Showing posts with label Drink-Protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drink-Protein. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with Fiber, with 13 grams of high-quality protein, Meal Replacement Shake, Milk Chocolate, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

What is Insulin-Growth-Growth Hormone-GH-IGF-1

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with Fiber,  with 13 grams of high-quality protein, Meal Replacement Shake, Milk Chocolate, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

Insulin is produced in the pancreas and is secreted into the blood and binds to the carrier proteins and transported to the muscle, liver and other tissues. The main action of insulin is to regulate blood glucose levels.

To achieve this, insulin, sugar and carbohydrates, fat and protein has an effect on the structure (Boden et al 1991).
Insulin also affects growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and testosterone along with other anabolic hormones to provide an overall increase in anabolic-muscle growth effect.

Growth hormone is important for fitness athletes because it increases protein synthesis and reduces muscle breakdown. Thanks to the growth hormone, it is possible to have more muscle mass.

Essential for Growth Hormone “GH” and Insulin

Excessive fluctuations in insulin levels are not observed due to increased GH (growth hormone) secretion on a high fat low carbohydrate diet administered during the week. The absence of excessive fluctuations in insulin levels may be a sign that the body may be seen more vigorous and lean.

Bodybuilding athletes want to have more muscle mass. High-fat, low-carbohydrate diet will increase the growth hormone secretion in bodybuilding athletes.

With the increase of growth hormone, GH, muscle mass also increases. It is also useful to know that an important part of the high-fat diet consists of useful-unsaturated fats.

Growth Hormone-IGF-1 to Increase Fat Burning

GH, growth hormone, fitness athletes to have more muscle mass is a very good stimulus for the environment. Growth hormone stimulates cells to increase the burning of body fat and limit the accumulation of fats in order to use fats in the body instead of sugar.

Growth hormone, a polypeptide ept multiple amino acids ”, is produced by the anterior pituitary (anterior pituitary).

Some of the effects of GH on human metabolism include stimulation of lipolyses-fat burning and fat oxidation of support for protein protection. These stimulations prevent certain protein-muscle loss situations.

Growth hormone in cases of muscle loss occurs, using fats instead of protein as a support, instead of muscle, fat can be burned. (Sjögren et al 2007).

Growth Hormone-GH to Prevent Muscle Loss

GH-growth hormone acts almost like a lık hunger ”hormone. When our body is in danger, attack or stressful state, growth hormone initiates activity to alleviate the need for stress and increased energy, while at the same time activating the body's energy reserves to maintain basic muscle mass.

Similarly, growth hormone levels increase in training loadings. Especially in bodybuilding and fitness athletes, there is an increase in the level of growth hormone. In this way, fitness athletes can build more muscles.

GH is an important hormone for athletes who want to build more muscle and have a lean athletic physique. As research has shown, growth hormone offers significant benefits for those who want to burn fat, build more muscle .

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with Fiber, with 13 grams of high-quality protein, Meal Replacement Shake, Milk Chocolate, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with 13 grams of high-quality protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Strawberry, 8 fl oz, 24 count

How to pump the upper chest muscles

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with 13 grams of high-quality protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Strawberry, 8 fl oz, 24 count

Beautiful, elastic and pumped to the body - not only attractive but also stylish. After all, modern fashion for a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular. However, men often make some mistakes because the figure becomes strange. Usually this is expressed by pumped arms, but weak (even thin) legs, irregularly shaped breasts. The muscles in the upper part of the breast make up 60 percent of the entire breast, so we work on the upper part to determine the appearance of the breast. The beautifully pumped chest and “collar” region attract women as strong biceps. But how can we shape this breast so that the real result is noticeable?

How to pump the upper chest muscles
Exercises to pump the upper breast

Some effective exercises to help the upper chest work carefully.

Always start your workout with exercises in an inclined sequence. This will ensure a precise focus on the upper muscle groups. You can press dumbbells, you can exercise with dumbbells, the main situation is that the bench should be inclined, not horizontal. And doing these exercises at the beginning of the exercise, the muscles being “fresh a right now, is the best way to do more approaches and repetitions. It is best to adjust the tilt table to 20-30 degrees. If you do more, for example, 45, the deltas enter the work, removing the burden from the chest muscles.
Choose the bar, not the barbell. Exercising with dumbbells on a sloping bench constantly changes the angle of the bench. This allows you to work out the different muscles of the chest - upper, middle and lower. The most effective exercise for the upper part of the chest is to raise arms sideways. Lie down on a sloping bench, arms slightly bent at the elbows, fists turned towards the palms. Open your arms as wide as you can. Perform 30 repetitions in 4-5 sets.
If you are in the gym, one of the best simulators for the chest is a simulator for lifting hands. In this case, be sure to follow your elbows - lift your elbows up and keep them parallel to the ground.
The bench press with partial amplitude is very good for building chest muscles. Sit on a horizontal or inclined bench, grip - slightly wider than normal. Partial amplitude is the slight lowering and lifting of the neck when the movements are performed only from the top, not from the bottom up.
Another good workout to work your chest muscles is push-ups. However, classic push-ups often only affect the lower part of the chest. So we push the chairs up. Place the two stools at a distance equal to the distance from the elbow to the elbow. Legs should be leaning against a bench or couch (if exercise is performed at home). Try to lower the body as low as possible so that you are working on the upper part of the chest muscles. It is best to perform 20 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. If it is easy to repeat the number and approaches, do it with a load of exercise.
Great workout to work your upper chest - exercises on uneven bars. To maximize the effect of the exercises, you should place your hands only in half, not as wide and fully down as possible.
Lay down the bench (horizontal but better than sloping!). Hands hold dumbbells as if holding a neck. Start lifting and lowering the dumbbell at the same time. Make 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
You should do narrow push-ups to work in the chest muscles. The technique of doing the exercise is similar to the classic push-ups, but the hands should be placed as close to each other as possible, so that the fingers of one hand touch the fingers of the other hand. At the same time, do not rush to lower the body, to the original position, in this form, stabilize your body for a second. This will give the chest the maximum load.
Another type of exercise, including the upper chest, is ”forward şut push shots. To do this, you must position the legs at a higher level than the rest of the body. To create a load on the chest muscles, you need to have elbows to look in different directions, not triceps.

These basic exercises can be complemented by other variations, but the basic techniques should be the same. The upper chest is an important and training program to work with.

How to make a protein shake at home
How much train there

First, pay attention to the education regime. Any experienced bodybuilder will tell you that you can't train every day. Even with a strong desire to achieve great results. The truth is that in intensive training, muscle fibers get microfractures, which heal later (hence pain after training). If you exercise at intervals of a day, the muscles have to stretch and grow, which is what we need.

When programming workouts, do not use the muscles, change the type of exercise, increase the number of repetitions and approaches, add weight. The load must always be changed and increased. The only way to build muscle.
Muscle building diet

It has an important importance when building any muscle group. Any athlete knows that the basis of bodybuilding nutrition is protein. The percentage of any meal should be at least 60. Here are some nutritional guidelines that will speed up the process of building your chest muscles.

Muscle building diet

Protein, protein, protein. This is the main condition for muscle growth. This may include meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, dairy products, soy, beans.
Great importance is given to carbohydrates. They must be at least 30 percent. This helps build mass.
Usually gradual fraction - food is necessary. It's better if you have about 6 meals a day. One serving should saturate hunger, but at the same time 2.5-3 hours on an empty stomach.
Before training, it is better to eat something carbohydrates such as a banana. It saturates the body with energy, so that exercise is beneficial, rich and intense.
You can drink a protein shake right after a workout. Tired muscles will gladly accept the protein product that will contribute to their active growth.
Special attention should be paid to fluids. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of pure water during the day, you can make minerals, but you cannot be carbonated. Coffee, strong tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks should be completely eliminated or minimized.
When cooking, it should be preferred to cook and cook. You can steam and bake meats and vegetables in the oven. No frying!
Discard oil or use as little as possible - only in salad dressings. In general, it is better to fill the salads with kefir or yogurt from fresh vegetables.
Avoid salt and sugar or minimize their consumption.
Carbohydrate foods (pasta made from durum wheat, whole grain breads) should be consumed mainly in the morning. Dinner (especially after training) - definitely protein products. This will allow you to dry, to get more relief forms.

These simple rules will help you speed up the process of building muscles - not just the upper chest, but also the rest of your body.

Sometimes the girl needs to pump the upper part of the muscles. It's not just a charity's desire. Strengthening the chest muscles, tightening the mammary glands, allows you to increase their volume by half. In this case, the exercises should be similar, but the number of repetitions and approaches should be less than that of men.

A beautiful male body with distinctive pectoral muscles creates the image of a wild Tarzan that women love so much. Most of the time, it is not enough to come to the gym and dumbbell every night. It must be approached responsibly to build your own body. With just the right approach, you can make your own shape perfect.

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with 13 grams of high-quality protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Strawberry, 8 fl oz, 24 count

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 9g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Chocolate, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

How to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle?

