Saturday, December 15, 2018

Signs of lack of biotin in the body

Signs of lack of biotin in the body

Biotin is an essential vitamin for the body. Sometimes we do not identify when we lack some type of vitamin, so it is important to identify the signs of lack of biotin in the body .

Biotin is part of the group of vitamins B. They are water-soluble vitamins ; that is, they can dissolve in water. This helps a rapid absorption, so the benefits are immediately reflected in the body.

High Dose Biotin 100mg (100,000mcg)

These are the signs of lack of biotin in the body :

Hair loss
Recent studies conducted by the University of California , reveal that the lack of biotin is one of the main causes of hair loss.

Even biotin is used as the main remedy in the treatment against alopecia.

Sores in the tongue

They are also known as canker sores. They are small lesions on the tongue or gums.

Sometimes they appear because of bad oral hygiene, however; The lack of biotin can also be the cause.


Depression is a state of extreme sadness and is reflected in our daily activities.

The lack of botin in the body causes depression and extreme fatigue.

Lack of energy and irritability are the main symptoms.

Dry skin

Biotin is one of the vitamins for skin care.

The lack of it is manifested in the lack of hydration in the skin.

This vitamin is used as a treatment for dermatitis and extreme dryness of the skin.

Dryness under the lower eyelid is a sign of lack of biotin.

These are the signs of lack of biotin in the body . All vitamins are essential for our body and keep us healthy.

Do not miss your body biotin !

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Biotin 10000 mcg, what is it good for, what are its benefits and side effects?

Biotin 10000 mcg, what is it good for, what are its benefits and side effects?

Biotin of 10000 provides 10000 mcg of vitamin H (Biotin).

The vitamin supplements with biotin 10,000 mcg are ideal for all those who have biotin deficiencies and wish to have healthier hair and more energy. It is safe, has many benefits and has no reported side effects, even in high doses such as 10.0000 mcg. Biotin 10 000 mcg is the second most recommended vitamin supplement after the version of 5000 mcg.

The biotin 10 000 mcg is a great option for those who observe a weakening of the hair, lack of energy, brittle nails, among others.

Biotin 5000mcg (High Potency) with Folic Acid, Support Healthy Hair, Nails and Skin - 60 Capsules
Biotin 5000mcg (High Potency) with Folic Acid, Support Healthy Hair, Nails and Skin - 60 Capsules

In this publication we will see the following:
  •     What is the biotin of 10000 mcg for?
  •     recommendations
  •     Benefits of taking Biotin 10000 mcg
  •     Side effects
  •     Precautions and contraindications

Where to buy Biotin 10000 mcg?

It is possible to buy biotin 10000 mcg in supplement stores, pharmacies or some online stores.

What is the Biotin 10000 mcg for ?

As we mentioned the biotin 10000 has as main objective to prevent hair loss, improve hair health and repair brittle nails.
But what makes this vitamin complex special? The answer is in your good evaluations.

The Biotin of 10000 mcg of maximum power manufactured by different companies has received excellent ratings by those who have ingested it. Qualifying this product as "wonderful" for nails, hair and eyelashes.

Benefits of the Biotin 10000

This presentation enjoys a lot of benefits for your body. If you complement it with a healthy diet and exercises you will see favorable results in the general health of your body.
What are the benefits of taking Biotin 10000 mcg?

Among the main advantages or benefits that you will have when taking biotin are the following:

  •     Prevent and repair brittle nails.
  •     Improve the health of your hair.
  •     Prevents hair loss
  •     It prevents the premature appearance of gray hair.
  •     Prevents depression, stress and irritability.
  •     Decrease the lack of appetite
  •     Increase Energy
  •     Prevents seborrheic dermatitis
  •     Moisturizes the skin and p becomes dry.
  •     Prevents conjunctivitis
  •     Contributes to regulate sugar levels in the blood

Side effects of Biotin 10000 mcg

Biotin is quite safe when ingested orally and appropriately. It is very well tolerated in high doses.

Although very few side effects have been reported, the University of Washington Medical Center has noted that in some individuals the intake of biotin may have some side effects such as moderate nausea, diarrhea or stomach looses.
Precautions and contraindications when taking Biotin 10000

Pregnant or nursing women can use biotin in the recommended dosages; however, it is important to consult with your GP before doing so. Diabetics should consult with their GP before taking biotin .

10 Serious Side Effects of Biotin in Your Health

10 Serious Side Effects of Biotin in Your Health

Ok, let's clarify this. Do you trust the supplements you take? Of course, otherwise, why would you spend so much on those things? Today, more than half of the planet is consuming ga-ga over biotin. But is there any side effect of biotin?

Let's delve into the world of biotin and find out if there is any adverse effect as such, right?

16oz Biotin Vitamin B7 Liquid Extract, Alcohol Free High Potency Biotin B7 Dietary Supplement for Maintaining...
16oz Biotin Vitamin B7 Liquid Extract, Alcohol Free High Potency Biotin B7 Dietary Supplement for Maintaining...

Biotin: a summary

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin found in foods such as almonds, whole grains, eggs, sardines, nuts, dried fruits, cucumber, oats, strawberries, cauliflower, cow's milk and beer. yeast.

Also known as vitamin H or B7, biotin has become popular in recent times and can be easily found everywhere in the form of supplements. It is sold under many names, such as Appearex, vitamin H, vitamin B7, biotin, biotin and coenzyme R.

While biotin is essential for our body system to function properly, an overdose of it can lead to medical complications. It is always advisable to study the supplements you are taking to avoid any of the adverse reactions. If you're wondering where to start, do not worry. Here we will decrease your workload and time by listing all the possible side effects of biotin. Are you ready to find out?

