Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nature's Bounty Magnesium 500 mg, 200 Tablets

Nature's Bounty Magnesium 500 mg, 200 Tablets
Nature's Bounty Magnesium 500 mg, 200 Tablets


Magnesium and vitamins of group B - energetically nutrients: they activate enzymes that control digestion, absorption and use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their deficiency causes improper use of food, leading to hypoglycemia, anxiety and obesity. Overeating can only be the result of the fact that the body wants to get nutrients that are not received during the meal. Magnesium is also required for chemical reactions that allow insulin to push glucose into cells, where glucose is involved in the process of generating energy for the body. If magnesium is not enough, insulin and glucose levels in the body increase. Excess glucose is stored as fat, which leads to obesity. A high insulin level leads to diabetes.

Use of magnesium:

1. Magnesium helps the body digest, absorb and use proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

2. Magnesium is needed for insulin to open cell membranes for glucose.

3. Magnesium helps prevent the manifestation of genes responsible for obesity.


Each of us, from time to time, there is a desire to eat something, but at the same time we can not understand what exactly we want. This is our body signals us about the lack of trace elements and encourages us to look for it in products. There are essential trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, zinc, selenium. These trace elements play an important role in the normalization of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and the imbalance of which contributes to weight gain.


· Stimulates the formation of proteins

· Participates in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates

· Necessary for the formation of bones and teeth

· Is an anti-stress agent

· Improves sleep

· Provides a normal heart rhythm


Magnesium deficiency disrupts the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. This leads to an uncontrolled release of insulin, which stimulates the production of the hormone leptin by fat cells, as a result, the center of hunger is activated, as a result, the consumption of a larger amount of food and as a result of an increase in body weight.

In addition, when magnesium is deficient, the peak of a large amount of hormones is released by the adrenal glands in the evening, which provokes mental stimulation leading to bouts of uncontrolled food intake.


· Internal anxiety

· Stress

· Tachycardia

· dizziness

· noise in ears

· Insomnia

· Constant feeling of tiredness

· Convulsions, numbness of the extremities

· Brittle nails

· hair loss

Magnesium deficiency can provoke many ailments:

Syndrome X;
Insulin resistance;
Elevated cholesterol;
Elevated triglycerides;
Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood;
Reduced activity of pancreatic enzymes.

And as a result of this, overweight and obesity. Magnesium helps proteins in fats and carbohydrates to be better absorbed and increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

Due to the fact that magnesium has a beneficial effect on almost all parts of the human body, then its deficiency can provoke a whole bunch of ailments and ailments:

Muscle cramps;
Trouble sleeping;
High blood pressure;
Type 2 diabetes;
Thyroid problems.

The benefits of magnesium: 1. Magnesium helps the body digest, absorb and use proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 2. Magnesium is needed for insulin to open cell membranes for glucose. 3. Magnesium helps prevent the manifestation of genes responsible for obesity.


Magnesium and vitamins of group B - energetically nutrients: they activate enzymes that control digestion, absorption and use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their deficiency causes improper use of food, leading to hypoglycemia, anxiety and obesity. Overeating can only be the result of the fact that the body wants to get nutrients that are not received during the meal. Magnesium is also required for chemical reactions that allow insulin to push glucose into cells, where glucose is involved in the process of generating energy for the body. If magnesium is not enough, insulin and glucose levels in the body increase. Excess glucose is stored as fat, which leads to obesity. A high insulin level leads to diabetes.


They say that obesity is a hereditary disease that makes people think that it does not depend on them, and continue their bad habits. But research has shown that if mice are deprived of vitamin B, then obesity is manifested, and if you continue to give this vitamin, the mouse remains slim. The metabolism of vitamin B is called methylation, and this requires magnesium. Each metabolic function in the body occurs with the participation of vitamins and minerals, without them symptoms develop. Therefore, the first treatment is diet and supplements, not medications.


Excess weight around the stomach is associated with magnesium deficiency and the inability to properly use insulin. As noted, magnesium is needed for insulin to push glucose into the cells so that it participates in the production of energy for the body. If there is not enough magnesium, the result is the following: 1. The level of glucose rises. 2. Glucose is stored as fat and this leads to obesity. 3. High glucose leads to diabetes. 4. Obesity leads to stress on the heart. 5. Excess glucose combines with certain proteins that damage the kidneys, leading to blindness and diabetes. 6. Insulin-resistant cells do not allow magnesium to enter cells. 7. Further magnesium deficiency leads to increased blood pressure. 8. Magnesium deficiency leads to cholesterol plaques, and this leads to heart disease.