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 9g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Chocolate, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

In fat burning exercises, muscle is often burned unconsciously. Since weight is lost on the scale, this situation is not taken into consideration at the beginning, but it is realized by the sagging that occurs over time and the imperfect appearance. Burning fat without losing muscle is a serious effort. The more muscle mass we have as a body, the faster our metabolic rate. This is because every movement of our muscles leads to energy consumption in the body. Therefore, it is very important to try to keep our muscle loss to a minimum while losing weight. In short, if our muscles remain high, we will burn more fortunes.

Building muscle is not as easy as you think. With the best nutrition and best training, an athlete can take a maximum of 750 grams of muscle per month. But there is no upper limit of lubrication. Important information.

We have prepared the information for you to burn fat without losing muscle:

Do not forget to take 1 gram of protein per kilogram, even on days when you are poorly fed and cannot go to sports. If you weigh 80 kilograms of protein, take 80 grams. I mentioned that this value is the lowest value. If you really want to get efficiency, you should consume more than 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram (some sources recommend 2 grams per kilogram)
Be sure to consume a protein mixture or a meal containing protein after training. This is due to the repair and construction of damaged muscle fibers after training. So our main rule to protect and configure muscle is protein uptake. Protein intake is essential for losing weight without losing muscle .
Do not reset your carbohydrate consumption. Research shows that male athletes taking less than 150 grams of carbohydrates per day may cause muscle loss . There are 25 grams of carbohydrates in 100 grams of cooked rice for your sample. But excessive carbohydrate intake will trigger insulin, which is something we don't want. So we should prefer complex carbohydrates (vegetables, whole wheat bread, etc.) to burn fat without losing muscle .
There is an inverse relationship between increasing power and decreasing fat. Lean muscle mass increases as our strength increases. Therefore, do not forget to increase the weights of the movements you work from week to week month to month. Try to increase weights, even if small, in each training session. The higher the muscle content, the more fat will be burned.
Review your rest periods after bodybuilding and fitness workouts. Most over-training results in muscle destruction. A good weight training should be between 40-50min and should not exceed this period, and 60 seconds between sets should be waited with the experience from myself and my environment. At the end of the program at least 24 to 72 hours to rest the muscles is required. Remember that muscle grows while relaxing. If you do long exercises every day and spend a lot of effort and cannot feed on a regular basis, you lose weight but some of it will be intentionally…
Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Make early sleep a habit. Sleeping less makes it difficult to lose weight.
Check your stress. Stress is a psychological condition that really has great effects on the body and can very easily lead to muscle destruction. In this logic, doing sports will discharge our stress, even if we feel psychologically bad, we should not pass the sport empty.

During weight loss periods, do not enter heavy diets. This slows down your metabolism, which is not desirable. After a few weeks of transition, start your diet program in full. Follow a diet without torturing yourself. For a diet program to burn fat without losing muscle: The Low Carb Diet Program
Use glutamine and BCAA . These amino acids, which are supplement types, resist the burning of muscles while feeding. I strongly recommend the use of BCAA, especially for those who are involved in heavy cardio studies (absolutely necessary to prevent muscle loss;
Of course, fat burning is not without cardio. However, we must pay attention to our heart rate in cardiovascular and should not be too high values. The reason is that the effort exerted too much is ultimately a negative effect on the muscles. For example, if you worked 40 minutes of weight on a 40-minute cardio, you probably burn fat with the muscle. Therefore, do not consciously do long-term cardio exercises. 40min weight + 20min interval cardio will be more than enough with good nutrition.
Using L carnitine , which helps in burning fat, will be quite a lot for you at this stage. Use it if you can (athletes performing L-Carnitine-supported cardio programs burned more fat than athletes without l-carnitine)
Definitely don't do carbohydrate intake in the evening and night. If you do, the secretion of GH (growth hormone) at night will be reduced. Remember, the more GH secreted, the easier you build muscle and the easier you burn fat.
Frequent meals help you lose weight. Eat regularly as main and snacks, do not leave the body hungry.
Do not neglect the leg should work. To increase our natural testosterone level, you should do leg training. The more active the hormones work, the easier the body will become.

I suggest you read these articles on the subject.

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 9g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Chocolate, 8 Fl Oz, Pack of 24

Ensure Max Protein Nutritional Shake with 30g of High-Quality Protein, 1g of Sugar, High Protein Shake, French Vanilla, 11 fl oz, 12 Count

How to make muscle? Scientific Methods!

Ensure Max Protein Nutritional Shake with 30g of High-Quality Protein, 1g of Sugar, High Protein Shake, French Vanilla, 11 fl oz, 12 Count

In this article you will learn how to make muscles the fastest and most effective way, based on scientific data. Unfortunately, there is a lot of information pollution about body building and muscle building, and much of this information is based on “garbage science.. So unreliable information.

My aim in this paper is to help people who want to eliminate this information pollution and especially to create their own program.
Making Muscles While Burning Fat

Before moving on to the main part of the article, let's talk about how muscle is made while burning fat:

In general, it is very difficult or impossible to build muscle while burning fat. Unless, of course, one of the following applies:

You're very fat and you've just started weight training. Muscle development is faster for beginners. And fat burning is more likely to occur in obese people because of the calorie division of fat burning ( 1 ).
You've corrected anything you've done wrong before. For example, you had previously been working at a very low concentration or eating very little protein.
After a long break, you started to develop your body again. After a long break for various reasons, it is possible to build muscle and burn fat ( 2 ).
You are using anabolic steroids ( 3 ).

If none of these works for you, forget about the idea of ​​muscle building and fat burning at the same time. Not because it will not happen, but this process proceeds so slowly that you give up before you notice a visible change in your body.

Let's go back to the scientific muscle building guide without any further issues:
How to build muscle by weight training?

Let me remind you that if any of you do not know: the most important and fundamental warning that causes muscle growth is çalışmak weight training ”.

If your main goal is to build muscle, you must set each working variable to stimulate muscle growth as follows.
1.Motion selection and sequence

To make muscle, select a few moves for each large muscle group.

These movements are movements that you need to focus on, at least in the next few months, and so they must meet the following requirements:

Muscle group should be operated at full range
It should provide the best yield. So you should turn to all-body movements .
Can be done safely
Enough space for weight gain
Must comply with the general work plan

As a rule of thumb, the general rule is to organize your movements in such a way as to minimize the severity of the work and the overall volume. So this:

Perform lower and upper body movements alternately.
Perform push and pull movements in sequence.
Perform all-body movements first and then the isolation movements.

2. Working Severity and Reps in Reserve (RIR)

Operating intensity refers to the weight you use to make the movement. For example, 1 RM (Repetition Maximum) refers to the weight at which you can make any movement up to 1 repetition, and 10 RM is the weight at which you can make the same movement 10 repetitions.

Operating intensity can also be expressed as a percentage of 1 RM. For example, you can do about 12 repetitions with 70% of your 1 RM. With 85%, most people can do 5 repetitions. 1 Click for Rm calculation .

Reps in Reserve (RIR) is the number of repetitions you can make from the last repetition to failure. For example, you did 8 reps with 60 kilos, but you could do 10 reps. In this case it becomes RIR 2 (because you keep 2 reps in reserve).

how to make muscle

When determining the intensity of work to build muscle, the weight you lift:

Efficient time-to-work volume
Slowly increase the weight of your movement
And it should allow you to reduce the risk of injury as much as possible while doing the above.

Considering these, a work intensity of 65-85% (ie 5-15 repetitions) of your 1 RM is generally ideal for the majority of people ( 4 ).

A wise and frequent strategy:

75-85% of your 1 RM for full-body movements
Use 65-75% of your 1 RM for insulation movements.

As for RIR, always finish 1-2 moves before failure in all-body movements. In isolation movements, you can go up to failure in your last set.
3. Working Volume and Frequency

The working volume is calculated as “weight x repeat x set (( 5 ). So with 50 kilos, 3 sets and 10 repetitions, your working volume is 50x3x10 = 1500.

The working volume can sometimes be assessed by the total number of repetitions or sets you make for the muscle group you are working with.

Working frequency is the frequency of organizing this volume.

When determining your working volume for muscle building, your working volume:

Enough to cause muscle growth
Recovery is too little to push your recovery ability
And it is important that it is too small to prevent you from increasing the weight.

In view of the above lines, considering the scientific research and experience, beginners and intermediate athletes should apply 6 and 16 sets of workouts per week for each major muscle group.

It is a good idea to start with the lower of these two numbers and increase the number according to your muscle building speed and recovery ability.

As for the frequency of work, we recommend dividing the total weekly volume into 2 or 3 studies per week. According to the studies, dividing the same working volume more frequently causes more muscle building ( 6 ).
4. Rest and lift speed between sets

According to the studies, muscle growth (hypertrophy) occurs as a result of the increase in the external force (working intensity) and total working volume on the muscles ( 7 ).

That is, the rest period between sets you should pay attention to when determining the rest interval:

Does not adversely affect the severity of work
It does not adversely affect the total working volume.

Considering this, it may be advisable to rest for about 2-3 minutes between each set ( 8 ). Remember that if the weight you lift is too high, you can listen even more.

In terms of lifting tempo, weight lifting and lowering speed, although many theories have been produced in terms of time under load and hormonal response, your research shows that your lifting tempo does not change much ( 9 ).

A good approach would be to lift the weight as quickly as possible (explosive) and lower it in a controlled manner.
5. Progress

To strengthen and build muscle, you must progress. So the total working volume should increase throughout your sports life.