Top 10 biotin side effects
  • they can cause acne
  • they can cause allergic reactions
  • Effects during pregnancy
  • Urination frequency
  • they can cause diarrhea
  • Sickness
  • can increase blood glucose levels
  • Drug interactions
  • Eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion
  • It can cause acute respiratory problems

Although biotin is a safe vitamin, it is better to follow the recommended dose. Look here what are the side effects of biotin:

1. It can cause acne
Too much biotin in the system can cause cystic acne on the chin and jaw line.

This vitamin increases the production of sebum in the skin, leading to ruptures and the accumulation of dirt. But it has been noticed that acne disappears a few weeks after the dose of biotin stops.

It is better to take less than 2500 mcg or less of supplement each day. Drinking plenty of water while consuming the biotin supplement will help reduce the risk of developing acne.

2. It can cause allergic reactions
Some people may suffer from allergies due to the intake of biotin supplements.

Allergic reactions are not very common, but there have been cases of people suffering from it. The allergic reaction may be a feeling of nausea, swelling of the throat and face, development of pruritic rashes, tightness or pain in the chest (1).

If you have any of these symptoms after taking biotin supplements, you should see the doctor immediately.

3. Effects during pregnancy
One of the serious effects of biotin is during pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid taking high doses of biotin. This vitamin may increase the risk of spontaneous abortion. Although there have been no human trials to confirm this, it is always best to consult a doctor before taking biotin during pregnancy.

4. Frequency of urination
There have been unfounded reports that a higher dose of biotin may cause an increase in the need to urinate. There may also be an unusual amount of sweating due to the consumption of biotin in high doses.

5. Can cause diarrhea
People with a high dose of this supplement may also suffer from stomach cramps and diarrhea. When such a condition is observed, it is better to stop the consumption of biotin immediately!

6. Nausea
Many who take biotin supplements complain of mild nausea during the early stages. Over time, this side effect tends to decrease.

7. May increase blood glucose levels

A study has shown that the biotin supplement is not recommended for people with diabetes because this vitamin increases the production of glucose and fatty acids in the body.

It is best to consult a doctor, so as not to exceed the dosage of biotin supplements if you have diabetes.

8. Drug interactions
Biotin has a negative interaction with anticonvulsant and cholesterol-lowering medication. A high dose of biotin supplements can make these medications work less efficiently. It can have an impact on the symptoms of diabetes (2).

9. Eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion
In a single reported case, the extremely rare condition of the eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion was noted in women taking biotin supplements along with vitamin B5 (3). There was a severe reaction with the entry of blood and air into the space of the pleural cavity around the lungs, which caused a major lung infection, which became a life-threatening condition.

10. May cause acute respiratory problems
In some people, a high dose of biotin can cause acute respiratory problems or anaphylaxis. It is important to consult a doctor immediately in such cases.

Precautions to take when using Biotin

All of the above biotin side effects may sound scary, but they will not touch you if you take the supplements properly and at the right time. Do not worry, keep in mind the following points while taking biotin to enjoy all the health benefits it offers. Check out:

Stay hydrated-Baby! Have about two liters of water every day, since dehydration can reduce biotin levels in the body.
Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and drugs: this is because it is known that alcohol and drugs dehydrate our body, which causes a deficiency of biotin.
Avoid having more than two egg whites in a day.
If it is the first time you take a supplement, it is best to start with a lower dose, gradually increasing.
Do not have them on an empty stomach: it is absolutely essential to have biotin supplements with meals, regardless of when you take them.
Try not to depend too much on biotin supplements. As much as biotin is essential, you can always get it from the right sources of food.
It is recommended to take biotin supplements with other multivitamins to avoid any vitamin imbalance.
Do not try to play doctor. Obtain the advice of your health specialist before starting the dose of biotin. Consult your general practitioner and discuss any underlying conditions you have. It will help the doctor prescribe the correct doses for your health condition. If you experience any side effects, go immediately to the health center.
Recommended dose of biotin
While a person can start using the biotin supplement at any time in their life, it is advisable to do so only after talking to your health care specialist. Each age group and health condition require different doses of this supplement, which when exceeded can lead to the side effects mentioned above.

The recommended dietary amount is quite low. An adult should not take more than 20-30 units. However, some of the medical conditions may require you to take a higher dose of this supplement, while others may require a lower dose. For example, up to 500 mg of biotin per day are prescribed in the treatment of candida albicans.

Formats- Biotin supplements are commonly found in three compositions: 10 mcg, 50 mcg and 100 mcg.


  • 1. 0 to 12 months-7 mcg

  • 2. 1 to 3 years-8 mcg

  • 3. 4 to 8 years-12 mcg

  • 4. 9 to 13 years-20 mcg

  • 5. 14 to 18 years-25 mcg

  • 6. Above 19-30 mcg

  • 7. Pregnant women-30 mcg

  • 8. Mothers who breastfeed: 35 mcg

If you want to have long, lush hair that brings you lots of praise, biotin is the way to go! Consume biotin, but no more than prescribed.

Stay fit, stay healthy!

3 side effects of biotin supplements you should watch

3 side effects of biotin supplements you should watch

Biotin is a supplement that is becoming more popular among people when it comes to ingest to help treat hair loss, poor skin and problems with sugar. Biotin helps with these conditions, but there are also some potential risks that you should consider.

