Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Biotin 5000 mcg What is it for? What are its benefits?

Biotin 5000 mcg What is it for? What are its benefits?

Biotin 5000 (biotin) is a vitamin supplement that contains 5000 micrograms of vitamin H, known as Biotin. Biotin 5000 mcg in capsules, pills or tablets is one of the presentations used to treat biotin deficiency .

Studies suggest that biotin may have positive effects as a strategy and treatment to prevent   the fall of hair Biotin 5000 mcg can be supplemented to the regular diet to combat and prevent hair loss as a result of biotin deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin deficiencies, stress , irritability, depression, poor absorption, etc.

Biotin 5000 mcg is also used to treat brittle nails and dry skin.

Biotin Supplements

The principal uses of the biotin 5000 mcg are:

  •     combat biotin deficiency
  •     revitalize and rejuvenate hair
  •     strengthen hair
  •     stimulate natural hair growth
  •     strengthen skin and nails
  •     Decreases anxiety and stress
  •     improve metabolism and general mood.

Why should I take Biotin 5000?

This vitamin, like others of the B complex, plays an important role in the metabolism of the body, biotin contributes to having a more abundant hair , strong nails and healthy skin.

Where can I get Biotin 5000 mcg?

The Biotin 5000 mcg can be obtained in some stores, online shops and as an ingredient in treatments to prevent falling and systems to stop hair loss.

What other things should I know about the Biotin 5000 mcg?

Before talking about the benefits and contraindications of Biotin 5000 mcg we should know that Biotin , also known as Biotin is a vitamin complex of the B family. Biotin is also known as V itamina H, B7 or B8 . a water-soluble vitamin that the body does not store, but is produced by intestinal bacteria. It can be found in some foods , but in small amounts. 

Biotin deficiency , if present, produces dry skin , hair loss, brittle nails, loss of appetite, fatigue, stress, anxiety or insomnia.

What is the Biotin 5000 mcg for?

Biotin has a number of uses such as:

  •     Biotin is a vitamin of great importance for all the benefits and the role it plays in the metabolism.
  •     Supplements with biotin enjoy numerous properties, with biotin of 5000 mcg in capsules and tablets one of the most popular presentations.
  •     Vitamin supplements with biotin have great properties that will give your hair more volume, silkiness and strength.
  •     Evidence suggests that supplementing with biotin could prevent hair loss.
  •     In addition to the usual benefits, biotin of 5000 mcg improves energy processing, facilitating the transport of carbon dioxide through the body.
  •     The sweat glands, nervous tissue and bone marrow function at maximum efficiency when there are adequate levels of biotin.
  •     Biotin is used to fight brittle nails . Dermatologists recommend it to get shine and strength.

Benefits of the Biotin 5000

  •     Biotin supplements have been studied as treatments for a number of conditions.
  •     Biotin 5000 mcg is used to prevent hair loss and accelerate hair growth.
  •     In people with type II diabetes, recent studies suggest that a combination of biotin with chromium can improve blood sugar.
  •     On its own, biotin decreases insulin resistance and nervous symptoms related to type 2 diabetes.
  •     Helps to strengthen the nails
  •     Biotin 5000 mcg is used to keep the skin hydrated.
  •     Its use for hepatitis has not been proven
  •     Biotin prevents depression, stress (one of the factors that influences hair loss ) and anxiety.
  •     It is believed that biotin plays a role in the decrease of bad cholesterol (LDL).

Supplements with biotin are used to achieve stronger and healthier hair growth; however there are hair treatments such as Minoxidil 2% to fight against severe hair loss, hair loss, alopecia and androgenic baldness.

Are there any risks when taking biotin 5000 mcg?

Side effects

Biotin is safe and well tolerated, even in high doses .


If you have a medical condition, are pregnant or breast-feeding, ask your doctor before using biotin-based supplements. Do not give a child unless recommended by a pediatrician.
Interactions / contraindications

  •     If you regularly take medications, you should ask your doctor before taking any biotin-based supplement.
  •     Biotin can weaken the effects of some cholesterol medications.
  •     Some medications can lower biotin levels, including antibiotics and acne medications.
  •     Some medicines for epilepsy can decrease the absorption of biotin from foods.
  •     Smoking can decrease the levels of biotin absorption .
  •     Eating raw eggs regularly can also lower biotin levels in the body *

Biotin is safe; before buying biotin we recommend reading this: How to make hair grow naturally?

Does biotin make you fat?

Biotin does not make you fat , and although the intake of it should not be used to lose weight, it helps improve metabolic function so it could cause a feeling of hunger. Complementing a healthy lifestyle along with a good diet and exercise plan could maximize the benefits.

* It is believed that biotin plays a role in the decrease of bad cholesterol (LDL).

Get more related information in the following articles: Does biotin make you fat? and Effects of Biotin on Weight Loss.

Better supplements of Biotin of 5000 mcg. What do you recomend me?

There are plenty of Biotin tablets of 5000 mcg made by a variety of manufacturers. Some of them are:

  •     Natrol Biotin 5000 mcg
  •     Biotin GNC 5000 mcg
  •     Solgar Biotin, Vegetarian Capsules (Ideal for Vegetarians)

How much Biotin should I take?

In this table the number of biotin that should be consumed daily is numbered. 


Can I get biotin from meals?

Biotin occurs naturally in many foods, but in a few proportions. Grain germ, pure grain cereals, wheat, eggs, nuts, salmon and chicken are sources of biotin. Biotin in foods is regularly attached to proteins but with poor absorption.

Monday, December 3, 2018

What is Biotin and what is it for?

What is Biotin and what is it for?

Hair can tell us many things about the state of our health. Having strong and shiny hair shows that we have good health and that our body does not lack nutrients.