For beginners and intermediate athletes, working with sufficient intensity and volume will be enough for muscle and strength gains.

The best thing you can do for progress is to increase weight by 5-10% for six body movements and 2.5-5% for upper body movements if you can do all repetitions in a good form in one study.
6. Bodybuilding Program for Beginners

With the above recommendations in mind, we can create a program like this:

Perform Study A and Study B 2-3 times a week in total, and take a day off after each study. Rest time between sets should be 2-3 minutes and the weight should be lifted at explosive speed and lowered in a controlled manner.

How to Make a Nutrition Program for Muscle Building?

If you ask any muscular bodybuilding person what is the right bodybuilding diet, you will naturally get these answers: eating enough, eating enough protein, eating a few meals a day.

But what you can't hear from these people is the order in which they count, and which ones you need to prioritize to achieve the goal of building muscles as fast as possible.

The fact that these nutritional priorities are an order of importance will constantly remind you what is most important and that is important to your success.

In our opinion, the most important factors for your diet are as follows:

1. Calorie Consumption

As you know, if your goal is to lose weight, you need to be in a negative calorie balance, which means you get less than the calories you spend. This is not a theory or hypothesis, but the Kanunu First Law of Thermodynamics ”.

In the same way to make muscle, you need to enter into a full askine, (usually) positive calorie balance. So you should get more than the calories you spend per day.

Because while trying to build muscle, we are actually trying to increase the energy stores of our muscles. And because protein contains 4 calories per gram (which forms the contractions of the muscles), making muscle means actually increasing the energy stores of our bodies.

I just said that if you've noticed, yapmak usually “a positive energy balance is needed to build muscle. Because you don't always need a positive energy balance to actually build muscle.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, under certain conditions, energy can be taken from the body's fat stores for muscle growth. So if you can get energy from the body's fat stores and use it to make muscle, it means you did muscle while burning fat.

Unfortunately, it is only possible to burn fat and build muscle at a significant rate if the following conditions are met:

You're very fat and you've just started weight training. Muscle development is faster for beginners. And fat is more likely to occur in fat people because of the calorie division of fat burning.
You've corrected anything you've done wrong before. For example, you had previously been working at a very low concentration or eating very little protein.
After a long break, you started to develop your body again.
You are using anabolic steroids.

As a result: If none of the above applies to you, consuming 200-300 calories more than the calories you spend per day is crucial for building muscle quickly.
2. Protein consumption, frequency and timing

If you've done some research on muscle building, you probably know that protein is a very important macro-nutrient and its basic function is to build and repair body tissues, including muscle tissues.

Two proteins called actin and myosin form the contractile part of the muscle, that is, the force producing part ( 10 ).

So your muscles are made of protein.

As you can understand, protein is critical for people who are aiming to build muscle and deserves to be among your most important nutritional priorities.

Research is very clear that you need to take approximately 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body weight per day to maximize muscle growth during excess calories ( 11 ).

Some people say that you should eat twice as much protein, but scientific research shows that taking more than 2 grams of protein per body weight is not an added benefit ( 12 ). On the contrary, your appetite may be reduced due to the satisfying effect of the protein and therefore you can consume less calories, which is important in calorie consumption.

As for the protein consumption frequency, there are two different ideas:

Eat every 2 hours or your gains go
The frequency of protein meals does not matter as long as you meet your daily needs

In fact, they're both wrong.

According to the research, a meal containing moderate protein increases muscle protein synthesis for 5 hours ( 13 ). Eating protein more often does not increase muscle protein synthesis any more. And after 5 hours, eating a new meal causes you to miss the opportunity to start muscle protein synthesis again.

Therefore, divide your daily protein needs into 3-5 equal meals. This allows you to increase muscle protein synthesis as often as possible.

Furthermore, since your protein consumption will be in the 3-5 hours range, the amino acids your muscles need immediately after the workout will be present in the circulation during and after the workout so that you can gain the theoretical benefits of on-the-job nutrition ( 14 ).

Naturally it is also a great idea to take protein powder before and after work and to consume protein just before bedtime.

As a result: consume 1.5-2 grams of protein per day of lean body weight and meet it at 3-5 equal meals at equal intervals.
3. Carbohydrate and fat consumption

Very few issues in the world of fitness are discussed as high carb, low fat vs. low carb, high fat diets. Even today, advocates of these dietary styles are constantly discussing with each other about which diet is better.

But the experts who have guided science realize that neither high fat nor high carbohydrate is the best approach. On the contrary, the generally correct approach for people in general is the middle of the two, a diet in which a reasonable amount of carbohydrates and fats are consumed.

how muscle is made

Non-extremist views unfortunately do not appeal to people and are not popular. And that's bad for us. Because we don't find it right to give false information to be popular. We are good at being objective, unbiased and scientific, and we will continue to do so.

As for the subject:

This can be a wise approach to carbohydrate and fat consumption, while running to the goal of muscle building:

First adjust your oil consumption. Get approximately 30% of your calories from fat.
Cover the remaining calories from proteins and fats with carbohydrates.

For example, a man who wants to build muscle by applying a 2500 calorie diet and weighs 68 kg and has 10% fat should be fed as follows:

Protein: (68 * 2) - (68 * 10%) = 122 grams. Divide this amount by 3-5 equal meals.
Fat: 2500 * 30% = 750 calories. Since 1 gram of fat is 9 calories, the amount to be consumed daily is about 83 grams.
Carbohydrate: 2500- (83 * 9) - (122 * 4) = 1262 calories. Since 1 gram of carbohydrate is 4 calories, the amount to be consumed daily is 315 grams.

As you can see, it's not complicated. Fats are very important as an energy source for carbohydrates for the production of hormones, especially testosterone.

As a result: Do not give too much priority to the exact amount of carbohydrates and fat. Only consume values ​​close to the above accounts. Meet 30% of your daily calorie needs from fats and the rest from carbohydrates.
4. Food Quality

Food quality includes things such as vitamins, minerals, phytobodies, essential fatty acids and dietary fiber.

These are important for health, training performance and muscle growth, although they are at the bottom of the priority line ( 15 ). It's just a little behind what we've mentioned above.

Unfortunately, the IIFYM (if it fits your macro) diet, which started a few years ago as a joke on forums, led a lot of people to follow only macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat) and forget about other important micronutrients altogether.

And although “clean eaters unut forget the importance of calorie and energy balance, and IFYMcular forget the importance of micronutrients, we prefer a midway approach and acknowledge the importance of both calorie balance and adequate micronutrients.

As a result: You should get the majority of your calories from whole-foods, ie as little processed and micronutrient-rich foods, and you can consume a reasonable amount of less clean junk food. In this way, you will get enough vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and micronutrients.

Everything you read in this article is the most recent findings of science about bodybuilding. With this information you can create your own program or edit your existing program.

Ensure Max Protein Nutritional Shake with 30g of High-Quality Protein, 1g of Sugar, High Protein Shake, French Vanilla, 11 fl oz, 12 Count

Premier Protein High Protein Shake, Chocolate (11 fl. oz, 12 pack)

I started sports, so how should I feed?

Premier Protein High Protein Shake, Chocolate (11 fl. oz, 12 pack)

We are faced with the question I heard many times during the day ☺

Your decision to start sports is great, but I have news for you.
”I have already started sports, I do sports 5 days a week, and I eat what I want; I'll be fit after 3 months ”. I have to tell you that you are far away from your goal ☺
Of course not without sports, but do not expect fast results without changing your diet.
Especially if you want to decrease your fat ratio and increase your muscle ratio; Remember that 30% of sports and 70% of nutrition are effective!

Water consumption is as important as sports and nutrition! 1.5–2 liters of water should be consumed during the day. You should add another 500 ml on your days of sport. Absolutely! Not without water!

The energy and protein requirement of those who exercise regularly 3-4 times a week increases automatically. For this reason, regular sportsmen are often curious about how they should be fed; they do research in internet or sports magazines. I must regret that; Most of the information we see on the Internet or in magazines is fraught with false information written to attract attention. First of all, don't believe everything you read, and make sure the person you write is a real dietitian, not a model, singer or writer, and the training she received.

The common advice given to sports people is that they should be ’’ protein-weighted ’’. However, it should not be forgotten that more protein than we need is stored as fat. Think of a sports instructor who weighs 90 kg and has a very high muscle weight, doing heavy training 4-5 days a week; his daily protein needs are between 180 and 200 grams. On the other hand, a woman weighing 60 kg 3 days a week doing cardio and additional fitness exercises is in the range of 75-85 grams of protein. In other words, the need for protein is specific to each individual, and not every sport should be fed with the same amounts. If you exercise on average 3–4 days a week, 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram is sufficient for the initial stage. For example, if you weigh 50 kg; 50 x 1.6 = 80 grams of protein per day.

Carbohydrate consumption is as important as protein in sports individuals. One mistake made in slimming diets is to completely cut off the type of carbohydrate ie bread / rice / pasta / fruit, which is very wrong. Carbohydrate should constitute at least 30–40% of the daily diet, especially for those who aim to burn fat and increase muscle mass. For a woman weighing 60 kg, 4–5 servings of carbohydrate per day is sufficient, while in a 80 kg man, it should be increased to 7 günlük8 servings per day.
What does 1 portion of carbohydrate mean?
For example, 1 slice of bread or 3–4 tablespoons lean bulgur rice / whole wheat rice / white rice / pasta / buckwheat / quinoa / oatmeal / 1 fruit or 1 bowl of soup = 1 portion of carbohydrate can be considered.

