Sunday, September 15, 2019

Keto Pills Advanced Weight Loss BHB Salt - Natural Ketosis Fat Burner Using Ketone & Ketogenic Diet, Boost Energy While Burning Fat, Fast & Effective Perfect for Men Women, 60 Capsules, Lux Supplement

How to burn fat?

Keto Pills Advanced Weight Loss BHB Salt - Natural Ketosis Fat Burner Using Ketone & Ketogenic Diet, Boost Energy While Burning Fat, Fast & Effective Perfect for Men Women, 60 Capsules, Lux Supplement

In fact, weight loss is through destroying the fats in our body. How can we achieve this? Of course, eating healthy and doing the right exercise…

If you follow the general principles of nutrition and do the right exercises, you can easily get rid of your excess weight by burning fat. For those who aim to act in this direction, let's start with general nutrition principles first önce

For plenty of water: Water is very effective in regulating metabolism. Two liters of water drank during the day increases the energy production in the body and helps to weaken. Water on an empty stomach helps to remove toxic substances from the body, prevents accumulation of toxins in the liver, kidneys and intestines and helps to burn fat.

Eat six meals: Your metabolic rate may increase with the number of meals. Making three to four snacks along with three main meals will help burn fat. Snacks are the bridge to main meals. If food enters the body frequently and in small amounts, metabolic rate increases, blood sugar balance is established and this situation helps to weaken.

Amino acid uptake: Proteins are effective in muscle building and essential for tissue repair. In diets that are limited in carbohydrate or fat, the body uses protein as an energy source. When this happens, loss of muscles and weak tissues may occur. Protein can prevent the reduction of muscle ratio. Protein-based nutrition accelerates metabolism, facilitates burning of fats and regulates appetite.

Sugar-fat relationship: With sugar intake, blood sugar increases rapidly and the secretion of insulin hormone from the pancreas is stimulated. Insulin is an effective hormone that converts sugar into cells and converts it into energy. Cells that need energy meet their needs with the help of insulin. If the energy received is higher than the requirement, insulin stores this energy in the adipose tissue.

Attention to calories: The goal of diet programs is to increase calorie burning. Exercise increases the amount of energy consumed by the body. As the expenditure increases, the calories taken from the daily diet are consumed and fat burning starts. The nutritional content is as important as the caloric content of the daily diet program. Vitamins and minerals, antioxidant compounds, since you can accelerate fat burning with a sufficient diet.

Don't snack: Seductive foods such as fatty chips, chocolate, salted biscuits and nuts increase the amount of body fat and weight. Consuming low-glycemic foods such as lean, unsalted corn pops, cucumbers, green plums can help to lose weight.
Choose the right carbohydrates: When dieting to lose weight and fat loss to see the right glycemic load of the right carbohydrates should be selected. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and pulp and can be more satisfying. With low glycemic index carbohydrates, you can keep your insulin level in the blood low and prevent fat storage in the body after a meal.

Eat slowly: One of the reasons for weight gain is to eat fast. It takes 10 minutes for the food to reach the brain to signal satiety. For this reason, eating slowly and thoroughly chewing the bite can help you lose weight.

Choose fiber foods: To reduce fat in the body, high-fiber foods should be preferred. Posa is vegetable fibers that are taken with food and not absorbed in the intestine. They follow the digestive tract and leave as they enter the body. Fiber-based pulp foods are very important for both diet and healthy nutrition.

Don't stay without salad: By consuming raw food, the toxin in the body is easily excreted. In order to get rid of excess fat, consumption of salads and raw foods is very important. Salad is consumed more pulp and antioxidants are taken.

Physical activity
Exercise: Exercise your cardiovascular system, such as walking, running, swimming, rowing, cycling, to get fat burned.

Adjust the speed: The oils are burned slowly and more oxygen is needed. Therefore, pay attention to your working intensity to ensure adequate oxygen.
Time is very important: For fat to start burning, exercise should be continued for at least 15-20 minutes. Exercise at least three days a week for 30-45 minutes.

Keto Pills Advanced Weight Loss BHB Salt - Natural Ketosis Fat Burner Using Ketone & Ketogenic Diet, Boost Energy While Burning Fat, Fast & Effective Perfect for Men Women, 60 Capsules, Lux Supplement

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VINTAGE BURN Fat Burner - The First Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner Thermogenic Weight Loss Supplement – Keto Friendly, Appetite Suppressant - For Men and Women - 120 Natural Veggie Diet Pills

Cardio is the abbreviation of dır cardiovascular eden which refers to the cardiovascular system of the body together with the heart and blood vessels. Iyo Cardio im, which I will talk about in this article, is the name we give for the exercises that run the cardiovascular system. Cardio has benefits such as a strong heart, endurance and low stress. However, we usually do these exercises to spend calories, burn fat and lose weight.
How to Do Cardio?

We do cardio training whenever the rhythm of the heart increases and breathing is accelerated. Running, walking, swimming, playing tennis, cycling are cardio exercises. However, there are two basic cardio exercises that we can do systematically to burn fat. These are: light tempo cardio (LISS) and high tempo interval cardio (HIIT). In this article, we examine these two cardio forms together with their pros and cons; We will try to find the most convenient cardio form to lose weight and burn fat.


High-temp intermittent cardio (HIIT) is the interval between high and low-tempo activities. For example, after 30 seconds of sprint, 60 seconds of light tempo runs, followed by sprint again and lasts 20-25 minutes. In this training, the heart rate is around 85% of the maximum heart rate.

Light-tempo-level cardio (LISS) is a form of training that lasts for 45 to 60 minutes at a tempo of around 65% of the maximum heart rate. The tempo is a tempo that you can talk at the same time while you work. Examples include brisk running and cycling.
Which Cardio is Better for Fat Burning?

There are two main ways to burn fat: eat less or move more. Our goal in cardio training is to increase the amount of calories we spend by moving. Therefore, it is best to train us to spend maximum calories.

