Tuesday, July 2, 2019

KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 180 Servings

KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 180 Servings
KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 180 Servings

How to increase Magnesium for the body


Magnesium is not for nothing called a natural sedative: it relaxes the muscles, helps reduce pressure and has a slight sedative effect on the nervous system . It is an indispensable participant in many biological processes and “works” together with other important macro- and microelements.

Magnesium content in products (per 100g):

Cashew Nuts 270 mg
Buckwheat 260 mg
Seaweed 170 mg
Oatmeal 130 mg
Peas 100 mg
Beans 100 mg

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is part of the minerals and living organisms - plants and animals. The human body accumulates about 25 g of this metal, which is contained in organs and tissues in the form of various chemical compounds.

Most of the magnesium is concentrated in the bones, but the element is found in most other tissues.

Foods rich in magnesium

The most rich and complete sources of magnesium are green vegetables.

A lot of magnesium is found in tap water.

In fruits, the maximum content of this mineral is peel.

Daily need for magnesium

A person needs a dosage of magnesium up to 0.5 grams per day.

Increased Magnesium Requirement

Additional use of magnesium is required at high nerve loads, with high blood pressure , as well as with intensive growth and development processes in children and adolescents.

The need for mineral also increases in athletes, people who suffer heavy physical exertion, and pregnant and lactating women.

Magnesium absorption from food

Magnesium is well absorbed from plant and animal foods. With increased intake of calcium , sodium and phosphorus, the absorption of magnesium decreases.

Excessive fascination with foods and beverages containing caffeine ( coffee , strong tea, chocolate , energy) also reduces the absorption of magnesium. Finally, drinking is adversely affected by this process.

Small amounts of magnesium are always excreted without being absorbed, as they are bound by dietary fibers of plant products. In general, the fibers are very useful, so artificially reduce their content in the diet is not worth it, however, constantly consume bran and fiber in high doses is undesirable.

Of some foods, such as nuts and bran, magnesium is poorly absorbed, despite the fact that they contain a lot of this mineral. They contain the so-called phytin - a substance that prevents the absorption of trace elements.

Eating fruits and vegetables with sandpaper is a good way to increase magnesium intake in the body.

The biological role of magnesium

Magnesium functions:

• Needed for healthy bones, helps strengthen the skeleton, along with phosphorus and calcium
• Takes part in glucose metabolism, energy release and storage.
• Magnesium in the composition of enzymes (and it is necessary for the formation of about 300 different enzymes) is involved in many types of metabolism.
• Affects the metabolism of fat, with a normal magnesium content in the body is easier to maintain optimal body weight
• Increases motor activity of the intestine, prevents the development of constipation
• Improves the formation and secretion of bile, which has a positive effect on the quality of digestion
• Helps reduce fat in the diet, as it improves the binding and excretion of cholesterol
• Beneficial effect on the transmission of nerve impulses
• Is part of the amino acid metabolism process, the formation of proteins
• Positively affects the health of the cardiovascular system, supports normal blood pressure levels, improves metabolism in the heart muscle
• Responsible for the work of the muscles, is involved in their relaxation
• Has an antispasmodic effect
• Regulates the work of the kidneys, prevents urolithiasis
• It has a calming effect, improves sleep.
• Improves resistance to stress , overload, reduces fatigue
• Increases the positive effects on the body with sodium, potassium , vitamins D , B6 , E.

Signs of magnesium deficiency

With insufficient dosages of magnesium in the composition of food, symptoms of its deficiency can occur: fatigue, worsening of sleep, nervousness, decrease in stress resistance, increase in blood pressure, convulsions, cramps, hair loss, muscle pain, constipation, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Signs of excess magnesium

Excess mineral is rare, mainly observed when excessive use of magnesium in the composition of dietary supplements . Symptoms of excess magnesium: decreased salivation, nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, balance disorders.

If you have a need for high-dose medication to take magnesium, you should simultaneously take calcium supplements. This “balances” the content of elements in the body and will allow you to avoid an overdose of magnesium.

Factors affecting magnesium content in foods

Culinary processing leads to a decrease in the magnesium content in food. Abroad, magnesium additionally enrich drinking water.

Why does magnesium deficiency occur?

Magnesium deficiency can occur:

• With insufficient intake of mineral in the body - its low content in food and water, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , worsening the absorption of nutrients.
• With increased removal of mineral: kidney disease , diarrhea, taking diuretics, laxatives.
• With increased consumption - during pregnancy, with diabetes , with intense sports loads.


Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Raspberry Lemon - 16 Ounces

Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Raspberry Lemon - 16 Ounces
Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Raspberry Lemon - 16 Ounces

Consume magnesium to improve body shape

Getting magnesium in adequate quantities is one of the best steps to improving your body shape. This mineral enhances insulin sensitivity and fat burning hormones.

It has been known for quite some time that additional magnesium in the body can help cells become hypersensitive to insulin, which will allow to build more muscles and store less fat. Now, there is evidence that just adequate amounts of magnesium can help you stay slim and graceful.

In the Nutrition Journal published a study of scientists from Taiwan, who evaluated the physique, magnesium intake, the presence of inflammatory processes and blood pressure in 210 people suffering from diabetes. They found that 90% of the subjects had a reduced level of magnesium, and that their level of consumption was largely correlated with the percentage of body fat and waist volume. In particular, for participants whose magnesium level was less than 2.3 mg per kg of body weight, fat averaged 33% of body weight, and the average waist girth was 95.6 cm. At the same time, the subjects with magnesium level 4, 5 mg / kg body weight average fat percentage was 24.5, and waist circumference was 88.8.

In this group, a simple increase in the amount of magnesium in the diet to an adequate level led to a noticeable decrease in the amount of body fat studied, a decrease in waist circumference (which means less dangerous fat in the abdominal region) and an improvement in blood pressure. Those with the highest magnesium intake also had healthier cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Moreover, only people in the group with the highest magnesium intake indicated that the percentage of body fat and waist circumference, as well as markers of cardiovascular diseases, were normal. In addition, they had the least symptoms of depression.

Researchers suggest that an adult needs 5 mg of magnesium per kg of body weight per day for health, but this amount was not reached in the study even by those with the highest magnesium intake. According to their estimates, about 60-90% of the world's population suffer from a lack of magnesium due to the consumption of processed foods instead of whole grains, peas, greens and nuts, which contain digestible magnesium.

What else do you need to know about magnesium in order to achieve an optimal physique and good health:

- Medical drugs deplete magnesium and vitamin D stores. This adversely affects at least three areas - cardiovascular health, body build and bone health. If you are taking medications (including OTC), be sure to consume more of the one and the other.

- Magnesium in a certain amount can help prevent migraines. A study conducted on people suffering from migraines, showed that taking magnesium in a dosage of 0.9 mg / kg of weight led to a noticeable reduction of headaches (compared with placebo).

- Magnesium can improve sleep, because it has a calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system, but at the same time it can improve the results of training, if you are tired. The study showed that an additional 100 mg of magnesium taken in the morning or after a short sleep, allowed people to train much more intensively and longer during the endurance test.

- Magnesium can raise hormone levels, improving health. Men can significantly raise the level of free testosterone, receiving magnesium in an adequate amount - in one study, testosterone levels increased after training by 24% in men who received 10 mg / kg of magnesium per day for four weeks.

- Magnesium can also help women during menopause reduce the frequency and strength of hot flashes by 50%.

- Magnesium can increase muscle strength, as it is used in the process of converting ATP to energy.


High Absorption Magnesium Complex - Premium Mag Supplement for Sleep, Leg Cramps, Muscle Relaxation & Recovery - Formulated for Women & Men - Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules

High Absorption Magnesium Complex - Premium Mag Supplement for Sleep, Leg Cramps, Muscle Relaxation & Recovery - Formulated for Women & Men - Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules
High Absorption Magnesium Complex - Premium Mag Supplement for Sleep, Leg Cramps, Muscle Relaxation & Recovery - Formulated for Women & Men - Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules

Magnesium for face skin: fighting acne and other defects

Why magnesium supplements can end your acne? Let's see. Many dermatologists and acne-gurus on the Internet often talk about the deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins and their possible effect on the appearance of acne, not only on the face, but on the whole body. Magnesium is a mineral that is almost on the main place in its class when it comes to discussing its various benefits in the body as a whole and directly for the skin of the face.

