Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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How to increase the level of male testosterone

Problems of men's health in our time are very relevant. Testosterone is responsible for it. This is the main male sex hormone, it controls many parameters of health, affecting bone density, blood composition, decrease in fat mass, resistance to stress, immunity and brain development. Lack of testosterone can lead to low sexual desire, infertility, fatigue, irritability, depression, loss of muscle mass and an increase in fat. Studies in this area have shown that men who have low testosterone levels have an increased risk of developing diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems.

Doctors recommend the best ways to increase testosterone levels:

Physical activity. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent many diseases associated with lifestyle, as well as to increase testosterone. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have high testosterone levels.

Enjoy healthy fats. Contrary to popular belief, not all fats are harmful to the body. Studies have shown that a diet rich in both monounsaturated and saturated fats can increase testosterone levels in men. In addition, by consuming a moderate amount of saturated fat from healthy sources, you reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Beware of sugar. Another important step is how to increase testosterone levels. The fact is that this hormone is in competition with insulin, which causes problems with diabetes, so it is important not to stimulate it too much to maintain health and optimal weight.

Fill vitamin deficiency. Testosterone is very sensitive to nutritional deficiencies. Thus, it is important to resort to vitamin therapy. First of all it is important to fill the deficiency of vitamin D.

Fill the deficiency of minerals. Zinc helps to increase testosterone levels, as it inhibits the process by which the body converts testosterone to estrogen. This important mineral is found in liver, red meat, mussels, oysters, wheat, sesame, mushrooms, broccoli, peanuts.

Get enough sleep. Sleep, or rather its insufficient amount is another enemy of testosterone. The amount of perfect sleep varies from person to person. However, scientists have found that a regular nightly rest of only five hours leads to a 15% reduction in testosterone levels.

Avoid stress. The main stress hormone is cortisol. It is involved in the breakdown of muscle tissue, suppresses the immune system, increases body fat and reduces testosterone levels. When cortisol rises, testosterone decreases, so strive to reduce stressful situations in life.

So, if you are wondering how to increase testosterone levels. First of all, focus on the right diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, eliminate bad habits, smile and enjoy life.


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How in the world testosterone increase

Any man is well aware that testosterone is an important hormone. It is also known that this hormone is responsible for the sexual temperament. But, in fact, this hormone has not yet been fully studied and is constantly presenting new surprises to scientists. Today it is known that testosterone is responsible not only for male power, but also for a host of other body functions. But its level directly depends on the nationality of a person and his place of residence on the planet. For millennia, men have been looking for the means to increase this hormone, and I must say we are quite successful in this difficult search.

Interestingly, sumo wrestlers come up with an increase in the male hormone in the original way. The usual weight of a wrestler is two hundred kilograms and naturally overweight does not contribute to the release of testosterone, so the athletes stop washing before the contest and, as they themselves say, it contributes to a sharp increase in testosterone levels.

Alas, but on the planet the Japanese are considered to be the best tasters. This is due to the fact that Japanese men have the lowest testosterone levels on the planet. But resourceful Japanese do not lose heart, they have found a clever way to increase the level of the male hormone with the help of products. When a romantic meeting shines for a Japanese man, he leans on grated radish. And indeed, scientists have proven the effectiveness of this root. By the way, familiar to the pain of beets has similar properties.

As you know, but it is better not to find Italian lovers. Perhaps the southern sharp cuisine does its job, but scientists believe that this is more of the merits of our star. The hot sun contributes to the saturation of the body of the Italians not only with vitamin D, but also with testosterone. Perhaps for this reason, the Italian "macho", so love to sunbathe on the beach naked.

Russia also had its own ways of raising the male potency. For example, a tool with a poetic name "beaver jet" was very popular. This drug was made from the dried genitals of a poor animal. Perhaps the natural brutality and diligence of beavers caused the use of their bodies for mercantile purposes. By the way, this powder was very popular.

Today, beavers are no longer tortured, but just steamed in a Russian bath. A good steam room and a sharp contrast in the snow or cold water gives a powerful release of testosterone. Some experts argue that to raise the male potency, it is enough to pour cold water on your legs after a hot bath.

It is known that playing sports, especially weightlifting, gives a powerful release of testosterone. But it turns out that even it can be briefly increased. Noticed, as at the time of a sharp jerk, athletes scream. Yes, it is the cry that also increases testosterone.


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Evlution Nutrition Testosterone Booster EVL Test Training & Recovery Amplifier* Supports Natural Testosterone Levels, Muscular Strength, Stamina & Optimal Sleep, 30 Servings
Evlution Nutrition Testosterone Booster EVL Test Training & Recovery Amplifier* Supports Natural Testosterone Levels, Muscular Strength, Stamina & Optimal Sleep, 30 Servings

Testosterone is the main hormone of a man.

The first sign that a man has problems with testosterone production is when he lies down on a sofa and does not want to do anything.

We all like strong and courageous men. But what makes a man a man, and a woman - a woman? Hormones. And the difference in basic hormones between men and women is actually quite small.

Together with a specialist in preventive medicine, Yekaterina Stepanova, Sputnik continues to study the most important indicators of our health.

Just about health: the thyroid gland is the conductor of our body.

Difference in just one atom

If we compare the graphic formula of testosterone - the main male sex hormone, with the graphic formula of estrogen - the main female sex hormone, the difference between them is only in one hydrogen atom and two energy bonds! Almost identical molecules, and this difference is very thin and unstable.

In the male body, as in the female, these two hormones are present simultaneously, but in different quantities. It is clear that in the male body more testosterone, but between testosterone and estrogen interaction occurs constantly. Every minute, a man produces about 11 million testosterone molecules, but if for some reason a hydrogen atom attaches to this molecule, testosterone goes into estrogen. If there are many such transformations, the man ceases to be a man.

It is fundamentally born, oddly enough, first on the psychological, then on the emotional and intellectual levels, and only in the last place it manifests itself on the physical, when the changes of the secondary sexual characteristics begin in the direction of degradation. But, of course, there must be certain conditions for such changes.
How to protect testosterone

Up to 10 years, boys and girls differ only in anatomically, sexual organs.

A man begins to develop from the moment of puberty (12 years old): hormonal background develops, in particular, the main sex hormone testosterone, and due to it secondary sexual characteristics are formed: body hair growth begins according to a man’s face and body type, voice changes, musculoskeletal and fatty formation tissue. Normally, testosterone controls the amount of fat, so healthy men with good testosterone levels are not prone to obesity. If the boy is overweight, this should not be treated carelessly. If after correction of nutrition and physical exertion the weight does not go away - it is necessary to turn to an endocrinologist, so as not to miss a decrease in the level or incorrect production of testosterone.

Just about health: do not deny yourself ... in fat!

By the age of 16-18, testosterone forms masculine qualities, and male characteristics depend on its quantity.

Testosterone is produced in the paired organ - the testes. This is the only organ of the male body, which is taken out. And this is no accident - the temperature in the testicles should normally be 3.3 degrees lower than in the whole body.

Taking care of the formation and preservation of testosterone in the male body is necessary from the very beginning, from early childhood, mothers, and then men themselves throughout their lives. After all, the quality of life depends on this hormone.

From the moment the baby is born, mothers should control the time the boy is in diapers. After all, it creates the effect of a thermo-bath, the temperature can fluctuate around 43-45 ° С, and wearing diapers 24 hours a day can cause irreparable damage to the testes and even cause infertility. And it is clear that the boy should not walk in diapers for up to two years, because a psychological one can join the physiological problem.

Just about health: what does blood pressure signal

Take care of testosterone

The mechanism of testosterone production is quite complicated. The signal for testosterone production comes from the command-controlled area of ​​the brain. After complex interactions of the pituitary and hypothalamus, the testes are given a command to the testes. The well-being of one of the main sex hormones of a man depends on how well-coordinated this joint work will be.

Parents need to be alert from the early active age of the boy. After all, children are so restless! It is important to protect the child from head injuries or testicles. For any complaint of headache, dizziness, pain during urination or pain in the groin and abdomen, you should ask the child in detail if there has been any injury. If the injury was, it is necessary to urgently consult a traumatologist, neurologist or urologist-andrologist. Testosterone has very important functions, it is responsible for:

stress resistance;
secondary sexual characteristics;
determines muscle and fat body mass;
resistance to physical and psychological stress;
masculine strength and endurance as the ability for long hard physical work;
moderate to strong aggression - this is a biological sign of protection;
lack of tearfulness;
sexual activity;
sense of male friendship value and healthy ambitions.