Now, let us list the pros and cons of these two basic forms of exercise.
LISS cardio

Light-tempo cardio does not tire much. If you are following a proper weight training, it will probably take time to regenerate your muscles. In this way a cardio does not cause your muscles to wear out. It is a relaxing, stress-relief training that supports muscle development by triggering anabolic hormones .

Many people find this kind of work boring, but you can turn it into an opportunity. In these days when the fast flow of life is fashionable, you can consider this kind of work as an escape. You can also listen to your head, listen to music & books while doing sports, so you can shoot two birds on a stone.

But there are also points where this way of working is not perfect. You will not spend too many calories in a short period of time. To create a calorie deficit when the tooth touches, you should work for at least 40-50 minutes. Some people may not have time for this. If you work in the gym instead of outdoors, in a nice setting, this can easily bore you. Weights that can be considered entertaining in the gym may not be preferred when there are exercise machines. In addition, as your condition increases in the long term, it may be easy for you to work in this way, even after an hour you may feel that you are not working enough. When you reach this point, you can strengthen your workout with an extra resistance. For example, a weight vest or a backpack supporting the spine may be suitable. You can also increase the difficulty of the equipment you use.
Does LISS break down muscle?

hardioo There is another point to be mentioned for LISS. I've often seen on the Internet that doing cardio in this way will cause muscle destruction. I would like to give a detailed answer to this, but I did not see an argument behind the claim that should be refuted. You can read such articles on the Internet or in market magazines. You can also read that they are supported by “scientific research fakat but I can say briefly, there is no such thing.

In any training or hunger situation, there is a decrease in the food stores of the muscles and this may give the person a slightly weakened feeling. But this is not muscle destruction, it will return to normal after a healthy meal. Muscle destruction is not something that a person who already leads a normal life, doing sports and at the same time taking care of his diet should not worry. I guess when you feel this way, some products are sold easily.
HIIT Cardio

If you look at the other option (HIIT), it is noticeable that the work will consume good calories in a short time, plyometric-style explosive strength and speed increase structure and accelerate metabolism. With a good HIIT workout, you can burn enough calories in 15 minutes. You don't need to have a lot of time or a suitable place to do this. It doesn't even matter how you do the exercises. For example, if you are swimming, you can try to swim very fast and slow intermittently. Sports such as boxing, MMA and wrestling are also ideal HIIT trainings. When you shadow boxing against the mirror, you improve your technique and quickness and burn calories. In this way, studies that accelerate heart rhythm will accelerate your metabolism and cause you to spend more calories than normal during the day.

Are there any drawbacks to intermittent high-tempo cardio? Unfortunately I do. First of all, such a tempo requires serious power. Not everyone can manage to be active for 20 minutes. Although I had a sports background before, I could not lift my arm after 10 minutes in MMA studies. Such a performance cannot be expected for a beginner. A workout that does not end properly cannot be expected to give a correct result. Let's say you're strong enough and you're following a power or hypertrophy program. This time your muscles will often be unable to withstand such intense extras due to weight training. You don't let your muscles regenerate when you say you spend some calories.

Without HIIT, will the fat not be burned?

HIIT training accelerates the metabolism and the amount of calories burned is worth a close look. This type of cardio training, which has recently become fashionable under the name of burn afterburn effect yazık, is unfortunately not as useful as it is attempted to be shown. If you ask the Internet, magazines, HIIT doesn't do it, but we need facts, not fashion. In summary, HIIT studies are not the king way to burn fat.
What Cardio Type Do We Apply?

As I mentioned above, both working methods have flaws. Just sticking to one, and scorning the other will not help us. We need to achieve maximum calorie burning by pragmatically assembling the pieces.

To do this, I would think of combining both of them at their right time. Light tempo cardio in the fresh air on an empty stomach in the morning brings both the physiological and spiritual benefits mentioned above and a good fat burning. Since you have not eaten since the previous evening, glycogen stores in the muscles will be reduced. In this way, cells will also resort to fatty acids for energy production. This will be more beneficial to us than the cardio. Light tempo cardio will not be too heavy for the body. In fact, you can work this way every day, but if you don't have the opportunity, it will be useful in many ways even once a week. In support of this, after some weight training in the gym, we can do some HIIT work when we feel ready. Or if you are interested in any sport, you can do it.

Remember ...

Remember that weight loss or fat burning is more important than training. Cardio is just a supportive tool. The main thing is to concentrate on nutrition. You can get the necessary advice from the nutrition section of our website. There are also supplements to help you, they can be both healthy and beneficial to burn fat. We also examined them in our supplement guide .

VINTAGE BURN Fat Burner - The First Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner Thermogenic Weight Loss Supplement – Keto Friendly, Appetite Suppressant - For Men and Women - 120 Natural Veggie Diet Pills

Cellucor C4 Ripped Pre Workout Powder, Cherry Limeade, 30 Servings - Preworkout Powder for Men & Women with Green Coffee Bean Extract & L Carnitine

Elliptical Technique: Tips for Burning More Fat

Cellucor C4 Ripped Pre Workout Powder, Cherry Limeade, 30 Servings - Preworkout Powder for Men & Women with Green Coffee Bean Extract & L Carnitine

When starting a diet, it is important to research the healthy ways to lose weight through exercise. You can achieve amazing results with the use of appropriate elliptical techniques.

Burning fat is the goal of many people who want to improve their physique. However, we may notice that the weight loss we want is not always the speed we want. False elliptical technique is an example of obstacles in our way to achieving our goals.

The elliptical sports machine can be an excellent ally if we use the right elliptical technique when it comes to achieving our weight loss goals. In this article, we will explain how to make the most of this exercise.
Lose Weight With The Right Elliptical Technique

The elliptical trainer has become one of the most popular cardio exercises in the world. It is a very good reason because it does not tire you like jogging , cycling or similar exercises and is a very effective exercise.
Woman doing exercise with elliptical trainer

This type of exercise is also recommended for people who want to lose more weight . However, to achieve this goal, you must use the right elliptical technique. In addition, it is a great exercise because it applies less pressure to your joints and knees .

