Thursday, March 28, 2019

Oral-B Pro Health All In One Soft Toothbrushes, 6 Count

Home remedies to clean and whiten teeth

Do you want to show clean white teeth? Do it naturally!
With these simple and practical remedies to perform, you can have a beautiful smile and without spending so much money.

The achievement of having beautiful teeth and a healthy mouth greatly influences our habits and the pigmentation they cause; for example, coffee, wine, soft drinks, soy sauce and dark fruits like blackberries tend to smudge our smiles.

Oral-B Pro Health All In One Soft Toothbrushes, 6 Count
Oral-B Pro Health All In One Soft Toothbrushes, 6 Count

You may also be interested: Are you getting late getting ready ?, these tips make you look beautiful quickly

According to the Good and Healthy information, some bad habits like smoking also make teeth yellow. But do not stress, you have several options to look white again.

Remedies for cleaning and whitening teeth:

1.- Rub your teeth with the white part of the orange peel, you can also occupy the inside of a banana peel. Leave on for 30 minutes and brush.

2.- Make a paste with strawberry and baking soda and brush your teeth.

3.- Mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with water and clean your teeth with a cotton ball dipped in this liquid.

4.- Make a paste with brewer's yeast, a teaspoon of salt and a splash of water. Brush with this mixture.

5.-Mix a little baking soda with sodium peroxide and add to your toothpaste every time you brush.

6.-Make coal dust and place it on your toothbrush, rub.

7.-Pour a tablespoon of baking soda with a splash of water (which is like non-solid paste), brush the teeth with the mixture.

8.-Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and before brushing your teeth with toothpaste, wet your brush with vinegar and clean your teeth.

And of course, we highly recommend that you go with your dentist for a tartar cleaning. The specialist also has teeth whitening products, so rest assured that you will once again enjoy white and radiant teeth.

Colgate Premier Classic Clean Medium Toothbrush (Card of 12)

3 ways to clean your teeth naturally

It is important to keep your teeth clean to prevent diseases and infections, chew food, and have a healthy and radiant smile. Without constant cleaning, bacteria can accumulate in your mouth and teeth, causing plaque and, in turn, leading to periodontal disease and tooth decay. If you are worried about the artificial ingredients of commercial toothpastes, you are not alone.

Colgate Premier Classic Clean Medium Toothbrush (Card of 12)
Colgate Premier Classic Clean Medium Toothbrush  (Card of 12)

The components of commercial, elaborate and artificial toothpastes are concentrated in fluorine, an ingredient found in nature that is also produced artificially for consumer use. [1] Luckily, conscious consumers have discovered many home bleaching methods that can be just as effective as fluoride-based solutions. You can learn to mix a natural toothpaste with basic ingredients, and change your habits to keep your teeth clean when you eat.

Method 1

Clean your teeth with natural ingredients

Use a strawberry toothpaste. Malic acid from strawberries is a natural emulsifier that removes stains from the tooth surface and plaque. To prepare your own whitening toothpaste, simply crush 2 to 3 strawberries in a cup and add ½ teaspoon of baking soda to clean your teeth. You can use this toothpaste a few times a week with better results over a period of use. Because malic acid and citric acid in strawberries can corrode tooth enamel, use this remedy along with a fluoride toothpaste. [2]

Use bananas to whiten your teeth. In the ripe banana you can find potassium, magnesium and manganese. These three vitamins can eliminate tooth stains and clean teeth. Simply peel a banana, take a small peel and rub it on the surface of your teeth for two minutes all the teeth. Then, make sure you brush. [3]

Use apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a multipurpose home product that also has teeth whitening properties. Although the results may not be instantaneous, using it with baking soda can remove surface stains and whiten teeth. To prepare your own whitening toothpaste, mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with ½ teaspoon of baking soda, which can be used a few times a week. You can also simply use apple cider vinegar as a natural mouth rinse along with your daily oral care routine by scrubbing with 30 ml (1 ounce) after meals, 2 to 3 minutes. [4]