A male lives in every man, so he will always experience and cherish the most precious thing he has: his head and potency.
What can lead to lower testosterone levels?

The reasons are many, and they are associated with different aspects of lifestyle.

Stress. A group of Austrian and Swiss scientists have proven that financial problems or outstanding loans reduce testosterone levels by 15–20% and keep them low at low levels until the full positive resolution of the financial situation. In general, any long-term stress and nerve overloads lead to a significant decrease in testosterone. It is regulated by nature from the moment of birth. During the stress period, stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are produced in large quantities, respectively. For an organism, this is a state of war, and all its functionality during this period is at the peak of its capabilities; here, as they say, is not up to reproduction, therefore, during this period, the level of testosterone decreases. Only short-term leaps upwards are possible for the regulation of general processes in the body.

Just about health: the liver is the main laboratory of the body.

Alcohol The first 5 minutes, a small amount of it actually increases testosterone, but within 25 minutes testosterone returns to normal and then begins to fall sharply and steadily. In the US, scientists conducted an inhuman experiment and found out that in order to completely stop testosterone production, a man needs to drink heavily for 3 months and add 20 kg to his weight. With this state of health, secondary sexual characteristics will begin to change.

Food. Especially dangerous is love for sweets. High blood glucose levels reduce testosterone production, since insulin counteracts the main male sex hormone.

Meat produced in an industrial environment contains female sex hormones that promote weight gain in an animal or bird. Once in the body of a man, they inhibit the production of testosterone.

The same can be said about products containing soy. It contains phytoestrogens.

You should not drink a lot of milk with high fat content. It is necessary to understand that a cow produces milk not for humans, but for feeding its calf, therefore with milk it gives it its hormones and phytoestrogens to maintain immunity.

No options should be excluded from the diet fast food and smoked.

Diseases, injuries, low physical activity. Viruses, bacteria, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular sex, head injuries, spinal column, testicles, any reduction or lack of physical activity (physical activity increases blood supply in the male pelvic organs) - all this invariably leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Medicines Some drugs have been proven to reduce testosterone levels, for example, drugs containing atropine, anti-ulcer drugs.

Blood pressure and vessel problems. Increasing blood pressure by 15-20 millimeters of mercury significantly reduces testosterone levels, as does atherosclerosis, ischemia. During an erection, the volume of blood passing through the penis increases 6 times, and the blood goes under pressure. To preserve its blood vessels, the body reduces testosterone and, accordingly, libido. Otherwise, passion can turn into a stroke, heart attack, etc. Any decrease in the blood supply of the penis during contact is a reason to check the condition of the vessels, especially the coronary ones.

Just about health: what blood pressure signals

Increased pulse. If the number of heartbeats is more than 80, testosterone levels decrease. A protective mechanism works to relieve tension from the heart. After all, it already works with overload, and there is no need to create additional difficulties for it.

Bilirubin. Norm - 20 µmol / liter. If its level rises to 25 and above, then there is a significant decrease in testosterone. The liver is involved in this mechanism. It is the main utilizer of toxins and in particular regulates the level of the aromatase enzyme dangerous for men. Aromatase contributes to the attachment of one hydrogen atom to the testosterone molecule, after which it passes into estrogen. Aromatase in the body of a man should be the minimum amount.

By the way, men need to be careful with the use of grapefruits - they contribute to the increase of aromatase in the blood.

Impaired kidney function. The benchmark here is the amount of urine excreted. If a man produces less than 1 liter of urine per day, testosterone levels are reduced by 15%. Normally, an adult man should consume at least 30 ml of pure water per 1 kilogram of weight and excrete at least 2 liters of urine per day. Not only toxins are excreted in the urine, but also excess stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), which directly block testosterone production.

The level of testosterone can also be affected by wearing tight synthetic underwear, mobile phones in a pants pocket, and especially finding tablets and laptops on your lap.

When riding a bike, you need to pick up a special male anatomical saddle to eliminate injuries to the muscles of the perineum and testicles. Testosterone levels also reduce the inhalation of harmful fumes (gasoline, phenols, tobacco, paints).

If your man has become too lazy, it's time to check the level of testosterone in the blood.
If a man lay down on the sofa

The first bell to reduce testosterone levels, as a rule, is that the man fits on the sofa and does not want to do anything. Testosterone is always active: mental, physical, sexual!

A more serious signal is weight gain, in particular the deposition of female-type fat. It was officially established that a man’s waist should not exceed 92-94 cm. This indicator is directly related to the level of testosterone. After all, visceral and abdominal fat produce the hormone leptin - one of the main enemies of testosterone. A normal level of testosterone prevents weight gain, as it contributes to its conversion into energy in the muscles, so any physical activity should be a faithful companion for men.

Testosterone is the keeper of everything in the male body. Thanks to him, the musculoskeletal system maintains its health. Calcium is absorbed by bone tissue through testosterone. In women, this function is performed by estrogen.
How to control testosterone levels?

Blood for testosterone must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. In the early hours is the maximum production of testosterone. The blood is taken for total testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin. They always work in pairs. Only a urologist can decipher these figures, because sometimes testosterone in the body may not be in the active phase, no matter how many, and may not have its effectiveness.

The normal level of testosterone is 12-35 nmol / liter. The peak of its production accounts for 25-30 years. With 30 years of age in all men, testosterone levels begin to decline by 1-2% annually.

It is proved that if at 25 years the testosterone level was 35 nmol / liter, then in the normal course of life a man will have enough of this reserve for the rest of his life, and this physiological drop will not greatly affect his activity and male strength. But if at the age of 25, a man had indicators in the region of 12 nmol / liter, it is worth keeping his lifestyle and health status under control.

If the rate at a young age is below 12 nmol / liter, this is regarded as a defect and is called hypogonadism.

Unfortunately, the statistics is such that today the male factor of infertility begins to outpace the female.

In nature, everything is in balance, and there are many factors that increase testosterone levels: from food to hobbies.

American scientists have found that a quarrel with his wife, when a man is right, increases testosterone levels by 35%, and subsequent conciliatory sex adds another 45%.

But the leader in the stable increase of testosterone and its retention at high numbers of 50-55% is the purchase of a car and spare parts for it, the purchase of gadgets and sports. Each sex has its own joys.

Well, the most safe factor that increases testosterone is to demonstrate the merits of a woman, and so that she appreciates all this masculinity.

Dear ladies and mothers, in your hands man's happiness! Praise and appreciate men. A man does everything in this life for the sake of a woman; therefore, mutual concern for each other will thank you with joint health, harmony and well-being.


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Drugs that increase testosterone in men

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testes and in the adrenal cortex. ( in low quantities). He is called " Male" hormone, and also often associated with sexual activity.
The effect of testosterone on the male body

Testosterone is responsible for the proper development of genital and male traits. In addition, this hormone is very important for muscle growth, the formation of red blood cells ( i.e. red blood cells) and bone health. Testosterone is also necessary for a feeling of well-being and erectile function. The level of the hormone can significantly affect the mood of a man.
Why can hormone levels go down?

With age, the level of the hormone in the body gradually decreases. This decline begins after reaching 30 years. Research from Harvard Medical School shows that hormone levels are reduced by about 1 percent per year. Other causes of testosterone deficiency include:

injuries and infectious diseases of the testes;
some genetic diseases;
hemochromatosis ( excess iron in the body);
malfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary;
chronic renal failure;
constant psycho-emotional stress;
alcohol abuse, cirrhosis of the liver;
overweight and obesity ( especially if fat is localized mainly on the stomach).

Symptoms of reducing hormone levels in men

In the case of low levels of the hormone, the man may lose his sexual desire, suffer from erection problems and be in a bad mood. In addition, the sense of well-being is reduced, there may be difficulty concentrating. Also, testosterone deficiency affects the physical form and appearance of a man:

decreases muscle mass, increases the percentage of body fat;
changes in cholesterol levels are observed;
hemoglobin decreases, manifestations of anemia are possible;
bone fragility increases ( as a result, osteoporosis occurs);
decreases the amount of hair on the body.

How can testosterone increase in men?

To begin to talk about natural ways. The basis of the basics is proper nutrition, healthy sleep and regular exercise.