So what should we eat before and after sports?
First of all, making mistakes while doing sports is the biggest mistake. If you are a sportsman in the morning and don't have time for breakfast, a sandwich with plenty of white cheese and greens made with 2 slices of whole grain bread will meet your carbohydrate and protein needs before the sport. Carbohydrate gives you energy during sports, while protein prevents muscle breakdown. If you have time for breakfast, you must have a breakfast with eggs, cheese, bread and walnuts. The best time to do sports is 1 hour after breakfast. (Depending on your digestion rate, it may be 30–45 minutes later.)
The biggest mistake of those who do sports during the day or after work is to do sports fast after 4 to 5 hours after eating lunch and to pass meals without eating anything in the evening because it is too late! If you are one of those who feed your body so little and expect super results, you should know that your sport is wasted.

Rule for pre-sport; There should be a meal (main meal or a strong snack) containing carbohydrates and protein 1 hour before the sport.
For example;
1 sandwich (chicken / tuna / cheese / egg) + Ayran or
1 bowl of yoghurt + 1 fruit + 10–15 nuts / almonds or
200 ml half-fat milk / yogurt + 4 tablespoons oatmeal + 1 fresh fruit + 5–6 raw nuts / almonds or
1 whole egg + 2 egg whites + 1 slice of cheese + 1 slice of whole wheat bread or
1–2 slices of whole grain bread (or cereal lavash) on 2 teaspoons light peanut butter + 1 banana + 1 teaspoon honey + 2 whole walnuts.

Tip: Black coffee consumed 20–30 minutes before the start of the sport increases your energy tremendously and supports fat burning!
After sports; The body continues to work and spend energy in itself, glycogen stores, carbohydrate stores begin to run out, as well as the muscles and muscle destruction can occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to consume carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes as soon as the sport is over, for example 1 fruit! We've seen swimmers, after training they go to the locker room and eat one banana, that's why! Of course, we need a good source of protein in the first 1–1.5 hours after sports, for this we should consume up to 200 grams of red meat / chicken / fish / turkey or tuna, along with boiled vegetables / salads and yoghurt. It should be. (All mentioned amounts should be planned according to the person.)

No, it's not protein powder that needs muscle building; It is a balanced diet in terms of protein and carbohydrates. Taking approximately 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram is sufficient for the first stage of muscle development. If eggs, cheese, milk and dairy products, red meat / chicken / fish / tuna are consumed during the day; protein needs are met by natural methods. However, in advanced levels of muscle development, that is, individuals with low fat percentage and high muscle ratio can be supplemented with 1 scale (approximately 30 grams) of protein powder per day when the protein requirement is too high to complete with nutrients. However, liver and kidney function values ​​should be checked every 3 months. Of course, no artificial product supplements should be recommended when feeding with natural methods.

Super recipe for pre-sports:
1 bowl of yogurt (200 grams) +
3–4 tablespoons oatmeal +
10 raisins (or fresh blueberries) +
2 whole walnuts +
1 tablespoon low-fat peanut butter +
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder +
1 teaspoon of natural honey / molasses
Mix all ingredients. Then consume 1 cup of unsweetened coffee and enjoy your energy during sports.

The most basic rule in nutrition when losing weight and doing sports; It is NOT to eat less, to eat healthier!

Premier Protein High Protein Shake, Chocolate (11 fl. oz, 12 pack)

Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Protein Shake, Chocolate, 20g Protein, 11 FL OZ, 12 Pack

Tips for Muscle Building in Faster Time

Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Protein Shake, Chocolate, 20g Protein, 11 FL OZ, 12 Pack

Anyone interested in this sport wants to build muscle faster. Why wouldn't he? The athlete who constantly thinks that he can't work and get efficiency, wants to develop too much and fast muscle. Now I'll give you some advice to make your muscles faster.


Water, protein, a little fat and a small amount of carbohydrates are what make up the muscle tissues.

Essential amino acids, which are the basic building blocks of the protein, do not produce our body itself, we have to take it out through nutrition. Not only do muscle, but even when doing sports, the body needs more protein. If you take more protein, the protein stimulates your muscle building and speeds up your recovery time. It is very important to get enough protein so take at least 2 g of protein per body weight every day.

Take enough time to recover

Resting is as important as working. If you work without resting correctly, you can damage your muscle development. You should continue working when your muscles are rested and ready to lift weights again. In short, run the same muscle group for 1 day or you will damage the development of the muscle.

Increase working intensity

You should lift the weights that you will have difficulty in building muscle. The weight you can lift comfortably does not benefit you much. For example, in a set of 12 repetitions, you should not be able to make 13th. If your program says 12 repetitions, and you can do 30 repetitions, remove the weight 12 times and finish the set if you forget to do muscle.

Engage in movements that run your entire body

The fastest muscle-building movement is all-body movements. Whole-body movement, as the name implies, is a movement that runs a lot of muscle. Whole-body movements include squat, deadlift, overhead press, barfix or bent-over row. These movements are very effective because they exercise more than one muscle group at the same time.

Increase calories

If you have the intention of making muscles, you should get more calories than your daily calories. Because muscle building requires a lot of energy. I don't mean eat too much when you get more calories. If you eat too much, you will cause insulin resistance, which will damage your body. You need to take daily calorie 250-300 calories will be enough to add. In this way, it is more convenient to build muscle

Weight increase

If you use the same weight in each exercise, you should forget to build muscle. Your muscles can only grow as much as the warning you send them. For example, if your program says 3 sets and 10 repeats Bench Press and worked 50kg on Monday, increase the weight by 1-2.5% on Wednesday. Work 51 kg and when 3 sets of 10 repetitions succeed, increase again the next time.

Increasing loading (progressive overload or Kaizen principle) is the principle of more stress loading in each case. You can work harder on the next run, do one more over, or reduce the rest time between sets. All of these are considered as incremental loading. But if your goal is to build muscle, it is best to increase weight.

Muscle Milk 100 Calorie Protein Shake, Chocolate, 20g Protein, 11 FL OZ, 12 Pack

Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shake, Vanilla, Keto Friendly, 12 Count (Pack of 3)

5 Important Details To Get Efficiency From Fitness Training

Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shake, Vanilla, Keto Friendly, 12 Count (Pack of 3)

From the outside, everyone wants to have a fit and healthy body structure. In order to make this desire a reality, we take a breath in the fitness centers. Everyone is not same. Some people's body develops in 5 months, while some people's body develops in 3 months. Hereditary (family) and structural characteristics are one of the major factors that make up time differences. Another factor that affects the body's development time is the efficiency of the training. Efficient training affects not only the body's growth rate, but also the strengthening of muscles , effort and performance .
What should be done to get efficiency from training?

Getting efficiency from workouts is not only limited to correct movement during training. From the day you start in the morning to the end of the training, you can apply your body to your diet and the energy spent during the day. Before the training, the body needs to consume the protein, fiber and carbohydrate you need daily in order to be ready for food. You should also get regular sleep every day, not just before the day of sports. The time that the muscles develop most efficiently is the time it takes to sleep. Thanks to the growth hormone secreted during sleep, muscles continue to develop. Another advantage of resting muscles is its help to you during the day. In addition, well rested and supported with the necessary nutrients muscles at the end of the day or at the beginning of the training will always be an advantage in terms of performance. As we have always mentioned, just doing sports does not bring any results.

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Nutrition, which is one of the most important parts of muscle development, must be paid attention. Muscles need protein and fibers to develop. In addition, the body must have filled enough energy tanks to perform a weight or fitness training. At this point you need to ask yourself a question. Which tank do you want your body to use as an energy source in fitness training? Fats or carbohydrates?

If your answer is oils;

We recommend that you change your body working system by consuming foods that are as low as carbohydrate but rich in beneficial fats as much as possible so that the body can use fats as a source of energy. Ketogenic nutrition is exactly what you need at this point. It not only improves fitness, but also increases the body's fat burning speed. To get more information about ketogenic nutrition mutlak Return to Fat Burning Machine with Ketogenic Nutrition! ”Do not go without heading!

To know more about the amount of protein you need to consume daily “ What is the amount of protein we need daily? ”Remember to visit the title.

Open the doors of a healthy diet by simply changing your habits without dieting! Strengthen your strength with ketogenic nutrition and fiber! Our Kor Protect Your Blood Sugar with Fiber Nutrition ”title contains everything about fiber nutrition that you will not leave once.
Regular sleep

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Do not believe if you have a feeling that our body is really stopping the development during sleep. On the contrary, our body continues to secrete testosterone while sleeping. In this case, muscle development is provided. Regular rest of the muscles for a certain period of time is also important for muscle health. As we have always mentioned, just doing sports does not bring any results. It is essential to pay attention to the nutrition and sleep patterns . If you want your muscles to develop as well as strength and performance, you should sleep like babies.