Use coconut oil Coconut oil is a natural emulsifier that helps clean teeth, diminishes stains and fights plaque and cavities that cause bacteria. Mix a little bit of crushed peppermint or mint leaves (1 to 2 grams) with 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to use that mixture as a toothpaste or whitening mouthwash. Mint leaves leave your breath fresh throughout the day. Because coconut oil is soft and non-abrasive, you can use it daily, and it is safe for people with sensitive teeth and gums. [5]

Use sea salt. Instead of using toothpaste, put your toothbrush in a sea salt mixture for 3 to 5 minutes, which is prepared by dissolving ½ teaspoon of salt in 30 ml (1 ounce) of water and then brushing your teeth with that mixture . Salt increases the pH balance of the mouth temporarily, making it an alkaline environment in which germs and bacteria can not survive. A mouthwash with water and salt after meals can also keep your mouth and throat clean while soothing and healing mouth sores. [6]

Experiment with oil washing. Oil washing is a technique of Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify the mouth, and clean the teeth and gums with oil. Spinning an organic oil such as coconut, grapefruit, almond or olive oil in your mouth daily can rejuvenate cells, removing toxins from the mouth. [7]

Chew nim sticks. The twigs of neem and miswak are used in many cultures to clean the teeth. After chewing the bark of the final part, you can separate the fibrous hairs in the pulp of the wood, which can be used to brush the teeth as usual. The act of chewing and sucking the twigs helps clean the mouth. [8]

Method 2

Rinse your mouth with fluids to clean your teeth

Rinse your mouth right after eating. Eliminate any food residue that has remained on your teeth to prevent staining and cavities. This is a very good idea, especially if you are far from home and you can not use a good brush. Drinking water throughout the day and rinsing with clean water after meals is the most underrated method of oral health. [9]
You should always avoid brushing immediately after consuming very acidic foods, as they can wear your tooth enamel. Instead, rinse yourself with water.

Use a Waterpik product to brush your teeth. This product helps to remove food stuck on the surface of your teeth and between the fissures of your teeth and gums. It is an excellent and healthy way to clean your mouth after meals. [10]

Use the oil wash. Oil washing is an Ayurvedic remedy in which you rinse your mouth with oil to eliminate germs and harmful bacteria. Vegetable oil contains lipids that absorb toxins and remove them from saliva, as well as prevent the bacteria that cause cavities from sticking to the walls of your teeth. [11]
Rinse your mouth with a spoonful of oil for one minute to collect your benefits. If possible, do it 15 to 20 minutes. To make sure that the oil absorbs and detoxifies the bacteria as much as possible, do it on an empty stomach.
Spit it and wash your mouth thoroughly, preferably with warm water.
Buy organic oil and cold pressed. Sesame and olive oil can work, but coconut oil is the most popular, because of its flavor, antioxidants and natural vitamins, such as vitamin E. [12]

Method 3

Prepare a natural toothpaste

Brush with baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate helps whiten teeth and promotes general oral health. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with 2 teaspoons of water to prepare your own toothpaste, with which you can brush a few times a week. Prepare a new mixture in each use. Sodium bicarbonate can also be used as a mouthwash after meals by dissolving 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and rinsing for 2 to 3 minutes. [13]
Add a drop of peppermint extract and half a teaspoon of sea salt to give it an extra flavor. [14]
When you finish adding the ingredients, just place a little on a brush and brush.

Prepare a vegan toothpaste. Many toothpastes use glycerin, which is a byproduct of animals. Unless it is vegetable glycerin, a toothpaste that uses glycerin is not vegan. To prepare a vegan toothpaste, simply mix four tablespoons of baking soda, eight tablespoons of water, two teaspoons of vegetable glycerin, half a teaspoon of guar gum for a thicker toothpaste and five drops of mint extract.
Place this mixture in a pot and cook it in a kitchen at a low temperature. Stir for about five minutes or until you get the consistency of a toothpaste. [15]