As with all exercises, there are basic recommendations to get as much benefit as possible. Generally speaking, in a 30-minute elliptical session you can burn 270 to 400 calories depending on the resistance and speed you use.
Tips for Effective elliptical Fitness Equipment
Low Resistance

Although the elliptical gymnastics may seem to resist the logic of burning more fat, you should use a lower resistance. This will keep your heart rate between 60% and 70%.

There is a tip to maintain a suitable beat for athletes without using a heart rate monitor. Simply put, you should be able to continue a conversation without panting while using the machine.

Undoubtedly, this is quite important to get faster results. It is recommended to start in 20 to 40 minute sessions. Ideally, you should be able to progress slowly to one full hour. The longer the session takes, the better the results.

In low-intensity exercise programs, the body converts fat into energy after 30 minutes. This accelerates the fat burning process.

HIIT consists of short and high intensity exercises. We recommend adding HIIT to low intensity exercises when the body reaches the minimum training level.

With these programs you will burn the highest possible amount of calories. Three minutes of low intensity exercise, 30 seconds of running, two minutes of medium intensity training, 40 seconds of running and you can continue.
woman working out with elliptical gym instrument

It should be said that this type of training is only suitable for people in good physical condition. Similarly, remember that HIIT should not exceed 20 minutes and should be done once or twice a week.
Using the Whole Machine

The elliptical sports equipment must be used thoroughly to burn the highest amounts of fat throughout the body. One of the advantages of this machine is that it allows you to operate your upper and lower body simultaneously and gives better results over time.
Eating before and after sports

You must use the machine after eating and completing digestion so that the body has enough energy for a session of 45 minutes or more . Although exercise is not the ideal practice when fasting or fasting, it can be done when hunger lasts less than 12 hours to “confuse larda the body in rare times.
Advantages of Using Elliptical Sports Equipment

As you can see, the elliptical trainer is one of the most effective machines for harmonious whole body training. Some of the advantages:

- Operates various muscle groups including quadriceps, hip, calf, chest, biceps, triceps and lateral muscles.

- Applies low pressure to joints , ideal for people with knee problems.

- Supports weight loss with a balanced diet.

- Like other cardiovascular exercises, it reduces stress , improves your mood and strengthens your heart.

The elliptical sports machine is one of the best machines to run the body and accelerate weight loss . But for this to happen, you have to work with the right elliptical technique. It is important to check the factors such as time and resistance to get the best results.

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LEAN PM Night Time Fat Burner, Sleep Aid Supplement, & Appetite Suppressant for Men and Women - 60 Stimulant-Free Veggie Weight Loss Diet Pills

What to do to burn fat fast?

LEAN PM Night Time Fat Burner, Sleep Aid Supplement, & Appetite Suppressant for Men and Women - 60 Stimulant-Free Veggie Weight Loss Diet Pills

Fitness Training Director Samantha Clayton explained ways to burn fat fast.

Our body burns oil, which is the fuel source, in natural ways, but you can help your body burn fat more effectively with some tips. Samantha Clayton, Fitness Training Director, who recommends endurance training, power training and interval training, balanced diet and relaxation to burn fat quickly, says: Consistency is one of the keys to success, so devote five days a week to being active and exercising..

1- Make time for endurance training
Try to make time for long cardio exercises at least once a week. Running, walking or pedaling at a relaxed pace for a long time is a great way to burn fat. Your body uses oil stored in the body as a fuel source for most of your long-term workouts. When you start to push yourself and increase your density, your body will burn carbohydrates stored for energy. Spending 60 to 90 minutes each week focusing on yourself will also affect you emotionally.

2- Perform interval training
Interval training is basically training to acclimate your body to higher tempo, which includes an equal or slightly longer recovery process in the continuation of short and intense running. Due to the effects of fat burning after exercise interval training is very effective. During a high intensity interval training, your body uses carbohydrates as a fuel source, but burns fat during recovery. Interval training takes less time than regular training and you can achieve tremendous fat burning results in just 30 minutes. Try to practice in this style twice a week.

3- Recover your body faster with power training
Creating lean muscle mass will help you burn even more calories while relaxing. Your body needs more calories than it spends on maintaining fat to maintain lean muscle mass, so building muscle mass helps you burn better fat in the long run. Given that strength-based workouts accelerate your body's recovery, these workouts are twice as useful and allow you to continue to burn fat after you leave the gym.

4- Create balanced meals
The nutrients you receive have a direct effect on the results you get from your body. Create balanced meals every day with carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein. Be especially careful about consuming protein within 30 minutes before training, especially on long days of training. It is also important to consume a small amount of carbohydrate after exercise to help your body regenerate muscle glycogen.

5- Take time to rest
As you relax, your body begins to adapt to your demands. If you exercise hard five days a week, you should allow your body to recover and regenerate in the remaining two days. There are many ways to enable your body to adapt and develop. Balancing your exercise program and your personal diet will help you burn calories and fat more effectively in the long run.

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Turn your body into a fat burning machine

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite Weight Loss Supplement, Designed for Hardcore Weight Loss, Energy & Enhanced Focus, 100 Servings (200 Pills)

Our body works to protect itself, not to lose weight. You can turn your body into a fat burning machine by following some rules, such as the consumption of protein or carbohydrates

In order to lose weight, we need to know our body well, know how it works, and even learn the logic of the machine. Historically, our body's systems work to gain weight to protect itself, not to lose weight. In ancient times, people's diet was herbs, wild meats (most of them lean meats), root crops, vegetables, legumes, whole wheat, all natural, unprocessed, largely low calorie foods. Nowadays, we have broken the systems that allow us to lose weight and strengthened the systems that enable us to gain weight. Thus, we can say that we disrupt our anatomy and turn our bodies into fat storage machines. Instead of a fat tissue like pudding, or even jelly, we have to have a very hard body, muscles and also hard fat organs. What should we do about it? First of all, we need to increase our body's fat burning capacity. Fat tissue is a form of tissue in which the body stores the excess energy it receives. In order to restore the fat in the tank, the energy taken into the body must be reduced. Reducing energy alone is not enough for the body to burn fat. The body will either burn fat or break down muscle tissue. The body must be ordered to burn fat by pointing at the fat tissues. This order is related to the meal and the content of the person and varies from person to person such as fingerprints. This is why most people cannot lose weight despite a very low calorie diet.


