Tuesday, July 2, 2019

High Absorption Magnesium Complex - Premium Mag Supplement for Sleep, Leg Cramps, Muscle Relaxation & Recovery - Formulated for Women & Men - Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules

High Absorption Magnesium Complex - Premium Mag Supplement for Sleep, Leg Cramps, Muscle Relaxation & Recovery - Formulated for Women & Men - Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules
High Absorption Magnesium Complex - Premium Mag Supplement for Sleep, Leg Cramps, Muscle Relaxation & Recovery - Formulated for Women & Men - Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules

Magnesium for face skin: fighting acne and other defects

Why magnesium supplements can end your acne? Let's see. Many dermatologists and acne-gurus on the Internet often talk about the deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins and their possible effect on the appearance of acne, not only on the face, but on the whole body. Magnesium is a mineral that is almost on the main place in its class when it comes to discussing its various benefits in the body as a whole and directly for the skin of the face.

Among the minerals, magnesium is often compared with vitamin D. Since 2012, researchers have identified 3,751 different magnesium receptors in human proteins. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It gives more energy to the cells of the body by increasing the creation of adenosine triphosphate molecule. Researchers have repeatedly observed the positive results of magnesium intake for the treatment of migraine, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular diseases, reduction in overall mortality, and even delayed aging.

Magnesium improves skin condition and resolves acne problems.

Magnesium supplements are able to clear the skin of acne! This is inevitable, because nutrients with such far-reaching benefits improve skin condition . How does this happen?

Good sleep can improve the health and, consequently, the condition of the skin. Magnesium is a “relaxation mineral.” After many years of study, scientists affirmatively proved that people with magnesium deficiency have serious problems with falling asleep.

In one study, sleep quality and serum hormone levels in 300 elderly people were analyzed, and a large correlation was found between magnesium deficiency and insomnia. But the most important thing is that with a low level of magnesium a lower level of melatonin (sleep hormone).

Magnesium is crucial for the production of melatonin, because melatonin biosynthesis occurs with the participation of serotonin, and magnesium is involved in the production of vital serotonin. In addition, magnesium supplements reduce cortisol levels, making it easier to relax and fall asleep faster, because cortisol inhibits some sleep-causing neurotransmitters.
Relevance for acne treatment!

What is magnesium needed for? Poor sleep worsens several acne-related conditions, such as stress and insulin resistance.

First, magnesium is good for the skin to regulate cortisol levels. Fitness strategy is increasingly used by both athletes and older people, and swimming in water filled with magnesium flakes is also popular. Like vitamin C, our body uses magnesium to reduce and control excessive amounts of stress hormones in the bloodstream.

For example, when you drink coffee, cortisol is inevitably fueled by caffeine, and the kidneys release a splash of magnesium to compensate for its increase. Scientists have decided that the use of moderate doses of magnesium supplements - a fantastic tool that will help to understand the chronic stress and the cause of acne.

Secondly, increased insulin resistance. Five studies have demonstrated a link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance.

This mineral is a key component of tyrosine kinase, an enzyme that is involved in the transmission of signals in the cell. Another function within the cell is insulin detection. Thus, it is possible to reduce insulin in the blood by increasing magnesium to normal levels.

Third, the accelerated production of antioxidants . Magnesium is known to increase the production of glutathione in the body, which is responsible for cell regeneration. Glutathione deficiency is associated with overload by free radicals. This mineral is simply necessary to eliminate mercury and other heavy metals, because glutathione is an antioxidant that can neutralize them. magnesium for face skin
Understanding Acne Nutrient

Mineral is necessary for clear skin. Unlike vitamin A or vitamin E, it is extremely effective in treating acne with indirect remedies. Although few people know about this. It affects many different functions in the human body, most of which affect the formation of acne.

Think about what simple magnesium deficiency means these days. Up to 80% of people consume less than the recommended daily intake of 400 mg per day, and 20% use less than this half. Magnesium deficiency is at such a high level all over the world that the World Health Organization is already concerned and advises governments to add magnesium to drinking water.

