Monday, December 3, 2018

What is biotin for and what are its benefits?

Biotin, also called vitamin B7 or H, is a water-soluble vitamin belonging to the group of B vitamins.

Its function in the organism is very important, since it participates in the metabolism of fats, amino acids and carbohydrates.

By participating in the metabolic process, biotin is one of those responsible for transporting and transforming into energy all the nutrients that we ingest.

Once metabolized, these nutrients are transformed into chemical energy that the body's cells use to repair and keep the body healthy.

It is no coincidence that the word biotin means life. Like vitamin B12, biotin participates in the production of red blood cells.

In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that helps block and diminish the effects of free radicals, which cause oxidation and aging of the organism.

Like all vitamins belonging to the B complex, biotin is water soluble. We eliminate it mostly through urine. Therefore, a daily intake is necessary for our body to function properly.

There is no medical test that tells us if we have biotin deficiency. However, the human body is a machine that every time it fails, it sends us signals that allow us to know that something is happening.

Many conditions in our body may be due to biotin deficiency and we do not know. Here we will show what are those symptoms or diseases that could indicate that we need this important vitamin.

Biotin Supplements

Biotin: the perfect balance between body and mind

In the last years, stress , depression and anxiety have been cataloged as the most important diseases of the 21st century. These not only affect the way we live in our day to day, but also harm our health.

When we are depressed, our blood pressure increases and we have difficulty sleeping and breathing. We lose our appetite and our energy intake decreases, causing our immune and nervous systems to be affected.

A weak immune system can not defend itself from the viruses and bacteria that are found in the environment and, therefore, we are more prone to contract diseases.

When the nervous system is disturbed by anxiety, depression or stress, we usually somatize the emotions. That is, we involuntarily transform our psychic discomfort into a physical malaise.

Experts say that depression and stress alter the immune system. The attack on the immune system is so aggressive that even people can get cancer.

They also point out that the organism is a whole and we can not separate the emotions of the nervous and immune system. If one part of the body is failing, the others will also be affected.

The function of the immune system is to defend our body from external agents: viruses, bacteria and other infectious processes.

When the immune system is disturbed, it can not differentiate if the attack it is suffering comes from a foreign body or its own. It is at that moment when he begins to attack our own body.

Why do we tell you all this?

Because biotin is a vitamin supplement that can help you fight depression, stress and anxiety.

As we have already told you, by participating in the metabolic process of the nutrients we ingest, biotin provides us with energy, proteins and antioxidants that strengthen and balance our entire body.

A person with a strong nervous, cellular and metabolic system will be able to face stress in a more positive way. It will not attack your body and, therefore, decrease the chances of getting any disease.
Biotin: an ally for skin diseases

Let's see how biotin is able to exert its beneficial action on various skin diseases.

This is the case of dermatitis, one of the most common skin diseases.

It is a skin inflammation that produces stinging, redness, papules and exudation.

When it is in its most critical phase, dermatitis can cause pain, because the skin is exposed to external agents.

Patients with acute dermatitis are usually more likely to get cellulitis, a dangerous bacterial infection that, if not treated early, can result in the death of the patient.

Dermatitis is usually related to allergies to some foods, respiratory problems, gluten intolerance or some intestinal pathology.

But also, atopic or seborrheic dermatitis is usually associated with people who are constantly under stress and have a weak immune system.

Doctors usually prescribe to patients with corticoid dermatitis or steroids, a hormone generated by the adrenal glands that has the function of converting proteins into carbohydrates.

Corticosteroids help control inflammation and the functioning of the immune system.

However, the use of corticosteroids does not always help to improve dermatitis.

This adrenal hormone can produce various side effects in patients.

Among them we can mention: increased appetite, insomnia and fluid retention. One of the most dangerous side effects is the increase in blood glucose levels.

On the other hand, if corticosteroids are applied through ointments, creams or ointments, long-term patients experience resistance to the product.

It has also been proven that the skin loses elasticity and increase the chances of stretch marks.

In recent years, dermatologists have been using biotin to combat dermatitis and other skin diseases, since biotin helps fight stress and anxiety, two detonating factors of dermatitis.