When it comes to biotin, deficiencies are quite rare due to the large variety of biotin-rich foods that patients can take advantage of to make sure they are consuming enough of this vital co-factor. We need to make sure that we eat enough biotin in our daily diets due to the importance of biotin in several different physiological processes. Pharmaceutical companies are also aware of these potential risks and numerous biotin supplements are available in the market. There are multiple compounds on the market that advertise biotin for hair growth or as a treatment option for hair loss, something that has helped to treat brittle nails , or even something that can help treat acne. As we have seen in previous research, biotin may benefit certain groups of patients suffering from biotin deficiencies. This supplement is something that does not come without its own set of risks, so in this article, we will cover some of the potentially dangerous side effects of biotin supplements that you need to become familiar with before taking this medication.

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Optimal Iron Plus Cofactors | Gentle Iron Supplement | 90 Vegetarian Capsules | Physician-Formulated |...

Possible side effects of too much biotin

Biotin is an essential cofactor in some important reactions throughout the body. When levels are low, patients run the risk of having problems with their immune system, high sugar levels and superficial changes such as hair loss, changes in the skin and fragility of the nails. Biotin is something that we can not produce ourselves, so we must make sure that we eat foods rich in biotin.

One of the potential risks of an excess of biotin in your diet may come from the metabolism of sugar. Biotin is one of the first signals needed to start the production of factors such as insulin, so when you take too much biotin, your insulin levels may be higher than normal and, as a result, you may have hypoglycemia. Biotin also has an effect on the liver and negatively regulates the cells responsible for glucose production when levels are too low in the body. These two effects may combine and lead to low blood sugar levels if you are taking high doses of the drug potentially.

Patients with biotin, in theory, may have symptoms associated with low blood sugar levels as a result of overuse of biotin. This would include headaches, sudden weakness, concentration problems and dizziness.

Is it safe to use?

Now that you know some of the potential risks of biotin excess, I'll look at whether the risk is worth the reward when you take this medication. For starters, biotin is a vitamin that is soluble in water. This means that when you take more biotin that your body can process, it will naturally dissolve in the kidneys and be excreted in the urine. Because our bodies need such low levels of biotin daily, taking high doses of biotin supplements will simply lead to having a very high amount of biotin in the urine.

To expand even further at this point, it is almost impossible for our body to take too much biotin in their body. Even mothers who are currently pregnant and taking more biotin in their diets are protected from the effects of biotin according to current research. Studies show that the concentration of biotin in breast milk varied depending on the intake of biotin, but the levels were only a fraction of what the original intake was after going through the mother's metabolism before passing to the newborn baby born. The risks of not having enough biotin in children's diets far outweigh any theoretical risks that patients may face having too much biotin in their diets, so make sure that their levels are high enough.

Some animal studies indicate that excessive biotin may have some effect on a female reproductive cycle. The studies showed that the animals have a small number of cells responsible for making sure that the females have sufficient nutrients for development and high levels of estradiol compared to the mice of the normal groups. Although it is difficult to draw parallels in the human population, biotin is something that requires further studies in the future to determine if there could be any impact on female reproductive cycles.

In general, patients who use biotin for hair growth as a treatment for hair loss do not need to worry about the possible risks that could occur. The properties of biotin are naturally protected from the adverse risks of having too much biotin in your diet, so naturally, you will eliminate too much biotin when you ingest too much. At the end of this investigation, there are no side effects of the biotin supplements that you need to worry about as they are now.

Side effects of biotin

Side effects of biotin

Biotin, as a rule, has no side effects or contraindications. Biotin is expelled from our body by the urine. As it is hydrosoluble, it is easily expelled, so that, very rarely, there may be some toxicity due to over-medication.

The only side effects of Biotin that have been detected, is the decrease of pantothenic acid or zinc, but that can be supplemented with a supplement of these.

Does biotin make you fat?

There is a fairly widespread rumor that indicates that biotin makes you fat . This fact has not been proven in any way and it can be said that it is totally false. Some foods that contain this vitamin as the egg, if eaten assiduously can make us gain weight, but in no case due to the presence of biotin in these foods. Another food with biotin that is associated with the possibility of gaining a few extra kilos is beer yeast and in relation to biotin we can say the same. Therefore, biotin does not make you fat .

It should be noted that we are talking about natural Biotin, obtained from foods with biotin origin animal or vegetable, and not supplements in the form of capsules, which may have other substances that can cause some type of contraindication. However, if you have any questions, it is best to always consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Terra Origin, Healthy Beauty Supplement, Capsules, 30 Servings, for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails with Biotin,...
Terra Origin, Healthy Beauty Supplement, Capsules, 30 Servings, for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails with Biotin,...

Friday, December 14, 2018

What is Biotin? Benefits, Dosage and Food

What is Biotin? Benefits, Dosage and Food

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is part of a complex group of vitamins known as B vitamins.

The main function of these vitamins is to help the body transform food into useful energy, something extremely vital for our daily functions, especially for those who lead a very active life and related to physical activity.

What is biotin or B8?

As we just mentioned, biotin is part of the B vitamins. It is an important component of enzymes in our body that break down certain substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All of them have their respective enzymes necessary to break them down.

Biotin can be found in some foods and although most of it can be obtained through our diet, it is often advisable to take some supplement in order to obtain some of the different benefits that biotin brings and its consumption to our health .

Benefits for the health of Biotin

The B8 offers us numerous benefits, most of which have to do with our physique.

Natrol Biotin Maximum Strength Tablets, 10,000mcg , 100 Count (pack of 2) ( Pack May Vary )
Natrol Biotin Maximum Strength Tablets, 10,000mcg , 100 Count (pack of 2) ( Pack May Vary )

A stronger hair

There are clear indications that biotin has a very positive effect on hair growth and that, therefore, the deficiency of biotin can lead to hair loss.

For this reason, many manufacturers of hair products are beginning to include biotin in their formulas to combat hair loss, a problem that many people must face.

Stronger nails

In the same way that biotin has been linked to hair strengthening, studies have shown that biotin also improves nail strength.