In fact, if we analyze the hair, we can know what we need in our body or what diseases we have gone through or are suffering.

There are many factors that influence the state of hair, eating a healthy and balanced diet, enough sleep, seasonal changes, etc.

If you have problems with hair loss and you are looking for a solution, at Pharmacius.com we want to offer you a shampoo and a food supplement from the Drasanvi laboratories, formulated with Biotin, which will help you strengthen your hair and make it look healthy. Next we explain what is Biotin and how it works in our body.

Biotin Supplements

What is Biotin and what is it for?

Biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7, is very important for the health of our hair. This vitamin is an essential part of the cell duplication process, which is why it is widely used to promote hair growth.

We can find Biotin in numerous foods of animal origin, such as liver or kidney, egg yolk, in dairy products such as milk or cheese, in fish and even in royal jelly.

The lack of Biotin in our body, can cause us to have a fragile hair that falls out. Our body does not produce Biotin by itself, so we must consume it daily through food and / or food supplements.

The fall of the nails or having them very fragile can also cause lack of this vitamin, so the consumption of Biotin will also help us to strengthen them.

Biotin Shampoo with Aloe Vera

This Biotin shampoo with Aloe Vera manages to nourish, protect and shine our hair. It is a shampoo that we can use daily and that acts by strengthening the hair from the root.

Biotin shampoo is formulated with the following components:

  • - Biotin: as we have explained before, this vitamin prevents hair loss, strengthening its root and promoting its growth.
  • - Aloe Vera: manages to keep the pores open to facilitate the absorption of nutrients and allowing a better oxygenation of the hair.
  • - Cysteine: this amino acid acts on the keratin, so it moisturizes and gives strength to the hair.
  • - Vitamin B5: also known as pantothenic acid, helps curb hair loss and eliminates seborrhea and dandruff.
  • - Placental proteins: these proteins provide shine and a silky texture to the hair.

You can use this shampoo daily.

Apply a small amount of shampoo on wet hair. Massage gently and rinse with plenty of water.

It does not contain allergens.

Biotin capsules
These Biotin capsules are indicated to strengthen the hair and nails and improve the appearance of the skin. This food supplement is indicated for those who wish to improve the condition of their hair, give it more volume, shine and strength. It is also indicated to strengthen brittle and dull nails that break easily, and to improve the state of the skin by keeping it hydrated.

Biotin capsules are formulated with the following components:

  • - Biotin: as we have explained, Biotin is the main responsible for the good condition of the hair. Show strong and shiny hair, healthy and strong nails and have hydrated skin, are benefits that we consume this vitamin.
  • - Zinc: zinc combined with Biotin helps prevent hair loss. This trace element helps cell reproduction and the absorption of vitamins and protein synthesis, so maintaining adequate levels of zinc, our body will absorb the nutrients needed for hair growth.
  • - Iron: when we have iron deficiency in our organism (anemia), one of the main symptoms besides fatigue is the fall or dryness of the hair, and the fragility in the nails. The hair follicles contain ferritin, and when our body needs iron due to a lack in it, it takes it from the least essential parts of our body, the hair. Therefore, it is necessary that our body contains the necessary amount of iron so that it does not have to absorb it from the hair follicles.

Thanks to this food supplement we will have the recommended daily doses of these nutrients to prevent hair loss.

We must take 1 tablet a day, during the meal, accompanied by a glass of water.

Biotin, benefits for the whole organism

Biotin, benefits for the whole organism

Lately it is becoming very fashionable a substance known as biotin to improve the health of our scalp. Many people use shampoo containing this substance in large quantities, and its effects are considered surprising, and therefore this time we want to stop at this substance and the benefits it brings to our body . What happens is that we will see what your intake will bring.

Biotin is a substance of natural origin that contains many foods and that offers infinite benefits for the organism. It is true that what is usually known is to be present in shampoo to strengthen the hair and make it more resistant, when biotin actually acts much better when it is consumed through different foods . We on this occasion want to see some of the most important.
Biotin Supplements


To begin with, we will stop at the qualities of this component. Since always biotin has been known as vitamin B8 . For less time he has been called by this name. If we stop at its functionality we will realize that it has an important role in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, that is, the fundamental nutrients of the organism.

Effect on the organism

Its presence is essential in body tissues and that is why biotin is necessary to maintain good health in parts of the body such as skin or hair. This is what gives this substance so much fame in everything related to body care. First of all, keep in mind that this substance activates several enzymes responsible for different metabolic processes important for proper body function.

It must be taken into account that it intervenes in the production of hemoglobin and in the different cellular processes of the organism. It also intervenes directly in the proper functioning of the nervous system, as well as in obtaining energy through glucose, which makes it a very important substance when it comes to maintaining the correct levels of blood sugar.

How to get it

It is true that biotin can be found in many foods that we consume daily, as it is very important that the body maintain adequate levels. In addition, we must take into account that the intestine synthesizes it through the bacteria it contains . In spite of everything, we are going to do a little review of the foods that contain more biotin and that will help us to prevent disorders due to lack of this substance, such as peeling skin, hair loss, nervous alterations ...

Among the most outstanding foods where we can find this substance we are going to stop at the egg yolk, the meats, in the animal viscera like the liver or kidneys. Yeasts contain high doses of biotin, as well as brewer's yeast, mushrooms, legumes, whole grains and especially the nuts that contain it in high amounts, helping our body to improve its condition substantially.

Learn About the Benefits of Consuming Biotin

Learn About the Benefits of Consuming Biotin

Although also called vitamin H, vitamin B8 (or biotin) is an essential vitamin for health. Among other things so that your hair does not fall out, and helps to avoid Type II Diabetes.

Increasingly used by beauty specialists because its effects are highly effective is also considered the vitamin of beauty.