As much as everything is harm, sleep is also harm. The optimal sleep time for an efficient workout is 6-7 hours. The reason for not being given a clear period is that each person is different from each other and the muscle structure is different. Some people have enough rest and vigor for 6 hours of sleep, while others have a slightly longer recovery than others. So set yourself two different sleep periods. Apply the specified sleep periods for one week. At the end of the two weeks, make a comparison, taking into account the workouts you perform. As a result of comparison, you should always be asleep when you are feeling more vigorous and rested. Keep in mind that sleep time should continue as long as you do fitness.

Those who wonder how regular sleep has an effect can be found in the title emi The Importance of Sleep in Muscle Development başlık .
Follow the training program

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Being disciplined is important not only for yourself but also for your muscles. If you go to the hall 2-3 times a week, you should take care not to disrupt these days as much as possible. Your muscles will become accustomed to this tempo over time. Therefore, you should not remove your muscles from the usual tempo. As a result of this, the training order will provide you with more efficiency from the development of your muscles and your body.

You must follow the fitness program to be applied to your body. It should perform the works in your daily schedule in order and not interfere with extra or different studies. You will witness how your muscles will change in strength and shape over time with a regular program.

Usually there is an indecision between exercising in the morning and exercising in the evening. Let's put aside the doubts in your mind and find out which one is more useful! Which is More Useful? Morning Sport or Evening Sport? Determine your time with the information in the header.
Movements work correctly

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It is the detail that is most misled and made mistakes. You should know which muscles work out a movement and feel that muscle while working. If you do not feel your muscles that you have exposed to resistance to improve during workout, you are probably doing the wrong thing. Therefore, make sure that the muscle or area affected by each movement is affected during operation. If you do not feel any effect, burning during operation, stop working immediately.

False movement can not only run your different muscle groups, but can also disrupt the ratio of muscles to each other. Fitness training is not just for running muscles, keeping fit and burning fat at the same time. It is made for health that would not have the appearance of a body. Therefore, the proportions of the operated regions to each other are important.
Appropriate weights are preferred

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It is one of the biggest mistakes made. Muscles can cause various injuries when the appropriate level is challenged. The weights you work on should not always be enough to force the muscles but not react. Each muscle group has a resistance limit that can be accepted according to level and training intensity. You can understand that you have reached this limit when you are unable to lift the weight and breathe while you are doing repetitions of movement. We do not say that a thought is wrong as muscles need to lift excess weight for growth. However, forcing your muscles to a level that is not enough is dangerous for muscle health. The appropriate weight should be determined according to the intensity of the training. For the development of muscles, weights should be raised periodically. The most humble advice we can recommend for beginners in sports, the weight of the muscles should not be changed until your muscles hold strength and form in the first month. When the new training program is started, the weight figures can be increased compared to the first training program.

Failure to use the weight appropriate to your body's capacity will also cause incorrect movements. Improper movements do not result in efficient training.

With efficient training, you have the perfect look you dream of! Follow the program, do not skip the details and reward yourself with success!

Atkins PLUS Protein & Fiber Shake, Vanilla, Keto Friendly, 12 Count (Pack of 3)

Vega Protein Nutrition Shake Chocolate 11floz (Pack Of 12) - Ready to Drink, Plant Based Vegan Protein, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegetarian, Vitamins, Non GMO

What is the Best Protein for Muscle Building?

Vega Protein Nutrition Shake Chocolate 11floz (Pack Of 12) - Ready to Drink, Plant Based Vegan Protein, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegetarian, Vitamins, Non GMO

Learn the best post- exercise protein dose to maximize muscle protein synthesis!
Protein supplements are the main ingredient of many athletes diet program. But how long do you need to keep in muscle building mode? To test this idea and to maximize muscle protein synthesis, the researchers have worked to determine the best post-exercise protein dose.

In this context, they put their highly trained athletes in five different environments to practice resistance training. To test the effects of the protein dose, athletes consumed five different doses of egg protein after exercise. The drinks contained either no protein (that of the control group) or 5, 10, 20 to 40 grams of protein. Specific measurements of muscle protein synthesis were determined over the next 4 hours.

Increased protein synthesis by the control group (protein-free) showed that exercise alone had a positive effect on muscle protein synthesis. There was an increase after 5 grams of protein dose. However, there was an even greater increase in the dose of 10 grams. When the dose was increased to 20 grams, there was almost doubling in muscle protein synthesis. When the highest dose of 40 grams of protein was consumed, there was an increase in protein synthesis, affecting around 20 grams.

These results indicate the dose-effect relationship between the amount of absorbed protein and the stimulation of protein synthesis to 20 grams protein diet and resistance exercise. Consuming more than 20 grams per serving leads to its use as a significant fuel rather than a source of protein synthesis in protein burning. Here's the message: A minimum of 20 grams of high quality protein provides 9 grams of the required amino acid, which is the ideal amount to be used after resistance exercise to maximize muscle protein synthesis.

Dr. Joff Volek is a registered dietitian and a full-time professor of Human Sciences at Ohio State University. He has published 270 review articles on the health and performance effects of low- carbonated diets and additional diets that include new studies on creatine, carnitine and whey protein. It is also possible to present very informative new studies on protein consumption.

Vega Protein Nutrition Shake Chocolate 11floz (Pack Of 12) - Ready to Drink, Plant Based Vegan Protein, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegetarian, Vitamins, Non GMO

Premier Protein Clear Protein Drink, Raspberry, 16.9 fl oz Bottle, (12 Count)

What Supplements for Muscle Mass

Premier Protein Clear Protein Drink, Raspberry, 16.9 fl oz Bottle, (12 Count)

If you believe in the age-old legend that is either just made muscle or melted fat, a surprise awaits you. However, when you grow and melt fat, you need to know which support products to buy and when.
As a bodybuilder, you strive to be as muscular as possible, which means that you usually consume truckloads of high-calorie nutrients and train until you're dead. Unfortunately, this also means that you are always in a positive net calorie balance, and most importantly, you carry an extra few inches in the middle of your body.
Whether you compete or compete, becoming a bodybuilder from time to time requires melting fat - that is, entering a process that requires a clear calorie deficit. However, this does not mean that reducing your fat volume when growing your muscles is always mutually exclusive and impossible to achieve both at the same time. Gymbat did a little research and discovered that eight popular and scientific support products, when used strategically, can also help you melt fat and build muscle. Read them and add these “grow-and-thin” key elements to your support regime.

Protein powder is the basis of the support regime of all bodybuilders, from rookies to professionals; you're probably getting a bathtub full of this critical muscle-building support for months. WHICH-SUPLEMENTS FOR MUSCLE-MASS-1 Whey protein, in particular, is one of the most superior forms available and may even be a champion candidate for the muscle-building / fat-melting duo. A large amount of scientific data confirms that a high-protein diet increases your metabolism and, on the other hand, protects your muscle mass, while PASP has been shown to better segment muscle and fat than any other known protein. Above all, PASP is a powerful anti-catabolic and immune-enhancing boost, which means that you can maintain your hard-earned muscle mass and avoid disease, even under diet and even heavy training conditions.

DAILY DOSE: The best way to melt fat when growing is to take 2-3 portions of PASP, 20-40 g each day, between meals (snack). 20 gr portion of the training 30 min. before and after a workout.

We all know that creatine monohydrate (CM) is the most revolutionary support of all time. It is a proven muscle enhancer who plays a number of ways to improve protein synthesis and muscle performance. So far, you should also have learned that skeletal hypetropy and atropic recovery are achieved when creatine supplementation is accompanied by high-resistance training. Methods for the study of anabolic effects of creatinine include satellite cell proliferation, myogenic activation of transcription factors and IGF-1 signaling. An interesting but little-known feature of creatinine is that it promotes metabolism and increases fat burning, and there are plenty of studies to support it. A study by the US Department of Defense reported that creatinine soldiers gained up to 3 kg of lean muscle mass while burning up to 1 kg of fat; in the same way, there was an increase in the amount of fat in those who exercised but received placebo. In addition, scientists at Skidmore University in New York concluded that creatine and resistance training provided a significant increase in lean total muscle mass, muscle strength, blood flow, and resting energy in the body.

DAILY DOSE: Creatine is cycled in three phases during this period. The first phase is the loading phase. Take 20 g of creatine daily for a week: one 5 g dose when awakened, 5 g doses before and after the study, and the last dose just before bedtime. The second phase is the maintenance phase. Take 10 g of creatine a day for four weeks, two doses of 5 grams before and immediately after your work. In the third and final phase, you will not receive any creatine supplements for a period of three weeks. Repeat this entire cycle twice during the muscle building part of your program. Use 170 g of a highly glycemic carbohydrate-based beverage (eg Gatorade) to mix with creatine.

Glutamine is the most commonly used of amino acids among bodybuilders - and for good reason. First, it is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body. It maintains normal muscle function and is part of anabolic stimulation spread (muscle building).