This is because it helps thicken the cuticles that are responsible for preventing nails from breaking.

Better skin

Also, biotin improves the appearance of our skin, as well as certain rashes or other skin conditions, such as acne.

Biotin, as well as other B vitamins, plays a fundamental role in our hormonal system, which can be a trigger for skin affectations such as acne.

Helps to gain muscle mass and recovery

You need to have a good level of vitamin B to be able to gain muscle tissue when it has broken down, for example, after intense exercise. This makes biotin essential in the development of muscle mass.


Although not yet specified, there are scientific studies in animals that have shown that biotin can help reduce cholesterol, more specifically the particles known as low density lipoproteins or LDL (known as "low density lipoproteins"). as the bad cholesterol.

Helps regulate blood sugar levels

One scientific study in particular showed that biotin can help reduce blood sugar levels when it joins with another vitamin called chromium.

Help your metabolism

Because biotin and other B vitamins are used to transform food into useful energy, it is vital to have a healthy and effective immune system.

Biotin helps glucose to move from being carbohydrate sources to our body's preferred energy source, adenosine triphosphate, or glycogen if it is stored.

Dose of B8 a Day

According to the National Academy of Medicine of the United States, the recommended daily dose of biotin is as follows:

  •     5 micrograms a day for babies
  •     6-8 micrograms per day for babies between 7 months and 3 years
  •     12-20 micrograms per day for children between 4 and 13 years old
  •     25 micrograms for adolescents
  •     30 micrograms for adults women and men over 19 years
  •     30 milligrams for pregnant women and 35 milligrams for women who are breastfeeding

Do you have Biotin Deficiency?

Honestly, it is very rare to have B8 deficiency, since we usually get enough of it through our diet.

However, it is worth mentioning some of the symptoms due to biotin deficiency, such as:

  •     Dry Skin
  •     Hair loss
  •     Brittle hair
  •     Fatigue
  •     Humor changes
  •     Muscle pains
  •     Cramps

If you think you may have a biotin deficiency, it is best to go to your doctor, who will tell you how to act.

Rich Foods in B8

As we mentioned above, we normally receive a sufficient amount of biotin through our diet.

This is because it is found in foods that we consume regularly, such as:

  •     Eggs (the yolk)
  •     Liver
  •     Nuts
  •     Soy
  •     Whole grains
  •     Bananas
  •     Mushrooms
  •     Cauliflower
  •     Avocado
  •     Salmon
  •     Raspberries

This list is not exhaustive , so there are many more foods rich in B8, these are simply some examples of the foods most consumed and probably already included in your diet.

Side effects

As we have said before, it is safe to take biotin whenever it is done orally and in appropriate doses.

In some cases, it is injected into the muscles, although this practice is not as safe and may involve some risk, as with any other type of injection.

If you think you may have a lack of biotin or any other vitamin, you should visit your doctor before taking any type of supplement.


B8 is an essential vitamin that carries out important processes in our body.

Supplementation of this vitamin can provide some wonderful health benefits to us, even though we often receive enough through our daily diet, since many of the foods we consume daily are rich in B8.

If you have any of the symptoms caused by the biotin deficiency mentioned above, do not hesitate to go to your doctor, he will tell you how to act.

How does biotin work?

CARSON LIFE Biotin Supplement - 4 Pack, 60 Tablets Each - For Men and Women - Vitamin Supplement That...

How does biotin work?

What functions does Biotin have?

The presence of Biotin in the body helps to strengthen all those tissues of rapid growth, such as skin, nails and hair as it contributes to the formation of various enzymes essential for them.

A deficiency or lack of biotin is rare, but can occur, causing, among other symptoms: dry skin, skin rashes, dermatitis, enteritis, alopecia, hair loss, weak hair, brittle nails, etc.

The dietary supplements of Biotin are the medical alternative to the deficiency processes of this vitamin.

Effect of Biotin on hair

The application of Biotin in hair cosmetics has been a great revolution in the field of hair strengthening and protection.

The Biotin acts at the level of the scalp in the hair bulb, revitalizing the growth and making it obtain a greater thickness and strength.

The external administration of Biotin helps to recover hair strength, because it acts directly on the capillary tissue improving seborrheic dermatitis and excess fat.

CARSON LIFE Biotin Supplement - 4 Pack, 60 Tablets Each - For Men and Women - Vitamin Supplement That...
CARSON LIFE Biotin Supplement - 4 Pack, 60 Tablets Each - For Men and Women - Vitamin Supplement That...

What is biotin?

Laboratorios Bilper SA , manufacturer of the DA product line is authorized to manufacture cosmetic products with registration number 100CS. All our cosmetic products have been correctly notified to the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, an essential requirement for the commercialization in Spain of any cosmetic product.

In all our products we use first quality raw materials, which we combine in a proportionate way to obtain safe products with a high quality. Among all DA products, the range of cosmetic products that incorporate Biotin stands out.

It is a vitamin of Group B also called Vitamin H, Vitamin B7 and Vitamin B8. Vitamin stable to heat, soluble in water, alcohol and susceptible to oxidation that intervenes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, amino acids and purines. It is an essential vitamin for the organism. Under normal conditions Biotin is synthesized endogenously in the intestine through the intestinal flora itself. It can also be obtained exogenously since it is present in numerous foods of animal and vegetable origin, mainly in; kidney, liver, egg yolk, mushrooms, some vegetables such as cauliflower and potato, fruit and fruits such as banana, grape, avocado watermelon, peanuts, milk, yeast, almonds, nuts, peas, fish, chicken and in royal jelly among others .

