Monday, December 10, 2018

Possible side effects of biotin supplements

Possible side effects of biotin supplements

It is thought that consuming this vitamin in excess could produce an imbalance that would result in acne and imperfections in the skin.

If you like long hair or have tried to make it grow faster, surely you've heard of biotin once . This substance is a type of vitamin B that our body produces naturally and that we can also acquire from some foods .

It has become very popular and many people trust it with closed eyes; It's like a secret formula that is supposed to help you have long, healthy hair .

Those who have tried it or have consumed it can tell how their experience has been, but looking at it from the scientific side , it is not proven that the body needs more biotin than it produces .

As detailed in an Into the Gloss article, taking biotin in supplements does not hurt , but it can produce some side effects if you give more of your body a dose than it really needs.

One of those effects is acne . As discussed in the article cited, consuming more vitamins than we require can produce an imbalance that weakens the protective layer of the skin .

This layer is what prevents environmental substances from entering the pores easily, and therefore, the one that protects us from pimples and blackheads .

If you take biotin in excess, there will be an imbalance of vitamin B5, and will be more likely to appear imperfections on the skin of the face. In any case, each organism works differently, and it may be helpful for some people to take biotin for their hair, and not experience the side effects.

Anyway, if you tend to have imperfections and want to try biotin, you better consult a doctor who will know how to advise you in the best way.

Biotin Supplements

Vitamin B8 or Biotin What is it and what does it do?

Vitamin B8 or Biotin What is it and what does it do?

Vitamin B8 is an important component of the B complex vitamins , although its properties and functions are the same as those of vitamin B7 , and that is just another name for the same element. That is, biotin, choline, vitamin B7 and vitamin B8 are exactly the same. Even so, it is very important that any individual try to monitor the feeding that follows so that his body stays healthy thanks to the nutrients and the vitamins that, like this one, carry out a lot of primordial tasks related to the maintenance and wellbeing of Our organism.

Given that many do not even know about this peculiar case, in this short guide we will proceed to explain what vitamin B8 or biotin is and what it is for, as well as reviewing all its most important aspects and offering some advice .

Biotin Supplements

What is vitamin B8 and what is it used for in our body?

As we have previously indicated, vitamin B8 has a wide repertoire of denominations (B7, H, biotin and choline are also valid for reference). It is another member within the family of group B, so it shares with all others certain common and identifying features: it is water-soluble (dissolves in water), is part of the metabolism process of certain nutrients and helps in the contribution of energy to the body.

Chemical compound

Formula molecular vitamina b8 biotina
  •      Molar mass: 244.31 g / mol
  •      CAS number: 58-85-5
  •      Other names: Biotin, choline, vitamin B7, vitamin H
  •      Half- developed formula: C 10 H 16 N 2 O 3 S
  •      Solubility in water
  •      Melting point: 232 ° C

One of its major peculiarities is that it has up to 8 different manifestations , of which there is only one that actually acts as a vitamin, biotin type D, and is found naturally.

  • In addition, it is also an active part in the maintenance of some of the most superficial parts of our body, such as skin and hair.
  • Main functions and benefits of biotin
  • Principal functions

We have mentioned some of the functions carried out by biotin, however, there are several procedures by which its presence really stands out. And, in addition to doing the tasks common to other B vitamins, such as energy supply and metabolism, it helps even lose weight.

These are the main functions of vitamin B8:

  •     Rapid decomposition of food: biotin can also act as a coenzyme in the digestive process. Thanks to this, it is able to accelerate the metabolization process, achieving even a much higher speed when it acts in conjunction with the chromium. This can serve so that the individual in question can take advantage of it and lose some weight.
  •     Protection of the skin: for this case, the role of vitamin B8 is to generate the fat that allows the skin to maintain its flexibility and an acceptable degree of humidity. Thus, it is more resistant to any external element and can enjoy a better state, avoiding the appearance of rashes, eczema and other skin abnormalities.
  •     Fight against cholesterol: one of its functions is the reduction of blood cholesterol levels. The so-called bad cholesterol, LDL, is very dangerous for health, because it can cause various cardiovascular problems.
  •     Tissue repair : if there is any type of muscle or tissue damage, biotin is responsible for helping repair and regeneration. In fact, it also helps to reduce the pain caused by inflammations in the joints.

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Main benefits of the B8 for health

Given the functions performed in our body, it is normal to conclude that this vitamin not only helps our body to stay in good condition, but also provides a number of interesting benefits . Next we are going to review the main ones:

  •     Weight loss: by accelerating metabolism, acting together with chromium, food is broken down much more quickly and our body assimilates everything necessary in a shorter time. The remaining waste, as is natural, ends up being expelled.
  •     Better health in skin, hair and nails: the thickening that biotin gets in the cuticles makes the nails have a greater hardness; But, in addition, this vitamin also facilitates hair growth and makes the skin remain flexible and with greater resistance.
  •     Robustness of the cardiovascular system: to take charge of combating cholesterol, prevents any type of condition related to this system, significantly reducing the chances of suffering a myocardial infarction.

Sources of vitamin B8 What foods contain it and where is it?

Best sources of biotin nuts

There are no tests or records that suggest that it is necessary to follow a strict diet to have sufficient doses of vitamin B8. Since our body does not need large amounts, as you can see later, since there are a number of components in our interior capable of synthesizing this vitamin , there is no reason to worry when establishing a food routine.

However, this is not a free way to be unconcerned about what we eat . It is important to have the necessary knowledge to know in what type of products biotin abounds, and here we are going to review them, making a previous separation according to their origin.

