Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 180 Capsules

Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 180 Capsules
Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 180 Capsules

Magnesium deficiency in the body - 10 major symptoms

Hello, dear friends! Today we will talk about how the lack of magnesium in the body manifests itself and what symptoms exactly indicate a lack of magnesium. Because of the lack of magnesium, a person becomes restless, unbalanced, nervous. The material of this article will tell you how to turn back from a “savage” into a calm person with a smile on your face.

Natural mineral magnesium is responsible for many processes in our body. Let's look at them in more detail.

Why does our body need magnesium?

Like other minerals, magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes and in human life support:

- Participates in the formation of bones and tooth enamel;
- Normalizes the activity of the muscles;
- Reduces nervous excitement, regulating the processes of neuromuscular excitability;
- Reduces cholesterol in the blood and tissues;
- Prevents the development of kidney stones;
- Stimulates immunity;
- It inhibits the development of malignant cells;
- Normalizes the activity of the contractile function of the myocardium;
- dilates blood vessels;
- Stimulates intestinal perestaltic;
- Participates in the activation of amino acids;
- Stimulates biliary excretion;
- Promotes fatty acid oxidation;
- Normalizes sleep.
Magnesium is a vital element.

Magnesium is found in almost every cell of our body, there is a lot of mineral in the muscles, in the muscle fibers of the vessels and the heart. In many ways, it depends on the state of our muscle mass.

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

Magnesium is present in large quantities in human bone tissue. Therefore, its deficiency instantly affects the condition of bones and teeth.

Magnesium is part of the nerve fibers and cells that are responsible for our emotional state and the work of our brain. Very often it is the lack of magnesium that causes chronic stress.

Therefore, it is important in nutrition to take into account the role of magnesium in the body of people who especially quickly consume this sought-after trace element. This group includes pregnant women, athletes and people whose lives are subject to stress, increased physical or psychological stress.

Why are magnesium reserves in the body reduced?

In most cases, magnesium reserves are reduced due to emotional stress and physical overwork.

Even people who regularly use magnesium, there is a shortage. This is due to an excess of calcium in the body. The balance of these trace elements is very important.

Depending on the form of magnesium you take, your body is in one of two states: tense or relaxed.

What do you feel tension or relaxation?

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

You can not just drink dietary supplements and forget about the magnesium deficiency. It is also necessary to monitor the factors that deplete stocks of this important trace element.

Check yourself, whether you avoid these factors, which undoubtedly affect the magnesium content in the body, or rather reduce the amount of magnesium:

- Products containing caffeine (this is not only coffee, but tea, cocoa, chocolate, coca-cola, energy drinks). Note, caffeine in strong green tea, even more than in black;
- Increased amounts of protein and carbohydrates in the daily diet;
- High intake of calcium (is one of the most frequent phenomena);
- Food with high sodium content (salt, mineral water, and almost all food products contain sodium in different quantities (cereals, legumes, vegetables, meat and dairy products, fish and seafood);
- Refined sugar and any products which include white flour and sugar;
- Alcohol;
- Tobacco;
- Medications and diuretics;
- Sweating;
- Diarrhea;
- Diseases of any origin;
- Surgical interventions;
- High cholesterol and triglycerides.

How many factors have you noted that deplete the magnesium in your body?

What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body?

Magnesium deficiency immediately affects our well-being and mood.

For example, if someone from your loved ones is a husband, wife, son, daughter, and maybe a grandmother or grandfather behaves extremely irritably, all the time nervous over trifles and shows aggression, then most likely they simply do not have enough magnesium in their bodies.

In this case, it is necessary to take magnesium every morning and evening. The result will not take long to wait, after 24 hours, and perhaps earlier the "savage" will turn into a calm and balanced person with a smile on his face!

Therefore, we need magnesium, as an excellent anti-stress mineral, relieving from various ailments.

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions and as a result of a lack of magnesium in the body, malfunctions begin.

We need magnesium so much that even with a small deficiency the human body refuses to work in full force, and if there is a serious shortage of magnesium, a person is threatened with a heart attack.
Lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

With a slight decrease in magnesium content, unpleasant symptoms can be felt, such as:

- depression;
- a feeling of distress;
- dizziness,
- heart palpitations,
- weakness
- change in blood pressure,
- numbness of the skin of the limbs,
- lowering the temperature
- nervousness
- feeling of fears.