How to use

  • 1º Moisten the hair with plenty of warm water.
  • 2º Pour the natural Biotina DA, Aloe Vera or Conditioner shampoo on the hand and rub gently on both.
  • 3º Apply it to the hair, massage circularly and gently with your hands over the scalp until you get an abundant and creamy foam and let act a few moments.
  • 4º Rinse with abundant warm water until no residue of the shampoo is left.
  • 5º Apply a small amount of DA Conditioner with Biotin on wet hair from the third to the tips. Leave on for 2 minutes and rinse again with plenty of warm water.
  • 6º Dry gently without rubbing or excessively punishing the hair.
  • 7º After washing it can be reinforced with the application of the DA hair lotion with Biotin whose revitalizing action reinforces the hair implantation on the scalp and avoids the loss of elasticity. Build strong and vigorous hair.

DA Biotin Line

Laboratorios Bilper, SA uses pure Biotin hair care products of 100% richness for the formulation of its line of cosmetic hair products. We do not use Biotin preparations that exist in the market with inferior riches and that probably contain impurities that affect the quality of the desired product.

We give special importance to the quality of raw materials. The result of this is our range of cosmetic products with Biotin, formulated to clean, strengthen, brighten, protect hair and scalp.

Our advanced formula, resulting from a balanced blend of tensodermo compatible active ingredients, is odorless, and contains no colorants or parabens. Products adapted to the physiological pH of the skin, not affecting the protective acid mantle of the same.

After use, the results become visible at the moment, the hair is more strengthened and healthy. Its use favors perspiration of the scalp, brings an intense volume to the hair and gives it back luminosity. It transmits consistency and strength, cleaning the hair from the root.

What is biotin shampoo for?

Pure Naturals Biotin 10,000 Mcg, Capsules- Supports Healthy Skin & Hair - Promotes Overall Good Health...

What is biotin shampoo for?

If you want to know what biotin shampoo is for, read on and discover its advantages and disadvantages

If you like to take care of your hair and you dream of having beautiful hair, it is possible that you have asked yourself what the biotin shampoo is for on more than one occasion.

And is that biotin is a vitamin B group which is also known as vitamin B8 and influences the state of hair, skin and nails .

That is why biotin shampoos are present in the beauty routine of many people to be composed of this substance capable of improving the appearance and health of the hair.

The benefits of biotin shampoo

If you want to know what biotin shampoo is for you will like to know its main benefits, among which we can highlight the following:

  •     Strengthens the hair, prevents its fall and prevents it from breaking and breaking easily. Remember that, if you want to stop hair loss, you can also include ingredients rich in these vitamins for hair loss in your diet.
  •     Moisturize hair and combat dryness , so it will be helpful if your hair is damaged and damaged.
  •     It provides an extra dose of shine and silkiness to the hair.
  •     It can be purchased in pharmacies, parapharmacies, cosmetics stores, herbalists and even in many supermarkets.
  •     It reduces the excess of sebum of the oily hair .

Pure Naturals Biotin 10,000 Mcg, Capsules- Supports Healthy Skin & Hair - Promotes Overall Good Health...
Pure Naturals Biotin 10,000 Mcg, Capsules- Supports Healthy Skin & Hair - Promotes Overall Good Health...

The disadvantages of biotin shampoos

Biotin is a substance that is very present in shampoos that are used to care for the coat of horses because they fill it with brightness and keep it in perfect condition.

This has led many men and women to use biotin shampoos specially indicated for the care of horses .

A big mistake if we take into account that these products are specially indicated to treat the coat of horses and that, therefore, can alter the pH of the human scalp and bring about the appearance of dryness, itching and peeling .

Use, therefore, a biotin shampoo that has been specially designed to pamper the hair of men and women and that, if possible, contain other natural ingredients that contribute to keep hair even more beautiful, strong and shiny .

You can find this type of beauty products in stores like Amazon, where it is possible to acquire the biotin hair shampoo of the brand Cuidados , which combines the power of biotin with the benefits of keratin, making it perfect for strengthening hair and filling it with shine and softness.

Keep in mind, also, that although the shampoos that contain biotin can be very useful when it comes to preventing hair loss, they are not effective in people with alopecia , since they do not favor the growth of new hair.

Foods rich in biotin

Now that you know what biotin shampoo is for, remember that it can become one of your best allies if you want to stop hair loss and provide an additional dose of strength and shine.

However, if you want to obtain excellent results when using this hair beauty product we recommend that you combine it with the consumption of foods rich in biotin such as:

  •     Nuts , especially nuts, pistachios and hazelnuts. Consume a handful of the one you like most a day and you will also have the opportunity to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  •     Whole grains , which will also help you eliminate dandruff and improve intestinal transit because of its richness in fiber.
  •     Legumes , especially lentils and peas. Did you know that they are also a great source of iron ideal to prevent anemia and keep the body full of energy?
  •     Fruits and fresh vegetables , so it will be important that your diet does not lack bananas, avocados, apples, grapes, watercress and tomatoes.

Where to buy biotin shampoos

Chances are, now that you know what biotin shampoo is for , you may want to try this hair product. If so, remember that you can buy it in a wide variety of cosmetic stores.

It should also be noted that the famous Amazon also makes available to men and women a wide variety of biotin shampoos for all tastes. Of all of them, one of those with a better rating by users is the biotin and keratin shampoo of the brand Valquer , which strengthens the hair and provides an extra dose of shine.*-*

What is biotin for?

What is biotin for?

Biotin , better known as vitamin H, vitamin B8 or vitamin B7, is a component of enzymes of great importance in the human body, since it is mainly responsible for raising energy and caring for tissues such as skin, nails and hair, It also breaks down fats and carbohydrates and is recommended for the evolution in hemoglobin.