The work of insulin - to open the cell membrane for the penetration of glucose - an energy source for cells. Cells that no longer respond to an increase in insulin and do not skip glucose are called insulin-resistant. As a result, the blood glucose level rises, and the body produces more and more insulin. Glucose and insulin are raging in the body, causing tissue damage and an increased risk of heart disease, as well as diabetes. One of the main reasons why cells do not respond to insulin is magnesium deficiency. Some studies suggest that chronic isuline resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with a decrease in magnesium. Additional studies confirm that when insulin is released from the pancreas, magnesium in cells usually opens cells for the passage of glucose, but in the case of magnesium deficiency in combination with insulin resistance, normal mechanisms do not work. But the greater the level of magnesium in the body, the greater the chance of helping the problem.


In the human body contains from 20 to 30 mg of magnesium. 70% of this amount is in the bones, the rest - in the muscles and endocrine glands. Small amounts of magnesium are found in the blood. Magnesium provides the body with inner peace. It has a calming effect on both the central and the peripheral nervous system. But the main thing is that magnesium is one of the powerful activators of enzymes on which the absorption of protein and other organic substances depends. It is necessary for participation in the mechanisms of protection of the body against infections, helps the body to produce antibodies - our antidote. Magnesium plays a huge role in the process of blood clotting, in the creation of estrogen (female hormone), as well as in the work of the intestine, bladder, prostate gland. When there is little magnesium in the diet, the person loses weight. If a person is treated for a certain disease with pharmaceuticals, absorption of magnesium is difficult because it is removed from the body (for example, when taking laxatives, sedatives and contraceptives, etc.). In this case, instead of 300-450 mg of magnesium, it is necessary to take up to 600 mg, having increased in the diet protein foods and foods rich in calcium, in accordance with the norm (1.5 g calcium and 0.5 g magnesium).


To save itself, the body begins to redistribute: it takes magnesium from those places where it is (from bones, nerves, endocrine glands), and supplies it to the blood, that is, like calcium, the body “steals” magnesium way out the bones. It is always better to take preventive measures and not bring yourself to a state that will require the intervention of a physician. Do not forget about nuts, greens, oatmeal, corn, peas (well sprouted, “alive”), and from time to time allow yourself to eat a chocolate bar or drink a glass of cocoa, but rarely and then drink good quality water three times more than eaten. harm ”over the next 4 hours.

