Sunday, March 31, 2019

Oral-B Pulsar Toothbrush Medium Regular, Pack of 5

Natural remedies to clean your teeth whiten smile

We all want to have white and beautiful teeth, but everything we eat influences their pigmentation. For example, coffee, wine, soft drinks, soy sauce and dark-colored fruits like blackberries tend to smudge our smiles.

Some bad habits like smoking also make your teeth yellow. But do not stress, you have several options to look white again.

Oral-B Pulsar Toothbrush Medium Regular, Pack of 5
Oral-B Pulsar Toothbrush Medium Regular, Pack of 5

Remedies for cleaning teeth

These are some natural remedies that will help you whiten your teeth in a natural way:

Rub your teeth with the white part of the orange peel, you can also occupy the inside of a banana peel. Leave on for 30 minutes and brush.

Make a paste with strawberry and baking soda and brush your teeth.

Mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with water and clean your teeth with a cotton ball dipped in this liquid

Make a paste with brewer's yeast, a teaspoon of salt and a splash of water. Brush with this mixture.

Mix a little bit of baking soda with sodium peroxide and add to your toothpaste every time you brush.

Make coal dust and place it on your toothbrush, rub.

Pour a tablespoon of baking soda with a splash of water (remaining as a non-solid paste), brush your teeth with the mixture.

Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and before brushing your teeth with toothpaste, soak your brush with the vinegar and clean your teeth.

Other useful tips

There are fruits that help you clean your teeth. For example, carrots, cucumbers, pears, apples, cauliflowers, lettuce, broccoli and spinach. Just eat them regularly.

You can also chew a sheet of sage or sugar-free gum after each meal to help clean your teeth.

And of course, we highly recommend that you go with your dentist for a tartar cleaning. The specialist also has teeth whitening products, so rest assured that you will once again enjoy white and radiant teeth.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Traps - Reusable Plastic Mouse Rat Trap Catcher Rodent Pest Control Bait Cage Box Human - Mice Mouse Cage Trap Mousepad Bear Pack Snake Catch Catcher Fish Game Mousetrap Rodent Boards Repel

How to eliminate rats and mice

Are you trying to keep rats and mice away from your home? In this guide, you will find many useful tips on how to fight rats at home without resorting to violent methods.

 If you recently found small elongated stools in your kitchen cupboard or heard scratches on the wall, it is likely that rodents are present in your home. The invasion of a rat, in addition to becoming an irritating interference in family life, could be very bad for your health: rodents can nibble on electrical wires and transmit serious diseases.

Traps - Reusable Plastic Mouse Rat Trap Catcher Rodent Pest Control Bait Cage Box Human - Mice Mouse Cage Trap Mousepad Bear Pack Snake Catch Catcher Fish Game Mousetrap Rodent Boards Repel
Traps - Reusable Plastic Mouse Rat Trap Catcher Rodent Pest Control Bait Cage Box Human - Mice Mouse Cage Trap Mousepad Bear Pack Snake Catch Catcher Fish Game Mousetrap Rodent Boards Repel

If you do not act immediately, the problem of having rats and mice can quickly become uncontrollable. For this reason, in this article you will find tips on how to avoid mice at home, how to eliminate rats and mice, how to catch a rat, combat them and avoid them in the future.

How to catch a rat

When asked "How to catch a rat or mouse", everyone seems to have a different solution; but it is probable that not all suggestions follow methods that are not violent. If you want to know an alternative method (that allows you to remove the mouse from your house without hurting it) I followed the instructions below.

You'll need:

  •     A roll of toilet paper or kitchen
  •     Some bait (some food)
  •     A big bucket
  •     A little cooking oil

Next, we tell you how to catch a rat with the mentioned items:

  •     Take the roll of toilet paper or kitchen and crush it along the tube, so that it is flat on a flat surface.
  •     Place the bait on the end of the tube and place the roll on a raised surface (such as a table or the top of a cupboard) with the end that has the bait sticking out from the edge.
  •     Place the large bucket under the end of the tube that has the bait and pour a small amount of oil into the bottom of the bucket.
  •     Wait for the mouse or rat to run through the tube and then fall into the bucket below. The oil will help prevent the rodent from jumping and escaping. This way you can eliminate rats without hurting them.
  •     Now, release the mouse somewhere away from your home, to prevent it from coming back!

After having solved the problem, you must clean your kitchen thoroughly:

    Following the instructions on the label, use a disinfectant or diluted bleach, such as Vim , to disinfect all surfaces in the kitchen (all places where rats or mice may have been). Vacuum and clean the inside of the cupboards, behind and under appliances, and floors. Always wear gloves and appropriate protective clothing when handling bleach.

How to avoid mice at home in the future

Even if you feel that you managed to get rid of your opponent, eliminating rats is not so simple, there are still some precautions that you should follow:

Sell ​​all the entry points to your house. Make sure there are no holes in walls, floors or ceilings that the rodents may have used to enter your home. If you find any, you must block them. They do not have to be big, since rodents are able to adapt their body to go through the smallest holes. Check the door and window frames and also the ceiling to make sure your house is as impenetrable as possible.

Put all food in inaccessible places . Store edible products in containers made of hard materials, glass, ceramic or thick plastic, to restrict rodents' access to potential sources of food. Eliminate the remains of food as soon as possible: do not leave anything edible outside, on countertops. Check also that the waste baskets close well, and remove the garbage regularly.

Keep the order and cleanliness of the exterior of your house. Make sure the waste containers are as far away as possible from your house to avoid attracting rodents. Also make sure that the garden or the corridors that surround the house are kept clean: rats and mice do not like open spaces, but they love getting into nooks and crannies.

If you solve the mentioned problems quickly and effectively, how to fight rats at home will no longer be one of your concerns.

One Door Mouse Trap Steel Cage for Small Live Rodent Control Rat Mice Squirrel


The home mouse or rat (from the Latin mus musculus) are considered
as one of the biggest economic problems in the States
United. The home mouse or rat lives and survives under a large
variety of conditions inside and outside homes and farms. These
animals consume food intended for humans and
domestic animals. Contaminating food preparation with
their feces that contain the bacteria that causes food poisoning
salmonella. Its constant gnawing causes damage to the structure of buildings and houses.

One Door Mouse Trap Steel Cage for Small Live Rodent Control Rat Mice Squirrel
One Door Mouse Trap Steel Cage for Small Live Rodent Control Rat Mice Squirrel


Infestations of rats and mice can be recognized by means of evidence from
excrement, fresh gnawing and traces of its passage. Nests of mice and rats are made of
Chopped paper or other fibrous material are often found in secret places. The rats
and mice have a characteristic smell of moss that identifies their presence. Sometimes
These animals can be seen during the day.


Physically, the mouse or rat home are gray or brown, with long ears and eyes
little ones. An adult weighs about ½ ounce and measures approximately 5 ½ to 7 ½
inches long, including the tail measuring 5 to 4 inches long.
Although house mice usually eat cereals they can also eat
other foods that eat a little bit. Mice have an acute sense of smell,
taste, touch, and hearing. They can climb easily and can run from top to bottom in
any vertical position. They can run horizontally by cables, ropes and jump
up to 13 inches from the floor to a flat surface. They can slip through a hole so
small that neither a pencil could enter. (This would be a little over ¼ in diameter).
In a single year a female can have from 5 to 10 births having 5 to 6 mice each
time. The pregnancy process lasts from 19 to 21 days and they are born between 5 to 10 weeks. The cycle of
Life of a mouse is between 9 and 12 months.


For effective control of mice and house rats, cleaning is necessary, measures
sanitary facilities, build rats and mice-proof houses and measures to reduce
population of rodents. Techniques to eliminate them include: Traps and poisons.

SANITARY MEASURES. The first measures are useful as prevention. When there is
an infestation of rats and mice, it is necessary to reduce the proliferation. These measures
They include mouse traps and poison products.
Mice can live in small areas and require little food to survive,
so no matter how good the cleanliness is, most of the buildings in
storage and holds, contain rats and mice if they have not taken measures to
eliminate them. Therefore, the dirt attracts them more and allows them to survive in more numbers
big. Good sanitation and cleaning also reduces space and food
available for rats and mice and makes traps more effective.
You have to eliminate places where the mouse or rats can hide and build nests and
increase the population of rodents.