Use a diluted soap. Soap made from natural ingredients and oils, like the popular brand Dr. Bronner's, is an excellent alternative to commercial toothpaste. Dissolve a teaspoon of soap in water and put your brush in the mixture. Most people prefer to use a mint-scented soap, but the taste of the tea tree, almonds, rose, among others, may be better for your taste.
In some places, dental soaps are available, which are specifically made in pleasant shapes, made without fluoride or other ingredients questionable by some people. [16]

  • Brush your teeth dry. Using only one brush is an excellent way to keep your teeth clean, since most of the cleaning effects of brushing are caused by the brush itself and not by the toothpaste. You may not have the aroma or the sensation of a clean mouth, but you will keep your teeth without plaque.
Things you will need
  • strawberries
  • banana
  • Apple vinager
  • coconut oil
  • sea ​​salt
  • coconut oil
  • Waterpik
  • sodium bicarbonate

Colgate Extra Clean Full Head Toothbrush, Medium - 6 Count

How to remove tartar from your teeth naturally

Good dental hygiene and the consumption of certain foods, such as apples, tomatoes and strawberries, can help prevent the appearance of tartar on the teeth.

Tartar, also called tartar or dental calculus, is the hardening of the bacterial plaque due to the deposit of minerals.

Colgate Extra Clean Full Head Toothbrush, Medium - 6 Count
Colgate Extra Clean Full Head Toothbrush, Medium - 6 Count

This usually causes the teeth to look unattractive, with a yellow or brown coloration and, on the border between the gums and the teeth, the residues may have an even darker color. Therefore, it is perceived as a kind of 'crust' on this area.

What should you know about tartar?

Remove tartar

To the touch, tartar is rough and, beyond being an aesthetic problem, can lead to the appearance of other health problems. Tartar, when interacting with certain foods (such as sweets, cola drinks and fried foods) releases an acid that can cause cavities.

On the other hand, certain habits such as smoking, alcoholism and excessive consumption of coffee can promote the appearance of tartar. There may also be some genetic predisposition to the production of tartar.

Home remedies for tooth tartar

In addition to maintaining good dental hygiene habits, it is important to periodically visit the dentist for a thorough cleaning. However, you can also take advantage of the benefits of certain home remedies to avoid excess tartar on the teeth.

Sodium bicarbonate

Many people use baking soda mixed with lemon or salt to strengthen their dental hygiene and maintain the color of their teeth clear, given the properties of these ingredients. It is recommended to mix also with a little water since the flavor can be somewhat strong. Be careful with its use because it can damage the enamel.

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g).
  • Water (quantity needed).

  • In a bowl mix the bicarbonate and salt.
  • Wet the toothbrush in warm water.
  • Insert the toothbrush into the bicarbonate and salt mixture to impregnate it.
  • Brush as usual, but try to focus on areas where there is a tendency to accumulate more tartar.
  • Repeat at least 2 times a day (morning and night) to get results.


It is another of the dental whiteners par excellence, in addition, this citrus fruit has antibacterial properties that come in handy when it comes to combat tartar.

After using it, rinse well so that the next day, when in contact with the sun, there will be no spots on the skin around the mouth.

The lemon acid in turn could damage or weaken the teeth; therefore, you should use this recipe, at most, once a week.

  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • ½ cup of warm water (125 ml).

  • Fill half a cup with warm water. Add the lemon juice.
  • Place the water and juice in a glass or cup and stir.
  • Swish all over your mouth before going to bed.
  • Rinse with a little warm water so you do not have the acid taste.
  • Peroxide
  • This substance, so common in homes, also serves to lighten the teeth and remove tartar. You can use this home remedy up to three times a week, always as a rinse, after routine brushing.

  • ¼ cup of warm water (62 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (20 ml).
  • Place warm water in a glass and add the oxygenated water. Remove to mix.
  • Take a little water and swish for at least 1 minute.
  • Spit the mixture and repeat for another minute.
  • Rinse with fresh water.
  • Sesame seeds
  • Seeds
  • These seeds are ideal for removing accumulated dirt from the teeth. It is only necessary to take a spoonful of them and chew them slowly for one or two minutes. Then, they spit and, with the help of the previously moistened toothbrush, they massage the teeth. Finally, rinse with water.