We need to increase our body's muscle mass. For the development and repair of your muscles, you should eat lean, high quality, appropriate amount of protein for you, and exercise for your health and age. Of course, the details of all your meals are of great importance. The main advantage of the muscles is that they are fed with calories. This gives the metabolism the ability to burn calories every time the muscles move. Every half a pound of muscle burns 40 to 120 calories just to survive, whereas fat requires only 1 to 3 calories. As time goes on, this makes a huge difference in metabolic rate and calorie burning rate. Therefore, in order to increase our muscle mass, our diet should include low-calorie, low-fat protein, and at the same time, the amount of protein should be appropriate for the height, weight and health of the person. The more lean the protein source, the better. We should also consume the right amount of proteins without exaggeration and be aware of the right protein sources.

A large part of our body, including muscles, organs, skin, hair and enzymes, consists essentially of protein. Protein is present in every cell and is essential for life. A portion of the protein consisting of amino acids is produced in the body. The other nine, known as essential amino acids, must be taken with food. Foods of animal origin, such as eggs, meat and fish, contain all of the essential amino acids and are considered to be 'complete' proteins. Plant-derived nutrients are incomplete proteins; The amino acids that are not present in their structure need to be complemented by other sources. For this reason, vegetarians have to eat in certain combinations to get full protein; with whole wheat rice and beans, hazelnut butter and whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and cheese. The only vegetable source known as exception; soy products such as soybeans and tofu. They are full protein.


Keep in mind; vegetable foods such as soy products, nuts and cereals; salmon, oysters, scallops and sardines, as well as seafood and skimmed or low-fat dairy products. A woman can meet her daily protein needs from most foods. For example; 90 g. tuna or 90 gr. consuming turkey breast and also the amount of protein in the day 7.8 g. a bowl of lentil soup and 6 gr. which can meet daily protein needs by consuming foods such as eggs. A person who is fed a high protein diet loses weight because he chooses more low-calorie foods. If you don't take a group of carbohydrates that are half of the total calories in your diet, or if you severely restrict your intake, you will inevitably lose weight. However, after you stop dieting, you will recover a large portion of your weight.


The protein diet and its subsequent transition to protection need to be exercised with extreme caution. Otherwise, it is inevitable to recover the weight given. Keep in mind that everyone's machine works differently and the protein that they need to take daily varies from person to person. It is a proven fact that you endanger your health if you eat uncontrolled high protein. The more protein a person receives, the more calcium it throws and increases the risk of osteoporosis. Damage to the kidneys in vulnerable bodies leads to the risk of renal failure. Therefore, it is very important to consciously adjust the diet.


Turkey; niacin is a good source of vitamin B12 and B6. All three of these vitamins are used for energy production in the body. It is observed that niacin reduces the risk of heart attack and death from heart attack.

Inadequate consumption of folate, vitamins B6 and B12 leads to elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid-like substance that can be a risk factor for heart disease. Turkey is one of the rich sources of zinc, an important nutrient found in all body tissues. This important mineral is essential for a healthy immune system. It accelerates the healing of wounds and provides normal cell division. A 90-gram serving of turkey breast meets about 14 percent of our daily zinc requirement.


500 g. turkey chest
4 cloves of garlic
3 red meat peppers
1 hot red pepper
1 potato
2 carrots
2 tomatoes
3 onions
Cumin, curry, black pepper

Chop the turkey breast flaked. Roast with oil and spices until thoroughly absorbed. Then add all the vegetables and cook in a tea glass of water for 30 minutes.

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Nobi Nutrition Premium Fat Burner for Women - Thermogenic Supplement, Carbohydrate Blocker, Metabolism Booster an Appetite Suppressant - Healthier Weight Loss - Energy Pills - 60 Capsules

Able to burn fat faster!

Nobi Nutrition Premium Fat Burner for Women - Thermogenic Supplement, Carbohydrate Blocker, Metabolism Booster an Appetite Suppressant - Healthier Weight Loss - Energy Pills - 60 Capsules

How about listening to a few suggestions that will trigger your cardio exercises and get certain results? Double the effect of your fat burning-oriented movements by applying these substances.

When we talk about fat, we know that everybody stops and thinks and often brings akl excess weight ına to mind. But there is a point to remember. The fats you include in your body are natural and there is no trouble as long as you are in dosing. As long as you consume fried or processed fatty foods, there is a problem. Whereas you will get omega from fish and saturated fat from avocado will benefit you, not harm. However, as with everything, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of these useful oils. There are some points you need to pay attention to both your nutrition and your exercise types in order to achieve fast fat burning. By learning the foods you need to eat or stay away from, you can change the functioning of your exercise to make fat burning normal.


The idea of ​​monitoring and constantly checking the fat content may seem a little scary. But when you see the result, you won't regret doing it. For 10-15 g of fat you need daily, you should do a little check before consuming food. The amount of oil you can easily see in the packaged products will give you an idea of ​​what and how much you should consume. Although you cannot control the fat content of every meal you eat, even if you look at packaged foods, you are considered to be advantageous.


Taking less calories during the day, eating less meals will not provide any benefit to you and will lead to irregular nutrition will upset your balance. Falling below 1200 calories during the day sends a ısı hunger ”warning to your metabolism and will try to maintain every calorie you take. We recommend that you do not miss breakfast to cover a large and important portion of this daily calorie . One of the best friends of a fast metabolism that will keep you up almost all day, and when you do it right, will help you start your day well and energetically day.


The world of sports and nutrition speaks of the positive effect of proper fluid consumption on metabolism at every opportunity. These positive effects give metabolism a speed of 20 percent. 2 liters of water consumed during the day, according to research, 400-500 g per week causes you to lose. In addition to water, herbal teas, homemade iced teas or fruit juices are among the drinks that can be an alternative to water. If you need to stay away, excessive tea, coffee and alcohol…

*** Half a lemon juice to be added to a glass of water helps to dissolve the fatty acids in your body's fat tank, allowing you to become more energetic.