 The most successful and permanent way to control the
population of rodents is plugging all the holes through the
which can dig in a structure. All places where there is
edibles such as meat products and dry cereal should be protected
by storing them in glass containers or metal or other containers
Vacuum packed material.
Any hole (or hole) larger than ¼ inch should be sealed to exclude mice
or the rats. Metal fiber steel mesh mixed with cement is a good material for
cover the gaps. This material must be solid on the surface to prevent mice from
or rats can dig through it or gnaw it. Seal holes and cracks in the foundation of the
buildings and also in the hollows for water pipes, light services, cable and
electricity, gas and telephone, concrete or metal. Wood, rubber or plastic products are not
They are suitable for filling gaps because they can be eaten by rats and mice. The
Doors and windows should fit tightly and it may be necessary to cover the edges with
metal to prevent mice and rats from rooting or chewing through them.
MOUSE TRAPS. The mouse traps are an effective method of control,
especially when there are few mice in a building or house. The traps have several
Advantages: (1) They are not poisonous, (2) it allows the user to make sure that the mouse or rat are
dead, (3) allows the dead mouse to be buried, which is not possible when
poisons in a building, in that case only the smell indicates that there are dead mice.

The wooden trap is a cheap and effective method and can be purchased in the
supermarkets and in most stores for household items. put the
trap with peanut butter, chocolate chips, tied to the spring of the trap and
place it in such a way that the spring is sensitive and executes easily. I also know
they get multiple traps to catch multiple mice and rats, and these traps are
They get in special stores for pets and in hardware stores. Put the
traps near the walls, behind objects, in corners, in dark places, and in
places where there is evidence of their presence. Place the traps in such a way that the
mouse pass directly over the springs, since they generally travel near the
walls Traps can also be placed on the edges,
in shelves or stored materials and wherever there is
signs of his presence. Use enough traps to kill
all mice at once. (One of the mistakes that makes a lot
people is to put few traps). Mice rarely dare to
leave the places you have selected near the areas where
there's food, so I put the traps 10 feet away
areas. It is recommended to leave traps without preparing them for
accustom the mouse to not suspecting the trap, and this
ensures the success of the prepared traps. Another method consists
in using gummed panels that trap them and prevent
detach, in the same way that the flytrap paper catches the flies. Place the
panels near the walls where they travel, 2 to 3 rubberized panels placed
side by side are very effective than 1 alone. Do not use these panels if there are children
small or domestic animals with access to them or in places where there are animals on the air
free. These gummed panels can also be placed inside containers resistant to
traps Gummed panels can lose their effectiveness if they are exposed to
extreme temperatures or dusty areas, unless these have been covered. These
gummed panels are used to catch some mouse or rat that could not be
caught in a trap.


Rodenticides are poisons
to kill rats and mice. They are available at hardware stores, at pet stores
domestic, in bartillo stores, garden centers and other places where they sell
pesticides Do not buy rodenticides that do not have stamps. Do not buy rodenticides from
street vendors or other sources that you do not know. Do not buy homemade poisons or
that are not sealed.
The most effective way to control rats and mice is to build buildings to test them.
The rodenticides should be used as a supplementary control. If there is a need to use
traps often, then sanitary and cleaning measures must be improved.
Remember that rodenticide products must be registered with the Protection Agency
of the United States Environment, and you must follow the instructions for your
use exactly. If the rodenticides are used inside the building, make sure that on the seal
Say they are for indoor use.
The active ingredients of these rodenticides are used at very low levels. The majority
of these poisons cause death in a certain number of days, although some cause
death on the same day. Be sure to use poisoned foods daily until everyone
the mice have eaten them, this can last up to 3 weeks.


The traps and poisons are available in a variety of ways. You get balls of grains, in plastics, on paper
cellophane or paper packages that keep them fresh and ready for mice. He
They place the packages near the walls or in places where the mice are. These the
They gnaw to eat the food. It is possible to put many food traps which is very
cash. It is very important to place them at a certain distance from the place where the mice
hide It is recommended to place them 10 feet away from the areas where the
mice. Use resistant stations to avoid damage to people or animals
domestic, placing the stations against the wall and access to them against the wall, the
where the mice travel and where they will have access to this trap. Where possible,
put a warning that there is a mouse trap, to alert people, and try to
put the trap fixed to prevent someone from moving it.


Although mice and rats get scared
easily with unfamiliar sounds, they soon get used to the repetition of these
sounds and often hide in factories and grain processing plants and in
other noisy environments. Sounds of waves, that is, sounds that the human ear does not distinguish,
They do not pass through the objects and therefore are not very effective with rats or mice.
In addition, these sounds lose their intensity with distance. It has not been proven that the
sounds can make mice or rats already established in a building go away, since
they soon become accustomed to sound or noise.


Although dogs and cats and others
animals can kill rats and mice, in most cases they are not a means
effective control, since in fact, rats and mice live in close proximity to the
cats and dogs and have greater access to their food or their waste.


Always wear rubber or plastic gloves when picking up dead mice and when
cleaning or disinfecting contaminated items for them. Put the dead mouse in a
plastic bag and put it in another plastic bag and tie it securely. Then put them
in trash cans with a secure lid. Disinfect the traps using 3 tablespoons of
bleach or bleach per gallon of water. You can also use a commercial product using
phenol or LysolR. After cleaning traps or contaminated items or dead carriers,
Wash your hands with gloves on, with soap and water or a disinfectant, then
Take off your gloves and wash your hands with soap and hot water.
This article was prepared with the assistance of the University of Illinois. Always read the
instructions on the labels of pesticide products. If any information in the
recommendations of this article does not agree with the instructions on the labels,
Follow the instructions on the labels.

Smartxchoices Live Animal Trap Cage, 32" X 12.5" X 12" Cats Catch Humane Rodent Catch and Release, Steel Cage 1-Door for Trapping Rabbits/Possum/Feral Cats/Squirrel/Skunk/Mink Outdoor Small Animals


The mouse and the rat are considered as one of the animals that generate more economic and health problems worldwide. The mouse and the rat survive in and out of homes and farms under a variety of conditions. These rodents consume food intended for people and pets. They contaminate food with their defecation, which in turn contains many bacteria that are the cause of dangerous diseases for people. When food is scarce outside or even inside your home, they often cause constant damage by gnawing light, wood, plastic, fabric and paper cables such as books, curtains, furniture; and even the structures of buildings and houses, such as polyurethane coatings, or PVC coatings. When we think of some method to eliminate rats and mice we can think of several such as rat traps, ultrasonic repellers for mice, poison or paraffin bait and other deratting systems. But which is the most effective? And which one best suits our needs?

Smartxchoices Live Animal Trap Cage, 32" X 12.5" X 12" Cats Catch Humane Rodent Catch and Release, Steel Cage 1-Door for Trapping Rabbits/Possum/Feral Cats/Squirrel/Skunk/Mink Outdoor Small Animals
Smartxchoices Live Animal Trap Cage, 32 X 12.5 X 12 Cats Catch Humane Rodent Catch and Release, Steel Cage 1-Door for Trapping Rabbits/Possum/Feral Cats/Squirrel/Skunk/Mink Outdoor Small Animals

For the elimination of rats and mice many types of poisons and baits have been used, sometimes warfarin or bromadiolone combined with Amargante , are poisonous substances that kill rats, but create resistance over time, genetically modifying rats and mice, after being exposed to them, survive, multiply and transmit this resistant gene to the rest of generations.

The baits of paraffin blocks for mice and rats are made with anticoagulant baits, begin to take effect from the 4th day, but since the ingestion of the bait there is a loss of vitality that is perceived in the movements of the rats. These poisons containing these products are less harmful to humans and companion animals than those previously mentioned, the toxicity is related to the weight of the user, they are made with a bitter substance (Amargate) that makes it unacceptable for humans and animal remains. 

Eliminating rats with bait traps is the most effective method of elimination.

Rats have a negative response capacity to unknown foods.
For the control of rat and mouse pests traps can be used, these are divided according to the material used in: plastic traps, wooden traps and adhesive traps. It is very useful to use snap plastic traps with baits, these traps are very easy to use, have a spring that rises and inside contain a plastic lid where the bait usually comes or is applied, it is usually used food bait like cheese, bacon, chocolate, etc. or the attractive bait, which is a paste that contains food, is specifically created for these traps, has a great efficiency, because when the mouse or rat comes in contact with the bait, the spring jumps and the rats or mice are captured in the trap, the price quality ratio is very good in this product. Now there is a wide range of these products in the market, such as plastic trap traps for mice, it is a way to capture the mice without killing them, the traps contain a bait that attracts them inside once they are inside, opens a compartment and the captured mouse is released. These traps is an alternative for people who love nature and their animals.