Food of animal origin

Animal foods are those that have the highest vitamin B8 index inside. Meals as usual as eggs and chicken can, with an adequate accompaniment, give us the doses we need, although it is the chicken liver that has the highest concentration.

Below we show the 5 food products of animal origin with more B8:

  •     Chicken liver - 0.21 mg / 100 g.
  •     Veal liver - 0.10 mg / 100 g.
  •     Calf kidneys - 0.08 mg / 100 g.
  •     Eggs - 0.025 mg / 100 g.
  •     Chicken - 0.01 mg / 100 g.

Vegetarian food

In terms of plant-based foods, they also have a more than acceptable level of biotin . Although they do not reach the maximum of those of animal origin, they can guarantee the recommended doses.

These are the 5 plant foods with more vitamin B8:

  •     Fried peanut without shell - 0.107 mg / 100 g.
  •     Peanut butter - 0.094 mg / 100 g.
  •     Hazelnut without shell - 0.076 mg / 100 g.
  •     Hazelnut with shell - 0.076 mg / 100 g.
  •     Cauliflower - 0.017 mg / 100 g.

Infographics: Foods with the highest amount of Vitamin B8

Vitamin B8 deficiency What symptoms or diseases can we suffer from lack of biotin?

Given that our body is able to synthesize vitamin B8, and that a normal food ration is able to make the necessary contribution, the recorded cases of biotin deficiency are very rare . Rare, but not impossible, since the consumption of medicines, especially antibiotics, over a long period of time can reduce our ability to generate this vitamin and, therefore, trigger a deficiency.

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In fact, it is in such situations when it becomes especially important to follow more seriously the eating habits. If this is not the case, it is advisable to pay attention and know well the symptoms that usually occur when there is an absence of B8. Therefore, we will explain them below.

Symptoms of vitamin B8 deficiency

  •     Excessive dryness in the skin: one of the functions of this vitamin was to provide the necessary fat to keep the skin in good condition, not having enough presence, it begins to dry excessively, favoring the appearance of cracks and other anomalies
  •     Muscle aches : pains and cramps in joints begin to appear gradually. This goes further when cases of unwarranted fatigue begin to occur.
  •     Hair loss: by reducing the levels of vitamin B8 inside us, the hair begins to lose strength and, consequently, to fall.

Diseases due to vitamin B8 deficiency

  •     Dermatitis: due to the discomfort of the skin and its loss of vitality and strength, rashes and all kinds of anomalous elements that worsen their condition begin to appear.
  •     Depression: Like many other B vitamins , B8 influences the processes related to neurotransmitters, and its lack causes the mood to get worse, until they begin to appear all the symptoms of depression.
  •     Growth problems in babies: during our earliest ages, our body needs to have all levels of nutrients and vitamins in order. The case of biotin is even more important, as it helps correct growth and, if missing, it slows down.

Amounts and recommended daily doses of vitamin B8

Although we have insisted several times that vitamin B8 is not something difficult to maintain stable in our body, it is important to know the daily doses recommended by specialists. For this purpose, and with the data collected by the Nutrition Department of the Institute of Medicine of the United States ,

As for possible cases of poisoning, it is not something that should worry anyone. None have been recorded since biotin, being water-soluble, is easily discharged through urine. However, it can be given certain symptoms that show an excessive presence of this vitamin.

If you suffer excessive sweating, constant desire to go to the bathroom , nausea or vomiting, it is possible to be in possession of too high vitamin B8 levels.

Can biotin be bad for your health?

Can biotin be bad for your health?

Biotin , also known as vitamin H or B7, has become very popular in recent times. People who are looking for stronger and fuller hair, or strong and healthy nails, take biotin.

It also plays an important role in cellular metabolism, since it converts nutrients into energy and metabolizes amino acids and carbohydrates. Biotin also keeps the eyes, liver and nervous system in good health. It helps eliminate stretch marks and keeps skin healthier. Pregnant women use biotin for proper fetal development. Biotin supplements are also prescribed for people who suffer from diabetes or depression.

But, can biotin be bad for your health? Today we tell you the risks of excessive consumption of this vitamin.

Biotin Supplements

What is biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin found in foods such as almonds, whole grains, eggs, sardines, nuts, cucumbers, oats, strawberries, cauliflower, cow's milk and brewer's yeast. It also exists in supplements.

Dosage: The recommended daily amount is quite low. An adult should not take more than 20-30 units. The biotin deficiency is quite rare. However, it can occur due to pregnancy or due to lack of nutrition. People who suffer rapid weight loss may also suffer from a deficiency in biotin .

Side effects of biotin

Although biotin is a safe vitamin, it is best to stick to a recommended dose. Anything in excess can be harmful. Let's see some side effects of biotin:

1. Acne

The excess of biotin in the body can cause cystic acne at the level of the chin and jaw. The reason for this is still unknown, but it has been observed that acne disappears a few weeks after stopping biotin intake.

Drinking plenty of water while consuming the biotin supplement will help reduce the risk of developing acne. A lower dose may be the best option.

2. Allergies
Some people may suffer from allergies due to the intake of biotin supplements . Allergic reactions are not very common, but there are chances that they may occur. The allergic reaction can result in a feeling of nausea, swelling of the throat and face, development of pruritic rashes, tightness or pain in the chest. If this happens after taking biotin supplements, it is necessary to consult the doctor immediately.

3. Miscarriage

Pregnant women should avoid taking high doses of biotin. May increase the risk of miscarriage. Although there is no evidence to confirm this, it is always best to consult a doctor before taking biotin during pregnancy .

