Saturday, August 31, 2019

SmartyPants Vegetarian Organic Kids Daily Gummy Vitamins: Multivitamin, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Omega-3, Probiotic, Vitamin D3, Methylcobalamin B12, Zinc; 120 Count (30 Day Supply)

How to identify folic acid deficiency?

SmartyPants Vegetarian Organic Kids Daily Gummy Vitamins: Multivitamin, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Omega-3, Probiotic, Vitamin D3, Methylcobalamin B12, Zinc; 120 Count (30 Day Supply)

Folic Acid has an important role in the formation and development of cell building blocks, blood cells and especially nervous system tissues and is part of the B complex vitamins.

Folic acid, which plays an important role in making DNA, which is the building blocks of our genetic code, is an indispensable vitamin for those who want to grow healthy. The main causes of folic acid deficiency in humans are malnutrition. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Therefore it is also used in the treatment of anemia.

Folic acid deficiency is caused by anemia caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to nutrition. This deficiency can be caused by chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, the elderly or people with low socioeconomic level, as well as diets that lack fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods rich in folic acid.

Benefits of folic acid

If the folic acid needed by the baby is not enough, neural tube defect, central nervous system diseases and many developmental problems may occur. With the simplest form, the baby's skull and brain cannot develop. Folic acid has an important role in metabolism and formation of nervous system tissues. Folic acid infant used before and during pregnancy; Protects against cleft lip and cleft palate, preterm labor, low-weight birth and miscarriage . Folic acid can also be prepared as follows; It also protects against pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

When to start using folic acid?

Those with digestive, kidney and liver disease may experience folic acid deficiency. It is recommended to use it together with vitamin B12 during treatment. In addition, taking folic acid more than the recommended amount regularly triggers vitamin B12 deficiency. To prevent this, you can take folic acid measurements and use the B12 supplement in consultation with your doctor.

How to identify folic acid deficiency? Folic acid-containing foods and benefits

folic acid deficiency Folic Acid has an important role in the formation and development of cell building blocks, blood cells and especially nervous system tissues and is part of the B complex vitamins. Folic acid, which plays an important role in making DNA, which is the building blocks of our genetic code, is an indispensable vitamin for those who want to grow healthy. The main causes of folic acid deficiency in humans are malnutrition. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Therefore it is also used in the treatment of anemia. Folic acid deficiency is caused by anemia caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to nutrition. This deficiency can be caused by chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, the elderly or people with low socioeconomic level, as well as diets that lack fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods rich in folic acid.


Benefits of folic acid
When to start using folic acid?
Symptoms of folic acid deficiency
Treatment of folic acid deficiency
Foods and foods containing folic acid
The amount of folic acid in foods;

Benefits of folic acid

If the folic acid needed by the baby is not enough, neural tube defect, central nervous system diseases and many developmental problems may occur. With the simplest form, the baby's skull and brain cannot develop. Folic acid has an important role in metabolism and formation of nervous system tissues. Folic acid infant used before and during pregnancy; Protects against cleft lip and cleft palate, preterm labor, low-weight birth and miscarriage . Folic acid can also be prepared as follows; It also protects against pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

When to start using folic acid?

Those with digestive, kidney and liver disease may experience folic acid deficiency. It is recommended to use it together with vitamin B12 during treatment. In addition, taking folic acid more than the recommended amount regularly triggers vitamin B12 deficiency. To prevent this, you can take folic acid measurements and use the B12 supplement in consultation with your doctor.

Folic acid, which is taken 400 mcg daily before and during pregnancy, is protective against birth injuries that may occur in the baby's spinal cord and brain. Birth defects in the first 3-4 of pregnancy. occurs during the week. For this reason, folic acid is needed in the early period when the baby's brain and spinal cord develops.

It is recommended that folic acid should be started one month before becoming pregnant and taken daily during pregnancy. Use of folic acid; 400 mcg when pregnancy is decided, 400 mcg in the first trimester of pregnancy, 4-9. 600mcg between months, 500 mcg during breastfeeding is recommended.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency

Each type of anemia has its own symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. However, there are some more general symptoms associated with all types of anemia. These symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, fainting, and irregular heartbeat (palpitations). You may also have headaches, tinnitus and loss of appetite. If your anemia is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, there may be other symptoms. These are yellowing on your skin (depending on the jaundice that occurs when a chemical called bilirubin accumulates in the blood).

Other symptoms include a painful, red tongue (glossitis), sores in your mouth, and altered or reduced touch. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include decreased pain, changes in walking and movement, blurred vision, irritability and depression. Folate deficiency can also cause symptoms of general anemia, loss of sensation, inability to control your muscles, and depression.

Causes of folic acid deficiency

Folate deficiency may also be caused by the absence of folate in the foods you take, or by another disease (such as restless bowel syndrome) that prevents your body from absorbing folate as effectively as necessary. You may also lose folate if you go to the toilet very often due to an underlying disease related to your kidney or liver. If your body needs more than normal folate, you may not meet this need, you may be weak. If you become pregnant or cancer, if you have a blood disorder or inflammation in your body, you will need more folates.

Treatment of folic acid deficiency

To treat anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, your doctor prescribes folic acid tablets, usually taken for four months. If you have anemia due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, it is important to include plenty of vitamin B12 and folate-rich foods in your daily diet. Rich sources of vitamin B12 include meat, eggs, dairy products, fortified breakfast cereals, and some soy products. Vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus , peas, chickpeas and brown rice also contain high levels of folate.

Health problems caused by folic acid deficiency

The incidence of congenital anomalies in a study conducted in Turkey goes on record as 3 thousand. The probability of congenital anomalies seen in the second children of couples who have children with anomalies is 2-3%.

Use of folic acid before and during pregnancy is a protective factor against complications. Complications are relatively rare, as most cases of vitamin B12 or folate insufficiency can be easily treated. In severe cases, any type of anemia can cause complications that may affect your heart and lungs and prevent them from working properly.

B12 or folate deficiency can sometimes cause temporary sterility (infertility, inability to conceive). However, this infertility is not permanent and can be removed by using vitamin supplements. If you are pregnant, if you do not take enough B12 or folate, your baby is at increased risk of developing a birth defect, such as spina bifida. Folate deficiency also increases your baby's risk of premature birth.

Folate deficiency increases your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease (causing your heart and circulatory system to malfunction). Research has shown that folate failure may also be associated with some cancers. Folate deficiency alone is not a cause of cancer, but may contribute to the development of the disease.

Alzheimer's and Folic Acid

The incidence of Alzheimer's disease has increased approximately four times in the last 40 years. People with Alzheimer's disease have generally been found to have low blood folic acid levels. In a study conducted over 65 years of age, folate, Vit B6 and VitB 12 patients were found to have no dementia problem. Folic acid intake is very useful in brain development, protection against Alzheimer's and other nervous system diseases

To prevent Alzheimer's, folate-rich foods should be taken care of and folic acid levels should be followed.

Folic acid in cancer prevention

Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency is most common in people over 75 years of age. Increasing the amount of folic acid added to the diet in the prevention of colon and breast cancer reduces the risk of colon cancer by reducing folic acid-rich diet and alcohol. Consuming more than 2 glasses of alcohol every day increases the risk of cancer 4 times. 400 mcg folic acid taken daily in addition to diet reduces the risk of colon cancer .

Foods and foods containing folic acid

Folate Rich Cereals; Cereals consumed daily are very rich sources of folic acid. Grain breads and oatmeal are foods with vitamin B group. Therefore, cereal breads and cereals should be preferred instead of white bread.

Vegetables Containing Folic Acid; Dark green leafy vegetables are very rich in folic acid. Vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, parsley and black cabbage should be consumed to cover the daily amount of folate. Green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peas and gumbo are also foods containing folic acid.
Source of Folic Acid Citrus; Citrus fruits, which are the healthiest foods of winter, contain abundant folic acid. Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and lemons should be included in the daily diet. Especially these fruits should be consumed in abundance during pregnancy and lactation.
Legumes with Folic Acid; Lentils and dried beans are very important with the amount of folic acid in them. These foods, which also have other sources of vitamins, must be included in daily nutrition.
Other Foods Containing Folic Acid; Natural foods, such as avocado , cauliflower, celery, corn and beet, contain folate.

How to identify folic acid deficiency? Folic acid-containing foods and benefits
Category: Nutrition and Diet , Pregnancy , Vitamins Print
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folic acid deficiency Folic Acid has an important role in the formation and development of cell building blocks, blood cells and especially nervous system tissues and is part of the B complex vitamins. Folic acid, which plays an important role in making DNA, which is the building blocks of our genetic code, is an indispensable vitamin for those who want to grow healthy. The main causes of folic acid deficiency in humans are malnutrition. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Therefore it is also used in the treatment of anemia. Folic acid deficiency is caused by anemia caused by a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to nutrition. This deficiency can be caused by chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, the elderly or people with low socioeconomic level, as well as diets that lack fresh fruit and vegetables and other foods rich in folic acid.


Benefits of folic acid
When to start using folic acid?
Symptoms of folic acid deficiency
Treatment of folic acid deficiency
Foods and foods containing folic acid
The amount of folic acid in foods;

Benefits of folic acid

If the folic acid needed by the baby is not enough, neural tube defect, central nervous system diseases and many developmental problems may occur. With the simplest form, the baby's skull and brain cannot develop. Folic acid has an important role in metabolism and formation of nervous system tissues. Folic acid infant used before and during pregnancy; Protects against cleft lip and cleft palate, preterm labor, low-weight birth and miscarriage . Folic acid can also be prepared as follows; It also protects against pregnancy complications, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
When to start using folic acid?