The wooden traps for rats and mice are a platform where an adapted tension spring is attached that incorporates a steel wire, which performs the function of securing the bait, when the mouse or rat comes into contact with the food the spring jumps and the mouse is captured, dying in most cases. There are also traps for mice and wooden rats is a wooden block with several holes and slots where springs are applied springs to trap mice and rats. Contains a wire where the food bait is placed, bits of cheese, chocolate, bacon, etc. Once the mouse touches the bait, performs a guillotine action on the rat or mouse, and is left dead or drowned in the act, it is a quick and easy way to eliminate the mice. These products are effective and of a very good price.

The wooden traps for mice and rats are very effective

When the rodents enter the trap, the wire-operated spring jumps like a guillotine.
Another way to eliminate rodents from your home is with adhesive traps for rats and mice, are cartons with adhesive tail, when the mouse or rat come in contact with the tail are stuck, are very useful and easy to use, a once captured the mouse or rat is eliminated with the trap, it is a method that helps the extermination of rodents. The adhesive plastic tray trap is a tray that contains a non-toxic adhesive glue, the rat or mouse is retained when stepping, you can use food bait by depositing it in the middle of the tray. The trap is placed in the path that the rodent usually uses or near the nests or mousetraps. It is known that in some places, rats tend to drag their food to the corners, where they eat them, these are obligatory feeding points.

Traps for rats and mice are the easiest, most convenient and cheapest way to kill or eliminate the rodents that affect you in your home, business or farm, besides it is a natural way to exterminate mice without damaging the environment. The place of placement of these traps is very important, always as close as possible to the nest, where there are remains of gnawed places and excrement, in the passage areas of rats or mice and near the walls or in protected places. It is also important that you do not use several methods of eliminating rats and mice at the same time, such as repellents, repellents and traps. Since traps with food baits attract rodents and repellents and repellers away, if we combine them in the same room we will get the rat or mouse disorients and stay in this place.

The Best Traps and Poisons to Eliminate Mice

I know, you just saw those tiny droppings and you did not take long to lay your hands on your head. I'm sorry to tell you that it's official !, a plague of mice! And yes, they have come to settle, nest, reproduce, enjoy your refuge and your food, run around every corner of your home and just need to exclaim that ... Marina d'Or Holiday Village! How cool!

If you are wondering why in your home and more so, if it is rainy and cold season, it is very simple: search for shelter and food. trampas para ratones

They will look for dark and secluded places where we do not bother them, they go through holes, cracks, pipes ... even under the door !, they reproduce in a massive way (they look like gremlins), they have great capacity to adapt in hot and humid places (like behind the refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, under the sink ...), they feed on garbage, they are carriers of many diseases ; Come on, what is still the worst of your nightmares.

You will detect them due to a massive amount of excrement in addition to finding gnawed materials , especially wood . Ok, I'm not messing anymore, I know you're asking ...

How to Eliminate Mice at Home?

To eliminate them there are a lot of effective solutions that I will show you, from traps, adhesives, poisons, repellents with ultrasound, ... let's go in parts.

The Best Traps for Mice of 2019

Humanitarian Traps for Mice

With the humanitarian traps the rodent will not suffer; If you are very sensitive, respectful and a true ecologist and incapable of making any animal suffer, with these traps you will cause the mouse to go in search of the bait, the gates close in their path through their weight and be totally trapped without escape , remaining alive. and kicking Afterwards, you will have to take the trap, arm yourself with courage and go away to some secluded camp and let it go free.

Mouse Traps

If you have declared war on the plague of mice that suffer in your home and opt for an imminent execution, do not hesitate to get one of these mouse traps :

Electric Traps for Mice

With this discharge system by high voltage shock you will end the rodents in an effective way; with these electric traps, say goodbye to your mouse problems:

Adhesive Traps for Mice

Other products that do not fail are mouse traps:

Poison for Mice

If we talk about rodenticide in pasta , keep in mind these magnificent products:

Ultrasonic Repellents for Mice

If you are one of those who think prevention is better than cure, keep in mind these ultrasound repellents to protect your home from annoying mice.

I hope that with these suggestions you can eradicate the plague of mice at home.

Traps - Plastic Rat Cage Mousetrap Useful Gardening Home Safe Around Kids And Pets - Bonsai Mushroom Bird Small Garden Micro Mousetrap Trap Birdcage Hamster Birdhouse Eucalyptus Mouse C

How to catch a mouse with home methods

Rats and mice are one of the most unpleasant pests to have in the house, because apart from the panic they produce between women and men can be interpreted as a sign of carelessness   by those who reside in that house.

Traps - Plastic Rat Cage Mousetrap Useful Gardening Home Safe Around Kids And Pets - Bonsai Mushroom Bird Small Garden Micro Mousetrap Trap Birdcage Hamster Birdhouse Eucalyptus Mouse C
Traps - Plastic Rat Cage Mousetrap Useful Gardening Home Safe Around Kids And Pets - Bonsai Mushroom Bird Small Garden Micro Mousetrap Trap Birdcage Hamster Birdhouse Eucalyptus Mouse C

And although there are traps and poisons that are very effective when facing rodents there are also other solutions that can be done with elements that are usually found in any house and that give the possibility of releasing the animal in a place away from home in case you do not want to kill him.

Have you felt furtive scurrying at night or do you find traces of food on the floor in the morning? You most certainly have this unwanted visitor hanging around your house, so take note of some ways to catch him.

The light bulb trap

How to catch a mouse with home methods

This trap requires some skill to make the trap and works only with small mice , if you had the opportunity to see the elusive animal and you have found that it is not very large, you can proceed to manufacture this device.

To start cut the bottom of the bulb with a blade, taking care that you do not cut, or that the bulb breaks.

Then he puts in the bottom of the bulb, which now looks like a small bottle, a piece of cheese or other food that mice like (these animals eat almost anything, so the options are enough).

Then look for a clip and a nut with a diameter that fits the clip, these two objects will work like a small weight that will prevent the bulb from rolling: with the bulb lying put the clip between the glass while at the other end of the clip place the nut.

When the mouse gets to eat the cheese its own weight will cause the nut to come out of the clip and the bulb will straighten, once the mouse will not be able to straighten it so it will be trapped until the moment we release it.

The trap of a glass and a spring (or a cigarette)

How to catch a mouse with homemade methods 2

This trap looks apparently simple and perhaps somewhat insecure but if you take into account the size of the glass and the position in which it is located can be very effective.

With this trap we can catch mice of any size , the important thing is to use a glass of the ideal size of each rodent to be trapped without the possibility of escaping.

The idea is to place a cheese on the bottom of the glass to attract the mouse and place the spring or cigarette as a bridge for the intruder to access, when it reaches the edge of the same weight causes it to fall into the glass and can not go out; if oil is applied to the walls of the same.

That is why it is important that the glass be larger than the mouse and stable enough so that it does not turn over.

The tube trap

How to catch a mouse with home methods 3

For this trap you need a tube of cardboard , plastic or other material large enough for the animal to enter it, so it is also recommended for different sizes of rats and mice.

One of the ends of the tube is flattened until it is completely flat (the remaining tubes of the toilet paper lend a lot to this type of trap).

Place the tube on the edge of a table or bench, so that it is more than half out, but not going to fall alone, you have to find the ideal balance point .

Make a small food path that ends inside the tube, and on the floor below it place a bucket high enough so that the animal can not escape.

When the mouse reaches for the food and enters the tube, as it is very close to the edge, the table will fall into the bucket, leaving it trapped and ready to be expelled from your home .

What do you think of these traps? Tell us how effective you have been and how you do to clean up after expelling these unwanted friends from the cheese.

C&C Products Humane Mouse Cage Mousetrap High Sensitivity Rat Control Catcher Trap Pest Live Animal Trap

How to kill mice?

We explain how to kill mice quickly and economically

In today's article we propose effective solutions to eliminate rodents and teach you how to kill mice and rats quickly, effectively and economically.

C&C Products Humane Mouse Cage Mousetrap High Sensitivity Rat Control Catcher Trap Pest Live Animal Trap
C&C Products Humane Mouse Cage Mousetrap High Sensitivity Rat Control Catcher Trap Pest Live Animal Trap

These small rodents can become a real headache when they are installed in our house or garden, contaminating our environment or that of our loved ones. Do you want to know all the secrets of rats and how to get rid of them?