In addition, biotin strengthens the immune, nervous and metabolic systems that, as we have pointed out, are affected in patients with cutaneous diseases.

Unlike corticosteroids, biotin has no side effects. On the contrary, it helps regulate our blood sugar levels, while steroids raise them.

If you suffer from acne, rosacea or psoriasis, biotin will be an ally of great help to improve and overcome any of these diseases.

In addition to skin inflammation, it will also help keep you free of bacteria due to its antiseptic properties.

Biotin also participates in the production of collagen, an essential protein for the process of healing and regeneration of skin tissues.

Biotin: a potent vitamin to prevent and control diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world population. China, India and the USA lead the ranking of countries with the most diabetes patients.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not synthesize the amount of insulin needed by the body.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and its main function is to maintain controlled blood glucose levels.

In a healthy person, insulin allows glucose to enter the body and be transported into cells.

When this happens, glucose is converted into energy that allows us to keep our muscles and tissues healthy. The cells have the ability to store glucose to produce energy when we need it.

If insulin does not cause glucose to be transported into the cells, the diabetic patient suffers from excess blood sugar or hyperglycemia.

The cells are somehow saturated and the body can suffer damage to tissues, muscles and organs.
Types of diabetes and their symptoms

Diabetes can be associated with hereditary factors, blood pressure and obesity. People who eat a diet high in fat and sugar are more likely to get diabetes.

However, many people may suffer from diabetes and not know it.

Some of the most frequent symptoms are the following:

  •     Diabetics tend to have excessive thirst due to high levels of sugar in the body.
  •     Weakness, fatigue and fatigue.
  •     Difficulty for wounds, scratches and blows to heal.
  •     Infections constant in the skin.
  •     Drastic changes of humor.
  •     Stinging and numbness in the hands and feet.
  •     Progressive loss of vision (type I diabetes).
  •     Cloudy view
  •     High levels of blood and urine glucose

There are two types of diabetes:

    Type 1: it is the most aggressive type of diabetes and it usually occurs in patients suddenly. Even no matter if there is a family history. It can only be controlled through injected doses of insulin that allow controlling the process of synthesizing glucose in the body.
    Type 2: it is less invasive than type I. Patients with this type of diabetes usually do not have symptoms. Even years can go by without a diagnosis. It can be treated with antidiabetic tablets or with a combination of insulin and pills.

Biotin, as part of the process of metabolizing fats, proteins and amino acids, is responsible for transforming glucose into energy.

Therefore, if the pancreas is not producing enough insulin, biotin serves as an alternative method to control type II diabetes.

Biotin can help us prevent diabetes, because its function is to control the levels of sugar in our body, as well as the proper absorption of all the nutrients we consume.

Brittle nails and hair loss

Biotin not only helps us to have a healthy organism, but also the good health we have will be reflected in our physical appearance.

Hair loss and brittle nails may be related to stress or nutritional deficiencies.

There are a variety of vitamins, especially those belonging to the B complex, which can help us fight hair loss and brittle nails.

In recent years it has been fashionable to use biotin in shampoos and lotions, however, there is no study to prove that biotin is effective when applied cutaneously or topically (through the skin).

The ideal is to obtain biotin through food or vitamin complexes, since its efficiency in this way is proven.

Biotin, as we have already mentioned, is responsible for synthesizing and producing amino acids in our body.

When biotin synthesizes amino acids, they form chains that produce proteins. Keratin is one of those fundamental proteins for the growth of hair and nails.

The cuticle is a fibrous coating composed of keratin. This is the one in charge of protecting our hair when we use dyes or any chemical product.

Biotin has the function of producing enough keratin for the cuticle to be strong and able to withstand any damage.

Keratin production not only helps your hair grow, it also keeps it healthy, shiny and manageable. The nails are also benefited with this protein, as they will grow healthier and stronger.

And the most affordable way, to obtain the benefits of biotin for skin and hair, is to re-activate skin, hair and nails .

Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails combines natural substances of first quality, which help you to fight acne, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis, improving the skin from the inside, for more lasting effects.

Biotin: an analgesic for rheumatoid arthritis

Studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases show that at least 47 million Americans suffer from arthritis.