Among the minerals, magnesium is often compared with vitamin D. Since 2012, researchers have identified 3,751 different magnesium receptors in human proteins. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It gives more energy to the cells of the body by increasing the creation of adenosine triphosphate molecule. Researchers have repeatedly observed the positive results of magnesium intake for the treatment of migraine, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular diseases, reduction in overall mortality, and even delayed aging.

Magnesium improves skin condition and resolves acne problems.

Magnesium supplements are able to clear the skin of acne! This is inevitable, because nutrients with such far-reaching benefits improve skin condition . How does this happen?

Good sleep can improve the health and, consequently, the condition of the skin. Magnesium is a “relaxation mineral.” After many years of study, scientists affirmatively proved that people with magnesium deficiency have serious problems with falling asleep.

In one study, sleep quality and serum hormone levels in 300 elderly people were analyzed, and a large correlation was found between magnesium deficiency and insomnia. But the most important thing is that with a low level of magnesium a lower level of melatonin (sleep hormone).

Magnesium is crucial for the production of melatonin, because melatonin biosynthesis occurs with the participation of serotonin, and magnesium is involved in the production of vital serotonin. In addition, magnesium supplements reduce cortisol levels, making it easier to relax and fall asleep faster, because cortisol inhibits some sleep-causing neurotransmitters.
Relevance for acne treatment!

What is magnesium needed for? Poor sleep worsens several acne-related conditions, such as stress and insulin resistance.

First, magnesium is good for the skin to regulate cortisol levels. Fitness strategy is increasingly used by both athletes and older people, and swimming in water filled with magnesium flakes is also popular. Like vitamin C, our body uses magnesium to reduce and control excessive amounts of stress hormones in the bloodstream.

For example, when you drink coffee, cortisol is inevitably fueled by caffeine, and the kidneys release a splash of magnesium to compensate for its increase. Scientists have decided that the use of moderate doses of magnesium supplements - a fantastic tool that will help to understand the chronic stress and the cause of acne.

Secondly, increased insulin resistance. Five studies have demonstrated a link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance.

This mineral is a key component of tyrosine kinase, an enzyme that is involved in the transmission of signals in the cell. Another function within the cell is insulin detection. Thus, it is possible to reduce insulin in the blood by increasing magnesium to normal levels.

Third, the accelerated production of antioxidants . Magnesium is known to increase the production of glutathione in the body, which is responsible for cell regeneration. Glutathione deficiency is associated with overload by free radicals. This mineral is simply necessary to eliminate mercury and other heavy metals, because glutathione is an antioxidant that can neutralize them. magnesium for face skin
Understanding Acne Nutrient

Mineral is necessary for clear skin. Unlike vitamin A or vitamin E, it is extremely effective in treating acne with indirect remedies. Although few people know about this. It affects many different functions in the human body, most of which affect the formation of acne.

Think about what simple magnesium deficiency means these days. Up to 80% of people consume less than the recommended daily intake of 400 mg per day, and 20% use less than this half. Magnesium deficiency is at such a high level all over the world that the World Health Organization is already concerned and advises governments to add magnesium to drinking water.

An excellent chance to see good results is to increase your daily intake of magnesium to 400 mg and more, especially if you suffer from insomnia or stress chronically, that you cannot even relax? If so, then magnesium is especially good for you.

But, there is one problem: patients with acne cannot always eat foods rich in magnesium. Modern pandemic magnesium deficiency is partly due to a significant decrease in its content in plant products. Traditionally, people could receive a daily dose from fruits and vegetables, but the analysis of many green vegetables and berries shows that since 1950, the total magnesium content has decreased by 25–80%. This is a tremendous decline, mainly due to the poor state of our soils (a number of nutrients are gradually disappearing).
Where does this deficit come from?

diseases from magnesium deficiency For years, farming steadily sucked all the minerals out of the ground. A hundred years ago, people understood the importance of the soil and replenished it with manure, old plant matter, and so on. Today, these strategies are already in the past. The seismic shift toward the discovery of large corporations has allowed them not to use traditional farming methods. Meanwhile, the global population is growing, more food is needed, and the rate of decline in soil quality is accelerating.

As a result, virtually every developing country in the world depletes magnesium in the soil, with the exception of Egypt.

The magnesium content in water experienced a similar decline, hence the concern of the World Health Organization. Finally, all the magnesium in food must first be processed and absorbed by the intestine. Approximately 50% is absorbed by capillaries in the small intestine, and another 5% is absorbed by the large intestine. Gut health is especially important for extracting enough magnesium compared to other nutrients.

Dietary factors, such as fermentable fiber and protein intake, can increase the rate of magnesium absorption, but the presence of leaky bowel syndrome can seriously complicate the task. What is one of the biggest problems with acne patients? Leaky bowel syndrome .

For these reasons, you probably will not achieve the necessary level of magnesium, sufficient for the disappearance of acne, or at least to improve skin condition. After a couple of months of a healthy diet free of grains and harmful chemicals, bowel function will improve. You will increase the level of the mineral by eating daily nutritious fruits, vegetables and nuts. However, no one wants to wait long, but everyone wants the result right away.
The best supplement - magnesium for the skin

magnesium dosage depending on gender and age There is a great solution - transdermal magnesium oil.

"Magnesium oil" is not really an oil, but a highly concentrated liquid solution of magnesium chloride. It easily covers the skin and absorbs directly into the bloodstream. This process is extremely effective, so many athletes love to use magnesium flakes in the bath.

The best part is that the problem with the intestines becomes irrelevant, because you can get around it. Magnesium oil is a great way to increase the dose of magnesium in the first months of treatment of acne and other skin diseases.

After using this oil, people notice improvements in many areas: the muscles are more relaxed, sleep comes much faster, shortness of breath disappears, and overall strength increases.

400 mg of magnesium should be taken in aerosol form. Numerous experience shows that the mineral is most effectively absorbed by the front torso, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Burning sensation and red skin rash are a common reaction to magnesium oil. But remember that this is a natural reaction with a deficiency, and when the symptoms subside, the magnesium level is restored.
Caution with cheap drugs

There are various forms of magnesium, sometimes manufacturers use the cheapest and most ineffective form. Magnesium oxide is a favorite, but its level of absorption in the human intestine is less than 12%.

Better supplements contain calcium to balance magnesium. Manufacturers are actually very reasonable, because the wrong ratio of calcium and magnesium in the body, as is known, reduces the effectiveness of both. However, almost every company creates drugs with the wrong ratio due to one inaccurate translation of a French scientist many years ago. He discussed that too much calcium could outweigh the benefits of magnesium and commented that the optimal ratio for the human body should not exceed 2: 1.

Nevertheless, the incorrect translation recommended this attitude as a standard, although studies have shown that the best ratio of calcium and magnesium is 1: 1. Calcium is easily obtained from your diet and unconsciously use additional hidden supplements is not worth it.

As for the amount, the ideal dose for both minerals is approximately 800 mg. We will have no problems with calcium, but due to the depleted conditions of the soil and water, we should replenish the body with magnesium and calculate the ideal diet. In fact, magnesium is not the most important acne mineral, but its deficiency on planet Earth means that we must make the greatest efforts to get it. types of magnesium supplements

If you have a healthy intestine, then 400 mg is enough for normal absorption. Transdermal oil is a good product, however, if you are not able to buy such a product or you do not want to swell the oil all over your body, magnesium glycinate in the form of tablets is also well absorbed. A later invention is magnesium threonine. It is advertised as a substance with an excellent ability to penetrate into the intestinal mitochondrial membrane.

Both of these supplements are chelates, which is doubly important for the mineral because of its increased vulnerability to calcium. There are also numerous forms on the market like magnesium citrate. It is fairly well absorbed, but in such preparations there are some additives, such as stevia. causes of magnesium deficiency
How to eat to fill the deficiency of the mineral?

Magnesium supplements should certainly be taken to treat acne. But do not forget about your food. Add green vegetables such as cabbage and nutritious nuts to your diet. Berries and bananas are also good sources of mineral.

Perhaps the best food source is macadamia nut, which combines a high magnesium content compared to other nuts and a small amount of phytic acid.

Fish is a terrific food for acne. One serving of 200 g of mackerel provides the body with 38% of the daily need for magnesium. Do not waste your time on whole grains, the high content of phytic acid makes them dead-end sources.