Why the parsley drink helps clean the kidneys
This aromatic herb that is used in a large number of recipes for flavoring can also help combat the buildup of tartar on the gums. One of the simplest remedies is the following:

  • Ingredients
  • 1 handful of parsley leaves (20 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of water (10 ml).
  • Wash and chop the parsley leaves well.
  • Mix it with water until it forms a paste.
  • Place it on the teeth and let it act for about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of warm water.
  • Fruits to remove tartar from teeth


Some of them have the ability to whiten our teeth and remove tartar adhering for some time. For this method to result, you must consume them raw and bite them (do not cut them with a knife).

The apple, melon and strawberries are three perfect alternatives to have healthy gums, avoid the accumulation of food and prevent bleeding that appears with brushing. It should be noted that the apple must be eaten with its shell to achieve the desired effect.

Both strawberries and tomatoes can be used by simply cutting them into slices and rubbing them directly on the teeth before each meal.

Another homemade way to combat tartar is to rub the inside of the rind of certain fruits (orange and banana) against the teeth for about 2-3 minutes before and after eating. So, you know, do not throw them away and use them to take care of your teeth!

Oral-B Pro-Health Toothbrush, All-in-One, 4 Count, Color may vary

3 simple ways to whiten teeth at home

A good home remedy for whitening teeth is to brush them daily with a homemade mix that is prepared with baking soda and ginger. These ingredients can be easily purchased at pharmacies and natural products stores, in conjunction with a whitening toothpaste.

However, there are other options such as using a strawberry scrub or a coconut oil rinse, they can also be easily prepared and used at home to whiten teeth.

Oral-B Pro-Health Toothbrush, All-in-One, 4 Count, Color may vary
Oral-B Pro-Health Toothbrush, All-in-One, 4 Count, Color may vary

In the case of stains on the teeth of brown or grayish color, which are caused by the use of the tetracycline antibiotic in childhood, no teeth whitening method is effective, even the treatments performed by the dentist may not have any results. In this case, what is recommended to do is go to the dentist to put porcelain dental veneers to improve the harmony of the smile, resulting in teeth aligned, white and well adjusted.

1. Baking soda with ginger

How to whiten the teeth? The best home remedies
This paste is excellent for whitening teeth because it has an exfoliating effect, removing tartar or tartar microparticles that make the teeth more yellowish and darker.

However, this home treatment for teeth whitening should only be done twice a week to not wear out the teeth, because it can weaken the tooth enamel causing sensitivity.


  • 2 to 3 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger powder;
  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Preparation mode

Mix all the ingredients very well and store in a well-closed container and away from light. Always use the toothbrush first, place the normal toothpaste and then add this mixture, brushing the teeth well and rinsing with water at the end.

2. Exfoliating strawberry with salt

How to whiten the teeth? The best home remedies
This strawberry salt scrub contains vitamin C and a type of acid that helps eliminate dental plaque and eliminate dark spots. In addition to this, it contains sodium bicarbonate that helps rinse teeth faster.


  • 2 to 3 strawberries;
  • 1 pinch of coarse salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda

Preparation mode

Crush the strawberries with a fork until you obtain a puree, then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Place the mixture on the brush and apply over the teeth, trying to keep it in contact with the wall of the tooth for about 5 minutes.

Finally, you should rinse your mouth with water to remove the mixture and brush your teeth with a normal paste. This mixture should only be used 2 to 3 times a week, to avoid tooth wear.

3. Rinsing of coconut oil

How to whiten the teeth? The best home remedies
Coconut oil is an antimicrobial that helps eliminate bacterial plaque, in addition to promoting the health of the gums. In this way, it is a very healthy option to whiten teeth, eliminating dark spots.


  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil

Preparation mode

Place a small spoonful of coconut oil or coconut butter in your mouth. Let melt and rinse the mouth so that the product goes through all the teeth for about 3 to 5 minutes. Finally, remove the excess and brush your teeth.