Proper nutrition. As you know, we are what we eat. Nutrition affects all processes in the body, including the synthesis of hormones. Balance the proportions of basic nutrients ( proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the diet. Eliminate the use of trans fats. Studies have shown that trans fats degrade testosterone synthesis. But such products as pumpkin seeds, tuna, oysters, eggs, beef and legumes, on the contrary, will increase testosterone production.
Healthy sleep. Scientists have discovered that poor sleep, insomnia, and mode disorders have a bad effect on testosterone. It is recommended to sleep about 7-8 hours a day.
Physical exercise. To increase testosterone in men will help workout in the gym. Exercise in itself increases the level of the hormone, in addition, they help to combat excess weight, which is one of the possible causes of testosterone deficiency. But do not allow overtraining, this condition adversely affects the body and the synthesis of hormones.

If natural methods do not help, then pills that increase testosterone levels in men are used. ( it can also be gels, stickers, injectables, etc.). But this does not mean that you can forget about the above methods. They are a prerequisite for successful treatment.
Sports nutrition

In the market of sports nutrition, you can find a lot of additives to increase the level of the main male hormone. These products are called testosterone boosters . They can be used by healthy people to improve athletic performance, as well as an aid in testosterone deficiency. ( after consulting a doctor). Boosters are divided into several main types:

herbal remedies ( e.g. Tribulus terrestris );
vitamin and mineral supplements ( e.g. ZMA );
comprehensive testosterone boosting agents for men ( based on herbal ingredients, vitamins, minerals and other substances).

For example, tell about products such as Ecdysterone and ZMA.

Ecdysterone is a product of the domestic manufacturer Akademiya-T. It contains the extract lefzey safrolovidnoy, B vitamins, a mixture of Vinitroks ( extracts of apple and grapes) and other substances. Supplement helps to increase the level of free testosterone.
ZMA ( produced by many manufacturers) is a complex of two minerals ( zinc + magnesium) and vitamin B6. Zinc is an essential trace element for hormone synthesis. Magnesium promotes protein synthesis and proper metabolism, and vitamin B6 has a positive effect on the production of hormones in the body.

Of course, the effect of these supplements is not comparable with what pharmacy drugs give. However, natural products act more gently and have virtually no side effects, in contrast to drugs.
Pharmaceutical drugs that increase testosterone

What drugs can be used to increase hormone levels? In the pharmacy you can find drugs such as testosterone undecanoate, 17-alpha alkylated derivatives of the hormone and others. Medicines can be produced in the form of tablets, capsules, injections, implants, etc. Tablets and capsules are well absorbed, but are rapidly displayed, which necessitates their frequent use. Injections can have both short and prolonged effects. Examples of injectables are Sustanon and Nebido. In addition, the list of pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of hormone deficiency includes special gels and patches. They are intended for external use. For example, the gel should be applied to the skin of the shoulders, shoulder girdle or abdomen. ( but not on the genital area).

It should be noted that medicines that increase testosterone levels are available in pharmacies only by prescription. Since testosterone and other drugs that mimic its action ( anabolic steroids) are prescription, and in addition, also included by the government of the Russian Federation in the list of potent substances, their use for sports purposes is prohibited. However, many athletes use them as doping to increase strength and improve muscle growth. Usually they have specialized knowledge in this area and consult with experts. If the novice body builder starts using such medications without a doctor's prescription or, even worse, misusing them, this is fraught with serious problems associated with the violation of their own hormonal levels. After all, the dosage used in sports is much higher than medical doses.
Which doctor to contact?

If you notice symptoms of testosterone deficiency, do not hesitate and do not indulge in the uncontrolled use of drugs. Contact the clinic and make an appointment with a doctor. Treatment of diseases of this kind belongs to the competence of andrologists / urologists. The main way to diagnose a disorder is a blood test, which must be taken in the morning. The doctor will tell you which pills will increase testosterone production, and whether you need to take them, or maybe you should choose another form of drug, such as injection or transdermal ( gels, patches).


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Effective ways to raise testosterone levels

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced mainly by the testes, often associated with the personification of "masculinity" (although women also have testosterone).

In fact, it plays an important role in the sexual and reproductive life of a man, influencing factors such as sexual and reproductive function, muscle mass and hair growth, as well as such less noticeable but no less important aspects, such as maintaining bone density. , red blood cell levels and well-being.

Starting at around 30 years of age, the level of testosterone in men begins to decline, over the years has been steadily falling.

Testosterone production in men is adversely affected by a wide range of chemicals, including prescription drugs, such as statins. At the same time, the level of estrogen is usually increased due to the ubiquitous effects of imitating substances contained in the pollutants of food, water and the environment.

How to fill?

If you are a man and you experience these symptoms:

decrease in sexual desire

erectile disfunction,

depressed mood

difficulty concentrating and memory

and you think that low testosterone is to blame for all this, you can check it out. Since testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, you’ll probably need something more than a blood test to find out the real picture.

If the testosterone level is really low, then there are a number of synthetic and bioidentical products testosterone, as well as DHEA - the prohormone androgen precursor, abundantly available in the human body - this means that it is the largest raw material that the body uses for the production of other vital hormones, including testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

I recommend using only bioidentical hormones and only under the supervision of a holistic medicine doctor who will monitor hormone levels to make sure that you need to take extra.

But before you choose this path, learn about the many other strategies that you can use to increase testosterone levels naturally. They are suitable for almost everyone, since they have only beneficial "side effects".

9 ways to increase testosterone levels naturally

9 effective ways to raise testosterone levels naturally

1. Lose weight

If you are overweight, then dropping extra pounds will be able to increase testosterone levels, according to a study presented at a meeting of the Society of Endocrinologists in 2012. To begin with, overweight men are more prone to lower testosterone levels , so this is an important step to increase testosterone production in the body when you need it.

If you are serious about losing weight, you need to strictly limit the amount of processed sugar in your diet, as more and more data show that excess sugar and, in particular, fructose is the main factor in the obesity epidemic . Therefore, eliminate sweet carbonated water from the diet - this is important, as is the restriction of fructose, which is present in processed foods, fruit juice, excess fruit and so-called "healthy" sweeteners, such as agave syrup.

In addition to the elimination or severe restriction of fructose, it is extremely important to eliminate from the diet all grains and milk (even raw) . Milk has sugar called lactose, which, as has been proven, increases insulin resistance, so if you want to lose weight, it is wise to refuse milk.

Refined carbohydrates , such as breakfast cereals, bread rolls, waffles, bagels, pretzels, and most other processed foods, are also quickly broken down into sugar, increasing insulin levels and causing insulin resistance, and this is the fundamental factor number one of almost all known chronic diseases, including weight gain.

When you eliminate these sources of problems from your meals, you will need to replace them with healthy alternatives , such as vegetables, and healthy fats (including natural saturated fats!). The body prefers to get carbohydrates with micronutrient-rich vegetables, not grains and sugars, because vegetables slow down the conversion to simple sugars, such as glucose, and reduce insulin levels.

When you exclude from the diet of grain and sugar, you will need to drastically increase the number of vegetables that you eat, as well as try to regularly consume proteins and healthy fats.

2. Performing high intensity exercises

It is proven that testosterone levels increase both intermittent fasting and short intense exercise.

Short intense workouts have a beneficial effect on the growth level and prevent its decline . Unlike aerobics or long-term exercises of moderate intensity, which have been proven to have a negative or negative effect on testosterone levels.

Periodic starvation increases testosterone levels by increasing the expression of satiety hormones, including insulin, leptin, adiponectin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin (CCK) and melanocortins, known for their ability to enhance the beneficial effect of testosterone, increase libido and prevent age-related lower testosterone levels.

After a workout, eat something with whey protein - this will further enhance the effect of saturation / increase in testosterone levels (hunger hormones affect testosterone and libido in the opposite way).

Here is a brief description of a typical high-intensity peak fitness complex:

Warm up for three minutes.

Doing the exercise - as much and quickly as you can, for 30 seconds. You must feel that you cannot continue a second more.

Recover at a slow or moderate pace for 90 seconds.

Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times.

As you can see, the whole training takes only 20 minutes. This is really a beautiful thing. Of these 20 minutes, 75 percent of the time is allotted for a warm-up, a recovery, or a hitch. In fact, intensive work takes 4 minutes.

3. Consume more zinc.

Mineral zinc is very important for the production of testosterone, and its addition to the diet for six weeks showed a significant improvement in testosterone levels in men with low levels.