Another missed source of mineral is mineral water. It is believed that before people received a huge part of dietary magnesium, drinking water from wild rivers and streams. Nowadays, the water is quite exhausted, but mineral water remains more nutritious.

By drinking 2 liters of bottled mineral water every day, you get about 10% of the daily value. But if your finances do not allow you to buy as much mineral water, then it is easier to get this dose with the help of vitamin supplements.

Beef, lamb, chicken, eggs and many other products contain a decent level of magnesium. Any anti-acne diet should include foods rich in magnesium. magnesium rich foods

If you can not get at least 400 mg through food and drinks, then use the pills, but still to fill the deficiency of the mineral, combine them with the most healthy food, because your intestines will not be able to completely absorb the entire rate.
How to further increase the absorption of magnesium?

1) Avoid fluoride - this neurotoxin binds with magnesium and destroys its cells. You know that fluoride is present in most brands of toothpastes - this is a potential factor contributing to the magnesium deficiency pandemic.

2) Fill vitamin D deficiency . Magnesium levels increase dramatically as vitamin D levels rise. Fortunately, vitamin D supplements are often recommended during acne treatment .

3) Denial of diuretics . Blood pressure lowering drugs actually cause magnesium to leak from the body. The irony is that without magnesium, the blood vessels constrict and the blood pressure becomes even stronger and the cycle repeats, so many people find it difficult to refuse diuretics. In any case, without replenishing magnesium, you cannot switch to another high-pressure treatment.

Another strategy is to avoid high blood pressure by changing your diet. Most doctors simply hammer, talking about the dangers of salt, that this is almost the main factor contributing to the increase in pressure. But the diet is still necessary, or at least the rejection of certain products. You can refuse processed grains, vegetable oils and sugars.

Foods such as potatoes, bananas and yam are excellent for measuring blood pressure due to their high potassium content, which directly counteracts the increase in pressure.

4) Refusal of alcohol . People with alcohol dependence often suffer from magnesium deficiency. The easiest way to understand this is to see alcohol as an "anti-nutrient." It literally drains nutrients from your cells and prevents the proper absorption and use of vitamins and minerals that you consume. Not only alcohol addiction , but also regular use of alcohol leads to problems with magnesium.

1 - 2 glasses of wine a week is fine for most people, but more already have a strong effect on the liver. Alcohol also depletes minerals in the body because it causes dehydration, intestinal problems, sleep disturbances and premature aging.

Side effects of magnesium

When you receive 600 mg and more than 20% of people experience diarrhea. The recommended dose of not more than 300 - 400 mg with a mandatory consultation with a doctor.


Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 100 mg, 240 Tablets

Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 100 mg, 240 Tablets
Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 100 mg, 240 Tablets

How to increase magnesium intake

Magnesium is required for protein synthesis, proper muscle and nervous system functioning, maintaining the required level of blood glucose and normal blood pressure. This chemical element is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions occurring in the human body. [1] Lack of magnesium leads to a violation of these functions of the body, which can adversely affect health. Knowing how to meet the body's need for magnesium will help you strengthen your health.

Part 1
Magnesium intake with food

Eat more vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of magnesium and should be included in the daily diet. Magnesium is found in the following fruits and vegetables: [2] :
apple (raw, medium size) - 9 mg
avocado (one cup) - 44 mg
broccoli (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 12 mg
carrots (raw, medium size) - 7 mg
green soybeans (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 52 mg
okra (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 50 mg
potato with skin (cooked, one potato of medium size) - 47-52 mg
prickly pear (raw, one piece) - 88 mg
raisins (1/2 cup) - 23 mg
spinach (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 83 mg
leaf beets (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 80 mg
tamarind (1/2 cup) - 58 mg [3]

Eat meat or substitutes. In addition to vegetables and fruits, you should include protein foods in your diet. Regardless of whether you eat proteins in the form of meat or its substitutes (with a vegetarian or vegan diet), it is necessary that they contain enough magnesium. As a rule, meat contains less magnesium than its substitutes. A large amount of magnesium is included in the following protein products:
Beef (boiled minced meat, fat content 10%, 85 g) - 20 mg [4]
chicken breast (fried, 85 g) - 22 mg
tempeh (cooked, 3/4 cup) - 116 mg
tofu (with the addition of magnesium chloride or calcium sulfate, 3/4 cup) - 45-80 mg [5]
Include seafood in your diet. Many seafood contains large amounts of magnesium. However, moderation should be observed, since heavy metals (for example, mercury) and other pollutants accumulate in fish meat. [6] Eat no more than 340 grams of seafood per week. [7] A large amount of magnesium is found in the following seafood:
snow crab (cooked, 70 g) - 47 mg
chinook (cooked, 70 g) - 92 mg
halibut (cooked, 85 g) - 80 mg
mackerel (cooked, 70 g) - 73 mg
saida (cooked, 70 g) - 64 mg [8]
Snack on nuts, seeds and legumes. These products contain a considerable amount of magnesium. They can be used as a snack or as a side dish to main dishes. A lot of magnesium is found in the following products:
Almonds (fried without oil, 28 g) - 80 mg [9]
beans (cooked, 3/4 cup) - 60-89 mg
Brazil nuts (peeled, 1/4 cup) - 133 mg
cashews (fried without butter, 28 g) - 74 mg
flax seeds (two tablespoons) - 78 mg
lentils and peas (cooked, 3/4 cup) - 52 mg
peanuts (fried with butter, 1/4 cup) - 63 mg
peanut butter (two tablespoons) - 49 mg
pine nuts (peeled, 1/4 cup) - 70-86 mg
pumpkin and its seeds (peeled, 1/4 cup) - 317 mg
sesame seeds (two tablespoons) - 56-68 mg
soybeans (cooked, 3/4 cup) - 109 mg
soy nuts (1/4 cup) - 99 mg
sunflower seeds (peeled, 1/4 cup) - 119 mg [10]
Include in your diet cereal products. Some also contain a lot of magnesium. Always study the composition of the product and stick to the recommended dosage. Large amounts of magnesium are found in the following products:
all types of bran (30 grams) - 94-111 mg [11]
bread (whole wheat, two slices) - 46 mg
oatmeal (instant, one packet, diluted in water) - 36 mg [12]
Quinoa (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 47 mg
brown rice (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 42 mg
white rice (cooked, 1/2 cup) - 10 mg
crushed cereals (two large cookies) - 61 mg
Sprouted wheat products (roasted, 1/4 cup) - 96 mg [13]
Use dairy products or their substitutes. Some dairy products contain an average amount of magnesium. Many dairy substitutes for vegans and lactose intolerant people are richer in magnesium. Use the following products:
milk (one glass) - 24-27 mg
soy cheese (42 grams) - 114 mg
soy milk (one glass) - 61 mg
soy yogurt (3/4 cup) - 70 mg
yogurt (low-fat, 225 grams) - 42 mg [14]

Part 2
Food supplements

Select the type of food supplement. Supplements with magnesium are available in various forms. Choose the right supplement for you, depending on whether you prefer to take pills, pills, capsules or drink a solution. Nutritional supplements may take the following form:
soluble powder
tea bags
syrup [15]

Observe the dosage. Before taking any dietary supplements, you should consult with your doctor. Nutritional supplements have different recommended dosages, which vary from country to country. [16] Typically, dosage depends on age.
Adult men and adolescents should take 270-400 mg per day.
Adult women and adolescents should take 280-300 mg per day.
Pregnant women should take 320 mg per day.
Breastfeeding should be taken at 340-355 mg per day.
Children aged 7 to 10 years should take 170 mg per day.
Children under six years should take 120 mg per day.
Before giving nutritional supplements to children up to four years, consult a pediatrician.

Check if dietary supplements will interact with other medicines. As a rule, magnesium supplements are harmless by themselves (subject to instructions), but if you are taking any other drugs, they can interact with food additives. If you plan to take medications, refrain from dietary supplements with magnesium and try to increase the content of this trace element in your diet. If the doctor prescribes you magnesium supplements and another drug, it will be more difficult to avoid interaction between them. In this case, the doctor may change the dosage or regimen to reduce the risk of interaction. Do not take over-the-counter magnesium supplements at the same time as the following drugs:
Mycophenolate mofetil
Mycophenolic acid
Vismodegib [17]

Tell your doctor about the medications you are taking. The doctor should be aware of what medications you are taking (if they were prescribed by him, just in case, remind him of this). Note that many drugs contain magnesium, sometimes in the form of the main ingredient. Therefore, in order to avoid an overdose of magnesium, you should inform your doctor about all the medications you are taking, their dosage and regimen. [18]
Magnesium is a major ingredient in many laxatives (including milk of magnesia).
Some drugs for heartburn and indigestion (for example, Rolaids and Tams) also contain magnesium.
Make sure that the intake of medicines and food supplements does not lead to an excess of the recommended daily intake of magnesium.