We know that running is one of the quickest results among the spoil exercises. Regular running exercises after a while in your body, even if a small amount of fat deposits, leaving you in charge of making you healthy and sporty task. Yes, when running regularly, you can burn fat in a good and quality way, but it is up to you to increase the effect. For example, you can accelerate fat burning by increasing the incline on the treadmill. If you are outdoors, you can also choose to go uphill. These inclinations will give you more effort and will be more beneficial for your fat burning.


If you're an office worker, we'll ask you to get up and move out of your chair to burn fat. This situation, which keeps you captive to the table and chair because of your work, you can get up from your place every hour and take a few laps and turn it into an advantage. Because the way to make the burning of fat constantly is moving, not sitting constantly. One of the best ways to burn fat is to do as much exercise as you can and go aside from the exercises you will do in the evening or in the morning.


Running is one of the most beautiful fat burning training, but we said the effect of running with weight training can accelerate fat burning. In particular, every day you run the highest level of fat looting, while carrying the weight, according to your own lifting weights burned fats will turn into a more beautiful result. Another point you should remember is that your cardion will lose weight while burning your fats ız If you do not want to fall under the weight and look frail, you should definitely complete your fat burning exercises with good nutrition and weight studies.


You can have a busy life. Depending on this, there may be disruptions in your meals. However, we would like to remind you that you need to settle this order in order to prevent oil formation. You can fight against fats by eating your dinner four hours before your sleep. Because your metabolic rate will slow down in the evening, it is recommended that you do not eat anything other than light and healthy snacks. Because the food you eat before you come back as fat yağ


You can see onions and garlic as antibiotics as well as fast-acting fat burners. These nutrients, which manage to double the strength of the immune system, serve as a shield against stomach and intestinal cancer. Yes, it's true that both of these foods emit bad odors. However, in order to accelerate your fat burning, you can consume it in your hot dishes by killing it in a light manner.


Flax seeds


Red pepper

Brown rice


Olive oil





Green tea






It helps the heart and circulatory system to work properly.

Makes you more powerful and fit.

It's good for your sleep patterns.

It regulates blood pressure.

It raises your motivation and makes you feel psychologically good.

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Top 3 Strategies for Fast Fat Burning

Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat Burner - Weight Loss Supplement, Appetite Suppressant, Energy Booster - Premium Fat Burning Acetyl L-Carnitine, Green Tea Extract, More - 60 Natural Veggie Diet Pills

The first rule of having a fit body is to burn fat. You will be able to carry the fat burning rate to the highest level with these 3 gold strategies that you will include in your exercises. Now we will explain the most effective tips for burning fat!

First Three Steps to Burn Fat

First of all, you need to create the most favorable environment for metabolizing fat molecules. Here's what you need to do:

Find calorie clearance or at least calorie balance.
Keep your metabolic rate as high as possible.
Regularly stimulates muscle fibers sufficiently violently.

There are two ways to create a calorie deficit; one is by feeding one and also by increasing the spent energy. One of the most common and effective ways to increase the energy spent is of course to exercise.

The most effective exercises in creating calorie clearance per unit time are cardio exercises, but cardio alone is not enough. Cardio as well as regular weight training is very important. If you create a calorie gap by just cardio, the calories you burn don't always come from fats. If there is no obstacle to the destruction of muscle tissue, that is, the body does not think that the existing muscle mass is necessary, the muscles will begin to collapse along with fat. The only way to prevent this is to do regular weight training.

In short, you need to practice both cardio and severe weight training regularly to ensure maximum fat burning.

Most Effective Strategies to Burn Fat

Let's come to the strategies you need to apply in your training to burn fat…

Strategy 1:

One of the goals should be to build a larger engine. Because as the engine grows, the amount of fuel it will naturally increase. In other words, you should try to increase your muscle mass as much as possible so that your metabolism works at a higher level. Muscle tissues need energy, which allows you to spend extra energy even when you're not doing anything. Every week, perform intense weight training for all muscle groups, try to increase or maintain muscle mass. It is very important that you force yourself enough when you do the exercises, you should always have a lot of difficulty doing the last 2-3 repetitions. If you can do 1 more when the last repeat is over, the weight you are using is not enough.

Strategy 2:

Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), which means the use of extra oxygen after exercise, means that metabolism remains higher than normal despite the end of exercise, in other words increasing oxygen and energy use per unit time. EPOC can continue for 24 hours after training and even longer. As the intensity of the exercise increases, the EPOC yield naturally increases. If you know that 84% of the burned fats are exported as carbon dioxide, you will realize how much EPOC contributes to the fat burning. So it is very important that you include the exercises that will increase EPOC into your routine. HIIT training, in particular, will be very useful for maximizing EPOC.

Strategy 3:

Metabolic training will also be very useful. In weight training, energy is targeted to the muscle that is exercised as much as possible and that muscle group is exercised in the most severe way. In order to burn fat, you need to make weight training to increase and keep your heart rate during the exercises and increase the energy you spend. It's easy to do. For example, during weight training, rest between 30-60 seconds of rest between sets. This will help keep your heartbeat high and increase the calories you burn. You can also try interval training. Especially if you do this for the first time you can get good results. In addition to normal weight training, you can diversify your training by practicing this type of training one day a week.

All of these strategies are effective methods for increasing fat burning and maintaining muscle mass. But all this has a side effect, that you'll sweat like water floods! So don't forget to bring an extra T-shirt with you! Good sports!

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25 Methods to Burn More Fat

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The questions about yak burning more fat ”or“ burning fat faster especially are among the top questions among the questions that come to our magazine and our website, especially in the period when you are in the summer months.

In this article, we have prepared a list of 25 items in order to ease your burden and speed up your fat burning process. Following these recommendations will help you to keep your body fat under control and never forget that; you should start working for the abdominal muscles that you can proudly display on the beach.

1. Use Slippery Pads

Using slippery pads for bodyweight exercises makes movement even more difficult and makes more effort to maintain balance during each movement. So you burn more calories.