4. Diarrhea

People who take high doses of this supplement may suffer from stomach pains and diarrhea. When these symptoms are observed, it is best to stop using biotin immediately.

5. Nausea

Many people who take biotin supplements complain of mild nausea in the early stages. Over time, this side effect tends to disappear.

6. Not suitable for diabetics

A study has shown that biotin supplementation is not recommended in diabetics because it increases the production of glucose and fatty acids in the body. It is best to consult a doctor in order not to overdo the dose of biotin supplements if you are diabetic.


Biotin has a negative interaction with anticonvulsants and medications to lower cholesterol. A high dose of biotin supplements may cause these medications to work less effectively.

In some cases, biotin can be bad for your health , so if you are going to consume supplements, the best thing you can do is consult your doctor beforehand.

What biotin is for

What biotin is for

Biotin is known to be the vitamin that promotes abundant hair and beautiful skin, however, the function of this nutrient in the body covers much more than that. Biotin is part of the B complex and is also known as vitamin H, B7 or B8 . At present, the use of this substance is very popular, which has been added to cosmetics such as shampoos and hair serums because of its power to regenerate the cells and stimulate the birth of new strands.

This type of vitamin B is present in a large amount of food and is also available as a supplement to take advantage of more easily and concentrated all the benefits offered to the body, inside and out. Due to the boom that has emerged in recent times around this nutrient, many people wonder what biotin is for . If you want to know the answer to these questions, we invite you to continue reading this  article carefully.

Biotin Supplements

Little is known about the importance of biotin for the human body, and the truth is that this vitamin intervenes in processes and functions essential for the body to function properly. Below you can learn about the benefits of biotin for health :

  •     Biotin is a very important vitamin for the bloodstream, since it stimulates the production of hemologin , the substance responsible for transporting red blood cells and oxygen throughout the body through the blood. When hemoglobin levels are insufficient, people tend to have some type of anemia and the body does not oxygenate properly.
  •     Biotin is essential for the health and regeneration of body tissues, which is why it benefits so much the appearance of the skin , allowing it to look much healthier, brighter, hydrated and elastic.
  •     Biotin intervenes in the process of obtaining energy derived from glucose. This metabolic activity benefits the body by controlling high blood sugar levels.
  •     Vitamin H is essential in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  •     By its power to regenerate the cells helps to keep nails strong and long.
  •     This vitamin provides a large amount of essential fatty acids that the body does not produce and which are necessary to help fix carbon dioxide.
  •     Improves skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis .
  •     It is widely used in cosmetics for hair use due to its power to stimulate hair growth and combat hair loss.

Where do we find biotin?

Few amounts of biotin are enough for the body to benefit from all its properties, in fact, the recommended daily dose of vitamin B7 is 50 grams and you can get it by increasing the intake of the following foods rich in biotin :

  •     Liver of beef and salmon.
  •     Eggs 8 (each one gives 8 ug of biotin).
  •     Nuts, specifically peanuts and almonds.
  •     Strawberries, banana, grapes, watermelon and tomato.
  •     Onions and mushrooms.
  •     Carrots and potatoes.
  •     Legumes, brewer's yeast and whole grains.

You can also take advantage of the benefits of this nutrient by making a biotin supplement that you can find in health food stores and are highly recommended in cases of weak nails, fragile hair and withered skin. Also in pharmacies you will find biotin tablets that will offer you that contribution you need.

How effective are biotin supplements?

The consumption of biotin supplements is often used to treat deficiency of this vitamin, which, although rare, can occur in cases of pregnancy, vegetarian individuals, malnutrition, rapid weight loss or people who are fed through probes. . It is also recommended the consumption of vitamin H orally to treat hair loss, brittle nails, diabetes, mild depression and seborrheic dermatitis. How effective is it to consume biotin supplements? According to the Comprehensive Data Base of Natural Medicines, biotin is:
Probably effective for :

Treat or prevent the biotin deficiency that can occur through hair loss and decreased color, red rash and peeling on the nose, around the eyes and mouth, tingling in arms and legs, depression and apathy.
Possibly effective for :

Rashes on the skin of children, such as dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis.

Insufficient evidence to determine what is effective for :

    Combat hair loss : there is evidence that ensures that you can combat hair loss if you take biotin in conjunction with zinc supplement and applying a topical treatment containing the chemical compound clobetasol propionate.
    Diabetes : biotin alone does not improve blood sugar levels of type 2 diabetics. However, when combined with chromium the results are more encouraging in those who do not control the disease with medication.
    Brittle nails : Biotin can increase the thickness of brittle nails.
    Diabetic nerve : there is not enough evidence to ensure that biotin improves nerve pain caused by diabetes.

There is no clinical analysis to check the biotin deficiency in the body, therefore the presence of symptoms is considered the main indication of low levels of vitamin B8. Diabetes is a condition that is associated with biotin deficiency.

Contraindications of biotin

With the studies that have been done it can not be said that there is any contraindication in the consumption of biotin, in fact we can say that taking biotin supplements does not cause any harm to the body. But that there are no contraindications does not mean that if we are exposed to an overdose there can be some side effects :

    Acne : if we take more vitamins than our body really needs we can cause a mismatch in the protective layer of our dermis, making external agents penetrate more easily and can cause acne breakouts.
    Imperfections in the face : this effect is seen more clearly in people who are already genetically predisposed, but an excess of this type of vitamin B can favor the appearance of imperfections in the skin of the face.