Those with digestive, kidney and liver disease may experience folic acid deficiency. It is recommended to use it together with vitamin B12 during treatment. In addition, taking folic acid more than the recommended amount regularly triggers vitamin B12 deficiency. To prevent this, you can take folic acid measurements and use the B12 supplement in consultation with your doctor.

Folic acid, which is taken 400 mcg daily before and during pregnancy, is protective against birth injuries that may occur in the baby's spinal cord and brain. Birth defects in the first 3-4 of pregnancy. occurs during the week. For this reason, folic acid is needed in the early period when the baby's brain and spinal cord develops.

It is recommended that folic acid should be started one month before becoming pregnant and taken daily during pregnancy. Use of folic acid; 400 mcg when pregnancy is decided, 400 mcg in the first trimester of pregnancy, 4-9. 600mcg between months, 500 mcg during breastfeeding is recommended.
Symptoms of folic acid deficiency

Each type of anemia has its own symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. However, there are some more general symptoms associated with all types of anemia. These symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, dyspnea, fainting, and irregular heartbeat (palpitations). You may also have headaches, tinnitus and loss of appetite. If your anemia is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, there may be other symptoms. These are yellowing on your skin (depending on the jaundice that occurs when a chemical called bilirubin accumulates in the blood).

Other symptoms include a painful, red tongue (glossitis), sores in your mouth, and altered or reduced touch. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include decreased pain, changes in walking and movement, blurred vision, irritability and depression. Folate deficiency can also cause symptoms of general anemia, loss of sensation, inability to control your muscles, and depression.
Causes of folic acid deficiency

Folate deficiency may also be caused by the absence of folate in the foods you take, or by another disease (such as restless bowel syndrome) that prevents your body from absorbing folate as effectively as necessary. You may also lose folate if you go to the toilet very often due to an underlying disease related to your kidney or liver. If your body needs more than normal folate, you may not meet this need, you may be weak. If you become pregnant or cancer, if you have a blood disorder or inflammation in your body, you will need more folates.
Treatment of folic acid deficiency

To treat anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, your doctor prescribes folic acid tablets, usually taken for four months. If you have anemia due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, it is important to include plenty of vitamin B12 and folate-rich foods in your daily diet. Rich sources of vitamin B12 include meat, eggs, dairy products, fortified breakfast cereals, and some soy products. Vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus , peas, chickpeas and brown rice also contain high levels of folate.

Health problems caused by folic acid deficiency

The incidence of congenital anomalies in a study conducted in Turkey goes on record as 3 thousand. The probability of congenital anomalies seen in the second children of couples who have children with anomalies is 2-3%.

Use of folic acid before and during pregnancy is a protective factor against complications. Complications are relatively rare, as most cases of vitamin B12 or folate insufficiency can be easily treated. In severe cases, any type of anemia can cause complications that may affect your heart and lungs and prevent them from working properly.

B12 or folate deficiency can sometimes cause temporary sterility (infertility, inability to conceive). However, this infertility is not permanent and can be removed by using vitamin supplements. If you are pregnant, if you do not take enough B12 or folate, your baby is at increased risk of developing a birth defect, such as spina bifida. Folate deficiency also increases your baby's risk of premature birth.

Folate deficiency increases your risk of developing a cardiovascular disease (causing your heart and circulatory system to malfunction). Research has shown that folate failure may also be associated with some cancers. Folate deficiency alone is not a cause of cancer, but may contribute to the development of the disease.
Alzheimer's and Folic Acid

The incidence of Alzheimer's disease has increased approximately four times in the last 40 years. People with Alzheimer's disease have generally been found to have low blood folic acid levels. In a study conducted over 65 years of age, folate, Vit B6 and VitB 12 patients were found to have no dementia problem. Folic acid intake is very useful in brain development, protection against Alzheimer's and other nervous system diseases

To prevent Alzheimer's, folate-rich foods should be taken care of and folic acid levels should be followed.

Folic acid in cancer prevention

Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency is most common in people over 75 years of age. Increasing the amount of folic acid added to the diet in the prevention of colon and breast cancer reduces the risk of colon cancer by reducing folic acid-rich diet and alcohol. Consuming more than 2 glasses of alcohol every day increases the risk of cancer 4 times. 400 mcg folic acid taken daily in addition to diet reduces the risk of colon cancer .
Foods and foods containing folic acid

Folate Rich Cereals; Cereals consumed daily are very rich sources of folic acid. Grain breads and oatmeal are foods with vitamin B group. Therefore, cereal breads and cereals should be preferred instead of white bread.

Vegetables Containing Folic Acid; Dark green leafy vegetables are very rich in folic acid. Vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, parsley and black cabbage should be consumed to cover the daily amount of folate. Green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peas and gumbo are also foods containing folic acid.
Source of Folic Acid Citrus; Citrus fruits, which are the healthiest foods of winter, contain abundant folic acid. Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and lemons should be included in the daily diet. Especially these fruits should be consumed in abundance during pregnancy and lactation.
Legumes with Folic Acid; Lentils and dried beans are very important with the amount of folic acid in them. These foods, which also have other sources of vitamins, must be included in daily nutrition.
Other Foods Containing Folic Acid; Natural foods, such as avocado , cauliflower, celery, corn and beet, contain folate.

The amount of folic acid in foods;

It is of great importance that foods containing folic acid are included in daily nutrition. By consuming these foods, daily folate needs can be met.

3/4 Cup Cereals; 400 mcg
Cooked Beef Livers; 215 mcg2
Bowl of Boiled or Cooked Spinach; 218 mcg1 / 2
Cup of Boiled Lentils; 179 mcg1 / 2
Cup Boiled Haricot Beans; 90 mcg1
Pieces Egg; 25 mcg1
Handful Sunflower Seeds; 82 mcg1
Bowl of Asparagus; 79 mcg1
Pieces Orange; 55 mcg1
Squeezed Orange Juice In A Glass; Contains 80 mcg folic acid.

SmartyPants Vegetarian Organic Kids Daily Gummy Vitamins: Multivitamin, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Omega-3, Probiotic, Vitamin D3, Methylcobalamin B12, Zinc; 120 Count (30 Day Supply)

Flintstones Complete Chewables Children’s Multivitamins, Kids Vitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B6, and B12, 180 Count


Flintstones Complete Chewables Children’s Multivitamins, Kids Vitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B6, and B12, 180 Count

The lack of vitamins with accelerating, directing and activating properties of the cells leads to various diseases. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Department Professor. Dr. Aykan Canberk drew attention to the mistakes made about vitamins and answered the curious questions:

Should vitamin be taken in antibiotic treatment? Antibiotic treatment also affects beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Consequently, fungal diseases such as thrush, diarrhea, indigestion and gas complaints occur. Therefore, it is especially useful to take vitamin B complex in antibiotic treatment.

Are vitamins taken at any time of the day? Some vitamins, for example; Vitamin E should be taken at night, vitamin C after meals. Because vitamin E is used during the day to provide energy to the body. When metabolism is slowed and the energy consumption is minimized at night, when taken before bedtime, other functions of vitamin E, ie, constructive properties, emerge. It is more beneficial to the body. Vitamin C is acidic and may cause irritation to the stomach when taken on an empty stomach. Other vitamins can be taken at any time of day.

Is vitamin deficiency causing diseases? Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness, hair loss, skin-like disorders, and a tendency to infection. Vitamin C deficiency leads to bleeding and infection of the gums, while vitamin B deficiency leads to nerve end inflammation and fatty liver. Vitamin D deficiency leads to accelerated bone resorption disease, softening of bones and curvature in women. Vitamin E deficiency accelerates arteriosclerosis, deterioration of fat metabolism, miscarriage of women, premature aging, and vitamin K deficiency can cause nosebleeds and bruising under the skin.

Is it harmful to take several different vitamin pills at the same time? There is no harm in taking several different vitamin pills at the same time after a doctor has recommended it. For example, vitamins E and C are given together in patients with arteriosclerosis. Taking two pills together increases the success of the disease.

How does vitamin deficiency become apparent? Frequent influenza, angina, bronchitis, upper respiratory diseases, catching kidney stones, bleeding gums, miscarriage of women, nosebleeds, nail breakage and hair loss are symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

Is it harmful to take excessive vitamins? Taking too much vitamin A causes fat in the liver and accelerates weight gain. Excessive vitamin C causes irritation of the stomach as well as increased gastritis. There is no harm in excess of vitamin E. An excess of vitamin K may increase the tendency of blood to clot. Therefore, it is necessary to use vitamins in accordance with the deficiencies in the body through the doctor's control.

Does vitamin E really delay aging? Vitamin E prevents the accumulation of free oxygen radicals in the cells. Increases cell oxygen and prevents wear. It leads to healthier and more durable cell formation.

Are vitamins taken with food sufficient? In some cases, the vitamins of our meals may not be enough. This is especially true for vitamin E. Because the body needs 400 milligrams of vitamin E daily. To get this, you need to eat 5-6 kilos of rice, barley or lentils. Since this cannot be done, it is useful to take vitamin E as a supplement every day. With balanced nutrition, other vitamins can be supplied from fruits and vegetables.