Vitamin B8 is a water-soluble vitamin from which most people have little knowledge. It is known that one of its main functions is exercised in the metabolism of amino acids, and contributes to the preservation of the good condition of the skin, nerves and hair.

We can find biotin in a large amount of food, which is why it is not necessary to take vitamin supplements containing this vitamin (biotin).

However, people who follow a vegetarian dietary plan, also low in fat and cholesterol, generally have equally low levels of biotin, should include foods that contain this vitamin or may need supplements.

Also in people suffering from disorders of the kidney or intestine that prevent the absorption of this vitamin may be needed to ingest this in the form of supplements.

Because biotin is absorbed mostly through meals and requirements are low, and it seems that some bacteria in the intestine can produce up to fifty percent of the daily requirement, it is rare for a deficiency.

Biotin Supplements

Main functions of biotin

What is it for?
Vitamin B8 intervenes, for example, in the growth, and in the physiological condition of the nervous tissue, the skin, the hair, the sebaceous glands and the blood cells, also intervening in the formation of hemoglobin.
It is without any doubt essential in the metabolism of proteins and lipids, and according to some experts, biotin in addition to maintaining blood sugar levels, helps prevent diabetic neuropathy and lose weight by intervening in your metabolism.

Its benefits
• Contributes to metabolic processes
• Help in the use of folic acid and pantothenic acid
• Provides more elasticity and resistance to hair
• Promotes hydration of the skin. Avoid seborrheic diseases
• Strengthens nail cuticles
• Relieves muscle pain, eczema and dermatitis
• Combat depression and insomnia

In which foods are you ?:
Biotin is widely distributed in foods, mainly in kidney, liver, egg yolk, mushrooms, some vegetables, in fruits such as (banana, grape, watermelon and strawberries, peanuts, milk, almonds, nuts, dried peas, and in the royal jelly.

We also find it in smaller amounts in foods such as chicken, lamb, fatty fish, wholemeal bread, brown rice, oats, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, chickpeas, soybeans, mushrooms in some vegetables such as cauliflower and potatoes,

Symptoms of lack of biotin:
Although it occurs rarely because the minimum requirements are low and are covered through food the symptoms of a lack are given in:

Hair loss, Deterioration of nails, Visible damage to skin health, Vomiting, Conjunctivitis, Seizures, Seborrheic dermatitis

7 Secrets You Should Know About Biotin

Biotin is a vitamin that works wonders on your body, do you want to know more? Keep reading and you will be amazed at what it can do to make you healthy and look perfect from the inside out. It is very easy to find, some of the foods that contain it are legumes, whole grains, mushrooms, brewer's yeast, liver, egg yolk among others. Although many do not know their properties it is important that you know all the benefits that biotin has for you.
Biotin Supplements

    Healthy years

If you do not grow your nails as long as you would like and that's why you used acrylic ones, we give you the solution so that this does not happen anymore. Consuming botina will help you grow strong and healthy, often having a deficiency of this vitamin is one of the reasons why they do not grow and break easily. So to eat products with biotin and to show off your beautiful long nails!

    Improve your metabolism

The consumption of botin will help to have sensitivity to insulin and consequently to decrease the levels of glucose in the blood, improving your metabolism in a drastic way. If you have diabetes, you will benefit greatly from not having complications with sugar, since glucose converts it into energy. Always remember to go with your doctor to recommend you also, biotin other supplements that can protect you.

    Total energy

Although there are certain foods that have this vitamin, it is often a great idea to have a supplement that completes the Biotin , it is a wonderful alternative because it has enzymes necessary to develop healthy cells, which will help to increase the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates . It's funny, but also, that it will give you energy to take it will also free you from stress and you will feel relaxed. Consume it daily or frequently and you will see the difference.

    Perfect hair

Now in the market have become popular hair treatments with biotin and is that they give strength, brightness and softness. Since it is responsible for regenerating the cells that help its growth. They have also developed masks and all kinds of products that improve the appearance of your mane, even control the dandruff and eliminate it with the constant use of this vitamin. Do not forget that if you want more results, choose a supplement plus some of the foods that contain it.


Although by itself it is not a pill to lose weight, it helps to make the process faster because it is responsible for accelerating the metabolism. Take into account that it should be combined with a balanced diet, exercise regularly and with some other vitamin and mineral. Consult your doctor to see which one is recommended for you and lose weight safely and easily.

    Better memory

Another of its qualities is that it keeps the nervous system healthy, so it protects your brain, improves your memory and creates a protective layer against cognitive problems and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The properties of biotin are incredible, it is also recommended to consume more regularly the different B vitamins that there are to increase these effects.

    Natural Analog

It has happened to you that after exercising you have inflammation in the muscles or after having a long day of work you have pain in the joints, one of the answers is that your tissues are damaged, this happens because of age since with time these they break. With a biotin supplement it will help you rebuild tissues and even reduce inflammation of muscles and joints.

As you can see it is a very complete vitamin that will help you a lot like your hair, your skin, your brain, to have more energy and be free of stress. Biotin is also known as vitamin H, B8 or B7. It is very easy to consume since it is in various foods, but if you do not like them a lot or do not eat them frequently, opt for a supplement that besides being economical will benefit you a lot.

What is biotin for and what are its benefits?

Biotin, also called vitamin B7 or H, is a water-soluble vitamin belonging to the group of B vitamins.

Its function in the organism is very important, since it participates in the metabolism of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates.

By participating in the metabolic process, biotin is one of those responsible for transporting and transforming into energy all the nutrients that we ingest.

Once metabolized, these nutrients are transformed into chemical energy that the body's cells use to repair and keep the body healthy.

It is no coincidence that the word biotin means life. Like vitamin B12, biotin participates in the production of red blood cells.