The first symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the body arise from fatigue, difficulty concentrating.

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

Increased hair loss and brittle nails are also a sign of a lack of magnesium in the body.

If you do not increase the magnesium in the diet develops insomnia, fatigue, heaviness, painful spasms in the body, bouts of depression and fear.

With a more significant lack of magnesium there are complaints of headaches and pain in the lumbar region. The back is badly bent, pains appear in the neck.

The body becomes too sensitive to changes in the weather, it reacts with pain in the bone tissues of the joints, teeth or gums.

A more serious magnesium deficiency is manifested by interruptions in the work of the heart, accompanied by increased heartbeat or severe pain in the chest.

Magnesium deficiency can cause sudden dizziness, flickering points before your eyes, loss of balance, spasms, stiffness or tingling of muscles, twitching of the eyelids.

Muscle spasms and so-called salt deposits appear, blood pressure increases.

If you do not pay attention to these numerous symptoms of a lack of magnesium in the body, you can go to the extreme and with a consequence of a lot of stress or serious physical work get a heart attack.
Why does magnesium deficiency appear in the body?

Magnesium deficiency affects more than 80% of Russia's population. The first factor contributing to this is the way of life that we lead, constant haste, stress.

Even if you regularly use magnesium supplements, you may still be deficient in this important nutrient, because you use magnesium in a form that is not needed or in the wrong proportion with calcium.

Unhealthy diets, diets and starvation, which women enjoy, often lead to a lack of magnesium.

Women are more emotional in essence, more prone to stress, more often nervous and, as a result, more than men experience a lack of magnesium in the body, especially during pregnancy.

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

It is during pregnancy that there is a special lack of magnesium, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, restless sleep, and tingling in the limbs appear.
Magnesium and pregnancy

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy is also noted with more significant manifestations:

- arrhythmia, hypotension, pain in the heart;
- muscle cramps, spasms;
- nagging pain in the lower back, stomach;
- uterus hypertonus;
- swelling, decrease in body temperature;
- toxicosis;
- risk of miscarriage;
- preterm delivery;
- postpartum period.

But magnesium is prescribed during pregnancy only on the recommendation of a doctor, it is very important to maintain a balance of magnesium in this period.

There is a noticeable shortage of magnesium in the body of a woman during the breastfeeding period, therefore, often postpartum nursing mothers are recommended to take mineral complexes with magnesium to restore the adaptive resources of the body.
Magnesium and children

Magnesium deficiency is so common that even newborns are affected.

If the expectant mother lacks magnesium, then the child born into the world also suffers from a lack of magnesium - she is nervous, often crying, does not sleep well, turns over at night, feels discomfort, muscle cramps.

Magnesium helps hyperactive children with sleep disorders to relax.

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

Newborns mainly get the mineral with their mother's milk, so for babies who are not breastfed, it is important to choose milk formulas containing magnesium.

Magnesium for older children is also needed. It improves metabolism in the bone tissue and muscles, relaxes them, monitors the growth of muscle mass, dampens nerve impulses.

Magnesium deficiency in children occurs with rickets when an imbalance occurs due to an increase in calcium in the child’s body.
Magnesium and athletes

Magnesium deficiency is manifested in athletes. The reason for this is a fast metabolism, protein synthesis, a large loss of moisture in intensive sports, high physical exertion, and stressful situations.

The lack of mineral during sports loads provokes muscle weakness due to the formation of calcium deposits in muscle tissue. Therefore, magnesium is necessary for athletes, it nourishes the fibers, regulates the functions of muscle relaxation.

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

The mineral is a part of many sports nutrition products, here it is necessary to take into account that only organic compounds of magnesium are absorbed in the body, inorganic compounds are removed. In addition, the absorption of magnesium destroys the excess amount of fat in the body.

Increasing magnesium in the diet is necessary for many diseases (atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension, osteoporosis, the presence of kidney stones, angina, etc.), with long-term use of diuretic drugs (therapeutic and natural).

The steam bath and sauna increase blood supply to the cells and protein metabolism, but dehydrate the body, magnesium is excreted.