Similarly, studies have shown that limiting dietary sources of zinc leads to a significant decrease in testosterone levels, while supplements with zinc increase it - and even protect men from a decrease in testosterone levels caused by exercise.

The best source of zinc is the diet ; along with protein-rich foods such as meat and fish, other good nutritional sources of zinc include milk, raw cottage cheese, beans, and yogurt or raw milk kefir.

If you are a vegetarian or, on the contrary, a meat eater, it may be difficult to get enough zinc from food, mainly due to traditional farming methods that rely heavily on the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals deplete the nutrients in the soil, such as zinc, for example, which plants must absorb to pass them on to you.

In many cases, you yourself even more destroy nutrients in foods during their preparation. Culinary processing of most foods (and especially excessive, which many of us sin) dramatically reduces the level of nutrients in them, such as zinc.

If you decide to take zinc supplements, stick to a dose of no more than 40 mg per day , as this is the recommended upper limit for adults. Too much zinc can impair the body’s ability to absorb other minerals, especially copper, and may cause nausea as a side effect.

4. Strength training

In addition to peak fitness, strength training is also a well-known way to increase testosterone levels , provided that you are really hard at work. When doing strength exercises to increase testosterone, it is better to increase weight and reduce the number of repetitions, and then focus on exercises that work out a large number of muscles, such as deadlifts or squats.

Slow down, you do the training in “turbo mode”. By slowing down movements, you essentially turn them into high-intensity ones. Super slow motion allows the muscles at the microscopic level to gain access to the maximum number of cross bridges between the fibers of the proteins that produce movement in the muscles.

5. Optimizing Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone necessary for healthy development of the nucleus of a sperm cell, it helps to maintain sperm quality and sperm count. Vitamin D also increases testosterone levels, which can increase libido.

Therefore, the first step to obtaining all the beneficial properties of vitamin D is to find out its level in the body using an analysis of the level of 25 (OH) D, or, as it is also called, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

A few years ago, the recommended level was 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng / ml), but recently the level of vitamin D 50-70 ng / ml is considered optimal.

The BEST way to ensure that vitamin D levels are within the recommended range is sun exposure; Substitute the sun's rays as much as possible to the skin surface until it turns slightly pink, preferably at midday - usually this is enough to ensure the production of vitamin D in the right amount. If you cannot stay in the sun, you can use a safe tanning bed (only with electronic, and not with magnetic ballast, to avoid unnecessary exposure to electromagnetic fields).

In extreme cases, you can take vitamin D3 supplements orally, but research shows that an adult needs to take 8,000 IU of vitamin D per day to raise levels above 40 ng / ml, which is the absolute minimum for preventing diseases.

6. Reducing stress

When you experience severe stress, the body releases a large amount of stress hormone cortisol . This hormone actually blocks the action of testosterone, presumably due to the fact that, from a biological point of view, the behavior associated with testosterone (mating, competition, aggression) reduces the chances of survival in an emergency situation (therefore, the dominant reaction due to cortisol is " fight or run ").

In today's world, chronic stress and the associated increase in cortisol levels can mean a long-term blocking of testosterone, which is exactly what you are trying to avoid.

My favorite way to manage stress is EFT (emotional freedom technique) , which is similar to acupuncture, only without needles. This is a convenient and free way to unload emotional baggage quickly and painlessly, besides, it is so simple that even children can master it.

Other common and successful ways to reduce stress include , for example, prayer, meditation, laughter and yoga.

7. Limiting or eliminating sugar intake.

After you eat sugar, your testosterone levels go down - probably because sugar increases insulin levels, which is another factor leading to low testosterone levels.

Remember that it is necessary to limit the consumption of products containing additional sugar and fructose, as well as cereals.

If you are struggling with sugar addiction, and you find it difficult to cope with sweets, I strongly recommend trying the method of energy psychology, called turbo-tapping, that helped many “soda fans” get rid of their sweet habits.

8. Eating healthy fats

Useful - it is not only mono - and polyunsaturated fats, such as in avocados and nuts , but also saturated, because they are very important for increasing testosterone levels. Studies show that a diet that contains less than 40 percent of the energy in the form of fat (and that mainly of animal origin, i.e. saturated), leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

My personal diet consists of 60-70 percent of healthy fats, and other experts agree that the ideal diet includes from 50 to 70 percent of fat.

It is important to understand that the body needs saturated fats of animal and vegetable origin (for example, meat, dairy products, some oils, and tropical plants, such as coconuts) for optimal performance , and, if you ignore this important food group, preferring sugar, grain and other carbohydrates, your weight and health are almost guaranteed to suffer.

9. Increased consumption of branched chain amino acids (BCAA)

Studies show that BCAAs lead to increased testosterone levels, especially if taken along with resistance training. Although there is BCAA in the form of additives, their highest concentration, for example, leucine, in dairy products, especially in high-quality whey protein cheese.

Even when you get natural nutritional leucine, it is often wasted or used as a building block instead of an anabolic substance. Therefore, in order to create the necessary anabolic environment, one should increase the consumption of leucine above the usual level.

At the same time keep in mind that the use of leucine in the form of a free amino acid can be very counterproductive, because when amino acids in a free form are introduced artificially, they quickly enter the circulatory system, disrupting the function of insulin and, consequently, the glycemic control of the body. Therefore, the ideal form of leucine - from food , that it will be useful for muscles and has no side effects.


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Tips for men: 55 ways to raise testosterone levels

Experts call testosterone a hormone that made a man a man. Testosterone levels largely determine the sexual orientation and behavioral style of men. Sculptural modeling of muscles on broad shoulders, more active than women metabolism, the ability to continue the race? This is not a complete list of the functions of testosterone in the male body. Men with a 10-12% decrease in testosterone levels, this male sex hormone is effeminate, soft, sensitive. Conversely, those with testosterone levels in the blood are 10–12% higher than the norm, are distinguished by aggressiveness, lowered self-preservation.

Testosterone functions

1. Increase muscle mass
2. Burning fat
3. Activation of metabolism
4. Strengthening bone tissue
5. Protection against cardiovascular and other diseases
6. Providing secondary sexual characteristics and erection
7. Monitoring the production of sperm and their ability to fertilize
8. Maintain increased interest in the female sex.
9. Prolonging youth and increasing life expectancy.
10. Recharge cheerfulness and optimism
11. Formation of the masculine nature of offensive, active, initiative, relaxed, fearless, gambling, prone to adventures and improvisations.

Symptoms of reduced testosterone levels

1. Decreased libido
2. Erectile dysfunction
3. Reducing the brightness of the orgasm
4. Reduction of sexual hairiness
5. Reducing the volume and density of the testes
6. Increased irritability
7. Decreased ability to concentrate
8. Decreased cognitive functions, memory
9. Depression
10. Insomnia
11. Reduction of "vital energy"
12. Decreased muscle mass and strength.
13. Increasing the amount of adipose tissue
14. Osteoporosis
15. Reducing skin tone and thickness ("flabbiness" of the skin)

How to increase testosterone levels without harm to health

General rules

1. The first method is rather psychological. The point is to reproduce the state that is usually maintained by the normal level of the hormone testosterone. We are talking about the need to win. This option is the fastest way to increase the production of hormone in the body. To do this, it is enough to set real goals and achieve them. Soon you will see that the amount of male hormone has really increased.

2. Think like a man. To feel like a man, you must think like a man! What is our goal, what are we born for? Be confident in yourself and in relationships with the opposite sex!

3. Keep yourself in a sexy tone. Watch movies with erotic content, buy men's magazines. Regularly attend dance floors, meet girls. The more friends you have, the better. Do not chase the number of sexual contacts. Even simple daily communication with girls increases testosterone secretion.

4. Think about sex. This may seem a little strange, but when you think about sex, you stimulate the workings of testosterone.

5. Equalize to biorhythms. Set sexual, athletic and labor records when the testicles emit large amounts of testosterone in the blood: at 6-8 and 10-14 hours. From 15 to 24 hours, try not to strain - during this period, the hormonal “factory” operates at low speeds. The maximum amount of hormone is produced at 7 am, the lowest level testosterone levels reaches at 8 pm.

6. Morning sex. In addition to burning a few extra calories every morning, you get a surge of testosterone. So us men have one more reason to stir our girlfriend in the morning.