An excellent chance to see good results is to increase your daily intake of magnesium to 400 mg and more, especially if you suffer from insomnia or stress chronically, that you cannot even relax? If so, then magnesium is especially good for you.

But, there is one problem: patients with acne cannot always eat foods rich in magnesium. Modern pandemic magnesium deficiency is partly due to a significant decrease in its content in plant products. Traditionally, people could receive a daily dose from fruits and vegetables, but the analysis of many green vegetables and berries shows that since 1950, the total magnesium content has decreased by 25–80%. This is a tremendous decline, mainly due to the poor state of our soils (a number of nutrients are gradually disappearing).
Where does this deficit come from?

diseases from magnesium deficiency For years, farming steadily sucked all the minerals out of the ground. A hundred years ago, people understood the importance of the soil and replenished it with manure, old plant matter, and so on. Today, these strategies are already in the past. The seismic shift toward the discovery of large corporations has allowed them not to use traditional farming methods. Meanwhile, the global population is growing, more food is needed, and the rate of decline in soil quality is accelerating.

As a result, virtually every developing country in the world depletes magnesium in the soil, with the exception of Egypt.

The magnesium content in water experienced a similar decline, hence the concern of the World Health Organization. Finally, all the magnesium in food must first be processed and absorbed by the intestine. Approximately 50% is absorbed by capillaries in the small intestine, and another 5% is absorbed by the large intestine. Gut health is especially important for extracting enough magnesium compared to other nutrients.

Dietary factors, such as fermentable fiber and protein intake, can increase the rate of magnesium absorption, but the presence of leaky bowel syndrome can seriously complicate the task. What is one of the biggest problems with acne patients? Leaky bowel syndrome .

For these reasons, you probably will not achieve the necessary level of magnesium, sufficient for the disappearance of acne, or at least to improve skin condition. After a couple of months of a healthy diet free of grains and harmful chemicals, bowel function will improve. You will increase the level of the mineral by eating daily nutritious fruits, vegetables and nuts. However, no one wants to wait long, but everyone wants the result right away.
The best supplement - magnesium for the skin

magnesium dosage depending on gender and age There is a great solution - transdermal magnesium oil.

"Magnesium oil" is not really an oil, but a highly concentrated liquid solution of magnesium chloride. It easily covers the skin and absorbs directly into the bloodstream. This process is extremely effective, so many athletes love to use magnesium flakes in the bath.

The best part is that the problem with the intestines becomes irrelevant, because you can get around it. Magnesium oil is a great way to increase the dose of magnesium in the first months of treatment of acne and other skin diseases.

After using this oil, people notice improvements in many areas: the muscles are more relaxed, sleep comes much faster, shortness of breath disappears, and overall strength increases.

400 mg of magnesium should be taken in aerosol form. Numerous experience shows that the mineral is most effectively absorbed by the front torso, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Burning sensation and red skin rash are a common reaction to magnesium oil. But remember that this is a natural reaction with a deficiency, and when the symptoms subside, the magnesium level is restored.
Caution with cheap drugs

There are various forms of magnesium, sometimes manufacturers use the cheapest and most ineffective form. Magnesium oxide is a favorite, but its level of absorption in the human intestine is less than 12%.

Better supplements contain calcium to balance magnesium. Manufacturers are actually very reasonable, because the wrong ratio of calcium and magnesium in the body, as is known, reduces the effectiveness of both. However, almost every company creates drugs with the wrong ratio due to one inaccurate translation of a French scientist many years ago. He discussed that too much calcium could outweigh the benefits of magnesium and commented that the optimal ratio for the human body should not exceed 2: 1.

Nevertheless, the incorrect translation recommended this attitude as a standard, although studies have shown that the best ratio of calcium and magnesium is 1: 1. Calcium is easily obtained from your diet and unconsciously use additional hidden supplements is not worth it.