Under normal circumstances, glutamine is considered not to be an essential amino acid because the body produces it (it does not need to be taken externally along with the diet). It is the primary source of energy for immunity and systems, and has recently been reclassified as an “situational amino essential amino acid after consumption after heavy training. New scientific evidence suggests that supplemented glutamine is absolutely necessary in disease, body trauma, and injuries (especially in weight training). In terms of its direct effects on muscle development, glutamine increases the level of intramuscular leucine (creating a muscle-separating effect), increases the level of growth hormone (GH), and aids in energy production. The data show that taking glutamine prior to studies (by inhibiting metabolic by-products) reduces excess fatigue and increases glycogen levels in depleted muscles when taken immediately after a study (to help a faster muscle recovery). Research shows that glutamine can also increase fat burning and metabolic rate. Scientists at Iowa State University (Ames) found that subjects receiving glutamine showed an increase in metabolism compared to subjects receiving an amino acid mixture (glycine, serine, and alanine), often leading to an increased use of fat. The same scientific study noted that those who took glutamine prior to exercise burn more calories than placebo-controlled subjects. Over time, the advantages of increased muscle mass, energy production, fat burning, and greater exercise endurance / intensity have been found to increase calorie burning, resulting in a larger, lean muscle mass.

DAILY DOSE: Take 3-5 grams of glutamine by adding 3-5 grams to your shakes in the morning, before and after work and before sleep. Always start with the lowest dose and increase slowly according to your tolerance.

Premier Protein Clear Protein Drink, Raspberry, 16.9 fl oz Bottle, (12 Count)

Ensure High Protein Nutritional Shake with 16g of High-Quality Protein, Ready-to-Drink Meal Replacement Shakes, Low Fat, Milk Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

Grow Your Muscle Mass by Eating Eggs

Ensure High Protein Nutritional Shake with 16g of High-Quality Protein, Ready-to-Drink Meal Replacement Shakes, Low Fat, Milk Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

Egg; The most useful, most nutritious, cheapest and least effort. Do you consume the egg, which is indispensable for the athletes, after the training?

Unless exaggerated, contrary to popular belief in recent years, it has been proven that egg has no adverse effects on cholesterol; Consuming together with yolk and white is tremendously beneficial for muscle development.
Benefits of Consuming Eggs after Training

What you eat after training is as important as the exercises you do in training. So after the training you should consume enough protein, carbohydrates and fat.

You will eat 4 whole eggs after a hard training; With 24 grams of protein and 23 grams of healthy fat, it is the perfect source of nutrients you need for muscle development. The egg nourishes and repairs your muscles with its rich amino acid content. In addition, the oils, vitamins and minerals it contains also help strengthen your immune system.
Consume both Yellow and White!

In a study conducted in the UK, 12 grams of protein containing the same amount of protein containing two white eggs with the same amount of protein is examined, two groups of eggs consuming more muscle mass builds up and is observed to recover faster.

The reason for this is not fully known, but researchers say that a combination of food can work better instead of separating the structures within a food. Which means a better protein synthesis.

We recommend that you do not deprive yourself of the important minerals such as omega-3, vitamins, phosphorus and iron by separating the yolk of the egg because it is high in calories.

Ensure High Protein Nutritional Shake with 16g of High-Quality Protein, Ready-to-Drink Meal Replacement Shakes, Low Fat, Milk Chocolate, 8 fl oz, 24 Count

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 13g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Vanilla, 8 fl oz, 24 count

A Muscular Body Is Not Imagined! 13 Nutrients to Increase Muscle Mass

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 13g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Vanilla, 8 fl oz, 24 count

One of the most important ingredients is to lose excess weight and reach our ideal weight in order to feel healthier and more energetic. But the important point in losing weight is not only the weight of the weight on the fall of fat, muscle, or water, which one of the triad. For a healthier weight gain, the weight given to fat and body muscle mass increase is very important ... Here are the nutrients that can help increase your muscle mass during your weight loss or weight gain!


Pineapple may not be the first nutrient that comes to your mind when you say muscles. But there's something you should know! Thanks to the bromelain substance contained in pineapple, it breaks down proteins. In this way, it prevents muscle inflammation and prevents the formation of muscle pain after the sport. Research shows that bromelain is as effective as ibuprofen in the fight against muscle pain. It is very important that you eat a few slices of pineapple after the sport for healthy muscle development.

Nuts are rich sources of nutrients. While providing the formation of muscle tissue on the one hand while keeping your fat rate low, you need to help you get the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fat molecules to your body. Since it is very difficult to carry the protein foods you need to make your muscles with you during the day, you can close this gap by consuming dried fruits in snacks.
Here are some nuts and protein content of 100 grams;
Peanuts - 25 grams
Almond - 22 grams
Nuts - 15 grams
Pine nuts - 21 grams
Whole grains

Whole-grained nutrients are slow to digest, so they will provide you with a great deal of energy both during and after training . At the same time, these nutrients promote the work of growth hormone and contribute greatly to muscle development. At the same time, whole-grain foods do not contain refined sugar, thus preventing fat in the lumbar region. This helps you to have a thin, muscular abdomen that you dream of.

When we say increasing muscle mass, we are sure that the first food that comes to your mind is the egg . Among the athletes, the reason why the egg is placed in the top positions is that 99% of the amount of protein it contains is used in the body. This nutrient called yapan the most valuable protein source yapan which does not do any other nutrients, also prevents unnecessary weight gain due to low calorie. However, an important rule to be considered is to consume white to get better results than egg consumption. At the same time, thanks to the vitamin B12 contained in the egg, it helps to dissolve fats and increases muscle concentration. Consuming only one yolk of the three eggs you will consume by boiling or frying in less fat will help you avoid excess fat and calories in your body.
The fish

Salmon, which is especially fatty and cold sea fish, and tuna are at an important point in muscle building thanks to the Omega-3 fatty acids they contain. It is also a very good nutrient in terms of vitamin D. Salmon contains about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Dry beans

You don't need to get the amount of protein your body needs only from meat and dairy products to increase muscle building. Legumes are ready to help you with both fatty acids and protein amounts they contain! Vegan or vegetarian athletes often use legumes due to their low glycemic index prevents sudden ups and downs of blood sugar, balances your insulin levels.

This low-calorie food also has a high fiber content, resulting in significant fat loss. It also facilitates the excretion of free radicals after sports in the body thanks to its antioxidant properties. Many of the vitamins that the individual is tired after the sport and prevent it from catching diseases that may develop.

As we learned from Temel Reis, spinach stands in an important place in muscle building. Research at the Karolinska Institute shows that it is effective in muscle building thanks to the high nitrate content of spinach. Nitrate thickens the fibers of the red and white muscle tissues and thus strengthens the tissues. Because nitrate promotes the secretion of calcium, which plays an important role in muscle contraction.

Chicken, which we see a lot in the plates of those who are interested in bodybuilding, is becoming a preferred reason especially because of the abundant protein content and low fat content. 100 grams of chicken contains about 30 grams of protein and 4 grams of fat. Moreover, there are many different recipes that can be prepared with chicken.
Fish oil

Fish oil shows anabolic effect for humans. It helps to synthesize more protein, which promotes muscle formation. At the same time, thanks to the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, it helps to burn body fat by increasing insulin activity.
Sweet potato

The fact that sweet potatoes contain less carbohydrates, less calories and high fiber content than normal potatoes make it digest more slowly and provide an appropriate environment for muscle development by keeping insulin levels in balance. At the same time, it provides 35% of the body requirement with vitamin C it contains.

Oats contain complex carbohydrates and protein as well as muscle-building nutrients. A bowl of dry oatmeal contains 3.4 mg of iron and 0.9 mg of niacin, ie vitamin B3. Iron is responsible for transporting oxygen to the bloodstream and muscles. B vitamins, on the other hand, help convert carbohydrates into energy and use proteins properly and thus contribute to muscle development.

The fact that bananas contain three different types of sugar makes it a great carbohydrate that can be consumed before and after training. Both easy to carry and cholesterol-free banana can consume very easily in your diet. But there is one important thing to watch out for! Thanks to the high potassium content of bananas, it can cause problems in individuals with kidney and heart diseases.

Ensure Plus Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 13g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Vanilla, 8 fl oz, 24 count

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 9g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Vanilla, 8 fl oz, 24 count

Nutrition Tips for Fast Muscle Building

Ensure Original Nutrition Shake with Fiber, 9g High-Quality Protein, Meal Replacement Shakes, Vanilla, 8 fl oz, 24 count

In this article, what kind of nutrition method should be applied in order to achieve the fastest muscle development? I'll tell you.

There's something we all want in sports. Develop muscles as quickly as possible and be able to observe changes in our body as soon as possible. This is a normal and natural desire. Because we do sports, we spend effort, we spend time, we spend labor and we want to pay for it.

“A chain is as strong as its weakest link, ler they say. We know that nutrition is what we need to pay attention to in order to get maximum efficiency from our sport. Exactly at this point they'll give you food tips that will help you to develop muscle quickly. Well:
The Importance of Fast Muscle Development and Nutrition

No tissue in our body can exist from nothing. What I'm trying to say with this is that doing sports, lifting weights and training is definitely not enough to develop muscle. You work out by training your muscles, your body only "look, I need these muscles," you give the message. So you can think of it as giving orders to your body. But no matter how much you order your body, you cannot develop muscle unless you give it the raw material your body needs to increase the muscle mass you have.

You can think of bodybuilding as a construction. No matter how many orders you give to workers in construction, they will not be able to do so unless you give them the materials they need. We eat protein, carbohydrates and fat when we eat. The body digests everything we eat first. He divides them into building blocks. What is there in the store first when it will then perform a process from these building blocks? He looks and gets what he needs. Finally, he begins to develop muscle tissue by performing protein synthesis.