Is it harmful to take vitamins during pregnancy? Pregnant women should meet their vitamin requirements by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. They can only take B, C and E after a doctor has recommended it. In particular, the random intake of vitamin A should be avoided.

Do vitamins increase sexual strength? Vitamins have positive effects in terms of supporting metabolism and increasing the functions of the body. But so far, there is no information that increases sexual power.

Is nail breakage whitening a sign of vitamin deficiency? Yeah. Vitamin A deficiency is manifested by breakage in the nails, deformities, lines and white spots.

Flintstones Complete Chewables Children’s Multivitamins, Kids Vitamin Supplement with Vitamins C, D, E, B6, and B12, 180 Count

SmartyPants Toddler Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 90 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

Vitamin D deficiency that causes many diseases!

SmartyPants Toddler Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 90 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

Near East University Hospital Department of Internal Medicine Specialist. Sabiha Gokcen Asvaroglu, with the transition from human nature to urban life with the emergence of new health problems in recent years, one of the most emphasized and concentrated studies in recent years is one of the vitamin D deficiency, he added.

Vitamins are organic components that are not produced by the body, so they must be taken through nutrition and have important roles on metabolism. Unlike other vitamins, 95% of vitamin D is produced in the skin with the help of sunlight, but 5% is provided from foods. Dr. Sabiha Gokcen Asvaroglu, the sun alone is not enough to get rich in vitamin D nutrition, vitamin D is produced in the skin after the body or food is taken into the body and liver and kidneys is activated through some processes, he said.

"The function of vitamin D is to increase calcium absorption in the intestine"

The main task of vitamin D is to increase the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Dr. Sabiha Gokcen Asvaroglu, at the same time bone mineralization, calcium phosphorus balance, the regulation of muscle nervous system functions, he said. According to the information obtained from the studies of the person's muscle strength and heartbeats regulating Asvaroğlu said, vitamin D, especially influenza, fight against all kinds of infections, multiple sclerosis, inflammation in the intestine, such as protection against autoimmune diseases, prevention of uncontrolled cell proliferation (cancer), insulin release from the pancreas. regulation, thyroid functions and normal blood coagulation.

"Vitamin D deficiency is detected in one out of every three people"

Vitamin D was first discovered in the 1920s during research to find a remedy for rickets, a bone disease seen in children, Asvaroglu said, deficiency of vitamin D, with the progress of technology began to be seen as the level of frequent measurement. Exp. Dr. Sabiha Gökçen Asvaroğlu said: "In addition to bone diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, prostate cancer is also associated with many diseases, such as. Vitamin D deficiency, the level of vitamin D in the blood is significantly reduced. Vitamin D in almost one out of every three people is lacking. "

"Diseases due to vitamin D deficiency decrease in developing countries and osteoporosis disease which is also associated with vitamin D deficiency is common"

Vitamin D deficiency characterized by mineralization disorder in the bones, rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults called bone diseases, he said:

"While the incidence of these two diseases due to vitamin D deficiency decreases in developing countries, osteoporosis (bone resorption), which is also associated with vitamin D deficiency, is common. Bone fractures increase with the decrease of calcium stored in the bones. It may also be difficult to climb stairs due to muscle weakness that may occur in vitamin D deficiency, however, in studies conducted, vitamin D deficiency may be associated with allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, Atopic dermatitis, etc.), diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chron disease, rheumatoid arthritis, breast, intestinal and prostate cancer have also been shown to be associated with these diseases may not be seen in all patients with vitamin D deficiency. lack of ini can not say. "

"The only way to ensure that there is a lack of vitamin D in the body is to measure the level of vitamin D (25 (OH) vitamin D3) in the blood."

Vitamin D deficiency is generally silent, says Uzm. Dr. Sabiha Gokcen Asvaroglu, lack of serious symptoms did not occur, he said. Asvaroğlu said: "Fatigue, general pain-free, not feeling well, such as vitamin D deficiency may be overlooked as it may create non-specific complaints. The only way to be sure whether there is a deficiency of vitamin D (25 (OH) vitamin D3) level of vitamin D. is a serious health hazard, even when it does not cause complaints. "


Vitamin D supplementation is the standard treatment of vitamin D deficiency, he said, the preferred vitamin in these supplements is vitamin D3, he said. Stating that vitamin D3 should be taken in the form of daily or weekly doses, Asvaroğlu stated that people using vitamin should take care of taking vitamin together with the meal and that the absorption and usefulness of the vitamin taken with the meal increased.

"Increasing need for vitamin D in children, pregnant and lactating women"

Since the amount of vitamin D in foods is low, vitamin D deficiency will be insufficient even if it is tried to be corrected with nutrition alone. Dr. Sabiha Gökçen Asvaroğlu, vitamin D-rich foods at the same time contains high cholesterol should be consumed carefully, he said. Growing children, pregnant and breastfeeding women said that the need for vitamin D Asvaroglu, vitamin D deficiency in adults is generally 400-800 IU, he said. Asvaroğlu continued:

"The dosage and route of administration of vitamin D deficiency varies according to the cause and severity of the deficiency. Vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble vitamin, may accumulate in the body when taken uncontrollably and cause harmful effects. - Bone pain, heart rhythm disturbances and renal insufficiency should be careful, drug package inserts should be read carefully, vitamin D containing multivitamins and vitamin D. In other cases, it is recommended to look at the blood vitamin D levels at least once a year, preferably 6 months apart, 2 times a year, with vitamin D levels fluctuating during the year, the highest at the end of summer and the lowest after winter r. "

SmartyPants Toddler Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 90 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

SmartyPants Men’s Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 180 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

When we lose 4 vitamins we have 5 diseases

SmartyPants Men’s Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 180 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

People who stay away from meat in their daily diet are deprived of vitamins in meat. International Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist İbrahim Bağcivan says that a person who is known to be a vegetarian cannot meet the need for vitamin B12, which is known only in animal foods, so that people who prefer vegetarian nutrition are offered vitamin B12 for prevention purposes.

Stating that each drug is actually a poison and the only feature that separates the drug from the poison is the dose. İbrahim Bağcivan said, bile Even the most important and vital water for human beings is unnecessary and consumes too much and can cause important health problems. In today's medicine, it is clear under which conditions vitamins can be used for treatment and under which conditions, ”he says.

It was first understood in 1896 that vitamin deficiency can lead to diseases, and the following result appears:

• Skin and gum problems in vitamin C deficiency
• Vision problems in vitamin A deficiency
• Bone problems in vitamin D deficiency
• Skin and nervous system problems occur in vitamin B deficiency.

In developed and developing countries, vitamin deficiencies caused by nutritional problems are not common. However, vitamin deficiency does not only occur due to malnutrition. Deficiencies may arise in many situations such as inability to meet the increased need (infancy, pregnancy, adolescence), diabetes, renal failure, diseases with intestinal absorption, stomach surgeries, intensive alcohol use in different periods of our lives. When vitamin treatment is mentioned, special treatment is required for these risk groups. Today, however, vitamins that need to be taken with natural foods are taken randomly as a medicine without the need.


Vitamins are divided into two groups as water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins according to their chemical properties. Since vitamins B and C are soluble in water, they cannot be stored in our bodies. Therefore, deficiencies are more common than fat-soluble vitamins. Because they do not accumulate in the body to be consumed more often does not cause problems. Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K) accumulate in the body when taken too much and when used uncontrolled “hypervitaminosis” can lead to excess vitamin. Just as vitamin deficiency is a health problem, its excess is a health problem.


For example, when vitamin D is taken too much, it causes poisoning as well as calcium excess. Increased vitamin D causes excess calcium absorption in the body, resulting in significant excess calcium. This has serious and important consequences for heart and kidney health. Extra vitamin A can cause darkening of the skin, flaking, increased intracranial pressure, severe headache, and vision problems. Vitamin K can reveal problems related to blood clotting.


Likewise, vitamin D in breast milk, especially cow's milk, may not meet the needs of infants, so vitamin D is given for preventive purposes. As can be seen from the examples above, the conditions under which vitamins can be used medically are known. The problems encountered with the use of vitamins are caused by a misconception that these drugs are not considered as medicines, but are thought to be innocent and harmless. Therefore, uncontrolled and unconscious use of vitamins without doctor's advice may cause various health problems. The excess of fat-soluble vitamins that can be stored in the body is more common especially when taken more than needed.

- Vitamin D excess increases in blood calcium level and consequently causes problems such as muscle cramps, heart rhythm problems, constipation.

- Vitamin A excess increases brain pressure, muscle weakness, headache, vision problems

- Although vitamin C is not stored in the body, it is excreted in the urine and may cause some kidney stones to form.

- Recent scientific studies have also shown that high doses of vitamins E and C increase the occurrence of lung cancer.

- Again in studies conducted using high doses of vitamin A, C and E, gastrointestinal, prostate cancer, even if it does not cause cancer development shortened the expected life expectancy has been shown to contribute to the growth of the tumor.

- Vitamins taken from natural foods do not cause any problems.

- For these reasons, it is emphasized that healthy nutrition outside the need groups is sufficient for vitamin intake and the need for additional vitamin needs should be planned according to the doctor's advice.


International Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Ibrahim Bagcivan, who should take which vitamins in which period is as follows:

Infancy: Vitamin D
Pregnancy: Folic acid
Renal impairment and dialysis patients: Folic acid, vitamin D
Stomach and intestinal surgery: Vitamin B12
Diseases associated with intestinal absorption: vitamin D, B12
Intensive alcohol use: B1, B12
Diabetics: B1, B6
Vegetarian: B12

SmartyPants Men’s Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 180 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Organic Kids Multivitamin, 60 Gummies, 1 Month Supply

What nutrients are good for iron deficiency? Treatment methods of iron deficiency at home

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Organic Kids Multivitamin, 60 Gummies, 1 Month Supply

What is iron deficiency, one of the most common anemia types in the world? What are the symptoms of iron deficiency that cause fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, hair loss and many other factors? What are the nutrients that are good for iron deficiency? Details of iron deficiency and treatment in our news

Iron deficiency, one of the most common types of anemia in the world, is higher in women than in men. In addition, 50 percent of pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. With iron deficiency, there are symptoms leading to significant changes in the body, weakening of vital functions and bowel-stomach cancer. What should be done to prevent iron deficiency that causes hair loss, weakness, tired tumbling, headaches, and more? What nutrients are good for iron deficiency? What can be the home treatment methods for iron deficiency? Here, all those interested in iron deficiency and treatment ...


Iron deficiency anemia, known as anemia in the community, is the transport of oxygen in the structure of red blood cells in the blood and the decrease in the amount of hemoglobin that makes these cells red. Iron deficiency may also be a symptom of many important diseases, primarily stomach and intestinal cancer. Lack of iron that transports oxygen from the lungs to the whole body means a lack of hemoglobin.
In this case, there are also herbal methods that can be applied at home to increase the level of hemoglabin, ie to increase the level of iron in the blood. Iron deficiency is found in 35% of women and 20% of men in the world. This rate is 50% in pregnant women.


Fatigue and weakness; There may be many causes of excessive fatigue and one of the biggest causes is iron deficiency. Inadequate oxygen transport by blood to all points of the body caused by iron deficiency creates weakness and confusion.

Pale skin; When the hemoglobin rate, which gives the blood a red color due to iron deficiency, decreases the pink and healthy tone of the skin, the skin becomes pale. In particular, the lips are the first to show paleness.
Headache and dizziness; Among the early symptoms of iron deficiency, headaches and subsequent dizziness, darkening of the eye, such as situations, again as a result of the body can not find enough oxygen emerges.

Numbness of hands and feet, cold; Oxygen deficiency due to iron deficiency and changing blood flow due to this deficiency can cause frequent numbness in hands and feet.

Quick-breaking nails; Quickly broken nails may be due to the lack of oxygen in the body due to iron deficiency. Flattening and streaking of the nails may also occur.

Impaired concentration; It is very difficult to recognize the concentration disorder which is very common especially in children and causes many problems in school and education. fatigue, difficult lessons or laziness due to many reasons such as the lack of recognition of concentration disorder is possible. Therefore, blood tests should be performed especially in children.

Nervousness and tension; Anger and stress can be a sign of iron deficiency for no reason.

Lip fracture and mouth wound; Due to the deficiency of myoglobulin protein in red blood cells due to iron deficiency, tongue may swell and ache. In addition, cracks occur around the lips and around them.

Hair loss; Due to the decrease in oxygen supply in the body, hair begins to fall out.

The desire to eat soil, ice and lime; This is an indication that iron deficiency is advanced. In those with iron deficiency, there is an intense desire to eat against non-nutrients.

Restless leg syndrome; Restless leg syndrome, which is a feeling that can be felt in the legs but cannot be described fully, affects sleep greatly. One of the major causes of this incurable disease is iron deficiency. Iron deficiency was observed in 15 percent of patients with restless leg syndrome.

Shortness of breath; Iron deficiency, which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, causes shortness of breath. When our cells can't find the oxygen they need, our brain pushes us to breathe faster to provide oxygen. In this case, heart palpitations and chest pain brings.


Lack of iron in your body causes iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is usually due to blood loss, poor diet, or inadequate absorption of iron in foods you eat. Iron deficiency; Inadequate consumption of iron-rich foods, wrong diet programs, excessive tea and coffee consumption, the lack of adequate intake of animal foods, nutrition may occur due to reasons such as nutrition.

Blood Loss; When you lose blood, you lose iron. Iron deficiency anemia occurs if there is not enough iron stored in your body to replace the lost iron. The reasons for low levels of iron in women may be prolonged menstruation bleeding, excessive or bleeding in benign uterine fibroids in utero.

Blood loss during childbirth is another cause of reduced iron levels in women. Internal bleeding (internal bleeding, bleeding in your body) can also cause iron deficiency anemia. This type of blood loss is not always clear and may occur slowly. Some of the causes of internal bleeding are:
- A bleeding ulcer, bowel polyp or large bowel cancer
- Regular use of aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (eg ibuprofen and naproxen)
- Bleeding in the urinary tract
- Blood loss due to serious injuries, surgical operations or frequent blood draws can also cause iron deficiency anemia.

Malnutrition; Foods that are the best source of iron are meat, poultry, fish, eggs and iron-enriched foods. If you do not consume these foods regularly or do not take iron supplements, you are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia.
If the right foods are eaten, vegetarian nutrition can also provide sufficient iron. For example, non-meat iron sources include spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, some types of legumes, dried fruits, iron-added breads, and cornflakes. In some periods of life, such as pregnancy and childhood, it may be difficult to get enough iron with nutrition. This is due to the increased need for iron at times of growth and development.
Inadequate Iron Absorption; Even if you have enough iron in your diet, your body may not be able to fully absorb it. This may be due to previous bowel surgery or bowel diseases such as Chron's disease, Celiac disease. Drugs that reduce acid in the stomach can also disrupt iron absorption.


Vitamin C is the most important vitamin that should be consumed to prevent or treat iron deficiency. In addition, people who do not want to experience iron deficiency, especially apricots, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruit derivatives should consume plenty. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from the intestines. People with iron deficiency should not consume caffeinated beverages, milk and bran products, which reduce the absorption of iron. Consumption of these nutrients should be limited. In addition to this, it should be paid attention to the consumption of vitamin B12 in sufficient amount which enables red blood cells to be produced in bone marrow.

What are the nutrients that are good for iron deficiency?

Dried fruits such as dried apricots, raisins, dried mulberries
* Green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard)
* Nuts, pistachios and sesame seeds
* Liver, red meat, chicken and fish meat
* Egg
* Molasses and grapes
* Dry beans
* Eat eggs with orange juice
* Cook legumes with meat
* Eat plenty of greens at every meal.

* Stinging nettle is one of the known plants rich in iron. Spinach and watercress (also high in iron) are like nettle.
* Beet: beet juice, apple juice and honey can be made by making a mixture. This provides exceptional support for beta carotene and iron content.
* Banana and honey; Ripe bananas are one of the richest sources of iron. Blood can consume with honey twice a day to promote hemoglobin production. Honey is an excellent solution to increase the level of iron in the blood. Honey is rich in minerals such as manganese, copper and iron, and increases hemoglobin in the blood.
* An important way to increase iron absorption is to consume these nutrients together with vitamin C!
* Instead of boiling eggs sometimes cooked like menemen; green, red pepper, tomatoes and onions are given vitamin C, iron uptake is increased.
* When consumed with yogurt next to spinach, iron absorption decreases. Cooking spinach with eggs increases bioavailability.
* Legumes and cereals; Besides, when consumed with salad with lettuce, tomato and lemon with plenty of parsley, iron in cereals and legumes is absorbed more. In addition, when these foods are cooked with minced meat, pieces of meat or chicken, iron intake increases.
* People with advanced iron deficiency; milk, yogurt and buttermilk foods such as buttermilk should not eat next to the meals, should be consumed at meals. Because calcium has the ability to slow the absorption of iron.
* 1 to 2 teaspoons of molasses for breakfast meets most of the daily iron needs. Especially carob molasses iron contains high iron.
* For snacks; apricots, mulberries and raisins from dried fruits contribute to daily iron intake.

* Kelp; It is a brown algae that grows on the ocean shores in America. This plant, which is rich in iron, can fall into the same category as other sources such as spirulina, chlorella, dulse and sea lettuce. This plant is not only high in iron and other minerals, but also a rich source of iodine. For this reason, it is often used to strengthen the thyroid and regulate its metabolism.
* Dandelion leaves contain only modest amounts of iron. However, the fact that this plant is food or supplementary iron helps to absorb iron in the body by bite. Dandelion is best when it contains large amounts of iron, such as spinach or nettles, or when taken with iron supplements or other herbs.
* Red Clover Flowers & Burdock Root are powerful blood purifiers. These herbs are useful when taken with iron supplements or other iron-rich herbs. These medicinal plants are beneficial for health and are highly efficient in terms of iron absorption.
* Thyme, high iron content, as well as a plant with strong flavor. Therefore, the plant can be encapsulated and taken in pill form. But small can only be consumed in small amounts. Oregano can be used with seasonal foods.


- Be careful not to consume tea, coffee and cigarettes after meals or after meals. Exaggerating tea and coffee consumption, that is, excessive caffeine consumption is one of the main causes of iron deficiency.
- Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. For this reason, consuming the egg with orange juice or tomato and meatballs with green salad is important for increasing iron absorption.
- Fermented fermented bread is more absorbed than unleavened bread.
- Good uncooked legumes or bran bread reduces the absorption of iron.
- Feeding with pulp foods reduces the absorption of iron.
- The aluminum, stainless steel and cans we use to store food also reduce the absorption of iron.