This vitamin can be found in vitamin supplement capsules or naturally in a variety of foods such as meats, egg yolks, brewer's yeast and certain cereals.

You want to know a little more about the contribution of Biotin in the body. Continue reading.

Biotin 10,000 mcg High Potency | 310 Biotin Natural Melting and Dissolving Tablet Helps with Hair Growth,...
Biotin 10,000 mcg High Potency | 310 Biotin Natural Melting and Dissolving Tablet Helps with Hair Growth,...

What is biotin used for and its most recommended uses

It is also recommended to improve moods, this because its components raise energy, allowing the person to be more awake and attentive, with a better disposition to face the day to day.

1. As a stress treatment

Stress and anxiety are part of everyday life, whether by study, work, or thousands of other reasons. This situation can end up being harmful to health, so it is important to consume some vitamin supplements such as biotin, which help to combat stress and reduce some states of depression, fatigue, etc.

2. As prevention of anemia

It helps and helps to adjust the levels of blood in the body, this reduces the risk of suffering from anemia and facilitates the obtaining of energy, as well as a regulation of blood glucose.

3. Strengthens nails and hair

Biotin is favorable for the health of hair and nails, avoiding dryness, strengthening and promoting growth.

As for the nails prevents brittle, if you have weak and rough nails, you may need to supply a greater amount of this vitamin to your body.

Among the most commented benefits of vitamin H, it gives shine and life to the scalp. It is used as a prevention of alopecia, so many aesthetic products and shampoos use it in its composition.

4. It favors the metabolism

It favors the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is a vitamin that works in addition to others, such as vitamin B12. In addition, it improves intestinal function.

5. Biotin for skin health

It provides beneficial properties for the skin, especially to treat conditions such as dermatitis or dryness. However, it is necessary to control their consumption with the help of a doctor, since an excessive dose is related to acne problems on the face.

6. Analgesic for muscle pains

Relieves muscle pain, if you like to lead a fitness life you can take advantage of the analgesic properties of biotin, give you a feeling of well-being at the time of suffering some muscle pain or exercise.

Benefits of Biotin in hair

As mentioned above, vitamin B8 is used in order to achieve various results, including strengthening the nails and hair, as well as its rapid and adequate growth.

The vitamin not only provides greater resistance to our hair, but also allows it to stay bright. Because of this, many cream baths and hair treatments have included vitamin B8 in their components.

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However, a better result is generated by consuming the substance as a vitamin supplement instead of applying it to the hair in the presentation of a shampoo or other type of product. Of these hair cream baths, no true results have been proven that are comparable to the efficiency that is appreciated when consuming it through food or supplements.

As for the rest of our body, biotin helps to burn fats and carbohydrates easily, as well as maintain healthy and strong tissues to maintain a smooth skin without excess wrinkles.

How to consume Biotin

Biotin not only tends to take you alone, but with another set of supplements. For example, this vitamin is often mixed with collagen, which has become a very common component of vitamins, this because it helps to reduce wrinkles in the skin and prevents the joints from weakening.

Naturally you can get collagen in foods such as cheese and meat, as well as can be strengthened by the vitamin components. In the case of Biotin, adding collagen achieves a more effective result in the evolution of the strengthening of the tissues, as well as in the tendons and ligaments. It can be said that collagen improves the actions of biotin.

Who can take this vitamin?

Biotin is a necessary vitamin to acquire for all people at any age, however, the amount needed depends on the health status and age of each individual. In children younger than 11 years, it is recommended that it be ingested in a smaller amount than what adults consume.

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Pregnant or nursing women can also take vitamin H without any inconvenience. In fact, people older than 18 years (including pregnant women) are recommended to consume an amount of approximately 30 micrograms, while when the woman is breastfeeding, it is suggested to consume at least 5 micrograms more than normal.

Biotin 5000 mcg

Biotin 5000 mcg is a vitamin supplement that contains, as the name implies, an amount of 5000 micrograms of vitamin H or biotin. Its presentation is in capsules, pills or tablets and is only used when there is a serious lack or deficiency of this specific vitamin in the body, which makes it necessary to use an external factor to stabilize it.

These cases can arise when the person comes from a very strict diet, stress crisis, states of depression or has some kind of condition at the level of health that creates the problem in the absorption of vitamins.

Its main functions are the improvement of the skin, strengthening of the nails, decrease in hair loss (besides stimulating its growth), improve metabolism and mood.

Does Biotin get fat?

It has always been believed that biotin causes overweight in people, but it is totally false. Everything in excess is bad, and what happens in this particular case is that the excessive consumption of certain foods containing biotin can cause problems and imbalances in the diet, which leads to weight gain.

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This problem is generated only by ignorance and lack of care when managing the diet on a daily basis, because, on the contrary, this vitamin allows us to eliminate fats and carbohydrates more easily, in saying that its function really is generate the opposite effect, it helps you lose weight more easily.

What foods give us Biotin?

All the viscera, as well as the liver and egg yolk, contain biotin, and although it is very healthy to consume them to get the benefits of this vitamin, you have to take care of excessive feeding because, as with many other substances and foods, It may backfire.

In the case of vegetables, the best way to get a large amount of biotin is through brewer's yeast, but we can also obtain it from cereals such as wheat and oats, as well as in flours.

Other foods where this substance abounds are in fruits, such as avocado or apples. In meats, fish and nuts too, as well as mushrooms.

To maintain a healthy life, hand in hand with this and all the vitamins that offer food naturally, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, without excessive food or lack of others since all provide various benefits to the human body.

The recommended thing for this vitamin is to consume some of these foods daily, without mixing them together in the same meal, on the contrary, it is good to take them, one in each of the three basic meals, for example, receiving the necessary amount daily without major excesses .