Tell your doctor about your medical history. If your health is in order, magnesium supplements are safe for you (if you follow the recommended dosage). However, in some diseases, these supplements can be harmful. Do not take magnesium supplements for the following medical conditions: [19]
heart disease - dietary supplements with magnesium can make your condition worse
kidney problems - too high levels of magnesium in the blood can make it difficult for the kidneys to work

Part 3
The body's need for magnesium

Identify signs of magnesium deficiency. Lack of magnesium can lead to both minor and more serious health problems. Your doctor will order tests to help you identify a possible shortage of this element; besides, you can define it yourself by some signs. With a lack of magnesium, the following symptoms are observed:
excitement and irritability
sleep disorder (including insomnia)
nausea and / or vomiting
abnormal heart rate
low blood pressure
slow nail growth
restless leg syndrome
muscle cramps and weakness
lung hyperventilation
convulsions [20]

Find out if you are at risk of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is found in many foods, and if you stick to a healthy, balanced diet, you shouldn’t be lacking this trace element. However, some health problems can cause magnesium deficiency in the body. These are the following disorders and diseases:
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis
kidney disease
heavy menstrual bleeding
excessive sweating
prolonged stress
prolonged use of diuretics [21]

Pay attention to your diet. In addition to various diseases, magnesium deficiency can be caused by eating habits. If you find you have a magnesium deficiency, talk with your doctor about your diet.
Magnesium deficiency can occur due to the fact that you regularly consume too much coffee, carbonated or alcoholic beverages.
Excess sodium intake (salt) can also lead to low levels of magnesium. [22]

Learn about the role of magnesium in the treatment of various diseases. Magnesium may increase the effectiveness of the treatment of certain chronic diseases. [23] Check with your doctor about whether you should increase your magnesium intake. This measure can help with the following diseases:
altitude sickness
chronic fatigue syndrome
hearing loss
stones in the kidneys
tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease)
migraine and headaches
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
incontinence [24]


Before taking magnesium or other dietary supplements, consult your doctor. Be sure to tell your doctor about the drugs you are taking (including over-the-counter drugs) and your diet.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest Complete Whitening Plus Scope Minty Fresh Toothpaste, Travel Size, TSA Approved, 0.85 Ounce (Pack of 12)

Crest Complete Whitening Plus Scope Minty Fresh Toothpaste, Travel Size, TSA Approved, 0.85 Ounce (Pack of 12)
Crest Complete Whitening Plus Scope Minty Fresh Toothpaste, Travel Size, TSA Approved, 0.85 Ounce (Pack of 12)

Tooth decay prevention

To begin the prevention of dental caries should be before teething. The condition of the mother’s teeth also affects the health of the baby’s oral cavity. Baby teeth begin to develop during pregnancy. Proper nutrition and compliance with the requirements of oral hygiene will help the mother to avoid diseases of the oral cavity, and the child's teeth will grow healthy and strong. The state of the teeth of the expectant mother during pregnancy is important. It is necessary to control the state of the teeth by the dentist (both during the first and the second half of pregnancy); It should cure those teeth that have caries. If the teeth are not treated, the number of germs that cause caries increases in the mouth, which is easily transmitted to the newborn. Infection of a newborn baby leads to a situation where caries-causing microbes are present in the oral cavity before baby teeth erupt. When teething, poorly calcified milk teeth are immediately infected, which creates prerequisites for the development of early-on caries or “bottle caries” , which damages all baby teeth. To prevent it, it is necessary that all the teeth of a pregnant woman and a young mother are immediately cured; you should also not take a nipple or spoon in your mouth before they get into the baby’s mouth.
Period of milk teeth

It is important in preventing tooth decay, both in baby teeth and in developing permanent teeth. It is important that the first visit to the dentist be made immediately after the first teeth erupt. If the dental tissue is normal, it is enough to start with brushing your teeth. When brushing baby’s teeth, use warm water and a soft rubber toothbrush designed specifically for children. Later, when the child has already learned how to spit and rinse the mouth, you can use a soft baby toothbrush and move on to toothpastes. Special toothpastes for children are produced that suit them to taste and fluoride content. The baby must go to sleep with clean teeth. Try to avoid overnight feeding. Try not to give sugary drinks and avoid prolonged breastfeeding. The food remaining on the teeth creates a beneficial environment for the development of caries.

The oral cavity is healthy if the gums are pink and the teeth are white. Baby teeth begin to erupt when the child is 6-12 months old. At the age of 24-30 months, all baby teeth should already have erupted into the child.
A child is 3-5 years old

One of the parents should brush the child's teeth twice - after breakfast and before going to bed. Use fluoride toothpaste, if the fluorine content in drinking water does not exceed the norm value. Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a toothbrush.
Child 6 years and older

Teeth should be cleaned twice a day. One of the parents should help and guide the process of brushing the teeth until the age of 8. During this period, the first large molars erupt. There must be monitoring by the dentist, in addition to this, local preventive measures are taken (for example, removing plaque, covering the chewing surfaces of molars with fluoride-containing gels / varnishes / silants, coating the contact surfaces of the incisors with fluoride, training in the use of dental floss, etc. ).
Child 12 years and older:

To brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, use dental floss once a day. It is important to eat foods containing proteins and minerals, limit frequent "snacks", as well as the amount of sweet foods that are rich in carbohydrates.

The prevention of caries should begin as early as during pregnancy: visit the dentist and treat caries affected teeth. Avoid infection of the infant with caries causing germs, that is, do not take the nipple or spoon into your mouth (before giving them to the baby). To begin cleaning the teeth should be after the eruption of the first baby tooth. Use fluoride toothpaste for children. Cut out molars should be coated with fluorinated varnish / gel or silant. Adjust meal times. Eat enough vegetables, avoid snacking and an excessive amount of sweets. Visit the dentist twice a year.
Dental caries and its treatment

Dental caries is one of the most common dental diseases, affecting about 80% of the population. If caries is not treated, then as a result, many teeth will be lost during life. Complications of caries cause severe pain and inflammation in the jaws, which can harm the entire body. Dental caries is a germ-causing disease that damages teeth; during the development of caries, the tooth tissue is destroyed, loses support and falls out. Then a carious defect or simply a “hole” is formed in the tooth. Damage progresses if the tissue destroyed by caries is not removed in a timely manner and the tooth is not filled. A carious process begins on the outer surface of the tooth enamel with the formation of a white or brown pigmented (stained) spot. In this stage (the so-called spot stage) it is still possible to slow down the further development of caries or stabilize the process! Treatment of caries at the stain stage does not require preparation or drilling. For the treatment of caries at the stains stage, various fluorinated varnishes and gels are used, which are applied to the damaged tooth surface. Such procedures should be carried out several times, especially in the case of children who have just erupted molars. Timely detection of early caries is important. To do this, children should be at least 2 times a year (and adults once a year) to carry out dental checks and necessary procedures.

In the process of development of carious defect (D), four stages are separated: D1 - from the surface to the middle part of the tooth enamel; D2 - defect passing through the enamel; D3 is a defect that reaches the middle layer of dental tissue or dentin and D4 is a deep carious defect that almost reaches the dental pulp (a tooth that hurts from time to time).
Treatment of caries

Treatment of caries depends on the degree of damage and its location on the surface of the tooth. For example, damage can affect one or more surfaces of a tooth, up to extensive deformation of a dental crown. Treatment of caries is to remove the damaged tissue manually or with a rotating tool and fill the resulting defect with a suitable material. Nowadays, the removal of a tooth-damaged part of the tooth is carried out with the help of fast-rotating water-cooled drills that save dental tissue. Anatomical restoration of the tooth is carried out with the help of high-quality filling materials that are suitable for aesthetic parameters and are not harmful to the body tissues. The most commonly used are light-cured composite materials that can match in color to all teeth (from Filtek, 3M, Kulzer, Densply, etc.). In the treatment of milk teeth in young children, ionomeric cements (Fuji, CeramFil, etc.) are also used, which are easier to apply and are not so sensitive to moisture. Special attention is paid to the treatment of deep caries, when it is often necessary to affect the pulp. For this purpose, temporary fillings with antibacterial action and strengthening dental tissue (IRM, etc.) are used. In the case of deep caries or children who have only erupted molars, treatment is often indicated during two sessions (Step by step). In young children (under the age of 3 years), as an exception, it is possible to manually prepare the caries-damaged area using appropriate tools (ART). If the seal is placed on the contact surface between the teeth, then strip-rings made of metal or celluloid are pre-used, which allow to avoid sticking of different fillings. Treatment of caries can be considered complete if the seal is installed at the site of a previously prepared defective area, the tooth anatomy is restored and its external surface is polished.