This article is purely informative, in this website we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

Benefits of biotin for hair

Benefits of biotin for hair

Biotin or biotin is vitamin B8 - belonging to the B complex - and its main function is cell growth, which is why it is essential for the health of skin tissues and, mainly, of hair. Biotin can be found in eggs, liver, brewer's yeast, mushrooms and whole grains, but there are also concentrated supplements based on this vitamin in the market. If you want to know how this vitamin can help your hair, in this article, we tell you what are the benefits of biotin for hair .

Biotin Supplements

You may also be interested: How to grow hair with biotin

Steps to follow:

  • 1. One of the most known benefits of biotin for hair is its property to treat hair loss . When a person is deficient in vitamin B8, it is common to begin to notice that their hair falls more and more, beginning to leave hairs on the pillow, in the shower and on the floor of the bathroom. The biotin allows to return the necessary nutrients so that the hair grows again and stop the fall.
  • 2. Having stronger hair is another benefit. This vitamin contributes so many nutrients to the organism that they allow to improve the growth of the tissues, reason for which the new hair that is born is much more resistant. If you have very weak hair, you can opt for the consumption of foods rich in biotin to make it stronger and prevent it from breaking often.
  • 3. When a person consumes vitamin 8, he can also observe that the hair is softer and brighter. Brightens the withered, opaque and battered strands, because it helps to regenerate the entire capillary structure and to balance the amount of nutrients in the follicle. Result? Healthy and healthy hair
  • 4. By regenerating skin cells, it balances the production of sebum in the scalp, which is why it is ideal for treating seborrheic dermatitis, promoting the progressive improvement of the hives of the scalp until its disappearance. However, if you suffer from this condition, it is best to visit the dermatologist first.
  • 5. It also highlights your property by offering a more manageable hair. When there is a constant intake of vitamin B8, we can notice that the hair is easier to comb, has less frizz and even makes it easier to dry the hair. You may also notice that your hair looks healthier.
  • 6. In the market, there are currently shampoos for hair that contain biotin and that allow the hair to be nourished with all the benefits of this vitamin in each wash. There are also vitamin supplements and even collagen that contains biotin doses among its components.

Also, biotin is also used to treat horse hair, so there has been a boom in using horse shampoo for human use. This is not recommended since the animal's hair needs are very different from those of humans, not to mention that these shampoos are created with other substances that influence the nutrition and coat of animals, not humans. Watch out!

If you want to read more articles similar to Benefits of biotin for hair , we recommend you to enter our category of Beauty and Personal Care .

What is biotin for?

What is biotin for?

you will ask yourself. Biotin or vitamin B7 is part of the complex of vitamin B, a group of essential nutrients to achieve a healthy metabolism and proper functioning of the nervous system, digestive and cardiovascular functions. When we eat foods that are sources of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, labiotin or vitamin B7, it is essential to convert these macronutrients into body energy for our body, thanks to which we will enjoy health both at a bodily and mental level. But, the truth is that benefits of biotin for the organism are immense.

This nutrient also helps maintain a young and attractive physical appearance, as it plays a key role in maintaining the health of hair, skin and nails.
Do you want to know more about the benefits of biotin for health? Do not hesitate to continue reading to discover them all:

Biotin Supplements

1. It allows the good functioning of the metabolism

As we have already pointed out, biotin or vitamin B7 is necessary to transform the food we eat into energy. An insufficient amount of biotin can cause the appearance of fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, mood swings, appetite changes, etc.

2. Regulates the amount of blood sugar
Several studies have shown that vitamin B7 or biotin, especially when combined with chromium, helps lower blood sugar levels in the case of patients with diabetes. This vitamin facilitates the functions of insulin, the essential hormone to balance the amount of sugar in the blood.

3. Take care of the health of the skin, hair and nails
If you check the ingredients of some cosmetics, such as creams or shampoos, you will surely discover that one of its components is vitamin B7 or biotin. Several studies have shown that this vitamin can strengthen both the hair and the nails. This benefit was discovered years ago when they treated the horse's mane with biotin so that it would not become brittle and more resistant.
Also, biotin also protects the skin against acne, fungal infections, pimples, wrinkles and dryness.

4. Protects the brain and nervous system
Did you know that biotin helps to have more memory? One of the main functions of this vitamin is to improve the process of memory and prevent neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and senile dementia.
Due to its involvement in the synthesis of hormones related to moods, biotin helps maintain a positive attitude, more energy and concentration.

5. Prevents cardiovascular diseases
Like the whole group of vitamins B, biotin is essential to combat and prevent diseases related to the heart, such as arteriosclerosis or heart attacks. In addition, it helps balance blood cholesterol levels and allows lipids to not accumulate in the arteries. Several studies have shown that vitamin B7 helps reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood and, therefore, is very beneficial for people with diabetes or susceptible to heart problems.

6. Strengthens muscles and prevents injuries
To make matters worse, this vitamin has positive effects on muscle strengthening and regeneration in the event of injuries, such as fibrillar tears or tears. Therefore, if you practice sports frequently, you will be interested to know that biotin can reduce inflammation and prevent muscle problems in the long term

Biotin in pills or shampoo, how it works best for hair, skin and nails

Biotin in pills or shampoo, how it works best for hair, skin and nails

Biotin is a vitamin for hair present in shampoo, pills and food. It serves to synthesize fatty acids and metabolize the glucose in food. It also has its function in cell growth, within the Krebs cycle, chemical reactions of the body to provide energy.

What is Biotin?

Called vitamin H or vitamin B8 and B7 is an essential trace element in the body. This type of nutrient is necessary to perform various functions within the human body and its lack produces symptoms such as hair loss, nail weakness and skin disorders, so biotin is essential in a healthy and balanced diet where you are looking for good health.