2. Heavy Lift

Increased oxygen consumption after exercise means a rapid metabolism after training. Researchers at the University of Physical Education and Sports of Norway have found that after several studies, low repetitive training with heavy weights leads to a higher and prolonged increase in resting metabolism rate than performing repeated repetitive training with light weights. However, we do not say to stop high repetitive training completely; occasional high-weight (3-7 repetitions) you can increase the amount of calories you want to remind you to burn.

3. Drink plenty of water

German researchers have found that drinking 2 glasses of cold water can increase your metabolic rate by an average of 30%. This effect is thought to be due to increased norepinephrine.

The benefits of drinking vinegar water have been discussed recently. You can read the benefits of vinegar water on slimming in our article mı Does drinking water with vinegar regularly weaken? ”.

4. Consume Slowly Digested Carbohydrates

Brown rice, oats and whole wheat bread keep your insulin levels low and prevent sudden insulin outlets that stop fat burning. A study at Penn State University found that those who followed a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates from whole-grain sources had more fat loss than those who consumed low-calorie but refined carbohydrates.

5. Consume Fat

Some fats, such as omega-3, do not increase your fat content or even cause fat loss. Make sure that 30% of your daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats. When it comes to healthy fats, you should think of salmon, sardines and trout. Olive oil, peanut butter and walnuts also include healthy oils.

For information about using Omega-3, please read Nasıl How to use Omega-3 ”.

6. Rest Less

The College of New Jersey researchers found that when subjects rested for 30 seconds between sets in the bench press movement, they burned 50% more calories than three sets of rest between sets. Rest less than 1 minute between sets to burn you more fat.

7. Citrus

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and fiber. In addition, it can help prevent paralysis and support your fat burning. A study from the Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that subjects consuming half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice (by continuing their normal eating habits) lost an average of 1.8 kg in 12 weeks, and in some subjects even up to 4.5 kilograms. Researchers say this may be due to grapefruit's ability to lower insulin levels. It is recommended that you consume half a grapefruit in several of your meals (including before training).

8. Chew Gum

Glasgow Caledonian University found that subjects who chewed gum between meals ate less food than those who did not chew gum. Researchers have reported that gum increases the feeling of satiety and therefore reduces the desire to eat.

9. Peel Oil

Soy protein is known as a fat-burning protein source. A review article published at the University of Alabama (Birmingham) in 2008 found that soy protein could reduce appetite and caloric intake. Scientists have discovered that subjects who drink 20 grams of soy protein per day for 3 months lose significant amounts of fat.

The relationship between soy and testosterone is a frequently discussed topic. In our detaylı Soybean and Testosterone ”article, you can find detailed information about the subject.

10. Use Free Weight

It has been shown that using free weights, especially in exercises that run multiple muscles such as squat, causes more calories to be burned than doing the same movements on the machine. Scientists say the difference may be due to the balancing muscles that are activated during free weights.

11. Do Intermittent Cardio

One study found that subjects performing 3 10-minute running cycles with 20-minute rest intervals were easier to practice in this way than 30-minute running of the same intensity. It has been found that intermittent cardion results in more fat burning and burning more calories after training than in continuous exercises of the same amount.

12. Consume Avocado

Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, which are usually not stored in the body as fat. Avocado contains manoheptulose, a type of sugar that reduces insulin secretion and improves calcium absorption. As we mentioned earlier, keeping your insulin levels low is important to support fat burning, and getting enough calcium in your body can support fat burning. You can add a quarter of avocado to your salad and sandwich.

13. Don't Skip Protein

Increasing your protein intake increases satiety, reduces appetite, and may limit your calorie intake to help with weight loss (1). A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2013 found that eating a high-protein breakfast (35 grams) can make you feel full for longer.

14. Use Power

Go beyond the point of failure by applying forced repetitions, static contractions, rest-pause, and reduced sets to burn more fat. A study of American football players from college to a set of high intensity weight training sessions from one set to 6-10 repetitions per failure, and applying them as forced sets and static contractions for a few seconds, to low-intensity exercises from 3 sets to 6-10 repetitions per exercise compared to 10 weeks. The reason for this result is said to be attributed to the large increase in growth hormones of soccer players in the high intensity training group; A study in Finland found that forced repetitions increase growth hormone 3 times more than when repetitions are taken to the point of failure. In addition, a study with overweight young people showed that the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise led to a significant reduction in visceral fat (2).

15. Light Lift

Working with high weights can burn more calories after training, but increasing the number of repetitions will burn more calories during training, says College of New Jersey researchers who attended the annual meeting of the National Strength and Conditioning Association in 2007. Exercise your light weight high repetition (10-20) and high weight low repetition (3-7). Another way to get the most out of these two working techniques is to perform most exercises from 4 sets and apply the first two sets as high weight low repetition and the other two as light weight high repetition.

16. Do not make water

To suppress your hunger when you diet, prepare your protein drink with less water. In a study at Purdue University, subjects consumed two nutritionally similar protein drinks and stated that they felt more satiated after drinking the more solid one.

17. Get More Calcium

Dairy products are rich in calcium and calcium can promote fat burning. This may be due to the fact that calcium controls the functioning of the hormone called calcitriol, which causes the body to produce fat and prevent fat burning. If you have enough calcium in your body, calcitriol and fat production is suppressed and fat burning increases. Eating low-fat curd cheese and yogurt (which can also be strained) increases your protein intake and helps you burn fat.

18. Seasoning

Capsaicin, a ingredient in hot pepper, is known for suppressing your calorie burning and hunger. Its effects are increased when used with caffeine, and research has shown that it increases fat burning during exercise. Add red pepper, hot pepper or hot sauce to your dishes. Capsaicin supplements are another option.

