Monday, December 3, 2018

Biotin, benefits for the whole organism

Biotin, benefits for the whole organism

Lately it is becoming very fashionable a substance known as biotin to improve the health of our scalp. Many people use shampoo containing this substance in large quantities, and its effects are considered surprising, and therefore this time we want to stop at this substance and the benefits it brings to our body . What happens is that we will see what your intake will bring.

Biotin is a substance of natural origin that contains many foods and that offers infinite benefits for the organism. It is true that what is usually known is to be present in shampoo to strengthen the hair and make it more resistant, when biotin actually acts much better when it is consumed through different foods . We on this occasion want to see some of the most important.
Biotin Supplements


To begin with, we will stop at the qualities of this component. Since always biotin has been known as vitamin B8 . For less time he has been called by this name. If we stop at its functionality we will realize that it has an important role in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, that is, the fundamental nutrients of the organism.

Effect on the organism

Its presence is essential in body tissues and that is why biotin is necessary to maintain good health in parts of the body such as skin or hair. This is what gives this substance so much fame in everything related to body care. First of all, keep in mind that this substance activates several enzymes responsible for different metabolic processes important for proper body function.

It must be taken into account that it intervenes in the production of hemoglobin and in the different cellular processes of the organism. It also intervenes directly in the proper functioning of the nervous system, as well as in obtaining energy through glucose, which makes it a very important substance when it comes to maintaining the correct levels of blood sugar.

How to get it

It is true that biotin can be found in many foods that we consume daily, as it is very important that the body maintain adequate levels. In addition, we must take into account that the intestine synthesizes it through the bacteria it contains . In spite of everything, we are going to do a little review of the foods that contain more biotin and that will help us to prevent disorders due to lack of this substance, such as peeling skin, hair loss, nervous alterations ...

Among the most outstanding foods where we can find this substance we are going to stop at the egg yolk, the meats, in the animal viscera like the liver or kidneys. Yeasts contain high doses of biotin, as well as brewer's yeast, mushrooms, legumes, whole grains and especially the nuts that contain it in high amounts, helping our body to improve its condition substantially.