Tuesday, July 2, 2019

KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 180 Servings

KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 180 Servings
KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 180 Servings

How to increase Magnesium for the body


Magnesium is not for nothing called a natural sedative: it relaxes the muscles, helps reduce pressure and has a slight sedative effect on the nervous system . It is an indispensable participant in many biological processes and “works” together with other important macro- and microelements.

Magnesium content in products (per 100g):

Cashew Nuts 270 mg
Buckwheat 260 mg
Seaweed 170 mg
Oatmeal 130 mg
Peas 100 mg
Beans 100 mg

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is part of the minerals and living organisms - plants and animals. The human body accumulates about 25 g of this metal, which is contained in organs and tissues in the form of various chemical compounds.

Most of the magnesium is concentrated in the bones, but the element is found in most other tissues.

Foods rich in magnesium

The most rich and complete sources of magnesium are green vegetables.

A lot of magnesium is found in tap water.

In fruits, the maximum content of this mineral is peel.

Daily need for magnesium

A person needs a dosage of magnesium up to 0.5 grams per day.

Increased Magnesium Requirement

Additional use of magnesium is required at high nerve loads, with high blood pressure , as well as with intensive growth and development processes in children and adolescents.

The need for mineral also increases in athletes, people who suffer heavy physical exertion, and pregnant and lactating women.

Magnesium absorption from food

Magnesium is well absorbed from plant and animal foods. With increased intake of calcium , sodium and phosphorus, the absorption of magnesium decreases.

Excessive fascination with foods and beverages containing caffeine ( coffee , strong tea, chocolate , energy) also reduces the absorption of magnesium. Finally, drinking is adversely affected by this process.

Small amounts of magnesium are always excreted without being absorbed, as they are bound by dietary fibers of plant products. In general, the fibers are very useful, so artificially reduce their content in the diet is not worth it, however, constantly consume bran and fiber in high doses is undesirable.

Of some foods, such as nuts and bran, magnesium is poorly absorbed, despite the fact that they contain a lot of this mineral. They contain the so-called phytin - a substance that prevents the absorption of trace elements.

Eating fruits and vegetables with sandpaper is a good way to increase magnesium intake in the body.

The biological role of magnesium

Magnesium functions:

• Needed for healthy bones, helps strengthen the skeleton, along with phosphorus and calcium
• Takes part in glucose metabolism, energy release and storage.
• Magnesium in the composition of enzymes (and it is necessary for the formation of about 300 different enzymes) is involved in many types of metabolism.
• Affects the metabolism of fat, with a normal magnesium content in the body is easier to maintain optimal body weight
• Increases motor activity of the intestine, prevents the development of constipation
• Improves the formation and secretion of bile, which has a positive effect on the quality of digestion
• Helps reduce fat in the diet, as it improves the binding and excretion of cholesterol
• Beneficial effect on the transmission of nerve impulses
• Is part of the amino acid metabolism process, the formation of proteins
• Positively affects the health of the cardiovascular system, supports normal blood pressure levels, improves metabolism in the heart muscle
• Responsible for the work of the muscles, is involved in their relaxation
• Has an antispasmodic effect
• Regulates the work of the kidneys, prevents urolithiasis
• It has a calming effect, improves sleep.
• Improves resistance to stress , overload, reduces fatigue
• Increases the positive effects on the body with sodium, potassium , vitamins D , B6 , E.

Signs of magnesium deficiency

With insufficient dosages of magnesium in the composition of food, symptoms of its deficiency can occur: fatigue, worsening of sleep, nervousness, decrease in stress resistance, increase in blood pressure, convulsions, cramps, hair loss, muscle pain, constipation, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Signs of excess magnesium

Excess mineral is rare, mainly observed when excessive use of magnesium in the composition of dietary supplements . Symptoms of excess magnesium: decreased salivation, nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, balance disorders.

If you have a need for high-dose medication to take magnesium, you should simultaneously take calcium supplements. This “balances” the content of elements in the body and will allow you to avoid an overdose of magnesium.

Factors affecting magnesium content in foods

Culinary processing leads to a decrease in the magnesium content in food. Abroad, magnesium additionally enrich drinking water.

Why does magnesium deficiency occur?

Magnesium deficiency can occur:

• With insufficient intake of mineral in the body - its low content in food and water, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , worsening the absorption of nutrients.
• With increased removal of mineral: kidney disease , diarrhea, taking diuretics, laxatives.
• With increased consumption - during pregnancy, with diabetes , with intense sports loads.