Do you know the reasons why you may have a plague of mice?

Some may think that the lack of cleanliness is a factor that determines the appearance of them, but this is not exactly so. Being clean and neat will not rid you of this undesirable situation . One of the main reasons is the simple fact of living on a ground floor or having a garden.

In spite of that, rats do not feel limited when they have to climb stairs or climb through cables. Not even the water stops them to invade us.

When we find rats or mice, we must know that their nature allows them to adapt to almost any means , they look for a warm place near the food, that's why your house is a very attractive place for rodents, especially in cold seasons like autumn and winter, since it will be when their instinct for survival forces them to stay safe.

You should not be surprised to find one of them trying to sneak through the cracks. It is not a factor that depends on you. What is in your hands is to attack and also prevent. We could dedicate an entire book with the causes that attract rodents to our home, but we are not here to generate more confusion, but to bring you the ultimate solution against rats.

For starters, we want you to know an ecological solution, which does not use biocides, so it is aligned with environmental policies:

Goodnature is a trap created to kill rats and mice without causing any suffering , since their death is instantaneous. We use for this a natural bait that is not toxic and easily detectable for the smell of the rat.

This trap is a quick and totally safe solution, since its design avoids the poisoning of pets and other animals, and it does not endanger people either. Its mecanisco reactivates in just 10 seconds after each shot, which can kill a large number of rats and mice in a short period of time.

The Goodnature multicapture trap is activated when the mouse approaches it attracted by the bait. As soon as it detects the presence of a rodent, the cylinder of compressed air is activated and a piston of polymer and glass strikes the rat in the skull immediately and without suffering. Each CO2 cartridge allows up to 24 shots.

Do you know what is the danger of having rats at home?

More than being repulsive and unpleasant animals that can even give us fear, rats transmit bacteria and germs very harmful to human health . Likewise, they are transporters of fleas, lice and mites, which undoubtedly makes them carriers of serious diseases for us.
Diseases are transmitted by contamination of the environment and food.

Even the feces and dried urine of rats when inhaled are a considerable danger to human health. Keep in mind that rats in one night can deposit between 50 and 80 balls of excrement in their path. So, when you notice his presence, you must act immediately.

There are dangerous diseases such as typhus, salmonella or typhoid that are contracted through the depositions of rats. It may seem unlikely, but if there are rats in the house, it will be very easy for you or your family to be in contact with contaminated areas.

Likewise, when you find a rat and it is in your defense to attack you, you must avoid coming into contact with you and especially its bite, since its saliva is a source of very serious diseases and can give way to an infection.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problem with rats, we are professionals and our mission is to give you all the information and a quality service to eradicate the presence of rats at home.

We explain what are the main traps for rats and mice that will be more effective

Did you know that there is a wide variety of traps to capture mice? From the classic mechanical traps to the most sophisticated ones. Here we will explain the main rat traps that we offer to put an end to this problem in your home. In this way you can choose the one that best suits your needs:

- One of the most modern and effective solutions, electronic traps

To operate an electronic rat trap , simply put a bait into the trap. The rat will smell the bait and take it through the small door to the end. In this way, when you come into contact with the metal base, you will receive an electric shock that will kill you instantly and your suffering will be minimal. Your battery system is durable and by means of a blinking light you will know that the rat has died. You only have to open the upper hatch to drop the rat in the garbage bag.

- Another option is adhesives or adhesive traps

Adhesive traps for rodents are one of the fastest options for eliminating mice. It is a plastic surface or cardboard impregnated with a glue of great adherence. These traps are placed with a small bait in the places of passage of the rats to capture them easily and cleanly, without the need to use poison. The rats will cross in search of food and their legs will be trapped in the adhesive. In his attempt to free himself, more parts of his body will be stuck together.

- The classic mechanical traps

The mechanical trap is a traditional solution that is simple to use and its results are always satisfactory. To activate the trap, you just have to place a bait on the base to attract the rat. Once the rat stops on the trap, the capture system will automatically activate and catch it. They are poison-free traps and chemical products that act very quickly and effectively.

- Rat stool

The bait holder is a simple product, in the shape of a plastic box and includes a lockable mechanism to fight rats and mice with total safety for children and pets. Due to its shape and its characteristics, the bait holder resembles a den for rodents.

Simply place a rodenticide bait inside and close the bait holder. The rats will be attracted by the bait and will go to take refuge inside the box, where they will consume the rodenticide. In addition, this baitboat has the possibility of placing inside it an adhesive trap or a mechanical trap, in such a way that the rodent stays inside the box once captured.

Rat poison

Rat poison is effective and fast, since its smell and texture resemble that of food and rats are easily attracted to eating it. The effect that causes in them, is the contraction of the blood vessels and consequently their death. Did you know that there are several rodenticide formats? We offer you poisons of quick action in all its forms: rodenticide in block, fresh bait and pellet. All options are suitable for use in bait boxes and manage to eliminate rats and mice in a highly effective way.

Know the different products to kill rats and mice

Now we have provided you with enough information so that you know all the products that are within your reach. It is time to choose the one that best suits your needs, and for this we suggest you take into account the following:

Place where the product will be used (open field or a closed space)

- If the rat plague is in an open field , you might think of a trap like Goodnature that will not pollute the environment or pose a danger to other animals that may be nearby in the field. There have been many cases in which pets such as dogs and / or cats have been poisoned because of a rat trap. In addition, this rat trap can be easily installed in any corner, since you only have to screw it on a vertical surface. If this is not possible, a specific support can be used to install the trap horizontally.

This trap will allow you to take care of the environment and anyone who approaches it with the knowledge that it is a lethal trap for rats. In addition, it allows killing more than one rat in the day, so it is a very effective tool when it comes to pests.

- Rat poison is a bait that has a smell very similar to that of food and for which they will be attracted. You can leave a bait dish on the outside, as long as there are no animals like dogs or cats that can be poisoned and even die because of their intake.

Rat traps inside the house have a greater margin of choice:

- Electronic traps are a good solution when rodents are in a house or flat, since, in that environment, the rat will associate the trap as a lair and will go to it to take refuge. Again, it will not be a danger to people in our house, especially if there are small children and / or pets, since the trap will be automatically deactivated. In addition, it is a trap without toxic or dangerous substances.

- The baits are equally safe for the members of our family since neither the children nor the pets will have the opportunity to come into contact with the bait thanks to its security lock. The small lateral opening of the bait box will prevent any person or animal from accessing the bait, since the entrance is specially designed to give access to small rodents.

- Traditional traps are very effective traps that, despite the passage of time, are still useful and functional. We recommend you to be very careful of the place where you place it at home, since with a little carelessness the mechanism of the trap could be activated and cause harm to animals or people. However, it is a fast and very economical way to kill rats indoors.

- Glue or adhesive traps are commonly used in spaces where the use of rat poison is not allowed for safety reasons. They are an especially useful solution because of their speed and they allow to eliminate rats and mice in a clean way, since you only have to discard the trap once the rodent has been captured. As with traditional traps, it is very important to be careful that no one in your house passes over them.

- Rat poison , can also be used at home, being very careful when there are children or pets. It is an effective way to kill rats, being very cautious that rodenticide does not come in contact with our food and always handle it with gloves.

How to avoid rats in my house from now on?

Now that you know what are the products to end the nightmare of rats at home, we want you to have the complete information to avoid the presence of these unpleasant rodents.
You should know that the most important thing for rats is to find a place with the right conditions to survive, feed and reproduce. In the houses there are spaces in which it would not occur to us that a rat could live, but that they can be pleasant refuges for the rodents. Rats are nocturnal animals and for that reason they go out in search of food when you are probably sleeping. They move near furniture and walls to orient themselves more easily and rummage through the remains of food and water.

Because of their nocturnal activity, rats can often go unnoticed for us for long periods of time. One way to identify your presence is by checking our food pantries. If we find small bites in food, furniture or cables, traces of excrement or hair, it is a clear sign that there are rats at home.

To prevent that from happening, we will have to eliminate all the food that may be within reach . Rats are very comfortable in kitchens, precisely because they find food easily and have their preferred living conditions: a warm temperature and even a little moisture. Therefore, it is not surprising to find them behind the refrigerator, the washing machine or the dishwasher, since they are appliances that give off heat, and also in the sanitation areas of the houses. Take note of the following tips to avoid their appearance or reappearance:

Avoid the appearance of rats:

- When you make a purchase where there are large boxes and you know there has been a significant number of food products, verify that there is no presence of any rodent.