In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that helps block and diminish the effects of free radicals, which cause oxidation and aging of the organism.

Like all vitamins belonging to the B complex, biotin is water soluble. We eliminate it mostly through urine. Therefore, a daily intake is necessary for our body to function properly.

There is no medical test that tells us if we have biotin deficiency. However, the human body is a machine that every time it fails, it sends us signals that allow us to know that something is happening.

Many conditions in our body may be due to biotin deficiency and we do not know. Here we will show what are those symptoms or diseases that could indicate that we need this important vitamin.

Biotin Supplements

Biotin: the perfect balance between body and mind

In the last years, stress , depression and anxiety have been cataloged as the most important diseases of the 21st century. These not only affect the way we live in our day to day, but also harm our health.

When we are depressed, our blood pressure increases and we have difficulty sleeping and breathing. We lose our appetite and our energy intake decreases, causing our immune and nervous systems to be affected.

A weak immune system can not defend itself from the viruses and bacteria that are found in the environment and, therefore, we are more prone to contract diseases.

When the nervous system is disturbed by anxiety, depression or stress, we usually somatize the emotions. That is, we involuntarily transform our psychic discomfort into a physical malaise.

Experts say that depression and stress alter the immune system. The attack on the immune system is so aggressive that even people can get cancer.

They also point out that the organism is a whole and we can not separate the emotions of the nervous and immune system. If one part of the body is failing, the others will also be affected.

The function of the immune system is to defend our body from external agents: viruses, bacteria and other infectious processes.

When the immune system is disturbed, it can not differentiate if the attack it is suffering comes from a foreign body or its own. It is at that moment when he begins to attack our own body.

Why do we tell you all this?

Because biotin is a vitamin supplement that can help you fight depression, stress and anxiety.

As we have already told you, by participating in the metabolic process of the nutrients we ingest, biotin provides us with energy, proteins and antioxidants that strengthen and balance our entire body.

A person with a strong nervous, cellular and metabolic system will be able to face stress in a more positive way. It will not attack your body and, therefore, decrease the chances of getting any disease.
Biotin: an ally for skin diseases

Let's see how biotin is able to exert its beneficial action on various skin diseases.

This is the case of dermatitis, one of the most common skin diseases.

It is a skin inflammation that produces stinging, redness, papules and exudation.

When it is in its most critical phase, dermatitis can cause pain, because the skin is exposed to external agents.

Patients with acute dermatitis are usually more likely to get cellulitis, a dangerous bacterial infection that, if not treated early, can result in the death of the patient.

Dermatitis is usually related to allergies to some foods, respiratory problems, gluten intolerance or some intestinal pathology.

But also, atopic or seborrheic dermatitis is usually associated with people who are constantly under stress and have a weak immune system.

Doctors usually prescribe to patients with corticoid dermatitis or steroids, a hormone generated by the adrenal glands that has the function of converting proteins into carbohydrates.

Corticosteroids help control inflammation and the functioning of the immune system.

However, the use of corticosteroids does not always help to improve dermatitis.

This adrenal hormone can produce various side effects in patients.

Among them we can mention: increased appetite, insomnia and fluid retention. One of the most dangerous side effects is the increase in blood glucose levels.

On the other hand, if corticosteroids are applied through ointments, creams or ointments, long-term patients experience resistance to the product.

It has also been proven that the skin loses elasticity and increase the chances of stretch marks.

In recent years, dermatologists have been using biotin to combat dermatitis and other skin diseases, since biotin helps fight stress and anxiety, two detonating factors of dermatitis.

In addition, biotin strengthens the immune, nervous and metabolic systems that, as we have pointed out, are affected in patients with cutaneous diseases.

Unlike corticosteroids, biotin has no side effects. On the contrary, it helps regulate our blood sugar levels, while steroids raise them.

If you suffer from acne, rosacea or psoriasis, biotin will be an ally of great help to improve and overcome any of these diseases.

In addition to skin inflammation, it will also help keep you free of bacteria due to its antiseptic properties.

Biotin also participates in the production of collagen, an essential protein for the process of healing and regeneration of skin tissues.

Biotin: a potent vitamin to prevent and control diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world population. China, India and the USA lead the ranking of countries with the most diabetes patients.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not synthesize the amount of insulin needed by the body.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and its main function is to maintain controlled blood glucose levels.

In a healthy person, insulin allows glucose to enter the body and be transported into cells.

When this happens, glucose is converted into energy that allows us to keep our muscles and tissues healthy. The cells have the ability to store glucose to produce energy when we need it.

If insulin does not cause glucose to be transported into the cells, the diabetic patient suffers from excess blood sugar or hyperglycemia.

The cells are somehow saturated and the body can suffer damage to tissues, muscles and organs.
Types of diabetes and their symptoms

Diabetes can be associated with hereditary factors, blood pressure and obesity. People who eat a diet high in fat and sugar are more likely to get diabetes.

However, many people may suffer from diabetes and not know it.

Some of the most frequent symptoms are the following:

  •     Diabetics tend to have excessive thirst due to high levels of sugar in the body.
  •     Weakness, fatigue and fatigue.
  •     Difficulty for wounds, scratches and blows to heal.
  •     Infections constant in the skin.
  •     Drastic changes of humor.
  •     Stinging and numbness in the hands and feet.
  •     Progressive loss of vision (type I diabetes).
  •     Cloudy view
  •     High levels of blood and urine glucose

There are two types of diabetes:

    Type 1: it is the most aggressive type of diabetes and it usually occurs in patients suddenly. Even no matter if there is a family history. It can only be controlled through injected doses of insulin that allow controlling the process of synthesizing glucose in the body.
    Type 2: it is less invasive than type I. Patients with this type of diabetes usually do not have symptoms. Even years can go by without a diagnosis. It can be treated with antidiabetic tablets or with a combination of insulin and pills.

