Pain and Stress Relief of Neck, Back, Shoulder, Thighs and Hips

How to improve poor blood circulation

The poor circulation of blood is mainly due to dietary factors. The lack of fiber in our diet, the excess of salt and drinking little water are the main causes of poor circulation.

It is also related to heart problems and hypertension.

The poor blood circulation, is characterized by a tingling sensation or grit, in the extremities especially in the arms and legs. These are the ones who suffer the most, because in addition to not circulating blood well for them, they are forced to endure our weight and walk.

It is typical that poor circulation favors the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins.

Massage Chair, Back Massager for Chair, Sotion Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping Massage Seat Pad with Heat and Height Adjustment for Pain and Stress Relief of Neck, Back, Shoulder, Thighs and Hips
Massage Chair, Back Massager for Chair, Sotion Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping Massage Seat Pad with Heat and Height Adjustment for Pain and Stress Relief of Neck, Back, Shoulder, Thighs and Hips

It is characterized by cold hands and feet, this is because blood does not reach easily.

Symptoms of poor circulation
If you want to know if you have poor circulation, here is a list with the most common characteristics of poor circulation:

  • Numbness of legs and arms, notes like grit inside them and numbness
  • Cramps especially at night, in the twins
  • Edema of the legs
  • Difficulty of scarring in feet and hands, nutrients and oxygen do not reach the extremities and their healing is slower
  • Brittle nails
  • Migraines
  • Peak
  • Lack of strength
  • Pain while walking
  • Dizziness when you wake up.
  • Practice some sports
  • The poor circulation of blood is also related to sedentary lifestyle. Performing cardiovascular activities causes our blood to be in constant movement. No need to sign up for a gym, if you have a dog, you have the excuse of going out with him for a walk, a walk to the Sun for half an hour will go very well for you both.

If after going for a walk you have stiffness, visit the following link: How to fight laces

Take care of your diet

Put aside junk food, carbonated drinks and salt, this should not only do so if you have poor circulation, as they are foods that do not bring any positive effect to our body.

Consume more Vitamin C:

Vitamin C present in citrus fruits and other fruits helps us improve poor circulation for the following reasons:

  • Strengthens veins and capillaries
  • Avoid over-accumulation of fat in the blood
  • Reduces hypertension and cholesterol
  • Purify our body
  • Improve our defenses


This root has its place in the traditional medicine recipe for its benefits for our body, and that is that ginger helps us improve blood circulation thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

If you consume it raw improves the absorption of nutrients and blood oxygenation.

Pumpkin seeds

If you buy a pumpkin do not get rid of the seeds, you can use them to improve circulation:

They are a good source of Vitamin E, this fat-soluble vitamin has the ability to give elasticity and flexibility to our blood vessels.
They help prevent the formation of blood clots.

The eye is a bulb that is well known and appreciated in Mediterranean countries for its exceptional flavor.

In addition this bulb has healing properties for our circulatory system.

To improve poor circulation take a clove of garlic fasting.

If you want to know more about garlic, visit the following article: garlic benefits

If the taste of garlic you do not like or even the smell, there are dietary supplements of garlic deodorized so that you have all its benefits, without enduring the smell or taste.

Sweet and refreshing is the quintessential fruit of summer. It is diuretic and rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that facilitates blood circulation to the lower body train.

It is a typical spice of oriental medicine, it has multiple properties and uses. Among them, it stands out:

  • It is a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  • Help the blood to flow more easily
  • Reduces the pain and pressure exerted by poor circulation in our legs

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar must be present in our pantry, due to its multiple properties. To improve poor circulation and the appearance of spider veins you just have to soak a rag and rub through the affected area.

  • Natural remedies to improve circulation
  • Rub aloe vera on the extremities that you notice numbness
  • Massage with lavender essential oil, diluted in coconut oil, perform ascending movements in circles.
  • Infusions of horsetail, passionflower, ginger, thyme or rosemary have very positive effects on blood circulation.
  • Dip your feet in hot water with pepper to improve circulation.
  • Onion baths: put onions to boil, with the tempered liquid perform baths in the affected areas
  • Sleep with your legs slightly elevated with a cushion.
  • Routine to improve blood circulation.
  • The vast majority of people like to shower with hot water, but this does not go very well for our circulation. If you have the habit of showering with hot water, when finished, cold water passes through your legs. This temperature contrast will make your circulation better.

Get yourself a good cream specially designed for tired legs, not only will you notice immediate relief, but some will improve the appearance of spider veins and bruises that appear with poor blood circulation.

Final tips
Wear loose clothing that does not go too tight
Watch that the underwear rubbers do not squeeze too much
If you work a lot of time sitting, take small walks every hour or get a stool to support your feet.
If you spend the day standing, change the leg on which you lean to promote circulation in both.