There are different brands that develop specific products for the care of hair, skin and food supplements where it is included as an ingredient or as a key active ingredient. So let's describe the types of biotin that exist.

Biotin Supplements

Types of biotin

  •     Biotin for hair
  •     For the skin.
  •     For the beard.
  •     As a dietary supplement.

Biotin for hair

biotin for hair This way we find it in hair cosmetics and shampoos to stop hair loss. Biotin for hair has properties for:

  •     Maintain the natural color.
  •     Strengthen the hair
  •     Thicken the keratin fibers.

In many places you can find it under the name of horse shampoo, although this name causes confusion. In principle it is indicated for this animal but there is also biotin shampoo for people. You can also use other vitamins and acids to grow hair, such as taking vitamin D that serves to stimulate its formation thanks to the improvement in the blood vessels that nourish the scalp.

For the skin

Starting from the function of biotin in the organism there is a series of beneficial reactions for all the cellular tissue. In effect, vitamin B8 stimulates the creation of collagen and keratin. By intervening in the metabolization of fats and protein synthesis - collagen is one and keratin is another - and carbohydrates the tissue of the epidermis can be repaired more easily, grow again and take the place of the old.

Biotin for the skin is rich in repairing and regenerating effects, favoring skin health. It serves as a fundamental ingredient for the creation of collagen fibers rich in sulfur that coil and give the structure of the hair.

For the beard

It is the same case as the hair. Facial hair is made up of keratin and it needs vitmines to form. Although it grows faster and is much stronger with age, the principles for its creation in the hair follicle are identical. So biotin for the beard is beneficial and you should take it in the same proportions and doses indicated at the end of the article.

However, you will not get more or grow faster but, the one you already have will be more lustrous and healthy.

For nails

biotin for the nails and the skin While it reconstitutes the deposits of vitamin H the biotin for the nails has the following effects:

  •     Strengthens the nails.
  •     Increase the thickness.
  •     Improves appearance giving shine and uniformity.

Because the nails are composed for the most part by keratin it is very important that this can occur with normality and persistence every day. For the nails to grow healthy and strong, biotin is necessary . It is basic and without it the thickness of each nail decreases. In addition, they are fragile and easy to break.

Benefits for diabetes

To bring its full potential, it must be taken in conjunction with the mineral chrome in its organic form. The benefits of biotin and chromium for diabetes are reduction of blood glucose in type 2 diabetics.

If this is the first time you hear this, we recommend you talk to your dermatology specialist or a private hair clinic. They will be able to advise you and tell you how you can benefit from a nutrition plan.

Biotin in shampoo or pills

Differences between biotin shampoo and pills Scientific studies show that the effects of biotin are produced when it is absorbed by the intestine . So using shampoos and masks that contain it does not provide the same properties and benefits.

Although there are many hair cosmetics it actually improves its action when taken in capsules or pressed biotin tablets. You can also take it with a multivitamin. There are many and varied with concentrations and mixtures that work well for different disorders such as alopecia or metabolic and nutritional deficiencies.

Unfortunately, the biotin shampoo is not as good as it seems. Although it improves the appearance of the hair, it is mostly due to the other active ingredients it contains (oils, moisturizing active ingredients, fatty acids and vitamins that can be absorbed topically).

So biotin what vitamin is it?

biotin which is vitamin H or B6 and B7 There are several denominations and nomenclatures that it receives. The common names, that is, the question of biotin which vitamin is we can say:

  •     Vitamin H.
  •     Vitamin B7
  •     Vitamin B8

All these names refer to the same organic molecule that works fulfilling the role of vitamins. Facilitate other processes of the organism and be part in the construction of other larger molecules and be a nutritious part of food.

And having said that, let's see what you have to eat to always have a recommended dose per day.

Foods with biotin

  •     Banana.
  •     Nuts
  •     Peas or peas.
  •     Integral rice.
  •     Tomatoes.
  •     Beer yeast.
  •     Strawberry
  •     Eggs
  •     Blue fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon, horse mackerel, tuna, anchovies.

The good thing about having several fresh products is that you can alternate every day and not get tired of eating always the same. Foods rich in biotin are very juicy and, in general, all people like it, especially fruits that also have many more vitamins and antioxidants.

The banana is known to be one of the fruits with the most amount of biotin. It also has potassium, fiber, vitamin A, B12, C, D and B6 also defined as pyridoxine hydrochloride and minerals including magnesium, iron and calcium.

Peas are small legumes that go very well for hair. In some countries they are known as green peas . Easy to eat give a special taste to food. You can mix them with other foods with vitamin H to improve the amount you eat per day.

If you decide to take rice that is integral. Being whole does not lose properties and this benefits the organism. In most cases the processed products are oxidized or heated, handled and beaten until many of their active ingredients are lost, so to have your daily dose of biotin eat brown rice.

Blue fish has many fatty acids that go great for hair. In addition, with the contribution of vitamin B7 the metabolism can take better advantage of the rest of substances and synthesize the proteins needed for hair and skin.

Is it good to take biotin and zinc?

Take vitamin H and zinc Many people who notice hair loss detect that taking a supplement with biotin and zinc solve the problem. For it to take effect it is necessary to take it orally.

By including this type of food supplements in the diet, as well as strengthening hair growth, you also bring health to the skin.


  •     As a nutrient: 30 mcg / day (micrograms). Take one or two pills a day (according to brands).
  •     How much biotin to take for hair: from 500 to 700 mcg / day.