7. Laughter and rest. Cortisol is the main enemy of testosterone. Cortisol blocks the production of testosterone and increases the level of estrogen. Laugh, get rid of stress, and you can be sure that your testosterone levels will increase soon.

8. Good sleep. Sleeping for less than 7-8 hours can disrupt your daily rhythm. Therefore, do not be surprised if after many hours of work, visiting dirty sites, and the club until the morning, your sex engine will start to break. Try to sleep well at night for 7-8 hours. Lie down no later than eleven.

9. Burn excess fat. Fat contributes to the secretion of estrogen. That is why men with “beer belly” have feminine features (wide pelvis, narrow shoulders, breast augmentation). If your weight is 30% more than your ideal weight, you can forget about the normal production of testosterone.

10. Do not be afraid to sunbathe. The sun is very important for increasing testosterone levels. And it's not just vitamin D, the sun plays a very important role in the functioning and rejuvenation of the human body. This does not mean that you should look like “muklomen” =) Just keep in mind that at least occasionally the sun should break through your t-shirt! According to a study conducted by scientists from the University of Graz, Austria, published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology thanks to vitamin D, tanning increases testosterone in men. Since vitamin D is produced by the body under the influence of sunlight, scientists recommend light-skinned people to get sun-baths on their face and hands for at least 15 minutes daily, while people with dark skin may need three times as much time. Researchers tested the relationship of vitamin D and testosterone to 2,299 men for several months. They found that vitamin D levels and testosterone levels peaked in the summer months and fell in the winter. They also found that men who had at least 30 ng of vitamin D in every milliliter of blood had the highest levels of circulating testosterone.

11. Excess estrogen and xenoestrogens. To get rid of excess estrogens that reduce the production of testosterone by your body, you can eat more raw cruciferous vegetables, such as head, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, radishes, turnips. These vegetables contain a substance called diindolylmethane, which helps the body get rid of excess female hormone. You can also eat more fiber to naturally cleanse your body and get rid of toxins that cause excess estrogens. Most fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes are high in fiber. Xenoestrogens are artificial estrogens found in pesticides, artificial growth hormones and steroids, air fresheners and plastic containers. Xenoestrogens increase the level of the female hormone, reducing testosterone levels. Therefore, try to avoid the consumption of fruits and vegetables containing pesticides, animal products (meat and dairy products) grown using artificial growth hormones and steroids. To store food and water, use glassware, not plastic, as plastic products usually contain xenoestrogens. Do not use perfumes or air fresheners, which contain parabens as one of the ingredients, it is a xenoestrogen.

12. Say goodbye to alcohol. To maintain a healthy level of testosterone, and a good erection, you need to get rid of alcohol. Alcohol affects the endocrine system, causing your testicles to stop producing male hormone. Alcohol intake also causes the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Which breaks down muscle fibers. Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol for the athlete's body. In addition to the negative effects on the internal organs, it also contains estrogen, which further suppresses its own testosterone. In addition, alcohol washes away zinc from the body. To a large extent, all this relates to the favorite drink of men - beer. If you already choose between beer, vodka or brandy, give preference to stronger drinks (vodka, brandy).

13. Smoking. It is scientifically proven that nicotine and cotinine in cigarettes also inhibit and reduce the production of testosterone.

14. Overheating of the testicles. Your testicles should be several degrees below body temperature in order to function better and increase testosterone production. If you wear tight underwear, skinny jeans, take a hot bath for a long time, keep your laptop on your lap, or do other things that cause your testicles to overheat, you will prevent testosterone production.

Nutrition, Vitamins and Minerals

15. Eat more often in small quantities. By “more often” is meant 5-6 times a day. Objective: to speed up the metabolism. You know that the better the metabolism, the faster the fat burning process, and hence the production of testosterone improves. It is important that your body naturally increases testosterone levels by providing a slow and steady stream of nutrition. Achieving this goal serves fractional power. And breakfast should be the most nutritious.

16. Use everything created by nature. Does not consume processed foods and beverages that contain chemicals and additives. This is the main cause of low testosterone. Chemicals and processed foods destroy our hormones and provoke obesity, cause anxiety and depression. Eat unprocessed, whole foods.

17. Eat carbs. Low carb diets destroy your testosterone levels because carbohydrates are the main source of fuel in every cell of our body. If proteins consumed with food are building blocks for building tissues of the whole organism, then carbohydrates are builders.

18. It is scientifically proven that healthy fats increase testosterone levels in the blood. Eat healthy fats. Eat lots of healthy fats throughout the day. This is a great way to increase testosterone and sexual desire.

What kind of food fats are useful:

- bananas, salmon, linseed oil, peanut butter
- nuts, milk, olive oil
- egg yolks

19. Consume more zinc. The beneficial properties of zinc were discovered relatively recently, but their effect on the athlete's body turned out to be really important. It has been proven that zinc does not allow testosterone to turn into estrogen. In addition, it stimulates the conversion of estrogen to testosterone. This suggests that zinc plays an essential role in maintaining a high level of testosterone in the blood. Along with nutritional supplements, there are also foods rich in this substance.

20. Selenium - 200 mg dose. Selenium is involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone. It has a direct effect on the function of the hormone and childbirth. Zinc and selenium to every man after 40 must be taken continuously. Selenium is very much in garlic. Semen without selenium is immobile. It includes the detoxification of male poisons in the liver, such as gasolines and everything related to cars.

21. Another way to increase testosterone is to consume foods rich in the essential amino acid, arginine. A recent study found that men taking about two grams of L-arginine per day for two weeks showed an improvement in testosterone production. In another study, where men took five grams of L-arginine per day, they showed similar results.

22. Meat is the food of a predator. No vegetarian product will give the body cholesterol - the basis of testosterone production. Also, the metabolism of this man requires zinc. Steak, beef mince, beef-planers should be on the menu every day - this will solve the problem of how to increase testosterone levels in men. But the meat should be lean. 2 chicken breasts or 200 grams of canned tuna is an ample portion of animal protein per day. It is better to forget about pork, lamb and beef.

23. Pay attention to the gifts of the sea: oysters, shrimp, squid, scallops and crabs. Since ancient times, their influence on male libido and potency has been known.

25. Use olive oil. Olive oil will help you boost testosterone. A well-known fact is that olive oil helps in restoring the tissues of the human body and increases the level of hormones.

26. Forget about soy and products from it. It is proven that soy reduces testosterone levels. So when buying products in stores, pay attention to the content of ingredients in sausages, wieners, sausages and other "meat" products.

27. Salt dramatically reduces testosterone production. Men love salty because of the acidification of the body. The fact is that sodium, which is part of the salt, lowers the overall acidity of the body. But sodium has an unpleasant property: with a large amount of salt used, it reduces the level of testosterone.

28. Sugar. If a man wants to increase testosterone levels, he needs to almost completely abandon the use of sugar and salt. Men, on average, eat 12 tablespoons of sugar per day. In effervescent drinks like Sprite and Coca-Cola, there are 55 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of drink, despite the fact that 6 teaspoons of sugar is the upper permissible limit per day for a man. Women, unlike men, are more fortunate: they can not limit themselves in the amount of sweet.

29. Caffeine. While it is present in the body, it almost stops the production of testosterone and sperm. In fact, caffeine, entering the bloodstream, destroys testosterone molecules. For a man, it is permissible to drink no more than 1 cup of coffee per day, and it is natural coffee. By the way, drinking instant coffee is strictly forbidden to a man, since the effect of this coffee is such that under the influence of instant coffee, testosterone contained in the man's body instantly becomes estrogen (female sex hormone). If you do not want you (I mean men) to grow breasts, become more feminine face and stop growing facial hair, do not drink instant coffee. Tea, unlike coffee, does not act on testosterone and you can drink it as much as you like.

30. Meat with hormones. All imported meat (beef, pork, poultry) is now produced with hormones. In order for cattle to quickly increase the weight and amount of fat, they are literally stuffed with hormones. 80% of the hormones that give pigs so that they quickly increase the amount of fat - this is “female” hormones. Normal meat in our time can be found, probably only in the market or in the village. As a rule, there is no estrogen in lamb and fish.

31. Fast food. If a man wants to be a man, he should not eat in the fast food system. Fast food contains mainly the products mentioned in the previous paragraphs of this article and other harmful ingredients. There is such a wonderful movie called “Double Portion”. Take a look, and the desire to attend fast food you will disappear.