Amazon Brand - Mama Bear Organic Kids Multivitamin, 60 Gummies, 1 Month Supply

Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules

What are the symptoms of B12 deficiency? How to fix B12 deficiency

Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules

Exp. Dr. Osman Cimenci "Vitamin B12 is most often found in animal foods, but due to the absorption of the disorder to a lesser extent, for example, long-term boiling of meat with excessive intake of vitamin C vitamin B12 can be destroyed in foodstuffs," he said. So what are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? How to eliminate vitamin B12 deficiency Here are the answers from the expert ...

Exp. Dr. Osman Cimenci "Vitamin B12 is most often found in animal foods, but due to the absorption of the disorder to a lesser extent, for example, long-term boiling of meat with excessive intake of vitamin C vitamin B12 can be destroyed in foodstuffs," he said. So what are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? How to eliminate vitamin B12 deficiency Here are the answers from the expert ...

Internal Medicine Specialist Osman Cimenci, vitamin B12 deficiency in humans leads to important and neuropsychiatric disorders, he said.
Exp. Dr. Osman Cimenci related to vitamin B12 found. Exp. Dr. Cimenci, "vitamin B12 is most often found in animal foods, but due to the absorption of the disorder to a lesser extent, for example, long-term boiling of meat with excessive intake of vitamin C vitamin B12 can be destroyed," he said.


Exp. Dr. "Vitamin B12 deficiency causes symptoms of anemia (anemia), such as palpitations, weakness, fatigue, decreased exercise capacity. psychosis, ataxia, abnormal gait, neuropathic complaints that paresthesia, numbness, burning and vertigo are complaints such as "he said.


Cimeci, "Laboratory tests are given as the lower limit of 190. Although there is a high serum level of B12 deficiency disease (active liver disease, lymphoma, autoimmune diseases), although there is a low serum level of B12 deficiency. (Excessive vitamin C intake, pregnancy , folate deficiency) Rising homocysteine ​​in the blood of B12 deficiency is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease is not associated with age. B12 deficiency often occurs because of the absorption disorder should be used in the treatment of injections.

Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules

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AZO Complete Feminine Balance Daily Probiotics for Women | 30 Count | Clinically Proven to Help Protect Vaginal Health | Clinically Shown to Work in 7 Days*

What is rickets?

Rickets is a bone disease that develops in growing individuals due to the insufficiency of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus in the development of bones. The mineralization defect that develops after the completion of bone growth is called osteomalacia.

Rickets is a disease of many systems, mainly bone tissue. Vitamin D deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in our country. Since vitamin D is not absorbed sufficiently, calcium cannot be utilized sufficiently and ossification is impaired.

Rickets is a disease of developing countries. Turkey is a prevalence of between 5-6 percent; but in some regions this rate is much higher. It has been reported that this ratio has decreased below 1% as a result of the rickets prevention program initiated by the Ministry of Health in recent years. Although it occurs at any age, rickets is often associated with vitamin D deficiency in children. Although it can be seen at any age, it usually occurs in children aged 3 months to 2 years.

Vitamin D deficiency develops especially in brown-fed infants who are fed with milk and during periods of rapid growth. In premature infants, vitamin D deficiency is seen in the early period because they are born with incomplete storage and grow rapidly.

What are the causes of rickets?

The reasons are varied. Rickets is the most common form of rickets in infancy due to vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D provides sufficient amounts of calcium and phosphorus, which are the main minerals that provide bone mineralization, in body fluids and tissues. Vitamin D is made in the skin with the help of sunlight as well as being taken with foods unlike most other vitamins. This vitamin D made in the skin is the main source that meets the needs of the body. Vitamin D, which is taken with food or made in the skin, goes through a series of processes in the liver and kidneys and becomes the most effective vitamin D form.

Vitamin D deficiency may develop due to a problem in any of the stages of active vitamin D formation. Not to take nutrients rich in vitamin D and calcium, not drink enough milk, to eat a large amount of floury foods, not enough sun to live in unsanitary, humid, dark and flat-ceilinged houses, to be a mother child who is not fed during the pregnancy and the sun does not benefit from the intestinal absorption disorder Causes rickets such as liver or kidney failure, disrupting the activation of vitamin D. In addition, some long-term medications may also affect vitamin D metabolism, leading to rickets. Diphenylhydantoin (epdantoin) and phenobarbital (luminal) used in the treatment of epilepsy (epilepsy) are among these drugs.

In addition to vitamin D, deficiencies of calcium and phosphorus minerals negatively affect bone development.

What foods does Vitamin D contain?

Vitamin D is found in animal foods such as butter, milk, cheese, eggs, fish and liver. Vitamin D is also found in plants in the form of vitamin D 2 . However, only vitamin D 3 taken from animal food is stored in the body.

Enriched nutrients are needed to get enough of this vitamin. If nutrients are not specifically enriched with vitamin D, an ordinary diet is often not sufficient to meet daily needs. In addition to fish products and fish oil, vitamin D is not present in every diet.

Is there enough vitamin D in breast milk?

The amount of vitamin D in breast milk is around 12-60 IU. This amount is small compared to 400 IU which needs daily vitamin D.

Although it has been suggested that vitamin D in breast milk is more easily absorbed and therefore more effective, it is now believed that breast milk alone will not meet the vitamin D requirement of the infant. In infants breastfed, this vitamin should be given in addition. This is especially important if the mother has vitamin D deficiency. The unborn baby needs the vitamin D from the mother. The fetus stores vitamin D in various tissues as well as it can manage itself for a while after birth. If vitamin D stores are not sufficient in the mother, the baby is born either deficient in vitamin D or stored insufficient vitamin D. In this case, if not enough vitamin D is taken after the birth or if it is not exposed to enough sunlight, it will be easier to develop rickets due to vitamin D deficiency.

Congenital rickets is a form of rickets that occurs in the first three months after birth in infants of undernourished mothers.

What are the symptoms of rickets?

The symptoms of rachitism vary according to age. Symptoms in the first age, which is the most common period, depend on low levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. These symptoms range from ambiguous symptoms such as unexplained restlessness to transfer. Hypotonia is prominent in infants with rickets, the muscles are loose and weak; therefore, their bellies are swollen and common to the sides (frog's belly), they sit late, crawl late and walk late. Intelligence developments are not affected. Another symptom of unknown origin and its association with the disease has not been clearly shown, but is frequently said by mothers is excessive sweating, especially at the beginning.

Other signs of rickets are due to insufficient calcium accumulation in the bones. In rickets, bone symptoms first appear in the rib cage at the age of 4-10 months, and in the arms and legs after six months. This is because the effect of vitamin D deficiency is more pronounced in fast-growing bones. Head bones are soft; therefore, the baby's head is held on the sides, and some areas are collapsed by pressing the fingertips from behind. Their foreheads are wide and prominent; The head is larger than the body; flattening according to the lying direction. Bılgıldak is wider than age and closes late (after 18 months). Wrists and ankles are wider than normal (painless and after six months); the bone-cartilage junctions of the ribs are enlarged (rib rosary); a groove-like collapse may occur at the bottom of the rib cage where the diaphragm adheres to the chest. Chest anterior or inward exit anomalies such as shoemaker's chest and bird's chest are encountered. Teeth come out late and decay early. The most important finding after the child begins to walk is the curvature of the legs (O or V leg). Humpback, curvature of the back bone. The angle of the femur's neck with the body of the femur narrows, causing distortion of the hip and causing the child to walk gibi like a duck.. If the disease is left untreated, growth slows down and after a while, the child stays back according to their peers.

There is a predisposition to respiratory infections. Some suffer from constipation and others have diarrhea. Sleep disorders, restlessness and anemia are seen. Anemia is common in rickets and can reach important measures; red blood cells can fall down to 2 million or even more. Anemia is often associated with spleen growth. All these symptoms regress with vitamin treatment.

Vitamin D requirement should also be emphasized in pre-puberty individuals. During this period, mostly vitamin treatment is required.

Is it possible for rickets to occur other than vitamin D deficiency?

Rickets may also occur in rare cases. These conditions are due to either kidney disease or genetic / familial disorders that have been present since birth and present with symptoms later. Since the outcomes and treatment of these diseases are unique to each, it is important to differentiate them from rickets due to vitamin D deficiency.

How is rickets diagnosed?

In every child who has been deprived of adequate sunbathing and preventive rickets treatment, a combination of symptoms is sufficient for diagnosis. Hand-wrist radiography, blood calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone levels are required for definitive diagnosis. Blood calcium levels are normal or low, phosphorus levels are low, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone levels are high. X-ray shows that the ends of long bones are swollen, concave in the middle and irregular edges. Mineral loss in the bones is sometimes severe enough to cause spontaneous fractures (green tree fractures) under the bone membrane. Chest films show that the front ends of the rib springs expand in the form of champagne cork and sometimes have broken lines on the back of the ribs. In these bone disorders, bronchial lung appearance disorders, which are called «rickets lung» are added; Increased bronchial-vascular network, emphysema in the hills, and aeration disorders with transparency around the hilum of the lung are observed.

How is rickets treated?

Rickets is not difficult to treat. The basis of the treatment consists of supplying enough vitamin D to fill the deficiencies and fill the tanks. Treatment is given orally except in very rare cases. Sometimes injected intramuscularly. One of these two treatments is preferred depending on the condition of the patient. Vitamin D is given daily at 5-12 times the daily requirement (2000-5000 IU / day) and for two to three months. Another treatment is to administer high-dose vitamin D (150,000-300 000 IU) orally. Both treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages and the decision of which treatment to choose should be made by the physician. If symptoms of calcium deficiency are severe and calcium levels are low, oral calcium is added to the treatment.