Studies also indicate that it is the leading cause of disability in people 65 years of age or older.

Arthritis is another of the most common diseases in the world population. Patients with arthritis tend to have swollen joints, as well as stiffness and difficulty moving.

When the disease is without its most critical stage, it can cause fever, fatigue, loss of weight, lack of appetite and a progressive deterioration of the whole organism.

Arthritis is part of the so-called autoimmune diseases. In a healthy person, the immune system is responsible for protecting your body from any virus, bacteria, microorganisms and even tumor cells.

The white blood cells or leukocytes, are part of the immune system, because they are responsible for defending our body from possible threats.

In patients with arthritis, the immune system reacts against the tissues of the body itself, as it perceives them as a threat.

That is, the immune system instead of protecting the body attacks it, that's why arthritis is called an autoimmune disease.

The inflammation characteristic of arthritis is a reaction of our organism to the "attack" that it is suffering.

Unfortunately this disease has no cure, but there are ways to relieve pain. Biotin, in addition to the properties that we have already mentioned, is rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are important to strengthen and maintain our immune system healthy and alert to any threat.

In addition, they protect us from free radicals, molecules that are capable of damaging our tissues through an oxidation process.

When our immune system is in optimal condition begins to regenerate the tissue of the joints and, therefore, the bone tissue is strengthened.

The anti-inflammatory properties of biotin make it an excellent ally to relieve and reduce inflammation of the joints, thus improving the quality of life of patients with different types of arthritis.

What are foods rich in biotin?

There are many foods in which we can find such an important vitamin. The most common are the following:

    Egg: it is an important source of proteins, therefore it is rich in biotin. We recommend you to consume it cooked.

Egg white contains avidin, a glycoprotein that binds to biotin easily and forms a non-steerable avidin-biotin complex. This combination blocks the absorption of biotin.

Excessive consumption of egg whites can produce a deficit of biotin in the body. In addition, we run the risk of contracting Salmonella.

  •     Salmon.
  •     Liver: it is rich in biotin, but if you suffer from high cholesterol, you have to consume it in moderation since it has a high fat content.
  •     Milk.
  •     Sardines
  •     Turkey.
  •     Tomato: besides being very rich in biotin, the tomato contains minerals such as iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
  •     Avocado.
  •     Sweet potato and sweet potato.
  •     Cauliflower
  •     Cambur or banana
  •     Carrots
  •     Sunflower seeds: very rich in biotin and minerals such as selenium and magnesium.
  •     Almonds
  •     Peanut or peanut
  •     Mushrooms, mushrooms or mushrooms.
  •     Brewer's yeast: it is very rich in biotin and proteins that help to regenerate skin tissues.
  •     Nutritional supplements containing biotin among its ingredients

How do I access the benefits of biotin quickly and simply? In Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails , the ideal combination of biotin, vitamins and plant extracts, specially formulated to improve the skin from within.

Biotin: myths and truths

    One of the most common myths about biotin is that if you consume them "you will gain weight".

If that is your fear, do not worry. All vitamins are acaloric nutrients , therefore, they do not provide energy to our body.

    "Biotin opens the appetite". That is not true either. Vitamins help you eat the amount of calories needed for the body to be healthy. An excessive intake of food may be related to other factors such as stress or anxiety.

    "I'm pregnant, I can not take vitamins." On the contrary, if you are pregnant your body will need more vitamins, since you have to give nutrients to your baby.

Vitamins reduce the risk of the baby developing an abnormality or congenital disease.

It is even recommended that you consume vitamin supplements before becoming pregnant, so that your body is prepared for the gestation period.

    "If I smoke, I can not take biotin." Ideally, stop smoking.

However, it is proven that in smokers the oxidation process is faster, due to the amount of toxic substances in the cigarette. Biotin helps make the oxidation process less aggressive.

We live in a world in which we are constantly subjected to stress, anxiety and depression.

Therefore, it is not enough that we have a balanced diet. You also need a daily exercise routine, not smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation.

Combining all these routines with the intake of vitamin supplements such as biotin will allow you to have a healthy mind, a healthy body and a full and healthy life.