How to take it

Point out that you should make use of it every day by incorporating it into the diet. The body processes and disappears constantly so a daily contribution is essential for it to work well. The excess of vitamin H is excreted in the urine so that the excess is wasted.

You can choose between the following ways to take it :

  •     Capsules or tablets: in the morning with a large glass of water or a juice.
  •     Liquid biotin: add a stopper to the coffee, to your favorite juice or swallow directly by helping with water immediately afterwards.

For example, to take biotin 5000 mcg you must follow the first case, that is, swallow the tablet or capsule with a liquid. Thus, as soon as it enters the stomach it will be decomposed and it will pass to the intestine where it will begin to be used until the daily quota is exhausted. The rest will be expelled when urinating.

Friday, December 7, 2018

7 Benefits of Biotin and 4 Supplements that contain it

7 Benefits of Biotin and 4 Supplements that contain it

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the complex of vitamin B, a group of essential nutrients needed for metabolic, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular functions. If you want to know the benefits of biotin, then keep reading this post.

Biotin acts as a coenzyme in the body that is needed for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. This means that when we eat foods that are sources of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamin B7 must be present to convert and utilize these macronutrients for body energy, to carry out physical activities and for proper psychological functioning.

Biotin Supplements

Benefits of Biotin and 4 Supplements that contain it

This vitamin is also a nutrient that helps maintain a youthful and attractive appearance, as it plays an important role in maintaining the health of our hair, nails and skin. In fact, biotin sometimes gets the nickname of the vitamin "H" , which is derived from the German words Haar and Haut, which mean "hair and skin." Vitamin B7 is commonly added to hairdressing products and beauty of the skin, although it is believed that it is not absorbed very well through the skin and should really be ingested to be fully beneficial.
The Supplementation of Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Vitamin B7 can be found as part of B-Complex supplements. These types of supplements usually include a full spectrum of B vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B2 riboflavin and vitamin B3 niacin.

Together, the vitamin B complex helps the activity of metabolism, brain functions, nerve signaling and many other important daily functions. They also work with each other, so taking B vitamins is always the best way to make sure you get the most results.

To buy here Supplements with Biotin

If you plan to take vitamin B complex supplements, keep in mind that not all supplements are the same. Buy a high quality multivitamin or supplement product that is made from real food sources and does not contain loads or toxins in order to obtain the greatest benefits.

These are made by joining different collaborative nutrients so that your body recognizes the vitamins and minerals and can use them in a synergistic manner, similar to how they appear in food sources. Acquiring vitamins like vitamin B7 in this natural way gives you the most beneficial results, and helps you avoid unwanted and ineffective, synthetic fillings of vitamins and toxins.

7 Benefits of Biotin for health

1- Support a healthy metabolism

Vitamin B7, biotin regulates the expressions of genes that are fundamental in the performance of metabolic functions.

Vitamin B7, along with other B vitamins, is needed to convert the food you eat into usable energy that supports a healthy metabolism. Vitamin B7 does this in several ways: It converts glucose from carbohydrates and sugar sources into usable "fuel", this being the body's preferred source of energy; It helps the body to use amino acids from proteins to carry out multiple bodily functions; and activates fatty acids from foods that contain fat such as oils or animal fats.

Without enough vitamin B7 present in the body, symptoms of a slow metabolism may appear as low energy levels, fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, possible development of diabetes, changes in appetite, moodiness and more.

2- It can improve glucose intolerance and help balance blood sugar

Biotin, especially when combined with chromium, has been shown to help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. This is especially true for those who have blood glucose (sugar) levels that are not well controlled by prescription medications.

Vitamin B7 benefits blood glucose levels because it facilitates the activity of insulin, which is the crucial hormone needed to bring blood sugar to a balanced state. A better response to insulin helps reduce the risk of fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which can lead to pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, weight gain and forms of metabolic syndrome.

3- Keeps healthy hair, skin and nails

Vitamin B7 is necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails, so when someone experiences a deficiency of vitamin B7, symptoms can manifest themselves as thinning, splitting and brittle hair, or dermatitis that results in dry skin. and irritated.

You may notice that biotin is included in many cosmetic creams for the face, hair masks and other beauty products without a prescription for this reason, but vitamin B7 is much more effective when taken in supplements.

According to studies, taking high doses of biotin can help treat weak hair and nails. Vitamin B7 can also help protect skin from acne, fungal infections, rashes and severe dryness and cracking.

4- Protects brain function and fights cognitive decline

Biotin benefits the health of the nervous system due to its role in nerve signaling and neurotransmitter activity. Group B vitamins together influence memory function and defend against age-related cognitive impairment, such as neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

5- Helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system

Vitamins B like vitamin B7 play a role in the defense against common causes of heart disease, including inflammation, heart attacks and strokes.

Vitamin B7, along with chromium can help improve cholesterol levels, according to studies. Vitamin B7 has been shown to have positive results with the increase of "good" HDL cholesterol, while helping to decrease "bad" LDL cholesterol.

6- Supports the thyroid and adrenal function

B vitamins such as biotin are necessary for proper thyroid activity and defense against adrenal fatigue. The thyroid gland and the adrenal gland are "master" glands responsible for multiple bodily states, including hunger, sleep, pain perception, mood and energy.

A deficiency of B vitamins can result in thyroid and adrenal complications, and thus create many negative symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain or loss, problems sleeping, and much more.

You will like to read this article: 10 of the best vitamins you should include in your diet

  7- Necessary to build and repair tissues and muscles

Vitamin B7 helps in the growth and maintenance of body tissues, even helps repair and build muscles. When tissue or muscle is broken down, B vitamins like vitamin B7 work to rebuild the strength of muscle and tissue that leads to growth.