With treatment, biological and X-ray symptoms resolve more quickly than clinical symptoms. Blood calcium and phosphorus levels return to normal in three weeks; this is followed by normalization of the alkaline phosphatase level. In terms of X-ray symptoms, bones begin to re-mineralize very quickly. Re-mineralization first begins with a linear condensation in the growth cartilage and the re-emergence of ossification nuclei at the bone tip. At 3-6 weeks, the sharpness of the bone borders reappears. The general condition improves and muscle laxity disappears. When treatment is started early enough, the child heals rapidly and leaves no trace of the disease. If treatment is started later, deformities will resolve much longer. Once rickets has improved, a normal dose of treatment should be followed.

As a general rule, deformities relieve themselves after treatment with rickets. Orthopedic interventions should generally be avoided unless growth ceases. Surgery is applied to permanent abnormalities.

Are there any risky aspects of rickets treatment?

If vitamin D is used unnecessarily and overdose or overdose, it can lead to a condition called vitamin D poisoning that can lead to hypercalcemia, renal failure and death. Therefore, vitamin D treatment should be administered under the supervision of a physician.

How can rickets develop?

Prevention of rickets is based on a balanced diet, sun exposure and oral vitamin D administration.

Since vitamin D is not present in sufficient amounts in foods and the best source of vitamin D is sun, the basic condition of protection from rickets is to ensure that pregnant and lactating mothers and children are exposed to sufficient sunlight. The child should be taken to the sun every day; however, since the ultraviolet ray that makes vitamin D does not pass through the window glass, direct exposure to sunlight is necessary to achieve the desired benefit; ie sunbathing should not be from behind the glass.This time is 20 minutes a day with the head open, hands and feet naked during the hours when sunlight does not come upright. It should be kept in mind that mothers are the most important source of vitamin D in babies, and pregnant or lactating women should try to be exposed to sunlight similarly. The vitamin D level in the newborn baby is 80 percent of that of the mother. If the store of the mother is empty, the baby is born with an incomplete level. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation is recommended to the mother during pregnancy.

Regardless of the diet, 400 IU (3 drops) of vitamin D should be given orally to each baby born for at least one year. Vitamin D should be given to children up to 6 years of age if they are not fed adequately and balanced. The dose of vitamin D that should be given to premature babies can be up to 800 IU per day. Vitamin D supplements under the supervision of a doctor is recommended during periods of rapid growth.
Another important way of protection is the enrichment of the most commonly consumed nutrients in vitamin D while still in preparation. Enrichment of not only milk and bread in terms of vitamin D will serve to reduce not only rickets but also the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis) and fracture associated with vitamin D deficiency in older ages.

The child should be provided with calcium-containing foods every day. The best source of calcium is milk and products such as yoghurt, cheese and precipitate. Molasses is also a good source of calcium.

Are there false beliefs about vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency may delay the emergence of teeth. Therefore, it is common to believe that vitamin D is beneficial in all children with delayed ejection. High-dose vitamin D injections, other than those recommended by a doctor under the name “Toothbrush”, can have serious consequences, such as vitamin D poisoning. There may be various reasons for delayed tooth emergence. Vitamin D deficiency is just one of them. It is wrong to give a high dose of vitamin D to every child who has delayed out without knowing the underlying cause.

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What does B12 deficiency lead to?

SmartyPants Kids Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (Dha/Epa), Methyl B12, vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 120Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

Specialist Dietitian Pınar Kural Enç, if you are very cold, fatigue or fatigue, if you are feeling very overwhelmed, experiencing difficulties in concentration, dizziness, imbalance problems, and even if you are depressed enough to cure life, such as these problems may result from a lack of vitamin B 12. he said.

D Vitamin B12 deficiency causes problems such as nerve damage, anemia, forgetfulness, depression and fatigue. These damages can be prevented if the low B12 level is detected early and reinforcement intake starts without any permanent damage. ”
Stating that vitamin B12 deficiency causes weakening of memory Enç said, “ B12 deficiency may be the cause of numbness in hands and feet.

B12 deficiency may also lead to a later onset of behavior such as speech and walking. Pernicious anemia is a type of anemia. (Anemia means there are fewer red blood cells in your blood than usual). In pernicious anemia, the body does not have enough vitamin B12 and cannot make enough healthy red blood cells. If you don't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body, you may feel tired and exhausted. Severe and prolonged pernicious anemia can damage the heart, brain and other organs in the body. Pernicious anemia can also cause other complications such as nerve damage, neurological problems (depression) and digestive system problems. In addition, people with pernicious anemia may have an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. ”

Pınar Kural Enç, kiş People at risk; B12 deficiency may be seen in vegetarian diets, those who are constantly on a wrong diet, those who do not follow a balanced diet program, the elderly, diseases of the absorption disorder, the use of birth control pills and certain medications, pancreatic insufficiency, intestinal parasites and bacteria. Symptoms; resistance, decrease or increase in weight, development of some diseases, decrease in social activity, depression, dementia (dementia) can be seen in situations such as ”.

Expert Dietitian Pınar Kural Enç stated that vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin.

Vitamin Vitamin deficiency may also occur during storage and cooking of foods. For example; grilled meat with high temperature and dripping of broth; pasteurizing and boiling in milk; The effectiveness of vitamin B12 is greatly reduced by pouring water after cooking the fish. Acid, alkali and heat resistant. Prolonged boiling time and increasing the degree of vitamin B12 increases the loss. Liver boiling in water after boiling in water, fish boiling after boiling water is also among the reasons that increase the loss of vitamin B12. When meat is grilled, it is known that 30 percent of vitamin B12 and 10-20 percent of humid temperature disappear with temperature and dripping water.

While the loss in UHT milk is around 7-10 percent, about 30 percent is lost by boiling. So, how should we create a nutrition plan to avoid all these negative effects? The main nutrients rich in vitamin B12; We need to bring meat, milk, cheese, eggs and fish into our lives. In other words, animal foods… For vegetarians, it is advisable to give weight to dairy products and eggs.

As a result, to avoid forgetfulness, distraction, weakness and more serious problems in the future, it is useful to avoid B12-rich foods and to measure B12 level in every 6 months. For those older than 14 years, 2.4 mcg B12 should be taken. 2.6 mcg during pregnancy and 2.8 mcg during breastfeeding. ”

SmartyPants Kids Formula Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (Dha/Epa), Methyl B12, vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 120Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women - Vitamin Code Women's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 120 Capsules

Foods good for iron deficiency

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women - Vitamin Code Women's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 120 Capsules

Our body needs some vitamins and minerals for some functions. These vitamins and minerals taken from outside prevent many health problems. Iron is one of the minerals that the body needs… Acıbadem Adana Hospital Nutrition and Diet Specialist Çisem Gündüz explained that iron deficiency leads to problems such as fatigue, weakness, irritability, headache and explained the nutrients that will be good for this deficiency.

Iron is one of the indispensable minerals for the body because it is responsible for carrying the oxygen in the blood to the body demir Iron, which is not produced by our body but can be taken into the body through food, strengthens the immune system; It causes problems such as fatigue, weakness, irritability, headache, lack of concentration. Iron deficiency is more common in pregnant and nursing mothers. Daily 8 mg for men, 18 mg for women, during pregnancy, the requirement will increase to 27 mg daily, while breastfeeding 18 mg of iron needs to be taken. This requirement is 7 mg in infants and children between 1-3 years and 10 mg in 4-6 years.

Eat plenty of salad with meat
Among the foods with high iron content is meat and meat products. Meat and meat products contain vitamins A and B and rich minerals such as zinc, phosphorus and selenium. However, because these rich minerals also contain cholesterol, they need to be consumed with caution. Red meat 2 days a week, 2 days white meat and 3 days of fish consumption is sufficient. Consuming plenty of lemon green salad with vitamin C in addition to meat serves to increase iron absorption.

The best quality protein in the egg after breast milk

The egg , which is very rich in vitamins and minerals, also contains iron significantly. After breast milk, the egg with the highest quality protein content is recommended to be consumed every day. Enriching the egg with nutrients such as vitamin C-rich parsley, cress and tangerine increases the iron content. Tea that prevents the absorption of iron, should be drunk after a meal.

Choose the natural juices of vegetables for snacks
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard, lettuce, cress, arugula, parsley and mint, which are rich in vitamins A and C, also contain iron minerals. Thanks to their fibrous structure, it protects the digestive tract and helps to prevent diseases. Natural vegetable juices, which are consumed in snacks, both keep fit and help to increase the amount of iron in the body.

1 serving contains 4 mg of iron
Chickpeas, black-eyed peas, dried beans, kidney beans such as kidney beans provide many benefits to the body. Dried legumes, rich in vitamins A, C and E, serve to strengthen the immune system by protecting the digestive tract thanks to its fibrous structure. Dried legumes are often preferred by vegetarians with high iron content. 1 serving of dried legumes contains approximately 4 mg of iron.

Meets 23 percent of iron need
Dried fruits with high antioxidant structure are also rich in vitamins and minerals. 100 grams of raisins with a higher iron content than other dried fruits help to meet 23 percent of daily iron need. However, due to its high energy content, portion control needs to be paid attention. It is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon raisins and 2 walnuts. In this way, blood sugar is balanced.

