Monday, December 10, 2018

Vitamin B8 or Biotin What is it and what does it do?

Vitamin B8 or Biotin What is it and what does it do?

Vitamin B8 is an important component of the B complex vitamins , although its properties and functions are the same as those of vitamin B7 , and that is just another name for the same element. That is, biotin, choline, vitamin B7 and vitamin B8 are exactly the same. Even so, it is very important that any individual try to monitor the feeding that follows so that his body stays healthy thanks to the nutrients and the vitamins that, like this one, carry out a lot of primordial tasks related to the maintenance and wellbeing of Our organism.

Given that many do not even know about this peculiar case, in this short guide we will proceed to explain what vitamin B8 or biotin is and what it is for, as well as reviewing all its most important aspects and offering some advice .

Biotin Supplements

What is vitamin B8 and what is it used for in our body?

As we have previously indicated, vitamin B8 has a wide repertoire of denominations (B7, H, biotin and choline are also valid for reference). It is another member within the family of group B, so it shares with all others certain common and identifying features: it is water-soluble (dissolves in water), is part of the metabolism process of certain nutrients and helps in the contribution of energy to the body.

Chemical compound

Formula molecular vitamina b8 biotina
  •      Molar mass: 244.31 g / mol
  •      CAS number: 58-85-5
  •      Other names: Biotin, choline, vitamin B7, vitamin H
  •      Half- developed formula: C 10 H 16 N 2 O 3 S
  •      Solubility in water
  •      Melting point: 232 ° C

One of its major peculiarities is that it has up to 8 different manifestations , of which there is only one that actually acts as a vitamin, biotin type D, and is found naturally.

  • In addition, it is also an active part in the maintenance of some of the most superficial parts of our body, such as skin and hair.
  • Main functions and benefits of biotin
  • Principal functions

We have mentioned some of the functions carried out by biotin, however, there are several procedures by which its presence really stands out. And, in addition to doing the tasks common to other B vitamins, such as energy supply and metabolism, it helps even lose weight.

These are the main functions of vitamin B8:

  •     Rapid decomposition of food: biotin can also act as a coenzyme in the digestive process. Thanks to this, it is able to accelerate the metabolization process, achieving even a much higher speed when it acts in conjunction with the chromium. This can serve so that the individual in question can take advantage of it and lose some weight.
  •     Protection of the skin: for this case, the role of vitamin B8 is to generate the fat that allows the skin to maintain its flexibility and an acceptable degree of humidity. Thus, it is more resistant to any external element and can enjoy a better state, avoiding the appearance of rashes, eczema and other skin abnormalities.
  •     Fight against cholesterol: one of its functions is the reduction of blood cholesterol levels. The so-called bad cholesterol, LDL, is very dangerous for health, because it can cause various cardiovascular problems.
  •     Tissue repair : if there is any type of muscle or tissue damage, biotin is responsible for helping repair and regeneration. In fact, it also helps to reduce the pain caused by inflammations in the joints.

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Main benefits of the B8 for health

Given the functions performed in our body, it is normal to conclude that this vitamin not only helps our body to stay in good condition, but also provides a number of interesting benefits . Next we are going to review the main ones:

  •     Weight loss: by accelerating metabolism, acting together with chromium, food is broken down much more quickly and our body assimilates everything necessary in a shorter time. The remaining waste, as is natural, ends up being expelled.
  •     Better health in skin, hair and nails: the thickening that biotin gets in the cuticles makes the nails have a greater hardness; But, in addition, this vitamin also facilitates hair growth and makes the skin remain flexible and with greater resistance.
  •     Robustness of the cardiovascular system: to take charge of combating cholesterol, prevents any type of condition related to this system, significantly reducing the chances of suffering a myocardial infarction.

Sources of vitamin B8 What foods contain it and where is it?

Best sources of biotin nuts

There are no tests or records that suggest that it is necessary to follow a strict diet to have sufficient doses of vitamin B8. Since our body does not need large amounts, as you can see later, since there are a number of components in our interior capable of synthesizing this vitamin , there is no reason to worry when establishing a food routine.

However, this is not a free way to be unconcerned about what we eat . It is important to have the necessary knowledge to know in what type of products biotin abounds, and here we are going to review them, making a previous separation according to their origin.

Food of animal origin

Animal foods are those that have the highest vitamin B8 index inside. Meals as usual as eggs and chicken can, with an adequate accompaniment, give us the doses we need, although it is the chicken liver that has the highest concentration.

Below we show the 5 food products of animal origin with more B8:

  •     Chicken liver - 0.21 mg / 100 g.
  •     Veal liver - 0.10 mg / 100 g.
  •     Calf kidneys - 0.08 mg / 100 g.
  •     Eggs - 0.025 mg / 100 g.
  •     Chicken - 0.01 mg / 100 g.

Vegetarian food

In terms of plant-based foods, they also have a more than acceptable level of biotin . Although they do not reach the maximum of those of animal origin, they can guarantee the recommended doses.

These are the 5 plant foods with more vitamin B8:

  •     Fried peanut without shell - 0.107 mg / 100 g.
  •     Peanut butter - 0.094 mg / 100 g.
  •     Hazelnut without shell - 0.076 mg / 100 g.
  •     Hazelnut with shell - 0.076 mg / 100 g.
  •     Cauliflower - 0.017 mg / 100 g.

Infographics: Foods with the highest amount of Vitamin B8

Vitamin B8 deficiency What symptoms or diseases can we suffer from lack of biotin?

Given that our body is able to synthesize vitamin B8, and that a normal food ration is able to make the necessary contribution, the recorded cases of biotin deficiency are very rare . Rare, but not impossible, since the consumption of medicines, especially antibiotics, over a long period of time can reduce our ability to generate this vitamin and, therefore, trigger a deficiency.

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In fact, it is in such situations when it becomes especially important to follow more seriously the eating habits. If this is not the case, it is advisable to pay attention and know well the symptoms that usually occur when there is an absence of B8. Therefore, we will explain them below.

Symptoms of vitamin B8 deficiency

  •     Excessive dryness in the skin: one of the functions of this vitamin was to provide the necessary fat to keep the skin in good condition, not having enough presence, it begins to dry excessively, favoring the appearance of cracks and other anomalies
  •     Muscle aches : pains and cramps in joints begin to appear gradually. This goes further when cases of unwarranted fatigue begin to occur.
  •     Hair loss: by reducing the levels of vitamin B8 inside us, the hair begins to lose strength and, consequently, to fall.

Diseases due to vitamin B8 deficiency

  •     Dermatitis: due to the discomfort of the skin and its loss of vitality and strength, rashes and all kinds of anomalous elements that worsen their condition begin to appear.
  •     Depression: Like many other B vitamins , B8 influences the processes related to neurotransmitters, and its lack causes the mood to get worse, until they begin to appear all the symptoms of depression.
  •     Growth problems in babies: during our earliest ages, our body needs to have all levels of nutrients and vitamins in order. The case of biotin is even more important, as it helps correct growth and, if missing, it slows down.

Amounts and recommended daily doses of vitamin B8

Although we have insisted several times that vitamin B8 is not something difficult to maintain stable in our body, it is important to know the daily doses recommended by specialists. For this purpose, and with the data collected by the Nutrition Department of the Institute of Medicine of the United States ,

As for possible cases of poisoning, it is not something that should worry anyone. None have been recorded since biotin, being water-soluble, is easily discharged through urine. However, it can be given certain symptoms that show an excessive presence of this vitamin.

If you suffer excessive sweating, constant desire to go to the bathroom , nausea or vomiting, it is possible to be in possession of too high vitamin B8 levels.