Saturday, December 15, 2018

10 Serious Side Effects of Biotin in Your Health

10 Serious Side Effects of Biotin in Your Health

Ok, let's clarify this. Do you trust the supplements you take? Of course, otherwise, why would you spend so much on those things? Today, more than half of the planet is consuming ga-ga over biotin. But is there any side effect of biotin?

Let's delve into the world of biotin and find out if there is any adverse effect as such, right?

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Biotin: a summary

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin found in foods such as almonds, whole grains, eggs, sardines, nuts, dried fruits, cucumber, oats, strawberries, cauliflower, cow's milk and beer. yeast.

Also known as vitamin H or B7, biotin has become popular in recent times and can be easily found everywhere in the form of supplements. It is sold under many names, such as Appearex, vitamin H, vitamin B7, biotin, biotin and coenzyme R.

While biotin is essential for our body system to function properly, an overdose of it can lead to medical complications. It is always advisable to study the supplements you are taking to avoid any of the adverse reactions. If you're wondering where to start, do not worry. Here we will decrease your workload and time by listing all the possible side effects of biotin. Are you ready to find out?

Top 10 biotin side effects
  • they can cause acne
  • they can cause allergic reactions
  • Effects during pregnancy
  • Urination frequency
  • they can cause diarrhea
  • Sickness
  • can increase blood glucose levels
  • Drug interactions
  • Eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion
  • It can cause acute respiratory problems

Although biotin is a safe vitamin, it is better to follow the recommended dose. Look here what are the side effects of biotin:

1. It can cause acne
Too much biotin in the system can cause cystic acne on the chin and jaw line.

This vitamin increases the production of sebum in the skin, leading to ruptures and the accumulation of dirt. But it has been noticed that acne disappears a few weeks after the dose of biotin stops.

It is better to take less than 2500 mcg or less of supplement each day. Drinking plenty of water while consuming the biotin supplement will help reduce the risk of developing acne.

2. It can cause allergic reactions
Some people may suffer from allergies due to the intake of biotin supplements.

Allergic reactions are not very common, but there have been cases of people suffering from it. The allergic reaction may be a feeling of nausea, swelling of the throat and face, development of pruritic rashes, tightness or pain in the chest (1).

If you have any of these symptoms after taking biotin supplements, you should see the doctor immediately.

3. Effects during pregnancy
One of the serious effects of biotin is during pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid taking high doses of biotin. This vitamin may increase the risk of spontaneous abortion. Although there have been no human trials to confirm this, it is always best to consult a doctor before taking biotin during pregnancy.

4. Frequency of urination
There have been unfounded reports that a higher dose of biotin may cause an increase in the need to urinate. There may also be an unusual amount of sweating due to the consumption of biotin in high doses.

5. Can cause diarrhea
People with a high dose of this supplement may also suffer from stomach cramps and diarrhea. When such a condition is observed, it is better to stop the consumption of biotin immediately!

6. Nausea
Many who take biotin supplements complain of mild nausea during the early stages. Over time, this side effect tends to decrease.

7. May increase blood glucose levels

A study has shown that the biotin supplement is not recommended for people with diabetes because this vitamin increases the production of glucose and fatty acids in the body.

It is best to consult a doctor, so as not to exceed the dosage of biotin supplements if you have diabetes.

8. Drug interactions
Biotin has a negative interaction with anticonvulsant and cholesterol-lowering medication. A high dose of biotin supplements can make these medications work less efficiently. It can have an impact on the symptoms of diabetes (2).

9. Eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion
In a single reported case, the extremely rare condition of the eosinophilic pleuropericardial effusion was noted in women taking biotin supplements along with vitamin B5 (3). There was a severe reaction with the entry of blood and air into the space of the pleural cavity around the lungs, which caused a major lung infection, which became a life-threatening condition.

10. May cause acute respiratory problems
In some people, a high dose of biotin can cause acute respiratory problems or anaphylaxis. It is important to consult a doctor immediately in such cases.

Precautions to take when using Biotin

All of the above biotin side effects may sound scary, but they will not touch you if you take the supplements properly and at the right time. Do not worry, keep in mind the following points while taking biotin to enjoy all the health benefits it offers. Check out:

Stay hydrated-Baby! Have about two liters of water every day, since dehydration can reduce biotin levels in the body.
Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and drugs: this is because it is known that alcohol and drugs dehydrate our body, which causes a deficiency of biotin.
Avoid having more than two egg whites in a day.
If it is the first time you take a supplement, it is best to start with a lower dose, gradually increasing.
Do not have them on an empty stomach: it is absolutely essential to have biotin supplements with meals, regardless of when you take them.
Try not to depend too much on biotin supplements. As much as biotin is essential, you can always get it from the right sources of food.
It is recommended to take biotin supplements with other multivitamins to avoid any vitamin imbalance.
Do not try to play doctor. Obtain the advice of your health specialist before starting the dose of biotin. Consult your general practitioner and discuss any underlying conditions you have. It will help the doctor prescribe the correct doses for your health condition. If you experience any side effects, go immediately to the health center.
Recommended dose of biotin
While a person can start using the biotin supplement at any time in their life, it is advisable to do so only after talking to your health care specialist. Each age group and health condition require different doses of this supplement, which when exceeded can lead to the side effects mentioned above.

The recommended dietary amount is quite low. An adult should not take more than 20-30 units. However, some of the medical conditions may require you to take a higher dose of this supplement, while others may require a lower dose. For example, up to 500 mg of biotin per day are prescribed in the treatment of candida albicans.

Formats- Biotin supplements are commonly found in three compositions: 10 mcg, 50 mcg and 100 mcg.


  • 1. 0 to 12 months-7 mcg

  • 2. 1 to 3 years-8 mcg

  • 3. 4 to 8 years-12 mcg

  • 4. 9 to 13 years-20 mcg

  • 5. 14 to 18 years-25 mcg

  • 6. Above 19-30 mcg

  • 7. Pregnant women-30 mcg

  • 8. Mothers who breastfeed: 35 mcg

If you want to have long, lush hair that brings you lots of praise, biotin is the way to go! Consume biotin, but no more than prescribed.

Stay fit, stay healthy!