What are the symptoms of excess magnesium in the body?

In the correct form and quantity, magnesium is completely safe. Even if you take it in excess, the body will easily remove the excess, with the help of diarrhea (diarrhea).

If you have diarrhea, reduce the magnesium dosage until this symptom is eliminated.

For people with gastritis and ulcers, magnesium should be taken strictly after meals.

What is the daily need for magnesium in an adult and a child?

For men, 400-420 mg of magnesium are needed;
For women, 300-320 mg of magnesium;
For pregnant and lactating mothers - 350-450 mg of magnesium;
For children under 3 years, 80 mg of magnesium;
For children under 8 years old 130 mg of magnesium
For boys under 18, the daily need for magnesium is 410-430 mg;
For girls under 18, the daily requirement is 340-360 mg of magnesium.
For people exposed to high physical exertion, for example, athletes, the need for magnesium increases to 600 mg, especially during competitions, long training sessions and stressful situations.

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

Also in the daily diet, you need to add enough protein to bind and retain excess magnesium and calcium (otherwise it can be deposited in the body in the form of stones and sand).

The ratio of calcium and magnesium is 2: 1.

Calcium and Magnesium Compatibility - What you need to know?

What you need to know when eating foods rich in calcium and magnesium. What is their compatibility?
What happens to our body when it gets enough magnesium from food?

Since childhood, we hear how useful calcium is for the body, that it strengthens our bones, teeth, and nails.

But so often people will be disappointed! Despite the abundant calcium intake from food products (cottage cheese, kefir, milk, cheese, etc.), the teeth still break down, the nails become brittle, and the bones lose their strength with age.

What happens? Having succumbed to advertising slogans, people try to fill up the calcium deficiency with the help of proper nutrition and pharmaceutical preparations, but they get the opposite effect: bones become weak, joints lose mobility, and muscles become hard.

Calcium is necessary for our body, but calcium is not absorbed without magnesium and instead of bones and teeth, it “strengthens” muscles and other soft tissues.

Why it happens?

With a lack of magnesium in the cells of his place is calcium. If the balance is disturbed in the other direction (more magnesium than necessary), magnesium is simply excreted from the body.
The most important rule in the use of calcium

Never take calcium supplements without magnesium. Because for the absorption of calcium correctly, magnesium is necessary. And if the proportions are violated, calcium pollutes the body, is deposited in the joints and provokes the development of such serious diseases as:
- hardening of the arteries;
- heart disease;
- stones in the kidneys;
- arthritis;
- osteoporosis;
- calcification, etc.

What if there is not enough magnesium in the body?

It is always better to warn than to treat, so include foods rich in magnesium in your daily diet. See this table: Magnesium in food - where is most?

lack of magnesium in the body symptoms

And in the case of a large shortage of magnesium, you can fill the existing deficit of pharmacy drugs magnesium.

The most famous:
- Magne B6 (France, 1 tablet contains magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg (which corresponds to 48 mg of magnesium, the average price of 550 rubles is 60 pieces)
- Magnelis (Russia, 1 tablet contains magnesium lactate 470 mg, the average price is 350 rubles 50 pieces)
"Panangin" (Hungary, contains: 280 mg of magnesium and 316 mg of potassium, the average price is 350 rubles 60 pieces)

But magnesium citrate is best absorbed, it is bought in specialized stores:
Elemvital with organic magnesium (Composition: magnesium citrate, valerian extract, hawthorn leaves and flowers extract, Baikal skullcap extract, price 430 rubles 60 pieces).

Or on iHerb.ru in section citrate magnesium preparations.

Magnesium citrate powder is best absorbed in water 30-40 degrees.

I told you about the lack of magnesium in the body and what symptoms indicate this. If you have identified any of these symptoms in your home, rather, take magnesium-rich foods.

Rest on the sea more often. Sea water in its properties and the presence of minerals is close to the human body, swim in the sea, get natural magnesium.

Be healthy! Eat right! And smile more often!

Write in the comments what was useful for you and what else you want to know!

And be sure to quickly fill the lack of magnesium in the body and eliminate all the symptoms, read the article: Where is the most magnesium in food !