Treatment of caries should begin as soon as possible. Caries in the staining stage does not require pre-treatment (preparation) of the site. Old fillings (that are worn or deformed) should be replaced. Treatment of caries should not be delayed, since the process is aggravated and the volume of damaged dental tissue increases. The teeth damaged by caries can be restored with the help of filling both in terms of functioning and aesthetics. Dental monitoring should be carried out at least once a year.


Tom's of Maine Toddlers Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste in Gel, Mild Fruit, 1.75 Ounce, 3 Count

Tom's of Maine Toddlers Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste in Gel, Mild Fruit, 1.75 Ounce, 3 Count
Tom's of Maine Toddlers Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste in Gel, Mild Fruit, 1.75 Ounce, 3 Count

8 simple ways to get rid of caries and holes in your teeth

Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? It's time to turn into it yourself! Teeth, like any other part of the body, require attention and careful care. And if you are not a fan of going to the dentist, you can prevent the appearance of caries on your own. Doctors advise to combine effective methods of dental hygiene with a few simple changes made to the daily diet.

AdMe.ru has compiled a list of simple ways by which it is possible to prevent the formation of caries and holes in the teeth in a natural way.
1. Change your eating habits

Partial change in diet and compliance with the rules of healthy eating will improve health by themselves, regardless of what goal you are pursuing. According to research , a change in diet can actually reverse caries formation . We already know that consuming high-sugar foods leads to caries, and phytic acid interferes with calcium absorption. However, by changing eating habits, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem.

Eat more calcium: this is the main component of bones and teeth. Use dairy products every day (milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese).
Drink drinks without sugar, avoid soda and juices. Drink plain water, fruit smoothies and unsweetened tea. Water is generally very good for the body: it nourishes us with moisture and promotes more saliva.

2. Chew gum without sugar

It sounds weird, but sugar-free chewing can actually prevent tooth decay. Most of these chewing gums contain xylitol, a natural sweetener. Unlike food, xylitol does not lead to bacterial growth in the mouth. In addition, when you chew, the flow of saliva naturally washes away the remnants of food .
3. Clean and regularly replace your toothbrush.

Not everyone knows how to choose a toothbrush .

Always choose a small or medium brush so that the bristles can penetrate the grooves of the molars , where food residue can accumulate.
Do not put a cap on the brush , as microorganisms and bacteria can settle in it. Instead, rinse the brush thoroughly with water after each use and let it air dry. And do not store the brush in the same room where there is a toilet: fecal bacteria can settle on it.
Regularly change a toothbrush , because the bristles deteriorate over time, and as a result you will not be able to clean your teeth as well as with a new brush.

4. Follow basic dental care rules.

Sounds like super obvious advice, but it actually works. According to the International Dental Health Association , almost 42% of adults with oral care cost only a toothbrush. Sometimes we do not realize how wrong the care of teeth . If you want to protect your teeth from caries, follow these steps in the morning and evening:

Brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least 2 times a day. Try to walk across the entire surface of the teeth, not forgetting about the far corners.
Use dental floss. Sometimes even brushing your teeth is not as effective as she is.
Do not forget the mouthwash. Any of them has an antibacterial effect. Do not rinse your mouth with water after this: protection against bacteria will last longer.

5. Regularly go for cleaning

Yes, going to the dentist is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is always better to prevent the problem than to solve it. It doesn't matter how well you brush your teeth: there are always hard-to-reach areas .

The dentist will clean the line at the gums from the front and back of the teeth, remove plaque and tartar. Regular cleaning is a very important step in the fight against the formation of holes. Many people like to go on cleaning, especially pleasant to feel the smoothness of the teeth after it. The procedure must be recorded at least 1-2 times a year.
6. Include in your diet supplements and vitamins.

We have already said that the amount of sweet in the diet should be reduced, but there is something else that can help saliva to fight the formation of plaque. Vitamins are an important part of dental health.

Eat more fiber-rich foods : fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The most beneficial apples, bananas, Brussels sprouts and peas.
Eat whole grains. They contain a lot of vitamin B and iron. They also have magnesium, a mineral that promotes calcium absorption and strengthens teeth.
Eat more seafood to get more vitamin D. Salmon, herring, canned tuna and sardines are excellent sources of this vitamin.

7. Rinse your mouth with coconut oil.

Coconut oil naturally protects your teeth from caries. It heals teeth and pulls out bacteria from them. Just rinse your mouth with 1 tsp. coconut oil for 20 minutes, until saliva and butter turn into one solid mass. Do not swallow it. The method is simple, but effective. Coconut oil is powerless against the effects of caries, but it can prevent the formation of holes.
8. Prepare your own mineral pasta

This simple pasta recipe will require only a few natural ingredients that you can buy at any store. Since you will cook the pasta yourself, make sure the quality and safety of the components . You will need the following:

4 tbsp. l calcium powder
1 tbsp. l stevia
1 tbsp. l sea ​​salt
2 tbsp. l baking soda
1/4 cup coconut oil

Mix all ingredients to form a paste. There should be no lumps. Use this mixture instead of regular toothpaste.

Remember: do not use the mixture for more than 30 days in a row, as it has an abrasive structure and does not contain fluorides.

Do you always follow the rules mentioned above, or do you prefer professional treatment? Or maybe you know other ways to prevent caries? Tell us about your experience.


Opalescence Tooth Whitening Toothpaste 4.7oz (biggest size)

Opalescence Tooth Whitening Toothpaste 4.7oz (biggest size)
Opalescence Tooth Whitening Toothpaste 4.7oz (biggest size)

Therapy in Dentistry : Tooth decay

One of the most frequent reasons for visiting a dentist is dental caries. So called the defeat of hard tissue, which begins with the destruction of enamel. If not to take any measures and not to carry out preventive maintenance, carious process extends deep into. Cavities are formed, various complications can join. With an unfavorable course of tooth loss occurs.

The cause of caries is considered to be the destructive effect of bacteria on the hard tissues of the tooth. A large number of various microorganisms inhabit the mouth of a person, already 2–4 hours after thoroughly cleaning the teeth, their number can reach up to 1 million. They actively attach to the surface and act on the enamel, which causes caries. The main cause of caries are Streptococcus - Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. Moreover, the activity and harmfulness of bacteria depends largely on the body's resistance and the presence of predisposing factors.

The fastest way is the reproduction of bacteria in a favorable environment for them, which is formed under different conditions. These include:

improper oral hygiene, especially irregular or insufficiently effective cleaning of the teeth;
poor nutrition with an excess of soft carbohydrate foods and lack of raw vegetables;
low content in drinking water of certain minerals (fluorine, phosphorus and calcium);
violation of the formation of teeth, which is often associated with rickets or tuberculosis in childhood;
reduced immunity;
the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such conditions contribute to a change in the structure of the enamel, inadequate cleaning of the teeth from plaque and an increased content of bacteria in the oral cavity. It causes tooth decay. For prevention, these predisposing factors must be eliminated.

In some cases, the person himself may suggest the presence of caries, based on a change in the appearance of the teeth or the appearance of some symptoms. But in order to reliably diagnose the disease, you need to go to the dentist, as some examinations allow you to determine the caries. Three main methods are used for this: vital enamel staining, ultraviolet irradiation and radiography.

Staining enamel allows you to determine the initial stages of caries, for this purpose, a special dye is applied to the previously cleaned and dried tooth surface. Enamel damage areas do not change color. If such disorders are detected, the doctor may prescribe a remineralization course to restore the structure of the surface tissues. Such an examination can be useful during routine inspections for the prevention and early detection of caries.

