Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Advocare Rehydrate- Red Raspberry 14 Pouches


Advocare Rehydrate- Red Raspberry 14 Pouches

Water is the most important element for human life after breath.
A person can live for weeks without food, but without water, only for a few days. With 10% reduction in body water, life begins to be in danger. When 20% is lost, it results in death.

The water in the human body varies between 45-70%. The tasks of water in the body are quite high. Food digestion, absorption, control of body temperature, ensuring the lubricity of the joints are the main ones.

Adult people drink an average of 1 liter of food and 1.2 liters of water with food. Since 85-90% of the nutrients such as vegetables and fruits are water, some of the liquid intake is met from these foods. Each person 1 calorie food for 1 gr. should take water. For example, a male fed 2,000 calories on average 2 kg. should take liquid. The human body averages 500 per day via the skin, 300 by lungs, 1500 by urine from the kidneys and 200 ml from the intestines. loses water. These amounts vary according to climatic conditions, disease and sports.

1% decrease in water density in the body causes thirst for us. When the body loses excess water, physical performance decreases, concentration decreases, dizziness occurs. Further losses include dizziness, vomiting, muscle spasm and excessive fatigue.

The cleaning of the water to be used is an important issue. If there is water that we do not know how it comes from, it should be boiled for 3-5 minutes. Otherwise, the microbes in the water can cause serious illness. Closed waters are safer in this sense and should be preferred. Especially if you are a child who drinks water, you need to be more sensitive. The risk of getting sick is higher because they are more open to the microbe.

Some people may not like to drink water alone. These people should definitely prefer a liquid that will taste. This liquid can be drinks such as clear tea, lemonade, herbal teas. Calorie and nutritional value is important in these beverages. For instance, it is inconvenient to drink 1.5 liters of acidic beverages a day to meet the liquid needs. Or ready-made juices are very sugary and painted. Consuming them also causes unnecessary weight gain. No liquid consumed performs the functions of water in the body. The most ideal liquid for us is water. Water is always easier to reach. Small sips can be started and gradually increased.

Abundant consumption of vegetables and fruits is also a good alternative. For example, 95% of watermelon is water. It is both easy and economical to be present at the tables. It is also beneficial to have other vegetables and fruits.

Consumption of buttermilk is especially useful in the summer when blood pressure does not fall. It's okay if it's a little salty. However, excess salt does more harm than good. 2-3 glasses a day is enough. We meet both our calcium needs and liquid needs.

For all these reasons, the daily fluid requirement must be completed. Let us not forget that water is health…


Experts that the reduction in the amount of water in the body threatens health, water should not wait to drink, he said.

Experts, the reduction in the amount of water in the body (dehydration) affects the concentration capacity of a person, reduces energy and normal health of the organs by preventing the functioning of the drews attention to the attention. In order to sustain vital activities, experts noted that the water lost from the body must be replaced during the day and that the best method for this is to drink water.

Loss of water, other drinks, solid nutrients and nutrients in the body of water that consists of burning experts tried to put into place, "People, solid food they eat during the day, while obtaining 4 cups of water in the body during the combustion of nutrients in the body of about a glass of water occurs. Water and other beverages help to meet the remaining needs. In order to sustain the vital activities, the lost water must be put in place during the day.

Although the earliest sign of dehydration is dryness of the mouth and throat, many people do not realize these findings, experts, such a threat to stay under the threat of thirst, before waking up to drink enough water suggests. Experts share the following views on dehydration: "Another important finding is nausea and vomiting. Headache, constant feeling of warmth, dry lips and tongue, sparse or less urination, darkening of urine color, dry skin, pain in the joints and muscles, Other health problems if the body's water needs are not met are inadequate calorie formation, persistent digestive system problems, fatigue, feeling of dizziness and muscle cramps.


Maintaining the balance of water in the body, which makes up more than half of our weight, is of great importance for our health. Experts, the best choice to replace the lost water is drinking water, the specified size of water should be drunk during the day, he said. In addition, experts, a meal with a bowl of soup to start and at least one glass of water should be drunk during the meal. Another point that should be considered is the loss of water in the body during physical activity, hence the need for water to increase the experts, "Therefore, to start the physical activity by drinking water and maintaining the activity of water, water balance in the body is important in terms of deterioration. The water loss of the body must be kept with the person in the car, on the train, on the airplane, in short, on all journeys. It is advisable to drink water or hot water flavored with lemon in order to quickly recover the body's lost water during the journey.

Advocare Rehydrate- Red Raspberry 14 Pouches