32. Vegetable oil and mayonnaise. Sunflower oil can also be consumed, but we must remember that it slightly reduces the level of testosterone. It all depends on the combination of polyunsaturated acids that make up the oil. Men are not recommended to eat a lot of mayonnaise, as it consists mainly of vegetable oil.

33. Effervescent beverages (with carbon dioxide) from mineral water to Coca-Cola and energy drinks. They contain substances that “acidify” the body, sugar, craving amplifiers (such drinks, strange as it may seem, dehydrate the body !!!), caffeine.

34. Smoked meats due to liquid smoke. Smoked products directly affect the tissues of the testes, which actually produce testosterone. Smoking should be natural, better if it is hot.

35. Dry red wine. It is grape red wine, and not colored alcohol, which is often sold under the guise of wine. Red wine inhibits aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. The rate of wine per day - no more than a glass. This does not apply to vodka, nor to champagne, nor to brandy, or to moonshine, or white wine. These drinks have a negative effect on testosterone production.

36. Spices inhibit external xenoesterone (phytohormones). Cardamom, chilli, curry, garlic, onion, turmeric. Spices are the basis of Indian cuisine. Studies show that the level of spermatogenesis (sperm development) among Indians is orders of magnitude higher than among Europeans. Spices play a huge role in this.

37. Take vitamin C. Along with the strengthening of immunity, this vitamin, like zinc, inhibits the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.You should not buy vitamin C separately, it is better to buy a multivitamin complex at once, as well as other important trace elements in addition to vitamin C

38. Take vitamins A, B, E. These vitamins also help in the production of testosterone in the body. A competent balanced diet will help maintain their level, but the multivitamin complex also does not hurt.

39. Vitamin E. It has a very special function. There is a certain distance between insulin and testosterone. Insulin should not come close to testosterone, otherwise it will inactivate it, that is, destroy it. Vitamin E is the transport base that is embedded between them, if they go to a rapprochement. Vitamin E is an antioxidant wonder of nature. Vitamin E - protection of the function of testosterone. Female hormones are very resistant, they themselves can redeem any aggression, but the male hormone, on the contrary, needs protection, and the best protection is vitamin E. Vitamin E does not allow to cling to excess hydrogen. Vitamin E has anti-corrosion treatment.


40. Engage in strength exercises with dumbbells, barbells or exercise equipment, but no more than 3 times a week.

41. The best exercises for raising testosterone levels are basic ones, namely: squats, deadlifts, bench presses or dumbbells lying, bench presses, pulling, bars.

42. Avoid overtraining. Too frequent exercise can negatively say not only on the psychological state (severe exhaustion), but also on the hormonal level. Take breaks between trips to the hall to regain your strength. The optimal amount is 3-4 workouts per week.

43. Aerobics is for women. Aerobics, training on the exercise bike lead to muscle fatigue, which in turn increases the concentration of cortisol in the body and decreases testosterone. In this case, cardio loads are not useful, but act against men.

44. Training in the company of beautiful ladies. In general, the female sex raises testosterone well. When communicating with a beautiful girl, the secretion of the male hormone is increased by 40%! And this is not the limit. Take your girlfriend with you to the gym. And it is good for you and for you well.

Supplements from the pharmacy (safe, but you should not take them all at once, choose for yourself 2-3 of your favorites)

45. Tribulus terrestris (Tribulus terrestris, Yakorets creeping)

46. ​​Epimedium, mountain woman (Horny goat weed)

47. Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng)

48. Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca)

49. Mack or Peruvian klopovnik Meyen (Lepidium meyenii)

50. Muir puama (Catuaba, leriosma, Ptychopetalum olacoides)

51. Yohimbine (Corynanthe yohimbe)

52. pollen (Bee polen)

53. L -carnitine

54. BCAA (amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine)

55. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids


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How to increase testosterone levels: 3 ways

Leafy salads, animal protein, nuts, seeds, legumes and dairy products - made a list of products that need to be added to your diet for the progress of natural testosterone production.
Testosterone is responsible for endurance, responsiveness, libido, and even improving cognitive abilities. The optimal level of hormone directly affects the quality of training and the level of sporting achievements. It is associated with a large amount of muscle mass and low fat content in the body. These indicators are of great importance in intensive training and generally affect the quality of life.

Natural testosterone production can be impaired due to negative external influences or an unhealthy lifestyle. Here is a brief list of things that can affect the normal functioning of the endocrine system:

extreme diets (“drying”) - low-calorie diets for the loss of adipose tissue and build muscle;
alcohol use and smoking (active or passive);
environmental pollution (environmental problems).

Protecting yourself from these factors, you significantly enhance your health and improve hormonal levels. In addition, there is a simple and affordable way to increase the level of testosterone, simply by adding to your diet foods containing certain trace elements.

- Immediately I will say that it harms the production of a normal amount of testosterone. This fasting, lack of nutrition of full-fledged protein, such as veganism, and regular overeating, leading to obesity. Since testosterone is a steroid hormone, protein and cholesterol are necessary for its synthesis.

A protein of full composition (containing the entire range of amino acids, including essential ones - not synthesized in the body) is found in protein products of animal origin: meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs, by-products and dairy products. They contain the necessary cholesterol, from which both sex hormones and adrenal hormones are synthesized.

Accordingly, in order to produce enough testosterone, these foods must be included in the diet. The average consumption rate for a man of 19-50 years is three servings of meat or other protein foods per day (one serving is 75 grams of meat or fish or two eggs) and two servings of dairy products per day (one serving is 200 grams of yogurt, or 250 ml of cottage cheese, or 50 grams of cheese, or a glass of milk).

Obesity is just as harmful for testosterone as fasting, so it is better to use these products of lower fat content and do not forget to combine them with vegetables, fruits and cereal products.

It is important not to forget that regular (at least 30 minutes a day) exercise also helps to increase muscle mass, maintain normal body weight and heal the body.

Numerous studies on male groups, published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, have shown that magnesium is positively associated with overall testosterone levels . Dietary nutrition often does not contain this important trace element in the right quantity, so most of the subjects experienced a shortage of it. Adding to the diet foods containing magnesium, gave a positive trend. It also turned out that testosterone levels of those who were actively involved in sports increased more intensely than those of those who lead a “sedentary lifestyle”.

Dietary sources of magnesium:

cereals - cereals, whole grain or bran bread;
dark green vegetables - spinach, broccoli, various greens, cabbage;
fish - salmon, halibut, tuna, pollock, mackerel;
nuts - almonds, cashews, peanuts, brazil nuts;
pumpkin, sunflower, flax seeds;

The positive effect of adding zinc to the diet showed various studies of the dynamics of the level of hormones that stimulate the production of testosterone.

Avoid zinc deficiency will help:

clams - oysters, crabs, shrimps;
meat - beef, pork;
dairy products - yellow cheese, yogurt, milk;
nuts - walnuts, pecans, pistachios, cashews, almonds;
pumpkin, sunflower, flax, chia seeds.

Vitamin K
One of the many functions of vitamin K in the body is to increase the level of activity of enzymes that synthesize testosterone.

Dietary sources of vitamin K:

egg yolk;
hard and soft cheeses;
fermented foods (sauerkraut, pickles);
oil (vegetable and animal);
fish fat.

To ensure the optimum level of testosterone, count the calorie of your diet so that it covers all energy costs (training, work, activity). Focus on leafy vegetables, animal protein, nuts, cereals, seeds, and dairy products.


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How to increase testosterone in men? 8 natural ways

What makes a man courageous, gives strength to his hands and determination of his actions, and also makes him turn around after passing by persons of the opposite sex? In the male body, there is a special substance - testosterone, a hormone that causes male sexual activity, affects secondary sexual characteristics and is responsible for the continuation of the species.

In addition, testosterone is actively involved in metabolism, has an impact on the brain and male behavior. It is he who develops such characteristic qualities in a man as determination, ability to take risky actions, initiative.

It is thanks to testosterone that the man has great endurance and is resistant to physical and mental stress. Low blood levels of testosterone adversely affect men's health, both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase testosterone levels in men.

