Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Nuun, Drink Tab Ginger Lemonade, 2 Ounce

Importance of Water Consumption in Summer

Nuun, Drink Tab Ginger Lemonade, 2 Ounce

With the approach of the summer months, when the hot weather shows itself, you start to feel that you are thirsty while you spend time outside. This is normal, which means that your body needs more water because it is exposed to heat, but it is a matter to be aware of.

The human body has a certain temperature and needs cooling when the body gets too hot. First, the blood vessels expand to provide blood flow to the skin. This allows excessive heat to spread throughout the body. Then sweating begins. Evaporation of sweat cools the skin, which helps to cool the whole body. However, the problem is that excessive sweating leads to dehydration.

Especially in the summer, while working, doing sports, excessive sweating by drinking plenty of water you can eliminate the fluid lost by the body. If you do not drink enough water, your body may become dehydrated and the body will be dehydrated with hot air. In addition, water consumption should not be provided with carboy water or pet bottles, but with healthy water treated with water treatment devices.

What is Dehydration?
Dehydration is the loss of water and salt that the body needs. Our body needs water to maintain our blood volume, to ensure that other body fluids work properly and to maintain our blood pressure. It is useless to drink water from pet bottles and untreated water because our body needs water. However, our body is not dehydrated by drinking purified water, ie healthy water, and our body becomes healthy with the minerals contained in healthy water.

Symptoms of Dehydration
Signs and symptoms of dehydration change gradually and include.

Increased thirst
Headache, dizziness
Dry skin,
Cramps in the limbs
Dark urine and less urination

How much water should be consumed?
The water consumption rate of people varies from person to person depending on their working environment or sports. However, each individual must drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. In the summer, hot weather should not cause dehydration in the human body, but even if there is no thirst, water should still be drunk.

For healthy and clean water consumption, water must be drunk from the treatment device. The water treatment systems to be owned at home and in the workplace will meet the water consumption in summer in a healthy way.

Nuun, Drink Tab Ginger Lemonade, 2 Ounce