This place is very important: Muscles continue to develop in the days after doing sports. Actually “ Muscles develop while relaxing. ”So even if you don't do sports, you need to get the necessary proteins into the body. In order to build muscle as fast as possible, we need to keep our tanks full. So the body needs to get the nutrients directly.

Muscle building speed is limited!

There's something forgotten. Naturally, there is a limit to the rate of muscle development in our body. In other words, our body needs to enter into a chain of processes in order to develop muscle. The more protein you take, the more bodybuilding you have. Let's go back to the construction example again. Let's say you have 100 workers in construction. These workers need a certain amount of time and energy to masonry with the raw materials you provide. If you stack more material than you need, the result will still be the same as your workers do not increase. As a result, the material will begin to accumulate and your body will begin to lubricate.

How many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat will we take?

How much will we take to get the maximum muscle growth rate? The nutrients needed to make muscle fast.

Proteins: First of all, we said that protein is important for muscle development. Scientifically, you need to consume 1.5 to 2 times the amount of lean muscle mass . However, since fat gauges do not give clear results, you can start to try this ratio directly as 2 times your normal weight. Let's say you weigh 70 pounds. Observe yourself over time by taking 140 grams of protein. Here are some things to consider:

Can you increase weight from training to training?
Are you experiencing muscle pain when you follow a regular and well-prepared training program?
Are your muscle pains healing from training to training?

By paying attention to these, you can determine whether the protein you are taking is sufficient for you. Going far beyond your needs will not give you extra muscle development. If you don't feel any problem at any of these three points and you are satisfied with the development, you are completing your protein needs. You have completed the first phase for rapid muscle development.

Oils: We need to meet the amount of fat we need for healthy balance and hormone balance. If you consume fat well below your needs, it will cause a shift in your body's hormone balance and may cause your testosterone level to fall below what it should be and slow down your muscle development. So instead of speeding up muscle development, we'll drop it.

Carbohydrates: You can get your remaining calories from carbohydrates. But it is useful not to overdo it, to balance it well. You're done here. You need to do calorie calculation…

What Nutrients Should We Consume for Fast Muscle Building?

We said that you should consume from healthy fat sources. What are these? It can be olive oil, coconut oil, dried fruits, avocado. You can meet your daily fat needs from such healthy fat sources.

Foods such as meat products, dairy products and eggs are sources of animal protein, while pulses and vegetables are foods containing protein. You can meet your protein needs by combining these nutrients.

Integrating these writings into your life will contribute to your rapid muscle development.

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Premier Protein Clear Protein Drink Bottle, Orange Mango, 16.9 Fluid Ounce, Pack of 12

6 Healthy Fats for Muscle Building

Premier Protein Clear Protein Drink Bottle, Orange Mango, 16.9 Fluid Ounce, Pack of 12

Although fats in foods are often considered to have negative effects, there are actually some healthy fats that can help increase muscle mass and volume. Therefore, you should not stop completely consuming oil.

In general, people think that being overweight is due to fat consumption. However, this is not entirely true. In fact some healthy fats help you gain muscle mass. Therefore, you will make more muscle and burn more calories.
Why are Healthy Fats Important for Building More Muscles?

Food contains both healthy and unhealthy fats. Unhealthy fats are usually found in fried foods, junk food and fatty meats.

On the other hand, as the name suggests, it is recommended to consume healthy fats. You should also keep these fats in your daily diet to maintain and increase muscle mass. But of course, like all foods, healthy fats should be consumed as much as necessary.
woman putting olive oil on salad

Although protein intake is more correlated with increased muscle mass, healthy fats are also important to have a strong body . The main reason for this is the relationship between healthy fats and testosterone production, an important hormone for muscle building.
Are All Oils Healthy?

Of course, not all fats are healthy and the cooking method of fats is also very important. For example, skinless chicken meat is considered a healthy source of fat. However, you should avoid consuming fried chicken.

Healthy fats contribute to muscle development. However, as we mentioned, it is important to consume the right oils, which are prepared correctly. Otherwise, you run the risk of consuming too much unhealthy fat. This will cause you to gain weight .
6 Fat for Muscle Building
Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats that help build muscle. This fat contains nutrients and fatty acids that help accelerate your metabolism and burn your body fat . But to get all these benefits, you should use unrefined coconut oil.
Coconut, coconut oil and woman with beautiful hair

Low Fat Milk Products

Low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat milk or low-fat yogurt, contain all the nutrients your body needs to build muscle, although they contain very little fat. Therefore, consumption of low-fat dairy products is necessary to increase muscle mass.

Avocado is an important monounsaturated fat source that helps not only increase muscle mass but also lower bad cholesterol levels. Therefore, dietitians recommend that this unique fruit be consumed regularly. Avocado is also an excellent ally to prevent cerebrovascular (cardiovascular and cardiovascular) diseases.
avocado puree

Dried Fruits and Nuts

Dried fruits and nuts; are among the most important sources of healthy fat. However, they lose their nutritional value significantly when cooked. Therefore, it is more useful to consume raw. Dried fruits and nuts are healthy snacks that help reduce anxiety levels or add a special flavor to salads.

Undoubtedly, eggs are one of the most important nutrients in a diet. Although there has been some discussion in the past, eggs are a very healthy food. It is highly recommended to consume as a source of protein and healthy fats. Eggs, which are a protein bomb, can be consumed every day.
egg-breaking woman

Coconut Milk

Nutritionists recommend that you consume coconut milk as part of a balanced and healthy diet, just like coconut oil.

Most supermarkets have coconut milk of many different brands and varieties. It is also easy to do at home. Either way, coconut milk is rich in vitamins and healthy fats. It is an excellent alternative to cow's milk and does not contain lactose.

Despite the notoriety of fat, various scientific studies have shown that balanced consumption of healthy fats is not only healthy but also promotes muscle development.

Of course, this does not mean that you can consume these oils indefinitely. It is important to obtain them from the right sources, such as coconut oil, and to use and cook these oils to maintain their beneficial properties. However, if you pay attention to the source and preparation of the fat, it can become an important part of your healthy diet.

Premier Protein Clear Protein Drink Bottle, Orange Mango, 16.9 Fluid Ounce, Pack of 12

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, French Vanilla, Keto Friendly, 4 Count

Protein Drinks to Increase Muscle Mass

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, French Vanilla, Keto Friendly, 4 Count

In this article we will share with you a few recipes of protein drinks that you can consume without neglecting your physical activity. You can easily prepare these drinks using the natural ingredients in the house.

Regular training and exercise is essential to increase muscle mass. However, you can make your bodybuilding process faster and more effective by including protein drinks in your diet. In order to contribute to the growth and development of muscles, it is important to consume high protein beverages.

Protein drinks are very suitable alternatives to quickly get extra calories without eating during the day .

You should eat more often during the day to increase your muscle mass. If you need to consume an extra 250-500 calories per day, you can meet your extra calorie needs with protein drinks.
Natural Protein Drink Recipes to Increase Muscle Mass
Egg Protein Drink

In order to prepare this protein drink, only 1 liter of milk, 3 eggs , 1 banana and some oats. To prepare, break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks, add banana, oats and milk to the egg whites and mix with the mixer. In addition to being rich in protein, these drinks are very tasty.
Hazelnut Protein Drink

Hazelnut is very healthy and nutritious especially for people who do sports. The ingredients you need to prepare this beverage are 1 cup of hazelnut, sugar-free yogurt, skim milk and vanilla essence. Mix all ingredients and enjoy your protein drink.
Chocolate Protein Drink

This protein drink is highly recommended as it allows the calories burned back to the body during physical activity. Ingredients to prepare half a cup of oats, 2 cups of skimmed milk, cocoa powder, quarter cups of cocktail grass and half tablespoon of coffee.
woman preparing protein shake

Tuna Protein Drink

Although the name may sound different, this protein drink is actually very tasty. The ingredients you need to prepare 2 cups of boiling water and 1 can of tuna. Mix these two ingredients thoroughly and consume your protein drink immediately after you are ready.
Peanut Protein Drink

Peanut is a food with a high protein content. Ingredients needed to prepare this protein drink are 10 peanuts and 1 glass of skimmed milk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in the blender and then enjoy your protein drink.
Chocolate, Peanut, Butter and Banana Protein Drink

The ingredients you need 2 tablespoons chocolate protein powder, half banana, half can of plain and unsweetened yogurt, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 spoon of coconut and 1 glass of water. The content of this protein drink consists of 460 calories, 65 grams of protein, 28 grams of carbohydrates and 11 grams of fat .
banana protein drink

Oatmeal and Whey Protein Whey

Ingredients to prepare this drink are 23 grams oats, 45 grams blueberries, 50 milliliters skim milk, half banana, 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder, 1 tablespoon added sugar free coconut, half tablespoons cinnamon and ice. The nutritional content of this protein drink consists of 460 calories, 62 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbohydrates and 5.5 grams of fat .
Beet and Blueberry Protein Drink

Ingredients to prepare this protein drink 48 grams beets, 48 ​​grams blackberries, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 57 grams sugar-free natural yogurt, 2 tablespoons vanilla flavored protein powder, 1 glass of water and ice. The nutritional content of this protein drink consists of 454 calories, 69 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat .
Green Protein Drink

Ingredients for preparing this protein drink are 2 tablespoons vanilla flavored protein powder, half avocado, 28 grams kale, 20 grams spinach, 1 kiwi, 1 glass of water and ice. The nutritional content of this protein drink consists of 377 calories, 57 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates and 23 grams of fat .
spinach protein drink

In summary, if you want to increase your muscle mass and shape your body by doing sports, you should consume protein drinks. But you should never neglect sport and physical activity.