19. Sleep

In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, subjects who sleep 5 or less at night tend to gain 13 kg and more in a third of their 16-year study compared to those who sleep 7 or more. This is thought to be due to an imbalance in leptin and ghrelin hormones: Leptin suppresses hunger and increases metabolic rate. Ghrelin increases hunger. Researchers at the University of Chicago reported that men who had two days of insomnia had increased levels of ghrelin hormone and had decreased leptin levels, as well as increased hunger feelings. Stanford University study found that leptin levels of low-sleeping subjects decreased and ghrelin levels increased. Fat rates were also higher compared to those who sleep 8 hours. We recommend that you sleep for 7-9 hours to support your recovery and to improve your health and also help you get rid of fats.

20. An Apple on Day

Apple polyphonelles are the compounds in the apple that are used for muscle strength, endurance and even getting rid of body fat. Genes that reduce fat production and storage have properties that increase movement, and their positive effects on endurance and strength can allow you to train harder and burn more fat. A large apple also contains 200 mg polyphenol.

21. Do HIIT

Repeated studies suggest that high-intensity intermittent training, such as running at 90% of your maximum heart rate and then exercising low-intensity (such as running at an average speed), causes you to burn more fat at 60-70% of your heart rate compared to 60 -70% of your heart rate. It was found.

22. Accelerate

Ball State University researchers recommend that weights lift faster. Researchers believe that fast-contracting muscle fibers burn more fat during exercise because they are less energy efficient than slow-contracting muscle fibers. For faster repetitions in your workouts, choose a weight equal to 30-60% of your maximum weight (1MT) that you can lift at a time for each exercise. Perform 3-8 quick repeats from 2 sets, and then apply 2-3 sets of repetitions at normal speed.

23. Climbing

A study from Italy found that rock-climbing subjects approached approximately 80% of their maximum heart rate, which is actually equal to an intensive cardio session. The subjects also burned 12 calories per minute (the value is for a male weighing 80 kg) or, in other words, 360 calories per 30 minutes. You can participate in rock climbing activities in the nature or indoors.

24. Greening

It is now better understood why organic meat and dairy products are expensive. British scientists have found that organic milk contains 70% more omega-3 than normal milk. A study published in the Journal of Dairy Science states that milk from cows fed in nature contains 500% more CLA than milk from cows fed by feed. The amount of omega-3 and CLA found in organic meat was also higher, which helps you burn more fat and build muscle.

25. Break the Shells

The Loma Linda University study found that low-calorie diets (diets where 40% of total calories come from fat and mostly almonds) improve fat burning within 24 weeks more than diets that contain a lot of carbohydrates and low fats but have the same calorie amount. Walnuts can also be a good choice.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

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10 nutrients that meet the body's need for water

Bytox The Hangover Patch with 12 Organic All Natural Vitamins, 5 Pack (5 Patches)

What are the nutrients that eliminate the body's fluid need and thirst, and what should be considered to replace the lost fluid on hot summer days?

Sweating and fluid loss due to the increase in air temperatures in the summer months makes you feel more thirsty. In order for every organ in the body to function properly, replacing the lost fluid and regular water consumption is of great importance. After a few hours of drinking water, the electrolyte balance may deteriorate, causing problems such as weakness and fatigue. Not only fluid intake and water consumption, but also the regular availability of certain nutrients at the tables meets the body's need for water. Nutrition and Dietitian Specialist Berna Ertuğ gave information about the nutrients that meet the need for fluid and thirst:

Cucumber: Cucumber contains 95 percent water in its content. Therefore, it is a very useful vegetable in terms of replacing the liquid lost in summer heat. It is also rich in vitamins A and C.

Melon: Melon regulates blood pressure, relieves constipation and keeps satiety with its 90% water content, a good source of potassium and vitamin C.

Tomato: Tomato, thanks to the content of lycopene strengthens the immune system and prevents slowing circulation. With its 95% water content, it saves cells from water loss. In addition, the amount of lycopene in tomato increases more when cooked and broken. Therefore, consumption of tomato juice in summer is quite beneficial for body health.

Strawberry: Very rich in vitamin C strawberries, contains more than 90 percent water content. It prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps to fight infections. Keeps it full for a long time thanks to its fiber structure

Photo: Pixabay

Yogurt: Yogurt contains 80 percent water. It is also an intestinal regulator with beneficial bacteria. It has a refreshing feature. Very useful for bones, teeth, muscles and nerve conduction.

Watermelon: The water content of watermelon is 92 percent. It is also a very rich fruit in terms of beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. Contains B vitamins to help maintain energy during the day. It accelerates blood circulation and prevents the increase of cholesterol levels by keeping harmful substances away from your veins. However, it should be remembered that watermelon, which is consumed most during the summer months and gives coolness, contains a high amount of sugar.

Pepper: Pepper contains plenty of vitamins A and C. Again, the amount of water in the content is more than 90 percent. With the vitamins it contains, it ensures the healthy functioning of the cells.

Zucchini: Zucchini stands out with its rich water content. It is one of the vegetables that contain more than 90 percent water in its structure. Therefore, instead of consuming heavy food in the summer heat, many meal options can be prepared with pumpkin.

Lettuce: Lettuce has an average of 95 percent water. In this respect, consuming lettuce in the summer significantly prevents the body's loss of water. Lettuce, which is also very rich in vitamin C, contains more water.

Lemon: Lemon, which contains more than 90 percent water, can be consumed in the form of sugar-free lemonade in summer.


It is vital to maintain water levels in the human body. Even when there is a 2 percent reduction in water in the body, changes in acid balance occur. A 7 percent change can lead to fatigue and fatigue in the human body, or even hallucinations. A change of 10 percent may result in death of kidney function and termination.

The body sometimes needs more fluid. Activities such as hot weather, movement, consumption of excess protein and salty foods, sweating and urination cause the body's need for water. In addition, in feverish diseases that increase body temperature, problems such as respiratory tract and diarrhea, water is lost through the intestine. While the total amount of water lost during the day reaches 2.5 liters, many people are unconscious and unconsciously leaving their body dehydrated. In order for the cells to perform their vital activities and thus complete the functions of the body, the body's water balance must be maintained.