To clarify the teeth successfully it is also important to follow some tips such as not drinking dark-colored beverages such as black tea or coffee, or industrialized juices, which contain many dyes and end up darkening the teeth.

A good suggestion is to drink these liquids with a straw or drink a glass of water immediately after eating this type of food. See more tips like these in the video below:

Colgate 360 Toothbrush with Tongue and Cheek Cleaner - Soft (6 Count)

Discover the right way to whiten your teeth with coconut oil

Everywhere we have been "bombarded" with the idea that coconut oil is a substance with many benefits, among them, it can be used to whiten teeth naturally.

The fact is that tooth whitening is a large industry, which generates more than 10 billion dollars per year in the US and is a very big reason why large companies discourage natural practices.

Colgate 360 Toothbrush with Tongue and Cheek Cleaner - Soft (6 Count)
Colgate 360 Toothbrush with Tongue and Cheek Cleaner - Soft (6 Count)

There is no estimated time to calculate how long it will take to whiten the teeth with this oil , everything will depend on the frequency with which you wash your teeth and the correct way in which you do it.

Here's how to clean your teeth with coconut oil :

1. Place a teaspoon of raw (cold) coconut oil in your mouth.

2. Shake this oil (in solid form) for 15 to 20 minutes, making sure not to swallow it, as it will contain the toxins that your body is trying to eliminate.

3. Spit the oil directly into the sink and rinse the mouth with lukewarm water or perform quick gargles with warm water mixed with salt.

4. Brush your teeth immediately afterwards to remove bacteria and excess fats.

You can also combine coconut oil and baking soda to whiten teeth, although the taste is even more unpleasant, but more effective.

Some of the benefits of using coconut oil for teeth whitening is that they will make you more white, it can also help eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath, gum disease and gingivitis.

Oral-B 3D White Radiant Whitening Toothbrush 40 Medium 2 Count ( Color May Vary )

How to whiten teeth with lemon naturally

The teeth turn yellow very easily, especially when you do not take care of them as you should. Getting whiter is possible with some natural tricks, in addition to professional treatments. Do you want to know how to whiten teeth with lemon? Keep reading and make your smile more beautiful.

Oral-B 3D White Radiant Whitening Toothbrush 40 Medium 2 Count ( Color May Vary )
Oral-B 3D White Radiant Whitening Toothbrush 40 Medium 2 Count ( Color May Vary )

Lemon to whiten teeth

Lemon has many benefits for the body because it is antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, diuretic and a natural detoxifier. In addition, for the teeth whitening it is also very effective as it is a powerful natural lightener.

With this citrus you can treat your teeth to eliminate dark spots, which will undoubtedly allow the pieces to recover their original color. It also favors the elmination of accumulated tartar and prevents both bad breath and the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

Steps to whiten teeth with lemon

  1. Lemon and water: with this homemade lemon mouthwash that we are going to recommend you can get very good results.Herve a little water with the juice of a lemon in a saucepan. Remove from heat at 5 minutes and wait for it to cool. When it has cooled, brush your teeth as you usually do and use the lemon water mixture to rinse your mouth.
  2. Lemon skin: you can also rub the teeth with the inside of the skin of the lemon. This option is valid both after the rinsing and in place.
  3. Lemon and baking: another good trick to whiten teeth with lemon is to mix a spoonful of baking soda with the juice of half a lemon. With that paste you brush your teeth for two minutes, and then rinse your mouth with plenty of warm water to remove any residue. Do this only twice a week.
  4. Lemon and salt: if your teeth have spots or are very yellow, this remedy is perfect. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a tablespoon of lemon juice, which is freshly squeezed. Brush your teeth with that paste, gently and for 30 seconds, do not overdo it. Do not repeat the treatment before 20 days since it can often damage the enamel.

Teeth whitening
Of course, the best option to be able to whiten teeth in an effective and healthy way is to go to your dentist. Home remedies are good but each case is particular and what is good for one may be harmful for another. Misused, or in excess, the lemon can cause damage to the tooth enamel, so it is advisable to check with your dentist first.