Does biotin make you fat or thin?

Does biotin make you fat or thin?

As I have already told you, having a healthy and agile metabolism is a fundamental part of being able to lose weight, and by consuming biotin we can accelerate it.

But do you know what it is? Biotin is a member of the family of water-soluble vitamins, that is, a vitamin B complex, better known as B7.

It is a primordial coenzyme to transform blood sugar into energy, which is synthesized by intestinal bacteria and works to metabolize fat, carbohydrates and proteins.

How can I know if I have adequate levels of Biotin?

Just ask yourself questions such as the percentage of growth of your hair or your nails; even, the texture of your skin to know it. Normally women suffering from hair loss, nail weakness, dry skin, depression, anemia, heart problems, nausea and high cholesterol, have altered levels of Biotin or problems to synthesize it.

Now, let's go to the point that interests us the most: do you think it makes you fat or helps you lose weight? Well, it gives me a lot of joy to tell you beautiful that turns out to be very effective for your process of losing weight, since it regulates and improves the metabolism and the processing of calories.

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And I want you to know 3 benefits of Biotin in our body, when we want to lose weight:

  •     It helps with digestion and makes this process in our body easier to perform.
  •     It increases and maintains the feeling of fullness for longer, making us eat a lot less.
  •     It allows our nervous system to work efficiently, which will give us more energy and reduce the feeling of tiredness.

Although there are many myths about this, you can not be confused because what could actually gain weight is the supplement you choose. Many encapsulates add gluten and sweeteners, and as you know, this does significantly increase weight.

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Do you still think that Biotin makes you fat? Think no more! Because it is not so, do not make that mistake because it is the opposite, Biotin can help you lose weight and you should take it as an ally, so eat foods that contain it and you can also consume supplements, preferably vegetarian, to avoid the components negative

How to consume Biotin?

You can easily find this nutrient in foods such as: carrot, spinach, onion, cucumber, avocado, organic oatmeal, egg, fish, strawberry, blueberry and raspberry, nuts and sunflower seeds. By including one or more of the ingredients that I mentioned in your daily meals you will be ensuring prolonged and sufficient consumption for your body.

It should be noted that you can also ensure the intake of this vitamin by going to supplements, which come in presentations as capsules or powder. However I recommend you be supremely careful when choosing this option because overdose of Biotin can cause side effects such as upset stomach, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea and we definitely do not want that for our body! So read the labels and pay special attention to the quantities.


The adequate dose for daily consumption of this vitamin is between 30 and 100 micrograms. But, if your purpose is to lose weight with the benefits of Biotin, you should consume a dose of 300 micrograms daily.

It should be remembered that there are no 'miraculous ingredients' and that all the benefits that Biotin has to contribute to your weight loss process, will be reflected as long as you accompany the taking of supplements with a healthy diet: low in calories, balanced and rich in nutrients and of course an exercise routine according to your needs. Only this way you will be able to take full advantage of its effects.

Do not forget that if you are pregnant, nursing or suffering from kidney failure, you should consult your doctor, to know if it is advisable to consume it or not, and in what quantities you can do it.

Nor can you forget that biotin is not the only solution to lose weight, you must take care of your diet and stay hydrated.

I recommend some other articles that I have written that will help you to continue with your process, you can read about the 7 foods that accelerate your metabolism and make you lose weight or know the 5 fabulous foods to lose weight and eliminate fat from your body. or You will love it!

As will my IM Craving & Impulse Control , which will complement your work and dedication, helping you to control your cravings, to fill you with energy and improve your brain health.

Remember that losing weight, reaching your ideal weight and maintaining it requires effort, will and dedication.

Tell me, have you used biotin to lose weight? What supplement do you consume? Did it serve you?

Leave me your comments and do not forget to share this information with your friends and the women of your family.



What Does Biotin Serve on the Skin and How Does It Work?

Biotin 10000mcg Hair Skin & Nails Vitamins for Women - Promotes Cells Regenerations - Supports Blood...

What Does Biotin Serve on the Skin and How Does It Work?

* What Biotin Does for Skin *

On this occasion I am pleased to leave you with information about a vitamin
essential for our organism and we do not know * for * * what is the
Biotin in the skin and how it works. *

    What Biotin Serves On the Skin and How It Works

Biotin helps in the distribution and absorption of fat keeping
healthy and shiny skin The fact that biotin.

Biotin is a vitamin that is found in small amounts in
Many foods some of them are: eggs, milk and bananas. further
of being used for the skin also exerts important benefits to the
nails to nerves and many other conditions.

Biotin 10000mcg Hair Skin & Nails Vitamins for Women - Promotes Cells Regenerations - Supports Blood...
Biotin 10000mcg Hair Skin & Nails Vitamins for Women - Promotes Cells Regenerations - Supports Blood...

      * How biotin works *

* Biotin is an important element of the enzymes in the body that
It deteriorates some substances such as fats, carbohydrates and others.
It is one of the vitamins in the * B * complex that allows our body
convert food into energy.

It can improve our skin, hair, nails, nervous system, eyes and the
liver. You can also derive biotin through a healthy diet.

      * Benefits of biotin on the skin *

  • 1.    This vitamin is an effective component for maintaining good health
  •     of the skin.
  • 2.    The use of biotin can also revitalize skin tone and
  •     protect it from fungal infections and acne, it has the benefit of
  •     Keep your skin hydrated by preventing cracking.
  •  3.    Protects against cancer: ** Biotin deficiency can often
  •     lead to insufficient histone biotinylation at
  •     cellular production and, therefore, increases the risk of cancer. **
  • 4.    Soothes dry and itchy skin
  •  5.    It is used to treat dandruff, acne and oily skin.