The body needs to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water a day to get enough liquid. Water should be consumed without losing the body resistance and feeling the thirst. Especially in the summer, consuming a large amount of acidic beverages, the amount of tea and coffee to drink too much, can lead to frequent urination and fluid loss. For this reason, healthy drinks such as freshly squeezed fruit juices, homemade lemonade, buttermilk and mineral water should be preferred besides water.
DO NOT stay hydrated while doing the exercise!

Water consumption should be taken into consideration while exercising in summer. 15 minutes before starting the exercise 1-1.5 cups, while exercising 10-15 minutes intervals should drink half a glass of water. In addition, nutrients that meet the body's water needs can be included in the nutrition program in hot weather.

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Nuun Active Effervescent Electrolyte Supplement Tablets - 1 Tube (Grape)

What happens to our body when dehydrated

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Dehydration is a chemical reaction in which water loss occurs. Dehydration reactions are a subgroup of elimination reactions. Dehydration occurs when water is lost in the body. What happens to our bodies when we are dehydrated? How does lack of water affect your body?

It means losing more than the water you drink and having difficulty in fulfilling your body's basic needs.

Keeping your body temperature constant, like removing waste from your body.
Water sweats, tears from your body, every time you go to the toilet and even breathe some amount is thrown.
How does water deficiency affect your body?

More than half of your body is made up of water, so its deficiency affects you differently. If you have moderate water deficiency, you will feel tired and have a headache. Your mode changes and you have difficulty concentrating.
What is Dehydration?

Dehydration occurs as a result of not losing too much water or liquid in the body. If the body loses more than the fluid it receives, it will result in dehydration.
Dehydration treatment

Light or little dehydration is easy to treat. However, if Dehydration reaches excessive or high levels, it requires immediate medical attention and may be life-threatening.

Yeah, but don't panic. As long as you feel the need to drink water and meet this need, there is no problem. However, in older adults, the need to drink water can occur longer. So it will help you to acquire the habit of drinking water.

If you have diarrhea and vomiting, you should drink slightly more than 4 liters of water. Because children are small, they need more water than adults. The process of eliminating the water needs of the elderly should be kept under control as the feelings of drinking water will diminish over time. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should drink more water than usual.

Babies and young children cannot tell you what changes are in their bodies, but if they don't urinate for more than 3 hours, if their mouth is dry and sticky, if their tears do not flow when they cry, if their eyes and cheeks seem to sink, they're dehydrated if they breathe faster or faster.

If you feel thirsty and your network is dry, you urinate less than 4 times a day and this urine is dark and smells heavily.

If you are unconscious, if your pulse is faster or slower than normal, you are dizzy and feeling depressed you are dehydrated.

There is never any scientific research behind this rule. You need to decide how much you should drink by listening to your body. So if you do not know if you check your urine if the color is dark, but if the color is light yellow is no problem.

The electrolytes are mainly salt. They consist of a combination of sodium, potassium and calcium, but they form components from your nerves to your bones. If you don't drink enough water, it's rare to go to the toilet. This means that your body is trying to balance the electrolytes.

Almost none. It is basically a combination of water, sugar and salt and is designed for top athletes and marathon runners.

When you do sports, you need more water than your daily needs, the main goal is to burn calories. If you do not exercise more than 1 hour a day does not make sense.

If your water deficiency is moderate and above and you do not have diarrhea and vomiting, drinking water will provide you with what you need.

Water, sugar and salt mixed solutions are actually more suitable for children with diarrhea and vomiting

When should you call your doctor?
If you show signs of serious water deficiency, you should call immediately.

Diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours
Head period, confusion and fainting
If you don't have energy
Black or bloody stool
Shortness of breath and pulse height

You can best treat severe dehydration by going to the hospital. Doctors will give you the appropriate salts and water in your veins as a serum because you can't take that much water or salt by mouth.


You can drink, but this is not a situation that happens too much.
If you have drunk more water than your kidneys can handle, then you will experience something called hyponatremia. This means that your sodium levels will drop too low and your cells will swell. Fatal, but very rare.

If you can't remember whether you drink enough water, put things in your daily life to remind you. Fill your thermos with water in the morning. Set an alarm for water at each meal or to remind your phone to drink water every hour. Some people think it's useful to carry a bottle with you, and you always get hungry for water first because people mix open and thirst.

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Nuun, Drink Tab Ginger Lemonade, 2 Ounce

Importance of Water Consumption in Summer

Nuun, Drink Tab Ginger Lemonade, 2 Ounce

With the approach of the summer months, when the hot weather shows itself, you start to feel that you are thirsty while you spend time outside. This is normal, which means that your body needs more water because it is exposed to heat, but it is a matter to be aware of.

The human body has a certain temperature and needs cooling when the body gets too hot. First, the blood vessels expand to provide blood flow to the skin. This allows excessive heat to spread throughout the body. Then sweating begins. Evaporation of sweat cools the skin, which helps to cool the whole body. However, the problem is that excessive sweating leads to dehydration.

Especially in the summer, while working, doing sports, excessive sweating by drinking plenty of water you can eliminate the fluid lost by the body. If you do not drink enough water, your body may become dehydrated and the body will be dehydrated with hot air. In addition, water consumption should not be provided with carboy water or pet bottles, but with healthy water treated with water treatment devices.

What is Dehydration?
Dehydration is the loss of water and salt that the body needs. Our body needs water to maintain our blood volume, to ensure that other body fluids work properly and to maintain our blood pressure. It is useless to drink water from pet bottles and untreated water because our body needs water. However, our body is not dehydrated by drinking purified water, ie healthy water, and our body becomes healthy with the minerals contained in healthy water.

Symptoms of Dehydration
Signs and symptoms of dehydration change gradually and include.

Increased thirst
Headache, dizziness
Dry skin,
Cramps in the limbs
Dark urine and less urination

How much water should be consumed?
The water consumption rate of people varies from person to person depending on their working environment or sports. However, each individual must drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. In the summer, hot weather should not cause dehydration in the human body, but even if there is no thirst, water should still be drunk.

For healthy and clean water consumption, water must be drunk from the treatment device. The water treatment systems to be owned at home and in the workplace will meet the water consumption in summer in a healthy way.

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