But keep in mind that you should not only prevent rats but also that there is no trace of them, even in the cans of food you eat at home. Many of them may be contaminated with rat urine, since some industries that do not have hygienic control of their storage space may have rat pests.

- If you have had a repair at home or a fault that has left cracks, seal the openings , it is an open door for rats to invade your house. If you have curtain coverings, vents or ventilation channels at home, keep an eye on those areas that are easily accessible to rats.

- If you have pets and you feed them with feed, do not leave the exposed food for a long time , since, being high-fat foods, they are very attractive for rats. Make sure that the container where you store your pet's food is hermetically sealed, since rats and mice are very skilled and can access food through holes of tiny sizes.

- If you have garbage cans in your home, be sure to change them frequently and keep them closed, especially in outdoor yards. When the rats have access to the garbage, there is no doubt that they will be very attracted to its smell and will try to find food among the remains of our food. Those smells that for us are unpleasant, for them they are a source of food.

Should I do a follow-up after eliminating the pests of rats and mice?

- Keep your attention to any changes or signs in your home, such as excrement, holes in the wood, furniture or walls, strange odors or small hairs. They can be an indication that rats have invaded your space.

- After having rats at home and having finished with them, you should do a thorough cleaning of your entire house. Be careful when sweeping with the broom since the urine of the rats is compacted and can be lifted by the environment along with the dust. We recommend cleaning with water and bleach to disinfect all spaces where the rodent could pass.

2018 Upgrade Version Humane Mouse Trap Smart No Kill Mouse Trap Catch and Release, Safe for People and Pet-2 Pack

Tips and Steps to Kill Rats at Home

If your house is near the field or you work in a factory, it is very easy for rats to enter your facilities and take over them. Therefore, in this article we will analyze step by step how to use rat poison and other products to exterminate, drive away and kill rats through different methods.

2018 Upgrade Version Humane Mouse Trap Smart No Kill Mouse Trap Catch and Release, Safe for People and Pet-2 Pack
2018 Upgrade Version Humane Mouse Trap Smart No Kill Mouse Trap Catch and Release, Safe for People and Pet-2 Pack

Nobody wants to have mice at home because they are a serious danger to the health of people because of all the diseases they transmit. Many deal with a good domestic cat that hunts them and does not allow them to enter, but if you do not have that luck they can become the protagonists of a plague.

If this happens in your company, you can always hire an industrial cleaning to solve this problem and leave your factory impeccable. On the other hand, if the plague is at home, in this article we tell you how to end the rats effectively. Although if you have noticed the problem a little late and persists, you can always request the services of a pest control company .

How to know if I have mice at home?

Rats usually live in nests and burrows in areas that are at ground level or basements. These small animals look for places where they have easy access to food, water, a good temperature and where they can move without safety. The kitchen or the bathrooms are two areas of the house where the rats tend to accumulate, although the garden is another key space for them. It is difficult for tall plants to have rats, but it will depend on the portals and blocks of flats: if they lead directly to the street, it is very likely that rats can be filtered by open stairs and landings. It is advisable to monitor the possible nooks and crannies.

There are some signs that can make you think you have rats at home:

  • - Noises on the walls or on the floor that are usually heard during the hours of nocturnal silence.
  • - Excrements . In drawers, cabinets or along baseboards. Rats dream of leaving droppings and urine if you have a nest at home.
  • - Needle s . Rats are often attracted to food and can make holes in cardboard boxes, food containers, bags or clothes.
  • - Nests . It is the definitive sign to prove that you have a family of rodents at home. Rats use different types of materials to make nests, such as clothing. For this reason, cupboards and dressers are your favorite places to nest and turn your house into yours.

How to remove rats

How to avoid having mice at home

To avoid having to kill rats, drive them away or spread a rat poison around your house, it is recommended that a series of cleaning actions be carried out to prevent a plague of rodents in your home.

It is essential to keep the house always clean and with minimal hygiene . Rats usually enter the houses looking for food so it is highly recommended not to leave food on the table or furniture. In the same way it is very important that the garbage bin is always closed and pulled daily.

Check the walls and check for cracks or holes in the walls is very useful as it may surprise the number of times that rats sneak into the house for this problem. We recommend that you do a good inspection and tapes with plaster or putty all the nooks where they can sneak.

If you have pets at home it is important that the bags of feed and different foods for them are well closed and placed in high places and not very accessible to rats. If the house has a garden area it is important not to leave scrub or neglected plants or stacked wood between which the rats can nest easily.

Before the slaughter: how to drive them away?

If the idea of ​​the cat follows you without fun, some of the methods you can follow to scare the mice before they enter your house are:

  •     Mint against rats . It is an aroma that rats do not like. The idea is to mix water with an extract of mint and spray it for different areas of the house for which you think you can access, such as the doors closest to the street.
  •     Tabasco sauce Another of the aromas that rodents do not like. The mixture we propose is based on a couple of tablespoons Tabasco, a cup of water and half a cup of detergent. This liquid should be applied to the walls and corridors of the house.
  •     Other spices Cloves, cayenne pepper and cinnamon are other natural scents that are used to scare the rats out of the house. The good thing about these products is that they do not kill rats and are more natural than other products such as the rat poison.
  •     Ammonia If you spray the mixture of ammonia and water in the corners, the rats can interpret that there is a much larger animal and they do not approach. The problem with this liquid is that it is very strong for both people and plants.
  •     Onion as a repellent for rat s . Another scent that rats do not like, although it is less effective than the previous ones. However, it is easier to find and use. Placing an onion cut into slices at the entrances of a rat's nest can be a method of passage until the way to kill rats or the use of a rat poison is decided.

How to eliminate rats?

Rodenticides are the strongest products to kill rats in a house in the fastest and most effective way. The rodenticide is made from some cereal that can charm the rats, thus giving the appearance of a hook like a rat trap. That is, the killings are composed of some basic food for rats and rodenticide.

Rodenticides should be placed in small amounts since rats consume only 10% of their total weight on a daily basis. That is, very little amount of food. Thus, it will be much easier for the rat to bite on the bait if it is something miniscule and palatable for them. These animals will not eat a food again if they do not like it, even if they are really hungry.

The killings are toxic products so they are not compatible with pets or children and can cause many problems when using them at home.

The kill men usually take about six or seven days to take effect. The reason is that if the rat dies directly by ingesting the bait, the rest of the rats can identify the rat poison as the reason for death.

However, if rodenticides have never been used at home and you do not know how to end the pest safely, it is advisable to go to a cleaning company that specializes in pest control as it will be the simplest and most effective method.

How to kill rats: types of rat poison

Rat killers can be of different types and shapes, but they all have a strong poison base to kill rats in the shortest possible time .

  •     Bait scraper in the shape of seeds. This type of rat poison is designed for mice and smaller rats. They are appetizing seeds for rodents with a dispenser in which the poison is applied little by little to finish with them in several days.
  •     Matarratas in the form of blocks . They are perfect for larger rats. They are usually resistant to water and moisture.
  •     Matarratas de pasta . It is a rodenticide in the form of paste that is placed on the walls like natural rattlesnakes. It is the ideal killer if you have a house with high humidity.
  •     Sharp Matarratas . It is considered a type of rodenticide that manages to kill rats that have developed resistance to anticoagulants.
  •     Anticoagulant matarratas . They are those rodenticides that alter the metabolism or the functioning of vitamin K causing the rats not to coagulate their blood. It works in a slow way, important characteristic for a rodenticide to take effect since the rats will carry this poison to their burrow where they will also eat the rest of the rat family, thus ending up with a larger number.
  •     Matarratas of a single ingest a . They are poison rat poisoning very lethal and fast action. It only takes a day or two to take effect.
  •     Matarratas with vitamin D. These killings absorb large amounts of calcium in the blood of the mice at home and cause them a series of problems in the body that end their lives.

Know the plague to apply the correct rat poison

It is interesting to apply different rodenticides according to the type of rat that we want to eliminate. The main element by which they can be distinguished is the tail.

The rattus norvegicus is one that has a tail smaller than the body. Its size is large and has a simple snout. They can climb and make nests in the upper parts of the house.