Lack of testosterone

Unfortunately, today a low level of this hormone is a fairly common phenomenon even in young men. The reason for the lack of male sex hormone can be various diseases, but usually it is associated with the lifestyle of the modern man. Lack of testosterone immediately affects the metabolism and has clearly distinguishable symptoms. Lack of testosterone increases the risk of many diseases, leads to a decrease in mental abilities, obesity and depression. Here are the main signs of a lack of testosterone in men:

reduced muscle mass;
aching joints;
breast enlargement;
reduction of facial hair;
memory impairment;
decrease in creative activity;
premature ejaculation;
Erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, in most cases, it is possible to increase the level of testosterone in the male body using the most natural methods, without the help of doctors and not taking special hormonal preparations.

8 natural ways to increase testosterone

Proper nutrition

In order to increase your testosterone levels in the blood, you should take care of your diet. A complete and balanced diet is the most important answer to the question of how to increase testosterone levels in men.

Zinc enters the testosterone molecule, it is an important part of it, and without zinc, the molecule cannot properly perform its functional duties. Zinc is found in large quantities in fish and seafood, nuts, seeds. Calcium, selenium and magnesium are also needed for sufficient testosterone synthesis.

Vitamins are necessary for effective work of the male genital glands. The most important role in their work is played by vitamins E, C, F and B. In case of their deficiency, the work of the male reproductive glands slows down and the content of the male sex hormone in the blood decreases.

For the normal synthesis of sex hormone, it is important to have a balanced and healthy diet containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats in normal quantities.

Physical activity

Exercise is a quick and effective way to increase testosterone. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and go to work in the office - then you should start to visit the gym. Improve the work of the sex glands jogging and weight training.

Regular exercise will not only increase testosterone, but will also improve your health and provide you with great biceps and beautiful abdominals.

Normal weight

One of the main signs of atrophy of the male genital glands is weight gain. There is an inverse relationship - with an increase in weight decreases the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

If you want to increase your sexual power, then you should declare a merciless war over pounds. This method of increasing the amount of sex hormone is associated with the first two: with a normal diet and a sufficient amount of physical exertion.

Remove “fast” carbohydrates from your diet (pastries, confectionery, chocolate, carbonated drinks) and spend just as many calories as you get with food.

Normal sleep

If you want to increase testosterone levels and improve your sexual function, you should sleep well. Yes exactly. First, healthy sleep improves all metabolic processes of the body, but most importantly - most of the testosterone is synthesized during sleep. Also try to improve the conditions of your night rest. Ensure complete peace, comfort, plenty of fresh air. Normal sleep for a man should be at least seven hours a day.

Rejection of bad habits

Both the use of alcoholic drinks, and smoking extremely negatively affect a man's libido. Drinking large amounts of alcohol (leading to a hangover the next day) reduces the amount of testosterone by 20% for a period of 12-24 hours. In addition, alcohol has a general negative effect on the body, which inhibits the work of the sex glands. Beer, in addition, contains substances that are very similar to female sex hormones.

Avoid stress

Try to maintain a normal psycho-emotional state. Heavy stress has a devastating effect on testosterone production. Firstly, stress generally negatively affects the body, and secondly, in a stressful situation, the hormone cortisone is released - it is an antagonist of the male sex hormone. Rest, positive emotions and positive attitudes increase sexual function.

Regular sex life

If we do not use something, then it will gradually atrophy. This rule is absolutely true for our body. If we do not give work to our muscles, they become flabby and quickly decrease in size; in a person who has a sedentary lifestyle, the volume of the heart decreases. If you want your sex glands to fully function, then you must live a normal sex life. Active sex life increases the level of testosterone in the blood and strengthens the body. Sex gives us positive emotions and serves as a defense against stress. But moderation is also needed in this matter: do not be too zealous.

Be careful with medications.

Many modern medicines contain hormones, some of which inhibit the function of the sex glands. Do not self-medicate. Take these drugs only after consulting a doctor and be interested in side effects that have a particular drug.

Many drugs that athletes take to achieve better results (anabolic steroids) contain sex hormones. Due to this, muscles grow faster, increases endurance and strength. However, the main serious thing is that in this case, the own sex glands begin to produce less testosterone. After the end of taking these drugs, the level of the hormone in the blood drops sharply, in the case of their prolonged use - the development of a serious hormonal imbalance is inevitable.

We described the main factors that affect male sexual function and the amount of testosterone hormone in the blood. Now you know how to increase testosterone in men, what factors you should pay special attention to and how to change your life.

In conclusion, it remains to add the following: in order for your sex glands to work normally, and the level of the male hormone was at its best - watch the general condition of the body. Under this should be understood a combination of factors: the normal state of the cardiovascular system, the absence of excess weight, the normal work of the digestive tract and endocrine glands. Equally important is the psychological state, positive attitudes and an active lifestyle.


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7 ways to increase testosterone levels

Of course, you know that testosterone is a male hormone that is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics, libido, muscle formation, metabolism, and even mood.

It is also called the action hormone. A man who has a lot of testosterone, is ready to move mountains, conquer women, argue, fight, throw the bulls and live at full capacity. At the same time, it looks like it, respectively - developed muscles, a confident look, a sharp mind and quick reaction in non-standard situations.

However, the perfidious nature conceived in such a way that from 30 years the level of testosterone in men decreases. Moreover, the insidiousness of the situation lies in the fact that it happens so slowly and unnoticed that you do not have time to arouse, panic and immediately take the necessary measures.

Another reason for the low testosterone levels in young men is the wrong lifestyle. Bad habits, lack of sleep, synthetic food from fast food and laziness will never turn you into a brutal male. But in the effeminate bore can.

When testosterone falls, an extra fat appears on the body, melancholy and apathy appear in character, and instead of a decisive peasant with an ax, you suddenly find yourself wrapped in a plaid with a cup of cocoa and in a philosophical mood.

The main signs of low testosterone:

Bad mood or depression.

Flaccidity, fatigue and irritability.

Reduced sexual desire.

Reduced muscle mass and strength.

Increased adipose tissue.

Reducing the level of aggressiveness.

Distraction, decrease in mental ability and memory.

Trouble sleeping

Much happier than men, testosterone levels can be increased in a few weeks, and it can be done better by natural means, without resorting to pharmacology.

Ways to increase testosterone levels:

1. Put the food in order.

Give up on fast food. For the sake of added effect, eliminate bread, buns, chocolates and fizzy carbonated drinks. They say that insulin also lowers testosterone, so the sugar is also in the furnace.

The main building material is zinc, without which testosterone synthesis is not possible, as well as magnesium and vitamin D (it is separate about it). Make a diet of the following products: seafood, nuts, meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, berries, especially lean on lemons, strawberries, lettuce, potatoes, broccoli, greens, herbs and roots (for example, ginger and ginseng), dried fruits, as well as milk, kefir, cheese, beans and cereals. Add spices. For example, red pepper, garlic and kari have an overwhelming effect on estrogen, the female hormone that we only have on hand.

2. Take care of sports.

Highly functional training - short intense workouts at the highest possible pace. There are enough halls for crossfit, and street workout is always relevant. Do not forget how to warm up.

Strength training, the key principle of which is the emphasis on the base, more weight, less repetitions. A small life hack: look for halls where there are a lot of girls, testosterone will immediately jump upwards.

3. Give up bad habits.

Do it finally and without turning. Alcohol is not just a hangover in the morning. It causes systemic damage to the entire body. So is tobacco. For men, it is important to win wherever possible. Start with bad habits.

4. Take care of vitamin D.

You can take vitamin D from the local pharmacy, but getting it out of the sun and more beneficial and much more pleasant. To ensure a normal dose, it is enough to spend 5-10 minutes twice a week in the sun from 10 am to 3 pm. For guys who are not afraid of the spring cold, the question closes with a run with a bare torso. The rest - look for options and opportunities.

5. Minimize stress.

With a strong prolonged stress, the body produces cortisol, which prevents testosterone from breaking out in full force. To avoid this, try yoga and meditation. You have no idea what powerful tools they are. In addition, stop worrying about trifles and smile more often.

6. Rest and get enough sleep.

Do not allow overtraining, recover as much as your body needs. Sleep 7-8 hours. If you go to bed at 23.00, and get up at 6-7.00, sleep will be as productive as possible. In addition, you have time in the morning to practice and meditate.

7. Pump bright emotions .

Do not turn into a marmot, whose day is similar to the daily run in the wheel of routine and bytovuhi. Keep your mind and heart in good shape. Travel, meet with friends, go to different places, but do not allow yourself to go out. Take care of extreme sports and meet girls more often, even for the sake of innocent flirting. Live brightly and create yourself a positive attitude.