Consume cereals and dried legumes together
Cereals such as wheat, barley, oats, rice, rye and corn contain vitamins A and B and high levels of iron. When cereals are consumed together with dried legumes, it becomes an iron store for vegetarians. Choosing foods rich in vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.

Molasses also have high iron content
Molasses, another nutrient with high iron content, contains 1 mg of iron in 1 teaspoon. When consumed with oranges higher than vitamin C, iron absorption increases. However, molasses is a calorie food is recommended to be consumed by serving portion control.

It's not the amount of iron that counts!
2-3 mg per 100 grams of red meat; 1 mg in white meat; 1 teaspoon of molasses also contains 1 mg of iron. However, the point to be considered here is not the amount of iron contained in the nutrients; Whether iron is in the form called H HEM… miner Iron minerals are divided into two as HEM and non-HEM iron. Due to the enzyme and structure in it, the availability of iron, which we call high quality iron, is found in more eggs and meat. Non-iron-containing foods such as molasses and greens do not completely eliminate iron deficiency, they only contribute. Therefore, it is not possible to eliminate the iron deficiency with only greenery or molasses.

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Anemia (Anemia) and Iron Deficiency Symptoms, Causes and How to Treat?

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Mixed-flavor, Box of 4 Tubes (40 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat

Anemia is a condition in which blood hemoglobin levels fall below 13 g / dL in adult men and 12 g / dL in women, and can cause many important health problems.

Anemia less than 11 g / dL in children aged 6 months to 6 years and 12 g / dL in 6-14 years is considered anemia. Early detection of anemia in children is very important because it can cause many serious diseases, especially developmental delay.
Anemia Symptoms

Quick fatigue
Reduction in working capacity
Frequent illness
Paleness of skin on the inside of eyelids and palms
Shortness of breath
Concentration disorder is a general symptom of anemia.

Anemia can cause significant problems when untreated or delayed treatment. In children; growth is adversely affected and slows down. Physical activity decreases. Diseases are more common. Perception, learning and interpretation functions are reduced, distraction, fatigue and apathy increase, school success decreases.

In the treatment of anemia primarily, the cause of iron deficiency is eliminated. The most common cause of iron deficiency anemia, especially in infancy and adolescence, is the lack of increased iron supply; In childhood and adolescence, it is recommended to investigate absorption disorders such as underlying bleeding, parasites or celiac disease.
Types of Anemia

Anemia due to iron deficiency
Anemia due to folic acid deficiency
Anemia due to vitamin B -12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency, which plays an important role in blood production, is mostly seen in vegetarian (meat-fed) diet and folic acid deficiency occurs in people who are fed a poor diet of green leafy vegetables. However, anemia due to deficiency of these two nutrients is not as common in children as iron-deficient anemia.

Anemia due to iron deficiency is very important because it negatively affects both the intelligence level and physical development of children. Two out of every five children (40%) in the world are bloodless, but many of them are unfortunately not aware of their condition.

While the incidence of anemia in children aged 0-5 years is 4-20% in developed countries, this rate increases up to 80% in the same age group in less developed countries. In our country, this rate is quite high as 50% (one in two children).
Iron Deficiency and Anemia Symptoms

Iron deficiency does not show any symptoms in most cases. Diagnosis can be made as a result of blood tests. If the disease is advanced and severe, weakness, pallor, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation occurs.

Palpitations during a physical activity, difficulty breathing, fatigue occurs according to the severity of the disease. Patients want to eat non-food substances such as pica soil or clay, ice.
Other Symptoms of Iron Deficiency

Dizziness, tinnitus,
Cracks in the mouth,
Spoon shape of the nails, formation of cracks,
Reddening of the tongue, crack and bubble formation,
Difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing,

Children with iron deficiency are delayed in walking, sitting or talking. Behavioral disorder occurs in these children and learning becomes difficult. The immune system weakens and the chance of developing the disease increases. Symptoms of iron deficiency in childhood are not original.

It is difficult to define until significant anemia occurs. It tends to develop so slowly that it is often difficult to notice. Iron deficiency anemia may give different signs and symptoms according to age groups.
Anemia and iron deficiency symptoms in infants

appetite, restless, cheerless, sluggish, slow movements, sleep disorders may be. In these babies, the physical examination of the eyelids, palms, soles of the feet, nail beds are pale. However, all these symptoms may remain faint.
Anemia and iron deficiency symptoms in children

The main symptoms are fatigue, fatigue, loss of appetite, restlessness, palpitations, inability to exercise, fatigue quickly, in shorter breathing and difficulty in breathing.

The most important finding in these children is paleness. In addition, iron deficiency affects physical growth, cognitive and psychomotor development, reduces resistance to infections and affects school success in this age group.

Kindergarten and school children appear tired, inadequate learning and perceptions at school, are reluctant, are very difficult to follow in the afternoon desriere, attention affects memory and learning and become inadequate, lack of attention, difficulty in learning, problem solving, reduced school achievement and more introverted and timid behavior is observed.
What Causes Iron Deficiency Anemia and Anemia?

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the amount of iron in the body is insufficient and insufficient to allow hemoglobin to be made to the required extent. There are many causes of this deficiency in the body.

The main reason of iron deficiency in children is the increase in need, inadequate intake, and rarely, iron loss due to bleeding. There is often an imbalance between iron intake and the need of the child. If the increased requirement is not met enough, it causes iron deficiency especially in infancy and childhood.
Cow milk and cereal preventing iron absorption

Inadequate intake of iron due to nutritional deficiencies such as under-consumption of iron-rich foods and iron-enriched foods, or nutritional deficiencies such as dietary habits with less iron-containing foods, and nutritional factors such as over-consumption of nutrients such as cow's milk and cereals , which prevent absorption of iron from the intestines, lead to iron deficiency. important reasons.

In addition, due to cow's milk sensitivity in childhood, hidden bleeding from intestines, puberty and menstrual bleeding in pregnant women through the increase in iron loss and this is another reason to be covered with food.
Pain Relief Increases Risk of Anemia

Continuous use of pain medications and irregular nutrition also increases the risk of anemia. Anemia is common in patients with low socio-economic status, vegetarians (those who eat meat), and chronic diseases such as ulcers and parasitic diseases.

Cases where iron absorption is impaired; prolonged diarrhea, chronic infections, disorders of the digestive system can cause anemia by disrupting the absorption of iron taken into the body. Lead poisoning; lead poisoning caused by the mixing of lead in the fuel, especially in the city centers where there is heavy vehicle traffic, can also cause anemia.
Problems Caused by Anemia
anemia caused by comb in female hands pouring out her hair

Anemia can have significant consequences if left untreated or delayed. In children; Growth is adversely affected and generally slows down. Physical activity decreases. Diseases are more common. Perception, learning and interpretation functions are reduced, distraction, fatigue and apathy increase (school achievement decreases). In adults; There is a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness occurs, labor is reduced. Diseases are more common.
What is Daily Iron Need and Loss?

Daily iron requirement is 1-3 mg. It is up. 5-10% of it is absorbed from the duedenum and proximal small intestine. Daily loss is 1 mgr. Sweat is lost with feces, urine, spilled cells.
What is the Importance of Iron for the Body?

The most important function of iron in the body is the production of oglo hemoglobin.. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells in our blood and carries out the process of carrying the oxygen necessary for all tissues to survive.

In other words, the more important oxygen is for our lives, the more important it is for iron to be used. Although iron is present in the human body for a total of 4 grams, it is an important biological element and causes serious problems in its deficiency.
Iron Deficiency and Anemia Treatment
Investigating the Cause of Iron Deficiency Anemia

The most frequent cause of RIA, especially in infancy and adolescence, is the lack of increased iron supply; In childhood and adolescence, it is recommended to investigate absorption disorders such as underlying bleeding, parasitosis or celiac disease.
Firstly, the cause of iron deficiency is eliminated in treatment
Iron Deficiency Treatment

Drugs containing the ferro (+2) salt form of iron (ferro sulphate) are used. If patients cannot tolerate this form orally, drugs containing the ferri (+3) form may also be used.
The drug dose is adjusted to include 3-6 mg / kg / day elementary iron according to the depth of the patient's anemia. The total daily dose is divided into two or three doses. Iron medications may also be given as a single dose in mild anemia. It is desirable to take the drugs on an empty stomach (2 hours after meals) for maximum absorption.
The patient / family is informed about the side effects of oral iron medications (nausea, vomiting , dyspepsia, constipation, diarrhea , flatulence, black stool, staining of teeth).
To minimize the staining of the teeth to black, the form of drops or syrup is directed towards the back of the tongue so as not to contact the teeth; administering the drug by dilution with fruit juice or water; It is recommended to administer the drug with a pipette.
Intolerance to oral iron medication is common. If this occurs, the drug is discontinued for 1-2 days. Then, starting from a low dose, increasing the dose as the patient tolerates, and reaching the ideal dose within 4-5 days.
Iron absorption is reduced by the combined use of certain drugs containing antacids, proton pump inhibitors, histamine 2 receptor antagonists, aluminum, magnesium , calcium or zinc. Iron reduces the absorption of drugs such as bisphosphonates, tetracycline, quinolone, levodopa, methyldopa, levothyroxine, penicilllamine. It is recommended to take at least 2 hours between these drugs and iron drugs. It is not recommended to give iron together with zinc.
As soon as iron deficiency is detected, iron treatment is initiated. The patient's hemoglobin increases 1-2 g / dl in 2-4 weeks. During this period, the patient is followed up with a complete blood count control as often as appropriate.
Anemia of the patient improves in 1-2 months with appropriate iron medications and treatment of the underlying disease. After anemia has been resolved, treatment is continued to fill the body's iron stores for another 2-3 months.
If an anemia or hypoxia is present (eg severe lung infection) at a depth that will cause heart failure, the patient may be given an erythrocyte suspension. After the patient's condition improves, iron treatment is started.
Oral iron therapy is always the first choice. Parenteral iron treatment is given if there is a non-compliance or tolerance of oral iron treatment, if there is a problem with iron absorption, if there is continuous blood loss.
Parenteral treatment of iron sucrose, iron gluconate (not in Turkey) or iron dextran given.
Side effects of parenteral iron therapy; anaphylaxis, arthralgia, myalgia, fever, flushing, hypotension. Since 0.5 to 1% of the patient may have anaphylaxis, it is recommended to administer the drug after a small test dose of 30 minutes. The daily dose is given as IV infusion by dividing the total dose to not exceed 100 mg / day. Since the muscle mass in children is not high, absorption by IM injection is variable, because it causes pain and discoloration of the skin, IM injection is generally not preferred, but it can be applied carefully in mandatory situations. The response to parenteral treatment is not faster than the response to oral treatment.