Magnesium and vascular and heart diseases

A major American nutritionist, Professor RJ Williams, in his book Nutrition as a Cure for Disease, writes: “A magnesium deficiency, even if not too great, can cause heart disease. But a serious deficiency of this mineral leads to disastrous consequences - as a rule, to heart attacks. An original research paper indirectly confirms the opinion of Professor Williams. Scientists have determined the content of magnesium in the heart muscle (myocardium) of patients who died of a heart attack, and healthy people who died in car accidents. In those who died from the infarction, magnesium was found to be 42% less in the damaged part of the heart than in the healthy part. In those who died in car accidents, no difference in the magnesium content in the muscles of different parts of the heart was found. The founder of the theory of stress Hans Selye in 1958 in animal experiments proved that magnesium prevents the development of atherosclerosis. One group of rats, he gave food poor in magnesium, and the other - rich. The animals from the first group soon developed atherosclerosis, and their blood cholesterol level was very high, while the animals from the second group did not have sclerotic changes in the vessels, and the cholesterol remained normal. It is known that lecithin plays an important role in regulating the amount of cholesterol in the body. This amino acid is formed in the body by the action of an enzyme containing vitamin B6, which, in turn, is activated by magnesium. French doctors prescribed patients with diseased vessels and a heart with elevated levels of cholesterol, lactate of mania, and vitamin B6 in the morning and at night. Many a month later, cholesterol levels dropped, heart pains decreased. The walls of blood vessels consist of muscle tissue. Magnesium, having the ability to cause muscle relaxation, normalizes blood pressure. A well-known reference book edited by Professor MD Mashkovsky "Drugs" recommends that patients with hypertensive disease, especially in the early stages, regularly take 1-2 g of magnesium sulfate for half a glass of water on an empty stomach. In some cases, prolonged use of magnesium sulfate may cause irritation of the stomach. To avoid this, you can try to split the dose into two doses of 0.5-1 g and take magnesium sulfate after a meal. In patients with angina receiving magnesium sulfate, there is a slight decrease in pressure, less frequent seizures and normal heart rhythm. Magnesium and diabetes Magnesium deficiency is often seen in adults with diabetes, especially those who have to use insulin. Magnesium plays an important role in the release of insulin from the pancreas and thus in the regulation of blood sugar levels. With a shortage of this mineral in the body increases the risk of such complications characteristic of diabetes as heart disease, blood vessels and eyes. To determine if you have enough magnesium in your body, take 1,000 mg of magnesium and 1,500 mg of calcium per day for a month. You should have some improvement in the regulation of blood sugar, normalize blood pressure and decrease fatigue. Then reduce the dose of magnesium to 500 mg and the dose of calcium to 1000 mg per day. Magnesium and stress Unreasonable anxiety, irritability, spleen - all these conditions can be associated with a lack of magnesium. Drink cocoa in the morning with a quarter of a teaspoon of magnesium oxide, and at night eat a teaspoon or spoonful of buckwheat honey, rich in magnesium, with warm tea or milk. Magnesium and chronic fatigue Canadian researchers observed a group that included 100 adult men complaining of unreasonable chronic fatigue, a decline in vital interests, a decrease in sexual desire. They began to give 500 mg of magnesium sulfate (bitter salt) diluted in half a glass of water in the morning and evening. After 10 days, 87 people felt much better. Fatigue disappeared, there was a desire to live, improved mood, sleep and appetite. Magnesium and kidney stones French physicians from the Paris Urological Clinic found that magnesium, especially with vitamin B6, is an effective remedy against oxalate kidney stones. Reception within a month of 300 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of vitamin B6 leads to partial, and sometimes even complete dissolution of kidney stones. This treatment is cheap, has no side effects and is well tolerated. Naturally, magnesium in combination with vitamin B6 is also an excellent prophylactic against the formation of kidney stones. Studies conducted in Finland have shown that people who eat mostly natural foods that contain a lot of magnesium and calcium (whole grains and dairy products) very rarely have kidney disease, despite the fact that the body receives an average of 4-5 g calcium per day. Calcium in this case is not deposited in the kidneys, as it is balanced by a sufficient amount of magnesium and protein, binding excess calcium. Magnesium and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Magnesium oxide is a powerful antacid. It is considered one of the best means to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Magnesium oxide (magnesia burnt), prescribed for heartburn, gastritis with acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, neutralizes the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, turning into neutral magnesium chloride, which additionally has a laxative effect. Magnesium hydroxide is part of the most popular antacid (antacid) drugs - Almagel and Maalox. Another magnesium compound, magnesium carbonate, or white magnesia, also has an antacid action and is part of the vikalin and vikair tablets used in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Magnesium and Migraine Magnesium supplementation reduces headaches in people suffering from persistent migraines. This was confirmed by a recent study, which told Cephalgia magazine. The study involved 80 people suffering from severe migraine headaches. They were encouraged to take magnesia regularly. After three months, headache attacks. Most of them are significantly weakened. Magnesium has also proved to be an effective remedy for headaches associated with allergies and premenstrual syndrome. In combination with vitamin B6, it normalizes mood in the period of menstruation and facilitates painful menstruation. Magnesium and osteoporosis “Magnesium together with calcium stimulates the production of the thyroid gland by the hormone calcitonin and the parathyroid gland - parathyroid hormone. These hormones play an important role in ensuring health and maintaining bone strength. With a shortage of magnesium in the body, the strength and hardness of bones and teeth are reduced, ”writes Susan E. Braun, MD, in the book Healthy Bones, a Healthy Body. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis, a disease that leads to increased brittleness and broken bones in older people, more often in women who have entered menopause. The daily rate of magnesium required for the prevention of this disease in older women should be 750 mg. They should increase the dose of calcium to 1500 mg. In addition to these diseases and pathological conditions, magnesium is recommended to be taken additionally and in a number of other cases (often simultaneously with the additional intake of calcium).

• A link has been established between magnesium and calcium deficiency with allergic attacks, in particular allergic bronchial asthma and urticaria. To prevent a deficiency of these two minerals, people suffering from bronchial asthma and urticaria are advised to take 200 mg of magnesium and 500 mg of calcium daily.
• During pregnancy, the need for magnesium and calcium doubles, as both minerals are involved in the formation of bones and teeth of the fetus and maintain the bone and dental tissue of the mother in good condition. Daily allowance for pregnant women is 750 mg of magnesium and 1500 mg of calcium.
• Many people, often or constantly suffering from fungal infections, show magnesium deficiency. A daily intake of 250 mg of magnesium can eliminate or reduce the symptoms of a fungal infection.
• Feelings of numbness and tingling may be associated with a deficiency of magnesium and calcium. A daily intake of 500 mg of magnesium and 1000 mg of calcium for two weeks will make it possible to establish precisely whether such a state was really due to a lack of these minerals.
• Hearing impairment, dizziness and ringing in the ears during prolonged or constant stay in conditions of increased noise, as well as after taking certain antibiotics, such as gentamicin and neomycin, are sometimes weakened or even eliminated by taking 500 mg of magnesium and 1000 mg of calcium per day. • Magnesium has a large and diverse effect on health. Therefore, to prevent the deficiency of this mineral, it is necessary to regularly include products containing it in the diet, and in case of emergency, and supplements with magnesium.