The rattus rattus also has a smaller tail than the body, but it has much larger and more characteristic ears. Its size is smaller than the first type. The traps kill cats, cats, fumigants, glue and rat poison are the ideal products to end this type.

Killing rats: how to use rodenticides

It is important to know how to choose the type of rodenticide that is going to be used, since rats usually identify odors and flavors very well.

One of the first tips that are given when teaching to use rodenticides at home is to place them with gloves, to avoid being impregnated with human smell and this causes the rats do not approach. On the other hand, we must not forget that the poison catchers carry poison and can also be harmful to our health. If we use our hands when we use them, we will prevent our skin from absorbing these harmful substances. In any case, we should always wash our hands well afterwards.

How to make a homemade rat poison

Making a rat poison with natural products is not complicated. For example, one of the most commonly used online recipes for fighting rats is based on a cup of white sugar, a cup of flour and a cup of baking soda. You must mix these three ingredients and place in corners and nooks that you have at home. This mixture will be explosive for rats, but it takes time for it to take effect, around two months, so if you want to kill rats immediately it is not the best option.

Another option is to mix or butter and boric acid. The first ingredient is responsible for attracting the attention of rats and the second is capable, due to its substance, of killing rats more easily than baking soda. The proportions should be one-eighth cup of boric acid for every 250 grams of butter. When mixed, small balls can be made and placed in areas where you think these animals are, such as cracks, under appliances or next to garbage. Be careful because it is very dangerous for children and other animals, so if you have pets or small children it is not the best option.

We can also build mousetraps at home to help us catch them.

Traps and rat traps

These instruments are useful alternatives to rat poison and They serve to trap mice at home and they are also totally ecological . In order to take effect, we will only have to place a piece of a food that is appealing to them, such as cheese.

Some are shaped like a cage and when the rat goes inside to eat the bait we have put, it is locked.

Other snares hook the mouse like a pincer , so that they can not escape from the trap.

There are also simpler mechanisms on the market, consisting of adhesive strips that are placed on the ground. When the rodents pass over they stay stuck and can not flee.

If we have mice at home and put several of these traps, we will catch a few. In addition, these stocks are reusable. We can wash them and put them back in the affected area.

And you, do you already know how to kill rats in your own house?

In addition to following all these tips, we recommend that you go to a cleaning company specialized in pest control and disinfection of the affected areas. In Cleaning SIL we will get rid of these small rodents and prevent them from reappearing in your home. Contact us and ask for a budget without obligation!

DODOING Mouse Mice Rat Rodent Traps Animal Control Catch Bait Humane Mouse Trap Small Animal Hamster Live Cage Rat Trap, No Kill Rats, Safe around Children and Pets

How to catch a mouse without killing it: 10 steps

Does the sound of a running mouse's feet keep you awake at night? If so, it may be time to catch the culprit. If you do not want to kill the mouse, learn how to set a trap, take care of the mouse and prevent the mice from returning.

DODOING Mouse Mice Rat Rodent Traps Animal Control Catch Bait Humane Mouse Trap Small Animal Hamster Live Cage Rat Trap, No Kill Rats, Safe around Children and Pets
DODOING Mouse Mice Rat Rodent Traps Animal Control Catch Bait Humane Mouse Trap Small Animal Hamster Live Cage Rat Trap, No Kill Rats, Safe around Children and Pets

 Part 1 Get ready to catch the mouse

    Start by cleaning the place. Mice are initially attracted to your cozy environment. If you clean your house and make it less cozy, the mice will be less likely to stay.
        Eliminate clutter in all parts of your house. Do not leave out clothes, papers or materials that mice can use to create mousetraps.
        Do not forget to order storage spaces, especially where paper and old clothes are stored.

    Clean and close all foods. [1] Be incredibly meticulous about this, since mice can make a meal of almost everything. Sweep the crumbs behind the appliances and in the cabinets.
        Do not leave food outside. This includes the pet's food. Get used to closing and storing your pet's food at night. This will make it more difficult for the mice to feel comfortable.
        Food stored in a cupboard must be completely closed. For example, if you opened a bag of flour, you should move it to an airtight container for longer storage.

    Place the trap strategically. Place the trap in the room where you noticed the highest activity of mice. Once you put the trap you want to avoid the place for a while so you do not scare away her mouse.
        If you do not have a countertop to use, you can create a ramp by supporting a small table. Place some peanut butter on the end of the ramp. The mouse will still be able to enter the dumpster, but it will not be able to exit.

    Make a human trap. Spread some peanut butter inside a very tall garbage can (at least 60 centimeters or 2 feet high) and place it next to a counter that is taller than the garbage can. Fold an empty paper towel tube to create a flat tunnel and put some peanut butter on the inside at the end. Place this tube on the countertop so that the end with the peanut butter hangs over the garbage can.
        If you use a purchased live trap, be sure to follow the package instructions.

Part 2 Take care of the mouse

    Remove the mouse from the garbage can while wearing gloves. Make sure you wear rubber, latex or plastic gloves because the mice transmit contagious diseases. [two]
        Take out your cleaning products so you can immediately disinfect the place when the mouse is locked. You will need a mixture of bleach and water in a spray bottle.

    Move the mouse to a container. The mouse should not be able to leave, but should have ventilation to breathe.
        Do not put the mouse in a cardboard, as it can bite cardboard containers.
        Now you can thoroughly disinfect your dumpster and your countertops with a mixture of bleach and water after removing the mouse. Boot the cardboard tube.

    Get the mouse out of your house. Whatever you do, do not release the mouse right outside your house. Mice can find their way back to a warm and close environment. Instead, take the mouse for at least 8 kilometers (5 miles) away and release it. [3]
        Try relocating the mouse as soon as you can. The mouse will be locked for a short period of time and you can continue cleaning and disinfecting your house.
        You can increase your chance of survival if you release him near some kind of shelter. Avoid urban areas where the mouse can simply return to another house and the wide and open spaces where you can not find a refuge from predators.

Part 3 Prevent the mice from returning

    Cleans and disinfects mouse contamination areas. Open windows for ventilation and spray all faeces with a mixture of bleach and water. The proportion of bleach must be from one part to ten parts of water. [4]
        Do not sweep or vacuum mouse feces or nest materials. [5] This can raise dust that can carry diseases.

    Wait five minutes for the bleach mixture to penetrate the stool. Then, use a kitchen towel to collect the stool and throw it away.
        Once you clean the countertops mop floors with a mixture of bleach and water to disinfect them.
        Remember to wash the bedding in hot water and clean all upholstered furniture that you think the mice contaminated.

    Prevents the mice from returning. In addition to keeping the house clean, check the seals of the doors, windows and access points to the outside. You can use any method you want to seal the cracks, just make sure you fill them all.
        Do not use sealant or plastic fillers to seal cracks since mice can bite them. [6]
        Sprinkle a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and introduce them throughout the house. Since the mice do not like the strong smell, they will stay away. [7]


  •     Catching and releasing domestic mice will not prevent them from dying. Hypothermia and predators kill most of the mice that are released in the wild. [8]
  •     White-footed mice or deer mice can be released in the wild with much greater survival success. [9]

Pest Reject Repeller - 2019 Reusable Mouse Mice Rat Trap Killer Control Easy Pest Catching Catcher Pbt Reject - Mice Catch Electronic Mousetrap Fish Cage Violin Reject Hook Killer Mouse Trap

How to catch a mouse: The 10 commandments

When we discover that we have a mouse at home, the surprise is huge. Where did it come from? Where are they hiding? How many there are? Will they bite my son? Will any disease infect us? And the big question: How can I get rid of them?

Pest Reject Repeller - 2019 Reusable Mouse Mice Rat Trap Killer Control Easy Pest Catching Catcher Pbt Reject - Mice Catch Electronic Mousetrap Fish Cage Violin Reject Hook Killer Mouse Trap
Pest Reject Repeller - 2019 Reusable Mouse Mice Rat Trap Killer Control Easy Pest Catching Catcher Pbt Reject - Mice Catch Electronic Mousetrap Fish Cage Violin Reject Hook Killer Mouse Trap

We're going to try to answer that, giving you a few tips to get it. Something that on the other hand is always somewhat urgent, since among the many problems that these rodents can cause is that they can easily become a pest.

