Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nature Made Magnesium (Oxide) 250 mg Tablets 100 Ct

Nature Made Magnesium (Oxide) 250 mg Tablets 100 Ct
Nature Made Magnesium (Oxide) 250 mg Tablets 100 Ct

Importance of magnesium for the body

Magnesium is called the most important mineral for stable heart function.

Magnesium is involved in a variety of biochemical reactions in the body. It is needed for full-fledged energy production, glucose uptake, protein synthesis, nerve signal transmission, and bone tissue building. Magnesium reduces the excitability of the nervous system, is an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic factor, helps protect the body from infections, plays a role in the processes of blood clotting, regulation of the internal organs. Calcium and B vitamins are not absorbed without magnesium, and calcium salts will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, writes likar.info .

Magnesium is responsible for the stable functioning of the heart muscle and circulatory system. However, in the diet of a modern person there are not enough foods containing magnesium, which is why the body’s deficiency develops, the effects of the deficiency are felt. Lifestyle also provokes a lack of magnesium (chronic stress, physical inactivity, alcohol abuse, heavy physical and mental labor, being in high temperatures).

It is proved that magnesium deficiency is associated with the development of a number of diseases:

- cardiovascular system (hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease);

- endocrine system (diabetes);

- the nervous system (migraine, memory disorders, depression, convulsive syndrome);

- pathologies of pregnancy (miscarriage, spasms of the uterine muscles, toxicosis in the later periods, etc.);

- bone diseases (osteoporosis).

Early signs of magnesium deficiency:

- increased fatigue, feeling of tension, irritability,

- twitching eyelids;

- dizziness;

- insomnia, night cramps, numbness;

- feeling of "interruptions" in the work of the heart, tachycardia;

- feeling of lack of air, the appearance of "coma" in the throat.

Magnesium deficiency contributes to stress, which further aggravates the magnesium deficiency.

How magnesium affects the cardiovascular system

This mineral is called the most important for the heart. Magnesium controls the normal functioning of the heart cells and the cardiac cycle, has a hypotensive effect, prevents the loss of potassium, the development of atherosclerosis, and has an antiarrhythmic effect.

It is known that magnesium is involved in the regulation of cholesterol. It activates vitamin B6, which is contained in the enzyme, under the action of which lecithin is formed. In turn, lecithin regulates the amount of cholesterol. Due to the ability to cause muscle relaxation, magnesium normalizes blood pressure.

Scientific studies have shown that a small lack of magnesium provokes heart disease, and a significant deficit leads to heart attacks.

How to compensate for magnesium deficiency

The daily need for magnesium in an adult is 300-350 mg, in some diseases and conditions it can be increased.

The main source of magnesium is food. This microelement is rich in legumes, nuts, wholemeal bread, barley and pearl barley, rice, vegetables (especially dark green), bananas, seaweed, prunes, dried apricots. Alcohol and caffeine have a negative effect on magnesium absorption.

The additional intake of magnesium in the form of drugs is necessary when it is impossible to eat properly, under stress, during pregnancy and with intense exercise. Pregnant women need to receive 400-500 mg of magnesium per day, because in this period it is enhanced excretion from the body. The need for magnesium also increases in lactating women.

Young people need more magnesium, as well as those who are struggling with overweight with low-calorie and unbalanced diets. It is necessary to increase the daily rate of magnesium with heavy perspiration and significant loss of water (sports, heat, vomiting, diarrhea), with excessive drinking. Additional magnesium is needed for people with heart disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes.

For adults, the therapeutic dose is 28-400 mg per day, for children - 10-30 mg per day. Treatment is recommended to spend about 1 month, if necessary, you can spend 2-3 courses per year.

However, an excess of magnesium also adversely affects health, as does its deficiency. The upper limit for adults is 660-770 mg / day, for children and adolescents - 145-760 mg / day, depending on gender and age. Excess magnesium makes itself felt by muscle weakness, lethargy, apathy, slowing heart rate, lowering blood pressure. Inhibition of cardiovascular activity is fraught with a violation of cardiac conduction and threatens cardiac arrest, which is why it is not recommended to take magnesium preparations without consulting a doctor.