Colgate Toothbrushes Premier Extra Clean ( 12 Toothbrushes)

Home remedies to eliminate dental tartar

Nothing cuter than wearing a spectacular smile in the photos or simply where you walk. In this world in which the photos have taken over everything you must take good care of your teeth and among the basic care is to eliminate the dental calculus. For this, today we show you 5 homemade solutions to eliminate dental tartar.

Colgate Toothbrushes Premier Extra Clean ( 12 Toothbrushes)
Colgate Toothbrushes Premier Extra Clean ( 12 Toothbrushes)


Calcium is calcified or hardened plaque that adheres to the enamel of the teeth, below the gum line, which can cause from caries to infections in the gums.


To reduce the formation of tartar it is important to brush properly, especially with a tooth paste to control tartar, and floss.

Once the tartar has settled on your teeth, only the dentist can remove it. The process to remove tartar is called "root scraping". During this procedure, the dentist uses special instruments with which to remove tartar that is visible on the teeth and the one below the gum line.

  • It may interest you
  • Dental hygiene of your pet




Sodium bicarbonate.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

Water, salt and an antiseptic mouth rinse.



Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

With your toothbrush soaked in warm water, soak it in the bicarbonate and salt mixture.

Brush the teeth and spit. Repeat this process for five minutes to soften the tartar.


Rinse for one minute with two parts of hydrogen peroxide and one part of warm water.

Spit and rinse again with cold water.


Remove the soft plaque from the teeth using a toothpick. Be careful not to mistreat the gums because they may be sensitive.

Finally rinse with the anti septic.


Despite its black color its bleaching effect is almost immediate. For the procedure, it is enough to brush your teeth for two minutes with this activated carbon powder.

It is essential, before doing so, to make sure that it is of natural origin, and not based on oil.


You just need to cut some parsley leaves and put them on your teeth. Let them act for a few minutes and rinse.


Raw fruits and vegetables can be used to get rid of tartar formation on teeth. The natural fruit chewing process will help clean the teeth while eating. You can choose apples, figs and carrots.


The cloves are ideal for oral conditions, eliminate from bad smell, until bleeding. Applying clove oil directly to the gums helps remove dental plaque naturally.

What do you think of these 5 homemade solutions to eliminate dental plaque? Put them into practice and tell us the results!

5 Pack Charcoal Toothbrush [GENTLE SOFT] Slim Teeth Head Whitening Brush for Adults & Children [FAMILY PACK] - Ultra Soft Medium Tip Bristles (WHITE)

10 effective ways to clean your teeth without the need for a brush

If you forgot your toothbrush , and you need to clean your teeth somehow, here we reveal 10 effective ways to solve the problem. You'll be surprised!

Cleaning your teeth is something you can not stop doing, they need care, and often we forget our brush during a weekend trip or visit a friend's house, but here we share the secrets revealed by dentists .

5 Pack Charcoal Toothbrush [GENTLE SOFT] Slim Teeth Head Whitening Brush for Adults & Children [FAMILY PACK] - Ultra Soft Medium Tip Bristles (WHITE)
5 Pack Charcoal Toothbrush [GENTLE SOFT] Slim Teeth Head Whitening Brush for Adults & Children [FAMILY PACK] - Ultra Soft Medium Tip Bristles (WHITE)

At Clínicas Sonríe we know that your teeth should always look great, so in addition to making your appointment with us for dental revision and correction, we suggest these simple tricks that you can apply if you ever forget your toothbrush.

How to clean my teeth without brush?

    You can use a towel and wet the tip of it. Then you wrap it in your fingers and rub it between the teeth and the gums, that will help to remove the plaque.

    If you do not have your brush at hand and it is urgent, you can buy a chewing gum without sugar, while you move the candy in your mouth you collaborate with the removal of plaque between the teeth, and help generate more saliva.

    If you are in an open area you can go back to the prehistoric era and clean your teeth with a green leaf, you only have to chew the tip. Better if it is eucalyptus.