Buy mouse traps

As soon as you see traces of mouse (excrement, fingerprints, bites, ...) or you see them themselves you have to go buy the mousetraps. Moreover, there are certain places prone to appear these rodents, especially in rustic houses, surrounded by fields and underground spaces of warehouses or warehouses. There, although they can not be seen, it is better to prevent and have the traps ready to avoid their presence. And here we dare to mention another interesting method to avoid mice: have a cat. In fact, the cats were domesticated exclusively for this reason, due to their hunting ability.

A good bait

Basically when we talk about mousetraps, there are two types. Some that work with a bait that the animals try to eat and then are caught. And another type, are the sticky traps, which are located in the places of passage, so that the rodent is immobilized, alive and adhered to the trap. The truth is that the former are used more.

And what do we use as bait? There are some foods that can be passionate like peanut butter, chocolate and, of course, cheese. A recommendation. If you are going to put mousetraps and have decided to put any of these products as bait, it is better to buy it exclusively for that use. Mark it even in the container, so that butter, chocolate or cheese that you eat can never come into contact not with the mouse, not even with the trap.

Follow his tracks

Mice are extraordinarily agile mammals. Therefore, although we are much bigger, we are unable to follow and capture them. It is much more practical to follow their tracks and see where they leave their excrement.

Some very common places are the heights, since they do not have any problem to jump and climb. However, they usually follow the same routes, with few improvisations. So if we track their tracks we will know where to place the traps, since they will surely pass through there.

Under the cupboards

If you love taking refuge in the high part of the furniture, the same can be said of its low areas. In fact, they are passionate about being at the bottom, where we do not have easy access. And even more if we have carpets that give them a feeling of greater comfort, and when they are long hair, even protection. It is there, where cheating should not be missed, and regularly check if they are effective.

Search holes in the wall

The mice enter the house for two reasons. For food and heat. And one of the places where you can find that heat is when there are holes in the wall, something that can happen both in certain walls of plaster, which sometimes is usually in bathrooms, and in cooling ducts.

To hunt a mouse, you have to think like one of them. Where does it fit and where will it take refuge? Looking for some gap in our walls will be how we can answer these questions.

Your feeding areas

In the holes it finds shelter and heat. But in terms of food, like ourselves, he finds it in the kitchen. Several may be the sources of your diet. For example, the garbage can, the bowl of the pet's food, the crumbs that fall to the ground or certain shelves.

Before hunting the mouse, once we know of its presence, we must ensure that it does not have access to our food. So everything is stored inaccessible to him, both in watertight cabinets and in containers impossible to open by the animal. Then we must place traps where we assume that goes to feed. And if it is possible to change locations of garbage or food of our dog to generate uncertainty, you have to move and vary your usual routes.

Preventing your entry into the house

The truth is that in the houses with garden or in the field it can be certainly difficult to prevent the entrance of some mouse if there are them around. If you enter unless you have no food at your fingertips, you will leave alone. Unless it is winter and look for a warm shelter. Or even want to breed in a safe place.

If so, you have a problem and two tasks to perform. Eliminate the individuals that have already entered and then identify where they did it, to block their way, with traps or if necessary with some small work covering holes or cracks.

Traps always near the walls

Mice are prey in nature. They know it, they are fearful and seek protection at all times. That's why they always move around the places they think are least risky. If they can go under the furniture, they go there. If you can pass behind boxes or chairs, they will. And if they have to do it in the open, they will always go as close to the wall or the vertical surfaces, in order to have a covered flank. Therefore, traps should always be placed close to walls, cabinets or bookstores.

No need for poison

So far we have only talked about traps and preventive measures, such as the presence of a cat. However, there are those who choose to use rat poison to eliminate these rodents from home. There is no denying that it is effective. But it has contraindications. For example, if we have small children at home, it is completely forbidden to use them, because they can eat them. The same happens if we have pets, and we do not just talk about dogs. Do not forget that there are people who live with small mammals such as guinea pigs, hamsters and other small rodents.

And finally, another reason not to use poisons is the kind of death they give the animal. A cruel death from severe dehydration or the coagulation of blood flow.

It is not possible to live with mice

This call to non-cruelty towards mice does not mean that we think it is possible to live together (except in the case of the pets we have cited). Mice are a virtually safe source of infection. And they do not need to bite us for them. Their excrement from the tables, the kitchen or other places in the house are already harmful.

While there is only one, it is always possible to throw him out of the house or finish him off. But if after implementing these tips you have not achieved, you have to take the next step and prevent it from becoming a small plague. Call an exterminator.

Animal Cage Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer Pest - Hook Mouse Rats Trap Game Toothbrush Teether Electronic Catch Mousetrap

Homemade traps to scare and kill rats and mice

Do you have a problem at home with rats and do you need homemade traps ? Do you wonder how to catch a rat ? Do you need an effective mouse trap ?

Are you looking for how to make homemade mousetraps ? Do you want to know which are the most effective killers ?

Animal Cage Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer Pest - Hook Mouse Rats Trap Game Toothbrush Teether Electronic Catch Mousetrap
Animal Cage Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer Pest - Hook Mouse Rats Trap Game Toothbrush Teether Electronic Catch Mousetrap

You have reached the indicated article, then we will solve all these and many more questions. We start!

These traps that we show you are rat traps that you can perform at home and traps that you can buy against rats and mice.

If you have panic or disgust at rats and mice , and you also have this problem at home or at work, do not worry! It's more usual than you think.

Before entering the subject, we want to explain that if you can not catch mice and rats, you can always buy rodenticides in our online store. Here we offer some of the most sold rodenticides:

You may be looking for traps for large rats or small mice. In any case, in this article we will tell you how to build homemade traps for rats and mice that you can do yourself economically.

Generally, these animals do not want to harm anyone, they are only looking for a place to eat and in general to live, especially during the cold or rainy seasons.

The problem is that they transmit diseases , which can bite our pets and even some children. In addition, rodents usually reproduce miraculously fast.

17 Homemade rat and mouse traps

mousetrap To avoid this and get to work, we bring you a list of homemade traps to kill or get rid of rats and mice .

Some of these options are homemade traps for hunting rats and others are traps to kill rats and eliminate them completely.

These traps for homemade rats we recommend them depending on the gravity and the number of rodents you have. Among all the ones that we present, you will surely find the one you need!

Keep rats and mice away with Cotton and Vinegar

Since rats and mice, like many insects have a great aversion to vinegar is our trap.

It serves to move them away but not to kill them.


  •     Rubber or plastic gloves
  •     Vinegar
  •     Cotton balls
  •     A container

Look meticulously at home for fecal matter or crumbs of food, remember that if you have a mouse at home this is sure that it is quite small, a rat is something else, they are usually larger and more dangerous.

Be careful with that! Check the cracks, cabinets, corners, small spaces, attic, all the places where you think you can hide.

The smell of vinegar is what they dislike, so you should prepare cotton balls just before using it so they do not dry.

Add the vinegar to several cotton balls, as many as necessary, since cotton is not usually expensive you can put many in all places where you suspect that our little enemy can hide or places where it can travel , those spaces are the kitchen!

Homemade rat trap in small houses

This trap certainly will not kill or really keep the rodent from our house if we are not constant and we are waiting for the smell to be truly exaggerated.

Use this measure if you only have a mouse and your house is small, if you do not have so much time to add vinegar every now and then, but only occasionally, this operation will not remove the animal from the house or kill it, but at least We will be able to keep at specific sites like our food pantry or store.

Create your trap to keep rodents away with Peppermint oil

peppermint oil Peppermint oil is an excellent trap to exterminate mice and rats.

It has an extremely strong smell for rodents, so that they avoid it at all costs even if you know you have one at home with placing a few drops of peppermint oil in the places where you think it can hide will make it decide to move.

It serves to move them away but not to kill them.

Put one or two drops according to how you perceive the smell in a cotton ball.

Replace them every 5 or 7 days if you do not have mice as a preventive form.

Scare away rats and mice with viper's feces

Cat feces also work pretty well as one of the rat traps made at home, but since they smell pretty bad we'll lean on the vipers' feces.

You can get these feces in a pet store or ask a friend to have a snake as a pet that gives you some of your dry stool.

Leave these in the frequent places for the rodent in the places of transit. This will make him walk away and even leave. It serves to move them away but not to kill them.

Drive away rats and mice with Ultrasound

These are electronic ultrasound boxes, they are sold and they are not so expensive.

These emit a signal only noticeable to rodents , they hate these sounds and move away.

Beware this can work for a while! Rodents usually get used to ultrasonic emissions. However, if your new guest is recent this will make him decide to move.