Examination with the help of ultraviolet requires cleaning the teeth from plaque and subsequent drying. Areas of development of caries under the action of ultraviolet do not emit a luminescent glow, unlike healthy enamel.

X-ray method does not require special training and allows you to determine the degree of destruction and the state of adjacent tissues.
Stages of caries development

Depending on the depth of the lesion, there are 3 stages:

the initial stage is a spot or superficial caries, at the same time white demineralization centers first appear, and then the damaged enamel darkens and becomes rough;
medium caries, when the dentin layer under the enamel is damaged and a carious cavity is formed;
deep caries, in which there is a transition of inflammation beyond the dentin and the development of various complications.

The rate of destruction may be different. In adults, the process most often has a chronic sluggish nature. And children often have acute caries, which causes the rapid destruction of milk teeth.
What is dangerous caries, if not treated

Insufficient attention to the condition of the teeth leads to the progression of caries, from which there is a risk of developing various complications. This occurs when the infectious-inflammatory process spreads beyond solid tissue.
The development of pulpitis

Inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth (internal neurovascular bundle) is called pulpitis. It is accompanied by severe pain. In the absence of adequate treatment, the inflammation takes on a purulent character, the pulp dies off, the tooth tissues stop receiving nourishment from within.
The development of periodontitis

The spread of infection through the channels inside the tooth causes inflammation of adjacent tissues, which are called periodontal. If the process is spilled, they talk about periodontitis. And during the formation of a purulent cavity at the roots, the diagnosis of periodontal abscess is established.
Cyst development

In case of periodontitis, the destruction of bone tissue may occur with the growth of granulations and the formation of cavities among them. Subsequently, a radicular (located at the root) cyst of the jaw arises. It is most often filled with pus. If such a condition is detected, the doctor performs a puncture and, if necessary, excises the cyst.
Flux development

Severe swelling of the gums and / or cheeks is called flux. The cause of this condition is the spread of inflammation to the periosteum, which covers the bones outside. Periostitis develops with periosteum detachment, the resulting space is filled with pus. During treatment, it is necessary to evacuate pus through the incision and eliminate inflammation with the help of antibiotics. If a decision is made to preserve the tooth affected by caries, it is necessary to conduct a full treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis. This is the prevention of re-flux.
How to prevent the development of caries
Brush your teeth properly

Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day, the procedure should take about 2 minutes. Thorough cleaning of the internal surfaces, circadian, interdental spaces and tongue allows to eliminate the main causes of dental caries. Mechanical regular cleaning - effective prevention of dental caries. Proper selection of toothbrushes and toothpaste will help make this process even more efficient.
Use mouthwash

To prevent caries, it is advisable to rinse your mouth after each meal. A morning and evening cleaning of teeth to complete the use of mouthwash for the mouth. Such prevention of dental caries can significantly reduce the risk of harmful action of bacteria.
Fill the lack of fluoride

In many regions, drinking water does not contain enough fluoride, which leads to insufficient strength of the enamel. To compensate for the deficiency of this trace element can water fluoridation. But it is easier to use special rinses. In addition to these tools, you can add more seafood to the menu; this is a natural prevention of dental caries.
Avoid taking temperature contrasting foods.

The use of excessively cold, hot or contrasting food adversely affects the state of enamel, and microcracks can appear on it. They become the entrance gate for carious bacteria.
Visit the dentist regularly

A dentist should be contacted not only when various complaints appear. Regular examinations by a specialist are the prevention of the development of complications and help prevent the early loss of teeth. With the mineralization of plaque and the formation of tartar, it is desirable to conduct regular professional oral hygiene. Adults need to undergo a dental examination every six months. And it is desirable for children to show themselves to the doctor every 3 months, since they need to determine caries as early as possible.
Teeth restoration

Aesthetic dentistry necessarily includes various methods of restoration and restoration of the dentition, allowing to fill it and retouch color change and pigmentation. Restoration is carried out in the process of therapeutic treatment (tooth filling) or with the help of microprosthetics (method of "orthopedic" restoration). If the restoration does not imply the establishment of crowns, then veneers or lumineers are used - thin ceramic or porcelain plates. Before applying them to the front of the tooth, they are pre-processed, the uppermost layer of enamel is removed, then thin veneer or lumineer is fixed on it. It must be said that the former are thick with a piece of paper, and the latter are even thinner than the plate and are considered more modern and comfortable.

Filling is a way to restore the shape and function of a tooth decayed by caries. When the dentist seals the tooth, it first removes the tooth tissue that is damaged by caries, cleans the infected area, and then fills the cleaned cavity with a filling material.

Closing the areas into which bacteria could penetrate, filling also helps prevent further development of caries. The materials used for filling include: composite materials (filling in the color of the teeth).
What type of filling is better?

There is no such type of sealing that it is ideal for everyone. The option that is suitable for you may depend on how much restoration is required, if you are allergic to certain materials, in which part of the oral cavity you need filling and the cost of dental services. The choice of various materials includes the following types of them:

Composite material is chosen according to the color of the teeth and therefore it is used where the natural appearance of the teeth is necessary. The components are mixed and placed directly in the cavity of the tooth, where they harden. Composites may not be the best materials for large fillings, as they may slip or wear over time. They can also stain with coffee, tea, or tobacco, and do not last as long as other types of fillings — generally from 3 to 10 years.

If caries or a crack damaged most of the tooth, you can put a crown. If the caries has reached the nerve, then 2 treatment options are possible - either root canal treatment (if the nerve is damaged, it is removed), or a protective pulp of the tooth (to keep the nerve alive).
How to put a seal?

First, the caries-affected tissue is removed and the affected area cleaned. Then the cleaned cavity will be filled with one of the materials mentioned above.
How do I know if I need a seal?

Only your dentist can determine if you have a cavity that needs to be sealed. During the examination, your dentist examines the surface of each tooth with a special dental mirror.

Then places of doubt are carefully examined with special tools. Also, your dentist can x-ray your entire oral cavity or a specific area of ​​it. The type of treatment your dentist will choose will depend on the number of carious cavities.
Teeth removal

Dental pulping is most often performed in the case of diagnosing diseases such as deep caries and pulpitis, when the removal of pulp is the only way to preserve a sick tooth for its further restoration and restoration of its basic functions.

Less often, the depulping of the teeth is carried out in case of severe periodontitis.
Features of the procedure of depulping teeth

Today, thanks to modern technologies and materials, the removal of the pulp, cleaning the canal of the tooth and its further filling can save teeth that might have been lost. Moreover, the depulpation of the teeth at the present time, thanks to modern anesthesia, is a process that is practically painless and fast enough.

And modern filling materials allow the patient's tooth after treatment to perform its functions on a par with healthy ones.
Removal of the pulp is a very painful operation due to the increased sensitivity of the nerves of the tooth; therefore, it is performed only under local anesthesia and in some cases under local anesthesia.
The essence of this operation is that the dentist, under the action of the anesthetic, opens the root canal and removes the soft tissue of the pulp inflamed by the disease, and then seals the cleaned canal.

The depulping procedure itself lasts about half an hour. In the same reception can be installed seal. However, quite often, a temporary seal is first placed, and only after a return visit has shown that the depulpation was successful, a permanent seal is established.


Colgate Baking Soda and Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste, Frosty Mint - 6 ounce (6 Pack)

Colgate Baking Soda and Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste, Frosty Mint - 6 ounce (6 Pack)
Colgate Baking Soda and Peroxide Whitening Toothpaste, Frosty Mint - 6 ounce (6 Pack)

How to prevent caries

Every modern person knows that beautiful teeth are not necessarily the achievement of professional aesthetic dentistry, it is possible to achieve health and good appearance of teeth due to constant monitoring of the condition and proper care.

As a rule, most dental diseases are due to hereditary causes, and those who are not lucky enough to inherit strong and healthy teeth have to carefully care for the oral cavity, so that as little as possible to resort to the services of doctors, although no one succeeds in avoiding it completely.

It is known that competent prevention of caries begins with proper tooth brushing. And you should be aware that, contrary to the claims of commercials about the supposedly magical properties of toothpastes offered for sale, not every tube is a panacea for all possible dental problems.

First of all, the paste must be properly matched to a particular type of teeth, otherwise, instead of the expected effect, you can only get additional problems. An example is whitening paste with abrasive particles, strictly contraindicated for sensitive teeth prone to damage to the enamel. After all, beauty and health, in fact, are inseparable, and snow-white, but vulnerable and painful teeth, will hardly please their rash owner.