Biotin, as part of the process of metabolizing fats, proteins and amino acids, is responsible for transforming glucose into energy.

Therefore, if the pancreas is not producing enough insulin, biotin serves as an alternative method to control type II diabetes.

Biotin can help us prevent diabetes, because its function is to control the levels of sugar in our body, as well as the proper absorption of all the nutrients we consume.

Brittle nails and hair loss

Biotin not only helps us to have a healthy organism, but also the good health we have will be reflected in our physical appearance.

Hair loss and brittle nails may be related to stress or nutritional deficiencies.

There are a variety of vitamins, especially those belonging to the B complex, which can help us fight hair loss and brittle nails.

In recent years it has been fashionable to use biotin in shampoos and lotions, however, there is no study to prove that biotin is effective when applied cutaneously or topically (through the skin).

The ideal is to obtain biotin through food or vitamin complexes, since its efficiency in this way is proven.

Biotin, as we have already mentioned, is responsible for synthesizing and producing amino acids in our body.

When biotin synthesizes amino acids, they form chains that produce proteins. Keratin is one of those fundamental proteins for the growth of hair and nails.

The cuticle is a fibrous coating composed of keratin. This is the one in charge of protecting our hair when we use dyes or any chemical product.

Biotin has the function of producing enough keratin for the cuticle to be strong and able to withstand any damage.

Keratin production not only helps your hair grow, it also keeps it healthy, shiny and manageable. The nails are also benefited with this protein, as they will grow healthier and stronger.

And the most affordable way, to obtain the benefits of biotin for skin and hair, is to re-activate skin, hair and nails .

Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails combines natural substances of first quality, which help you to fight acne, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis, improving the skin from the inside, for more lasting effects.

Biotin: an analgesic for rheumatoid arthritis

Studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases show that at least 47 million Americans suffer from arthritis.

Studies also indicate that it is the leading cause of disability in people 65 years of age or older.

Arthritis is another of the most common diseases in the world population. Patients with arthritis tend to have swollen joints, as well as stiffness and difficulty moving.

When the disease is without its most critical stage, it can cause fever, fatigue, loss of weight, lack of appetite and a progressive deterioration of the whole organism.

Arthritis is part of the so-called autoimmune diseases. In a healthy person, the immune system is responsible for protecting your body from any virus, bacteria, microorganisms and even tumor cells.

The white blood cells or leukocytes, are part of the immune system, because they are responsible for defending our body from possible threats.

In patients with arthritis, the immune system reacts against the tissues of the body itself, as it perceives them as a threat.

That is, the immune system instead of protecting the body attacks it, that's why arthritis is called an autoimmune disease.

The inflammation characteristic of arthritis is a reaction of our organism to the "attack" that it is suffering.

Unfortunately this disease has no cure, but there are ways to relieve pain. Biotin, in addition to the properties that we have already mentioned, is rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are important to strengthen and maintain our immune system healthy and alert to any threat.

In addition, they protect us from free radicals, molecules that are capable of damaging our tissues through an oxidation process.

When our immune system is in optimal condition begins to regenerate the tissue of the joints and, therefore, the bone tissue is strengthened.

The anti-inflammatory properties of biotin make it an excellent ally to relieve and reduce inflammation of the joints, thus improving the quality of life of patients with different types of arthritis.

What are foods rich in biotin?

There are many foods in which we can find such an important vitamin. The most common are the following:

    Egg: it is an important source of proteins, therefore it is rich in biotin. We recommend you to consume it cooked.

Egg white contains avidin, a glycoprotein that binds to biotin easily and forms a non-steerable avidin-biotin complex. This combination blocks the absorption of biotin.

Excessive consumption of egg whites can produce a deficit of biotin in the body. In addition, we run the risk of contracting Salmonella.

  •     Salmon.
  •     Liver: it is rich in biotin, but if you suffer from high cholesterol, you have to consume it in moderation since it has a high fat content.
  •     Milk.
  •     Sardines
  •     Turkey.
  •     Tomato: besides being very rich in biotin, the tomato contains minerals such as iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
  •     Avocado.
  •     Sweet potato and sweet potato.
  •     Cauliflower
  •     Cambur or banana
  •     Carrots
  •     Sunflower seeds: very rich in biotin and minerals such as selenium and magnesium.
  •     Almonds
  •     Peanut or peanut
  •     Mushrooms, mushrooms or mushrooms.
  •     Brewer's yeast: it is very rich in biotin and proteins that help to regenerate skin tissues.
  •     Nutritional supplements containing biotin among its ingredients

How do I access the benefits of biotin quickly and simply? In Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails , the ideal combination of biotin, vitamins and plant extracts, specially formulated to improve the skin from within.

Biotin: myths and truths

    One of the most common myths about biotin is that if you consume them "you will gain weight".

If that is your fear, do not worry. All vitamins are acaloric nutrients , therefore, they do not provide energy to our body.

    "Biotin opens the appetite". That is not true either. Vitamins help you eat the amount of calories needed for the body to be healthy. An excessive intake of food may be related to other factors such as stress or anxiety.

    "I'm pregnant, I can not take vitamins." On the contrary, if you are pregnant your body will need more vitamins, since you have to give nutrients to your baby.

Vitamins reduce the risk of the baby developing an abnormality or congenital disease.

It is even recommended that you consume vitamin supplements before becoming pregnant, so that your body is prepared for the gestation period.

    "If I smoke, I can not take biotin." Ideally, stop smoking.

However, it is proven that in smokers the oxidation process is faster, due to the amount of toxic substances in the cigarette. Biotin helps make the oxidation process less aggressive.

We live in a world in which we are constantly subjected to stress, anxiety and depression.