As for the amount, the ideal dose for both minerals is approximately 800 mg. We will have no problems with calcium, but due to the depleted conditions of the soil and water, we should replenish the body with magnesium and calculate the ideal diet. In fact, magnesium is not the most important acne mineral, but its deficiency on planet Earth means that we must make the greatest efforts to get it. types of magnesium supplements

If you have a healthy intestine, then 400 mg is enough for normal absorption. Transdermal oil is a good product, however, if you are not able to buy such a product or you do not want to swell the oil all over your body, magnesium glycinate in the form of tablets is also well absorbed. A later invention is magnesium threonine. It is advertised as a substance with an excellent ability to penetrate into the intestinal mitochondrial membrane.

Both of these supplements are chelates, which is doubly important for the mineral because of its increased vulnerability to calcium. There are also numerous forms on the market like magnesium citrate. It is fairly well absorbed, but in such preparations there are some additives, such as stevia. causes of magnesium deficiency
How to eat to fill the deficiency of the mineral?

Magnesium supplements should certainly be taken to treat acne. But do not forget about your food. Add green vegetables such as cabbage and nutritious nuts to your diet. Berries and bananas are also good sources of mineral.

Perhaps the best food source is macadamia nut, which combines a high magnesium content compared to other nuts and a small amount of phytic acid.

Fish is a terrific food for acne. One serving of 200 g of mackerel provides the body with 38% of the daily need for magnesium. Do not waste your time on whole grains, the high content of phytic acid makes them dead-end sources.

Another missed source of mineral is mineral water. It is believed that before people received a huge part of dietary magnesium, drinking water from wild rivers and streams. Nowadays, the water is quite exhausted, but mineral water remains more nutritious.

By drinking 2 liters of bottled mineral water every day, you get about 10% of the daily value. But if your finances do not allow you to buy as much mineral water, then it is easier to get this dose with the help of vitamin supplements.

Beef, lamb, chicken, eggs and many other products contain a decent level of magnesium. Any anti-acne diet should include foods rich in magnesium. magnesium rich foods

If you can not get at least 400 mg through food and drinks, then use the pills, but still to fill the deficiency of the mineral, combine them with the most healthy food, because your intestines will not be able to completely absorb the entire rate.
How to further increase the absorption of magnesium?

1) Avoid fluoride - this neurotoxin binds with magnesium and destroys its cells. You know that fluoride is present in most brands of toothpastes - this is a potential factor contributing to the magnesium deficiency pandemic.

2) Fill vitamin D deficiency . Magnesium levels increase dramatically as vitamin D levels rise. Fortunately, vitamin D supplements are often recommended during acne treatment .

3) Denial of diuretics . Blood pressure lowering drugs actually cause magnesium to leak from the body. The irony is that without magnesium, the blood vessels constrict and the blood pressure becomes even stronger and the cycle repeats, so many people find it difficult to refuse diuretics. In any case, without replenishing magnesium, you cannot switch to another high-pressure treatment.

Another strategy is to avoid high blood pressure by changing your diet. Most doctors simply hammer, talking about the dangers of salt, that this is almost the main factor contributing to the increase in pressure. But the diet is still necessary, or at least the rejection of certain products. You can refuse processed grains, vegetable oils and sugars.

Foods such as potatoes, bananas and yam are excellent for measuring blood pressure due to their high potassium content, which directly counteracts the increase in pressure.

4) Refusal of alcohol . People with alcohol dependence often suffer from magnesium deficiency. The easiest way to understand this is to see alcohol as an "anti-nutrient." It literally drains nutrients from your cells and prevents the proper absorption and use of vitamins and minerals that you consume. Not only alcohol addiction , but also regular use of alcohol leads to problems with magnesium.

1 - 2 glasses of wine a week is fine for most people, but more already have a strong effect on the liver. Alcohol also depletes minerals in the body because it causes dehydration, intestinal problems, sleep disturbances and premature aging.

Side effects of magnesium

When you receive 600 mg and more than 20% of people experience diarrhea. The recommended dose of not more than 300 - 400 mg with a mandatory consultation with a doctor.