In addition, they help reduce inflammation that can lead to muscle or joint pain, pain or trouble moving. A deficiency of biotin and other B vitamins can impede growth and lead to inadequate development in fetuses and infants.

Some Supplements Rich in Biotin

If you want to enjoy the benefits of biotin, then here we bring you at least 4 supplements and vitamins that you can buy easily, and without a prescription:

1- Omniplus Supreme Acai Flavor

A delicious food supplement that will help strengthen your immune system with a delicious taste of Acai fruit. Omniplus Supreme provides the body with the vitamins, minerals and other necessary elements that help increase the intake of nutrients by avoiding the nutritional deficiencies caused by insufficient nutrients in the diet.

2- Vitadiet ($ 438.48 MXN)

These vitamins improve your muscle tone, burn fat and energize your body. Vitadiet is the multivitamin supplement that has given great results to many people who were looking to lose weight in a healthy way.

To enjoy the benefits of biotin, enter Zenteno y Asociados

3- Super Mix Supreme Chocolate ($ 478.00 MXN)

It is a powder to prepare milkshakes in a delicious, creamy, nutritious and low calorie way. Super Mix, as its name says, is a super-milkshake, because it contains the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body needs to function perfectly. It also contains fiber and is low in calories and sugar.

4- Seytu Capillary Multivitamin Complex ($ 359.00 MXN)

If you think that your hair is the frame of your face, then it is important to take care of it and keep it healthy, shiny and silky. Keeping your hair healthy and nourished is just as important as any other part of the body. The Seytu hair multivitamin complex is made with natural ingredients to give your hair the extra care it deserves and to make it look fabulous!

What is the use of Biotin? Benefits and properties

What is the use of Biotin? Benefits and properties

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that can also be called vitamin B7, B8 or vitamin H.

Biotin is a coenzyme, this means that without its presence there are enzymes that can not perform their function and metabolic disorders can appear.

The presence of biotin is necessary for the correct metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Biotin intervenes in the formation of hemoglobin and cellular processes at the genome level.

This water-soluble vitamin acts in innumerable metabolic processes of the body along with pantothenic acid and folic acid.

Its deficiency is very rare, since biotin is present in many foods and can also be synthesized by the bacteria of the intestinal flora. However, biotin deficiencies may appear when requirements are increased, such as during pregnancy and in endurance sports athletes.

Deficits may also appear when there are shortcomings in their contribution. This is the case of people who are tube-fed long-term, strict diets of weight loss, malnutrition or vegetarian diets.

In some cases, biotin deficiencies occur as a consequence of a deficit in their absorption. Some examples of this situation include prolonged use of medication such as antibiotics and antiepileptic drugs, short bowel syndrome or excessive alcohol consumption. Consuming high doses of pantothenic acid can also generate an inefficient absorption of biotin.

The ingestion of raw egg whites can generate biotin deficiencies. Egg white contains a glycoprotein called avidin. Avidin blocks the absorption of biotin and prevents its intestinal absorption. During the cooking process, avidin is denatured and biotin can be absorbed correctly.

Some of the symptoms of biotin deficiency include skin disorders such as dryness, seborrheic dermatitis, red and scaly rashes around the eyes, nose and mouth. Sores and ulcerations on the tongue, brittle hair, and hair loss or discoloration may also appear. The lack of biotin can also cause loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea and nervous system disorders such as insomnia, anxiety and depression (apathy, hallucinations and tingling in the arms and legs).

Biotin Supplements

Natural sources of biotin include:

    Sources of animal origin : meats and viscera in general, especially the liver. Egg yolk and milk.
    Sources of vegetable origin : more abundant in brewer's yeast, whole grains and their derivatives. It is also found in mushrooms, nuts, soybeans , peas and chickpeas.

Biotin is relatively stable to heat, light and oxygen. However, acidic media can denature it.

What is it for?

Biotin supplementation is done to compensate for deficiencies or combat the symptoms of its deficiency.

The administration of biotin guarantees its action as a cofactor in the metabolism, contributing to normal energy metabolism. The consumption of biotin can contribute to the maintenance of blood sugar levels. An adequate intake of biotin helps prevent diabetic neuropathy by stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Biotin itself does not seem to affect blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, but there is scientific evidence that the combination of biotin with chromium could lower blood sugar in people whose diabetes does not It is well controlled with medication.

The administration of biotin contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and strengthens memory. Biotin also contributes to the maintenance of mucous membranes and skin in healthy conditions.

The consumption of products with biotin helps to keep the hair in normal conditions. Although there is still little data, there is evidence to believe that biotin taken orally in combination with zinc can reduce hair loss.

Biotin may increase the thickness of fingernails and toenails in people whose nails are brittle.


The recommended daily amount (CDR) of biotin is 0.15 mg per day. The optimal dose of biotin can be influenced by different factors such as age or health status. People who undergo dialysis treatments may need additional amounts of biotin.


There is no toxicity to biotin. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, which implies that the excesses of this vitamin are eliminated without difficulty through urine. In any case, it is not recommended to exceed the recommended doses or consume excessive amounts.

What is biotin and why is it essential for hair?

What is biotin and why is it essential for hair?

Despite the warm temperatures that still accompany us, we have just welcomed the fall. And it is in this season of the year, when the dreaded hair fall arrives.

But there is no need to be alarmed: under normal conditions, leaving aside situations of illness, severe stress or postpartum, old hair falls naturally so that a new hair is born again. However, it is important to take care of and nurture the hair follicle to strengthen this regeneration process.