Therefore, it is not enough that we have a balanced diet. You also need a daily exercise routine, not smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation.

Combining all these routines with the intake of vitamin supplements such as biotin will allow you to have a healthy mind, a healthy body and a full and healthy life.

What are the benefits of biotin for the body?

Discover what are the benefits of biotin in your body and why you should not forget to include it in your diet.

You may have heard or read the word biotin in many places, but you do not know exactly what it is or what its benefits are. Biotin is a vitamin and, therefore, it is also known as Vitamin B8, B7 or Vitamin H. It is also a water-soluble vitamin, that is, if we want to keep it in our body we have to consume it daily, since our body does not has the ability to store it. For our body it can be fundamental in certain aspects, such as in cell growth, in the metabolization of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids.
Biotin Supplements

Where can we find biotin?

This vitamin, biotin, is found in several foods, whether of vegetable or animal origin, but in small quantities. For example, in foods of animal origin , where more biotin is found in the viscera, specifically in the kidney and liver. But there are other foods that contain biotin, such as the yolk of eggs, milk, cheeses ... And, as we have said, there are also foods of vegetable origin that vegetarians can eat. For example, some are brewer's yeast, whole grains, soybeans, barley, some nuts (almonds, peanuts, nuts ...).

As you see, there are many foods that contain this vitamin. Therefore, you can choose which of them to take to provide the body with the amount of biotin needed daily. It is advisable that this amount be between 30 and 110 micrograms of biotin per day . In addition, if you maintain the consumption of biotin you will also be contributing to the organism a series of benefits that this vitamin contains.
Benefits of biotin in the human body

1. Help improve our hair

One of the best known benefits of biotin is the great amount of properties it brings to our hair. For example, it brings more shine and strengthens our hair . In addition, this vitamin is recommended as a natural supplement against hair loss . We already know that one of the causes that cause hair loss is the deficiency of one or several vitamins or minerals. Therefore, it is important to control the feeding to solve this problem. And biotin enters the diet. Regarding this, it must be said that there are currently some shampoos that contain biotin. They are however, its use is not effective since this vitam

ina is not absorbed through the skin. Therefore, we recommend foods with biotin.

2. Biotin helps reduce anxiety and stress

The majority of the population lives with some anxiety , whether because of work, family or other reasons. This is normal. However, high levels of anxiety can lead to other more serious problems. Therefore, consume certain nutritional supplements, such as biotin, can combat stress . In addition, there are also studies that show that the absence of vitamins, like this one, can cause mild depression. Therefore, its intake prevents or reduces fatigue, stress, sadness ...

3. Help in the metabolic process

As we pointed out at the beginning, biotin is important for our body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins . In addition, it also helps in functions of amino acids and vitamins, such as B 12 . In general, it is a good vitamin to accelerate metabolism and also helps us improve intestinal functioning.

4. It works as an analgesic

If you are a person who performs exercise or suffer muscular pains frequently, you are interested in knowing which foods are biotin to be able to ingest them. The reason is that, this vitamin also works as an analgesic, that is, relieves muscle pain . Therefore, consuming biotin will provide you with a greater sense of well-being.

5. It has great contributions for the skin

Another benefit that biotin brings us is the large number of properties it brings to the skin. For example, ingesting foods that contain this protein will be helping to treat seborrheic dermatitis , dry skin . But not only this, but we will also be preventing irritation, cracking or any skin infection.

However, there are cases that have indicated that an excess of this vitamin can cause acne in people , especially in the area of ​​the face. When biotin is reduced or stopped, it has been proven that acne disappears. Therefore, it is important to control the amount we take and not leave the recommended doses.

6. Biotin for blood

You should also know that the lack of biotin is related to a risk of anemia . And, this vitamin, helps in the creation of hemoglobin and, therefore, also adjusts blood levels .

In addition, biotin contributes to a good energetic functioning of our body. This also facilitates obtaining energy through glucose. Therefore, it also establishes adequate levels of blood sugar . This means that it helps prevent diabetic neuropathy .

7. Good to strengthen nails

The same thing happens with the hair, we also find it in the nails. Biotin helps the health of our nails , since the cells responsible for their growth are regenerated thanks to this vitamin. In addition, not only helps its growth, but its thickness. Therefore, strengthens them so that we do not have brittle nails, but healthy, smooth and long .

All these are the most striking and most known properties and benefits of biotin. But it must also be said that they may not affect all people in the same way , since there are many factors that influence it. For example, the type of hair or skin. Perhaps one person notices more than another that his hair is strengthened thanks to biotin.

In addition, there are people who, when they include biotin in their diet, notice certain stomach pains, diarrhea or nausea. In this case, it is best to stop consuming the vitamin so that the symptoms disappear or reduce the dose to check if it disappears after the first intake. Therefore, it is appropriate to always consult a specialist before starting a treatment with this vitamin and not take it on our own.

Biotin and its use

Biotin (biothin, biotin) is a water-soluble vitamin. It means that the body does not have the capacity to store it and therefore it has to be consumed daily. It is known by several names: biotin, vitamin B8, vitamin B7 and vitamin H. It is an element that binds to several essential enzymes in the processes of cell duplication. It is used for cell growth, in the production of fatty acids, and in the metabolism of fat and amino acids.

Biotin Supplements

Where to find biotin?

We find it abundantly in foods of animal origin. Some are: viscera, especially the kidney and liver. Also in meat, egg yolk, milk, cheese, fish, chicken, in royal jelly, etc. For vegans or vegetarians it is much more complicated to obtain. It can be found in foods such as: brewer's yeast, whole grains and their derivatives, mushrooms, barley, nuts, soybeans, peas, chickpeas, mushrooms, cauliflower, potato, banana, grape, watermelon, avocado, strawberries, peanuts , yeast, milk, almonds, nuts, etc.