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, French Vanilla, Keto Friendly, 4 Count

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Mocha Latte, Keto Friendy, 15 Count

Quick and Natural Bodybuilding Guide

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Mocha Latte, Keto Friendy, 15 Count

We've talked about the rules for beginners to do bodybuilding quickly and naturally. Muscle building is now easier!

In order to have a healthy, strong and aesthetic body, you are trying to increase your muscle mass and spend your time with intensive diet and exercises.

Instead of believing in advertisements, secret formulas and special pills / powders you see on the Internet, on television and in newspapers, you're here now, and I'll clarify everything you need to increase your muscle mass.

But before moving on to our main topic, I want to touch on a few important points.

Doing natural bodybuilding never exaggerates you and gives you big muscles. This is a misunderstood subject as a society. In order to resemble the exaggeration of male / female figures, you have to spend ten years and hundreds of thousands of TL.

Exercising normally achieves the muscle mass you need only to be healthy. To see how healthy muscle mass is for men and women, you can read why you should increase your muscle mass.

Developing a fast body is often just a big balloon. This balloon is inflated by ”pseudo” pharmaceutical and sports equipment advertisements. In this article I'll show you the tricks and facts you can use to speed up your bodybuilding.

Would you like to see “the most accurate” fast and natural bodybuilding methods from the eyes of a doctor? Then we start!
How do your muscles grow?

Before touching on the tips to improve your muscles, you need to know how your muscles develop in order to fully understand and interpret the issue. By explaining this, I will provide you with both correct and healthy point of view.

Two different mechanisms are provided for the development of your muscles - which we call muscle growth - hypertrophy.

The first mechanism configures muscle fibers with protein to adapt the strained and worn muscle cells to exercise. This structure not only makes your muscle cells bigger, but also helps them become stronger.

In the second mechanism, it is operated by cells called “satellite cells ve that act as stem cells. When these cells are activated, they add nuclei to the muscle cells that are needed and help them to grow.

As you can see, muscle growth does not depend on the construction of new muscle cells, but on the strengthening and reconstruction of existing cells. For this reason, genetics are very important in bodybuilding like many sports.

Fast and natural muscle building: Exercise

There is no miracle way to grow your muscles, it never happened and it won't happen. Nevertheless, a few tricks will always help you shorten your way and reach your destination faster.

I'll study three feet as exercise, diet and life to help you study these short ways and tricks more comfortably and understand more accurately.

Heavy Lift

Your muscles wear more with high weight, your muscles wear more, store more protein, grow and strengthen. You can lift more weight with your strengthened muscles.

As long as this vicious cycle continues, you will continue to have larger muscles. See picture below. You will notice that this picture demonstrates a fact discovered about centuries ago about heavy lifting.


The picture you see above is Milo, the wrestler who was thought to exist in the ancient Greek civilization. In this animation, you can see Milo's weight and body development, right?

It is a known fact that high weights have developed the body for centuries.

You should not exercise with excessive weights that cannot be lifted. The term high weight represents the maximum weight that you can do from 6 to 8 repetitions with that movement.

Improve your technique

The right exercise technique allows you to have larger muscles and healthy joints, while the wrong exercise technique only results in injury and loss of time. Therefore, always focus on your technique before focusing on development.

I have a few small but effective suggestions for the right exercise technique.

Apply the movement in a controlled and slow manner.
Do not lift the weight while shaking. (Weights that are more than you can lift prevent you from focusing on the desired chassis.)
Do not lock your joints at the peak of movement. (Locking your joints will cause your muscles to lose tension and a large part of your weight will load on your joints.)

Keep your workouts short

You should organize your workouts intensively and briefly. This is essential for your body to provide the environment it needs to maintain its post-exercise work.

Therefore, keep your exercises between 45 minutes and 90 minutes.

Long-term exercise increases the release of cortisol, also known as stress hormone, in your body. High cortisol levels are responsible for many processes ranging from increasing fat to muscle destruction.

For more information on cortisol, read my cortisol hormone guide.

Head towards compound exercises

Exercises that run multiple joints and muscle groups are called compound exercises. These types of exercises support hormone secretion, power increase indirectly fat burning and muscle mass increase more than isolated exercises.

For this reason, make sure to include compound exercises in the training tempo. This will allow you to gain more muscle in a short time.

Some of the best compound exercises you can use

Bench press,

can be sorted as.
Do not apply the same training program all the time

As you can recall from the paragraph we describe muscle development, muscle directs the growth response according to the situation to which it is exposed. In other words, muscle cells are repaired, new nuclei are produced and amino acid is stored in order to adapt to the situation caused by stress.

Continuing to do the same exercises after a while will cause your muscles not sufficiently strained. Because you have been practicing the same angle at the same angle for a long time and creating a similar strain on the muscle.

You can break this cycle by changing the exercises, set / difficulty order, and repetition numbers in your training program.

Most of the time, just changing the exercises will not provide the change your muscles need.

Restrict cardio exercises

It may sound crazy, but it's true. Your body consumes calories during the time of cardio and frees up valuable energy resources. These discharged energy sources often adversely affect your exercise performance.

If you need to do cardio exercises if possible to take a day without weight training, if not to keep short after the exercise to apply.

You can get information about HIIT and Tabata cardio which can be done in a short time and burns calories very fast. With these cardio protocols you can get more benefits from long and tedious cardio exercises.


Fast and natural muscle building: Diet

After the first foot exercise, we came to the diet of fast and natural muscle building. Although there are many things you need to pay attention to, I will examine the most important and “must know” issues.
Get basic nutrients

Many bodybuilders focus their attention on continuous protein intake when planning their diet. This movement, which is generally wrong, leads to developmental problems in the long term, but also causes loss of performance and motivation.

You should keep your protein intake between 1 and 1.5 grams per kilo. This is sufficient to provide the protein necessary for muscle development.

Although there are many instructors who recommend taking 2 and 3 grams of protein per kilo, this level of protein intake is unnecessary for almost all athletes.

You should keep your carbohydrate intake between 2 and 5 grams per kilo. This is necessary to release the energy needed for the metabolism of your muscles and the insulin needed to pass amino acids in the blood to the cells.

You can avoid unnecessary lubrication by using your preference for slowly digested carbohydrates. You can break this rule after training to meet the urgent need for your muscles.

However, you should also follow your oil intake. Fats successfully undertake many tasks from absorption of some of the vitamins contained in nutrients to the structure of cell walls.

Testosterone and many hormones you need are synthesized from cholesterol. In order to provide cholesterol, which is a fat, to your body, make sure to take healthy and regular fat intake.

Pay attention to vitamin and mineral intake

Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in the structure of many enzymes in the body and directly affect the release of many hormones. Therefore, make sure that you are getting the right vitamins and minerals that are key to your development.

Vitamins and minerals most commonly encountered in athletes

Vitamin E,
Vitamin D,

can be sorted as. You should pay special attention to the intake of these vitamins and minerals.

In addition, to increase the testosterone hormone ZMA at home to learn how to do at home, you can review the article called ZMA construction.
Get enough liquid

Fluid intake is vital for athletes. In order for the cells to survive and organ-tissue compatibility to continue, you must replace the lost fluid quickly and completely.

In addition, the correct fluid intake makes your muscles look fuller, while allowing them to perform their nutrition / discharge processes more quickly and effectively.

Symptoms of fluid loss and how much fluid people should take in the sport of fluid loss (dehydration) guide can learn from my article.


Fast and natural muscle building: Life

You have organized your exercise and diet program. But there is still something very important to change. Life style!
Make sure you're asleep

During sleep, the body initiates restructuring processes and tries to recover quickly. For this reason, many professional athletes pay close attention to sleep patterns.

The most important issues about sleep

Be in bed before 11:30 at night. This increases the secretion of growth hormone, which positively affects muscle development, and reduces the level of cortisol hormone that provides muscle destruction and fat storage.
Sleep at least 7 hours a day sleep at night. A less sleepy night's sleep is not enough to fully recover your body. This is very important for both your activity and your development during the day.
Do not lie too full. Full sleep causes a large part of the blood in your body to accumulate into the stomach. The blood collected in the stomach during the digestion process disables a significant amount that the body needs to send to organs during reconstruction.

Research also shows that people who are late and sleep less are fatter and more susceptible to illness.

For more information about sleep, see my article about everything about sleep.

Be motivated, stay motivated

Exercise and diet may become monotonous after a while. The only thing you need to do to keep this pace is to motivate yourself.

To be motivated, try the following:

Set a target for yourself and reward yourself for every target you reach.
Note your exercise and diet. Review your progress monthly.
Share your progress.
Make exercise and diet enjoyable. You can consolidate it by making small contests

Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake, Mocha Latte, Keto Friendy, 15 Count