In addition, it is important not only how to clean, but what to clean. The rigidity and quality of the bristles of a toothbrush directly affects the condition of the oral cavity, so the selection should be based on the recommendations of experts. It is also worth remembering to replace the toothbrush every three to four months.

In addition to brushing your teeth, add dental floss and special brushes for braces, especially for those who have implants. The duration and methods of brushing your teeth are widely known, and these rules developed by professional doctors should not be ignored.

The necessary prevention of caries is also possible by rinsing the mouth. At the same time, the use of ready-made rinses produced by manufacturers of toothpastes during the day is not necessary.

It is enough to restrict the morning and evening procedures, and for intermediate rinses refer to the recipes of wise traditional medicine. Self-made decoctions of medicinal plants are no less useful and effective than expensive and patented products.

Contrary to the information of television advertising, the main purpose of cleaning and rinsing teeth is not at all getting rid of germs and bacteria (because the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity is its normal state), but the removal of food debris. It is food that decomposes in the tooth spaces and pockets that causes caries, so the purpose of any dental care is their cleanliness.

However, often the quality of food and water we use, the ecological situation, and the heredity mentioned above make our own efforts to maintain healthy teeth insufficient, and therefore regular visits to the dentist for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes are an important necessity.


Orajel Spider-Man Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, Berry Blast, 4.2 Oz

Orajel Spider-Man Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, Berry Blast, 4.2 Oz
Orajel Spider-Man Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, Berry Blast, 4.2 Oz

Why is caries and how to deal with it?

Caries is a complex pathological process that takes place in the hard tissues of the tooth and leads to their destruction.

More than 700 species of various bacteria inhabit the oral cavity. But only some of them are the cause of caries, these are the so-called cariogenic microorganisms : Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Actinomyces and others.

Tigran Grigoryan, General Dentist

Bacteria accumulate on the surface of the teeth in the form of a dense film. They easily convert nutrients into organic acid. It is acids that destroy our enamel, wash out calcium and fluorine. Due to the loss of "building materials" a carious hole is formed. With prolonged contact of the acid with the enamel, the structure of the dental tissue is disturbed, microspaces appear on the surface, and with time a cavity forms. Consider to begin with the structure of the tooth, our tooth consists of a crown, cervical and root parts.

Take the crown part of the tooth (this is the tooth itself, which we see) and consider its structure: this part of the tooth consists of enamel (the protective shell of the tooth), dentin which is under the enamel (in dentin more than 60,000 dentinal tubules, due to which the metabolism in tooth). Roughly speaking, under the dentin there is a pulp chamber (nervous chamber).

So, the teeth have two dangerous zones in which bacteria accumulate and the process of tooth decay begins, these are fissures (natural cavities on the chewing surfaces of the teeth) and the contact surface between the teeth after eating and poor hygiene food gets into these micro spaces and begins to rot, punching Enamel in one place as the enamel does not deteriorate extensively, which cannot be said about dentin. After the caries breaks through the enamel, it begins to destroy the dentin from the inside like a worm apple, as the dentin is very soft, afterwards, because of a cavity in the tooth, everything is squeezed inside when the tooth is pressed or the tooth starts to ache and the Patient turns to the dentist, half of the damaged tooth leaves, collapses. Most of the tooth due to untimely treatment to the dentist.

It is possible to prevent caries both at an early age and late and to keep it under control. First of all, when the child has permanent teeth, the fissures should be sealed (close the micro gaps of the tooth with light material) so that infection does not accumulate there and to accustom the child to oral hygiene from an early age with a brush and irrigator. With the help of an irrigator under pressure of water, it is possible to remove the infection in hard-to-reach places and in the future it is necessary to visit the dentist at least once every six months, so that the dentist can monitor the condition of the oral cavity and prevent infectious processes in the initial stage. At a later age, you need to visit the dentist and eliminate caries, ranging from caries in the staining stage to deep caries, treatment and a complete integrated aesthetic and functional restoration of the tooth. Since one should not forget that nothing eternal does not happen, even after a quality treatment, one should always go for planned examinations and monitoring of your doctor so that all processes can be removed in the initial stage and hygiene of the cavity must be carefully carried out with both a brush and an irrigator.


Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening, Enamel Strengthening Toothpaste, 4 ounce (Pack of 2)

Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening, Enamel Strengthening Toothpaste, 4 ounce (Pack of 2)
Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening, Enamel Strengthening Toothpaste, 4 ounce (Pack of 2)

How to prevent diseases of the teeth

The most famous dental disease among people is tooth decay.

The reason for this “popularity” is simple - caries signals itself with acute pain, forcing him to go to the doctor. But there are more insidious dental diseases that do not manifest themselves so clearly, while leading to the loss of teeth, even more often, caries.
Stroke with fangs

WHO experts say that in almost 100% of the adult population of the Earth there are some problems with the gums. And this disease is constantly getting younger, hitting everything at an earlier age. How do these diseases manifest themselves?

There are swelling and redness of the gums. They begin to bleed when brushing your teeth, and there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth. If at this moment you do not turn to the dentist, pus appears between the gums and teeth, the teeth gradually become bare, start to falter, and then completely fall out.

And that is not all. Studies have found that gum disease increases the risk of heart attack. Scientists have found a coincidence of microbial composition in the oral cavity and in blood clots, clogged large vessels, with strokes.

In addition, it was found that people suffering from chronic lung diseases, with gum disease, have a higher chance of becoming infected with tuberculosis.
Microbes hit the teeth

Depending on the onset of symptoms, 4 major gum diseases can be distinguished.

1 Gingivitis. This is an early stage of gum disease. Manifested by bleeding, itching and swelling, the appearance of dental deposits. Pain, as a rule, no. And it lowers our vigilance. But it is at this stage that the process is still reversible. Sometimes it is enough to brush your teeth more thoroughly.

2 Periodontitis. This is already running gingivitis. The infection infects soft tissues and destroys the periodontal junction and the bone that supports the tooth. However, periodontitis in different people occurs differently. With an aggressive course is the rapid destruction of the teeth and gums. But the disease is sluggish.

3 Periodontitis. It is characterized by persistent pain in the area of ​​the affected tooth. They are intensified by pressure or during the ingestion of hot food. There is a feeling that the tooth has "grown". If periodontitis is not treated in time, the pain increases, becomes pulsating. The tooth becomes mobile, the lip and a cheek can swell up. Because of infectious inflammation, lymph nodes are enlarged. Temperature may rise. After 1-2 weeks, the inflammation subsides, but if untreated, it becomes chronic.

4 Periodontal disease. This is a systemic disease of the surrounding tooth tissues. It does not have inflammatory processes, periodontal disease causes internal disorders of the body’s development - some systemic diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, etc.), hereditary predisposition, as well as too soft foods. Its main feature is a uniform lowering of the gums, exposing the necks of the teeth while maintaining their stability. Further, the bone tissue is destroyed, the root of the tooth is exposed. In the end, bare teeth still fall prey to inflammatory processes, and this can lead to their loss.

The recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a program for the prevention of periodontal disease.

Every six months, you must visit the dentist to remove plaque.
Brush your teeth 2 times a day (after breakfast and before bedtime), applying a silk thread to remove deposits between your teeth.
When brushing your teeth, gums should be massaged, teeth crowns and interdental spaces should be well cleaned.
It is useful to do a daily self-massage after brushing. Apply a small amount of toothpaste on your index finger and thumb. Begin massaging from the center of the jaw, first to one, then to the other edge. The pressure on the mucosa should be painless, and more powerful in the morning than in the evening. Duration - 5-7 minutes. After it is necessary to rinse your mouth with herbal infusion for 2-3 minutes.

It is necessary to chew more solid food (especially carrots and apples), which contributes to the natural massage of the gums, removing soft plaque. In addition, raw vegetables and fruits provide the body with essential vitamins.

At the first symptoms of gum disease, immediately contact a dentist, because in the early stages they are much easier to cure. Do not wait for your teeth to leave you one by one.


Hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toddler Training Toothpaste, Organic Apple, 1.5 Ounce

Hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toddler Training Toothpaste, Organic Apple, 1.5 Ounce
Hello Oral Care Fluoride Free Toddler Training Toothpaste, Organic Apple, 1.5 Ounce

How to prevent dental caries

One of the most fundamental causes of the loss of dental elements is carious lesion. Hidden caries is considered the most dangerous pathology, because the patient for a long period of time is unaware of the development of pathology, which quickly destroys the tooth's tissue structure. First, carious lesion affects the enamel layer, and gradually penetrates to the dentin. The loss of a tooth causes a purulent process that destroys the pulp.

Statistics show that every second inhabitant of the planet has faced a carious lesion, and in some population this pathology is observed in almost 100%. The prevalence of the disease is explained by the level of social life, non-compliance with preventive measures, rare visits to the dentist. Comprehensive prevention helps to reduce the development of pathology and unpleasant consequences.

In order to prevent pathology, you need to know how it looks. Diagnosis is carried out exclusively by a specialist using certain research methods. However, the reason for visiting the dentist may be darkening and stains on a healthy tooth, the occurrence of pain.
Attention! To avoid a carious lesion, you should adhere to a planned visit to the dentist (every six months).
The process of carious lesions begins with the demineralization of tooth enamel and the appearance of darkening of the tooth. Also caries, the dentist diagnoses at the initial stage, when the lesion appears as a white spot. Unobtrusive areas of pathology are determined by the use of ultraviolet. After that, it is important for a specialist to know the depth of the lesion and the nature of the pathology, for this purpose, X-rays are used. Thanks to an X-ray image, an inflammatory process in the circulatory tissues and the possible presence of a cyst are detected. After confirming the diagnosis, the dentist determines the further tactics of treatment.

Formation of caries
It is important! In order to avoid tooth decay, routine dental cleaning and regular dental hygiene at home are recommended.
Comprehensive prevention of carious lesions
Proper nutrition
Dental health is directly dependent on the products that the patient consumes. Naturally, you should not hope for a healthy enamel with regular consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks.

Useful products for teeth
Therefore, you must follow the special recommendations for proper nutrition:
Minimize the use of sweets, flour products.
Build a menu in such a way as to establish the right balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
To consume a large number of fruits, products that contain the necessary elements for the teeth (you can replace the vitamin-mineral complex in consultation with your doctor).
Eat raw vegetables daily - this contributes to the natural cleansing of dental elements.
Include in the diet of seafood, fish, so you can saturate the body with phosphorus, which is necessary for the strength of the tooth tissue structures.
Do not forget about dairy products, which contain a sufficient amount of calcium.
Exclude snacks from everyday sweets.
Chew food more thoroughly.
Be sure to rinse the oral cavity after each meal. You do not need to use a special rinse every time, enough glasses of water.
From time to time, use chewing gum to stabilize the level of acidity in the mouth.

Ways of oral hygiene
An important condition that prevents caries from developing is correctness and regularity of oral hygiene. It is worth noting that for healthy teeth it is not enough to brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes, while using different toothpastes. So, effective hygiene of dental elements includes several factors.

Hygiene moments
Short description

The habit of brushing your teeth after every meal

Teeth should be cleaned no later than five minutes after eating any food. If you perform this procedure in an hour, the result of the cleaning will be minimal. This is explained by the fact that the harmful effects occur within forty minutes while the person is eating. Therefore, enamel is exposed to negative effects (acids and other things). It is very important to remember to brush your teeth after eating sweets.


Extremely rarely does one of the patients have the habit of constantly using dental floss to clean the interdental area. It is recommended to use dental floss after food before brushing your teeth, which perfectly cleans difficult to reach areas between dental elements. After all, food residues that can not be cleaned with a toothbrush remain between the teeth and become excellent soil for the development of pathogenic bacteria, and, consequently, carious lesions

Situations when brushing your teeth is difficult

When a person is visiting or having lunch in a public institution, it is very important to have an elementary set for dental hygiene with you - dental floss and chewing gum. Thus, having taken food, you can rinse the cavity with water, clean the interdental area with a thread and fix the cleaning effect with chewing gum. In addition, this kit allows you not only to prevent the development of carious lesions, but also to eliminate bad breath

Hygiene of dental elements when installing braces

Very often, chasing a perfect smile, a person does not even suspect that leveling dental elements using braces with improper hygiene can lead to caries. Therefore, when the patient has bracket systems or bridges installed, it is recommended to purchase a special apparatus, the irrigator, which cleans food remains from the most inaccessible places in the oral cavity with the help of a jet of water. Irrigator reveals particular effectiveness in the presence of inflammatory process of gingival tissues. As a result, the accumulation of infection can be eliminated with the help of an irrigator.

As is known, the process of carious lesion begins with the enamel demineralization, therefore an urgent reverse process is required - remineralization. This manipulation involves the saturation of the tissue structure of the dental element with minerals, which increase the strength of the enamel (protective) layer. Due to remineralization, the level of resistance to cariogenic bacteria increases. The procedure can be performed independently every day or carried out professionally by a specialist.

Fluoride prophylaxis of teeth
Mineral recovery at home
The basis of preventive actions are brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpastes.
Recommendation! When choosing a toothpaste, you should pay attention to the presence of sodium fluoride or aminofluoride.

If the patient wishes to carry out a prophylactic course not only with the help of fluorinating, but also strengthening calcium with enamel, then toothpastes and rinses will not be enough, this requires the use of special gels (ROCS). Such courses of preventive therapy should be carried out once every three months.

ROCS gel
Effective means:
Means for cleaning the teeth in the form of pastes with fluorine and calcium (Pepsodent, Fluorodent, Lacalut Fluor).
Fluorine-containing threads (Paro Riser-Floss, Jordan InBetween). Thanks to them, it is possible to strengthen the most inaccessible interdental areas.
Anticarious conditioners (Elmex, Bionorm and Fluorodent).
Attention! Select a means of preventing carious education, you need a dentist after examining all dental elements. The final state of the dental composition determines the course of further prophylaxis.

Rinse "Fluoride"
Professional procedure
The dentist may recommend to prevent carious education (especially if there is a tendency to pathology) to apply professional treatment of dental elements. The essence of medical manipulation is that the doctor uses drugs of high concentration. Such means are issued in the form of special varnishes.

First, the dentist applies a dry and pre-cleaned tooth surface with a layer of medical varnish. It is completely colorless, so the patient does not have to worry about the deterioration of the color of the teeth. For several hours, fluoride actively affects the tooth enamel, and the film on the dental elements after lacquer, gradually resolves. Thus, fluorine interacts with calcium, penetrating deep into tissue structures, thereby increasing the resistance to carious microorganisms.

Dental varnish
The main pledge of preserving the health of tooth elements is daily hygiene with properly selected care products (brushes, toothpastes, rinses), which the dentist recommends on the fact of dental health.
Prevention of folk remedies
Alternative medicine to combat carious lesions is a delicate matter, since most of the tools are not effective. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand why the herbal decoctions and alcohol tinctures, which are so popular for the care of teeth, should be applied.
A decoction of oak bark and the addition of chamomile, sage. Excellent anti-inflammatory agent, if there is inflammation of the gum tissue. To combat carious education or to prevent it is completely useless. Recipe: for the preparation of the broth will need to take one teaspoon of a dry mixture of each herb for 300 ml. warm water. Boil for ten minutes, after insisting for at least an hour, filter and can be used for daily rinsing.

A decoction of oak bark and the addition of chamomile, sage - an effective tool in the fight against tooth decay
Propolis tincture on alcohol (as an option, Japanese Sophora tincture is also used). These funds have a strong disinfecting effect, as well as analgesic. Therefore, they are used exclusively in case of inflammation of the gum tissue. Recipe: use 10 grams of frozen propolis grate on a fine grater, then melt on a steam bath and add 100 ml. alcohol, as an alternative to replace, you can use vodka. Rinse the mouth cavity with the prepared remedy daily.
Calamus tincture is used to combat carious education only when the dental element has retained its integrity and has not been completely destroyed by the large cavity. Recipe: for the preparation you need half a liter of vodka and only two hundred grams of dry herbal mixture. Means is infused throughout the week, and after it is ready for use in the form of daily rinses - every morning after meals.

Calamus tincture is used to combat carious education only when the tooth element has retained its integrity.
Lemongrass Chinese. Oddly enough, but the tea from this plant can be an excellent preventive tool against caries. To do this, it is necessary to replace ordinary tea with Chinese lemongrass (which, by the way, is not at all inferior in taste), and when drinking tea a little hold the drink in the mouth (2-3 seconds).