There are people with difficulty absorbing biotin. It is medically proven that people who have group A blood can usually have more problems absorbing this vitamin. Also people with heartburn problems. Or rather: people who take antacids. In this case, less absorption of this vitamin may be noted.

When it is evident that there is a problem of biotin deficiency, it is advisable to opt for supplements. 100 to 200 micrograms are needed daily. The extra contributions of this element usually also contain iron.

Benefits of this natural vitamin

It fulfills vital functions in our organism. These go beyond the appearance of the skin or hair . Its enzymes participate in the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids and in obtaining energy. These enzymes also bind histones. These are very important for the synthesis of DNA, which would mean that its presence is a road for the transcription and replication of DNA.

A deficiency of biotin in addition to causing skin loss, nails and hair loss. It can also lead to depression, weakening, hallucinations, irritation, fatigue, rash and loss of appetite.

Therefore, here we can relate some of its benefits :

  • Relieves stress
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels (helping control hunger)
  • Keeps skin healthy by helping it to renew itself
  • Help in hair loss problems
  • Strengthens nails
  • Prevents the appearance of premature graying
  • Delays the appearance of premature wrinkles and helps fight it
  • Maintains the protective barrier of the skin
  • Help with memory and concentration

Its application in the hair can bring great advantages

The problem of hair loss can be as a consequence of the deficiency of one or several vitamins or minerals. It is advisable to review and check the diet in a serious and responsible manner. Controlling nutrition can not only solve the problem of hair loss, but also many other complications that may be evident in the body.

Regarding this we can say that biotin is often recommended as a natural supplement to counteract hair loss. Both in children and adults. However, there are no studies that show its benefits when the body is not lacking this vitamin. One of the symptoms of his deficiency is hair loss and in more severe cases, the loss of eyelashes and eyebrows.

There are some shampoos in the market that contain biotin. But its benefit over hair is doubtful, since it is not absorbed through the skin. We must mention that it has become very fashionable to use the shampoo for horses . We must bear in mind that these shampoos have been made for horses and we do not know the consequences of their use.

An advice. A good collagen mask is the best to repair, shine and moisturize the hair.

What is Biotin?

You may have heard about biotin , but you do not know exactly what it is. This is a fundamental vitamin that we must contribute to our body to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and amino acids.

In turn, biotin, also known as Vitamin B8, B7 or Vitamin H, is responsible for transforming glucose into energy, maintaining healthy tissue cells such as skin, hair or nails, as well as the creation of hemoglobin. As we see it is very important to have a correct Biotin contribution.

Biotin Supplements

Due to these beneficial properties, biotin is used in different treatments, such as type II diabetes, seborrheic dermatitis and especially in treatments for hair with biotin, using shampoos and tablets to alleviate hair weakness and its subsequent drop.

Benefits of biotin

Biotin has been used for a long time in shampoos for horses, but nowadays biotin shampoos are starting to proliferate, which makes it possible to keep the hair stronger and to solve problems such as dandruff.

Although it is difficult to have a lack of biotin, in the cases that occur, it can cause health problems that affect the skin, hair or nervous system. These problems of lack of biotin can occur in vomiting, muscle aches, lack of muscle mass or sores on the tongue.

Where do we find biotin?

We can find different foods with biotin of animal or vegetable origin, especially in the egg yolk, liver and viscera, brewer's yeast, mushrooms and whole grains. This contribution of biotin should be less in children under 11 years, with an amount ranging between 10 and 30 micrograms. From this age, it is recommended that the contribution be between 30 micrograms and 110.

Biotin for hair

Biotin is well known due to the properties it has to improve our hair. This vitamin provides a greater shine and strength to hair, so in recent years have come all kinds of hair treatments with biotin. The most common form of these treatments are shampoos, especially the one known as horse shampoo, but numerous studies have confirmed that the effect of these shampoos in most cases is zero. By this we do not mean that biotin does not improve the qualities of the hair, but that for this vitamin to improve our hair we must ingest the biotin with biotin supplements or through the consumption of the aforementioned foods.

Everything you need to know about biotin

Are you worried about your health and want to keep fit? A healthy and balanced lifestyle is key to the quality of life you want and take care of your diet is the first step to have the energy and nutrients that your body needs every day. Substances such as biotin, for example, are essential to stay young and healthy.

Do you know if you need to integrate it into your diet? In this post we tell you everything you need to know about this vitamin.

Biotin Supplements

What is it?

Biotin is a group B vitamin. It is an indispensable element of enzymes that break down fats, carbohydrates and other substances. Biotin is also used for cell growth and the manufacture of fatty acids in our body.

Also, it is known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H and belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. That is, it dissolves in water and is not stored in the body. So you have to enter it every day through food.

What is biotin for?

Vitamin B7 is available in small amounts in a wide variety of foods. Like other vitamins it is indispensable for the correct functioning of the organism.

Taking supplements that contain biotin may be helpful to prevent imbalances or in case of deficiency of this vitamin.

Vitamin H has properties that help keep the body healthy. Contribute to:

  •     Cell growth
  •     Correct assimilation of nutrients (fats, sugars, etc.)
  •     Prevent metabolic diseases
  •     Prevent hair loss
  •     Prevent the symptoms of vitamin B7 deficiency

Taking biotin supplements orally may be necessary if your diet does not provide the correct levels of this vitamin or to prevent the symptoms of biotin deficiency associated with malnutrition, pregnancy, tube feeding for long periods, rapid weight loss
Symptoms of biotin deficiency

There are no specific tests to detect the lack of biotin in the body. So it is important to observe the symptoms caused by the lack of biotin in the body:

  •     Hair loss
  •     Rashes on the skin especially around the mouth, eyes, mouth and in the area of ​​the genitals.
  •     Neurological symptoms (depression, anxiety, tingling in arms and legs, hallucinations).
  • Collagen and biotin for hair and nails

Supplements with biotin for hair can be useful to stop hair loss if the causes are related to a deficit of this vitamin.