    If you forgot the brush but you have toothpaste it is always good to pass it with your fingers and make rinses, that will help while you get a brush.

    If what you have is a brush, but you do not have toothpaste, then it is advisable to brush with water and do several rinses.

    Before the toothpaste existed, sodium bicarbonate was used to clean the teeth, so this could be an excellent solution; although of course, sometimes it is more complicated to find this.

All these tips are excellent to do once or twice, but remember that it is important to keep your teeth in excellent condition, so you should always carry your toothbrush, toothpaste and floss and make regular visits to your dentist.

Do you know what is the rarest method to clean teeth?

It is an old method that has gained popularity recently in the world of cosmetics. It consists of using a spoonful of oil (sesame, olive, sunflower or coconut) and rinse your mouth with it. It is said that this helps eliminate toxins from your mouth and at the same time provides a whitening effect to the teeth. We should try it, although it sounds strange.

Natural remedies to care for and clean teeth

Another curious and interesting fact about cleaning your teeth is that you can do it with toothpaste and toothbrush, but add some of these natural remedies so that your clients get a bleaching almost as perfect as that performed by dentists.

    Strawberry jam:

Strawberries contain malic acid, which is ideal for dissolving coffee, red wine and tea stains on teeth. Grind 1 or 2 strawberries and add a teaspoon of baking soda, and rub this mixture on your teeth for 5 to 7 minutes. Then, he uses dental floss to remove the seeds from the strawberries that have been stuck. Remember that you should only do once or twice each month.

    Banana mask:

You can use the inside of a banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese, and other minerals, to whiten your teeth. The minerals in a banana are absorbed by the enamel and have healthy whitening effects.

    Coal (Believe it or not):

Activated charcoal is a remedy that is fashionable for its detoxifying benefits. It turns out that it also serves to whiten the teeth, since their granules stick to the bacteria before they stain them.

Remember that it is important to know what is good for your teeth and wash them at least three times a day.

Colgate 360? Total Advanced Floss-Tip Bristles Toothbrush, Soft - 4 Count

How to clean or whiten your teeth?

If it causes complexes to have yellow or stained teeth, do not worry. Here we are going to give you a series of homemade solutions so you can whiten your teeth and show off a beautiful smile.

What dentists recommend is to brush your teeth at least 3 times a day and floss to remove traces of food that are deposited between the teeth and that only with brushing do not go away.

Colgate 360? Total Advanced Floss-Tip Bristles Toothbrush, Soft - 4 Count
Colgate 360? Total Advanced Floss-Tip Bristles Toothbrush, Soft - 4 Count

To prevent plaque from forming and the plaque adhering to the teeth and turning into tartar, oral hygiene must be performed with patience by brushing each tooth. A well-done brushing should last at least 2 minutes.

Some products, such as coffee, cigarettes and coke, produce stains that are difficult to remove. So we recommend that if you can not avoid consumption, brush your teeth more often.

Here we leave some homemade recipes to whiten your teeth. Keep in mind that you should not abuse them to avoid damaging the enamel that covers them.


Place a teaspoon of fine salt in a small (non-metallic) container and add lemon drops until a paste forms. The quantities are not specific. You just have to reach as if to wet the brush several times.

After preparing the paste, wet the brush and proceed to brush each tooth, with emphasis on spots with spots or in the most yellow areas.

Be careful not to rub the gums with this paste, since the salt, which acts as an abrasive and the lemon acid removes the stains, can cause irritations.


To whiten the teeth, the bicarbonate can be used in several ways.

If you have stained teeth, we recommend using it with lemon. If your teeth are yellowish, you can use it alone, swishing with water. If what you want is to keep your teeth white, you can mix the baking soda with your normal toothpaste and brush your teeth as you usually do.


This procedure is convenient to do after the last dental brushing, before going to sleep. But you should keep in mind that you should not use it more than 3 times per week.

What you should do with hydrogen peroxide (we recommend that it be 10 volumes because it burns more) is to hold it in the teeth for approximately 30 seconds, then throw it away and do not rinse.