Be original, adopt a cat

cat-against-rats This is a real homemade trap to hunt mice and rats.

It is public knowledge that cats and rats and mice do not get along at all. If you wonder how to kill a mouse that is bothering your house, think of a cat.

The presence of this one is an excellent homemade trap against him.

So a cat at home can save you a lot of problems, it is not even necessary to buy one, just to adopt even for a while while doing his job will be enough, of course if you want to keep it much better!

We recommend this measure if the infection of rodents is very serious, at least three cats will end with the outbreak and one will prevent this from happening again.

Know that birds of prey that live in the nearby areas

This idea may be long term, but believe me if you manage to have a bird of prey close to home you will never see a mouse nearby.

It happens the same as with cats, they are excellent homemade traps at very low cost, we believe faithfully in the food chain!

A barn owl is the best, likewise the family of birds of prey is quite broad.

Use Organic Atomizers

Yes, this exists.

In fact many companies specializing in organic and natural products manufacture this type of atomizers either for the garden or for our enclosed spaces (cupboards, pantries, etc.)

These "splash" are much more friendly to our environment, than the poison we talked about below and much less dangerous to our children and pets.

These products are usually made with natural products based on mint .

The homemade trap for hunting rats and mice: that of the glass vessel

This trap is only and exclusively to hunt rats or mice , not to kill them. If you're looking to build mousetraps without killing them, this may be a good option.

The materials we are going to use in this trap are not harmful to the mouse or to the environment.


  •     Clear glass
  •     Metal springs
  •     Clips
  •     Metal nut

homemade traps for rats and mice This trap is quite efficient and as we have seen it does not need more things.

When we finish hunting mice we can reuse all materials for their primary purpose.

Any glass container we have at home works, a mayonnaise container, a glass, a jar, even a light bulb!

In our chosen glass container, turned upside down, we will put a cookie or bread stick attached to the spring.

The inclination of the glass will allow the mouse to enter.

When it is inside our glass container once it begins to gnaw the cookie stick and it breaks, the glass or glass container will fall leaving the mouse trapped inside the container, we will see him finish his cookie from the inside, ready to take it out from our office or our home without damaging it and without cleaning.

Light bulb rat trap

Uncover the electric connector bulb leaving only the glass part.

We place a light weight that keeps it lying horizontally facing the ground, we can leave inside the bulb some food, a piece of cheese bread or some cookie.

It is important that we put a heavier element than our mouse since it will not stay balanced with both weights.

And there it is, we will have our rodent trapped in the bulb.

It is recommended to use bulbs that are already burned and place several in different places.

Trap "Camino al vaso"

We put a glass glass, it is important that it is glass by weight and that it is also much higher than the mouse. We put our glass or glass container, inside we put some edible bait.

As a bridge we put a spring or a palette of ice cream that makes the union between the floor and the glass, the mouse climbed up this inclination, but can not leave.

Mouse bottle trap

The ideal is to use a bottle of beer or very similar to it, as in all traps you must place some edible element.

We add a couple of saltines in our bottle and proceed to place a spring in the bottle's beak.

The rat or mouse will make a contraction of its small body to pass through the center of our spring, this way it will be trapped inside the bottle since the spring expands from outside, but not from inside.

How to build the homemade rat trap of the bottle?

Spring trap for rodents

If your thing is not wanting to let live the rat or the mouse either because you have too many (more than three) or why you just hold a grudge for having eaten your food this trap will be very useful.

The popular trap of wood and springs is one of the most effective ways to exterminate mice , you come usually in several sizes, so choose several sizes if you are not sure how much your rodents can measure ideally or at least what here We recommend you buy several, many if possible and put them everywhere with care that no one gets hurt.

Plastic trap for mice and rats


  •     Plastic tube made of cardboard or wood
  •     Package of considerable weight

The plastic or cardboard tube must be wide enough so that our rat or mouse can transit, the tubes of the napkins and even the toilet paper will work wonders.

With your hand bend one of the entrances of our tube so that it is flat at one end.

Place it in a tunnel shape on the ground.

Place the bucket or heavy container in the flattened area of ​​our cardboard tubes, add some food, make a feast for the rat or mouse.

Let the night pass and there it will be thanks to its weight, inside the bucket! This trap will not kill him but will trap him so that he can no longer bother you.

Grates for catching rats

This trap works by luring the rat or mouse inside the cage with a bait, working with a weight device that closes its grid when the rat is inside.

Remember that it is necessary that the grid is small enough to prevent the rat from escaping, if you pass your head you can pass the rest of your body.

Glue trap against rats and mice

homemade rat traps adhesive

This trap is based on some flat surface covered with super-adhesive glue, shoe glue or wood could work quite well.

In the center we could place a bait to attract it.

This trap is recommended for mice since the rats are larger.

Bucket trap
Get a container or container that can store at least 19 liters of liquid inside and fill at least the first four parts with water. For the rat or mouse to die faster you can add a little soap, chlorine or rat poison .

Place the container where you think the mouse can frequent, place a bridge so that it can climb, so that the rat does not hesitate to climb the bridge, make a path with pieces of biscuit or bread.

If this trap was effective, there should be a dead mouse inside our container. Discard the water and get rid of the corpse of the mouse before re-using the container.

Poison for rats and mice: No traps for large rats

This is the most effective method and the one that we recommend if you have an invasion of rats and mice or want to finish them as soon as possible.

We also recommend using rat poison if you have the misfortune of meeting large rats and want to kill them.

Let's distribute the powder kills rats for the places where the rat or mouse is likely to pass with some regularity.

The ideal or at least what is recommended is to put food baits and sprinkle with a little poison, taking care that no domestic animal and even a child can eat it.

It is also advisable and extremely important to use the necessary dose so that the animal dies quickly, otherwise it could die many days later in some place unattainable for us and begin to decompose and the smell of a dead rat is not healthy or pleasant.

Anyway, if you want to end the rats and mice permanently, here we present the different products rat poison and rat poison that we offer in our store:

Other Advert rat and mouse traps to eliminate them gins and Data to be taken into account

Mice and rats often bring with them many diseases, but on top of that, they generally bring along other annoying pests such as fleas , mites or ticks .

All these pests are terrible for the health of our pets or our children, it is advisable to prevent them before they are present, if you know that there is an outbreak of rodents in your neighborhood ...

Take all the measures so that you are not affected!

Any questions? In the comments area you can write us and we will be happy to help you.

Cage Rat Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer - Cage Trap Rattle Rodent Killer Bait Mouse Trap Cage Electric Catch Mousetrap Violin H

The simplest way to catch mice at home without killing them: a bowl and a little cooking oil

Those of us who live in areas where there is accumulation of rodents know that there are all kinds of traps to hunt mice, some more "bloody" than others. From the typical trap with bait to the "stickers" with which you decide what to do with the creature the next day. Here goes a more "human" formula.

Cage Rat Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer - Cage Trap Rattle Rodent Killer Bait Mouse Trap Cage Electric Catch Mousetrap Violin H
Cage Rat Trap - Rat Cage Mice Rodent Animal Control Catch Bait Hamster Mouse Trap Humane Live Home Killer - Cage Trap Rattle Rodent Killer Bait Mouse Trap Cage Electric Catch Mousetrap Violin H

The "human" thing is not what I say, says Shawn Woods, the youtuber that explains how someone sent him a link to a video that had been published seven years ago. In that piece a guy accidentally caught three mice leaving a little oil in a bowl.

Woods decided to test if it was true, so he poured some peanut oil in a large bowl, connected a camera, and left it overnight in his barn (where he says he has many rodents) to see if the next day he caught a mouse .

Those of us who live in areas where there is accumulation of rodents know that there are all kinds of traps to hunt mice, some more "bloody" than others. From the typical trap with bait to the "stickers" with which you decide what to do with the creature the next day. Here goes a more "human" formula.

The "human" thing is not what I say, says Shawn Woods, the youtuber that explains how someone sent him a link to a video that had been published seven years ago. In that piece a guy accidentally caught three mice leaving a little oil in a bowl.

Woods decided to test if it was true, so he poured some peanut oil in a large bowl, connected a camera, and left it overnight in his barn (where he says he has many rodents) to see if the next day he caught a mouse .

The result is a success. Up to seven mice climbed to the edge of the bowl and slipped and became trapped in the oil, making the return so slippery. And then? What you do with the creatures at this point is up to everyone. In the case of Woods, the man washes them for use in other demonstrations of traps in his channel.