But, both the tight schedules, as hormonal changes, the stress of current life and age, sometimes produce a weakening of the follicle and, therefore, a more pronounced fall. And that is when we notice that we have it finer, weaker and with less quantity.

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, it was explained how the cause of hair loss in women is usually due to a combination of multiple factors , among which were: nutritional deficiencies, specific medication, general condition of health and emotional situation, that is, suffering from stress or anxiety. 

Biotin Supplements

What can we do to alleviate hair loss?

The nutrients reach the hair through the blood, whose main source is a healthy and varied diet . Due to the hurry and the schedules, sometimes, it is difficult for us to take care of what we eat and ensure that ideal contribution of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to strengthen our body through the intake of food supplements specifically designed so that we do not lose quality or quantity of hair.

In AORA CAPILAR we will find the necessary help to promote capillary regeneration and stop hair loss . It is a clinically tested food supplement whose patented assets provide a 5 in 1 effect in the care of hair and nails. It is a hair activator that: favors growth and resistance to breakage, strengthens hair, increases shine and helps maintain the natural color of hair.

Today we are going to see the properties of one of its components: biotin.


The root of his own name gives us something of its meaning: without going any further, it means life . Biotin is one of the vitamins of group B , which is known as vitamin H or B7 . It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that the body does not have the capacity to store it and therefore it has to be consumed daily.

The properties of biotin go beyond its relationship with the skin and hair, as it also participates in the processes of cellular duplication , in the production of fatty acids, and in the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids. Therefore, it is not only a vitamin that combats hair loss, but it is essential to keep our whole body in tune.

Regarding the relationship of the taking of biotin to prevent hair loss , recently an article has been published, entitled "A Review of the Use of Biotin for Hair Loss" in which, the authors verified that, a series of patients with hair problems and nail growth, achieved a clear clinical improvement of their situation after receiving biotin.

Similarly, a study from Harvard University concluded that biotin is one of the most important nutrients to preserve the strength, texture and functions of hair.

AORALIFE conclusions

Hair is one of our letters of presentation, not only because of its aesthetic importance, but also as an expression of what is happening inside us. However, autumn usually shows its most fragile and weak image. Thanks to AORA CAPILAR we can forget about these problems, since its components act in perfect synergy becoming our best allies to anticipate hair loss. So we can smile at the autumn, which is one of the most beautiful and pleasant seasons of the year.

Biotin Information Guide

Biotin Information Guide

    Commercial names : Biotin Natrol, Biotin Biovea, Biotin, etc.
    Generic name : Biotin, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B8, Vitamin H.
    Serves for : Vitamin supplement.

What Biotin is and what it is for

Biotin is not sold in Mexico as a medicine, but as a food supplement. Its uses, however, alleviate some ailments by correcting some deficits of this vitamin in the body, especially in diabetic people or with problems in the skin and hair. Biotin is also known as Vitamin H, Vitamin B7 and Vitamin B8. Some of its main uses are:

Biotin Supplements

  •     Cover Biotin deficiency or prevent it in pregnant women.
  •     Decrease blood glucose in type 2 diabetics.
  •     Hair loss and appearance.
  •     Brittle nails
  •     Skin rash in babies.
  •     Red eruptions around eyes, nose and mouth with peeling.
  •     Tingling in arms and legs.
  •     Apathy and depression.
  •     Hallucinations
  •     Conjunctivitis.
  •     Parkinson disease.
  •     Crohn's disease, an incurable condition characterized by inflammation and chronic scarring of the intestine.
  •     Peripheral neuropathy, a damage in the nerve endings that causes numbness, tingling and other sensations in the extremities and calves.
  •     Control of cholesterol levels.
  •     Revitalizes thanks to its participation in the formation of various amino acids and other essential components in the body.
  •     Decrease in overweight

Although it is an over-the-counter vitamin supplement, it is advisable to go to the doctor to confirm requirements and indicate dosage and frequency of use.

Presentations and method of administration

    Tablets and capsules of 5, 10 and 500 mg of Biotin , in bottles with 30 and 100 pieces. They are manufactured by Essential Nutrition, Biovea and Natrol in the trademarks Biotin and Biotin.

Dosage and uses recommended by age

Presentation               0 to 12 years         Adults              Times a day

Tablets and capsules
    5 to 30 mcg        30 to 60 mcg         one

The doses are only a reference of the daily requirements of the people, however, higher amounts may be necessary in pregnant women, during lactation, who follow dialysis treatments, in people who consume egg whites daily, smokers and people who consume alcohol.

Some sources indicate daily needs of up to 200 and 300 mcg. In any case, there is no evidence of danger at high doses and it is easily excreted from the human body.

The dose should be consumed at the same time each day accompanying with food.

Contraindications and warnings

  •     General Do not.
  •     Allergies or hypersensitivity Do not use in case of allergy to any of the components.
  •     Mix with alcohol . Alcohol is one of the causes of lack of Biotin.
  •     Mix with other medications . There are no known contraindications.

Combination of Biotin in pregnancy and lactation


Biotin is not listed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). However, there are no indications of risk for human consumption or in pregnant women. Manufacturers suggest daily doses for pregnant women.

According to medical studies from, Biotin has very low risk. They are vitamins that are also produced in the body as a result of bacterial action in the intestines. Manufacturers recommend its use during lactation.

Side effects

It is not known that the consumption of Biotin causes side effects. However, it is always possible for an allergic response to occur for some of the other components of each formula. Notify your doctor immediately if this occurs.