      * Foods rich in biotin *

  •   *    Raspberries - Avocado - Cauliflower - Mushrooms - Egg
  •   *    A slice of bread - Cheese - Salmon - nuts.

      * Biotin on oily skin *

There are claims that taking biotin while having the skin
Fat can cause skin rashes and acne. However, it is
important to keep in mind that each person reacts in a
different to a specific product.

Therefore, it would not be correct to say in general that biotin is not
good for people with oily skin.

      * Biotin on dry skin *

In this case, the use of biotin is ideal, preferably in creams and
lotions and in this way controls dry skin by helping in the
proper distribution of fats.

      * What biotin does for your skin *

  •   *
  •     Biotin has been known for years as the "beauty vitamin"
  •     * for its very metabolic function. The vitamin is essential for
  •     decomposition of fatty acids. This is especially for
  •     people with biotin deficiency.
  •   *
  •     The proper distribution of these fatty acids translates into a
  •     healthy skin. This creates a shine on the skin, which protects against
  •     loss of water and damage from the sun's rays that are very harmful.
  •   *
  •     According to the study, biotin deficiency can lead to
  •     variety of skin problems such as redness, rash
  •     scaly skin, dry skin and generalized body rash.
  •   *
  •     Other studies claim that biotin deficiency can sometimes
  •     cause a skin disorder called * seborrheic dermatitis. *
  •   *
  •     Creams made with biotin help relieve itchy skin
  •     dry However, it is important to keep in mind that these creams do not
  •     they can be used to treat biotin deficiencies.
  •   *
  •     The biotin of common foods in the daily diet is
  •     enough, but supplements are required when there is a lack or
  •     biotin deficiency

* Side effects of biotin on the skin *

Biotin is considered safe and well tolerated. However, it is not
correct to generalize this information for each user. This vitamin
is administered in small amounts in the body and take too much
It can be harmful. These are some of the unpleasant effects on the skin:

  •   *
  •     Appearance of Acne
  •   *
  •     Pigmentation of the skin
  •   *
  •     Dry Skin
  •   *
  •     Very oily skin, which causes skin rashes in some people
  •   *
  •     Allergic reactions, these are very rare.

      * Does biotin cause acne? *

Biotin can cause acne especially when taken in the form of
supplement. It can also cause acne breakouts as a result of the
Interaction with other B vitamins

      * Why biotin causes acne *

The relationship between biotin and acne is basically based on the
deficiency of it. It is believed that biotin deficiency causes
acne and other skin problems.

However, biotin deficiency is rare in countries where
People generally take enough calories and food in general.
The reasons why vitamin B7 is rare include:

  •   *
  •     The recommended daily requirements are relatively low.
  •   *
  •     Several common foods provide biotin.
  •   *
  •     There is a study showing that intestinal digestive bacteria
  •     (prebiotics) have the ability to create some biotin from
  •     vitamin B7 by themselves.

      * When there is biotin deficiency *

This deficiency is mainly due to:

  •   *
  •     Problems of intestinal malabsorption or digestive disorders
  •     serious illnesses such as Chron's disease, celiac disease or
  •     leaky gut syndrome.
  •   *
  •     Long-term use of certain medications, such as antiepileptic drugs or
  •     anticonvulsants.
  •   *
  •     Prolonged use of antibiotics that are prescribed at the same time
  •     for acne.
  •   *
  •     This vitamin is soluble in water, which is why it travels in the
  •     bloodstream and any unused amount that remains
  •     in the body it is eliminated through the urine as waste. This is
  •     lethal for people who lack this vitamin.
  •   *
  •     If your body lacks vitamin B7 there are possibilities to have
  •     skin problems This may be the result of a diet
  •     deficient or digestive disorders caused by prolonged use of
  •     medicines like antibiotics that do not produce enough oil.

* Biotin supplements *

The components of biotin can be found in supplements of
complex * B, * also known as complex supplements
energetic among them we can find the following vitamins:

  •   *
  •     B12 - B3 -B2- B6.
  •       * What happens if we take too much biotin? *
  •   *
  •     Too much biotin in the body can cause cystic acne.
  •   *
  •     Some people may develop allergies after taking
  •     biotin supplements.
  •   *
  •     Pregnant women should avoid taking biotin supplements in
  •     large doses since they could have a miscarriage.
  •   *
  •     A high dose of biotin can cause stomach cramps and
  •     diarrhea.
  •   *
  •     Some people have symptoms such as mild nausea when
  •     they take biotin supplements for the first time.
  •   *
  •     A high dose of biotin supplements can cause problems
  •     acute respiratory
  •       * What should we take into account when ingesting biotin *
  •   *
  •     It must be taken in the correct doses; otherwise, the body does not
  •     can tolerate the sudden change.
  •   *
  •     Biotin should be injected into the muscles and treated accordingly.
  •   *
  •     Patients with renal dialysis should consult their doctor to
  •     that they assign him the correct dose.
  •   *
  •     Avoid taking high doses since these vitamins * B * can have a
  •     impact on the dosage of other vitamins.

* How to prevent acne or biotin outbreaks

  • *
  • You have already learned the good and bad side of biotin in regards
  • to acne and general skin health. If you decide to try supplements of
  • biotin, these are some tips to help you prevent acne,
  • pimples or skin detachment:
  •   *
  •     Since this is a form of medication to treat a condition,
  •     First check with your doctor to avoid additional complications.
  •   *
  •     Start with the recommended dose.
  •   *
  •     Follow a healthy eating plan that includes proteins, acids
  •     fatty acids and vitamin A and C.
  •   *
  •     Adapt a natural and healthy skin care regimen.