And if you have something to add, then at the bottom of the article the corresponding form — speak, comment, argue and ask questions! We will be glad.


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The most shocking ways to increase testosterone levels

Testosterone is a hormone that everyone knows about, but no one has studied it thoroughly. The main male hormone, on which the work of the whole organism depends, each time presents scientists with new riddles. The most recent studies have shown that its level is directly related to the nationality of the man and to what part of the world he lives in.

For example, the Japanese are recognized as the best tasters on the planet. And this is directly related to the fact that they have the lowest testosterone levels, unlike men of other nationalities. However, when the Japanese need for one reason or another to raise the level of their main hormone, he again resorts to the services of the kitchen. And first of all it includes grated radish in the diet. Recent studies by scientists of the Land of the Rising Sun have found the same properties in beets.

Light sports exercises are a universal means for keeping fit, lifting the mood - all that we call “cheer up”. In men, this is directly related to raising testosterone levels. However, there are cases when a man just needs to get a sharp surge in the level of this hormone (for example, heavyweight athletes before the barbell jerk). But since physical exertion is commonplace for them, “force” methods are not enough here. If you have ever watched competitions in weightlifting, you probably noticed: before the barbell jerk the athlete growls or shouts loudly. At this moment he has a sharp jump in testosterone, which allows him to take the desired weight.

Sumo fighters whose weight exceeds 200 kilograms cannot be washed a day before the competition. This helps them maintain the level of the main hormone, and therefore does not relax.

Italians are considered among the most temperamental men. It is easy to guess that this is due to the increased level of testosterone in their body. The explanation is very simple: the sun. It really raises the level of the male hormone. To enhance the effect, many specially tan naked. A high level of potency is also added to excellent well-being.

Speaking of potency. It is clear that it is directly related to the level of the male hormone. Many men, wanting to outdo themselves in bed, resort to the same way as weightlifters - shout. But for some this is not enough. They do not just shout, but call their partner the most obscene words. Psychologists explain a surge in testosterone at this moment by raising a man’s self-esteem in his own eyes.

In ancient Russia, for constant maintenance of physical fitness and active potency, men used a tool called “beaver jet”. In fact, it was prepared from the genitals of the beaver: it was cut, dried and, according to written sources, was quite popular.

Modern men have their own way to maintain pep and physical fitness. Fans of the Russian bath experience an increase in testosterone levels when, after a steam bath, they roll in the snow. Although those who are deprived of this pleasure, it is enough just to rinse your feet in cold water - a surge of strength is provided.

And absolutely absolutely reliable method of increasing the level of testosterone is a victory. No matter what a man does, victory triggers strength in him, gives confidence, makes him invincible and irresistible in his own eyes. It is enough for a man to set himself even a small goal, to achieve it - and he will have no problems with the level of testosterone.


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How to increase testosterone levels - drugs and food

Increase testosterone in men

Supplements to increase testosterone levels

It is often believed that the higher the testosterone level in men, the better. However, it is important to understand that not always high testosterone means improving the health or any indicators of the body. In addition, testosterone boosting drugs often have a long list of side effects - and they are always prescribed by a doctor only after a blood test.

Being one of the key hormones, testosterone is closely related to the whole body's work - before trying to increase it, you need to understand why you need it and why you think that you have low testosterone . Plus, at home it is impossible to accurately measure whether a certain drug or a particular diet has influenced testosterone and raised its level.
High Testosterone and Health

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in boys during adolescence, and for muscle growth in adulthood. A high level of the hormone testosterone is directly related to both the libido and the general emotional state of the man. Chronically low testosterone often depresses the brain.

At the same time, scientific studies suggest that men with elevated testosterone levels not only grow balder faster , but also suffer from problems with excessively oily skin (which leads to acne), high levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and high blood pressure - namely therefore, increasing testosterone is not always beneficial for the body.
Obesity and Testosterone Levels

Along with bad habits, overweight is one of the most important factors in reducing testosterone levels, because adipose tissue is able to convert the male sex hormone into female. In fact, the more fat a man has, the lower his testosterone level and the higher the estrogen level (4) . The fight against fat should always be the first step in the task of raising testosterone.

The less body fat a man has, the less testosterone will turn into estrogen - for this reason, regular physical and strength training will definitely lead to an increase (or at least normalization) of testosterone levels. In addition, the higher the level of testosterone in the body, the faster the body will burn fat and build muscle.
Effect of Nutrition on Testosterone

Effect of nutrition on testosterone levels

Despite the fact that science can not say exactly which foods increase testosterone levels, the list of “harmful” food for this hormone has long been known. Since testosterone is a steroid hormone, its formation requires the presence of saturated fats in the diet - in their absence (for example, in the case of low-fat diets), testosterone levels drop sharply.

Also, food with a high glycemic index affects testosterone levels - regular consumption of fast carbohydrates not only disrupts the normal synthesis of insulin (ultimately leading to the development of diabetes ), but also correlates with low testosterone. In addition, testosterone is also affected by trans fats contained in fascade and various convenience foods.
Supplements to increase testosterone

Before talking about drugs to increase testosterone levels, it is necessary to mention vitamins and microminerals, the deficiency of which directly affects testosterone. Scientific studies show that in order to maintain a normally high level of testosterone, a man must daily receive from his diet at least 10-15 mg of zinc , 400-420 mg of magnesium and 400–1000 IU of vitamin D.

Note that the lack of zinc is extremely typical for urban residents (zinc sources are primarily seafood, offal and nuts), exactly like the lack of vitamin D in the winter time (for the synthesis of this vitamin you need to be in the sun at least 30-40 minutes a week). That is why it is often possible to raise testosterone without taking pills.
Drugs to increase testosterone

How to increase testosterone?

Only anabolic steroids have a real evidence base as drugs for increasing testosterone levels. However, they do not increase testosterone at all, but, in fact, replace it, dramatically reducing the natural production. In addition, synthetic testosterone preparations are strictly controlled drugs and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Speaking of OTC supplements and dietary supplements to increase testosterone levels, it should be noted that most of these drugs even theoretically can not affect the body - neither ginseng, nor goji berries , nor the extract of Eleutherococcus can raise the level of this hormone. Unfortunately, even the controversial evidence base is only available in the three drugs listed below:

D-aspartic acid (D-Aspartic acid) - an amino acid contained in small doses in food. Studies show that taking D-aspartic acid supplements can increase testosterone, prolactin and growth hormone (1) . An effective dosage is 2-3 grams per day for several weeks.
Tribulus terrestris (lat. Tríbulus terréstris) - used in Ayurveda and traditional medicine as a means to increase libido and "male power". It is important to note that the recommended dosage (about 1-3 g per day) requires taking tribulus in powder, and not at all in tablets, where it is contained in significantly smaller doses.
Evrikoma dlinnolistnaya or Malaysian ginseng (eng. Eurycoma longifolia) - is used in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac and a means to increase potency, but has a controversial evidence-based effect on testosterone. An effective dosage is considered to be 1-3 g per day, but most supplements contain significantly lower doses.

Normal Testosterone Level

In conclusion, we recall that the final opinion on whether your testosterone is high or low should be made by a doctor based on a laboratory blood test. To assess the level of testosterone, the content of free (that is, not bound to plasma proteins) testosterone is used. Free testosterone represents approximately 1-3% of the total testosterone level in the body.

Blood for analysis of testosterone levels is taken from a vein, preferably in the morning or after 10-12 hours following the last meal. Separately, it should be noted that there is no single digit “normal” or “high” level of testosterone - for the same man, the indices of this hormone can fluctuate significantly even within a day.

Age of man Free Testosterone ( nmol / L) Free Testosterone (pg / ml)
<25 20 - 30 9.0 - 28
25 - 29 years old 15 - 29 8.8 - 27
30 - 34 years old 14 - 27 8.5 - 26
35 - 39 years 13 - 26 8.0 - 25
40 - 44 years old 12 - 25 7.2 - 23
45 - 49 years old 12 - 24 6.5 - 22
50 - 54 years old 12 - 24 6.0 - 20
55 - 59 years old 12 - 24 5.6 - 19

Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc (if they are deficient) have a strong evidence base as drugs to increase testosterone levels. Of the hundreds of plant extracts available as dietary supplements to raise testosterone, very few have been studied - and only a few of them have at least a controversial evidence base in their ability to increase the most important male hormone.