You must take a strawberry or strawberry and crush it with a fork to form a paste. Then place it on the brush and proceed to clean the teeth, using it instead of the common toothpaste.

Colgate 360 Adult Full Head Soft Toothbrush (4 Count)

Tricks to clean the teeth - 4 steps

We all want to show white and healthy teeth , but due to our diet, harmful habits such as smoking or excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages and visits too close to our dentist, the whiteness of our teeth is lost, giving way to accumulation of tartar. However, several recommendations can help us ensure a white smile and healthy teeth. In we give you some tricks to clean your teeth successfully.

Colgate 360 Adult Full Head Soft Toothbrush (4 Count)
Colgate 360 Adult Full Head Soft Toothbrush (4 Count)

Steps to follow:
One of the best tricks to clean the teeth decreasing its yellowish color, is to mix three powerful ingredients: sodium bicarbonate, lemon and hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to its whitening properties they will help you achieve the best results.

To carry out this homemade trick you must make a mouthwash by mixing in equal parts hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, then add a teaspoon of baking soda and mix well. Use as a mouth rinse for 1 minute every night, you will notice the results from the first applications.

A homemade toothpaste is also an effective trick to clean your teeth , which will help you look whiter and healthier. Mix in a plastic container a tablespoon of fine salt and a few drops of lemon to form a paste. Gently brush your teeth with this mixture three times a day.

Salt and lemon will help you eliminate stains, however it is important to perform a delicate brushing to avoid causing damage to your gums.

If your problem is the accumulation of tartar , then the best trick to clean the teeth is also the most common: floss.

This tool allows us to eliminate the plaque accumulated between our teeth, a space in which the toothbrush can not penetrate normally. It is recommended to use it once a day, preferably at night. In the beginning it is normal for your gums to bleed a lot, but as you acquire the habit and you are eliminating the tartar, they will stop doing it.

The mixture of baking soda and water is also an effective trick to clean the teeth , removing stains and helping to whiten them. You only have to mix a spoonful of baking soda and a little bit of mineral water to form a paste that allows you to brush your teeth. Apply once a day to whiten your enamel and wear a beautiful smile.

This article is merely informative, in a HOW we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Use of laxatives

Use of laxatives

Laxatives are available in a variety of forms. Depends on the action of the drug Usually divided into 6 categories, with the following details:

  •     Laxative that makes the stool soft (Emollient Laxative) acts to increase moisture and soften the stool. Gentle on the excretory system Can be used regularly Suitable for people with very small constipation or chronic constipation. With Docusate Sodium and Docusate Calcium as the active ingredient
  •     Laxative (Bulk-forming laxative) acts as a gel-like stool To increase water retention capacity Feces are large, which stimulates the bowel function to excrete more quickly, with Psyllium, Methylcellulose and Polycarbophil. (Polycarbophil) is the active ingredient
  •     Stimulant laxative stimulates the intestinal function to squeeze more. Do not use this type of laxative regularly. Because it causes dehydration and electrolytes in the body to lose balance With bisacodyl and sennosides as active ingredients
  •     Lubricant laxative (Lubricant), coated with feces and intestines to prevent water loss and make stools easier to move. Suitable for people who have short-term constipation and want to excrete quickly. With mineral oil (mineral oil) as an active ingredient
  •     Hyper-osmotic laxative (Hyperosmotic laxative) acts to draw water into the intestine. Makes the stool softer and makes the stool easier to move Suitable for people with chronic constipation If using laxatives in this form for more than 1 week, consult a doctor or pharmacist. With polyethylene glycol and glycerin as the active ingredient
  •     Saline laxative laxative acts to draw water into the intestine. Makes the stool softer Stimulate bowel function and make the stool move more easily. Do not use laxatives in this form on a regular basis. Because it causes dehydration and electrolytes in the body to lose balance With magnesium citrate (Magnesium Citrate) and Magnesium Hydroxide (Magnesium Hydroxide) as an active ingredient