If there is no response to oral iron treatment;

It is questioned whether the family gives the medicine regularly and appropriately.
Check the adequacy of the dose and the use of the recommended drug.
Factors affecting iron usage and absorption are reviewed.
Drug intake that disrupts iron absorption is questioned.
Vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency, such as coexistence conditions are investigated.

Investigate bleeding focus

The possibility of misdiagnosis is reviewed. Differential diagnosis should be made with all hypochrome microcytic anemias:

Hemoglobinopathies (especially thalassemia minor)
copper deficiency
zinc deficiency
chronic disease anemia
lead intoxication
sideroblastic anemias, etc

Final check-up is recommended 1 week after discontinuation of treatment. Complete blood count and serum ferritin level (with CRP and ESR) are checked for this control. The patient is also evaluated once again after 3-6 months
What can you do to prevent iron deficiency anemia and anemia?

Iron deficiency in Turkey causes anemia is still due to be among the most common, it is a major problem affecting the public health. Therefore, prevention of the development of iron deficiency in children has priority.

For this purpose:

Breastfeeding should be encouraged. Breast milk is sufficient for the first 4-6 months after birth.
After six months, it is recommended to be fed with nutrients rich in iron, as well as breast milk. It is recommended that babies who cannot get breast milk at this age should be fed with iron-rich formulas as well as supplementary food.
After 4 months, 1 mg / kg / day dose was given to babies born at term; Premature babies born below 2500 g should be given 2 mg / kg / day drops of elementary iron after 2 months and iron prophylaxis should be continued until 1 year of age.
Daily cow's milk consumption should be limited to 2 cups.
Premature and low birth weight babies, cow's milk started before 1 year of age and daily milk consumption of more than 500 ml, children with a history of low iron-rich foods, children with chronic disease are at risk for iron deficiency.

Foods Good for Iron Deficiency and Anemia
Foods that are good for anemia and iron deficiency dry nuts nuts almond nuts beet

Red offal from animal foods is the richest source of iron.

Other useful foods; red meat, chicken, eggs , shellfish and fish (the richest salmon). Among plants, wheat , corn and oats are richer than iron when granular.

Like many other vitamins and minerals, it is found in iron, especially on the outside of grain grains; For example, when milling wheat, 75% of the iron contained in the bran remains, ie wheat flour contains only 25% iron than grain wheat.
Spinach and Iron Truth

Although spinach is known to be rich in iron content, this information is not accurate because iron contained in the structure of many vegetables such as spinach and black cabbage is not as useful as the body.

Nuts such as raisins, dried apricots, prunes, almonds, pistachios, walnuts and kernels are not very rich in iron, but they contain sufficient iron.

One tablespoon of molasses contains about 3 mg of iron. Drinking one glass of orange juice a day increases the absorption of iron from plants, while consumption of tea and coffee reduces iron absorption by 75%.
What are the points to consider while using the drug?

Although the best iron absorption is on an empty stomach, many people cannot bear it and like to take it with food. Milk and milk products should not be taken together with the drug as it will prevent the absorption of iron. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.
Measures to be taken against anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a preventable disease. Blood tests should be performed at 12 months for diagnosis in infants. For the prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
Giving Adequate and Usable Iron with Foods

Preservation, maintenance and dissemination of breastfeeding are the most important measures. Iron deficiency anemia has been shown to be lower in infants who received breast milk alone in the first 6 months of life compared to those who did not.

The iron store the baby bought from the mother in the first 6 months! it is sufficient and is easy to use because iron in breast milk is more easily absorbed. Therefore, it is difficult to develop iron deficiency in the first 6 months.
Breast milk is the most important food of the baby for the first 6 months.

Nowadays, it is recommended that babies should be fed only breast milk in the first 6 months, supplementary foods should be started after 6 months and breastfeeding should be continued until the age of 2 years.

This form of nutrition is defined as natural nutrition . In our country where breastfeeding is a tradition, almost every baby is fed with breast milk in the first month after birth.

However, the rate of breastfeeding decreases in the following months. According to the National Nutrition and Health survey, the overall rate of breastfeeding is 95%. The first hour of breastfeeding was 52.8% and the first day of breastfeeding was 84.8%.

It was found that breastfeeding and breastfeeding rates decreased in the following days. In the first 3 months, the rate of infants receiving only breast milk decreases to 10.4%.
Iron deficiency in grain-based nutrition

On the other hand, when babies are 2-3 months old, the rate of onset of cereal-based foods as supplementary nutrients is low and iron absorption is increasing and it is seen that they reach 55%. In addition, one out of every five babies under 3 months is given ready food.

However, breastfeeding with breast milk has three main components of healthy nutrition; It fuses food, health and care perfectly. In researches, it was found that the intelligence level of breastfed children in infancy was about 8 points higher than those fed with formula.

Therefore, breastfeeding and breastfeeding should be the first step in the prevention of iron deficiency in infants.
Only cow's milk should not be given without additional nutrients during infancy:

Foods made with cow's milk cause intestinal hemorrhage as a result of reactions to cow's milk due to poor intestinal absorption of iron in cow's milk and lead to iron deficiency.

However, if it is necessary to give cow milk instead of ready foods for economic reasons, it can be prepared by boiling and diluting cow's milk and given with other foods suitable for baby's month. It is recommended not to take more than 500cc of milk per day in the first year.

Increasing the nutrients of iron with high bioavailability in diet and giving them enough (meat, egg yolk, chicken, fish, grape molasses)

Consumption of plant-based nutrients (citrus fruits, green plants, etc.) containing vitamin C that increase absorption of iron with low bioavailability

Low consumption of cereal products (phytate, tannan, oxalate) which reduce iron absorption

Iron Enrichment of Nutrients
Giving Iron Support

One of the important steps in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia is the administration of prophylaxis to meet the increased need. In babies born in time, iron stores in the body after 4 months cannot meet the increased requirement due to rapid development. Hemoglobin production requires more iron.

In our country, since the consumption of iron-enriched food and other nutrients is insufficient, the iron sulfate is given to infants at the Ministry of Health from 4 and 6 months as I mg / kg / day and used until the age of 3 years.
Giving iron support without conception

Since iron stores are less and develop faster in premature babies, iron storage is emptied more quickly, therefore 2 mg / kg / day iron sulfate drop is continued to babies with low birth weight after 2 months until 3 years of age.

Positive correlations were found between hemoglobin levels and iron stores in pregnancy. For this reason, giving iron support before conception in women of childbearing age prevents the development of iron deficiency in the newborn.
Anemia and Iron Deficiency

Deficiency usually occurs during childhood and adolescence during pregnancy, where growth is very rapid. Again, over-consumption of foods with low iron content and also the difficulty in absorbing iron taken through food are factors that facilitate the emergence of anemia.

In infants and children, there is a need for more iron to maintain a healthy growth since it has a rapid growth rate. However, iron supplemented with nutrients alone may not be sufficient to meet this need.
Why iron deficiency is common in children?

The newborn has 0.5 g of iron in the body. In adults, it is 4-5 g. To compensate for this deficit, an average of 0.8 g of iron absorption per day should be achieved in the first 15 years.

This means that 30% of children's daily iron requirement must be fed with food. This is achieved by daily iron absorption of I mg. Since the need for infants and children also increases due to rapid development and growth, iron deficiency develops excessively as a result of this being not adequately met with food.
Not enough iron intake in cereals

Endogenous iron is sufficient in infants during the first 6 months and nutrients and iron should be taken sufficiently after that. As a result of rapid development and growth in infants, the need has increased and iron deficiency develops, especially in cereals fed because there will not be enough iron intake.

In addition to the rapid growth and growth spurt in adolescence, the need for iron increases even more in young adolescent girls as menstrual bleeding increases.

The need increased during pregnancy. In our country, feeding of mothers is not enough. Especially in childhood, girls who are not fed enough in terms of iron and generally fed with cereals and therefore short stay have high risk during pregnancy and childbirth.

If the prospective mother has mild anemia, the unborn baby is unaffected but there is a relationship between maternal anemia and preterm birth.

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