To prevent this type of problems and, in addition, keep skin and nails healthy and beautiful , you can associate the intake of biotin with a supplement based on hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen helps you prevent the signs of aging on your hair and ensures a better quality of life in general.

In this article you can discover more about the benefits of collagen for your health and well-being.

Biotin, contraindications

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that we obtain thanks to the varied foods of a balanced diet.

If for some reason the organism does not receive the daily doses of biotin and registers low levels of this vitamin, the symptoms that we have seen previously take place.

Under normal health conditions, excess biotin in the body is resolved by evacuation through urine and sweat.

The intake of biotin has no contraindications and is not considered a toxic substance. However, it is advisable to follow the indications of the supplements to prevent possible side effects caused by overdose.

During pregnancy and lactation it is recommended to follow the instructions of a doctor before taking biotin or other food supplements.
Interactions with food and other supplements

Taking biotin is safe when you take the right doses. To know if you need to integrate this vitamin in your day to day you should consult your doctor who will also indicate doses and modalities.

So far, the case of interaction between raw egg whites and vitamin B7 is known. A substance present in egg whites reduces the biotin absorption capacity of the organism . If consumed for long periods, this substance can cause a deficit of vitamin H.

Some people wonder if biotin makes you fat . This vitamin is involved in the digestive processes and metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and helps regulate the metabolism when a biotin deficiency occurs. Because biotin does not make you fat, it improves the absorption of nutrients and prevents metabolic alterations.

Foods with biotin

Biotin belongs to the group B vitamins complex and is found in small doses in many foods. These are foods rich in biotin that can not be missed in a balanced diet:

  •     Whole grains
  •     Beef liver
  •     Yeast
  •     Eggs (avoid raw egg whites)
  •     Blue Fish
  •     Green peas
  •     Nuts

Following an active lifestyle and a balanced diet allows you to maintain correct levels of biotin in the body. If you detect some symptoms of vitamin B7 deficiency consult your doctor for a check and to know what is the most appropriate dose of biotin in your case.

What is biotin good for?

Biotin is a vitamin. Biotin is found in small amounts in various foods such as egg, milk or banana.

Biotin is commonly used to treat hair loss, scaly nails, nerve damage and many other conditions.
  Biotin Supplements

How effective is it?
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database classifies the effectiveness, based on scientific evidence, according to the following scale: Effective, Probably Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Probably Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence for Make a Determination.

The classification of efficacy for this product is as follows:

Probably effective for ...
Lack of biotin Intake of biotin can help treat low levels of biotin in the blood. It can also prevent the marked decrease in biotin levels in the blood. Low levels of biotin in the blood can cause weakening of the hair, a rash around the eyes, nose and mouth. Other symptoms include depression, apathy, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. Low levels of biotin can occur in pregnant women, who have been tube-fed for a long time, who are undernourished, have lost in a short time or with specific hereditary conditions. Smoking cigarettes could also cause low levels of biotin in the blood.

Possibly ineffective for ...
  • Eruptions on the skin of babies (seborrheic dermatitis). The intake of biotin does not seem to diminish the rash in babies.
  • Insufficient evidence to make a determination to ...
  • Hair loss. The intake of biotin and zinc along with the application of steroid cream on the skin could help to reduce hair loss.
  • Scaly nails Biotin may increase thickening of the nails of the hands and d feet in people with scaly nails.
  • Diabetes. Some preliminary research shows that the intake of biotin with chromium could lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. However, the intake of biotin alone does not seem to improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
  • Diabetic nervous pain. Preliminary research shows that ingesting biotin or receiving an injection may decrease nerve pain in the legs of people with diabetes.
  • Muscle cramps. Dialysed people tend to suffer from muscle cramps. Preliminary research shows that biotin intake could reduce muscle cramps in these people.

Other conditions
More evidence is needed to approve the coconut for these uses.

How does it work?

Biotin is an important component of enzymes in the body that break down certain substances such as fats, carbohydrates and others.

There is no good laboratory test to detect biotin deficiency, so this disorder is usually identified by its symptoms, which include: hair loss (often with loss of color), and red and scaly rashes around the eyes , nose and mouth. Symptoms of the nervous system include depression, tiredness, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs. There is some evidence that suffering from diabetes could result in biotin deficiency.

Is there concern for the safety of its use?
Biotin PROBALLLY SAFE for most people if taken properly or when applied to the skin in the form of cosmetic products containing 0.0001% to 0.6% biotin. Biotin is well tolerated when used in the recommended dosage. IT IS POSSIBLY SAFE when administered as an injection.

Special warnings and precautions:
Pregnancy and lactation: Biotin is POSSIBLY SAFE during pregnancy when used in recommended amounts during pregnancy and lactation.

Children: Biotin IS POSSIBLY SAFE when properly ingested.

A hereditary condition in which biotin (lack of biotinidase): People with this condition need to consume more biotin.

Renal dialysis: Dialysed people may need more biotin. Talk to your health care provider.

Smoking: People who smoke may have low levels of biotin in their blood and may need biotin supplements.

Laboratory tests: The intake of biotin supplements could interfere with the results of various laboratory tests that analyze the blood. Biotin can generate incorrectly high or incorrectly low test results. This could lead to incorrect detection of diagnoses or even not detect diagnostics. Check with your doctor if you take biotin supplements, especially if laboratory tests are to be performed.

Are there interactions with medications?
  • Minors
  • Pay attention to this combination
  • Medicines modified by the liver